House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» How to store beets in winter in the cellar, apartment, on the balcony and in the refrigerator. How to keep beets in the winter and summer period - recommendations of specialists Storage beets for the winter at home

How to store beets in winter in the cellar, apartment, on the balcony and in the refrigerator. How to keep beets in the winter and summer period - recommendations of specialists Storage beets for the winter at home

Those who do not have their own plot regularly buy a small amount of beets and store them on the shelf of the refrigerator. Owners of gardens and household farms immediately collect a large amount of beets that will be stored all winter. To keep the beets as useful as during cleaning, until spring months, the editors of the site website prepared useful advice For storing harvest. Since I do not want the works to disappear for nothing.

Naturally, it is impossible to come up best way Save the harvest how to store beets in the cellar. BUT B. multi-storey houses It is not provided. It turns out that there are several ways to have a rather long storage of this root plant in the apartment. It remains, just choose the most suitable.

How to keep beets in home conditions?

To do this, it is supposed to create a vegetable suitable conditions. Provide high humidity - about 90%. And also lower the temperature to +2 degrees Celsius. More heat It will contribute to the fact that the corrupt plant will begin to grow tops. And the beet itself will rise and deteriorate.

The conditions that need to be performed in order for the storage of beets of the house has passed successfully, such:

  • put prepared vegetables in a plastic bag, it is not necessary to tie it;
  • put beets in the cool place of the apartment (for example, near the balcony or entrance door).

Methods for its storage in the apartment

1. Storing beets in the cellar

To keep the beets in winter in the cellar you need to know the subtleties. The polyethylene package does not need here. But there will be wooden boxes. In them, beets are laid by layers. Be sure to ensure that the roots do not come into contact with each other. For this, they are generously pecking with dry sand, sawdust or wood chips.

2. Storing beets on the balcony in winter

In how to keep the beets for the winter on the balcony, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of strong frosts and the freezing of root crops. Therefore, bubbles with vegetables are recommended to cover with old blankets or jackets. Ibid by glazed balcony Sometimes stored potatoes in bags. Then over the potatoes can be poured beet.

3. In the room or refrigerator

And what about those who have no balcony? How to store beets at home, just in a room or refrigerator? At room temperature, these roots retain freshness during the week. But it is necessary to remove it away from the heating devices.

If the refrigerator capacity allows, then the bags with beet can be put there. It is only necessary to make a sufficient number of holes. Then check from time to time to check that the condensate does not appear. Then the root crops will continue during the month.

During the entire period of storage, the harvest is leaning from time to time to inspect. If you suddenly have fallen specimens, they will have to immediately throw them out so that they do not spoil the neighboring.

How to store beets for the winter: we solve the question in the spring when landing and autumn when cleaning

To begin with, it will have to be thoroughly refer to the selection of the variety. It should be characterized by good fierce, and root corrupts must have a diameter of about 10 cm. If you choose a beet variety that does not grow to this size, they will be shared. Too big root roots are overly fibrous with weak taste.

In the fall during harvesting, try to keep the skin intact. Dried root roots to sort into the sun, removing firing and marked. Picky trim, leaving only 1 cm.

For whom for any reason, none of the above methods of storage of beet can be used by preserving or freezing. For example, grate it on a large grater and put in the freezer in polyethylene bags.

Keep the beets winter quite simple. This is the very mild vegetable, it is preserved to a new harvest. Even some storage errors are not so dangerous for root.

What varieties are most suitable for storage

After digging the rootfields fall in the winter period of rest. Its duration depends on the conditions created. If they match, the beets are stored in winter for a very long time. The duration of the period is somewhat different from different varieties.

Early varieties Characterized by a sufficiently low time of winter peace. As soon as the temperature in the storage room rises to + 7-8 ° C, they germinate. This is connected with the difficulty of storing them after cleaning. Early varieties ripen already in the middle-end of July, to ensure due storage conditions in this period are very difficult. But if you manage to at least at least create the necessary microclimate, then it will lie 3-4 months. If not, the roots are used within 2-3 months, otherwise they are covered and will become unsuitable.

Beet middle and late varieties Stored excellent. Even at home, they are able to leave until February-March, and in the cellar roots are stored before the new crop. However, with increasing temperature, the beet starts to germinate. The middle-timed varieties will germinate later.

Preparation of harvest to storage

Preparation for storage includes:

  • drying root;
  • removal of tops;
  • pruning roots;
  • sorting.

Drying. Immediately after digging, the beets leave on a garden for 3-5 hours so that it dries and ventilated. If the day is rainy, then for drying, the roots are removed under the canopy, where they are laid out in one layer and leave for 2-3 days, regularly turning them over.

It is not necessary to air beet too long, otherwise it will start losing moisture, will become a flabby and tasteless.

Removal of the tricks. If the beet was ventilated in air, then leaves are removed before cleaning under a canopy. If the vegetables lay in the barn, then the tops are cut after 1-2 days.

The leaves are cut by a knife or unscrew. It is preferable to unscrew the tops, because it breaks out at once in the desired height, the top kidneys remains intact.

If the leaves are badly broken, they are cut off with a knife, leaving the tail 1 cm. It is important not to damage the top kidney, otherwise the beets rot on storage.

Pruning roots. After trimming, leaves remove all the roots. The roots are neatly cleaned from the ground and break or carefully cut the side roots with a knife.

The main root is cut into 1/3 of the length. If you do not cut it, then the root tip dries, becomes drumming and boots. Usually, the rotes apply precisely from here (if the top kidney is not damaged). Very long root shocked half.

Sorting. Next, the roots are sorted by size. The fine beet contains less fibers and is better stored. Large - more fibrous stored slightly worse, by the middle of winter it already swept and dries or germinates. Therefore, small and large vegetables are stored separately from each other, or large beets are put on top for speedy use.

Damaged vegetables for storage are not laid, but use immediately. The root corrupts are not stored during the dig of root. The beets harder forms cork tissue in the place of damage than, for example, carrots or potatoes. In the wreck gradually accumulates water and beets up.

Conditions for storing beets in winter at home

For best preservation in winter, vegetable needed:

  1. Dark place. In the light, they quickly germinate.
  2. Free air circulation. With an insufficient air inflow, the harvest boosts.
  3. Temperature 1-4 ° C. With increasing temperature, the breathing of the roots increases, they are intensively losing moisture and become flabs. At a temperature of 7-8 ° C, they germinate. In the first 2 months, the temperature should be maintained not higher than 4 ° C, otherwise the crop will germinate. After this period, all winter up to spring roots are in a state of deep peace and do not germinate even with an increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees.
  4. Humidity 90-95%. When it decreases, the beets will gradually dry, wrinkled, becomes a flabby and unsuitable for food.

However, with a slight deflection of the indicators in the winter, the safety of the roots is high, although their burning is somewhat reduced. At home, in the absence of balconies, it is harder to store beets, it decreases to 3-5 months.

Once a month, the roots are crossed. Remove the winding, lost elasticity, damaged by pests of instances.

Storage of rootes

Beet can be stored in boxes, polyethylene packages (without tosing them), next to potatoes and carrots, in dry sand, ash, bulk, in the refrigerator. Feed root roots and beets grown on an industrial scale are stored in the Barts.

How to store beets in cellars and basements

The cellar is the most the best place For beets in winter. Here, vegetables are stored up to the new harvest.

  1. Roots are placed mound On dry sand with a layer of no more than 5 cm. If the floor is concrete or wooden, then the crop puffs on the pallets with a height of 10-15 cm. This is done for better air circulation.
  2. If the cellar is stored potatoes, then the beets are scattered over it. In winter, the humidity of 75-80% is required in winter for good fourth. With the breath of tubers, a significant amount of moisture is distinguished, and the beets perfectly absorbs it. Under such conditions and potatoes and beets are stored perfectly.
  3. Vintage fold in Boxes And placed them on the floor and shelves, without closing.
  4. How to store beets sand or sawdust. The bottom of the box fall asleep with sand and lay the root roots. Each layer is moved sand. Sand (and sawdust) prevents the flow of moisture to crop, and also delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of vegetables.

Can be stored beets in the basement apartment housesIf in winter there is not too high temperatures. Roots are placed in boxes and baskets, you can ship them with sand. Keep the beet in the basement in the packages is not recommended, because there is still a limited air circulation, and the package makes it even more difficult, and the crop can be contrary.

How to save beets in the apartment

Store vegetable in the winter in a city apartment, if there is neither basement, no balcony is quite difficult. It will not be possible to create required conditions. In winter, the air in the apartment is pretty dry and warm. Therefore, the cold place (corridor, storage room) is chosen for the crop. The bottom of the box is put in foam, lay out beets and put it off with sand. On top of the boxes are closed with a second sheet of foam. Polyfoam prevents the evaporation of moisture and heat exchange between the roots and the environment. As a result, inside the drawer, a relatively constant temperature and humidity remained. In such conditions, the harvest is stored for 3-5 months, depending on the room temperature.

In the same way stored beets in bags.

If the beets are a bit, then the boards are prepared. This preservative is capable of stored up to 1.5 years. You can grate root roots and freeze in the freezer. But after defrosting, repeated freezing is impossible, otherwise the vegetable will lose taste and shape.

If the crop is large and preserved it all in the processed form is impossible, then the root crops are loose in the clay solution and dried. In this form, they can be stored even in relatively warm conditions (temperature 10-12 ° C) for 4-6 months.

Storage beets on the balcony

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, then the crop can be stored there all winter. He is cleaned into the boxes, speaking beets of sand. You can fold it into polyethylene packages that do not need to be tied, otherwise the harvest will rot. The roots are left on the balcony and, depending on the weather in winter, they are covered with rags, blankets, foam rubber, foam. If the winter is very cold, then in the frosty days (the temperature is below -28 ° C) root crops enter the room. A few days in warm conditions will not have any influence on the safety of the crop.

Storage of root roots in the refrigerator

Vegetable heater in the refrigerator is low. Beets can be stored under these conditions no more than 2-3 weeks, then the root roots begin to mock and rot. The reason for this is an insufficient air exchange. The influx of fresh air in the refrigerator is almost no moisture secreted by rootes, again settles on them, condensate is formed. The harvest moistened and boots.

Therefore, if the refrigerator is the only place to preserve the crop, every 2 weeks the beets are removed and dried over 18-24 hours, then remove again. Such a reception slightly increases the root of the root plant in the refrigerator.

Shelter vegetables in the Barts

In the Barts stored the table beets grown on an industrial scale, as well as the feed beet. The preservation of the crop in the Barts is very good. Despite the fact that vegetables are stored on Earth (or in a small deepening) in the winter they do not frozen and lie almost until the summer.

Burts arrange at the highest and dry place with location groundwater Not less than 1 m. If the place is smooth, then around the perimeter of the future storage of the digital ditch for the drain and melt water flow. Bourge must have ventilation, the easiest view - supply-exhaust ventilation. The width of the repository directly depends on the climate: in the middle band 2-2.2 m, in Siberia at least 3 m, in the south of 1-1.3 m. Vegetables are placed with a combination with a comb, and the repository is covered. The boots can be buried into the ground by 15-30 cm.

The bottom of the buzz is lined with a layer of a huskien or hay. All material must be absolutely dry.

The covering material and the thickness of the underlying layer directly depend on the weather in winter. What winter in the region is colder, the thicker and more layers should be in the repository. Close the root plates first the sweetheart to protect against rodents, then they are covered with a layer of hay or straw and the earth falls asleep top. On the crest of the burta, the bypass layer should be less than from the sides, since it is through the comb that is unnecessary heat is removed. If there are strong rains in the fall, the comb is covered with a film so that the water does not penetrate into the repository, otherwise the crop rotates. Prior to the onset of sustainable cold, the bourge is not completely closed.

To measure the temperature inside the storage facilities, hydrays are put: one on the crest, the second from the northern side of the boot. At a temperature of + 2-4 degrees inside the storage, it is completely closed for the winter. If the temperature in the winter in the winter dropped to + 1 ° C, the bourge additionally insulate, throwing snow to it.

The boots are a way out for those who are absolutely not enough to store the crop. In such storage facilities, other vegetables can be kept.

Many hostesses are wondering how to store beets at home. Beets and other roots, as a rule, are kept in cellar or basements until the next season. Indeed, in raw and dark places a favorable atmosphere for storage has been created.

But how to keep the root in the cellar so that it does not be soft and remained tasty throughout the winter?

How to store beets at home

What is the key to successful storage? Long-term storage of vegetable is quite problematic. And the approach of the spring season involves an increase in its consumption. Because the beet has many medical properties.

Save the sweet vegetable is not so difficult. It belongs to the cutting roots that are stored better potatoes and carrots. If west beets without errors, not allowing hits to the box of infected fruits, then in the spring season from the cellab you can get healthy vegetables that have not lost the freight and taste. Save beets are easier not only when complying with the necessary conditions, but also with proper cultivation, leaving and sorting the harvest. And the main key to the successful billet - the selection of compatible varieties different best terms Storage and stability to cold.

Where do good crop grow? Before the start of the sowing work, it is necessary to know that the most high-quality, healthy fruits grow on a sugal or loamy soil. If the beet starts to grow in a sour soil, it can be subjected to ordinary seamless, which will cover the fruit with a plurality of warts and cracks and make the surface rough. As a result, other diseases arise, negatively affecting the storage of vegetable.

Beet varieties that do not spoil for quite a long time:

  • Incomparable;
  • Promination;
  • One-terrain;
  • Nosovsky flat.

It is worth to give preference to small roots, they have a more rich taste, do not contain fibers, in contrast to large. But small root roots are not suitable for storage.

Collect the harvest of vegetable earlier than carrots, because the ridden fruits turned out to be topped faster. Pulling the root root is needed carefully, because mechanical damage to provoke the progression of fungal and viral diseases.

How to store beets for the winter? The collected fruits are recommended a little dry under the sun's rays around the bed. Therefore, the best weather for cleaning vegetable is dry and cool. This method will dry the rootpode and make it easier to clean it from the soil. Wash it is impossible. Then the fruits are moving and sorted only healthy samples. Beetter leaves are cut with caution with a scissors or a sharp knife. Alternatively, the penets are left not more than 1 cm. If you turn the tops manually, the roots will damage.

Sorted and peeled and leaf samples are laid out in a dry room with good ventilation and a lack of direct sunlight. This is necessary for the final drying of vegetables. Upon completion of this stage, beets are transferred to the basement.

How to store beets in the cellar in winter

How to keep beets in the cellar in winter? It is necessary to store it in the basements, where humidity should be no more than 87%, and the temperature is from 0 to + 2ºС. Higher values \u200b\u200blead to rapidly damage roots: they are faded, replete and ill. The root at the beginning of storage has special sensitivity. If the temperature is above + 5ºС, the stalks of the tops begin to break through. The progression of fungus depends on this indicator, with a high speed of extending to all the fruits. A harbingers of certain diseases harvest collected At first glance, invisible. In a place where vegetables are stored, provide for natural ventilation And the pallets are arranged at a height of 20 cm from the floor level.

How to store beets at home? The essence of the harvesting of potatoes or carrots is practically no different from beet. Vegetable covers are recommended to have 0.1 m from the basement walls, traced behind the gaps between the boards, which should not be more than 6 cm.

So that the beets were stored longer, you can use several ways. The easiest option is considered the neighborhood with potatoes. Beets are put on top of it. At the same time, the sweet vegetable absorbs the liquid, and the potatoes are protected from its excess. Keep the beets, sprinkling sand.

Can to treat it with salt solid or just sprinkle sodium chloride.
The root harness under the conditions of basements is covered with fern leaves or a plant, characterized by a large content of phytoncides.

Beet - autumn root, which, after cleaning, is often sent for storage. If it is properly organized correctly, then the vegetables will be able to lie down in the repository until spring, and the late varieties and to the new crop. That is why it is important to know how to store the table beet at home: in your home and in the apartment.

For long winter storage, not all varieties are suitable. When choosing a variety, it is not least necessary to take into account the bleeding characteristic of it. A good footage boasts a medium-step and late beet. It matures late, and the later removed roots, they are better stored.

Among the varieties and hybrids with good breeding, you can note:

  • Liebero;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Detroit;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Incomparable A463;
  • Mushroom flat A473;
  • Mulatto;
  • Salad;
  • Renova;
  • One-built;
  • Pablo F1;
  • Cold-resistant 19;
  • Latest A474;
  • Bathardi.

In addition to these varieties, there are other, it is possible to choose among them any other species intended for cultivation in a certain region.

Rules for the preparation of beets for storage

It is enough to choose a suitable beet grade and grow good root roots, you need to correctly collect them and prepare for storage. When you clean, it is also important: the roots should be crushed, gain a mass characteristic of this variety. therefore ahead of timerecommended for a certain variety, cleaning work is impractical. But it is not impossible to disturb the beets on the beds: the grinding roots become fibrous, rude tastes, poorly welded.

In addition, the weather changes rapidly, tightening rains can begin, which will prevent planned work. Of course, you can remove beets from the garden and in cloudy weather, but it is still better to choose it from the dry earth: such roots lie better, and it is more pleasant to work. The main condition for the autumn cleaning of beets at home is to have time to dig it before frosts. The vegetable is afraid of cold weather and if it falls under frost, then collected after that, it can start rotting in the cellar.

Digging the beet is also necessary correctly. It is best to do this with a shovel or forks. They need to spread the ground at a short distance from the rooteplood and lift them to free the tails. Then choose vegetables from the ground. Botto must be cut off with a knife or twist. Crop the beet designed to store for the winter, needed, leaving small (1 cm) pieces of stiffs at the base of the root. You need to cut carefully to accidentally do not hurt a vegetable knife. If this happened, it must be postponed separately to use first. Crop your tail is not needed. After completing cleaning, you can go to the preparation of beets for storage for the winter.

Roots need to dry, especially if they were in wet earth before harvesting. To do this, they must be carefully wrapped from dirt and small roots, but it is impossible to wash. Then decompose into one layer right on the garden (but not in the sun, and in the shaded well ventilated place) if it is dry or assembled and move it into a dry room if damp. They also decompose them in one layer and leave for a couple of days. After drying, the beets need to be uninstalled: separate all damaged, irregular shape or with traces of diseases from standard and healthy. They are also divided into large and small. All fractions store separately.

Storage methods

Almost all residents of private houses have a cellar or a basement, where vegetables and preservation are traditionally stored. They need to keep beets, as the temperature and humidity in them is constant and is ideal for storing root. For the same to keep the crop beet in the winter in the apartment, you will need to create it certain conditions. Can be kented in the refrigerator or on the balcony or and there and there at the same time.

In a refrigerator

A completely small amount of beet can be stored in a regular household refrigerator in a compartment for vegetables. So that they lacquered longer in it, you can resort to the following:

  1. Purified from dirt, but not soaked vegetables to lay small batches of several pieces into perforated polyethylene packages.
  2. Crop the rope from the root rods as close as possible to the base and wash them. After that, each of them needs to be omitted in saline, dry and put in a vacuum package. Instead of packages, you can use vacuum containers.

When applying this method, it is possible to save the beet for 1 month or a little more. It is possible to save the beet in the refrigerator longer (up to 3 months) if each wrap into a piece of foil so that the root plates do not touch each other and did not lose moisture.

In the freezer

Store beets in small quantities can be in the freezer. Freezing increases the shelf life of vegetables 3-4 times, respectively, they will be suitable for 3-4 months after bookmark.

For the freezing beets for the winter at home, it needs to be washed, clean from the skin and rub on the grater or cut into cubes with a knife. Mass shifted into bags in small portions and put them in the freezer.

Storing the sweet root root in the refrigerator is beneficial to the fact that it is always available, and when saved in the freezer is also prepared for use.

On the balcony

If there are many beets, it is possible to store it in the facility only on the balcony. There is no place in the room and do not allow the conditions. The beet storage on the glazed balcony can be carried out in the boxes or a wooden box in which rootplods can be kept with potatoes. The joint storage of these vegetables will have a positive effect on both alone and on others: the beets will absorb an excess moisture, highlighting potatoes, protecting it from posting. It is necessary to put such a box on a wooden grid, so that the air freely passes. In the case of frosts, the repository must be insulated so that the beets on the balcony do not frozen, and after returning heat to the heat to remove.

Store the table beet in the winter on the balcony is the easiest all in plywood or from the Fiberboard boxes. They are quite voluminous so that there are many root roots in them and they are easy to install one on another. They need to put vegetables with layers, speaking them with wet sand or sawdust. It is not necessary to fill them out that the upper roots are not suppressed by the upper boxes, if you have to put them on top.

If the street is warm, then the container can only be covered with a perforated film so that the vegetables do not swap beneath it. When it becomes cool, they need to be covered with something warm to protect against frosts.

In addition to boxes, you can use baskets. They are also convenient for storing vegetables, but put them one to another will not work. Large polyethylene packages are also suitable, in which up to 3 buckets of roots are placed. They need to do small holes, pour beets and tie.

Whatever way to store beets on the balcony was not selected, during a long winter you need to sort out your crop several times, remove the dried or fallen root roots.

If there is no balcony in the apartment, you can try to keep the harvest in the room. To protect against drying out, each root close to the clay boltushka of the thickness of the sour cream and give it to dry. Then fold into plastic bags and put in the coldest place indoors.

In the cellar or basement

In his house, beets, like other root roots, it is better to store in the cellar either in the basement. Before laying a vegetable, it needs to be prepared: Clear from garbage, land, low husk, other plant residues. Then handle all the wooden objects with a solution of formalin, take up the top and give them to dry in the sun. The walls of the cellab to bother lime.

Keep the beet in the basement or in the cellar is easiest in drawers or grids. Boxes are preferably plywood, and not robes so that they do not wake up sand, which you need to move root.

In order to be less soared with long-term storage, it also occupied less space, the container filled with vegetables should be put in 2 rows one to another. The grids are better to take small, up to 10 kg to make it more convenient to put them. Filled mesh beets should be folded alone on another no more than 2-3 rows. You can put them on potatoes, which will be useful for both vegetables. We can also use polyethylene bags, as well as when storing this vegetable in the apartment. If there is no container, then it is permissible to store beets in bulk on the cutting pallets on the floor of the cellar or on racks in small slides high up to 1 m. Place next to beetroot other vegetables (except potatoes), especially with a strong smell, undesirable.

To keep the yield of beets until spring, you need to keep them in suitable for this conditions. The temperature should be no higher than 0-2 ° C, the humidity in the room is up to 90%. The cellar should be ventilated for what time from time to time, in good weather, you need to open the doors of the room. But it is better if the cellar will be equipped with an exhaust system, follow it easier: to close in a strong cold, and when warming up again.