House, design, renovation, decor.  Courtyard and garden.  With your own hands

House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» What varieties of cucumbers can be grown on a windowsill in an apartment? Indoor cucumbers: how to grow juicy and crunchy fruits on a windowsill How to grow a cucumber at home on a windowsill.

What varieties of cucumbers can be grown on a windowsill in an apartment? Indoor cucumbers: how to grow juicy and crunchy fruits on a windowsill How to grow a cucumber at home on a windowsill.

One can envy those who have their own personal plot, even a small summer cottage! Owners of their own homes can always feast on vitamins carefully grown in their gardens.

But you want to pamper yourself and your family with a salad of fresh cucumbers, your own, not the store ones, even in a chilly, cold season. Store ones are expensive, and their taste is not at all the same.

There is an exit! We can grow cucumbers on the windowsill.

  • In any apartment, you can create your own mini-garden of indoor cucumbers. To do this, you need very little: suitable seeds, knowledge of the rules of planting and care and, of course, desire.

The apartment garden on the windowsill requires very simple maintenance. Even inexperienced, novice amateur gardeners can cope with this.

Although cucumber crops are particularly demanding, it is quite possible to create suitable conditions for them on the windowsill.

Choosing a suitable variety

There are cucumber varieties specially created by breeders intended for cultivation in apartments. Almost all of them are hybrids that can do without pollinating insects.

These are female cucumbers, parthenocarpic hybrids, capable of setting fruits in the absence of pollination.

  • The ideal varieties of cucumbers on the windowsill will be medium-growing and bush species. They have more than enough space even in small areas..

It is best to choose shade-tolerant varieties, those hybrids that do not care about winter weather and room lighting.

The best varieties of indoor cucumbers

♦ Shchedryk. Early ripening cucumbers (the first harvest will ripen 40-45 days after sowing).

Cucumbers grow up to 12 cm and they grow in bouquets of 6-8 pieces. Each of the homemade cucumber plants is capable of producing up to 20-25 fruits for the owner.

♦ Crunch. The harvest of small cucumbers will delight the owner in 45-50 days. Small fruits grow in clusters of 5-7 pieces.

The harvest is plentiful, one cucumber bush can yield up to 40 cucumbers. The crunch is vigorous, it can even be allowed to grow as a beautiful liana along the window.

♦ Bianca. Gherkin is ideal for pickling and pickling. On each nodule, they can form up to 6-7 sweet-tasting fruits.

Bianca is distinguished by long fruiting and good resistance to stress and disease.

♦ Masha. This type of cucumber on the windowsill has a powerful and strong stem. Small cucumbers ripen together, their flesh is devoid of bitterness and is quite dense.

They ripen in heaps of up to 5-6 pieces on one knot. The length of each fruit is up to 8 cm.

♦ Regatta. The variety is distinguished by its high taste, it is resistant to ailments and has an excellent yield (it gives the owner up to 40 fruits weighing 150 g from each plant). It is ideal for indoor growing.

For a rich garden on the windowsill, other parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers are perfect: Photon, Marinda F1, Cucaracha, April, Zozulya, Claudia F1, Gribovchanka, Stella, Debut, Room, Domashny.

There are also homemade varieties that need pollination, the most delicious of them are: Ladoga, Fregat, Pallas' cat, Marathon, Olympiada, Northern Lights.

With them, it will be necessary to plant a male pollinator: Hercules, Ermine, Gladiator. If necessary, you can pollinate the plants yourself with a soft brush.

An important event - planting cucumbers

♦ Choosing and preparing a place. Green homemade cucumber crumbs need warmth and good lighting, so it's best to create a cucumber garden on south or east windows.

  1. If the window sill is too cold, place pieces of isolon, foam or board on it (otherwise the roots of the seedlings may freeze).
  2. Cover the window with polyethylene (this will exclude the appearance of drafts when airing our mini-garden). Be sure to seal all the cracks in the windows.
  3. Reflective films can be glued to the glass, mirrors or foil can be installed next to the pots. Such a coating will create more comfortable conditions for young plants.
  4. Cucumbers also need good moisture. It can be provided by containers filled with water, trays with moistened gravel / pebbles, placed next to the seedling boxes. Wet rags on batteries and special humidifiers also increase humidity well.

Provide artificial additional lighting (our winter is characterized by short daylight hours). Cucumbers on the windowsill in winter should be illuminated for at least 10-12 hours, in early spring 4-6 hours additionally.

♦ Where to plant. Cucumbers grown on the windowsill can be placed in any container with a volume of at least 8 liters per plant. In containers, a couple of holes should be made at the bottom for free air access and drainage of excess liquid.

Place drainage from pieces on the bottom broken brick, roof tiles, expanded clay, gravel or foam. The drainage layer should be about 3-4 cm, cover it with soil on top.

  • Before filling the containers with the soil mixture, the cucumber boxes should be thoroughly rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and then rinsed with steam. This is necessary for additional disinfection.

♦ Soil for planting. How to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, what kind of land do they need? Home cucumbers love loose and fertile soil.

For their cultivation, you can use the purchased ready-made soil (universal or a mixture for pumpkin seeds). The soil can be made with your own hands.

We need the following mixture:

  • Compost 40%.
  • Peat 30%.
  • Sod soil 20%.
  • Wood sawdust 10%.

It is also necessary to add urea to the finished soil (the volume of an incomplete matchbox for 10 liters of ready-made soil mixture) and potassium sulfate with superphosphate (the volume of two matchboxes).

A mixture of turf soil, manure humus, peat and sawdust (1 part each) is also suitable for cucumbers on the windowsill.

Add nitrophoska (1 tbsp), wood ash (1 cup) and urea (1 tsp) to a bucket of this mixture.

  • Soil consumption is at least 5-6 liters for each cucumber plant. Or adhere to this rule: 5-6 bushes are planted on one seedling box 60-70 cm long.

For prophylaxis and disinfection, the soil should be watered with a weak (pale pink) manganese solution and heated in the oven.

Then mix the soil thoroughly and pour it into the container, not reaching 5-7 cm to the edge of the containers. Before planting the seeds, pour the containers with soil with hot water at a temperature of + 60-70 ° C.

  • By advice experienced gardeners grease the edges of the container, where the cucumbers will grow, with some kind of ointment with a pungent smell (for example, "Zvezdochka" balm). The pungent aroma will scare off the appearance of one malicious pest of cucumber - a sprout fly, which can be brought in from the ground.

♦ When to plant. If you plan to see fresh cucumbers on the New Year's table, plant the seeds at the end of October.

Seeds sown at the end of December will yield a harvest around the end of February. If you need vitamins in the spring (March), sow your vegetable garden in January.

And if you want to save on electricity and grow cucumbers without additional lighting, then sowing seeds is best on February 20-25.

Keep in mind that not so much time passes from the time of sowing to the start of harvesting vitamin fruits (30-50 days). It depends on the type of cucumber.

♦ Cooking seeds. Seeds for growing cucumbers on the windowsill are different. Their preparation for planting is carried out depending on the type of purchased seeds:

  • Seeds of hybrids. The fact that the variety is hybrid can be understood by the F1 marking in the name. These seeds are sold fully prepared for sowing. Additional activities not required.
  • Instructed Seeds... On sale you can find multi-colored cucumber seeds (blue, green, red). Their attractive color is the result of processing with polymers that form a reliable protective shell. Polymers stimulate plant growth and protect them. Such seeds also do not require preliminary preparation.
  • Pelleted seeds. These types of seeds are covered with a special peat-mineral mixture, which forms a protective shell. Pelleted seeds are more economical when sowing, they will rarely need to be thinned out and they do not require additional preparation for sowing.

All other seeds of varietal cucumbers should be kept for 5-6 hours in a weak solution of immunocytophyte (a tablet per 100 ml of water).

You can also use a light pink manganese solution or wood ash (a teaspoon per 100 ml of water).

Before soaking, the seeds should be warmed up in a thermos for about 2-3 hours in hot water at a temperature of + 45-40 ° C.

♦ Sowing. Prepared cucumber seeds are best grown in small cups. Carefully place each seed in separate containers in a small depression, cover with a damp bandage or gauze on top.

Place the cups in the boxes, cover the boxes themselves with glass or foil. Place them in a warm place and keep them at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​° C.

  • After 2-3 days, the first cotyledons will unfold in the cucumbers. Immediately after the emergence of shoots, we remove the cover and transfer the container with our seeds to the selected and prepared window sill.

Cucumbers at home must be placed on the windowsill in such a way that their leaves with their upper part facing the window.

Optimum temperature for young seedlings: during the day + 22-26 ° С, at night + 17-22 ° С.

After 20-25 days, young crops need to be moved into larger containers already to their permanent habitats (for this event, choose cloudy days).

Before transplanting, pour the soil with warm water. Seedlings are transplanted with a clod of earth (take care of the leaves of young plants - they are still very fragile).

We will take care of our cucumbers

♦ Garter. As soon as our cucumbers grow 5-6 leaves, we need to stick pegs next to the seedlings. Or you can pull twine or wire at a height of 1.5-1.8 m from the boxes. The growing cucumber antennae should be tied to it.

  • To stimulate the growth of young plants, cut off the top above 10-11 leaves, also regularly pinch all the side shoots as soon as they grow 20-30 cm.Weekly, in young cucumbers, it is necessary to remove the growing tendrils.

♦ Backlight. Daytime, phyto-lamps or energy-saving lamps for additional illumination of our garden must be placed at a height of at least 5 cm from the upper crown of the plants.

As they grow, the lamps should be raised higher.

The backlight can be used from the first moment of emergence. Turn it on during the day from 7-8 in the morning for 6-8 hours. Remember to turn off your lamps at night.

♦ Watering. Watering the cucumbers should be moderate, without waiting for the soil to dry completely. Without additional lighting, the frequency of watering is once a day, with additional lighting a couple of times.

The water must first be defended, and its temperature should not exceed + 23-25 ​​° С.

  • Adult plants can be watered less often - 2-3 times weekly. Watering cucumbers is best done in the morning.

♦ Top dressing. When growing domestic cucumbers on the windowsill, young seedlings (until they reach 20-25 days) should be fed twice:

  1. 1.5-2 weeks after the first shoots. Use a urea solution (a teaspoon of 2-3 liters of water). Consumption of a glass of solution for each bush.
  2. One week after the first meal. Suitable nitrophoska (teaspoon) or wood ash (tablespoon) for 3 liters of water. Consumption: a glass for each plant.

Additionally, seedlings (especially in winter period) can be flavored with banana peel infusion, diluted in 10 parts of water.

Top dressing for adult cucumbers should be done depending on their health. If the bushes have a weak stem and stunted leaves, the cucumbers need feeding.

  • On average, adult cucumber plantings should be fed once a week, as soon as they reach the age of 1.5-2 months.

You can arm yourself with purchased complex mineral additives or liquid organic matter ("Epin", "Radogor", "Bucephalus").

Cucumbers should also be fed with natural fertilizer (especially during the period of ovary formation).

Wood ash is ideal for this (mix 100 g in a liter hot water and insist for a day or two). Before feeding, the plants must be watered.

♦ Important nuances. In the process of growing cucumbers on the windowsill, learn a number of simple rules, their mandatory implementation guarantees a plentiful and amicable harvest of green vitamins:

  1. Do not allow cucumbers to dry out!
  2. If the roots of the cucumbers appear on the surface of the soil, sprinkle them with fresh soil immediately.
  3. In the case of the active appearance of female flowers, cut off some of them, otherwise the fruits will form very slowly.
  4. Do not leave ripe cucumbers hanging on the bushes - they will continue to take up nutrients and prevent other fruits from fully ripening. The more often ripe cucumbers are removed, the more of them will be formed.

Subject to all the rules and careful care, your cucumber garden will show excellent yield results; on average, up to 30-35 strong cucumbers filled with vitamins can be harvested from one plant.

♦ Harvesting. Ripe cucumbers should be picked at the age of 1-1.5 weeks. Do this every day.

Sick or deformed fruits should be harvested immediately after formation.

Gathering a tiny harvest will bring real pleasure to the owner of a mini cucumber garden!

Instead of a window sill - a balcony!

The cucumber garden can be successfully placed on a covered balcony, terrace or loggia. Cucumbers on the balcony are best placed in the corners of the room or along the walls.

Thus, the plants will be more protected from possible drafts.

  • For the successful cultivation of cucumbers in such conditions, it is better to select balconies / loggias in the southern or southeastern direction (as well as when arranging cucumbers on the windowsill). If the balcony faces north, it will be too dark for young cucumbers to grow.

If your balcony is well insulated, you can grow cucumbers on it all year round... But cucumbers love not only warmth, but also light.

If you have the means and opportunities, install additional lighting on the balconies (but you should know that several lamps will be required, and the energy consumption will increase - after all, there is much more space on the balcony than on the windowsills).

Or plant seeds for seedlings at the beginning spring period so that earlier (before the have a short day) to have time to harvest.

For the success of the planned event, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Provide your garden with regular moisture.
  2. The balcony garden needs good protection against insects and drafts (adapted specifically for home cultivation cucumber varieties are very susceptible to diseases carried by various insect pests).
  3. Although cucumbers love light, they should not be allowed to overheat and dry the leaves. To do this, install protective translucent curtains on the glass of the balconies.
  4. Since we will have more cucumbers on the balconies / loggias, it is better to use a nylon mesh or a lattice of slats as a garter.

The preparation of soil, seeds, their planting and care is carried out according to the same rules as in the case of arranging a garden on a windowsill.

Let's describe in detail all the stages of how to grow cucumbers at home in winter?

The right seeds

For growing cucumbers in the winter at home, the seeds must meet stringent requirements. Homemade cucumber should be:

  • Short-fruited, with a length of zelents from 6 cm to 25 cm.
  • Shade tolerant, not afraid of temperature changes.
  • Early or mid-season, with a fruiting period of 4 to 6 months.
  • Harvest.

Parthenocarpic F1 hybrids are preferred... These self-pollinating plants only have female flowers. Early and ultra-early are the most popular for growing cucumbers at home:

  • April;
  • Benefit;
  • Zozulya;
  • Carmen;
  • Goosebump;
  • Sail;
  • Regina;
  • Shchedryk;
  • Crunch.

Of the mid-early varieties of cucumbers for growing at home, the following are preferable:

  • Athlete;
  • Full house;
  • Balagan;
  • Bianca;
  • Berendey;
  • Urban;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Claudia;
  • Courage;
  • Marinade;
  • Masha;
  • Pallas' cat;
  • Romance;
  • Solar.

IMPORTANT! Late-ripening cucumber hybrids are not suitable for home cultivation.

Bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids, in indoor and greenhouse cultivation, require manual pollination.

The process requires certain skills and additional investment of time.

But despite this, vegetable growers grow at home bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids:

  • Gribovsky 2;
  • Zarya;
  • Pallas' cat;
  • Surprise;
  • Khutorok;
  • Relay race.

Grow and bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers:

  • Room Rytov;
  • Marfinsky.

Advice! Manual pollination of cucumbers is carried out in the morning... With a cotton swab, a soft brush, they transfer pollen from a male barren flower to flowers with an ovary (female). You can touch the pistil of a woman with a male flower with torn petals.

Female single flowers grow separately. The males form groups in the leaf axils.

Pollination of cucumbers continues throughout the entire flowering period, up to the appearance of the first ovaries. To increase the yield of cucumbers experienced amateurs advise pollinating female flowers with pollen of different varieties.

Seat selection

It's better to grow cucumbers in an apartment on warm bright balconies, loggias, verandas, windows oriented south, east, west.

The north side is not suitable for growing. There should be no drafts in the room.

What to grow?

There are many options: hanging baskets, buckets, containers, boxes, flower pots, tubs. The main thing is that the volume of the container is at least 5 liters.... Drainage is laid out on the bottom - small pebbles, pieces of expanded clay, large sawdust. Holes are made to remove excess water.

Advice! To save money, they cut off large plastic bottles, use double cellophane garbage bags.

How to grow cucumbers in an apartment: step by step instructions

Landing dates

The timing depend on the selected variety of cucumbers, growing conditions. They take into account the area of ​​the room, the ability to provide optimal temperature and light conditions, air humidity, and climatic zone.

Cucumbers planted at the end of October will ripen to the New Year's table. From January plantings, they begin to harvest in March. The average time for the onset of fruiting from the appearance of the first shoots is 40-50 days... TO May holidays February seedlings ripen.

Soil preparation

In the store they buy universal soil or mixture for growing pumpkin crops.

They prepare themselves according to proven recipes:

  1. Equal shares of peat, humus. A glass of wood ash on a bucket of mixture.
  2. 1/3 of the turf, garden soil, compost with the addition of a small amount of calcined river sand, ash, rotten sawdust.

The earth is disinfected in one of the following ways:

  • Steamed.
  • Spill hot (+ 90 ° C) solution of potassium permanganate of dark pink color.
  • Warm up in the oven.
  • Process special industrial preparations.
  • Apply nitrophosphate or complete complex fertilizer. Poured into containers, spilled abundantly, left for a day to seal.


  1. Cucumber seeds etched for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate... Washed out. Dry. Leave for 2-3 days to swell in a saucer with warm water, wrap in wet gauze, spread on cotton pads. Learn more about preparing seeds before planting.
  2. Hatching cucumber seeds sow to a depth of about a centimeter... Plant 1-2 seeds per liter per liter at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Watering.
  3. Exposed to a bright place... Maintain a temperature of + 22-25 ° С during the day, + 16-18 ° С at night.
  4. To maintain the required humidity covered with foil, glass.
  5. When cucumber shoots appear, the shelter is removed. A weak sprout is removed. Additional lighting is started.

Advice! To eliminate the danger of hypothermia of the root system of cucumbers, a sheet of foam plastic, drywall, thick plywood is placed under the containers with plantings.


It is impossible to grow cucumbers at home in winter without lighting.... Daylight hours should last 12-14 hours. In the central zone of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, from December to February, supplementary lighting is carried out from 16 to 20 hours.

Lighting devices for supplementary lighting (energy-saving, luminescent, LED) are fixed at a distance of 30-40 cm.

To enhance the effect, light-reflecting foil sheets and mirrors are installed.


Until the plants form lashes, the temperature is maintained not higher than + 16 ° С... After the formation of lashes, the temperature on sunny days is maintained at + 24-26 ° С, in cloudy weather and at night + 18-20 ° С.


Water in sunny weather every day, in cloudy - every other day... Water must be defended, brought to room temperature. Several times a season they are watered with a weak pinkish solution of potassium permanganate.

It is useful to spray the plants twice a day, but the leaves should dry out by night. Watering cucumbers is carried out at the root or water is poured into trays.

Advice! To increase the humidity in the room, cover the heating batteries with wet towels. Place dishes with water next to the cucumber bushes. Includes humidifiers.


Home-grown lashes reach heights of up to two meters and require a garter... The garter is made with a sliding loop. Use twine or nylon cord.

Bush formation

After the appearance of the fifth true leaf, pinch the top to form a bush in two stems. When the next five leaves grow, the procedure is repeated.

The pinching of the lateral lashes is carried out in the lateral lower nodes above the 1-2-3 sheet.

Top dressing

The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of two true leaves... They are fed with a solution of 3-4 g of nitrophoska per liter of water. The consumption rate for the plant is a glass.

Can be used solution of one teaspoon of urea in 5 liters of water... Feed once every 2 weeks.

With the advent of zelents, the plant is fed every week, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. As organic additives, 20% solutions of chicken manure or superphosphate are used. For minerals, dissolve 30-40 g of nitrophoska in a bucket of water, add a teaspoon of Agrolife or 2 caps of the Growth preparation together with watering.

Alternatively, after a week, feeding cucumbers with biohumus agents... The bushes are sprayed twice with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! An excellent organic solution is a solution of fermented chopped banana peels and rye bread.


Cucumbers grown in the apartment suffer from spider mite and whiteflies. Spraying with soapy water helps, it is dangerous to use insecticides in the apartment.


Zelentsy harvested every day, preventing them from overgrowing... This promotes the formation of new ovaries, lightens the load on the lashes, prevents plant depletion, deterioration of the palatability of cucumbers.

Growing in a private house

Does not differ in agricultural technology from growing cucumbers in an apartment. However, villagers and cottage owners have more opportunities for successful cultivation of cucumbers in heated greenhouses all year round.

Features of greenhouse agricultural technology

  • Stop choosing greenhouse varieties cucumbers.
  • When planting seedlings, be sure to add at least a bucket of well-rotted compost or manure to the hole, with the addition of 10 g of phosphorus, 5 g of nitrogen, 15 g of potassium per 1 m².
  • When landing place seedlings of cucumbers at a distance of 40 cm from each other leaving a meter between the rows. Water abundantly.
  • Equip trellises, supports.
  • The cucumber bush is formed as if grown at home.
  • Remove yellowed and deformed leaves.
  • First feeding after 4 weeks. For each plant, 1-2 liters of 0.3% aqueous phosphorus-potassium solution are consumed. During the fruiting period, feeding is carried out every week.
  • At optimal temperature watering air is carried out at the rate of 2-3 liters of water per bush.

Disease prevention and control

  • Should change the soil annually... Develop beneficial microflora. Introduce preparations such as Fitosporin M, rotted manure, nettle infusion.
  • Observe the ventilation mode.
  • To combat spider mites, whiteflies, ants, the soil is disinfected. Once every 5 days, the bushes are sprayed with karbofos.
  • Dill, mustard, coriander, garlic, basil, tobacco are planted between rows.... They repel pests of cucumbers.
  • Aphids and whiteflies are washed off with a stream of cold water. Wipe the cucumber leaves with soapy water.

Can you grow in a basement?

In an equipped basement, up to 200 kg of cucumbers are removed from 1 m².

The main costs are for ensuring optimal light and thermal conditions.

Requirements for the basement for growing cucumbers

  • Temperature should not drop to minus indicators throughout the year.
  • Lack of rodents, mold, fungus.
  • Tightness, protection from drafts, penetration of groundwater.

Basement equipment

  • Insulate the floor and walls insulating materials.
  • Install heaters, thermal and lighting devices. Mercury arc lamps or incandescent lamps are the most suitable luminaires. For convenience, a time relay is used.
  • Organize a ventilation system.
  • Choose a growing medium: hydroponics or soil.
  • The soil requirements are the same as for growing cucumbers at home and in greenhouses.

Hydroponics are more effective for basement gardening. Use quartz, granite granules with a diameter of 50-20 mm and a nutrient solution with a high content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. The nutrient solution can be purchased at a store or prepared by yourself.

Growing features

  • The seedling method is cultivated.
  • Seedlings of cucumbers planted at any time of the year.
  • Comply General requirements agricultural technology for cucumbers.
  • To combat insects, rodents, dust, smoke bombs, traps with poisoned bait, special paints with insecticides are changed.
  • From fungal diseases, mold, moss primed walls with compounds with antifungal additives.

Advantages and disadvantages of basement growing

The undoubted advantages include high yield, obtaining cucumbers regardless of the season, weather conditions ... Reduced time from emergence of cucumber seedlings to harvest. Already two months after planting the seedlings, the first greens ripen.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of cucumbers.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers at home in winter? If you wish, you can grow cucumbers all year round. From a home-grown bush, enthusiasts get 35-40 cucumbers.

Useful materials

Explore other helpful articles on caring for cucumber seedlings:

  • Tips for growing in various containers, in particular in peat pots and tablets.
  • The reasons why the seedlings are pulled out and the leaves turn yellow?
  • All the secrets of picking young shoots and planting them in open ground.

Useful video

Personal experience of how cucumbers were grown in 50 days on the northern balcony:

Growing cucumbers at home and the most suitable varieties for growing cucumbers in winter

Cucumbers are a delicious and healthy vegetable. In addition, this culture may well be grown at home.

The best varieties for growing cucumbers at home

Before you start growing cucumbers at home, you need to correctly choose varieties and hybrids. The most suitable hybrids are Masha, Claudia F1, Bianca and Marinda F1. They are all self-pollinated. Barren flowers - they have no male flowers. And there is only a female type of flowering. These hybrids are distinguished by good yield and tallness. The fruits are tasty, and their size ranges from 15 to 25 cm.

The variety "Komnatny Rytova" is very popular among fans of growing cucumbers at home. It is well adapted to indoor conditions and has a high taste.

If sowing is carried out in early December, then the fruits will ripen at the end of February. To get the first fruits at the end of March, you should sow the seeds no later than the first of February.

If all the conditions are created for a cucumber, then it can give three to four dozen fruits. Ripe vegetables must be picked in a timely manner. Do not keep the plant near an icy window or near a hot radiator. The best location is the windows to the south and east. Lighting is required from 6 to 12 hours. Therefore, for comfortable growing cucumbers in winter, additional lighting is required.

Use either a nutrient medium or soil. Soil is the most affordable way... Even in the fall, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of turf and humus. Either in equal proportions, or three parts to one. To one bucket of the mixture add two glasses of wood ash, 5-6 grams of potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers and 20-60 grams of lime. Everything mixes well and is placed in plastic bags. The soil must be loose.

For seedlings, the peas must be at least ten centimeters in diameter. The seeds are pre-germinated in a saucer. When the roots become 0.5 - 1 cm in size, they are planted in pairs in pots. Until the emergence of shoots, the pots are covered with a bag or film. In this case, the air temperature must be at least 20 ° C.

After the seeds have sprouted, you can ventilate the room. The temperature drops to 15-16 ° C - this will prevent the sprouts from stretching. Seedlings are grown for 30-45 days. When the third true leaf appears, pinching is performed in bee-pollinated varieties. For hybrids, this procedure is not necessary. When three to four full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted either into large pots or into boxes. After planting, the plant must be watered abundantly.

If the plant has both male and female flowers, then in the absence of natural pollination, which is carried out by bees, it must be carried out by hand. It is necessary at least twice with the anther of the male flower to touch the round stigma of the pistil of the female flower. You can repeat the procedure. You can also use a brush to transfer pollen from male to female flowers.

In early June, the cucumber is taken out onto the balcony.

It is very important that the plants are kept warm and free from drafts. The balcony should be insulated. Growing cucumbers on the balcony in itself is not difficult. The main problem is to create warm conditions. If there is not enough light, then additional lamps will need to be installed. The windows on the balcony should not open - drafts and cold air can be very harmful. It will be convenient to use long drawers on the balcony. Or plant sprouted seeds in plastic bags.

During sunny periods, overheating of plants should not be allowed. You can cover them with transparent curtains.

What top dressing should be used when growing cucumbers all year round

When buds appear, they are fertilized with wood ash. One glass of ash is used for 10 liters of water.

During the fruiting period, 50-100 grams of garden mixture or 15-25 grams of complex mineral fertilizer should be diluted in ten liters of water. Consumption is a quarter - half a liter per plant. Top dressing is carried out, alternating mineral and organic. At intervals of 10-12 days.

If the cultivation of cucumbers at home is carried out not on the balcony, but in the room, then nets or gauze must be pulled on the vents. To avoid the entry of insects. The room must be kept clean.

How to grow a cucumber on a windowsill: step by step instructions

Spring is approaching, and the body already requires vitamins. With what pleasure you would now crunch a fresh, just picked cucumber! It is not at all necessary to wait for summer, they can be planted at any time of the year on the windowsill. And in a month and a half you will enjoy the first fruits of your efforts.

Choosing seeds for planting

Answering the question of how to grow a cucumber on a windowsill, it should be mentioned that not all varieties of cucumbers will grow and bear fruit in an apartment, so you need to carefully consider their choice. Self-pollinated hybrids, such as "zozulya", "april", "stella", "kukaracha", are optimal for these purposes. If you give preference to bee-pollinated varieties, then you must also plant pollinator hybrids. And this will create unnecessary worries and take up additional space on the windowsill. And by planting, for example, a "zozulya" cucumber, you will receive a friendly return of early cucumbers within 50 days after germination. Green large-lumpy fruits weighing from 160 to 300 grams will delight you with excellent taste.

Choosing a place, capacity and soil

If the house has windows facing south, then it is best to plant cucumbers there. The east and west side can also be considered an option, but the north side is best avoided. If you have been thinking about how to grow a cucumber on a windowsill for a long time, then do not miss this important moment.

The planting container should be large enough - at least eight liters for one plant. For these purposes, a wooden box or a strong plastic bag is suitable. At the bottom of the containers, holes must be made to drain excess water and ventilate the roots.

The soil for planting cucumbers should be light and nutritious. The shops have a large selection of ready-made potting mixes. You can use them, or you can make the substrate yourself. For a good mix you will need 20% soil, 40% compost, 10% sawdust and 30% peat. To the mixture you need to add an incomplete matchbox of urea and two boxes of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the containers before filling them with soil.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

Now going directly to the answer to the question of how to grow a cucumber on a windowsill, soak the seeds and wait for them to germinate. Pick out the strongest ones and plant them in peat pots. Now they need to be put into one box, covered with transparent film and removed to a warm place. After the shoots appear, the seedlings need to be rearranged in a cool place, so the seedlings will not stretch out. After the appearance of 4 or 5 leaves, the top must be pinched. This technique will enhance the growth of the root system and lateral lashes. It does not hurt to create additional lighting for the seedlings with fluorescent lamps.

Planting seedlings to a permanent place

After about 25 days, the cucumbers can be transplanted to a permanent place. Seedlings should be planted directly in peat pots in well-moistened soil, additionally watering each cucumber. The photos given in the article show that with this method, growing you can get strong healthy plants. Pay close attention to soil moisture - the soil should never dry out.

Cucumber care

When the seedlings begin to actively grow, you need to stick stakes next to the plants and stretch the ropes along the balcony wall or to the top of the window. Cucumbers need to be tied to them. Then they will cling to the rope on their own. From time to time, feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers, on cloudy days, supplement the illumination with fluorescent lamps. Do not delay picking ripe cucumbers - they slow down the growth of other fruits.

That's all the tricks on how to grow a cucumber on a windowsill. By following these guidelines, you can get up to 30 cucumbers from each plant.

Growing cucumbers at home all year round

In the cold season, I really want fresh vegetables and fruits, and, in general, they have become available. Any vegetable and fruit products can be bought in stores in large cities all year round. But, you must admit, cucumbers grown with your own hands and bought in a store are very different, and not in favor of store ones. Therefore, some amateur gardeners practice growing cucumbers at home all year round. It turns out that there are no particular difficulties in this, especially if you buy the seeds of parthenocarpic hybrids that do not require pollination. Rytov's room cucumber is especially popular. Unfortunately, you can hardly find its seeds in the store, only from amateurs.

First, the seeds of cucumbers are treated with "Epin" to accelerate growth, then they are sown in seedling boxes. The substrate should consist of leafy and soddy soil with the addition of sand for better soil drainage. Wood ash, phosphorus and potash fertilizers can be added. Every day, the soil is watered and, before the shoots appear, the boxes are covered with glass or foil, thus making a mini-greenhouse. Until the seeds germinate, the greenhouse should stand in a warm place, and after the seedlings appear, the temperature is lowered so that the plant does not stretch.

When the plants have 3-4 true leaves, they are seated in separate containers, which must have a volume of at least 8 liters. Water them with warm water and put a trellis ladder or tie them with twine to the top of the window. If you have planted a bee-pollinated variety, growing cucumbers at home involves artificial pollination when the plant blooms. Feed the plant once a week, it also needs spraying, because it loves moist air. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees, and install additional lighting, preferably fluorescent lamps, a cucumber needs a long daylight hours.

Growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter

Many gardeners often have a desire to get ultra-early vegetables in the ground or even on the windowsill. Readers have already been able to get acquainted with the room culture of tomatoes in one of the winter issues, so now we propose to learn about how to grow cucumbers at home in the room, on the windowsill and on the balcony.

�You can ask your questions in the comments to the article and on the forum

Indoors, cucumbers are best grown on window sills facing south, southeast or east. There is a lot of light here and yields can be highest. At late sowing dates (May-end of June), pots or boxes of cucumbers are recommended to be placed on western and even northern windows, balconies and loggias.

We create the necessary microclimate on the windowsill

To create the desired microclimate on your windowsill, seal all the cracks in the window, and hang the window leaf with plastic wrap so that when you open it, direct cold air does not fall on the plants. It is best to hang a reflective (mirror) film behind the window sill, which will improve the illumination of the plants and allow you to regulate the warm air flow from the battery (by opening or, conversely, pressing the film against the window sill).

What is the best way to grow cucumbers?

Cucumbers should be grown indoors in large clay pots, tubs, buckets with a capacity of 8-10 liters. The best substrate for growing cucumbers is a mixture consisting of humus, low-lying peat, ordinary garden soil and coarse sand in a ratio of 4: 4: 2: 1. High yields of cucumbers !!! can be obtained by using ready-made soil "Rose", with a high content of humus and a neutral environment.

When to sow cucumbers in an apartment

You can start sowing seeds from mid-February. In March, of course, you can still sow, while even more choice varieties and hybrids.

Which ones to choose?

Cucumber varieties for growing on the windowsill

For the earliest plantings on the windowsill, hybrids are selected that can actively grow and bear fruit in conditions of lack of light and a short day.

Cucumber varieties for growing in an apartment in a room

Now let's look at the varieties and hybrids most suitable for the room. Rytovsky is considered the best among them !!! The plant is compact, beautiful, easily climbs up the supports.

Cucumber NK-mini is an ultra-early maturing, bee-pollinated variety. The size of the bush is no more than 25-40 cm. There are 2-3 female buds in the axils of each leaf, forming small fruits up to 10 cm. The yield is 30-40 fruits per plant. In the rooms it requires manual pollination. If the seeds are sown in early April, the fruits can be harvested in June.

The Regatta cucumber is an early ripening, parthenocarpic variety with a fruit weight of 150 g. The fruits are characterized by high taste. They work very well on window sills, in closed balconies, on verandas. Productivity - up to 30-40 fruits per plant. Differs in disease resistance.

For room conditions recommended and the Photon variety is early ripe, begins to bear fruit in 40-50 days after germination. Fruits - 8-10 cm long. Differs in increased resistance to powdery and downy mildew. From one plant at good care you can collect 40-45 fruits. The following parthenocarpic hybrids work well in the rooms: April, Stella, Zozulya, Debut, Cucaracha, Gribovchanka and others.

Getting seedlings

For growing cucumbers, it is best to use seedling method... When planting plants in a permanent place, they should have 4-5 well-developed leaves and a strong root system !!!. This usually occurs 25-30 days after germination. With a lack of heat and light, the seedlings can only be ready after 32-45 days. The seeds are sown in peat pots or small containers. After emergence, they are carefully transplanted.

Current care

Before planting, drainage from small pebbles is poured into the container for several centimeters. The plant is planted in the center so that it is 2-3 cm above the soil.

Immediately after planting, cucumbers are watered with settled, warm water (22-24 degrees). The pots are installed in a permanent place (shelves, tables, windowsill) and a trellis made of thin twine is pulled, onto which the curly lashes are directed.

With the appearance of the third true leaf, pinch the top of the shoot together with the bud. This is done to accelerate the appearance of lateral shoots, which are the main carriers of female flowers, ovaries and fruits. With the appearance of the 5-6th leaf, the tops of each lash are removed. Thus, a real trellis is formed. Parthenocarpic short-fruited plants form in the same way as ordinary cucumbers.


When growing a cucumber on a windowsill, a wire (trellis) is pulled over the window, to which twine (twine) is tied. A stalk is wrapped around the twine as it grows. Plants are formed in the same way as in greenhouses. When sowing in the most early dates the lateral shoots and female flowers are completely removed in the lower 5-6 nodes of the main lash, in the subsequent nodes the lateral shoots are pinched over the 1-2nd leaf, and in the upper part of the main lash - above the 2-4th leaf. The top of the plant is carefully twisted 1-3 times around the trellis wire, released downward and pinched at a height of 30-50 cm from the windowsill. Not one, but two shoots can be released from the upper nodes of the stem.

Rice Formation and tying of plants of the variety (F1): a - to the trellis; b - after the tapestry.

Hand pollination

To obtain a high yield of cucumbers, it is necessary to carry out manual pollination during the flowering period. This is usually done like this: the male flower is plucked, the corolla is removed from it and inserted into the socket of the female flower. Pollination is best done between 6 am and 10 am.

Rice. Manual pollination of cucumber flowers

How to water

Cucumbers must be watered with settled water at room temperature. On sunny days, water at least 2 times a day, and in cloudy weather - 2-3 times a week. Watering is recommended only in the morning or in the evening. On hot days, a must. humidification of the air with a room atomizer !!!

About fertilizers ..

How to feed cucumbers on the windowsill

Cucumbers can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers. When feeding with the latter, very good results are obtained.

Organic fertilizers

If possible, it is best to use an infusion of mullein diluted 10 times with water, or bird droppings diluted 15 times. Specific odors can be eliminated with one of such drugs as Baikal �M1 and Tamir.��


Of the mineral fertilizers, crystallin or nitrophoska is appropriate, which should be diluted at the rate of 2 teaspoons� for a three-liter can of water, 1-2 glasses per plant, combining top dressing with watering. At the beginning of a slowdown in plant growth or the appearance of the first signs of a lighter color of the lower leaves, the volume of fertilizing is increased to 3-4 glasses per plant.

Vegetable growers also received good results from top dressing with liquid concentrated fertilizers for indoor flowers "Rainbow" or granular fertilizer "Flower". Cucumbers should be fed for the first time 12-15 days after planting. Subsequent feeding is best done once every 10-12 days. The interval between dressings depends on the time of year and the phase of development of the cucumbers.

Protect the plants!

Home cucumber pests

  • spider mite,
  • melon aphid,
  • sprout fly.

The most common spider mite, against which insectoacaricides are effective. Among them there are drugs of biological origin: Fitoverm and Bitoxibacillin.

Diseases of domestic cucumbers

Of the diseases, the greatest harm to cucumbers is caused

  • anthracnose,
  • powdery mildew,
  • mildew,
  • root rot
  • fusarium wilting.

Biofungicides Fitosporin and Alirin-B can be used against them. It is very important to monitor the temperature regime, avoiding strong temperature changes and drafts.

Hello, friends! It can be a little dreary on winter evenings. The soul requires new sensations. And the "garden soul" - new crops, seedlings and harvest. Of course, not everyone will dare to force their new snow-white plastic or wooden window sills with bucket boxes and pots of soil, others will regret super fashionable curtains, others will not be able to provide additional lighting, but the most desperate I suggest considering growing cucumbers at home. This is not a very difficult matter, and there will be a lot of joy from each cucumber.

When and which cucumbers to plant in winter

Today there are special varieties of cucumber intended for indoor plant growing. They are early ripening, cold-resistant, put up with low air humidity and a slight lack of sunlight, do not require pollination, their lashes are shorter and the roots are more compact than those of ordinary varieties - which significantly reduces the energy consumption of the "gardener" for growing crops.

Of course, you can experiment with the usual early maturing parthenocarpic hybrids, but while there is still time, it is worth looking for special varieties.

The first indoor cucumbers were brought out by the Russian agrobiologist Mikhail Vasilyevich Rytov at the end of the last century. Until now, there are still "relatives" of Rytov's cucumbers. Along with them, the network offers varieties "Room" F1, "Miracle on the window" F1, "Room miracle" F1, "Berendey" F1. The choice is not so rich, but "he who seeks will always find."

If indoor cucumbers are sown in January, then the harvest can be harvested in March, February plantings will delight you in early April. Such plants bear fruit for about three months, so you will not be left without a crop until the first harvest in the open field.

The August crops also give good results.

How to plant indoor cucumbers

Cucumbers can also be grown in a "soilless" way (hydroponic methods) - on only one solution of fertilizers or in bare sand. But for us it is calmer and more understandable to obtain bountiful harvests of crispy fragrant cucumbers by growing this plant in fertile soil. Even good garden soil is good here.

A mixture of manure humus, peat, sod land and sawdust in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1: 1 has proven itself positively. Add 1 glass of wood ash, 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and 1 teaspoon of urea to a bucket of such a mixture. Not all the ingredients will be easy to get now, when the outside temperature is freezing and there is almost 10 cm of snow on the ground, but something similar can be collected.

A simpler mixture: humus, sod land, coarse sand in a 1: 1: 1 ratio with the addition of a 0.5-liter can of woody earth.

Using only purchased soil very often gives a negative result. Cucumbers love slightly alkaline soils, while tomatoes prefer slightly acidic ones. We take soil for tomatoes and get round fruits and leaves with white spots. Be careful!

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, washed clean water and slightly germinate (it is possible without germination). Planting is carried out in peat pots to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, which are set in a warm place, and covered with a film from above until shoots appear.

Caring for indoor cucumbers

After the emergence of seedlings, the cups are transferred to the sunniest windowsill (no drafts).

When the second true leaf appears on the plants, the pots are planted in a permanent place in the container. big size(up to 10 l), deepening to the leaves. For such purposes, ordinary plastic buckets are great - both cute and cheap, and with subsequent use of the container. At the bottom we place a layer of small pieces of foam, expanded clay or pebbles.

After the appearance of the third true leaf (and not the third pair of leaves), they "gather their will into a fist" and pinch off this leaf together with the growth point. Side shoots will appear, on which another four to five leaves are counted and the extreme ones are also removed along with the growth points. These very barbaric procedures help to improve yields.

Formation of a plant into one stem is possible. Then the top is pinched already at the maximum possible height (beyond which there is nowhere to "crawl"), and the emerging lateral shoots are left 20-50 cm long.

For plant stems, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of a garter.

About a month after germination, the first flowers appear, and after another twelve to fifteen days the first fruits in "normal" varieties or the first ovary with a hint of a flower in parthenocarpic individuals. By this time, 4 tiny cucumbers have formed on our cucumber. Do not wait until the fruits reach the "Russian" size. Such cucumbers will slow down the development of other brethren and, in general, the harvest will be smaller and of lower quality.

Hilling of the stem has a positive effect on the development of the cucumber plant. The resulting additional roots improve the nutrition of the entire plant.

Avoid stagnant water and drying out of the soil during the growth and development of plants. Enough two or three waterings per week with warm, settled water. It is advisable that there is always water in the pallet under the container with soil. Spraying the leaves will not hurt either.

I advise you to regularly inspect the plants so as not to miss gluttonous pests. A brown caterpillar was eating on our cucumber for a couple of days.

Remember - in parthenocarpic hybrids, Orurians fall off when low temperatures soil and air. Do not overharden!

Backlighting (supplementary lighting) of indoor cucumbers

The January planting of cucumbers in the room, in contrast to the February plantings, needs additional lighting. The process starts from the moment of germination and continues until mid-February.

The state of the February cucumber without additional lighting can be traced from the photo of the article. The first cucumber was eaten only on 07.05. The rest of the ovary (and far from few in number) fell off successfully - chilly and dark. But as soon as the sun warmed up, the harvest went to profit ...

Happy experiments!

Growing cucumbers in the winter at home is quite possible, but this requires some effort. These are light and heat-loving plants, so they should be placed on the sunny, southern side, the temperature in the room should be within + 20 ... + 25 ° C.

All cucumbers are divided into greenhouse (greenhouse) and garden beds (grown in the open field). The peculiarity of these vegetables is that they can be grown at home: on windowsills, balconies or loggias, if certain factors are required for their cultivation. Growing cucumbers at home requires additional lighting with fluorescent lamps (at least 15-16 hours a day). In order to avoid freezing of the roots, it is recommended to insulate the bottom of boxes or pots (install them on a board, foam rubber or other insulation).

Choosing a variety of cucumbers

For home cultivation, special varieties have been bred - self-pollinating, early maturing and high-yielding. As a rule, it is hybrid varieties cucumbers. Hybrids are marked with the F1 symbol (heterotic), their shoots differ significantly from the parent plant, since their characteristic features appear only in the first generation.

The parthenocarpic hybrid is a female-flowered gherkin that does not require pollination to set fruit. Depending on the variety, the size of hybrid cucumbers can reach from 12 to 25 cm, the ripening period is 30-50 days.

To grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, the following varieties are most suitable:

  • Masha F1;
  • Claudia F1;
  • Bianca F1;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Room Rytov F1;
  • Shchedryk F1;
  • Prestige F1;
  • Farm F1.

For example, the variety Masha F1 ripens in 30-40 days, the yield is high (5-7 fruits per branch, on the windowsill - up to 20 pieces per branch). Shchedryk F1 yields a harvest in 40-45 days, fruit size 12-14 cm, yield up to 20 pcs. from a branch. Marinda F1- a high-yielding variety, characterized by the simultaneous ripening of all fruits.

Cucumber variety Masha F1

Khutorok F1- early ripening variety (starting from 30 days), fruit size up to 10 cm, green cucumbers with black thorns, pollinated by hand. Crunchy F1- ripening time 50 days, yield up to 7 cucumbers per branch. Differs in tallness, which allows them to decorate the balcony, like a liana. When creating favorable conditions for plant growth, up to 30-40 fruits can be harvested from each bush.

The date of planting is determined based on the ripening period of the fruit and depends on the date by which fresh cucumbers are expected. From the emergence of the shoots to the maturity of the fruit, an average of 45-50 days are required.

Crockery and soil for growing cucumbers on the windowsill

For growing seedlings from seeds, it is better to use small plastic cups (from under yoghurts, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc.), or pots with special soil, or peat cups. 3-4 small holes are made in the bottom of the dishes.

For growing cucumber bushes from seedlings, large containers with a capacity of up to 5 liters or 5 kg are required (plastic pots, buckets, special deep boxes). At the bottom of the container, small holes are drilled to ensure soil ventilation and remove excess moisture. The bottom of the container is covered with drainage from small pebbles or sand with a layer of 5 cm, then covered with soil.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill

The choice of land is of great importance. Gardening stores sell special soil enriched with essential minerals and substances, where you can also get advice on how to grow cucumbers on their own... Experts advise to prepare the soil yourself.

For example, use the following mixture:

  • 2/3 of the container is sod or garden soil, which is previously disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • 1/3 of the container - fertilizers (5-6 g of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, 20-60 g of lime), humus;
  • 1 glass of chalk;
  • 2 glasses of ash;
  • 4 cups ripe leaves garden trees or rotten sawdust.

It is better to prepare such a soil mixture in advance, in the fall. It is calcined in the oven to neutralize the eggs of various insects, then watered abundantly. The soil should be well moistened and loose. When cultivating cucumbers in boxes of 60-70 cm, 5-6 bushes of seedlings are planted.

Growing seedlings

The seeds are pre-soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, and the method of planting dried seeds or as they are is also used. The seeds are germinated first in a saucer in a warm dark place at a temperature of + 25 ° C. After the appearance of the first sprouts 0.5-1 cm long, they are transferred into cups or pots with soil, covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. The temperature regime in the room must be at least + 20 ° C. It is necessary to water and feed the seedlings.

After the appearance of real leaves, the seedlings are carefully transplanted into large containers, making every effort not to damage the roots of the plants. If the seedlings were grown in peat cups, then they can be moved into containers without removing them from the cups.

You can use the method of sowing seeds directly into large boxes. Sprouted or dry seeds are planted in moist soil in holes 1.5 cm deep and covered with soil and polyethylene. The boxes are placed in a warm place with a temperature not lower than + 25 ° С. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are rearranged on the windowsill, where the temperature should be + 20 ° C.

Growing cucumbers from seedlings

Containers with seedlings are placed in a warm and well-lit place. During this period, special care for the cucumbers is required. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the first pinching is carried out, after 5-6 leaves - the second. Then pinch the main stem over 11 leaves. In the future, as the stem grows, it is necessary to remove the lateral shoots, which take away the vital juices from the plant, interfering with fruiting. Above the ovary, the shoots are pinched and only 1 leaf is left. To support the growing lashes and provide better lighting, they make a garter of the growing stems - they stretch the ropes on which the sprouts are fixed.

It must be remembered that cucumbers are a moisture-loving vegetable and bushes must be sprayed 1-2 times a week from a spray bottle. For spraying, as well as for irrigation, use warm, settled water. Watering is carried out when the top layer of the soil dries up. Excess water in the soil can lead to decay of plant roots and its death.

Cucumbers on the window are at risk of dehydration due to dry air. To maintain a humid microclimate, containers with water can be placed near the plants.

Cucumber bushes must be well lit to ensure healthy growth. V winter time use additional lighting, preferably with special infrared lamps (at least 12 hours a day). The lamps are turned off at night. Cucumbers should be protected from cold air and drafts.

For varieties requiring pollination, manual pollination is required. To do this, male inflorescences are plucked and female flowers are pollinated with them. Pollination can be done differently - with a brush or cotton swab.

Top dressing of seedlings

When growing cucumbers in winter, it is very important to feed the plants with special fertilizers every 10 days. It is good to use organic fertilizers, for example, fermented banana peel infusion (ratio 1:10). After the buds appear, the plants are watered with a solution of wood ash (1 glass per 10 liters of water). During the ripening period of the fruits, nutrition from mineral fertilizers (12-25 g per 10 l of water) is very useful, up to 0.5 l of the mixture is watered on 1 bush. Mineral dressings alternate with organic ones.

When weakening plants, it is advisable to use foliar feeding with mineral fertilizers with the addition of microelements. To prepare a mixture in 10 liters of water add 5-15 g of urea, 10-20 g of double superphosphate, 1-5 g of sulfur magnesium or 10 ml of a mother liquor of trace elements. The mixture is prepared 1 day before use, is often stirred and filtered through 4 layers of gauze filter. Cucumber bushes are sprayed with the mixture, usually in the afternoon or in rainy weather. In this case, salt deposits remain on the leaves, which are recommended to be washed off with clean water.


Cucumbers are harvested daily as they ripen. You can not leave the ripe fruit on the bush, as it takes away the strength of the plant.

If all the necessary conditions are met, growing cucumbers at home in winter is quite simple. You can provide your table with these wonderful fresh vegetables throughout the year and get a lot of positive emotions from the growing process itself.

Growing cucumbers in winter is a simple process. By doing certain conditions receive good harvest cucumbers in the winter can even be a beginner.

Is it possible to get a harvest of cucumbers all year round

Greenhouses sell their products in markets, shops and supermarkets all year round. The abundance of fruits and vegetables no longer surprises anyone.

The variety of fruits and vegetables on the market has become a familiar picture

Some gardeners are not limited to growing vegetables in the summer for personal plot and grow vegetables in winter in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments.

Complete care guarantees a good harvest in winter

How many cucumbers bear fruit in winter

At any time of the year, cucumbers ripen four weeks after planting. The average harvest time is three months. These dates are not influenced by the planting time or the external environment. The main thing is quality care.

The volume of the crop is influenced by the correct formation of the plant, as well as the timely removal of ripe fruits. The number of zelents from one bush is on average from 10 to 40 pieces.

How cucumbers are pollinated when grown in winter

In summer, cucumbers pollinate insects. Parthenocarpic varieties are used for winter cultivation, which do not require pollination. Popular indoor cucumber varieties:

  • Lilliput F1;
  • Emelya F1 (pickling);
  • Swallowtail F1;
  • Zozulya F1;
  • F1 picnic;
  • Hercules F1 (salad);
  • Hummingbird F1;
  • Dynamite F1 (universal);
  • Anyuta F1;
  • F1 calendar and others.

If varieties that need to be pollinated are selected for planting, you will have to do this work for the bees. A male flower with dangling petals is applied to a female flower, or pollen is transferred from a male flower to a female one using a brush. This procedure is performed in the morning with high humidity.

Photo gallery: methods of pollination of cucumber flowers

Ways of planting cucumbers in winter

In winter, cucumbers are grown in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments. Growing cucumbers consists of the following stages:

  • seed processing;
  • seedling care;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • bush formation;
  • harvesting.

Agricultural technology is the same for all types of buried ground structures. Differences will be only at the stage of preparation of the premises.

Seed preparation

Having chosen the hybrid varieties you like, they check the seeds for germination. They are poured into a glass, poured with water, mixed. Leave for planting specimens that have settled to the bottom. Then the seeds are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 0.1 liter of warm water) for 20 minutes and washed in cold water. After disinfection, the seed is soaked for 12 hours in one of the nutrient solutions of your choice:

  • 1 teaspoon of liquid fertilizer Agricola-Start for one liter of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of bacterial fertilizer Barrier for one liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of organic Barrier fertilizer per liter of water.

The seeds are germinated for one to two days. Recently, Dutch seeds have appeared on the market, which, due to special treatment, have a high germination capacity and are protected from many diseases. During the preparation of these seeds, heat treatment, dressing and calibration were carried out. They can be embedded in soil after two days of soaking. Popular Dutch hybrids:

  • Angelina F1;
  • Hector F1;
  • Bettina F1;
  • Dolomite F1.

Growing seedlings

Seedling preparation takes 4 weeks and is as follows:

  1. Cups measuring 8x8 or 10x10 are filled with prepared soil (2 parts of peat and humus, 1 part of old sawdust) or ready-made soil.
  2. Sprinkle with a solution of liquid fertilizer Ideal and sow germinated seeds. During the preparation of the seedlings, make sure that the temperature does not drop below 12-15 ° C.
  3. They are fed with a solution of organic fertilizers. For example, dissolve the Ideal fertilizer in a bucket of water. Solution consumption - half a glass per plant. The appearance of the second true leaf is a signal for the first feeding.
  4. When the fourth true leaf appears, it is fed a second time. To prepare the solution, take a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

The seedling is ready for planting if there are already five or six true leaves. The root system must be well developed. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place according to the 50x50 scheme in heated greenhouses and basements. If the cucumbers will be grown in an apartment, a separate five-liter pot is used for each seedling.

In the apartment, plants can be planted without growing seedlings. With this method, the roots of the cucumbers will not be damaged during transplantation. The seeds are placed directly into the pots where the cucumbers will be grown. To preserve moisture, the pots are covered with foil. After emergence, the film is removed, the pots are placed closer to the light.

Temperature and humidity

For the cultivation of cucumbers, the optimum air temperature is 25-30 ° C. At a temperature of 12-15 ° C, the process of plant development is delayed, and at zero temperatures, they die. Temperature fluctuations are harmful for a cucumber. The optimum air humidity should be maintained at 80–95%; therefore, it is necessary to spray the plants and install containers with water in the room.

Luminaire selection

In winter, the plants need to be supplemented. For these purposes, different types of lamps are used.

Table: types of lamps for lighting and heating greenhouses

For growing cucumbers in winter, you can use different variants lighting. It depends on which fixtures are already in stock. If a new room is being equipped for growing cucumbers, you need to buy LED lamps. Although their price is high, their high cost pays off with their low power consumption and long service life.

LED lamps do not affect the microclimate of the room, the spectrum of their radiation for the most part corresponds to the spectrum of photosynthesis.

Regardless of where the cucumbers are grown (in the greenhouse, basement or on the windowsill), install such a number of lamps to provide lighting of 50 thousand lumens for 4-5 square meters. m. For lighting 10 sq. m premises will need 5 LED lamps power of 45 watts.

Table: calculation of the number of lamps for lighting cucumbers in the greenhouse

Preparation of heated greenhouses

Growing cucumbers in heated greenhouses is the most common way to grow cucumbers in winter. To get a large harvest, you need to properly equip the greenhouse. It is important to choose an optimal location, provide water supply and heating.

When choosing a place for building a greenhouse, take into account the illumination of the site, protection from the prevailing winds, the relief of the site, the direction of the greenhouse to the cardinal points. The area for the greenhouse should not be shaded by trees, it should be flat and located in such a way that the illumination is maximum. Winter greenhouse must stand on a foundation, consist of a roof and a frame. It is recommended to install the structure in a north-south direction. The beds are placed along the greenhouse. Electricity and water must be close to the greenhouse.
When using a water heating system, pipes are laid for heating the soil and radiators for heating the air. Gas, electricity or coal are used as fuel for the boiler. The boiler is selected in such a way that its power is 1 kW for 8-10 sq. m greenhouses. There are two types of beds for growing cucumbers:

  • box heated from below;
  • "Warm" bed.

When heating beds with pipes, heating elements are placed at a depth of 20-25 cm. metal pipes with a diameter of 75 to 150 mm. Uniform heating of the soil is achieved by using pipes of a smaller cross-section, laid at a higher frequency.

Beds with subsoil pipes allow for uniform heating of the soil

The beds can be heated with electrical cable, reliably protected by a shell.

The cable must be reliably protected by a sheath

For beds on biodegradable organic matter, a box is built and filled with layers. The first layer is branches, leaves, straw, grass. The second layer is compost, the third layer is soil from the garden. The soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, then with a solution of Fitosporin. Two days later, treatment with a solution of the Baikal preparation is carried out, covered with a film and left for a week.

For beds on biodegradable organic matter, a box is built

Video: secrets of winter growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Preparing the basement for growing cucumbers in winter

Already from the end of the nineteenth century, people began to use cellars to grow vegetables. The basement for growing cucumbers must first be prepared:

  • to carry out sealing to prevent flooding;
  • insulate the floor and walls with insulating materials;
  • organize heating with electrical appliances or hot water;
  • provide basement lighting;
  • get rid of fungus, rats and other pests.

The optimum air temperature for cucumbers during the day is 25-30 ° C, at night - 18-20 ° C warm. It is easier to maintain the desired temperature in the basement than in a greenhouse. The air temperature under the building is constant throughout the year. The basement heating system can be shared with the home heating system. In this case, radiators are installed in which power regulation is provided.

If there is no centralized heating in the basement, infrared heaters can be installed. They are installed on the ceiling. Infrared heaters do not dry out the air. Their number is selected so that for every 10 sq. m of the premises accounted for 1 kW of heater power.

Winter cultivation in an apartment

For planting cucumbers in an apartment in winter, it is better to use south-facing windows. If there are gaps in the window, it is better to glue them. To protect the roots of plants from cold air, you need to put foam plastic or several layers of cardboard under the pots.

For additional illumination of cucumbers, you can use energy-saving, fluorescent or LED lamps, which are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from the plants. To enhance the effect, light-reflecting foil sheets and mirrors are installed.

Props are used to form bushes. A wooden lath with ropes tied to it is attached to the top of the windows. The lower ends of the ropes are tied to the shoots. The attachment point should not interfere with the growth of the plant.

For props, you can use a net that is installed between the glass and the plants. As the bush grows, the cucumber clings to the net with tendrils, keeping it upright.

Video: tips for growing cucumbers at home

Care for cucumbers during winter cultivation

Regardless of what variety you grow, it is important to observe the temperature regime, water the cucumbers often and feed them. Only then will the harvest be rich.


The most necessary step in caring for any plant is watering. Lack and excess of moisture adversely affect the taste of the fruit. Cucumbers love to be watered with warm water. It is good if it matches the temperature of fresh milk.
Before the inflorescences appear, the cucumbers are watered after four to five days, in moderation. During the formation of ovaries - in two to three days. During fruiting - twice a week.

Feeding cucumbers

As the plants develop, fertilizing is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Table: scheme for feeding cucumbers

Cucumber bush formation

Plants are tied to the support after the appearance of 8-9 true leaves. One stem 1.5–2 meters long is left on the bush. The lowest shoots are removed completely along with the flowers; from the fourth to the seventh, the shoots are pinched, leaving 1 leaf and 1 ovary; all the following shoots leave 2 leaves and 2 ovaries.

Photo gallery: schemes for the formation of a cucumber bush


Fruits must be removed as they ripen so that the remaining ovaries ripen. The best time to harvest is in the morning.

Timely harvest will save the whip from brittleness

Using the hydroponic method to grow cucumbers

Using the hydroponic method allows you to grow plants without soil. An artificial environment is used instead of soil. Expanded clay, crushed stone, vermiculite are used as a substrate. The nutrient solution is delivered to the roots by drip or by flooding according to a specific schedule.

Mineral solutions are best purchased in specialized stores. The purchased solution contains everything the plant needs.

Recently, it has become popular to use corks, cubes and mats from mineral wool... When preparing seedlings of cucumbers, the following order of operations is observed:

  1. Seeds are planted in seedling plugs to a depth of 1 cm. Seeds germinate in 2–3 days, provided that the temperature is maintained at 20–25 ° C and humidity at 75–80%.
  2. After a week, the corks with sprouts are placed in cubes.
  3. In cubes, seedlings develop from 3 to 5 weeks, then they are placed in mats soaked in nutrient solution.

Preparing cucumber seedlings using the hydroponic method

Watering is carried out through droppers installed in the mats.

The principle of feeding nutrients by the flooding method is as follows: the tray with plants is fixed at an angle, under the tray there is a reservoir with a mineral solution. With the help of a pump, the tray is filled with solution to the maximum level. The excess solution flows back into the reservoir. A certain amount of solution remains in the tray at all times.

The supply of a mineral solution when growing cucumbers is carried out by the method of periodic flooding

Pros and cons of hydroponics

Benefits of using the hydroponic method:

  • the ability to control all processes of plant development, use solutions of different compositions for each stage of growth;
  • saving water;
  • saving nutrients, all nutrients are absorbed completely, nothing goes into the soil;
  • no weeding is needed, no weeds;
  • the yield increases, as the plants are healthy;
  • the ripening time of cucumbers is reduced.

Hydroponics is suitable for small spaces... First, the roots take up less space, so more plants can be placed in a small area. Secondly, hydroponics does not require a lot of renewal after each harvest, as when using soil.
Disadvantages of the hydroponic method:

  • there is a high probability of killing all plants when preparing the wrong solution;
  • strict temperature control is required; when overheating, plants die;
  • it is an expensive cultivation method, high energy consumption for lighting and climate control.

Features of growing cucumbers all year round in various regions, including the Krasnodar Territory

In our country, they love cucumbers; a festive feast cannot be complete without it. Salads are made from fresh cucumbers, they are crunching with pleasure with pickled or pickled cucumbers. Cucumber yields are low in most Russian regions. This is due to the peculiarities of the climate. Short summer with return frosts does not allow cucumbers to create comfortable conditions for growth and fruiting.

Only in the southern regions, the entire growth cycle of a cucumber is provided with sun and warmth. One of these areas is the Krasnodar Territory. The climate there is generally characterized by an excess solar radiation with moderate moisture, so the vegetable growers of Krasnodar periodically face the problem of a lack of water. But there is a solution to this problem, such as mulching the soil to retain moisture. Interestingly, in the Krasnodar Territory, cucumbers can be grown all year round, even in unheated greenhouses - for this purpose, structures with foil walls are used, which maximize the retaining of heat inside.

In other regions, especially in Siberia, in winter and autumn, the length of daylight hours is not sufficient to obtain a good harvest. When growing this vegetable in Siberia and other regions, it is better to think over methods of additional lighting and heating in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, for example, supplementary lighting with various lamps.

Video: building a greenhouse in the harsh conditions of Siberia

When growing cucumbers in indoor conditions, the plants create the necessary microclimate. Plants are provided with the necessary amount of light and heat. It does not matter in which region the greenhouse is located, a good harvest can be obtained in any weather conditions.

It is possible to grow cucumbers in winter. It is important to observe the water regime and provide the plants with a sufficient amount of light. We see the results of industrial greenhouses on store shelves in winter. At home, knowing the peculiarities of growing cucumbers and using modern agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest and please yourself and your friends with your own cucumbers in the middle of winter.

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Winter is a time of sleep and rest for all plants, but gardeners have learned to deceive nature today. If you want to enjoy green and crispy cucumbers all winter long, you need to carry out sowing work in several stages. To get the fruits of our own production for the New Year's table, the seeds must be sown in early October. Then, at the beginning of January, the peak of fruiting will come. If you sow cucumbers in early December, then at the end of February you can already harvest the first fruits. By March 8, the zelents planted in early January will ripen.

  • Cucumbers are thermophilic plants. They do not tolerate extreme heat and love moisture. For successful fruiting in the room, they need to create conditions close to the natural environment.
  • The root system of plants lies close to the soil surface, so it is advisable to cover cucumber bushes with mulch not only in the garden, but also on the balcony or windowsill.
  • The more often you harvest cucumber bushes, the better they will bear fruit.
  • Daylight - necessary condition for setting fruit. For a full growing season, the plant needs 10 hours of light. In winter, it is necessary over the plants so that they do not stretch out and do not grow ugly fruits.

on the windowsill in winter is a simple science and even a novice gardener can master it. In order to prevent important mistakes that will lead to loss of the crop, you must adhere to the recommendations and tips that will tell you: how to grow cucumbers at home in winter and get a rich harvest.

  • The soil for sowing seeds and planting must be sterile. Today, among experienced gardeners, a popular method of growing vegetables hydroponically. It is especially relevant in the winter season, but it must be used carefully so as not to exceed the dosage of mineral fertilizers.
  • When buying seeds, you need to consult with sellers and inform him that seed is needed for winter cultivation.
  • Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect and process the seeds. If the manufacturer has taken care of this and they are covered with a special film, then there is no need for processing.
  • Coated seeds require a lot of moisture and germinate a week later than usual.
  • It is better to plant cucumbers in separate small containers of 2-3 seeds in one. After germination, excess plants are removed and one bush is left.
  • You can save planting material and germinate cucumber seeds before planting. The largest seeds are selected and soaked in a soft cloth for 12 hours. Those that are suitable for planting will swell. They can be sown in pots.
  • For sowing cucumbers, a 1: 1 mixture of peat and sand is suitable.
  • In wet soil, small depressions up to 2 cm or furrows are made and seeds are placed in them at a distance of 1 cm.
  • If the sowing is carried out in a general large container, then the distance between the plants should reach about 3 cm. Thanks to this technique, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place with a large clod of earth and not injure the roots.
  • After sowing, the holes and grooves are tamped with a palm or a spatula, and the container is placed in or covered with a transparent film to maintain moisture in the soil.
  • The ideal temperature for a friendly emergence of shoots is 22 degrees.
  • The first shoots appear from several days to two weeks, depending on the type of seeds and temperature regime.
  • At this time, it is necessary to spray, since many sprouts cannot get rid of the seed film on their own. It is also advisable to lower the temperature to 20 degrees, increase the daylight hours to 12 hours so that the plants do not stretch out.
  • Full watering is carried out after the appearance of the first true leaf. At this time, you can begin to apply fertilizing with microelements and.
  • The third true leaf is a signal that the bush must be transplanted into a permanent container. It must be selected so that at least three liters of space are passed per plant.
  • For planting seedlings, it is advisable to use a mixture of turf and humus (1: 1), and. It's good if there is vermiculite. Then another liter of vermiculite is added to three liters of this mixture. Cucumber plants love to eat, so the soil for them should be nutritious and loose. With the help of peat based on sphagnum moss, you can increase the air permeability of the soil.
  • Before asking the question of when to plant cucumbers on the windowsill, you must remember that it is winter outside and plants need bottom heating, distance from the window, and a lot of sunlight.
  • The stretch mesh will help solve the problem of keeping the distance from the cold window and will serve as an excellent support for the cucumber shoots. The main thing is to correctly place the shoots on the net and regulate the load.
  • Cultivars with two types of flowering require a pinch of the central shoot in order to increase the number of female flowers on the bush.
  • During flowering, shake the bush or support net several times a day to speed up the pollination process.
  • It is very important to maintain a high percentage of moisture and not allow the soil to dry out. The temperature should not drop below 20 degrees.
  • You need to be very careful about watering. In case of overflow, the plant can get sick with a black leg. Better to water every day in small doses.
  • During the flowering period, cucumbers need additional feeding. During this period, wood ash tincture is best suited: 1 glass of linden ash, maple (but not oak) per 10 liters of water. Fertilization with micronutrients for cucumbers also promotes better fruit setting. Fertilizers can be applied no more than once every two weeks.
  • Daily picking of fruits will prolong the life of the cucumber bush and increase its yield several times.

The correct approach to growing cucumbers in winter will help experienced and novice gardeners to get a rich harvest of juicy and crunchy fruits. And so that all efforts do not go down the drain, it is also necessary to choose the right variety suitable for growing in winter indoors.

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill in winter

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill in winter.

It is best to sow self-pollinating hybrids that set fruit on their own.

Among the great abundance, it is worth highlighting such hybrids as "Marinda F1", "Masha F1", "Legenda F1", "Moscow Greenhouse F1", "Romance F1". These plants are distinguished by high productivity, undemanding conditions of keeping and resistant to diseases.

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to focus on the type of flowering, the vigor of growth of the vines and the time of entry into fruiting. At indoor growing The early ripening bush hybrids of cucumbers with the female type of flowering have proven themselves well.

Among varieties with two types of flowering, cucumbers of the "Boy with a Thumb" variety are best suited for the balcony and windowsill. Whichever variety is preferred, it should be understood that without care and maintenance, a cucumber vine will not bring the desired result.

Video about growing cucumbers on the windowsill

In winter, the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits is especially felt. Although they can be bought on the market for exorbitant prices, the quality of the fruit is often poor. It is much more beneficial to grow vegetables at home.

We create conditions in the apartment - selection of dishes and soil

Cucumbers can be grown on an insulated loggia, glazed balcony or windowsill. It is important to equip a place for active growth of bushes with good lighting where there are no drafts. It is desirable that this is the south side. We create conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

Young plants require not only a lot of light, but also warmth. It is best to place the cucumber pots where there is heating. With sufficient light, the stems will not stretch too much, and the fruits will have an ugly shape. If you want to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, insulate the window, make additional thermal insulation, exclude drafts. To protect the root system from hypothermia, we install cucumber containers on a heat insulator.

In winter, daylight hours are short, and for the rapid growth of cucumbers, daylight is needed. Therefore, we provide additional lighting for seedlings, artificially increasing the length of the day to 12-14 hours. For this we use special phytolamps, fluorescent or infrared lamps, including them over shrubs.

The optimum temperature for the growth of seedlings is 20 degrees above zero. If the temperature in the room is higher, we monitor the moisture content of the soil.

Seedlings can be grown in small disposable cups filled with special soil or in peat cups. We make several holes at the bottom. For cucumbers, it doesn't matter what container they are planted in:

  • Large deep planters can be purchased for planting multiple seedlings.
  • If space permits, plant each plant in a separate pot.
  • One of the container options can be a plastic 5-liter water bottle, in which we cut off the upper part with a neck.
  • You can make your own wooden boxes 60-70 cm long, planting no more than 5-6 plants in them, otherwise they will interfere with each other's growth and increase the mass.

The container should be large enough with holes at the bottom for excess moisture and ventilation. It should be remembered that cucumbers have a developed root system. We take the volume of a flowerpot or box at least 4 liters so that the cucumber sprout feels comfortable. We put drainage at the bottom: small pebbles, brick chips, crushed stone or expanded clay. You can pour a layer of sand at least 5 cm thick. Pour soil on top and cover with mulch.

Accelerated growth and ripening of fruits depend on the soil in which vegetables will grow. It should be loose, saturated useful substances, it is good to pass air and water. The shops sell ready-made soil for indoor plants and for pumpkin crops, which has the characteristics listed. It is better to prepare the soil substrate yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  • garden soil, peat;
  • leafy soil;
  • fertilizers: phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium 5-6 g each, lime 20-60 g;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • rotted sawdust, which has acquired a dark shade;
  • coarse sand.

We disinfect the resulting soil mixture. First, we ignite in the oven, setting the temperature to +200 degrees, then spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will destroy harmful bacteria and insects that may have been present in the soil.

Choosing seeds - which varieties grow better at home?

For planting, breeders have bred a large number of self-pollinating, fast-growing, high-yielding varieties, mostly hybrid species. They are marked with the F1 symbol, which means that the varieties are heterotic. For such crops, bees are not needed to pollinate flowers; they have the ability to form fruits on female peduncles on their own. These hybrids are called parthenocarpic.

For growing in winter on a windowsill, the following varieties of cucumbers are suitable:

  • Shchedrik. The fruits ripen after planting in 1.5 months. Up to 6-8 pieces are formed in the ovary. The length of cucumbers reaches 11-12 cm, they have a rich green color of a dark shade. Productivity from a bush on a windowsill is up to 20 fruits.
  • Khutorok. Cucumbers ripen 30 days after the first shoots appear. This is one of the super fast varieties. Cucumbers have black thorns, grow up to 10 cm in length. The peculiarity of this variety is that it requires pollination. To carry out pollination, we pluck a barren flower - this is a male flower with stamens, we transfer the pollen from it to the pistil of a female flower. Only thanks to this procedure will ovary occur.
  • Crisp also belongs to early ripening varieties, but the fruits, ready for consumption, ripen only after 50 days. Its advantage is that it does not require pollination, it gives high yield... Differs in tallness, can decorate a loggia or balcony, like a liana. If properly cared for, you can get up to 40 fruits per bush.

Among the varieties suitable for growing at home, you can name the Miracle on the window, Our Masha, Courage, Prestige, Room miracle, Claudia, Marinda. Cucumbers of the Nasha Masha variety ripen in 30-40 days, the Marinda variety has a high yield and the simultaneous ripening of all fruits. When choosing a variety, pay attention that it is suitable for growing in an apartment.

How to plant the seeds correctly?

Theoretically, seeds can be planted at any time, taking into account that the plant will bear fruit in 2-2.5 months. The best time for planting, it is February, when daylight hours increase significantly, this simplifies the care of cucumbers. In spring, the sun shines brighter and warms better. Purchased seeds, when packaged, undergo appropriate processing. To test them for germination, we place them in a saline solution: dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Seeds that have settled to the bottom are considered suitable for planting, those that have surfaced are not suitable, we throw them away.

We sow seeds either in a seedling box or in a container without subsequent transplantation. Before landing, we carry out preparatory measures. We place the seedlings in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then we rinse and put in a saucer on a cotton cloth or cotton swabs. We put the dishes in a warm, dark place with a temperature of +25 degrees. We make sure that the fabric does not dry out. When sprouts appear with a length of 5 to 10 mm, we transplant them into a container with soil. Before planting, dry the germinated seeds a little, this contributes to the active growth of seedlings.

We plant the planting material in pre-wetted soil. If planted in dry soil, the seeds will sink too low after watering. Sprouted seeds are buried 1.5 cm in the soil. We cover the container with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect, so that the seedlings grow faster. We put the containers in a well-lit place. We keep the temperature in the room at least 20 degrees. As soon as the first shoots appear from the ground, we remove the film to prevent fungal diseases that may arise due to condensation under the film. We regularly water and feed the seedlings.

After the appearance of the first true leaves, we transplant the seedlings into large containers, making every effort not to damage the root system. If the seedlings were grown in peat cups, we plant them in the ground without removing them from the cups.

Watering and feeding with fertilizers - how regularly to carry out?

To successfully grow cucumbers at home, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • regular watering and feeding;
  • ensuring the required temperature regime, sufficient humidity and illumination;
  • formation of the correct bush.

Water the newly transplanted seedlings sparingly, without flooding the roots. If the roots are bare, add earth. Watering young seedlings can be done with a syringe, burying it in the ground, this will prevent the root system from washing out. Pour boiled water over the cucumbers, which should settle for at least 3 hours. We water every day, if additional lighting is installed, you may need to water it twice a day.

Watering is especially important during flowering and fruit ripening. In summer, we spray the plants on the balcony with water, this will not only humidify the air, but will also be an additional food for the cucumbers.

We regularly feed the plants:

  • You can fertilize the seedlings with fermented banana peel infusion, diluting it 1:10. Use once every two weeks.
  • Young seedlings can be fed with urea or other mineral fertilizers with similar properties.
  • When the first flowers appear, water the plants with a solution of wood ash, diluting a glass of ash in a ten-liter bucket.
  • During the ripening of the fruits, we add mineral fertilizers, diluting 12-25 g in 10 liters of water. Pour half a liter of solution under each plant.

If the plants are weak, we carry out foliar feeding from mineral fertilizers with the addition of trace elements. Prepare the solution as follows: add 10-20 g of double superphosphate, 5-15 g of urea, 10 ml of a mother liquor of trace elements or 1-5 g of sulfuric magnesium to 10 liters of water. Prepare the solution 24 hours before use. After stirring, the solution is filtered through 4 layers of gauze. It is advisable to spray the bushes with the resulting mixture in the afternoon. Rinse off the remaining salt from the leaves with clean water. Consideration should be given to the feeding recommendations for each variety. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers.

We take care of cucumbers and fight pests

After the appearance of the first 4-5 leaves, we do the first pinching: we break off the upper growth point. This is necessary in order for the plant to sprout lateral shoots. We leave 3-4 lashes. When 6 leaves appear, we make a second pinch. Next, letting 11 leaves grow, pinching the main stem. In the future, we remove the lateral processes that take away the forces from the plant and interfere with the growth of fruits. Set aside one leaf at a time over the ovaries. We tie the overgrown lashes to provide sufficient lighting and support the plant. We stretch out strong threads or twine, we tie shoots to them.

You can install meter props and tie bush lashes to them. We remove the excess whiskers, as they take away from the plant a lot of nutrients necessary for the growth of fruits. To form a beautiful bush, the pots should be rotated regularly so that the plants stretch evenly.

Cucumbers are very fond of moisture, so we spray the stems 2-3 times a week from a spray bottle. We spray the plants in the same way as we water them with settled water at room temperature. We regularly water it, preventing the top layer of the soil from drying out. Do not overmoisten the earth, as excess moisture can lead to rotting of the root system and the death of the bush. Plants placed on the windowsill may lack moisture due to dry air. To maintain the required humidity level, place containers with water next to the cucumbers or place the pots in large containers filled with water.

For good plant growth in winter, we provide additional lighting that extends the daylight hours. We turn off the lamps at night. We protect cucumber bushes from drafts and cold air. If the varieties require pollination, we do it by hand when the flowers appear.

Without proper care, the following diseases of green vegetables are possible:

  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease that affects fruits and leaves.
  • Powdery mildew - the causative agent is a fungus. It is manifested by the appearance of white bloom on the leaves.
  • Root rot is accompanied by complete wilting of the bush. The disease occurs due to waterlogging, the root system begins to rot.
  • White rot - affects fruits, foliage and stem, they are covered with a white bloom.

It is important to identify the disease in time and fight it by spraying with special chemical means... If you do not fight, then the disease will affect the entire plant, and the bush will die. In addition to diseases, whiteflies, spider mites and aphids can harm the bushes. If there are few insects, they can be removed by hand. With a large amount, you will have to spray the bushes with chemicals against pests. If control measures are applied in time, then it is easier and faster to overcome the disease and destroy pests, the main thing is to observe the reaction of the plant.

Picking vegetables is a reward for your efforts

The timing of ripening and harvesting of fruits depends on the variety of cucumbers. Basically, the sprouts appear 1-2 days after planting. The duration of the growth of the bush is different for each type of cucumber. The earliest ripening varieties give the first fruits in a month, for others it takes 40-50 days before the first harvest appears. Determine that the cucumber can be picked by size. If the fruit has reached a length of 10 cm, we pluck it. We collect the fruits every day to remove the load from the bush, which has to supply food to the ripe fruit. If you pick the cucumbers on time, the plant can begin to bloom again and bring additional harvest.

Some varieties for growing on the windowsill are not only suitable for fresh consumption, but also suitable for salting. But you should not count on a bountiful harvest from the windowsill in order to make a reserve of conservation for the winter. Making efforts to care for green vegetables is better and healthier for the sake of getting fresh vegetables.

Growing cucumbers at home in winter is a fairly common practice. But such an occupation requires some effort. These plants are very fond of light and warmth, which necessitates placing pots and home beds on the sunny side of the apartment. The average temperature in the room should not be lower than +20 degrees Celsius. In winter, you will have to use additional lighting, as natural light will not be enough.

Although the cultivation of garden plants in an apartment is a common occurrence, it is still quite difficult to grow cucumbers. For home cultivation, there are certain special varieties that are self-pollinating. They also give a fairly high yield and ripen very quickly. These are often hybrid varieties. Such species are designated by the symbol F1, which means that they are heterotic. The sprouts are usually very different from the standard plant.

The parthenocarpic hybrid is great for growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter. He is a gherkin that has female inflorescences. This variety does not require pollination.

You can grow cucumbers in an apartment in winter and other types. For this purpose they are most suitable:

  1. Khutorok.
  2. Claudia.
  3. Rytov's room.
  4. Masha.
  5. Bianca.
  6. Generous.
  7. Marinda.
  8. Prestige.

All of these varieties have an F1 prefix. Masha F1 is necessary for ripening from a month to 40 days. Has a high yield (up to 20 pieces from one branch). Shchedryk F1 ripens longer - from 40 to 45 days. The average fruit size ranges from 12 to 14 centimeters. The yield is the same as that of the previous variety. Marinda F1 differs from the others in that all fruits ripen at the same time.

Farm F1 matures relatively quickly (approximately 30 days). The average size of each fruit is 10 cm. Cucumbers have a pronounced green color as well as black thorns.

Crunchy F1 ripens for about 50 days. The yield reaches 7 cucumbers from one branch. It differs from other varieties in its tallness, therefore it is often used to decorate the balcony. If you create good conditions for a plant, then up to 40 cucumbers are usually harvested from one bush.

The planting date should be determined based on when fresh vegetables are needed. If the first shoots appear, then the fruits will ripen in about 35-45 days.

Crockery and soil

To grow seedlings from seeds, the best option would be to use small plastic cups (for example, jars of sour cream or yogurt are suitable), pots filled with special soil or containers of peat. There should be some small holes in the bottom.

When the period for growing full-fledged bushes from seedlings comes, it will be necessary to use a container with a capacity of about 5 liters. This is usually done using plastic pots, deep drawers, and small buckets. At the bottom, it is also necessary to make holes that will allow for an adequate level of ventilation and drainage of water. It is necessary to lay a drainage layer at the bottom. For this purpose, fine pebbles or ordinary sand are suitable. The thickness of this layer should be about 5 cm. Then the earth is poured.

Choice correct soil is very important. In specialized stores, you can easily find the necessary soil, which is enriched with all the minerals and other substances necessary for the plant. You can also consult with specialists there. Connoisseurs often prepare the soil on their own.

For instance, the recipe could be like this:

  1. It is necessary to pour 2/3 of ordinary garden soil into the container, but before that it must be disinfected with a manganese solution.
  2. 1/3 of the capacity is occupied by fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are added in 5 grams each. You should also add about 40-50 grams of lime, and fill the rest of the volume with humus.
  3. Add 1 cup of chalk, 4 cups of rotten leaves or sawdust, and 2 cups of ash.

The earth must be thoroughly moistened and loosened. When growing cucumbers in boxes, it is necessary to observe the interval between seedlings, which is about 10-15 cm.

The seeds must be soaked in advance in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also practiced and planting dried seeds or such as they are. Germinate the grains in a plate, which must be left in dark place where the temperature does not drop below +25 degrees Celsius. When small shoots up to 1 cm in size appear, they must be planted in small glasses or pots filled with soil. Then they need to be moved to a lighted place and carefully covered with plastic wrap. The room temperature should not drop below +20. The seedlings are periodically watered and fed.

When already normal leaves appear, the seedlings will need to be transplanted in a larger container. This should be done very carefully so that the roots of future bushes are not damaged. If the seedlings are in peat glasses, then they can be transferred to large containers right in this form.

At this time, special care must be taken for the cucumbers. When 4-5 leaves appear, the first pinching should be done, and after 6 - the second. Next, the main stem is pinched over the 11th leaf. In the future, side shoots need to be removed as they grow, since they take away strength from the entire plant, which entails a decrease in yield.

It should be remembered that cucumbers are very moisture-loving vegetables, so the plants should be sprayed with water from any spray nozzle at least once a week. It is necessary to use only settled and warm water. Watering should be done as the top layer of the earth dries up. Excess moisture can only harm the cucumbers. If the plant is on the balcony, there is a risk of dehydration, as the air there is often rather dry. To prevent this from happening, it is better to put any container with water next to it.

Good lighting is necessary to ensure the normal growth of seedlings. In winter, additional artificial light is required. Infrared lamps have the best effect on plants. They should be turned on for at least 12 hours every day. They turn off at night.

There are domestic varieties that require pollination. In this case, this procedure will have to be carried out independently. To do this, it is necessary to pluck the male inflorescences and pollinate the female ones. You can also use a brush or regular cotton swab to transfer pollen.

Top dressing of seedlings

During the cultivation of cucumbers in winter, it is imperative to regularly feed the plants with fertilizers. On average, you need to do this every 10 days. Any organic fertilizer is perfect. It is necessary to use an infusion made from banana peel in a ratio of 1 to 10. After the plants begin to appear buds, a solution of wood ash should be used. The proportion is the same. When the cucumbers begin to ripen, it is advisable to add mineral fertilizers. They should be periodically alternated with organic ones.

If suddenly the plant is weakened, then a special foliar supplement of useful minerals should be used. To make the right solution, you need to prepare:

  1. 10 liters of water.
  2. 10 grams of urea.
  3. About 15 grams of double superphosphate.
  4. 3 grams of sulfuric magnesium. You can also use the stock solution.

This mixture must be prepared 24 hours before use. It needs to be constantly stirred. Strain preferably through several layers of gauze. The bushes are thoroughly sprayed with the prepared solution. After the procedure, there will be salt residues on the leaves. They must be removed with clean water.

Diseases and pests

Ripe fruits should be picked every day as they ripen. It is not recommended to leave the cucumber on the bush, because this way it will take away extra energy from the plant.

If you follow all the recommendations and conditions, then it is quite simple to grow cucumbers in the apartment in the winter. You can provide your family with fresh vegetables throughout the year. And also this will allow you to get a huge amount of positive emotions directly from the cultivation itself.

But in the process, plants can get sick and die. Home conditions do not guarantee that the cucumbers will not be damaged by the attack of all sorts of pests. Any violation in the cultivation technology can lead to various diseases. For example, constant stagnation of moisture in the ground can lead to decay of the roots, and this will lead to the death of a cucumber.

Due to the attack of aphids, spider mites or common whiteflies. Home conditions do not allow the use of special insecticides, as this can harm the health of the household. Quite often for plant protection use folk remedies:

  1. Aphids and whiteflies can be easily destroyed with tobacco infusion.
  2. A spider mite dies if you spray the plants with garlic tincture, to which you need to add antibacterial soap.

It must be remembered that the plant, due to sudden temperature changes or a draft, can wither or shed its foliage. These factors are also the reason that the ovaries will develop very slowly.

Yellow foliage

Often at home, the plant can begin to wilt. The first sign is yellowing of the leaves. Most often, this problem appears due to illness or inappropriate care. Main reasons: