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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Natalia Petrenko Care for currant in spring. Caring for black currant in spring: Soviets of experienced gardeners

Natalia Petrenko Care for currant in spring. Caring for black currant in spring: Soviets of experienced gardeners

Currant is unpretentious, worn and brings a good harvest for the second year after disembarking. In addition, currant berries have as part of useful vitamins (A, B, C), iodine and coumarin. In this article you will learn how to care for currants in spring period, Features of processing from pests, transplants and methods of breeding bushes.

Features of the care of currant in spring

After winter, there is a hot time for each gardener. This is the time of large works, in order to get a high harvest in the fall - a period of transplanting, reproduction, shrubs fertilizer begins. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the time of starting work, between the plant and the growing season.

Removing shelter after winter

For the winter, the currant is usually covered with polyethylene or other materials so that it does not freeze when too low temperatures. If the temperature is reduced to -35 degrees, it is recommended to cover the bush with boards, straw or cheese.

In the spring, all materials, bricks, pins, which shelter was attached to the ground, are cleaned. The plant straightened so that it is pulled out in full length. If you laid the twigs of the bush in special trenches or grooves, all this also need to be removed, and lead the plant into the usual look.

After removing the shelter, the first thing is cleaned by the territory around the bush - mulch, fallen leaves, random garbage. With the help of rake, collect the fallen leaves, pests can be winter in them, and when you first warm, they move to the bush itself, so there should be no rotten leaves.


Currant loves water very much, natural precipitation is not enough for her, so it must be watered regularly. It is especially important to prevent dryness during flowering, fruiting and after harvesting. One bush needs 20 liters of water a week, but do not allow water stagnation.


Soil looser is an important part of the plant's care. It helps in the fight against pests, and is necessary to remove weeds. It also helps to saturate the hardened primer. It takes it at least twice a year, in spring and autumn. Before frozen can be submitted.


In winter, the mulch is freezing so much that the pupae with insects is insect. Also does not give too much to the weeds. The mulch uses sawdust, hay, dry grass, bark, dry manure. Mulching the soil will learn more from.

Compost and manure are well protected by the soil from excess ultraviolet and provide good aeration.

Making fertilizers

Normally, healthy plants in good soil are not needed for the first two years. The first fertilizers can be made on 3-4 years of currant lifestyle. Compost, humid, superphosphate, ash is suitable as feeding.

In the first weeks after warming, plants do not need fertilizer, all the necessary substances they take from the melted snow. You need to make it a little later, until the end of May, the beginning of June.

See the video about the feeding of currant in the spring period:

After the dry period occurred, fertilizers make every 3-7 days, depending on the instructions for the means.

In early spring, nitrogen fertilizers are best suitable as feeding currants, they process the soil around the bushes. After flowering, the bush can be used by the body - manure, chicken litter and so on.

Fighting weeds

No plant can calmly get along with weeds, as they suck all nutrients and moisture from the soil. It is necessary to fight them necessarily and regularly.

For young shoots, weed currants are especially dangerous, as they still have enough strength to resist them, and the lack of minerals and water will affect the formation of the entire bush.

It is impossible to allow weeds at a distance less than 0.5 m from the plant, and better if it is about 1-1.5 m.

After the territory is cleared, you can land plants, friendly currant. This includes dill, garlic, celery, velvets, calendula, and others. All of them are pretty unpretentious and well coming up in any soil, except for sand.

It must be remembered that when dealing with weeds should not be applied special chemicals. Substances, harmful to weeds, will be destructive and for currants, especially if it is young, faster bushes. Their harm may be so strong that will destroy shoots.

Trimming and garter bushes

High-quality plant care includes a mandatory trimming, sanitary and forming bush. They should be held at least once a year.

Sanitary trim delivers a bush from old, spoiled, sick branches. Forming - removes extra, hanging branches, and forms the correct shape of the currant bush.

The most crops are twigs of 2-3 years old. You need to shorten their tops to activate the emergence of new shoots. Everything is superfluous to be removed so that the strengths of the bush do not go to the sluggish, sore branches, and were concentrated in strong and healthy parts of the plant.

In the video below the gardener sharing the experience of cropping currant in the spring:

Processing against diseases and pests

There are no plants that are completely resistant to all pests. Although currant is a rather unpretentious plant, still periodically need to be prevented from diseases and harmful insects. There are many methods for such prevention, which are selected that, taking into account the existing problem.

Fire processing

It is advisable to carry out such processing of early spring, in March, when the plant has not yet woke up. Need to take a torch or gas burner., It is not closer to 10 cm on the distance to the branches, and to spend up and down and down several times.

Conduct the procedure with great care so as not to damage the plant.

Boiling water treatment

For processing currant boiling water, you can use the following recipe:

  • add 10 aspirin tablets to boiling water bucket, stir well;
  • pour the solution into a large watering can;
  • carefully treat all the branches of the bush;
  • the buckets of the solution should be enough for 2-3 medium bushes.

If you add a copper vigor to the water, it turns out an excellent agent against the larvae of the Tly and the causative agents of the mildew. To do this, take 100 g of vitriol and 10 liters of water. Mix and well spray the roots and currant branches. Repeat processing for several days.

Watering the plant with cool boiling water is impossible, the temperature should be no higher than 80 degrees. The hot water is poured into the watering can and watered each bush, holding a distance of 10 cm from the branches.

How to make such a currant processing, clearly shown in the video below:

Treatment of biological preparations

Biopreparations include funds in which there are active elements of plant origin, for example:

In the spring, in the period of mass appearance of butterflies, the currants are sprayed for the first time "Fufanon", the preparation of "Iskra-M", "Kemifos" and others. The second stage of processing is the period of tying boutons, such substances as "Aktellik", "Kinmix", "Fufanon" will be useful.

If you suspect the presence of a fungus at the bush, as soon as the first leaves dissolve, take advantage of the means: "Novosil", "Epin", "Zircon". When the first flowers appear, you need to repeat the procedure.

Folk remedies

There are many proven methods of ways to combat pests. They are quite effective and do not harm the health of man and plants. We will tell some of them further.

May is a period of bezin and lilac blossoms. Also at this time, currant flowers are blooming. Stick in the middle of the bush twigs of these colors, and insects will fly to a stronger and attractive smell.

Also a good folk agent is a onion solution. For its preparation, take 100 g of garlic and bow, grind them and pour the water bucket. Leave to insist for a day. Straighten the solution and spray branches. One bucket is enough for 2-3 bushs.

You can also use the solution of the household soap or tar. Take 200 g of the selected tool, soda on the grater and mix with the water bucket.

To folk remedies There were an optimal effect, you need to continue to use them at least 5 days in a row, and after the blooming currants, repeat the course again.

Currant Currant Spring

Experienced gardeners adhere to two opinions - some believe that transplanting currants in early autumn, before the temperature drops below 0, will bring less stress to the plant than if it is in spring. Others believe that it is better to transplant the currant in the spring when the earth warms up to 5-10 degrees.

It is worth paying attention to that strong winter cold can harm the rapid, weak plant. Therefore, it is worth familiar with the peculiarities of the spring transplant of currant:

Adhering to these simple rules, already on next year You can get a good harvest of berries. A B. full strength The bush will begin to be fron in 2-3 years.

Reproduction of currant in the spring

If you decide to plant or multiply the currant bushes in the spring, remember that these plants wake up pretty early. It is necessary to monitor the bush to have time to do all the procedures before the commemoration of the vegetation, otherwise you can harm the plant. Choose in advance and the method of breeding the bush.


The reproduction of cuttings is greater popularity, as it is very simple and economical. For example, from one bush with the help of the pavement, you can get 10, 20 or even 100 new plants.

Usually in the spring and autumn period are taken overweight stalks of the bush, and in the summer you can use green. Woven cuttings called shoots about a year. You need to choose strong branches, with healthy bushes. If you spend the procedure in the spring, you can harvest the cuttings during the seasonal cropping currant.

Pay attention to the sizes of cuttings. They should be mature, have a diameter of at least 6 mm, and a length of 15 cm. The number of beneficial substances that are especially needed by the plant during the adaptation period depends on the length of escape.

Forming cuttings, make an incision at the top, over the kidney with the help of scissors or knife, the distance from the kidneys should be about 1 cm. Below is the oblique incision, under the bottom kidney.

Spare cuttings in well-prepared pits with compost and manure. It is best to plant young shoots along the rope with a height of 10-15 cm. Between the landings there should be free space at least 40 cm, it will make the transplant process to a permanent place more convenient.

For quick adaptation you can help cuttings, for this they are put into fluid to stimulate growth, leave for 12-24 hours, and then placed in the prepared ground.

The reproduction of cuttings is a very simple process with a good result, if everything is done correctly, almost all shoots will take place. This method will not take much time and effort, and will bring a good harvest in a year.


There is another proven way of reproduction of currant - grooves from the main bush. The main advantage is practically 100% survival rate.

This method can be used for any. It lies in the fact that the glasses are put in the trenches created by the uterine bush, externally reminiscent of the sun rays, and on top theypen with soil.

To strengthen the chain more securely, install a wire or a stick in the form V. It will help young bushes in adaptation. A year later, when they arrive, you can remove the wire, and then plant plants per permanent place.

Features of currant care in different regions

Depending on climate, soil, the amount of precipitation, and many other factors, the peculiarities of currant care are different. Note the basic rules that do not change depending on the region:

The trimming of bushes in the middle lane is usually carried out in February, in the Urals after all frosts - at the end of March, early April.

The struggle against pests in each region begins at different times, and depends on the time of exiting insects.

The feeding and fertilizer of plants depends on the soil, and differs in each climatic belt. Belorussia has good sad, so you can make feeder here every two years. In the Urals and in Siberia, you need to feed the soil every year.

Since any plant is subject to temperature change and very depending on the weather, different varieties of currant, specially derived for a particular region, will grow well in each climatic belt.

The following varieties are suitable for the Urals and Siberia:

  • Pigmey;
  • Nika;
  • Annadi;
  • Venus;
  • Fun;
  • Rachel;
  • Lydia.

For the territory of Belarus and Ukraine, varieties are much smaller, since their warmer climate allows you to grow a large number of other berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries. But still we will list the varieties suitable for the warm climatic zone:

  • Belarusian;
  • Blueberry;
  • Claudia;
  • Pavlinka;
  • Sanya;
  • Lazy person.

There are also differences in the landing of the bush seedlings. Urals are well taken out in the autumn period, they are more resistant to frozen, and Belarusian is better to plant in spring.

Currant does not make neighborhoods with an apple tree, even with a distance between them in 4-5 meters. Berry bush can stop growth, and even stop fruit. Therefore, if you have a lot of apple trees in the garden, you need to well think the place of landing seedlings.

Typical care errors

The most common errors of inexperienced gardeners when growing currant are:

Yekaterinburg city

Publications: 56.

Currant awakens after the winter one of the first. Therefore, exercise correct care For currant in the spring you need as early as possible before the kidneys will be waged, and the whole snow removal, depending on the region it is March-April months.

Removing shelter after winter

First of all, winter shelter is removed, mainly it nonwoven material - Spunbond. If you tighten with it, the bush may inside the corner. Clean the area from the remaining snow, and then from the pitch, if this was not removed from the fall, the collected foliage is recommended to burn, because it may remain pests that are overwhelmed in the leaves.

The kidneys should be carefully examined: rounded swollen kidneys populated by overwhelmed ticks, delete and burn if there are many of them, cut off completely. The detected black core of the branches to cut to a healthy light green, it means that the pest settled in the branch.

Watering, loosening and mulching

The preparation of the soil is loosening, the main thing is not to damage the closer roots, the removal of weeds. A new mulch is poured, which protects the roots from drying out and supports the necessary humidity.

Interesting. The protective layer is desirable to pour in a radius of 1.5 meters, and with a sufficient amount of organic, the entire row of shrubs with aislers. The minimally placed about 50 cm mulch in the form of mature humus or compost.

For currant care, sufficient watering is required: 4-5 times per season, and in the arid summer up to 8 times, without overflowing the soil. Thus, the fruits are gaining taste and volume.

Feeding and making fertilizers

For growth and productive yield, the shrub needs a large number of nutrients. There is a high need for phosphorus and potassium. Well influence nitrogen additives, but with a sufficient introduction of phosphorus and potassium. Otherwise, on a high background of one nitrogen, the increased content of amino acids in the juice of fast-growing fertilizer of shoots becomes attractive for pests and pulse dew. Also, nitrogen fertilizers are not needed after the second half of May. Does not take the plant chlorine. During the growing season, chlorine-containing fertilizers should not be made. Ash Ot deciduous trees Contains all the necessary culture elements. It makes it on the perimeter of the crown, in this place under the ground there are roots, perceive useful substances.

After making fertilizers when landing, the next feeding is made only after 3 years. The period of making fertilizers - May-June, in the phase of active growth, and in the summer, after harvesting, when the kidney laying is under the crop of next year. Fertilizers to make dilute, comply with dosages. Urea and nitromeophoski solutions are used, cowboat.


An important advice in order to get a good harvest is the right way to form a bush. Need trimming from perennial, no longer fruiting, intertwined, weak or damaged branches. It is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of branches by age, in which young people should always be more than old, age more than 5 years.

A currant bush should be formed to be represented, without rejected, creeping branches. Bushes should be well ventilated and lighting, not to be thickened so that they do not hit the disease. Thus, all the nutrition and the power of the plant will be directed to the formation of berries, and not to support old extra branches so that the fruiting does not go to the periphery of the bush.

Important! Currant pests have about 70 species. Sorts are removed with stability only to some of them. The rest of the work falls on the shoulders of the gardener.

Processing against diseases and pests

The pest control is sometimes produced using the early spring of the plant hot watering. The bushes, before the awakening of the kidneys, when it did not completely reach the snow, pour from watering can be boiling water. The bushes are not damaged at the same time, even if there are freezing, and from pests that winter the plants in the kidneys can thus get rid of. But experienced gardeners consider the method controversial and apply the exhaust method -proofilact spraying insecticides. Treatment of biopreparations requires multiple use, from one pest processing not to destroy. All treatments are manufactured at positive air temperatures, including night.


The transplant of adult bushes is made only with a lot of necessity, because with this action of the currant begins to root, and the bush may die. It decreases fruiting for several years.

In the case of transplanting in the spring there is a short period from thawing the Earth to the dissolution of the kidneys, which can be done.

If you disturb the flowering bush, it will reset the flowers, and the berries will not. It is more favorable to produce a transplant in the fall, and the spring planting of Cerenkov, given the rules, how to care for currants in early spring.

Caring for red, white and black currant

Currant berries, having a black color, contain 4 times more vitamins than others, the leaves have a characteristic fragrant smell and are suitable for brewing tea, and it is more despondency.

Black currant landing and care open soil Required to soil and the amount of moisture, it grows poorly on sandy, saline or acidic areas, red and white currant is less demanding to the composition of the soil and moisture, their root system is stronger, it lies deeper and spreads wide in the ground. Therefore, the mulch layer for red may be less.

Black currant is more susceptible to disease and pests, and the degeneracy of the bush comes earlier, it takes attention to the formation of a bush, avoiding the thickening. Currant having red berries, fruiting goes throughout the bustle, and the topping of the tops to reduce the length of the bush will not harm the amount of harvest. Black is just a large concentration of berries - from the middle of the bush to the top.

Black currant berries are formed on shoots 2 years, and in red and white - 3-4 years, so the cropping in crops will be different if the increment of escape has no more than 10 cm, and the growth of the branch is directed inward, such branches are removed, leaving shoots , addressed in growth by 30 cm per season.

Red and white currants can be planted more compact, 1.5 m from each other, in the black distance between the bushes, in order to collect a rich harvest, should be 2 m. Currant different colors Do not squeeze nearby.

For red currant, the surface scattering of fertilizers is not suitable, because the roots go deeper than in black.

Care in spring for currants in different regions

Important in the choice of varieties is the principle of zoning. Currant varieties have several hundred species derived for different regions of the country. The currant is best increasing, chosen, considering the growth area. For Siberia are derived frost-resistant varieties, not productively planted there early grades intended for the central region.

In regions where cold winter, bush should be stolen protective materialsThe root system is covered with sawdust, peat. Where the cottage is located in hot regions, you should make a larger layer of mulch to protect the roots from the scorching sun. The rest of the agricultural culture is no different. It follows to navigate only when a plant wakes up in a certain climatic zone, and starting and care for currant begins.

Currant care errors in spring

The kidney shrubs bloom very quickly, during flowering, in the month of May it is already late to engage in spring care, it is important not to miss the time when the kidneys are still sleeping. Especially this rule concerns when the branches are treated with boiling water.

On a note. Currant is demanding of watering, but it is not worth the pouring.

If you do not spend in spring prevention from pests, then the bush may be damaged completely, in some cases it has to get rid of it and not to plant anything in this place for several years. Also leaving old or weak branches is attractive for pests that are then transferred to healthy branches. Pruning and burning such branches is one of the rules of cultivation and care for currant.

Inexperienced gardener for ignorance removes young branches or tops, instead of pruning perennial branches.

Currant is an unpretentious culture, but for harvesting sweet large berries in large quantities requires care, an important aspect of which is spring, using the rules, how to care for currants during this period.

At first glance, it may seem that spring care for currant is a complex and time-consuming process. In fact, each bush will require quite a bit of time for each surgery at the end of winter and spring. This work on the principle of "did and wait for the harvest", but everything must be done on time.

  • prevention of diseases
  • protection against pests
  • pruning.

The first season treatment from pests

Currant often suffers from pests-insects: kidging currant tick, glass, fond and others. Problems also create fungal and viral diseases, for example, anthracnose leaves. Therefore, without treatments at the gardener there is little chance of a good harvest.

Without spring processing, currant will be subject to various diseases, for example, anthracnose

The first processing is carried out at the end of winter or early in spring in several ways:

  • bushes are hampered by boiling water. Short-term exposure hot water Does not harm the crust and sleeping kidneys, but guaranteed to kill the tick, wintering in them, as well as the disputes of malicious mushrooms. Terms of this processing are long and differ by region. For example, in Belarus, this can be done in the middle of winter, if there are no snowdrifts that closing the bushes, and in the Urals better spring - As long as the plant does not start waking up and the first signs of the beginning of the propagation and swelling of the kidneys will appear. This time is well determined by the appearance of a lung green haze on the bush. It is believed that the shock shake of boiling water also enhances the immunity of the plant;
  • sometimes gardeners to enhance the effect are added to boiling water by manganese before obtaining a weakly pink color, a tablespoon of salt or 50 g of iron or copper mood by 10 liters of water;
  • if for some reason it was not possible to process the early spring processing, carried it at the end of March or early April, be sure to completely swelling the kidneys, the following solution: 10 liters of warm water 500-700 g of carbamide (urea) and 50 g of copper or iron vitriol. This is a very powerful concentration of urea, but under the bush gets quite a bit and in the future it will work as nitrogen feeding;
  • this recipe for the tick is also used - a solution of colloidal sulfur, 10 g per 10 liters of water.

Video: Watering currant boiling water

Spring trimming

Trimming is carried out early in spring, until the swelling swelling. In the southern regions, for example, in Belarus, you can cut the bushes during the entire period of rest, because there is no risk of freezing the location of the cut.

From processing boiling water melts snow on a bush of currant - you can proceed to trimming

Pruning bushes of different ages is different, but there is one general condition. The best currant berries gives on the growth of last year. It is impossible to cut them, otherwise the harvest of this year is cut in the literal sense. Fruits of currant and on three-year branches, and older, but most large berries - on two-year-olds that began growth last year. Distinguish them in appearance Very simple - the bark is much lighter than older branches.

Spring cropping currant is carried out every year:

Such an annual trimming rejuvenates old bushes and extends the active fruction of currant.

Video: Spring cropping currant

Protection against frozen

Currant flowers are very sensitive to frost. Therefore, in the northern latitudes of the middle strip of Russia (in particular, in the Urals), it is not recommended to plant grades that bloom too early. But even late-driving varieties can suffer from returned cold weather, and sudden frosts are in more warm edges, including Belarus. In this case, you need to have a light nonwoven underfloor material, which you can close the blooming bush during frosts without damaging flowers and young leaves. Such material is guaranteed to save from frost to -2 ° C.

Gentle flowers of red currant are afraid of frosts, so in the case of frosts they need to be covered with nonwoven

Mulching and loosening

The root currant system is very close to the surface, so the loosening and weeding is carried out very carefully, to the depth of no more than 1-3 cm. In the spring, it is quite enough to destroy all weeds, because at this time they are still poorly developed and did not have time to root deeply .

After loosening and weeding the soil, you need to fall asleep mulch - she will not give the earth to disperse and stop the growth of weeds. But it is impossible to do it too early. It is necessary to wait for heat to sprout most of the seeds of weeds and warmed the soil for normal growth of currant. Under mulch soil after winter will be very long to remain ice. Therefore, weeding, loosening and mulching are held late in the spring, when the Earth warms up to the depth and germinate most of the weeds.

Mulching currant in the spring can be carried out only when the earth warms well in the depths

In the cold regions (in particular, in the Urals), the surface roots of the currant can freeze. They are well winter under a thick layer of snow that fell to strong frosts. Since such weather conditions are not always, many gardeners are tested by the mulch ground under the bush and in the fall. If the bush walked under mulch, in the spring, as early as possible, it is cleaned, to quickly warm up the earth, and then pushing a new one, already to protect against weeds.

Making fertilizers

Currant is demanding of the organic matter, therefore it is better to use with a fertilizer to overwhelm dung, humid or compost.

Currant spoke well on organic fertilizers

In addition to feeding during landing, each spring currants feed with nitrogen fertilizers:

  • carbamide (urea),
  • ammonia Selitra
  • ammonium sulfate (sulfate ammonium).

Fertilizers scatter over the surface before quenching and loosening from the calculation of 15 g per 1 kV. m.

It is necessary to know that ammonium sulfate in its properties - sour fertilizer, can significantly pour the soil if not at a time, then over the years, and smorodine needs a weak-oxygen soil with a pH of about 6.5. Therefore, ammonium sulfate is desirable to bring with lime-flush, dolomite flour or wood ash, which quench the acid.

After winter, everything fruit trees And shrubs need care. Currant requires a special approach: there are many nuances in how to properly care for it in the spring. And if a valid gardener certainly knows several proven ways, it will be useful to familiarize himself with the rules of trimming, transplants, watering, soil care and treatment from pests and diseases.

How to prepare currant bushes in spring

First of all, you need to remember the main rule: the whole range of currant care measures after winter are carried out after the snow has completely desired, and the air temperature has been set at 0 ° C at night and + 5 ° C day. It is important not to tighten with the care of a bush, to do pruning on time, because with a solar early spring, the kidneys are laid early, and you can simply be late. If the growing season (renal layout, and after throwing out young leaves), pruning and transplanting plants will not benefit him.

Did you know?A beverage from black currant (decoction without sugar) helps to recover after training. It performs isotonic function and reduces muscle pain.

Conplanting bushes

Spring transplant is made before the appearance of leaves. It is done for several reasons:

  • breeding bushes;
  • separation of too thick stones;
  • rejuvenation and receipt of a more abundant harvest (the recommendation applies to plants that are 5 years or more);
  • landing overwhelmed cuttings that have strengthened in the cultivation capacles.

So, in order for the change of currant to go successfully, it is recommended to comply with such an order of action:

  1. First you need to prepare a place to land. The depth and diameter of the pit for adult plants must have dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, for young - 40 × 40 cm.
  2. If the plants are somewhat, dig a trench of the required length (depends on how many bushes it is), a width of 40 to 60 cm. The bushes are planted into the trench at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.
  3. At the bottom of the pit or trenches, the drainage must be placed, for example, limestone crushed stone, and also add humus and compost into the soil (from the calculation of 0.5 buckets per plant).
  4. After that, the currant landing is carried out, the roots of which are well sprinkled with the earth so that the trunk or the storm itself, its layer was 5 cm higher than in the radius of the bush.

And if everything is simple with the cuttings, together with an earthen one of the tank or from the site, on which they walked, they are neatly planted on a new place - then plants that are more than 2 years old, move a little differently. The first rule: never pull over the branches and do not tweak the shrub from the soil. It should be carefully digging him out of the ground, while keeping the earthen com, and already with him, keeping the bush under the roots, fall into the pit or trench.

Important! Before the transfer of adult plants to a new place, the soil and the bush itself is treated with potassium permanganate solution. To obtain a solution, 5 g of mangartee is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Gardeners with experience are advised to plant adult plants at a new habitat by 5-7 cm deeper than on the old one. After the transplantation in the first months, the currants should be abundantly watering, following the soil, the soil disassembled and did not drive. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. If it is regularly rained, watering can be produced as the soil drying. If the summer arid, it will be worthwhile to water the currant bushes through the day.

Trimming currant bushes

Spring trimming is carried out in different regions at different times: in the northern part of the country - at the end of April, in the moderate strip - in early April, and in the south - at the end of March. Dates of trimming Each dachnik establishes itself, based on the state of the bush, its growth and development. In any case, before the end of March, pruning is not carried out. First of all, the old shoots are cut off, right at the Earth, so that the remaining cuttings barely seen. Old shoots are usually gray and there are no floral brushes on them.
Fig.1. Currant trimming: a - annole Sedna; b - two-year bush; In, g - shortening of shoots. Fig.2. Bush currant to rejuvenating trimming (a), after it (b) and trimming the running bush (B).

If a lateral strong escape appeared on the branch, it is cut by 0.5 cm above the place of the point of growth of young escape. Healthy branches brown colorThey are shortened in the second year of the plant's life on 4-8 kidneys, depending on the length. For the third year, weak young shoots are removed and strong annual branches are cut on a third. In a plant that is more than 5-7 years old, the old branches (gray) are cut to the cuttings and again by 4-8 kidneys shorten the strong branches. Thus, the currant bush is rejuvenated and fertilizes regularly.

Important! The shoots that are tilted close to the soil are considered weak and also removed in the spring.

How to proper currants

Experienced summer residents advise to paint the currants all summer, in particular, loosening the aisle. Simultaneously with this procedure, the natural removal of weeds occurs. The currant roots are close to the surface, therefore the diplogging is made shallow, by 10-15 cm, to enrich the soil with oxygen.
Pipping begin to spend from spring (from early April), they continue all summer and in the fall mulched with the addition of manure (1 m² of soils 1 bucket of manure is made). The fertilizer layer can reach 7 cm. In winter, the emphasis is not performed. On the next year, after a bunch of (usually at the end of May), you can repeat the dying cycle, performing the loosening of the rod and then the entire care is performed again according to the scheme described above.

Than watering shrub

Watered currant bushes ordinary water, taken from the well or the closest to the reservoir. Water should be warm, it is recommended to install a container on the site, for example, a large trough or garden bath, which will be filled with water for watering. This is especially important if there are many currant bushes.
The most important period of producing moisture is the period of forming berries and the flow of fruits when they increase in size.

If the weather is dry, then watering is carried out once in 8 days, for each plant poured 5 vector of water. The leaves are not wetted by water, and pour only under the root. If the autumn is dry, an abundant watering is allowed in the site in early October so that the soil absorb moisture and the plant did not suffer from water shortage.

Did you know?IN winter time In ordinary tea, you can add dried currant leaves. This will turn an ordinary drink to an effective antiviral agent.

Soil care

In addition to regular irrigation, the plant also requires care directly over the soil in which it grows. The soil near the bush should be loose, for this, a popular agricultural reception is used - mulching. As a result, the earth becomes softer, more oxygen falls into it. The mulch use sphagnum or peat. They are sold in all agricultural shops and even in the markets. They are simply scattered on the surface: under the bush and within the crown radius.

Apply such a reception as mulching with newspapers. They cover the soil and removed when inflorescences are formed. Instead of newspapers, it is possible to use louturasil black. This is a special covering material that will not allow weeding to grow and keeps the bushes from the rapid evaporation of moisture. A large plus material is that watering can be produced directly to its surface.

In the spring, when the currant begins to bloom, in the soil directly under the bush makes feeding in the form of a solution of avian litter (1 bucket litter on 20 waters). In the fall, after the removal of fruits, in three stages are made by humus (in quantity of 1 bucket of 1.5 m²): in October, at the end of November and at the first December thaw.

Processing from pests

Video: Watering currant boiling water

Another way to protect against pests is watering herbs champs, such as tincture low husk or garlic water. To obtain infusion take 1 kg (in the already dried form), the yellow husk from the usual reptile onion and poured 2 liters of boiling water. It insists the day, after which it is bred by water until the volume of 10 liters is obtained and the bush is watered. The tincture does not have to be hot, any temperature is allowed. Garlic water is preparing as follows: 2 crop of garlic teeth are added to 1 liter of boiling water. It insists an hour, after which the bush is filtering and watered.

In addition, there are acaricidal preparations that are bred in water according to the instructions and are used to prevent the appearance of the budding tick: "Apollo", "Neon", "Nissoran", "Oberon".

What to do in spring with currants to be a good harvest

The following tips of gardeners with experience will certainly help get a good curl curly:

  • conduct spring trimming is needed solely before the start of the sludge;
  • first treated the bush from pests, and then cut off;
  • no need to zealous with fertilizers, their excess is also harmful as the disadvantage;
  • be sure to do trimming bushes;
  • even if the shrub does not ill, preventive treatment of pests and diseases is obligatory;
  • chicken litter in pure form never contribute to the soil, because it easily can burn the roots of the plant, so it is added only in diluted water.

Features of currant care in Siberia

As for the cultivation of currant in Siberia, there are several important features Care:

  • breeders advise dachensons of this region to grow only winter-hardy varieties (friendly, Hercules, Far Eastern buoy, etc.);
  • it should be avoided in shorts, for currants, a smooth part of the site is more suitable;
  • if the soil waters come closely, then you need to look for another place for landing, because in winter this neighborhood will increase the probability of root freezing;
  • in the layout of the berries, abundant watering is required;
  • fertilizers in the form of humus and compost contribute only to the third year of the plant, mineral fertilizers - spring and autumn;
  • the trimming is carried out according to the standard scheme, taking into account the season (as in all the northern regions - at the end of April).

Video: Various currant in Siberia

When to open currants after winter in Transbaikalia

According to the recommendations of specialists, in the northern regions, including in Transbaikalia, to open currants after the winter, when it has already partially descended or populated on the snow area. This period is usually accounted for April.

It is not so difficult to grow currants as it seems at first glance. If you follow the advice of specialists and experienced gardeners, then get plentiful yield of delicious and useful berries Will any dacket, even a beginner.

It is time for spring work in the garden, a berry, in the garden. Today we will talk about black currants. What care is needed by this berry in the spring. It must be said that the spring processing of berries is more important than autumn and includes emergency work as:

  • cleaning of black currant bushes;
  • pruning the bushes sanitary;
  • trimmed bushes normalizing;
  • processing against pests and diseases;
  • feeding black currant;
  • watering;
  • soil looser and mulching.

The priority of execution of work can be changed if the snow is still lying and some work cannot be performed. For example, conduct spring cleaning of black currant from accumulated over the autumn-winter period of garbage. Do not carry out the forming trimming, if it was completed in the fall. But let's try to consider all the work in order.

Cleaning black currant bushes

The main cleaning of the black currant bushes from the old branches of foliage, weeds are carried out in autumn. However, during the autumn-winter period, the garbage accumulates and it must be removed. Gently cut off from the bush of the black currant and between the branches in the bush old by the foliage and necessarily burn. In it, no doubt, the winter of pests, lately leaving on peace.

Sanitary trim black currant

Carefully inspect the black currant bush. Cut all the broken, growing inside, sick and dry branches.

We look at the lower branches and cut the lying on the ground. They were attached by snow. Cut off the latter or penultimate lively kidney, looking up. Things are folded into a bunch.

We inspect the old black currant branches, whose effective fruiting ended. This is 6-7 year-old branches. They are covered with old coarse crust, practically do not have young side shoots and kidneys. To form a harvest, such branches will not be, but some of the nutrients in young people will be selected. Cut them from the earth itself and also send it into a bunch.

We turn to live flourishing shoots of black currant. We look at each bottom to the tip of the branch. If there are frozen parts, cut to live kidneys.

If a black currant bush looks exhausted, young yellowing shoots are thin. Cut all young shoots by 8-10 cm. This reception will save the strength of the bush for harvesting.

Once again, we look at the fluttering shoots. In some twigs, the buds swollen, round. There is located on the wintering of the tick. If the whole branch is affected, without regret, cut it off. Otherwise, we can stay without a crop. The affected branches of black currant necessarily burn.

If on the flourishing of the shooting of black currant 1-2 swollen kidneys, pressing them and fold into the package or pocket. Then, then, like all the cropped branches, burn.

Normal trimming of black currant

After all the preparatory trimming, the annual trimming of black currant bushes, for the purpose of loading the bush.

The load of the black currant bush is carried out in parallel with sanitary trimming. Young 2-3 year old bushes leave 3-4 young well-developed escapes, the rest are cut into the ring at the earth itself. The stalks are trimmed so that an improvised circle or a quadrangle with approximately equal distances is formed. Inside this circle / square, you do not need to leave a young row. The wider the base, the brighter of the black currant bush and more boring the berries.

Every year, the black currant bush is replenished with 3-4 roasting annual shoots. By the five-year-old age, the bush will have 8-12 strong fruitless escapes. They may be more if the base of the bush has a large diameter. The distance between the shoots of the Black Currant 8-12-15 cm. Second-order shoots practically do not touch. They can be shortened if the increase in the previous year is equal to or exceeds 40-45 cm.

Remember! The width of the base of the black currant bush depends on proper landing. The seedling is planted obliquely, not vertically. With inclined landing, the bush develops additional roots and forms more shoots from sleeping kidneys.

The most active period of the formation of a black currant harvest is 5-7 years, then the fruitlessness of aging and old branches is reduced. These branches at the Martam load of the bush are cut in the first place. Old 8-9 summer bushes are uprooted and replaced with young, gradually carrying a berry for a new place. You can replace the black currant irradiation to rejuvenate, which is practical to spend in spring to the wake of the kidneys (March). When rejuvenated, all shoots are cut onto the ring and from new youngsters form a bush.

Early Black Currant Processing Takes

Immediately after trimming, we proceed to the processing of black currant bushes from pests and diseases.

Experienced gardeners spend several types of treatments for sleeping bushes:

  • fire treatment;
  • boiling water treatment;
  • treatment of liquidochymid solutions;
  • treatment of biopreparations.

Fire currant processing

A large number of experienced gardeners began to apply early processing of black currant (in early March, while the bushes are sleeping) with a soldering lamp or gas burner.

After trimming, the black currant bush is quite resolved. The burner fire is directed to the bush branches at a distance of 8-10 cm and lead along the branches from top to bottom 2-3 times. As if we stroke fire. Do not take the fire close and do not hold at the branches, they do not need to fry. Just superficially burn. In this case, the eggs are dying and a large number of ticks, wintering in the amounts swollen from their quarios.

Remember! You can process the fire only currants black, red, white and strawberries / strawberries. The remaining types of berries (raspberry, gooseberry and others) can not.

If it still lies snow, you can cut it from the roots of black currants, and a few days later return to the place.

We are afraid of fire treatment, go to one of the following types, in your opinion less dangerous.

Processing of black currant boiling water

As well as heat treatment, the early spring is carried out while the black currant bush is at rest.

About 1-1.2 buckets of hot water are spent on a large bush of black currant. Boiling water is filled with spraying with sprinkler, and from a height of 15-20 cm above the bush, wash it with boiling water. While water will reach the bush, the temperature will decrease to + 60 ... + 70 ° C and does not hurt the plant. Bathing reduces the number of pests, fungal diseases, but does not destroy them completely. Therefore, in the phase of swelling the kidneering, we will reflate once again to the processing of plants from pests and diseases.

Processing of black currant by pesticides

At the end of March - the first half of April, the black currant bushes are treated with a 1-2% solution of copper vapor or a 3% mortar of the Bordeaux fluid. Copper chloroksi solution can be used, according to recommendations. The treatment with these drugs partially destroys winter ticks, aphid, as well as fungal infection.

During the beginning of the formation of the formation of black currant buds, experts recommend to treat bushes with a dispersed gray or suspension of colloidal sulfur. During this period, it is still possible to spray with sulfaride, kinmix preparations and other, allowed. It is possible to use Aktar preparations, Inta-Vir and others.

But in a private garden, the use of chemicals is undesirable, and in families with small children is prohibited. Environmentally friendly products can be obtained using biopreparations, infusions and heralds of insecticidal plants.

Processing of black currant biopreparations

Salted currants from ticks, floss, fire, fungal infection of different pathology and other pests and diseases will help biological preparations that can be used for currant treatments throughout the warm season until harvesting.

The maximum effect of biological preparations is manifested at positive temperatures from +15 .. + 18 ° C.

Taking into account! It is necessary to breed and use biological preparations in accurately compliant with the recommendations, then their effectiveness will be maximum.

Biopreparations are harmless to people, animals and birds. Begin to act in a few hours. Their action continues at least 2-3 weeks. Repeated processing until the end of the drug is carried out only after rain.

To protect plants from pests, nemakabact, lepyocide, cytoksisillin, phytodeter and others are used.

To protect against diseases - Penotrophagus, Triphodermin, Phytosporin-B, Alin-B, Gamiir, and others.

Biopreparations are mixed well in the tank mixtures, which reduces the number of treatments and load on the bushes during processing.

Champs and infancy of insecticidal plants

Currently, tips and recomcommunications from gardens and gardeners on the use of insecticidal plants to protect fruit crops from pests are appear.

  • infusion of garlic;
  • infusion of Cepurela, Vitytsev (Tagtess), Dandelion, Yarrow;
  • fresh potato tops;
  • broth tobacco, yarrow, etc.

Along with the harmless insecticidal plants, the recommendations are replete with the use of very poisonous plants, which not only destroy the miserable part of the pests, but also serve poison when used in food of unwashed berries. Be careful!

Falker black currant

The rules for holding feeding when making any fertilizer types:

  • fertilizer's diameter is equal to a slightly more bush crown;
  • fertilizers are evenly introduced from all sides, scattering on the surface of the soil under watering or fine seal into the soil at 5-8 cm;
  • in early spring, you can feed the black currant bushes by organic or full fertilizer by the method of deep introduction. Depending on the age and sizes of the bush at a distance of 50-60 cm around the perimeter, there are 30 cm depth and 7-10 cm wide. It is poured a solution of organic or mineral fertilizers and fall asleep by soil after absorbing;
  • the fertilizer solution can be made on the surface of the explosive soil directly under the black currant bush. In this case, after feeding the soil is pure water and mulched.

Phases holding black currant feeding

In the spring period spend 2 feeders:

  • in the beginning of flowering phase. Late varieties in the formation of 1-2 cm of the shoots of the current year;
  • the beginning of massive berry tying.

First Spring Falker Black Currant

Fit black currant begin with a three-year-old (first fruiting).

If, from autumn under the black currant, fertilizers were not made, then the first spring feeder performs:

  • organic fertilizer solution (manure, bird litter);
  • full mineral fertilizer;
  • a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers.

For feeding the black currant, the solution is used at a concentration of 1 part of the cowboy to 10 parts of water and 20-25 g of urea or ammonium nitrate are added.

If instead of manure use bird litter, then 1 part of the litter is dissolved in 12-15 liters of water with the addition of urea.

In the absence of organic, it is possible to make a nitroammophos at the rate of 30-40 g / bush followed by irrigation and mulching.

If black currant bushes are large, with high levels Fruit, then in the spring it is better to make an organ-mineral mixture from manure or bird litter and phosphorus-potash fertilizer. On 10 liters of water, 1 part of the manure is divorced, 20-25 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium sulfate are added. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and brought into the furrows located along the edge of the currant bush. After making and closing the fertilizer, you can pour a bushes of the average water norm (not to break fertilizers).

If the in the fall of the soil under the black currant was refilled by phosphorus-potash tanks, then only nitrogen fertilizers in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate in a dose of 50-60 g / sq. m Square. The bushes over 4 years old are obtained ½ of the specified norm.

Second Spring Falker Black Currant

The second spring feeding of black currant at the time period is after 14 days or in the phase of massive berries. Currant during this period needs, in addition to basic fertilizers, in trace elements. Getting their plant can in the form of feeding:

  • wood ash with 0.5-1.0 cup under a buscher, followed by shallow sealing loosening and irrigating with mulching;
  • it can be added under each bush 1-3 kg humus in a mixture with potassium sulfate. Processing after making feeding, as and when making ash;
  • for feeding, you can use mineral fertilizers containing trace elements - Kemir, berry and others. They can be added to the soil under the bush or carry out an extraordinary feeder by spraying with a solution. 50-60 g / sq. m Square. With an extraxiner feeder, 10 g of fertilizer is dissolved on 8-10 liters and spray;
  • an extra-corner feeder can be carried out after the first root feeder after 7-8 days, using boric acid, infusion of wood ash, Kemir and other microelement sets that are sold in specialized stores;

The second extra-corner feeding of black currant is carried out at the beginning of summer during the expanding of berries. Dose and way of feeding are the same.

Watering black currant

Early spring currants, as a rule, do not watered separately. Watering is used when making fertilizers.

The first time independent irrigation of black currant is carried out with a long dry weather in the mass flowering phase.

With a sufficient stock of winter moisture, the first watering of the black currant is carried out in the formation phase of the string (approximately the end of May).

The second watering of the black currant is already summer. It is carried out in the phase of growth (filling) of berries.

Currant loves watering sprinkling. They are better to carry out before or after flowering. During flowering or in the absence of devices for sprinkling, watering from the hose:

  • on furrows in the aisle;
  • under the bush, where a roller is made to detention for water;
  • in the ditch, made around the perimeter of the bush and other ways.

It is important that the soil when watering the black currant was wellwashed in a layer of 40-60 cm.

So that the moisture remained longer after absorbing water, the soil under the black currant turorant bush and mulch. As a mulch can be used under the bushes:

  • ripe compost;
  • humus;
  • neutral peat;
  • swivels or chips, beveled lawn grass or beveled Siderat.

The use of mulch will not only save moisture, but also will serve as an additional organic fertilizerand will also help improve physical properties Soil.

The berry must be pure. Timely destroying weeds and loosen the soil, which will increase the access of air to the roots of plants, will improve the microclimate in the corrupt layer. Execution of spring work will serve as a hoping for forming high yield Black currant S. good quality berries.

Dear readers! The norms and combinations of fertilizers for root and extractive feeding of black currant, chemical and biological preparations for treatments from pests and diseases are not a dogma. Without a doubt, many gardeners and gardeners use their methods of journey through the years. Share in comments your experience with us.