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» Tips for weight loss for every day. Useful and simple tips for weight loss

Tips for weight loss for every day. Useful and simple tips for weight loss

Simple advice to losing weight that will help you lose weight and turn the right food into the habit. We do not demand anything supernatural from you - we don't require anything from you, just want you to be healthy and happy.

  1. Make a sport part of your daily life. For training, it is not necessary to go to the hall, you can train and at home.
  2. Alternate various types of workouts: Perform a 20-minute power once a week.
  3. Squeeze about 400 calories you can during a 20-minute training with weights.
  4. Before your usual training, make a little jog: and warm up, and from unwanted fat on your stomach get rid of.
  5. Do you perform cardiotrans? Increase their time for 5 minutes.
  6. Increase the tempo of your stretching workouts, the muscles will be in a tone, and the calories you burn more.
  7. Do not lose time: Send, while clean your teeth, or make attacks while talking on the phone.
  8. If you go to the store, it's best to descend the stairs.
  9. Watch TV, lying on the sofa? The root is wrong! Watch your favorite TV series can do exercises with dumbbells.
  10. Do not postpone the workouts for later. There are free 10 minutes - enable video with training and repeat.

  1. Follow the ruler 80/20, that is, eat 80% of healthy food and only 20% - not very healthy.
  2. We go to the store for the products once a week and go to the useful snacks in case of an attack of hunger.
  3. Drive the magazine consumed products. For objectivity, send a list of your daily diet to a friend - will check you.
  4. Make a power plan for a week and hang it on the refrigerator.
  5. Once a week, take pictures of yourself to keep track of the results.
  6. If you are bored, sad or just I just want something, find the way to "do not eat" this mood. Better walk, read an interesting book or take a bath.
  7. Shing at least 7 hours a day. If you are tired, most likely want to skip the workout or eat something.
  8. In the baggy things we feel more relaxed. Try even at home to wear tight things, they will keep you from the desire to eat something.
  9. Always keep chopped fruits or vegetables in the refrigerator. I wanted to have a snack, and useful snack is ready.
  10. Try not to keep at home any harmful meal, like chips or candies.

  1. Try to use 300-400 calories for breakfast.
  2. Add rich vegetables, avocado or berries in your morning smoothie - this will help to keep the feeling of satiety for a long time.
  3. Try not to skip breakfast, and after it take time to walk.
  4. Consume 10-15 g of protein, he suppresses Greens - a hormone causing appetite.
  5. Try to eat at least 10 g of fiber per day, it will help for a long time to preserve the feeling of satiety and avoid problems with digestion.
  6. To lose weight, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. This is especially true of buns and muffins.
  7. Instead of measuring the amount of eye, always weigh a portion of oatmeal, fruits and nuts when you cook breakfast.
  8. Break up at home, so you will definitely cope with the temptation to buy something delicious on the way to work.
  9. Preparing pancakes, make them useful. At least flour, maximum useful ingredients: berries, oatmeal or cinema.
  10. Instead of fresh juice, it is better to eat grapefruit. This fruit is known for their fat-burning properties, and the fiber contains in it will support the feeling of satiety for a longer time.

  1. Use for lunch no more than 600 calories.
  2. Buy beautiful containers and wear lunch with them.
  3. Specify the calorie content of products on containers, it will help to control yourself and not eat everything cooked immediately.
  4. Prepare an additional portion for dinner and take the remaining for lunch.
  5. Buy special containers and cook five servings on Sunday evening. Just do not add a refueling, otherwise a few days salad will lose your freshness.
  6. Add Superfut to Salads, such as a movie or chia seeds, so salad will become even more useful and referring.
  7. In the cold time, the lunch always wants something hot. Prepare bean soup, run down the containers and put in the freezer. Dispose when you want to warm up.
  8. Love Sandwichie? They can also be! Replace bread with lettuce leaves, and choose the ingredients to your taste. Do not forget, the main criterion is utility.
  9. Instead of lemonade and soda, pick up with water or green tea.
  10. Instead of cream cheese and oil, use nut pastes. The useful fats contained in it will quickly get rid of hunger and will not add centimeters to the waist.

  1. For dinner, the rule is the same: no more than 600 calories. Little secret: Put the smaller yourself, and if you still want additives, then only eat a normal portion.
  2. Instead of large plates, use salad. We do not know all the mysteries of our brain, but for some reason it is easy to deceive in this way. As a result, you will eat less.
  3. Work out the habit of a variety of headsets choose a vegetable salad.
  4. In order not to try everything that cook, chew a chewing gum.
  5. Try to replace salt herbs, garlic or spices.
  6. If you do not want to refuse meat, arrange at least one vegetarian day per week.
  7. Salad should stay useful, so less refueling!
  8. Cut vegetables large. The longer you chew, the slower eat. And the feeling of satiety will come earlier.
  9. Keep vegetable purees in the freezer, you can always use them as useful additives to soups or sauces.
  10. Having reached half of my portion, stop, drinking the water and think if you are still hungry or eat simply because the food lies with your plate.

  1. The snacks must contain no more than 150 calories.
  2. The fiber is the path to the thickening of hunger! Do not forget about it.
  3. If you do not have enough energy, instead of throwing on sugar, put on the protein. Edamam's beans are perfectly suitable for snack, they are rich in squirrel and quickly quench their hunger.
  4. If you have a long road, take useful snacks with you. When hungry, you will not have to look for them at refueling or food.
  5. Keep sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and other snacks in a prominent place in the refrigerator, so that during the attack of hunger it is on them, and not to the dinner prepared in advance.
  6. Take with you or leave at work not spoiling snacks, such as nuts. Tasty, useful and stored for a long time.
  7. Melon, Cherry or Celery tomatoes are also perfectly suitable for snacks: help digestion and quench thirst.
  8. After training, do not reward yourself for the hard work by Muffin or something like that. It is better to eat a banana or an apple with peanut paste.
  9. Nut is the useful product that is often forgotten. Why not diversify your snacks with this bean plant!
  10. To fit the appetite, eat an apple. So you do not eat more dinner than you need.

  1. If you can not live without sweet, it is better to eat on a little bit every day than at once - a kilogram of ice cream.
  2. Baking is baking, but try to use smaller oil. Or at least replace the creamy more useful.
  3. Sweet your dessert will make not only sugar, but also fruits and berries.
  4. Vegetables do not happen much! Add zucchini or potatoes into the dough: to taste, do not even notice the difference, and get the benefit.
  5. Almost every dessert has a useful alternative. Remember this when you want to eat ice cream or a piece of cake.
  6. If you add bananas or other protected product to the dessert, then you will define less, since quickly hurt.
  7. Or at all instead of a dessert, drink fruit smoothie.
  8. Preparing cookies, freeze part of the dough. And when you want sweet, you will quickly make another portion. It is much better than purchased sweets, especially if you add oatmeal and dried fruits into it.
  9. Always prepare desserts yourself. You will know exactly their composition, and recipes can be found.
  10. Maybe autumn coolness and does not have to ice cream, but if it still wanted, make it yourself. For example, beat the bananas and peanut butter in the blender and freeze.

  1. Even the paste can be dietary, if we replace spaghetti on the sliced \u200b\u200bstraw
  2. Once and forgive forever about mayonnaise! In the sandwiches it can always be replaced by hummus or mustard.
  3. You can eat even chips only if they are carrot and self-made. To finely cut carrots, add spices and put into the oven for 20 minutes it is not difficult at all.
  4. If you do not like black coffee, then at least replace the cream with low-fat milk.
  5. If the pizza really wanted, then forward, to the stove! Make the dough thin and in its composition add a movie, replacing them some flour.
  6. Safety milk is a good option, but flakes with almond milk will be even more useful.
  7. If you can not live without a sandwiches, let the wholebreed cake be instead of bread.
  8. Make a porridge or cottage cheese will help not only jam, but also a finely chopped strawberry or fruit puree.
  9. It is not necessary to completely refuse burghers, you can convert them: replace the meat cutlet vegetable or a bun rice.
  10. If you still want an ordinary burger, then remove at least the upper bun.

Recently, Google is increasingly looking for information about diets. We promise to begin to lose weight then from Monday, then from the beginning of the next month ... But, without achieving results, often disappointed. How to lose weight? Record which tips for weight loss, according to scientific data, really work.

1. Slimming tips without habit - waste time

Once you have decided to change the food habits and start exercise every day, make a plan: what exactly will you change? Think of all the changes you expect from themselves, but start with one small, but the steps: for example, start walking every day for 20 minutes on foot. As soon as it goes into a habit, follow the plan.

Of course, with this approach, the process goes longer, but this method is effective: the study of the American journal of preventive medicine confirms that people who have done one small change in the week, dropped twice as a kilogram than those who adhered to the general principle of "less eating, Move more. "

2. Picture easier

Scientists conducted a study among two groups of women: one handed a list of products that can be, and simple rules, and the other was given a more complex power plan. Women in the second group could eat much more products, but they had to track everything they eat, and physical activity. So, women from the second group were more at risk to quit all halfway. So try to approach your diet easier.

3. Get goals in several stages

Agree: the goal to lose weight by 10 kg seems impracticable. Therefore, break this goal for two. First, focus on to lose weight by 5 kg. This approach helps to maintain motivation. We lose weight by 5 kg - you will celebrate your success and put a new goal.

4. First always eat vegetables

Scientists from the Minnesota University conducted a number of studies, during which the participants in front of any other food eaten vegetables. The result struck everyone. Experiment participants ate in 5 times more vegetablesWhat would usually eat, and, chewing carrots in front of the candies, eaten less candy. This principle always works, because we tend to eat any food that stands in front of us - even vegetables. Therefore, always start eating from salad.

5. Food for soothing - your enemy

A recently conducted such a study: the participants of the experiment showed a sad film, and then offered to eat a favorite meal that usually calms them. One group was offered Brauni, cookies or ice cream; The second is bar, and the third is nothing. After that, they spent an assessment of each mood in all three groups. There was no difference in the mood! Therefore, when you are upset, call a friend or go to a walk - both options are good to raise the mood, and absolutely non-ball.

6. Make friends with weights

According to studies, people who lose weight and maintain their weight are regularly weighed. If not weighing, you can imperceptibly return all the extra pounds. According to the results of one of the research, a third of women did not notice how 2 kg scored for six months, and another quarter had no idea where the extra 4 kg came from. Remember that the digit on the scales is not an assessment of your personality. Believe it as an objective information. You do not be upset when you look, what temperature in the room or on the street. The figures on the scales are just useful information with which you can appreciate whether you did not touch the slimming distance. Start weighing every day.

7. Determine the time when the kitchen closes

New studies say that it is important not only what You eat, but also when You eat. The participants of one study, which usually ate at the 15-hour period of time, reduced it to 10-11 hours - and looted an average of 3 kg in 4 months, without changing food habits. The shorter the food intake interval during the day, the more efficient calories are burned. Try to have breakfast a little later than usual and dinner a little earlier.

8. Carefully choose products in the store.

The products purchased in the store are not so harmless. According to the study conducted by the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, more than half of the calories we receive from purchased processed products, such as white bread, cookies, carbonated drinks. In the treated products on the shelves of supermarkets, saturated fats, sugar and salt in quantities exceeding the norm are contained. So try to buy only fresh and untreated products.

9. Speak about yourself only good

Slimming tips would not be complete without motivation. Almost always the desire to lose weight We support the words "I am so fat!" For some reason, we think that the hardest to treat themselves, the faster it will reach the goal. But studies show that to bring up healthy habits is easier if we love ourselves. Speak yourself the words of support and encouragement, as a friend would say. Even if at some of the days you did not cope, the next day, go back to your habits.

10. Please accept the fact that weight loss is not an easy process.

Yes, most often people who managed to lose weight and save weight after weight loss, up to the end of the life adhere to strict power rules. But do not rush to get upset. Pick up such a power strategy that you can always stick. It's how to move to another city. The first time is very difficult, but when you get used to - no inconvenience. Maybe sometimes you miss something, but, in general, you are satisfied with your new life.

Write these tips for weight loss and try to follow them every day. More motivating articles, you can find.

Love with a good mood!

Diet, motivation, sport, full-fledged rest, no stress - basic weight loss methods are known to almost everyone. However, even in this area there are little tricks, learning about which, lose weight is faster and easier.

1. The estimated daily rate of consumed cyocaloriums, in which a person will not gain weight, can be calculated according to a simple formula: weight in kilograms should be divided into 0.45 and multiplied by 14. If your goal is to lose weight, and not to support weight, then it follows To do the same calculation, only instead of its real weight should be specified. If you stick to the right digit, your weight, slowly, but surely will leave.

2. If you do not have the opportunity to dine at home or in the dining room, then you can do it in the office. Only here there is one very important clarification: never eat at the workplace. After all, you will always have something for your desktop that you will distract (phone, computer, unfinished business, scattered papers, not sharpened pencil, etc.). As a result, you will hurry to finish lunch to proceed with what distracts you. Especially dangerously use food in front of a computer or TV, because in this case, according to statistics, a person eats for 250 kilocalories more than behind the dining table.

3. More often laugh and have fun. Only 10-15 minutes of laughter per day will be allowed to get rid of 250-300 calories per week.

4. Do not neglect spices, especially cinnamon. Just sprinkle yogurts, coffee, tea, porridge and other dishes. Cinnamon is able to accelerate metabolism, as a result of which only ½ C.L. Such an additive per day will help you to lose a kilogram of unnecessary weight per month.

5. You can peer tableted calcium for some time. This trace element will contribute to the splitting of fats and make this process by 2.5-2.7% more efficiently.
6. In the process of losing weight, carrot juice can be useful. Thanks to the fiber and low calorie content, this product will help to lose weight by 1.8-2 kg in 1.5-2 months. You need to take 200 ml per day.

7. When you do fitness or just make a walk, you can listen to rhythmic music - it will motivate to physical activity, which will give the opportunity to work out longer.

8. Bring your friends to the gym or fitness club. It is proved that those people who are engaged in sports with their friends lose weight by 30 percent faster than loners.

9. Do not exclude red low-fat meat from your diet. Such products are rich in protein, so they help the muscle mass more efficiently, and the muscle tissues, even in a rest, burn much more unnecessary calories than the fat fabric.

10. Eat more red and less pepper. Solving diet will save you from excess water in the body. The pepper contains capsaicin, which speeds up the metabolism by 25%.

11. British scientists conducted a survey regarding the main reasons for spontaneous overeating in the workplace. The main reason was stress. If it happened that you have permanent, you should not immediately "eat the mountains" with candies and fast food. Sit down and carry out some deep breaths. In this case, the technique of a diaphragmal respiration helps (that is, the breath will be carried out at the expense of the muscles of the abdominal press). Thanks to such actions, you calm down faster, and the desire to eat your trouble will disappear.

12. Going better from the morning, until the first meal. This technique will speed up metabolism. In addition, the body will spend not the energy that received from food, and the one that received from your adipose tissue.

13. Always keep at home soy sauce. Recent studies have shown that soy protein is able to cause a rapid sense of saturation. In addition, it can be used instead of salt.

14. Before serving on the table, all its components are better cut into smaller particles. In the cut state, the portions will seem like a person more than if they are served with a solid piece. By deceiving his eyes, you are trusted and the stomach, with the result that the saturation will come faster.

15. The treadmill is perhaps the most effective haroring simulator. After running it is very useful to just walk. Walking can be engaged and outside the gym.

16. English nutritionists assure that the following composition is considered the ideal breakfast: boiled eggs with a piece of bread or fruit. Thanks to the proteins contained in the eggs, the body will be more efficient to spend the resulting calories. Present in breakfast carbohydrates are able to charge a person with energy and will not allow you to quickly get hungry.

17. What else are simple tips for weight loss? Red wine is able to prevent the formation of unnecessary fatty deposits in the abdomen. This effect is achieved due to the substance contained in the grapes, which is called resveratol. Here the main thing is not to overdo it: one glade is enough per day.

18. When the time comes, you can enable classical music. For calm motives, people eat on average 15-20% less, as they chew slowly and better eat.

19. After eating and two hours after it, you can chew any chemge, which will not contain sugar. Such a reception will help cope with unfortunate hunger.

20. Never neglect your matrimony intimate life. Remember that such classes are burned 20 minutes to 150 calories. Also classes with love contribute to the production of hormone, which is able to accelerate the metabolism.

21. If you want to have a snack, then it is better to do it with the help of a grenade. Seeds of this fruit contain a substance that is able to impede the formation of fat, and his sweet taste is beaten by an unnecessary appetite.

22. Meat and fish are better cooking not in a frying pan, but on the grill or in the oven. Such methods derive excess fat from products, but frying, on the contrary, adds it.

23. In the leaves of green tea, caffeine is combined with an antioxidant, which is able to accelerate the processing of fat into energy. It turns out that regular use of such tea may dispersed the exchange of human substances by 20%.

24. It is better to replace all the greens to spinach. It is characterized by reduced calorieness, and in addition, it has much more fiber, which will contribute to the intestinal cleansing and will help the body split all the deposited fats more efficiently.

25. Instead of cow cheese, you can try to use goat cheese. This product is at forty-% less caloriene, but it is not inferior to ordinary cheese in the number of useful elements.

26. Instead of buckwheat or macaroni, you can use beans or lentils as a side dish. All legumes contain a large amount of fiber and very important amino acid. That is why on a legume diet can be lost in 2-3 months to seven kilograms.

27. Do not completely eliminate fats from your diet. They are needed for normal absorption of minerals and many vitamins. It is better to replace them with useful fats. For example, instead of oily meat and dairy products, you can use turkey meat, olive and linseed oil, nuts, eggs, fish. Such a replacement will not only help lose an extra kilogram, but also will have a general beneficial effect on cardiac activity.

28. Never skip breakfast. Refusing the morning meal, you can increase the total consumption of calories per 100 per day.

29. Despite the fact that apples are able to stimulate the production of gastric juice, and in addition, they stimulate appetite, the use of this fruit 15 minutes before meals can reduce the calorie content of food 150-200 calories per day. Science This effect explains that the apples contain a large amount of fiber.

30. Salad, which will be charged with olive oil, will be more dietary than just dry chopped vegetables. When using olive oil, the organism begins to produce a protein, which is able to inform our brain that strong hunger is already quenched. This is how you can suppress the residual appetite and avoid overs.

31. Tomatoes contain a rare component, which suppresses the production of hump hormone. It is enough just to add to your dinner a couple of slices of fresh tomato and you will freely feel the effect of this hormone.

32. The perfect break between all day meals is three hours. If you wait longer, the blood level of sugar starts in the blood, as a result of which the metabolism will accommodate and you will throw on the food so much that risks.

33. Add paprik to vegetable and meat dishes. The calories in it are practically absent, but there is a lot of vitamin C, which is able to recycle fatty deposits into energy.

34. Salads can be charged not only by olive oil. You can use vinegar or sauces based on it. Vinegar contains an acid that can speed up fat decomposition processes and, accordingly, weight loss.

35. Never eat on the go. At the dinner table, people eat 30% less.

36. Try to eat with those who are used to eat little. Psychologists argue that people unconsciously constantly compare the size of their servings with a portion of their neighbors and try to adjust them. Therefore, when a woman lies with a man, she can eat 20-35% more than habitant. When it will dine with a girlfriend, the effect will be reverse.

37. After intensive physical activity, you should not immediately fall into the chair, even if you are very tired. A small walk for 15-20 minutes will only extend the fractal splitting process, while the sharp stop can reduce the entire effect of your efforts.

38. Energy drinks Coffee cooder 4-8 times. In addition, they contribute to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, coffee without sugar in small doses will only speed up your metabolism, while the jar of energy can cause extra kilograms.

39. Never drink packaged sea and juices, as they contain too many sugar and relatively many calories (per 10 ml of 40-60 calories). It should be said that the caloric content of fresh-suffered juices is about the same, only the difference is that they are more fiber and easily friendly sugars.

40. In low-fat milk, almost two times less calories than in the usual one, with approximately the same amount of phosphorus and calcium, which are able to strengthen the processing process in cells. It should also be aware that milk fat is harmful to vessels and hearts, as it leads to an increase in cholesterol levels.

41. It is better to think about a hundred times before sitting on a diet. Usually most diets work only when all prescribed instructions are followed. As soon as the diet diet approaches the end, and the person begins to eat normally, the weight can quickly return. Instead of diets, it is better to pay attention to the proper nutrition or a full-fledged system of nutrition, on which all your conscious life can be sitting, without anything without being limited. An example of such a system can be the "minus 60 system".

42. Drink more water. It accelerates metabolism and all calories that were obtained with food will be faster. As soon as feel a new attack of hunger - drink a glass of water. After that, the volume of the eaten portion will significantly decrease. Do not forget that the human body is very often confused with hunger. It may turn out that he has not wanted to drink with clean water yet.

44. Always carry something useful with you. If suddenly hunger visited you outside the house, do not leave him a single chance, buying fast food or other harmful food. Take with you nuts, apples, clean water - so you can and hunger briefly sway and health does not harm.

45. Move more. Of course, not all people love sports, some have no opportunity to visit dear fitness centers, and this time may simply be found. But there are quite affordable options: morning jog, game with children in badminton, walks. A total of 10,000 steps per day will provide you with good health and good physical form. Leaving the house, especially if you live in high-rise buildings, do not rush to immediately call the elevator. It will be much more useful to walk along the stairs a couple of floors. The rule also concerns public transport. If you do not have a long trip (a couple of stops), then it will be more expedient to just go on foot.

As you can see, it is a lot of opportunities to lose weight. Pick over the most suitable options, make a plan of action and be healthy!

About 80 percent of the female population are constantly thinking about their fig. Almost all women can not get rid of the thought of resetting a few unnecessary (in their opinion) kilogram or how to maintain their shape slim. It is with this that the constant study of the heap of various information in articles from the Internet, newspapers or magazines is connected. Of course, in our time there are a lot of various materials regarding the creation and holding of slender proportions, which can be divided into 2 groups. The first is a set of exercises that need to be constantly done, the second is proper nutrition.

All this is not bad, however, too blurry. I would like to find real advice, how to lose weight from people who really managed to get rid of 10 or 20 extra kilograms, without prejudice to health. How did they succeed? What did they take for this? After all, getting rid of extra kilograms, like maintaining the figures - a very hard work. You will constantly need to limit yourself to something, regularly do any exercises. This is not only a physical, but also a moral burden on the body.

Real loss stories

We present to your attention the advice of people who were able to get rid of 20 kilograms of excess weight and more. We also provide your attention recommendations and some dies from different countries of the world, which may be suitable for you.

It's no secret that each people are characterized by their traditions. Let's try to understand the nutrition, in principles that always help representatives from different countries to solve the main question "how to lose weight." Real stories from the life of real people:

  1. Japanese women are confident that the pledge of body beauty and health is moderation in nutrition. The Japanese never eat to the "full abdomen." They are convinced that getting up from the table - it is necessary to feel light hunger. This principle allows them to always maintain excellent well-being and optimal weight. As you know, after a dense meal always pulls on sleep, and moderate food intake is always allowed to be in a tone.
  2. The inhabitants of Italy prefer some other rules of a healthy diet. The main emphasis is placed on the consumption of fiber in large volumes. According to experts, it actively cleans the body of slags, and also good hunger quench. It is for this reason that in Italian cuisine contains many products with a large number of fiber: dried fruits, muesli, bran, legumes and whole grains. It was thanks to the Italian power regime, a world-famous diet was created, called the Mediterranean diet, which UNESCO recently recognized as the worldwide property of mankind.
  3. French women prefer to eat often, but only very small portions. The fact is that such a diet will stimulate your metabolism to accelerate activities, thanks to which much more calories are burned. Thus, you can eat up to five times a day with small portions and at the same time save a beautiful figure.
  4. China came up with their way, creating a feeling of completeness in the stomach. Before the main meal, it is necessary to fool the first dish or drink two glasses of non-carbonated mineral water if the soup is absent. As a result, the liquid fills the space of the stomach and gives a feeling of satiety. Pi this calories is practically absent. In addition, you can hardly eat a lot of second, after the first dish.
  5. Almost all Indians strictly follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the ancient system of Vedic Medicine - Ayurveda. According to which the human body is well absorbed by food only in the bright time of the day. It is for this reason that the inhabitants of India are eaten tightly, and dinner at least 3 hours before sleep and very little food.

Tutu chips. Crackers. Chocolate. Get rid of all harmful products to which the most pulls - especially those who have already frightened. "If you know in advance that at midnight you will get to the remains of the cake in the refrigerator, it is better to throw them away at once," says Brandy Tale, who has dropped 60 kg after it was diagnosed with a 2-type diabetes. Instead, the "prohibitory" is a healthy product. Let yourself be a couple of sweet fresh fruits for dessert.

2. Move order in the kitchen

According to some studies, the disorder in the kitchen can provoke overeating. Pay special attention to what it is in prominent places. If the first thing that rushes into the eye when you enter the kitchen is chocolate cookies in a transparent bank, you risk getting into a group of people who weigh an average of 9 kg more than those who have harmful food hide from the eye.

3. Watch your success

We have a diary nutrition and honestly write there all (yes - yes, stolen from a plate of a friend Potato Friend is also considered) to see where calories come from. A study in American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that, thanks to this method, you can lose 2 times more unnecessary kilograms.

4. Collect Follovier

Social networks are the best motivator: the eyes of friends and Follover's eyes will help you stick to the plan. American Kristina Donatella, for example, now a personal coach, started a page about his diet and training in Facebook - and lost weight by 82 kg.

5. Provide reassessment of portions

Incredibly, how many losing weights underestimate how much they eat. Gadgets will help: For example, the MyFitNessPal smartphone application is to track the size of the portions; Plate with a portion control function - so that it is possible to determine the unarmed eye, how many proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates are needed.

6. Do not miss breakfast

Science has not yet decided whether it affects the amount of weight leaving you, but our losing weight rifles are confident - yes! Almost every one of them began the day with a portion of something useful - cottage cheese with berries, for example, or yogurt with the grained. Early breakfast starts metabolism and helps not desire a cupcake or donut at 11 am.

7. Prepare sama

According to research, people who prepare almost always themselves consume fewer calories, carbohydrates, sugar and fat than those who do it rarely. If you still have too little time or strength, try the next trick: on Sunday you will prepare a large saucepan of some useful soup - and eat it for a week.

8. Add fiber and fat

The fiber swells in the stomach and is slowly digested - and therefore you will feel the long longer. Search for her in whole beans, vegetables and fruits. Healthy fats (olive and nut butter, for example) - in reasonable quantities - improve the taste, give you energy and help the body absorb useful substances.

9. Begin to train at home

While your weight also leaves much to be desired, make himself go to the gym can be difficult. But nothing hurts you to engage in our own territory on your own schedule - the power training while the baby fell asleep as an option.

10. Add a power training to Cardio

If you intend to lose more, you need to combine aerobics with strength training. Resistance helps to grow dry muscle mass, burning calories and maintaining high-level metabolism - this is especially important when the weight stops at a not enough digit.

11. Conduct high-intensity interval training

Scientists compared regular workouts with those alternate 8 seconds of serious load with 12-second recovery periods. Result: Selectable high-intensity interval training burned significantly more fat. Because, having laid out full, you launch fat burning hormones. Power workouts with berpions, attacks and stacks in a rapid pace with limited time between approaches can provoke the same reaction.

12. Participate in Competitions

Many of our loud readers were recorded at 5 or 10 km, semi-marathons and marathons. Moral: Testing your fitness abilities in the competition - perfectly motivates and increases self-confidence!

13. Ballet yourself with the mind

Small treats will help you not to be seized, while you lose weight, so once a day you can eat a little of what you love (count calories at 150). This trick is the difference between the strict diet and the style of life, which you can always stick. For example, you can replace the portion of ice cream for a slice of chocolate or a furnace is not a traditional pie, but his mini-version.

14. Planning in advance

When you go for dinner into a restaurant, follow the advice of the Larissa Police officer Reggétto, which dropped 48 kg: learning the menu in advance so as not to order a sneaking of anything completely undesiotic. Studies show that people visualizing what is just going to eat, consume less calories as a result.

15. Eat more protein

This nutrient is extremely important for building and restoring muscles, it makes the bone stronger and causes the body to burn more calories. To learn your daily protein rate, we smash a new weight in half - this is exactly the number of grams you need to distribute between meals during the day.

16. Be a habit of

Too tangible variations of your diet can affect the feeling of saturation and force to overeat, so let your menu be delicious monotone. Simple way - there is one and the same healthy breakfast or lunch during the week, and try something new on weekends.