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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» The operation of the air conditioner is heated at negative temperatures. Is it possible to turn on air conditioning in the winter? Features of air conditioning in winter

The operation of the air conditioner is heated at negative temperatures. Is it possible to turn on air conditioning in the winter? Features of air conditioning in winter

The initial task of the household air conditioner is cooling air in an apartment, cottage or other private structure. However, the wide now common split system can also be used in heating mode. In this case, not every model of this device on this is calculated. And those in which such a function of the manufacturer is provided, have a lot of restrictions on the use as a heater. In addition, turn on air conditioning in the winter in most cases and is not recommended at all.

Principle of operation of air conditioner

Each air conditioner has its own range of working outdoor temperatures. It is usually from minus 50 s to plus 35-40 C. But there are also devices designed to work in winter with a sufficiently strong frost - up to minus 20-25 C. To unambiguously find out, at what temperature you can turn on the air conditioner, you need to watch this parameter in Types of specific model.

Air conditioner operating temperatures when used in winter and summer

In this case, it does not matter to cooling or heating this climate technique is used. If the device is not designed to work at minus temperatures, then the air conditioner cannot be turned on in any mode. It's all about the external part of it, which is located on the street. Freezing equipment available there is contraindicated.

What to take into account when choosing an air conditioner

When working, the air conditioner does not produce "cold" or "heat". He only pumped thermal energy, taking it in one place and giving out in another. When it cools, it simply absorbs with the help of condensation on the heat exchanger to itself a part of heat from room air. And then displays it to the external unit and gives the street. When heated, the reverse process takes place - heat is taken outside and is transmitted to the room.

Temperature fluctuations in the room in winter

Work on cooling in winter

Usually, air conditioning in winter for cooling room air is not used. IN winter It is necessary to heat the premises more than lower the temperature. Nevertheless, working in this mode with a small disadvantage outside the window it may be. Only there are a few moments.

Cooling conditioning

Restrictions on the use of living air conditioner in winter with too much frost are associated with the fact that:

  1. In the compressor of the external unit from low temperatures, butter begins thick, sometimes until it is frozen.
  2. Drainage (dripping water hose) can simply penetrate.

In both cases, the technique will inevitably break. At the same time, the temperature outside the window "near zero" most air conditioners are not terrible. They are fully allowed to include "cold" and winter. Just do it is recommended not too often. On the one hand, due to the thick-ground oil, the compressor after switching on works with overload, and on the other - the effectiveness of it during the minus on the street leaves much to be desired.

Temperature fluctuations when used different types Air conditioner

Even if ordinary appliances For air conditioning, it is designed to work in the winter, as efficiently as in the summer it will still be able to function anyway. If behind the window of the droplets, then it is possible to use it occasionally during acute necessity. But what happens, if you turn on the air conditioner in winter on cooling constantly, it is better not to find out in practice. He will not last long.

Optimization of the operation of the air conditioner using air flow control

Work on heating in winter

In addition to the above, the use of air conditioner in winter on heating is still associated with one nuance. When the heat energy is fenced from cold street air, it is even more cooled. As a result, the block on the street is covered with an extra layer of ice with snow, which are formed with the process.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner to heating

If the manufacturer allows you to start air conditioning in the winter for heating, it is quite possible to turn it on. However, it is necessary to make sure that the equipment on the street is securely enshrined, and the fastener used for this can withstand the weight of the ice generated on the body. It is not ventilation in a bath with a natural way where there is no outdoor. Everything is much more complicated here.

Air conditioner air direction with different modes

The operation of the air conditioner (typical split system) is built in such a way that in the included state it constantly pumps the freon between the external block on the street and inner in the room.

When "heating" a lot of heat in winter from a cold atmosphere outside the window he is simply not able to. Therefore, in the spring, autumn or in a thaw it can be included as an additional heater. However, with severe frosts, it is better not to do this.

With high energy efficiency of modern climatic devices, when with one used electricity kilowatte, it is possible to get 3 - 4 kilowatta cold or warm air, the desire to use air conditioners is year-round. But it is possible to do this and what you need to have to not bring the device to breakage, you need to know in advance. Some models operate in the temperature range from minus 50 degrees and to plus 50, but they are very expensive. These are the newest technologies. On more simple models There are special devices that allow you to turn on air conditioning in the winter.

Is it possible to include air conditioning in the winter and at what temperature

Operating conditions depend on the specific model of the split system. The devices of the lower and medium price segment are designed for the maximum temperature of minus 5 degrees during the cold season. You can risk and turn on the equipment at lower temperatures, but the compressor breakage is a serious thing, and the repair is expensive. Learn which range of operating temperatures for this model of air conditioner, you need to purchase. Cheap systems have a small.

The average split system works on heating at a maximum minus temperature of 7 degrees.

Mitsubishi Electric models are capable of maintaining working mode at temperatures up to minus 20 degrees outside the window. If there is a winter kit - up to minus 30.

Another Japanese brand Daikin also solved the problem of all-weather for his split systems. Air conditioners in winter work on heating at a temperature of minus 15 degrees.

Before turning on the equipment for heating, you need to re-read the instruction and find out until the bottom temperature threshold you can use the device to not output. The reasons why air conditioning can break, two:

  1. Frost drainage system. Condensate arising outside when working, frost freezes, the liquid cannot exit.
  2. Freezing oil. Each brand has its own limit of the lower temperatures at which it is thick and cannot further perform its functions.

As a result of the violation of the rules for using the device in winter time There are various breakdowns. If protective functions are provided, the equipment will simply turn off, which will save it from expensive repairs.

Heating is available only in spring and autumn, when the use of gas boilers is irrational, because they consume a lot of fuel. Heat the room a little - that's all you can achieve from the usual air conditioner. However, consumers want to cool and heat the room with the same instrument.

In winter, the efficiency of the split system is reduced if the air conditioner is included at a minus temperature. Work on cooling during the cold season is needed only in specific rooms, where there is equipment that has large heat transfer and in need of constant cooling. For these purposes, a winter kit has been created: to cool and not heated the room. It includes the following components:

  • A device that reduces the speed of the impeller. Thanks to it, the efficiency is normalized.
  • The device heats the compressor crankcase. As soon as the compressor stops, the crankcase heater starts. Freon does not count in it, the oil remains liquid, the refrigerant does not boil.
  • Heater drainage system. Tubes and baths do not freeze, condensate seems freely out. There are heaters mounted outside and inside the highway.

Equipped with such a set, air conditioning can be included in winter without fears.

To warm the house or apartment in the winter, you need to buy a very expensive model, or use the average air conditioner at the plus temperatures that are usually in the offseason. At minus temperatures, use only for cooling equipment, for example, in server rooms, it is necessary to install a winter kit.

What will happen if you turn on air conditioning in winter

The evaporation of the refrigerant for heat transfer is carried out at a temperature lower than that of atmospheric air by 5 to 14 degrees. Thus, even if the temperature is +6 degrees, the evaporation temperature must be negative. If you turn on the air conditioner in the winter, the "Snow Shub" is growing on the heat exchanger. The exchange of heat with the atmosphere is disturbed, the temperature of the evaporation of freon decreases, performance drops.

When the heat exchanger is frosting, the equipment performance drops

The power of the heat exchanger covered with snow is not enough to evaporate Freon. The refrigerant penetrates into the suction line and from there to the compressor, causing hydrolyat.

Thus, air conditioning in the winter can be included with some negative points:

  • cold performance drops significantly;
  • outdoor block It may be frozen, the compressor will damn or it happens to hydrate;
  • if the heat exchanger is covered with ice, condensate flows on it directly on the impeller, which splashes the water indoors;
  • compressor cooling is disturbed;
  • the discharge temperature of the compressor exceeds that it threatens the melting of the four-way valve;
  • the drainage tube can freeze.

How to exploit air conditioning in winter

The use of air conditioner in winter is possible under the following conditions:

  1. In order for the device to work safely, it must be used for destination - cool the room. In this case, the risk of breakdown decreases.
  2. Winter set, warming compressor and drainage system, must be installed. Even in the offseason, the temperature at night can fall at 1 - 2 degrees below zero, so the device will not be secure, if it is sometimes turned on for heating.
  3. The device must have a heating function as such to include it in warm mode. In hot countries, split systems are calculated for the most part for cooling, so all the questions clarify from the sellers when buying.

Companies Cooling system manufacturers direct their efforts to construct a device capable of working on cooling even in the most severe frosts. To heal the dwelling in Siberia, where frosts reach 40 - 50 degrees, any air conditioner will not even turn on, not to mention the performance.

Exploited cooling systems in specialized rooms with expensive equipment is recommended alternately. The technique is configured on automatic switching from one air conditioner to another so that they can have the opportunity to relax and cool. In periods of large loads in the server, several split systems can simultaneously operate, so all external blocks must be equipped with heating elements for the compressor and drainage. Winter set heats the oil primarily so that the parts do not wear out, maintains a capacitor tube in heat so that the fluid does not freeze.

Heating split system in the cold period

Include equipment for heating you need after cleaning the filters. Use ordinary detergents For a removable filter and special solutions for a fine cleaning filter if it is available. Vacuum cleaner remove dust from internal block and turn on a couple of hours to ventilation mode to remove moisture.

Check the device at temperatures that are listed in the instruction manual. Do it with the already installed winter set. If a dear model is purchased, which can work at very low temperatures, you need to clarify, you need a winter kit, or it is already built into the external block.

If exploitation is not planned, it is desirable to cover the external block with a waterproof material.

When buying Split Systems in winter, the installation is made when the temperature on the street will allow you to turn on the equipment. You should not count that the air conditioner will work productively, heating the room to 30 degrees. All that can be expected is 18 - 23 degrees in the presence of a powerful compressor.

Cooling air conditioning in winter

Some rooms require constantly cooling air, because there is expensive equipment there. As mentioned, most often are server rooms that have greater heat transfer. With raising temperatures in summer, the equipment may fail and disrupt the work of the entire enterprise.

Similar equipment are magnetic resonance tomographs in hospitals. These devices cost several hundred thousand dollars and are very expensive in installation and repair. The task of the air conditioner is to protect the MRI device from breakage, so it should work on cooling in winter and in summer. Summer problems does not arise, but in winter it is necessary to heal for climatic equipment and observe temperature mode.

In areas with a harsh climate, it is better not to save on cooling electronic diagnostic equipment, since the repair will cost more than the most expensive model. The best are Japanese split systems that are included at temperatures up to minus 25 degrees, and with a winter set to minus 30.

In special premises set several cooling systems so that when you exit any failure, it was possible to turn on the spare.

Features of winter exploitation

Conditions of heating mode of air conditioner

To turn on the air conditioner to work in warm mode, find the necessary button on the remote control. In different models, it looks different - in the form of a icon with the Sun or with the inscription Mote, which means switching the modes.

After pressing the Split button, the system will start working on heating no earlier than in 10 minutes. The air indoor will warm up 15 to 20 minutes. First earn an external unit, then the internal will be connected to operation. Do not think that the equipment has breakdown, just the system should be prepared for work.

Problems and risks of operation

Without a thermal additional pump, the oil is not able to warm up to the desired temperature before turning on. Compressor details for some time will operate in dry mode. The friction of parts without lubrication is enhanced and leads to wear. At certain temperatures, the viscosity of the oil is increasing, at which it is not effective. The breakage of the compressor in this case is gradually and depends on how much the fonding parts will withstand.

Hydroat is the hitting of liquid freon into the compressor. Normally, the refrigerant must heal and enter the compressor in the gaseous state. At low temperatures, the transition of freon from the liquid state into gaseous, which affects the operation of the valve system. When the pressure drops, there is less refrigerant in the compressor than it is supplied, the engine overheats and stops work. In this case, it is possible damage to insulation and lubrication deterioration.

Any air conditioner is designed to cool the air indoors. But in the cold season for many users, this device works on heating. However, before starting the operation of technology in such a course, it is necessary to understand how to properly run heating with air conditioning. This information will help prevent errors in the operation of the cheapest equipment.

The principle of operation of the split-system for heating is a lowering (!) Air temperature poached from the street. Air fence will be made, for example, with a temperature value of -16, and is given back in an even colder state, gaining to -25. The difference is used for heat transfer: The resulting warm air falls inside the room.

However, is enough for the device for the fulfillment of such a task? It is important to know: if the temperature on the street is significantly lower zero, then the compressor simply does not have enough strength to warm the air - work on wear will begin. And if the technique works at the maximum, it is already fraught with the risk of breakage.

So, the first condition is temperature outside the window. Using an air conditioner as a heater is appropriate for regions with a mild climate. And for most of our country, such a technique is worth using only in the offseason, in the autumn or spring period.

Air conditioner work on heating in winter can be dangerous and moving the drainage hose. In this case, condensate will begin to drain into the building. Today, the production workers are trying to solve the problem of installing in the technique of a heater by 20 watts. The blocking system works well: the technique is turned off with a sharp decrease in temperature.

Efficiency of such a process

How economically it is advisable to turn on the air conditioner for heating? This turns out to be quite economical, because work is based on the heat pump. Figures indicate that: from each electricity kilowatta, 2,5-4,2 kW heat will go out. This concerns the temperature regime in the range from 0-5 ° C. The efficiency of the system is designed to -15 ° C (and for some models such an opportunity is provided to -30 degrees).

If you compare the use of an air conditioner with an oil heater, then the latter does not even seem economical: it goes in 1 kW of electricity, issuing only 0.95 kW of heat.

So how effective is heated by air conditioning? This is influenced cost of electricity. Where it is cheaper to heat the gas, to put air conditioning in the winter for heating is economically inexpedient. But in the regions (countries) with expensive electricity, it will be rationally to leave climate techniques in heating mode (but again, with a reservation on weather conditions).

Advantages and disadvantages of the split system for heating

It is a private thing about to scratch or not with an air conditioner - each user decides in private. But if the solution turned out to be positive, then you can be sure - the air is not overwhelmed as when used heating devices. There are other advantages:

  • environmentally friendly application (No CO2 emissions);
  • heat will be issued three times more than consultation of electricity.

But besides improving the microclimate there are their "pitfalls". They will definitely be known when constant use.

  1. Wear device It will happen 3-5 times faster. This will happen due to thickened oil, which will lose its properties.
  2. There is a trend on replacing the refrigerant - the use will go more secure for the ozone layer R410. This requires the installation of more advanced compressors.
  3. The performance of the device will be two times less than the nominal.
  4. Air conditioning for heating in winter easily fails.

Optimal option

A good solution will be the acquisition devices with inverter. This technique is capable of damping the room even at -25 ° C outside the window. Cares the fact that the inverter device for heating will actually additionally attach the hydrogen unit. This element may be both outside and inside the building.

  1. If a hylobal OutdoorThe technique will work on the type of heat pump familiar to us. In this case, it makes sense to use air conditioning only as an additional source of heat (or if it is supposed to accommodate accommodation in the house). If visiting the house is irregular, then in the winter it is necessary to completely canning (disable and insulate) the entire instrument system.
  2. If a hydbock is inside, the technique will be able to connect to traditional radiators or " warm floor" A similar principle of operation of the air conditioner to heating will require initial costs at the installation stage, however, the award will be a full-fledged heating. Another plus of similar models is good maintainability.

How to choose the right model

From the proper selection of the model will depend on how air conditioning is heated. It is important to pay attention here. on the characteristics of Sor. (The ratio of the heating power to consumed) and EER (Cooling / consumption ratio):

  • COP in the house models should be 2.8-4;
  • eER this indicator can be 2.5-3.5 units.

The value of the energy efficiency of the device is also important: in the case of the most priority and economical and optimal indicators should be from 3.2 to 3.6 in COP and 2.2-2.4 EER.

Regardless of the recommendations, it will be necessary to mount a similar type of technology, taking into account the characteristics of the room. This will actually calculate possible heat loss that comes from windows and doors. It is in these places and will reasonably create heat vest. A little about management: the technique will switch or from the console, or manually. Heating can be installed automatically.

It is important to know such nuances: the first few minutes the device should work as an air conditioner, not a heater. It is necessary so that the outer block is warmed up and the exhausted ice formed in the ice drainage. The following times this moment will regulate ventilation speeds. Also in many models there is a special deice Functionwhich will not confuse the correct inclusion mode.

And here are some more tips that will help improve the work of the technique.

  1. Heated drainage will allow water to not freeze and remove condensate.
  2. When the compressor is stopped, it is possible to turn on the heater that helps oil and prevents its thickening. In this case, the refrigerant will not be able to fall into the crankcase.
  3. If there is an external unit in the device fan controller, It will pump up the current temperature and prevent the frost of the indoor unit.

So, heat from the air conditioner turns out to be much more cost-effective than from other devices (with costs of 1 kW, the consumer receives 4 kW). All energy goes precisely on the movement of warm air masses. Many modern devices Guarantee good work And with thirty-permanent frost. However, any split system remains only an addition to the main heating and is not yet ready to take full load to comfortably ensure the warm atmosphere in housing.

Probably, everyone remembers unprecedented high demand for air conditioners last summer. Moreover, it was raised both domestic air conditioners and systems intended for enterprises. But winter has come, which means that the air conditioner can be put on a joke "at least until spring. But no matter how! Work for the air conditioner will be found in the cold season. The main thing here is to know how to properly use this equipment in the winter so that it is not spoiled by the summer. On all the intricacies of the winter work of air conditioners, the site spoke technical Director of MDV-Russia Alexey Zaitsev.

- Air conditioning, at least household, is not recommended to include if the temperature outside the window fell below the minus 10 degrees. What will happen if you break this prescription, and is it really necessary to strictly follow this requirement?

- At the heart of the recommendations, do not include air conditioning at negative temperatures lies with the manufacturer's operated temperature range of technology. The manufacturer must indicate the service life of the equipment, and in many countries this parameter is established by law. That is, it cannot be less than a certain period. Since all air conditioners on the territory of Russia are imported, then these dates are distributed.

If you do not comply with the specified temperature mode, it will lead not only to the reduction of the service life of the air conditioner, but can also bring it to breakage. Therefore, the rules of operation of the air conditioner are mandatory for compliance. It should also be remembered that all specifications Declared by manufacturers only within the boundaries of the specified working temperature range.

- But still you can turn on the air conditioner in the cold season ...

- Observing a whole range of restrictions. First of all, it is necessary to determine which of the operating modes of the air conditioner is speaking: about cooling or heating. Almost all modern air conditioners can work normally in heating mode at negative temperatures. However, one should not be expected from the air conditioner in such conditions the stated energy efficiency manufacturer. For certain conditions It may happen so that it is easier to turn on the electric heater.

It should be remembered that because of constructive features It is easier to work at negative temperatures inventor type air conditioner than standard. For example, MINI VRF-systems MDV guarantee work on heating while reducing the outdoor temperature to -15 degrees Celsius. MDV Wall Split Systems guarantee work on heating at an outdoor temperature to -7 degrees Celsius. Cooling mode For a conventional air conditioner at outdoor temperatures below plus 10-17 degrees - this is an extreme mode of operation, leading to a breakdown.

For clarity, I will give a few examples of why low temperatures Can be critical for air conditioners. First, the main part of the air conditioners is household deviceswhich during the design was not designed for such work. Secondly, is it often cooling, if street temperatures Slended below plus 10-17 degrees? Usually the need to include air conditioning at such moments occurs, for example, in the offseason, when the central heating has not yet turned off. The main problems in this case are associated with a decrease in condensation pressure, with boiling oil when the air conditioning compressor is started. At temperatures, about or below zero frozen condensate, usually derived to the street. It does not lead to a breakdown of the air conditioner, but it is completely repaired.

- What to do, if even with negative temperatures outside the window, the condition of the air conditioner is fundamentally necessary?

- In this case, it is necessary to use equipment specially adapted under such conditions. For example, the MINI VRF-system MDV guarantee work on cooling when the outdoor temperature is reduced to minus 5 degrees Celsius. If you need a separate split system, then you need to install a special winter kit. It usually includes a condensation pressure regulator, compressor crankcase heater and drainage heater. To avoid loss of warranty, this kit should be installed only an authorized service center. On the installation services can be reed only if they represent the equipment supplier, but it is not as often.

- What gives such a kit?

- When installing this kit, it is possible to achieve a stable operation of the air conditioner to cool up to -15s. In the further decrease in temperature will influence the wind load, i.e. With windless weather or with a good location of the outdoor unit in the wind protected from the wind, work is possible to -20c. The expansion of the working temperature range down when working on cooling is as possible, but it seems inappropriate due to the high cost of these solutions.

- How important to actually use air conditioners in winter?

- Usually during the cold season, air conditioners are used for heating, mainly in the offseason. However, for the private user market, this question is not so relevant as for corporate clients. For various industrial enterprises The operation of the air conditioner for cooling at negative temperatures is a rather important issue.

- Given that most users do not include air conditioning in winter, is it necessary to carry out any special events for the conservation of this technique?

- The conservation of the air conditioner for the winter is not a mandatory procedure. Much more important than the start of the new summer season to conduct preventive air conditioner service. So, in the internal block you need to clean constant filters, and if necessary, replace replaceable, which can be done yourself. Taking advantage of services service CenterIt makes sense to carry out the cleaning and disinfection of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, cleaning the heat exchanger of the outer blocks, wash the drainage system, check the tightness of the refrigeration circuit and eliminate leaks, and then remove the air conditioning. These works must be carried out every year. If your outer block is located in the distribution zone of the poplar fluff, the cleaning of the heat exchanger must be performed when contaminants appear. These measures will allow the air conditioner to work during the service life declared by the manufacturer and save on electricity.

The exclusive Distributor of MDV on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries is the group of companies "Ayak". Company official website

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Air conditioning works due to the transfer of thermal energy in different sides of the space. However, the possibilities of activity of the thermal pump are limited.

If the documents say that the device works both on heating and cooling, its functions are limited to outer temperature parameters in -5 ° C. But there are also aggregates that operate at -16ºС and -20ºС.

Turning on air conditioning in winter

In the instructions for use, it is indicated that the air conditioner can operate with a reversing circuit to -5ºС, and in heating mode - up to 0 ° C.

The best method to provide long-term operation of the device is its conservation in the winter.

Can the device function in cold cooling?

The refrigerant evaporates, after which the indicators are reduced by 6-13ºС. Even when the temperature is positive on the street, in the evaporator it will be a minus. Ice appears on the housing, so heat exchange will be disturbed, evaporation decreases, and only part of the refrigerant turns into gas. When such a mass enters the compressor, a medium for a hydrowarder is created.

The use of an aggregate in the cold creates the following difficulties:

  • cooling performance decreases;
  • in the icing of the heat exchanger, the liquid falls on the part of the fan and enters the room;
  • the temperature indicators of the discharge increase, and this leads to a malfunction of the four-way valve;
  • the drainage tube is clogged with ice.

How many degrees in winter is air conditioning?

A cooling device can function at minimum temperatures for many reasons. There are special methods how to avoid malfunction and make the air conditioner work in cold.

It is necessary to reduce the speed of the rotatable fan. To this end, the device regulating the condensation pressure is mounted. Due to this, productivity will become minimal. By reducing the heat unit from the air stream, the evaporator frost will be reduced. The electronic module has the following goals:

  • adjustment of the velocity of the rotated fan;
  • ensuring the stable pressure of freon;
  • avoid frosting block.

You need to heat the compressor crater. It is necessary so that the fluid that appears from downtime does not provoke hydrate, and also not boiled. A minor increase in temperature will make oil substance in the friction nodes not so viscous, which will make the launch easier. It should be immediately said that continuously working compressors exclude this difficulty. Therefore, they can be operated at a temperature of less than 15 degrees.

Tubes that disassemble condensate are able to frozen in case of minus. At the same time, the whole liquid will fall into the room. It is possible to avoid problems due to the installation of a slight power heater, introducing into a drainage structure.

These additions are a winter set and sold to use the device in winter. In the newest options, as a rule, seasonal equipment is initially present.

So what temperature indicators can the device function? The best air conditioninghaving an invertor compressor can be operated to -30 degree temperatures.

Operation of the device for heating

Air conditioning is essentially a heat pump. That is why, with a reduction in air from the outside, the performance will fall. The minimum limit for the work of the unit to heat is 5 degrees. In winter, the icing of the heat exchanger provokes faults with fan blades, as well as an electric motor.

But air conditioners are regularly updated. For example, in some companies use special compressors with several fittings, for the possibility of working on heating when the window -24º. In Japan, climate systems for hot supply and heating are actively used in Japan.

Types of air conditioners that work in winter

If there is heating in the unit, then a four-way valve is applied. The price of these devices is large in comparison with models having a single cooling mode. In the application documents, the maximum temperatures in which the device can operate. The difference is to apply standard and inverter compressors, refrigerant types and lubrication type.

If necessary, you can operate a device with a special set. So in the cold, they can withstand about -25 degrees, functioning on cooling. However, this applies only to inverter devices.

Application of a standard aggregate for heating

For heating in winter, the usual floor air conditioning is suitable. The hot stream will evenly warm the entire area, despite the work of the built-in TEN.

If the temperature on the street is about -5 degrees, then you can turn on an unprepared device operating in the summer mode. At temperatures below - 10º, the cold can withstand the inverter unit, if specified in the instructions. In the rest, only the installation of the winter kit will help.