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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Ventilation scheme in 4 storey house. Device and problems of functioning of ventilation in high-rise buildings

Ventilation scheme in 4 storey house. Device and problems of functioning of ventilation in high-rise buildings

According to existing sanitary standards, apartment buildings must be equipped with ventilation, in which polluted air is removed from the kitchen and bathroom, and clean is served in the living rooms.

Ventilation of the houses of the construction of the last century is based on natural thrust. Modern residential complexes are commissioned with roof fans and forced air exchange systems. About how the ventilation system is arranged in apartment houseHow to clean and improve it, read further.

Necessity of ventilation in an apartment building

When washing, washing dishes and taking a shower in the air highlighted water vapor. Particles of a pile from clothes and carpets, epithelium and saves pets forming dust. During cooking, smells and the smallest droplets of fat evaporates.

If an apartment building is not equipped with a ventilation system, all the vital activity of people remain in the premises. Conditions are created dangerous to the health of people and the preservation of their property. Mold corps the walls and furniture, and the tenants suffer from allergies and asthma. In such apartments, kids and older people feel worse.

Ventilation functions in a residential room:

  • Ensure the penetration of clean air to the apartment;
  • Together with the exhaust air to bring dust and other harmful to health impurities;
  • Regulate humidity in residential and utility rooms.

If during cooking with open windows, smells are distributed into neighboring rooms, the ventilation system in an apartment building works unsatisfactory. Another indicator that ventilation in the house does not work - intensive accumulation of dust in the corners, ventilation grille And under the ceiling. After a day, after cleaning, you can notice the clouds of dust under upholstered furniture.

Most often, the inhabitants of the last floors suffer from this. The bad thrust is explained by the insufficient distance between the ventilation grille in the apartment and the end of the ventkane. Normally should be at least 2 meters. Often, this condition is not performed due to the presence of a warm attic in an apartment building and ventilation works not as conceived by designers.

Principle of air leads to ventilation

Most complaints about work are caused by the non-knowledge of how ventilation is arranged in the panel house.

There are 2 dirty air removal schemes from apartment buildings:

Scheme 1. The ventilation canal comes to the attic, here it goes into a horizontal box.

Several hermetic boxes are combined into one mine ending over the roof. At the same time, the principle of ventilation in an apartment building, air masses from all floors rush to the horizontal box, from there to a shared mine and on the street. In the process of movement, the air strikes the surface of the box and the area of \u200b\u200bincreased pressure is formed. Air rushes to the nearest hole leading outwards.

Sometimes the fifth floor vent can turn out as the nearest output. Normally, it must be a common Ventshacht. Even with the optimal cross section of the horizontal box, there may be a reverse thrust if the box cover is installed too low. The air is reflected from the lid and "squeezes" the smells reaching the bottom in the kitchen of the last floor. To avoid such an undesirable effect, 2 methods are used:

  • Method 1.. It is necessary to increase the diameter of the horizontal box in the attic by 2.5 times. In addition, "Dissaggers" are installed inside the box. All alterations should be carried out only by trained people. Previously, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since it is not always possible to use this method of improving ventilation;
  • Method 2.. Ventkanals of the last floor are equipped separately, in the ventilation shaft above the box. Separate channel should be warm.

Scheme 2. All ventilation channels are displayed in the attic.

The indoor indoor is used as an intermediate chamber. A single ventilation mine is conducted through the roof.

This way of removal of air is very common in modern construction.

Most often no reverse thrust in the network does not happen, but on the upper floors it is very weak. What is explained by the low height of the vertical channel (no more than 40 cm). When the doors of the attic or between the sections are open, there are practically no air movement.

Standard duplex diameter with such a ventilation system apartment house - 140 mm. To improve her work, channel outputs are lengthened due to their pipes. Connections are sealed. It is enough to add 1 meter pipe and slightly tilt it in the direction of the central mine.

Quarter ventilation

In multi-storey buildings, the ventilation system of the inflow-blowing is equipped in each apartment. This scheme is usually used: exits of exhaust channels are used in the toilets, bathrooms and kitchens, and clean air is supplied through the velocity.

In order for the air to be freely circulated around the apartment, the gaps 1 - 2 cm are left under interroom doors.

Such a work plan of ventilation in an apartment building is quite simple, but not always effective.

If windows in the apartment are fisted, it smells periodically unpleasant - you need to examine the ventilation of an apartment building. Often, natural ventilation in an apartment building does not work due to clogs. But helping ventilation in apartment buildings residents are not eligible. Repair work also perform specialists. So how to clean ventilation in the apartment?

Professional ventilation cleaning

Specialists are cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings with professional equipment. First diagnoses ventilation work of an apartment building. As a rule, the camcorder is attracted for this. She discovers the places of accumulation of garbage and dust, destruction. After that, the pneumatic brush car removes all the dirt. At the same time, it is possible to disinfive the mine.

You can conduct a survey of the ventilation of an apartment building with the simplest way: to bring a burning candle or match to the ventilation grid. If the flame deviates towards the ventilation, it means not everything is lost. The vertical location of the flame indicates that natural ventilation in the house does not really work. When surveying ventilation, you need to check all the ventilation lattices in the apartment of an apartment building.

Self cleaning ventilation

The tenants of apartment buildings can dismantle the ventilation grille in their apartment and clean the available part of the mine by a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Before cleaning ventilation in an apartment building yourself, it is desirable to wear protection tools: gloves, respirator, glasses. Sometimes completely good and clean system It works not effectively.

In this case, it is necessary to resort to additional funds:

  • supply valves;
  • exhaust fans.

They make it possible to adjust the inflow and blowing air from the apartment, inexpensive and are simply installed enough.

Ventilation of the base and basement floor

The basement is one of the most important elements of the ventilation system of an apartment building. After all, ventilation mines that permeate all the floors begin in the basement.

As a rule, ventilation of the basement of the apartment building is organized on a natural line.

For diversion of raw air from the basement, common ventilation channels are used, overlooking the holes on each floor and in each apartment.

The influx of fresh air is no less important for ventilation of the basement of an apartment building, where it is often raw and cold. This goal is the product or holes in the walls of the basement, located slightly above the surface of the Earth. The number of blood production is calculated on the basis of the building area.

The area of \u200b\u200bproduction is 1/400 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe building.

If the building is located in a zone with an increased content of radon or the radiation limit background, the area of \u200b\u200bblood production increases to 1/100 from the building area.

The area of \u200b\u200bone product may vary from 0.05 to 0.85 square meters. meter.

Production with a diameter of 30 x 30 cm must be rejected.

The shape of the ventilation holes may be any, but most often they are made rectangular or round. This form is easier and looks better.

Production should be evenly distributed around the perimeter of the foundation in order to avoid the formation of unexploded sections.

The distance from the corner to the nearest product is 90 cm. It is advisable to make an even amount of blood and place them opposite each other. The distance to the Earth is at least 20 cm. If you lower the holes below, they can be covered with rain or spring flood.

The higher the land on the ground are the ventilation holes, the better.

If the foundation of the house has internal bearing surfaces, it is necessary to make a product and in them, so that the entire basement of the apartment building was ventilated.

Production cannot be closed, otherwise the entire principle of operation of the ventilation of an apartment building will violate. From penetration into the basement of cats and rodents, the holes are closed with a metal grid.

So, the ventilation of the apartment building is a single system, the device of which begins in the basement and ends above the roof. Any attempts for tenants to interfere in her work, such as ventilation cleaning in the apartment, dismantling its elements or alteration entail administrative responsibility!

Learn more about how ventilation is a multi-apartment video. Video:

Organized natural ventilation in a residential building is an air exchange occurring due to the difference in air density inside the building and outside, through specially arranged exhaust and supply openings.

For ventilation of rooms in a residential apartment building, a natural ventilation system is envisaged. Let's figure it out as it works and at the expense of what works.

Natural ventilation device

In each entrance from the first floor of the last, there is a common ventilation channel that passes vertically below, up with the output either on the attic or immediately to the roof (depending on the project). Satellite channels are connected to the main ventilation channel, the beginning of which is located, as a rule, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and toilet.

Through these channels-satellites "spent" air leaves apartments, it falls into the overall ventilation shaft, it takes place and is displayed in the atmosphere.

It seems that everything is extremely simple and such a mechanism should work trouble-free. But there are many points that can interfere with normal ventilation work.

The most important thing in the work of natural ventilation is that the air must come to the apartment in sufficient quantity. According to projects, according to SNiP, this air should flow through the "looseness" of window openings, as well as by opening the vents.

Exposure from SNiP 2.08.01-89 (parameters of the minimum air exchange for an apartment).

But we all understand that modern windows In the closed state, no sounds are missing. It turns out you need all the time to keep windows open, which is naturally not possible for a variety of reasons.

Causes of violation of natural ventilation

  • Re-equipment of Venta Channels
  • It happens that ventilation ceases to work because of the active neighbors, which simply could break the ventilation channel to expand the living space. In this case, all residents, whose apartments are below, ventilation will stop working.

  • Trash in the ventilation channel
  • It often happens that something falls into the ventilation mine and simply does not give the air to move freely. If this happened, then you need to contact the appropriate structure, it is prohibited to climb on the ventilation channel yourself.

  • Not proper connection Exhausted umbrellas
  • Also the common problem is to connect kitchen hoods (exhaust umbrellas) of high power to the satellite channel, which is not intended for this. And when such a hood is turned on, then in the overall ventilation channel, an air stopper is formed, which disrupts the operation of the entire system.

  • Seasonality
  • Unfortunately to work natural System ventilation also has an impact temperature modeIn the cold season, it works better, and in the summer, when the temperature in the street increases it is weaker. This is still added somewhat negative moments Described above, and the work of the entire system comes down.

And of course there are errors in construction allowed by the Contractor for any other reasons ... Only the installation of the supply and exhaust ventilation equipment will help.

Natural ventilation is running round year 24 hours a day. Therefore, a 24-hour air flow is needed. If it is not, then in winter with closed windows, condensate is possible, increasing moisture up to the formation of mold, so that this is avoiding installing the supply valves, it will improve the ventilation indoors and relieve from excess moisture.

For organizing a good air exchange in the apartment all year round. The installation of the conductor will be required. Thanks to this device, you do not have to open the windows, and the apartment will always come in fresh and clean air.

From how the ventilation device is performed in multi-storey buildings, the composition of the air and the health of the residents there will be dependent.

Many people wish their accommodation to make more comfortable and cozy. But it turns out the opposite. Without thinking about the consequences or by ignorance, they break the air exchange, which leads to negative consequences. The purpose of this article is to clarify how the ventilation system is functioning in an apartment building, which factors violate its work and what problems it leads to.

Criteria for selection, types and elements of ventilation in an apartment building

The presence of certain elements will be directly dependent on the type of system. But, regardless of the selected option, will contain such mandatory components:

  • air canals;
  • ventilation shaft;

Not depending on type, it will necessarily have a subtle-exhaust. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure not only the extractor, but also coming in the same volume.

Depending on the type of prompting, the start of thrust, such systems are made to divide on:

  • natural - thrust appears due to the temperature difference and pressure on the street and indoors;
  • combined - extractor or injection is carried out by an electromechanical manner;
  • forced - thrust and discharge occurs with special fans and other devices.

If natural ventilation of residential buildings is used in a multi-storey building - the presence of ventshachs must.

Scheme of typical general ventshach

The requirements for its arrangement are simple and one for all buildings:

  • tightness;
  • bandwidth corresponds to the project volume;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • fire safety.

Also, depending on the air exchange scheme, the system can be stirred or with displacement. The first method is characteristic of impermeable walls with vapor insulation. The inflow goes through the ventilation holes and various slots. Due to relatively high initial speed, the street fresh is mixed with contaminated air. With incorrect flow organization, pull the air contaminated with impurities in this way it will be difficult.

To select the type of ventilation, it is necessary to take into account all factors such as:

  • number of floors;
  • location relative to other structures;
  • level of external noise;
  • environmental pollution.

For houses with intra-quartered location and noise to 51 dBA, it is recommended to install a natural type ventilation. If the building is located in a particularly polluted place, or no noise level of more than 51 dBA, it is necessary to apply supply system And it is advisable to filter.

Advancement of ventilation elements in a high-rise building

The location of the air intake from the street is equipped in certain places, depending on how ventilation is arranged in an apartment building. If the heating of the retractable air in the system under consideration is not provided, it must be started as close as possible to the ceiling of the room. This will provide its full mixing with a warmer room of the room.

So that the penetrating air warmed under the influence heating devicesinstalled in the apartment, entering these devices.

When heating occurs directly in the blowers, the feed is equipped at the bottom of the room.

Despite the type of system, the inflow occurs only in the residential rooms, and the hood in the kitchen and bathroom. Hole for drawing is equipped at an altitude of at least 2 meters from the floor. The ventilation scheme in a multi-storey building involves the absence of air from sanitary and additional premises In room accommodation.

Ventscanals different rooms from natural hood Polluted air is recommended to provide separate, excluding single-level assemblies. If there is no such possibility in an apartment building, it is necessary to provide for a summary of individual pipes into one vertical mine.

They join such a mine predominantly every two floors. Ventilation on the last floor is displayed separately, it is not recommended to connect it to the mine.

Features of the arrangement and operation in panel houses

If we talk about such a common form of houses, then there the air exchange is arranged natural principle. Similarly, the system is also arranged in old houses from the brick, as well as in low-budget new buildings. The absorption of outdoor air takes through the slots and looseness in the old frames or through the special holes provided for in modern plastic.

The removal in them occurs due to the presence of constant thrust, present within the ventilation shaft, which rises above the roof of the roof or goes into attic room. Street air, falling into residential premises through the windows, thanks to the craft in the channel, strives for the exhaust hole in the bathroom or hood in the kitchen. It turns out that the air, passing through all the rooms of the apartment, gradually displaces polluted to the street.

Procedure for ventilation on the example of a typical project

The most common panel project is a nine-story house. The principle of the functioning of the extract is the same. Air from the street, through the windows and crevices, falls into the apartment. Extraction occurs through ventricular satellites in the kitchen or bathroom. One, less often a few channels from the drawing. These channels are connected to the main mine through two floors. These mines are quite cumbersome and occupy a lot of space. Such a system will most likely be equipped with a large-pass home.

Such a scheme at the house of 9 floors implies the presence of a warm attic. The removal with 8 and 9 floors goes directly into the atmosphere, bypassing the common channel. The scheme for the 9-storey house was designed for the calculation of the complete absence of wind and the outer air temperature +5.

Despite the fact that natural ventilation in such houses is not too efficient, it almost does not require maintenance, blockages rarely arise. There were cases when ventilation channels clogged building materials During the construction of the house. Such a surprise has affected the quality of the exhaust. Most often, the cleaning of the mine is required once every 5-6 years.

During repair, many people overlap the path of the air in any place. They think about ignorance that it will not affect the hood, but the process of air reproduction in the apartment finds it difficult or stopped completely.

The most common actions leading to interference and failures in the work of natural ventilation are:

  • installation of sealed plastic windows;
  • interior doors with a seal;
  • installation of various fans in the hood.

In order not to disrupt the work of natural ventilation thrust, it is forbidden to make difficulties in the influx and an outflow of air. For plastic windows, you need to hind the supply holes or arrange an external inflow separately. The doors between the rooms are equipped at the bottom of the lattices. The cross-section of the drawing channel should not be overlapped with fans.

Possible options for ventilation in high-rise buildings

Modern ventilation in the panel house is equipped with single exhaust pipes. From the sanitary show, from each floor to the roof there is its own pipe. In this embodiment, there is no possibility of penetration of foreign smells and the entire system is uniformly and reliable.

Another good option when all vertical channels come to the overall horizontal collector, which is located in the attic. The air from it goes outside through one common pipe.

The most unstable way can be called the option when a small satellite channel from each apartment enters into a common ventshach. Such a ventilation scheme in the panel house is significantly cheaper in the arrangement and increases the living area, but constantly brings a bunch of problems to residents. The most common is the flow of various smells from one apartment to another.

The best version of the ventilation is the electromechanical systems of forced feeding and pulling air. They are used in modern new buildings, except low-budget. Supply installation of such a system is in the basement or on the side of the main building. It serves filtered and warmed or cooled, air to all rooms and rooms. On the roof, in turn, an exhaust electric fan is installed exactly the same calculated power as a trimming. It is designed to remove a contaminated mixture of apartments through an exhaust.

This is one of the primitive schemes of the device. A more challenging, which can be equipped with a modern high-rise building, is equipped with the use of new energy-saving technologies. For example, recuperators are devices that allow you to select heat or cold from the pulled air and give it to the inlet.

The consequence of the installation of modern hermetic windows and doors is the unsatisfactory work of ventilation elements and its inconsistency with the recommendations of SNiP. Few people are ready at any time of the year for the influx of the necessary amount of air to keep windows ajar, even in the cold. In absence efficient work The hood increases the humidity indicator, the saturation of air is growing with carbon dioxide, and the oxygen is falling. In such a microclimate of the room, when the air humidity is higher than the norm, the mold and various fungi are perfectly multiplied. This is very harmful to the human body and not aesthetically appeared.

The way out of the situation is quite simple. You need to get. It will eliminate the problems of air updates, and the use of the recovery system allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate and fresh air with minimal energy costs.

From how effectively the ventilation in an apartment building is functioning, quality depends aerial In the premises, and therefore the health of people living there. Many residents, without understanding, disturb the air exchange, although they actually seek to improve the conditions and increase their comfort. The goal of our article is to clarify how different ventilation schemes have multi-apartment houses and point to the nuances that violate their work. We will also touch on the issue of maintenance and periodic cleaning systems for feeding and removing air.

How is the ventilation in panel houses?

Most citizens of the CIS countries live in high-rise buildings built during the Soviet Union, although in recent years some of the population has moved to the apartment of new buildings. But most of the new buildings in terms of the level of comfort are not better than Soviet. Accordingly, the air exchange in them is organized on a budgetary principle.

In more expensive new buildings, heating and ventilation are arranged on modern standards and taking into account the use of new materials and structures. At the moment you can meet the following types of ventilation in residential buildings:

  • with natural influx and exhaust;
  • with forced air movement through ventilation plants.

Note. Combined systems are found, where natural supply ventilation and mechanical extracts are involved.

If we talk about the housing of the panel type, then it uses only a natural air exchange. The same applies to the brick residential buildings of the Soviet era, as well as modern low-budget buildings. The influx into the premises should be carried out through the looseness of the River wooden windows Or special channels and valves made in metal-plastic glass packages.

Accordingly, the hood occurs due to the natural thrust arising inside the vertical mines overlooking the roof or in the attic. Fresh air, falling into rooms through the windows, under the influence of thrust in the mine rushes to its exit or in the bathroom. Thus, he passes through the entire apartment, gradually polluting, after which it is removed out through ventkanals. As it happens, it reflects the scheme of the apartment ventilation system:

If you block the path to this stream anywhere, then the air update in the apartment will stop. This makes many tenants in the process. repair work, erroneously believing that the hood will be able to work without a tributary. Here is a list typical mistakesleading to violation of air exchange:

  • installation of deaf double-glazed materials from metal plastic;
  • elimination of the lumen between door blast and floors when replacing interior doors;
  • installation of periodically working axial fans in the toilet.

So that the work of ventilation with natural motion is not broken, it is impossible to overlap the power of the air. In the new windows you need to embed special valves or organize a submission from the street separately. In the canvases of interior doors are alert grille, and the fan should not overlap the cross-section of the entire exhaust channel.

System schemes

Very good when the ventilation is arranged in the panel house with individual exhaust channels. That is, from the kitchen, toilet and the bathroom on each floor leads a separate mine on the roof. Then there is no flow of smells from the neighbors, the thrust is more stable and is not prone to tipping. Another option - vertical channels from all apartments are collected in one horizontal collector, located in the attic, and the air is falling outside of it. Below in the figure are depicted different methodsHow can the ventilation diagram of the panel house can be organized:

The most unsuccessful method is shown in the option "b", where a small channel is coming out of each apartment - a satellite, which is higher in the total vertical mine. This method saves useful Square Rooms and cheap in sales, but during operation creates a lot of problems living in the house to people. The most common one is the flow of smells from the apartment in the apartment. Vividly similar ventilation device is shown in the picture:

Methods "B" and "g" are found in panel houses Small floors having a attic. They should not be called impeccable, since in the first case the collector creates an additional drag resistance, and in the second all the smells from the apartments are collected in the attic. therefore best options - These are modern ventilation schemes with mechanical feed and air removal. Such are applied in new homes, the example is illustrated below:

Here is available supply unitlocated in the basement and feeding peeled and heated (or chilled) air into all rooms. On the roof of the building is located an exhaust fan of the same performance, properly removing the contaminated air mixture from the apartments. This is the most simple scheme, Ventilation in a multi-storey building can be arranged with the use of energy-saving equipment - recuperators. Their task is to take the heat (or cold) from the emissions of the air and transmit it to the supply.

Calculation of the ventilation of a residential building

It should be noted that forced and natural ventilation multi-storey house Calculated by serious design organizations. The tenants she gets in the finished form and change something in it without interference in building construction Buildings will not succeed. Nevertheless, with the help of various additional equipment You can improve air exchange, which will require a simple calculation.

For example, the ventilation in the panel house works badly, and you want to have an air favorable for health within your home. Then you should remember one pattern: the amount of supply air should be no less than removed by all hoods. It is understood that axial fans are already installed to increase the thrust at the outputs in the mine. So that they do not pour air in place and exhaust ventilation functioned normally, the aggregates of the same performance on the inflow should be put.

Council. Do not install too powerful fans in the kitchen and in the bathroom. For one-bedroom apartment There are enough productivity of 50 m3 / h for each, two or three-room - up to 100 m3 / h.

You can organize a forced inflow with cleaning and heating using small installations embedded in the wall. Usually, the ventilation system of a residential building consists of several similar aggregates located in different rooms. With their work, they provide the balance of the air in the premises and its purity. By the way, the number of tributaries can even prevail over the extract within 15%, it will not harm from this.

How to clean ventilation in an apartment building?

It often happens that the cause of a weak extract is to clog the ventilation mines in general and lattices in the apartment - in particular. Detect this will help a simple ventilation check: you need to light a match or a candle and reduce the flame to the grille. If you have traction, it must confidently deviate towards the flow, otherwise you need to remove the grille and repeat the check. If the flame is not rejected now, you need to try to clean the mine.

Council. There is still a method of testing using a sheet of paper, but it is inaccurate, because often the ventilation is not able to keep the paper on the grille. It is better to check the flame.

Usually in panel houses full cleaning of channels perform professionals using various means and equipment. These include special weights, rams with cargo and other devices. It is not recommended to engage in ordinary residents to do this in order not to harm in order to bring benefits. You can, removing the grille, clear the walls of the ventilation mines within where the hand will be touched with a broom or another tool.


It should be noted that natural ventilation of apartment buildings is not too effective, but also clogs not so often. True, sometimes the channels were hampered by the construction trash at the stage of building a building and it created a large problem subsequently. Under normal conditions, cleaning the mine from the plaque and the web produced 1 time in several years.

Ventilation systems in the apartment: Natural and Forced How to clean the ventilation and air conditioning systems

The ventilation system determines the quality of the air indoor environment. In an apartment building, her role is extremely large.

After all, it is precisely from the correct device of the ventilation systems directly depending on the temperature characteristics of air flows and purity, and air humidity in each apartment.

Air exchange systems, as a rule, are divided into two main types:

  • with artificial air exchange (it is also called mechanical), the ventilation of the premises is carried out forcibly;
  • the natural air exchange assumes that fresh air enters the room through the holes in the window fittings, or by means of arbitrary slots.

If the apartment is installed plastic windows, the only way to organize natural ventilation becomes ventilating.

Among the advantages of the natural air exchange, you can highlight ease of maintenance and low cost. However, compared with artificial, it has a number of shortcomings - first of all, dependence on the state of the environment and a very large cross section of the ventilation channels.

With artificial ventilation, the exhaust dirty air naturally displaces the ventilation mines. They usually envisage in such premises, both kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms.

Forced ventilation involves the use of any devices for the organization of air exchange.

It happens a few types.

  1. Inlet. In this case, air supply is organized artificially. At the same time, his displacement occurs naturally.
  2. Exhaust. This type implies the elimination of the polluted air mechanically, and the flow of fresh happens naturally.
  3. Mixed ventilation implies completely artificial air exchange.

Ventilation device in an apartment building

Design and installation of ventilation systems in apartment buildings are very complex comprehensive processes consisting of a number of responsible events. Therefore, they should only be conducted by specialists who have knowledge and experience in this area.

Ventilation is organized according to the scheme directly depending on several factors, including on the number of floors in the house. With small floors (up to four floors inclusive), usually equipped with several ventilation channels, each of which has a separate output to the roof of the building.

This scheme is relatively simple, however, has significant disadvantages. Among them are a large amount of place occupied.

Houses of greater floors (from five floors and higher), usually have the following diagram of the ventilation device:

  • through a special outlet, spent dirty air from the apartment falls into the channel - satellite;
  • several satellite channels converge into a single ventilation channel;
  • from a single channel, dirty air falls into the prefabricated main channel;
  • protective gypsum coats overlap all the ventilation mines in the attic in the house;
  • the spent stream of dirty air is displayed in the atmosphere through the vertical exhaust channel.

In an apartment building, the air exchange works naturally. There are two main types of solutions of ventilation systems typical of such buildings.

Depending on the formation scheme, it is allocated:

  • a system involving air displacement;
  • the scheme implying air stirring.

The second type is distributed in buildings from reinforced concrete and bricks (that is, in most existing apartment buildings).

What you need to know about the canals and mines

The main component, which defines how efficiently works ventilation system In the house - ventilation channel.

Installation of designs of this type is carried out in the construction process. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to lay them directly in interior Walls Building building. Most of the channel has a vertical location. However, there are plots located horizontally - their length should be no more than 3 m.

Today, the popularity of metal structures is growing. Nevertheless, ventilation canals of bricks received the greatest distribution.

Therefore, their features should be stopped in more detail. These channels have square cross section With a side of equal half of the brick.

To complete the brick channel, you will need to play the next sequence of actions.

  1. Applying pre-markings on a special template.
  2. The device of two or three initial rows of masonry.
  3. A buoy is set on the plumb. They are bricks that are stacked across the ventilation channel. BUYS allow you to protect the channel from pollution in the construction process, help to give it a cross section of the right square shape, and also increase the strength of the structure. Minus buoshkov in the fact that they make it difficult to clean the canal.
  4. In the future, the buoys are rearranged every 5 - 7 rows.

Sometimes, industrial ventilation channels are provided in apartment buildings. In this case, a separate mine leads from almost every room. It provides more stable thrust, and also prevents foreign odors from entering neighboring apartments.

Another option - for each apartment there is a separate manifold, in which, horizontally, its ventilation channels converge. The common collector is organized in the attic, and already from there air enters the atmosphere.

The least successful solution - from each apartment there are channels - satellites convergence in one major mine. The only plus of such a solution is low cost.

How to check the ventilation status in the house

To know exactly whether the ventilation system of a particular apartment works well, it suffices to perform a simple check. To do this, you need a candle or thin napkin (a napkin can replace a piece of toilet paper).

Check is as follows.

  1. The burning candle must be reduced to the ventilation grille. If the flame is attracted to the lattice, it means that ventilation is in working condition.
  2. A slice of a napkin is applied to the ventilation grid, which you need to slightly press, and then release. If the napkin remains on the grille, this indicates a well-working ventilation system.

The microclimate in the apartment largely depends on the proper ventilation device. Therefore, it is important to contain its channels in proper condition.

In addition, it should be regularly cleaned with hoods on extracts and check how the system works. This will provide more active air circulation.