House, design, renovation, decor.  Courtyard and garden.  With your own hands

House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» Frame bath 6 6 with an attic. Do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step construction instructions

Frame bath 6 6 with an attic. Do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step construction instructions

Buildings with an attic floor are the optimal solution for those who want to rationally use the space on the site. You do not have to compromise between a spacious bathhouse and other facilities - a garage, barbecue, flower bed or fruit trees. Price frame bath with an attic is only slightly higher than that of one-story options. And you get the area, as on two full floors!

The construction company "Pomestye" offers several projects of the most demanded footage 6 by 6. On the ground floor there is a spacious steam room, a washing room and a relaxation room. If you reduce them a little, there will be space for a bathroom and a vestibule. Upstairs, there is one large room that can be used as a bedroom, billiard room or home theater. Projects of frame baths with an attic 7.5 by 6 or 8 by 6 differ slightly in price, but are more comfortable for large family or a friendly company. Sloping roof increases the area of ​​the attic.

Why is wireframe technology so popular?

  • Easy installation. No heavy equipment is required to erect the building. A lightweight foundation is suitable, because the materials weigh very little. The work is quickly carried out by a team of several people, which positively affects the cost.
  • Speed. We build turnkey frame baths with attic in just a few weeks. There is no need to wait for shrinkage, so you get a building completely ready for bath procedures.
  • Thermal insulation. Frame walls retain heat better than wood and even more brick. The premises quickly warm up and cool down for a long time, and you can take a steam bath in any season and save on fuel.

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Many adherents to take a steam bath from the bottom of their hearts dream of getting a good, but inexpensive bath of their own. A place where you can wash and relax, and get a good boost of vivacity. One of the available and budget options- do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step instruction construction will reveal secrets frame technology, will become an example for self-construction, starting from the foundation and ending with the correct selection of thermal insulation materials.

Having the skill of assembling frame structures, you can quite simply and quickly do it yourself

Before you build a frame bath with your own hands, many ask the question: what material to use for its construction? Indeed, many people associate baths with structures made of log or brick. But such buildings are quite expensive for their owners, and the time required to warm up, for example, a chopped bath, is about 6 hours.

The advantages of wireframe technology

The construction of a frame bath solves several problems at once, since it is: a simple construction technique, the availability of materials used and fast speed erection. The advantages of frame technology include the following:

  • the most budgetary construction cost;
  • the use of lightweight types of foundation;
  • low thermal conductivity of the structure contributes to rapid heating;
  • the possibility of carrying out communications inside the walls, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic component of the bath construction;
  • the absence of shrinkage makes it possible to operate the bath immediately after its construction and finishing;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • there is no need to attract special construction equipment;
  • no special building skills are required for self-erection of a frame bath. Videos posted on the web demonstrate this perfectly;
  • the absence of wet construction cycles makes it possible to carry out construction regardless of the air temperature and the availability of water;
  • many ways of finishing the structure.

All these advantages contribute to the increasing popularity of frame baths. Reviews of the owners who used such technology in the construction indicate that such structures are economical and, if properly erected, can create excellent conditions for comfortable use.

Weaknesses of frame baths, owner reviews

To weigh the pros and cons of the technology for building a frame bath, you can ask the owners for feedback. On the Internet forums there is a lot of information from those who already have such a bath and have been using it for some time. Some leave negative reviews: frame baths, in their opinion, tend to quickly lose appearance due to the formation of fungus on the walls. This is due to the rapid cooling of the room, no matter how well it is insulated.

This disadvantage can be eliminated by using only high-quality heaters for thermal insulation. It is necessary to approach the choice of thermal insulation material with all seriousness. After all, cheap foam or mineral wool will not perform their functions properly. The use of economy-class foam can cause a fire in the structure due to the flammability of the insulation.

To one of negative points, described in the reviews, refers to the shrinkage of the bath. Many testify that over time (approximately 1.5-2 years) frame structure shrinks, the value of which reaches 8-10 cm.This, in turn, can cause deformation of the internal and exterior decoration buildings.

Useful advice! To minimize the consequences of the shrinkage of the frame bath, chamber-dried sawn timber should be used during construction.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that the main disadvantages are the significant costs of insulating the walls of the frame bath, the need for careful antiseptic treatment and low fire resistance. However, given the huge list of advantages, the construction of frame baths is not inferior in popularity to structures made of log or brick.

You can familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the assembly and reviews of the owners by watching the video of the construction of a frame bath with your own hands.

DIY frame bath projects. Photos of the best buildings

Getting acquainted with the photos and videos of frame baths with their own hands, many decide to build a structure on their own. Having some experience in construction and taking into account the positive practice of erecting objects using frame technology, you can build such a bath quite quickly. However, as in any construction, a competent project is required to avoid serious mistakes.

Projects, photos of frame baths with their own hands 3x4, 4x4 m

When building a 3x4 m frame bath with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that the space inside the room should be used as ergonomically as possible. Such mini-baths can be built on small cottage or section with country house where there is a need to save territory. No more than two people will be able to indulge in bath procedures.

Before building a frame bath quickly and inexpensively, you must have a ready-made project that you can focus on during construction. In principle, a bathhouse can consist of one room, which will combine a steam room, a shower room and a changing room. This is not very convenient, since dressing after taking procedures in a room with high temperature air and high humidity are not very comfortable.

Typical designs of 3x4 m frame baths provide for such layouts where separate rooms are allocated for a steam room, a washing room and a rest room. Heating such a bath can be done with one wood-burning stove or boiler. Drawings of a frame bath can also take into account the presence of a modest veranda.

Do-it-yourself construction of 4x4 or 3x4 frame baths, due to their small size, has its advantages:

  • decent savings on building materials - if the length of the wall of the structure is 3 m, the six-meter bar is cut in half and there is practically no waste;
  • construction speed - having a project and a drawing of a frame bath available, it is possible to erect a structure within 2 weeks;
  • strength and durability - given that a minimum of materials is required, you can not save on the quality of wood and choose a solid material with good impregnation.

Useful advice! Any new construction on your site, even a small bathhouse, is subject to mandatory registration in the cadastral register.

To get acquainted with the projects and choose an option to your liking, an overview of photos of frame baths of a small area will help.

Projects of frame baths 6x6 with an attic

If you are the owner of a large personal plot, it makes sense to build a beautiful and spacious bath. In it you can take a steam bath yourself and invite friends - there is enough space for everyone. In the projects of frame baths with an attic, a layout has been developed, where a relaxation room, as a rule, takes up to 20 sq. m. In the same room there is a staircase leading to attic floor, which is usually used as a bedroom.

Many users post online photos of the stages of building a frame bath with their own hands. Photo reports will help you to visually familiarize yourself with the nuances of self-construction.

Thermal insulation scheme for a frame bath

One of important points in the assembly of a frame bath is its thermal insulation. Both the selection of material and its installation should be approached with all responsibility. Mineral wool can be used as insulation. This material is characterized by high vapor permeability, it is non-combustible and walls with such insulation "breathe". This achieves the effect of a log bath.

It is possible to lay mineral fibers formed into slabs or rolls, but the first option is preferable. Insulation plates are placed between the racks. If in the corners of the frame niche the sheets are deformed and do not fit tightly, it is necessary to straighten the sheets with a knife. The insulation should be in close contact with the wooden elements of the frame along the entire perimeter, as well as with each other.

Useful advice! Experts recommend insulating the frame bath in two layers of 5 cm: the first layer is made of insulation in the slabs, the second is made of rolled material. Thus, all the connecting lines will be covered.

A layer of waterproofing is placed between the insulation plates and the outer skin of the frame. For this, you can use, for example, Tectoten film. The fact is that during operation, the open insulation is partially blown through the ventilation gap, which leads to a decrease in the thickness of the insulation and a deterioration in its thermal insulation properties. Laying windproofing protection from a vapor-permeable membrane will guarantee the effectiveness of the heat-insulating layer.

On the inside, a vapor barrier is made of polyethylene aluminum foil. The joints of the film are glued with tape, after which they proceed to interior decoration... The process of insulating the frame is quite laborious and requires careful execution. If you do not withstand the technology, over time, mineral wool can shrink, which will affect the thermal insulation parameters of the entire structure.

The video posted below will demonstrate in more detail the technology of thermal insulation of the structure during the construction of a frame bath.

Roof arrangement

For small bath a gable or hipped roof is suitable. More simple in execution - gable. The rafter system of such a roof is made of wooden beams 15x5 cm. For convenience and safety, all structural elements should be assembled on the ground. In order to avoid mistakes during assembly, it is recommended to make a layout, the shape of which will repeat all the rafter elements.

In order to make a layout, it is necessary to connect the upper ends of the two rafters with a nail. The lower edges of the rafter legs are placed and secured at the points where the supports are planned. The resulting figure is secured with a transverse crosspiece - a crossbar. The crossbar is connected to the rafter legs with screws.

When all the roof trusses are assembled, start installing them in place. The first step is to fix the front elements, between which the construction cord is pulled for a reference point. Its location will coincide with the line of passage of the roof ridge. The rest of the elements are mounted according to its level. The step between the trusses is usually 1.2 m, although it can be changed up or down.

Useful advice! When taking the step of the rafter legs, it is necessary to take into account the location of the chimney. It should be centered between the rafters.

When installing each of the trusses, the verticality of the installation should be checked using a plumb line. If there are deviations from the vertical, it is necessary to align their position with a lining under the rafter leg of pieces of the board of the appropriate thickness. Next, arrange a crate. If as roofing will be used ondulin or another soft material, the distance between the elements of the lathing should be no more than 1 cm.

Roof insulation is carried out with the materials used for thermal insulation of the frame. The roof is covered with roofing material. The ridge is protected with a corner made of galvanized sheet or a factory-made element.

Floor arrangement and finishing

A feature of the floors in the bath is that their design can be different depending on the purpose of the room in which they are laid. In rooms that are in direct contact with water, a pouring floor is arranged. Its design is a flooring of boards, between which gaps are left for the passage of drains into the ground. There is no need to insulate such floors.

The construction of the floor of the frame bath begins with laying the logs. If the distance between the control points is more than 3 m, it is recommended to erect the support posts. In places of contact between the lag and the tape base and posts, waterproofing from several layers of roofing material is used. Boards are mounted on the logs.

Useful advice! To be able to dry the pouring floor, its floorboards are not fixed to the logs.

Boards in the construction of a pouring floor are placed with a gap of 3 to 4 mm. The spacing should also be between the flooring line and the bathhouse wall (about 2 cm). If the soil under the structure is sandy, you can limit yourself to backfilling a layer of gravel 25 cm. The distance from the surface of the gravel to the subfloor should be 10-12 cm. If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to build a sump from which water will be directed into the drain pit.

For recreation premises, a floor of a "leak-proof" structure is installed. His device begins with a subfloor of two rows of planks. A continuous flooring of pine boards is laid on top. At first, they are simply baited. And only when all the interior finishing work is completed and the room is thoroughly dried, the floor boards are finally adjusted and fully fixed.

It should be noted that the floorboards should be sloped towards the collection point for waste water and drainage. At the lowest point wood flooring make a hole, connect it to the drain siphon. A non-leaking floor needs insulation, which is placed in front of the finishing coating.

Video: do-it-yourself frame baths from foundation to roof

For those who first encountered the construction of a frame bath, it is very important not only to get acquainted with the step-by-step installation instructions, but also to get a clear idea of ​​all the stages of construction. On the Internet, you can find dozens of training videos on how to build a frame bath with your own hands. Video materials contain a lot of useful information and can become a kind of reference point in the production of work.

By studying the video instructions, you can learn about the features of laying and types of foundations for the construction of a bath, as well as the advisability of using one or another type of foundation. Here you can get answers to all the questions that arise regarding the strapping, installation of the frame, roofing and equipping the bath with one or another heating equipment.

Watching video tutorials will help you find out useful recommendations regarding the use of material for insulation and its installation. After all, the main thing for a bath is heat, which must be retained inside the structure. Professional advice will help you correctly distribute and install the insulation, depending on the seasonal use of the bath, which will affect the durability and appearance of the structure.

Many videos are devoted to the section of finishing the frame bath. Here are the pros and cons various materials for decoration. Consulting experienced craftsmen will reveal the features and performance properties each type of material. Will be useful and practical advice from those who built and uses their own frame bath.

Although construction using frame technology is not particularly difficult, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic recommendations. Some videos contain information about the most common mistakes when building a bath. Viewing the material will help to avoid them in the future. This will be a guarantee of quick construction of a reliable and durable structure.

A bath with an attic belongs to one of the types. These baths are especially popular in garden and small ones, since it can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a living space.
Finished project frame bath with attic and veranda

An example of planking a frame bath and an attic

Distinctive feature of these structures is a structure frame made of wooden beams, as well as the presence of an attic.
Frame baths, in comparison with or, have their own undoubted advantages. These advantages include:

  1. Bath construction speed.
  2. Simplicity of design.
  3. No shrinkage after construction.
  4. The efficiency of the structure.
  5. possible at any time of the year, even in winter.

Project and layout of a small bath

On its site, a frame bath with an attic can be afforded by almost everyone. The price of such a structure is not so high. In addition, having once built such a bath in your home according to a standard project, you can further expand it by adding more than one room to it.

Frame baths with an attic

Frame baths with mansards, their projects, assume the typical placement of all rooms inside the building. Namely:

The first floor is connected to the second by an internal staircase, usually located at.

Ordering ready-made baths in specialized firms

The easiest way to install a bath on the site is, of course, ordering it from a company specializing in turnkey.
This will be the optimal and correct decision on the part of the site owner. This choice can be supported by facts such as:

The most common version of the project is a frame bath with a 6 * 6 attic. These baths are inexpensive, and they take up very little space on the site.

Whoever has a rather large plot of land can put themselves a frame bath with an attic 6 * 8.

Both of these projects are capable of satisfying all human needs.

Project wooden structure and roofing with slate

DIY construction of a frame bath with an attic

The construction of a frame bath with an attic is not as difficult and time-consuming as it might seem at first glance. Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the basics of construction can handle this. That is why many people prefer to build baths on their own site with their own hands.

The process of erecting a frame bath with an attic

In this case, the material for construction can be prepared by yourself, rather than ordering a ready-made kit at the factory.

Highlights of the construction of a bath. Nuances worth paying attention to

When choosing wood for construction, you must first of all pay attention to its moisture content. It should not exceed 20%, otherwise the bath may soon give unnecessary deformation or it will have to be completely redone.

Original project and the layout of all floors of the bathhouse and attic

Before the beginning construction works it is necessary to consider the following points:

  1. Possibility of conducting all communication systems (water, electricity) to the future bath.
  2. Possibility of removing melt and waste water from the bath.
  3. Placement of the toilet directly in the bath itself.
  4. Opportunity or otherwise.

Read also

Ways to insulate the floor and walls in the dressing room for a long time

All types of baths, including the frame type, belong to small structures.

An example of clapboarding a bath with an attic

Therefore, when erecting it, you can use the following types of foundation: pile,. The choice of the foundation depends on what kind of communications will be connected to the bath, as well as on the method of supplying them.
When independently developing a project for a frame bath, you need to pay attention to such nuances as:

A detailed video review of a frame bath with an attic.

Stages of building a frame bath with your own hands

The construction of a frame bath is carried out according to the scheme usual for such types of work: base, racks, both angular and wall, piping, ceiling, roof. All work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of a place for the construction of a bath. This includes the collection of rubbish, grass, stones.
  2. Plot markup,.
  3. Laying the first strapping of logs on the finished foundation. Immediately before the very laying of the log on the foundation, you need to put roofing material on it in two layers. This is done in this way.
  4. Laying logs for the floor. It is produced by cutting the ends of the logs into the lower log. Remove all debris before placing floorboards on them. The finished floor is insulated with expanded clay.
  5. Installation of racks. The racks are fixed both on the lower strapping of the logs and on the upper one. All this is done with the same distance between them.
    The process of installing frame racks

  6. Ceiling laying. First, ceiling beams are cut into the upper logs, then boards are laid on them. Roofing material is used to waterproof the ceiling. It is laid on the boards with an overlap, in two layers. On top of this is laid double lathing... Then everything is covered with metal tiles.
  7. Sheathing of the frame, both from the inside and from the outside. From the outside, the bath can be additionally sheathed with a board or siding.

  8. Installation of windows and doors. For this, a special building level is used.

Construction of the attic and roof of the bath

After carrying out the main work on the construction of the frame of the bath and all internal partitions you can start building an attic and.
Installation of the attic begins with laying the floor beams and securing the U-shaped frames. As a result, it turns out, as it were. This type of roof allows you to make the attic more spacious. From the outside, it looks very beautiful and unusual. In addition, it can significantly reduce the load on the frame walls.

Diagram of the structure of the roof and attic of the bath

Drawing of the construction of the roof frame for the bathhouse On the beams, they make a flooring of boards and immediately proceed to the installation of rafters and ridge.

All rafters must be the same. To achieve this, you must first assemble one rafter, and then collect the rest along it. In this case, to eliminate the difference in size and possible displacement of parts, all roof assemblies are finalized on the spot.

As for the roof of the bath, the block installation method is used to speed up and facilitate the procedure. In this case, the beams are laid across from each other. In this case, an element such as a pusher is additionally used.

An example of the design and layout of the attic of a frame bath

It is fixed above the center of gravity, and also firmly connected to the uprights with a screw - a wood grouse. It has a bolt that acts as an axle. In order to avoid displacement of the frame along the laid boards, a wire clamp is additionally used.
With the help of these devices, you can easily lift all roof frames upward yourself, without resorting to the help of special equipment, and fix them in place.
The roof can be closed different kinds roofing materials.

Dimensional drawing for the construction of a frame bath with an attic

For example, such as slate, metal tiles, soft or sheet ondulin. But before using these materials, roofing material is laid on the crate in two layers. From above, roofing materials are covered with a ridge. No attic is complete without windows. They can be of completely different sizes and shapes. Modern windows can be installed anywhere, even in the plane of the roof itself.

The process of assembly and sheathing of attic rafters

It is easy to build a wooden bathhouse with an attic room on your own, if you take into account all the nuances when designing and choosing a location on the site. It is in these subtleties that we will figure it out.


Equipment additional room over a steam room has many advantages. In the attic, you can equip a billiard room or a guest room. To build a bathhouse with an attic with your own hands, you must initially decide on its location on the site and choose a project. Please note that according to the rules fire safety it cannot be placed closer than 10 meters to other buildings, if planned wood heating and closer than 5 - if gas or electric. The bathhouse needs to be built at a distance of more than 2.5 meters from the neighboring site and 20 meters from wells and wells.

Selection of materials for the construction of a bath with an attic

A bath with an attic can be built from different materials... Each of them has its own pros and cons:
  • Glued laminated timber... Eco-friendly and durable material. However, it is quite difficult to assemble a log house with your own hands. In addition, such a structure, due to its severity, involves the pouring of a powerful foundation. It is also important to take into account that the frame requires shrinkage, and therefore the construction process of such a steam room can take about a year or two.
  • Rounded log... Another type of natural and environmentally friendly material for the construction of baths. During the production process, the weakest part is removed from the logs - the sapwood. The remaining layer is strong and capable of withstanding significant loads, including = in the form of an attic floor. Rounded logs do not need additional exterior decoration, they look organic and attractive. It is enough just to open them with fire retardants and impregnations from decay. Of the minuses, one can single out the severity of such a structure, which, as in the previous case, needs a reinforced foundation.
  • Brick... It is distinguished by its durability and does not need caulking, like a log house. However, such a structure will cost more.
  • Frame-panel sauna... This technology has become popular recently due to affordable price, prompt and uncomplicated installation.
If it is decided with the material, you can proceed to the selection of a project for a bath with an attic. Decide on the size of the future building and its layout. If you wish, you can order the production of a project plan, taking into account all the wishes in the architectural bureau, but this is an additional cost.

Features of the construction of a bath with an attic from a bar

Consider the technology of building a bath with an attic from a bar. Such a building is considered "classic". Glued laminated timber gained popularity due to high performance characteristics and relatively low cost. A construction from such material will be much cheaper than, for example, from a rounded log. Manufacturers use coniferous wood as a raw material for timber, which is carefully sanded and treated with antiseptic solutions. For gluing finished lamellas, a hydrophobic non-toxic glue is used. The construction of laminated veneer lumber is characterized by moisture and heat resistance. You can order the production of material of the required shape and size.

The foundation for a bathhouse with an attic made of laminated veneer lumber

Since a blockhouse made of beams and logs is quite heavy, we build it on strip foundation.

We act in this way:

  1. We dig a trench along the perimeter of the future bath below the freezing depth by 20-30 cm. For each type of soil - a different depth. Also, the depth of freezing depends on the area.
  2. We fill up a layer of sand 15 cm, pour it with water and carefully tamp it.
  3. We mount the formwork from edged boards around.
  4. Inside, we assemble a frame with cells of 10-15 cm from reinforcement with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm.
  5. We prepare a concrete solution: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 5 parts of gravel. It is more efficient to use a concrete mixer.
  6. We pour concrete and let it dry for 21-28 days, after which we remove the formwork structure. In hot weather, the structure must be sprayed with water 5-7 times a day for the entire first week and 2-3 times for the next.

Assembling the walls of a bath with an attic

First you need to decide on the method of connecting the bars and, if necessary, make gaps with a chainsaw. If you order a timber from the manufacturer, you can choose a model with ready-made gaps.

The walls of the bath are assembled in the following sequence:

  • We cover the foundation with a waterproofing layer. The best option is roofing material.
  • We install boards 5 cm thick on top to prevent rotting of the lower row of the log house.
  • We lay the first row of timber, interconnecting systems dovetail, thorn-groove or just a quarter.
  • We treat the structure with an antiseptic composition and a fire retardant.
  • We check the equality of the diagonals of each rectangle inside.
  • We attach the second row with stainless steel dowels and align with the first. They must lie strictly in the same plane. For fastening, you can also use wooden pins treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • In the same way, we lay the following rows according to the scheme to the place of the ceiling.
  • We cut in the ceiling beams with a thickness of about 5 cm. They must be attached clearly in a perpendicular position. They will also count as attic floor.
  • We continue to lay out the wall with beams to a height of 1-1.5 meters from the floor beams.
  • The upper two beams do not need to be fastened together until the frame shrinks completely.

Arrangement of a roof for a bath with an attic

A pitched roof for a bath with an attic is an unacceptable option. Also, the gable rafter system is far from optimal. It is best to choose a "broken" roof project. In this case, the lower rafter "legs" are placed at an angle of 75 degrees, the upper - at a level of 30 degrees to the horizon. Thus, you can get a full-fledged room.

The broken rafter system is quite difficult to perform:

  1. We attach U-shaped wooden frames to the floor beams.
  2. We collect on the ground roof structure made of wood.
  3. We determine the future ceiling of the attic with a height of 2 meters and mount the crossbeam at this level.
  4. We fill the crate and cover it with a waterproofing layer (roofing felt).
  5. We install roofing material. The ideal option for such a roof is metal or roofing sheeting.
If desired, you can include in the attic equipment project roof windows that are mounted on the roof slopes.

IMPORTANT! Parameters rafter system it is necessary to clearly calculate, because the attic is planned for a living space in which you can stand in full height and carry out some movements.

Arrangement of the attic in the bath

You can start arranging the attic space immediately after the roof is ready. If it is supposed to use the second floor in the cold season, then we insulate it with a foil heat insulator. Having laid a layer of insulation from the inside of the attic, we fix a vapor barrier film on top of it. We sheathe the walls inside the attic with clapboard in the same way as in other living quarters of the bath.

Remember that the attic of a bathhouse is different from the attic of any other living space. This is due to the high temperature in the lower room and high humidity. To avoid high humidity in the attic room, you should take care of a special layer between the two floors. To make the interfloor overlap, we lay a layer of vapor barrier in the attic, then a heater. We mount the finished floor from a grooved floorboard.

You should also take care of artificial lighting in the attic, since there may not be enough windows. Before starting finishing work, conduct the wiring to the second floor.

Erection of stairs to the attic of the bath

The ladder to the attic can be bought ready-made, but there is a risk that it will not fit into the dimensions of the bath. Manufacturing to order is quite expensive, so the best option- do it yourself.

For construction, you can use coniferous and deciduous tree... Pay attention to the fact that the lumber is well dried and even.

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, decide on the location of its placement. Note that the staircase to the attic in the bathhouse should be located exclusively indoors. It cannot be installed outdoors. The future structure should be located along the gable part of the roof. Usually the place of its installation is the dressing room.

The simplest option staircase executions - by stringers:

  1. We stretch a rope along the wall, which connects the upper point of the attic floor and the place where the stairs begin in the lower room.
  2. Next, we calculate the number of steps. The maximum step height is 20 cm. The tilt angle is 45 degrees. The minimum height is 12 cm, at 30 degrees. The step should have a depth of 30 to 38 cm. The span width is 100-120 cm.
  3. On the stringer, we outline the corners, taking into account the number of steps. Leave a 50-100 mm spike at the top of the board. It is designed to install a hatch in the attic. In the overlap with a chisel, hollow out a groove for it.
  4. We first nail the board to the wall and draw steps using a level.
  5. Install the base first. We fix it with a bar. We screw the stringers to the base with self-tapping screws. After that we attach the first beam to the wall.
  6. We fix the first lower step with self-tapping screws.
  7. Next, install the riser.
  8. We fasten the tread with back side... So we sew the stringers to the end.
  9. We sew up the outer line of the steps with plywood or a board.
  10. Be sure to coat the joints with wood glue. So it is safer, and the stairs will not creak.

If attic staircase has a width of more than 120 cm, a railing is not needed for it. Otherwise, additional vertical racks should be made, which are attached to the stringers. Railings are attached to them.

External finishing of a bathhouse with an attic made of laminated veneer lumber

Glued laminated timber usually looks quite aesthetically pleasing after installation. To increase the operational characteristics of the blockhouse, it is enough to simply dig in, wait for shrinkage and open it with varnish. However, if desired, it can be sheathed with any finishing material, for example, siding. Please note that in this way it is possible to carry out the cladding after complete shrinkage.

The plating procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Caulking the bath. For this we use tow, flax or jute.
  2. We sheathe the walls with a layer of vapor barrier, which will protect against condensation.
  3. We fill the walls with a crate (the step depends on the finishing material) and fasten the sheathing - siding.
  4. We put a heat insulator (mineral wool) between the profiles.
  5. Cover the top of the heat insulator with a layer of waterproofing (for example, isospan).
  6. We fix the starting siding bar with self-tapping screws and mount the corner pieces.
  7. Sheets finishing material we install in the starting and corner strips.
  8. We collect from the bottom up. The parts are joined according to the comb-groove scheme.
  9. We fix the finishing bar last. We insert a finishing element into it from below.

Internal cladding of a bath with an attic

The classic version for cladding walls and ceilings inside the bath is a combination of lining from different wood... For a washing room, dressing room, rest rooms and attic, for example, fragrant pine is perfect. But for a steam room, this material is not suitable. Pine will release resin when heated. Better to use larch.

The interior decoration instructions look like this:

  1. Fill the base under the heater with a height of about 15 cm.
  2. We install a stove in the bath. Blowing it should go into the dressing room. As an alternative to conventional wood stove you can use an electric heater.
  3. We fill the frame for interior decoration.
  4. We cover the crate with foil insulation.
  5. Since glued laminated timber is made from softwood, the steam room is sheathed with hardwood clapboard. For the washing room, dressing room and attic we use moisture-resistant material according to our preferences.
  6. We attach a heat insulator to the ceiling, gluing the joints with metallized tape and also sheathe it, paying special attention to the joints with the walls.
  7. We put a layer of insulation on the floor, then a vapor barrier and stuff a grooved floorboard.
  8. There is no need to insulate the ceiling and floor in the dressing room. However, before cladding, we lay a vapor barrier membrane.
Watch a video about the construction of a bath with an attic below:

Bath with an attic - perfect option, if you need to save space on the site. The choice of material for construction and the project should be according to your preferences and financial capabilities. Remember that all buildings on the site must match in style. And the given recommendations will help to realize even the most daring ideas.

Frame bath with an attic, made by hand, is one advantageous structure for a summer cottage. Such a structure will allow you to enjoy your stay in the steam room and use the building as summer cottage for 3-4 people. Existing projects of frame baths with an attic allow you to choose any type of structure, but not every one of them can be accommodated on summer cottage in 6 acres or harmoniously fit into the number of farm buildings. Therefore, the most optimal design A 6x6 frame bath with an attic is considered satisfying in terms of cost and comfort.

A 6x6 bath with an attic and a terrace is easy to build with your own hands without the involvement of professional builders. If you want to achieve the strength and durability of the structure, then you need to develop a project thanks to which the bath will stand for a very long time.

As building material for the construction of a 6x6 frame bath, a 150x50 mm board or a 100x100 mm bar is used. When self-procurement of materials, you need to choose only well-dried material, since if the moisture content of the wood is more than 20%, there is a certain percentage of the probability that in the process of using the bath, the structure will "lead" and a quick additional repair will be needed. Frame bath 6x6 is built with a steam room and washing compartments on the first floor. The dressing room and dressing room are also located here. For more comfortable use, the stove is heated from the dressing room. It will be possible to get into the attic by going up from the dressing room along the inner flight of stairs... Some designers, in addition to a rest room in the attic, place a veranda or terrace.

The bath should be equipped with partitions between the steam room, the pre-bath room and the wet section. Inside all partitions, there should be insulation, which is sewn up between the outer layers. The insulation material should be covered with layers of hydro and vapor barrier material. Frame bath regardless of type finishing works has a small load on the soil, so for the construction of a building it is enough to build a shallow strip base. This type of foundation will save time building materials.

Before erecting the foundation, you need to prepare the site: clean it of debris and level the surface. The base of the bath will be tape, so you need to leave holes for supplying, draining water, ventilation, etc. Next, you need to mark the tape base, and for this you need to drive in wooden pegs around the entire perimeter of the structure. The foundation area must be level. If the soil on the site has sufficient density, you can not waste time making the internal formwork, and dig a trench according to the width indicated in the plan. In the process of arranging the base for a bath, you need to prepare a foundation for a stove, and at the same time a place for a small septic tank, which will collect moisture from the steam room and washing rooms.

From reinforcing rods you need to tie metal carcass for pouring concrete. Next, you need to dig a trench no more than 80 cm deep, the bottom of which will be covered with sand (no more than 30 cm) and tamped. The sand cushion will compensate for changes in soil during the winter cold and summer heat. Place in the finished trench reinforced mesh and pour concrete evenly around the entire perimeter. Pouring concrete throughout the day is considered ideal. The next day, it is necessary to level the upper part of the foundation, since the base should be even around the entire perimeter. After the solution is completely dry, and this will happen no earlier than 2 weeks later, cover the base with 2 layers of roofing material and attach with stones.

Sewer system in the bath, it consists of pipelines and septic tanks, therefore, it is best to prepare a place for a sewage system at the stage of work on preparing the foundation. First of all, you need to decide on the location of the septic tank. It is desirable that its location be at a slight slope relative to the bath. If a natural slope is not possible, it can be achieved by a trench dug under the slope. Next, pull a cord between the bath and the place for the septic tank and check the horizontalness of the surface using a water level. According to technical requirements, slope sewer pipes must be at least 3%. If the washroom will only be used in summer period, then the depth of the pipes does not matter, but it is better to approach this thoroughly and place the pipes at a depth below the freezing point of the soil.

You should not purchase expensive industrial septic tanks, since for a small family, an ordinary barrel with a capacity of 200 liters is enough.

In a barrel, you need to do as much as possible more holes to drain the liquid. After laying the pipe, connect it to the barrel and cover it with earth.

Frame construction

The construction of the frame is made of boards, insulated mineral wool... Make bottom rail from boards measuring 50x150 mm. Typically, the standard boards have a length of 6 m, so you will not have to connect anywhere except for the corner parts. To fix them, you can use nails or screws. Immediately install the floor beams in 80 cm increments.After that, mark the window and doorways... Next, prepare vertical posts in all corners of the room and install them on the upper harness. Check the height again using the water level and level the supports if necessary. From the bottom, they can be fixed with metal corners, and from the top - with temporary side struts. After completing the upper strapping, check the strength of the structure, install the floor beams of the second floor and do not forget to mark the openings for windows and doors. After that, you need to lay a temporary attic floor, which will help facilitate the installation of the rafter system.

Roof construction

The roof for the attic requires a special approach, since it must be warm, besides, it must be stable. You also need to take care that the location of the rafter legs can be hidden under the skin. interior partitions... The most common roof option for a 6x6 bath is gable roof under the ondulin. To build it, on the ground you need to collect a template of rafter legs with the right angle, which will greatly help with the further construction of the system. Prepare the entire rafter system on the ground. Next, install the 2 outer rafter legs and secure them. Pull a rope between them, which will become a guideline for installing the entire structure. After the construction of the rafter system, you can proceed to the installation of the lathing.

Ondulin is attached to a lathing made of wooden slats with a size of 20x50 mm with a pitch recommended by the manufacturer roofing material... Considering that the attic will be insulated with mineral wool, it is necessary to qualitatively strengthen the waterproofing material. It doesn't matter which one is chosen, the main thing is the reliability of the material. At this stage, it is advisable to install roof windows... After the whole structure is ready, it remains to lay the floor, complete the inner and outer sheathing of the bath and insert the doors.