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» How are you fighting in overeating. How to get rid of overeating time and forever at home

How are you fighting in overeating. How to get rid of overeating time and forever at home

Uncontrolled eating food can be a symptom of psychogenic overeating. If you have become a victim of such a disorder of food behavior as a compulsive food, then this material will help you to fight these ailments.

Someone or something upset you strongly. You feel dedicated, unnecessary and unfair offended. You come home. Fortunately, there is no one there. Open the refrigerator or kitchen locker and see what you would like to eat now. This must be something that does not fit into the frame of diets, which will give "forbidden" pleasure. A pack of beloved chocolate cookies come across the eye - this is what you need. Total couple pieces and you will normally. You start it. You feel your favorite taste and smell. Eat one thing, second ... you enjoy, but at the same time you give you a feeling of guilt - you broke again. You feel bad. You thought about and ... when "returned to reality", the packs are no longer. You ate everything. You are ashamed for yourself. But nothing. Just was a hard day. Tomorrow you will definitely sit on the diet.

It takes half an hour, during which you think about everything that happened. You are no morally bad. The situation worsens the fact that now you are also nourished and feel physical discomfort, which emphasizes overweight problems. You need support again. And you are back in the kitchen. Well, one more ... Bam ... and the situation happened - you ate everything. Wines again, shame, bad well-being. And again you are in the kitchen. This time in the middle of the "process" you unexpectedly understand what is happening and in the emotional impulse throw all the food in the trash can - you will never behave this again. Next instant you think that since today it happened, then you can probably still be a little bit, because tomorrow you will not behave this way. And in a couple of minutes you are seriously thinking about to go to the store or ... or begin to look strange in the trash can ...

Here is such a sad story. If this long accession resembles his own behavior, then the article is for you. If not, I congratulate, your situation is not the most difficult case.

What is a compulsive overeating

Compulsive (also psychogenic) overeating - disorder of food behavior, expressed in uncontrolled eating large volumes of food, despite strong physical discomfort. Compulsive overeating is most often a reaction to the stressful situation or depression and in most cases leads to a set of excess weight and obesity. In medicine, this type of overeating is considered a serious disorder of food behavior.

But it is not necessary to confuse the usual episodic overeating and compulsive - it is absolutely different concepts. If you overeat during holidays or meetings with friends, periodically can't refuse yourself in sweet, etc., then it is rather an ordinary impipline in food habits, which is solved by self-control. But the fight against compulsive overeating requires a very serious approach and developing a whole complex of measures, including not only a certain approach to nutrition, but also work with the psychological sphere of man.

For compulsive overeating characteristic:

- Permanent obsessive thoughts about food
- feeling of guilt during and after meals
- a sense of disgust to yourself and your body
- meals despite the absence of a physical feeling of hunger
- continued food intake despite the explicit physical discomfort in the digestive system
- Very high meal rate
- Combining absolutely incomprehensible products and dishes
- Attempts to hide food
- frequent meals alone and desire to hide it from other people
- the absence of a desire to artificially cause vomit and thus get rid of the eaten
- Food as a reaction to stressful situations and resentment

How to deal with compulsive overeating

Unfortunately, there is no "magic tablet" that can cure from psychogenic overeating. The fight against this disease is usually sufficiently long. However, such a "diagnosis" is not at all fatal. Below I will give the required steps to be taken:

1) recognize the problem - If you persuade yourself that your behavior is absolutely normal, then there can be a speech from the relief.

2) find the main reason that makes you overeat - This reason is in the emotional sphere. You need to find the problem that you constantly hurt. Perhaps you console yourself with me when sad. Perhaps this way you are trying to compensate for yourself loneliness, problems in personal life or the lack of friends. To then be, you need to understand what exactly makes you thus treats food and learn how to track this "trigger".

3) stop for yourself to ban something - Do not divide food on "You can" and "Cannot". Ultimatum is what exactly "does not work" if you suffer compulsive overeating. You need to understand that the meal is not going anywhere. It is available at any time. You can always buy it and there is no need to eat right now if you are not hungry.

4) learn to distinguish physical hunger from psychological - If the stocks of carbohydrates in the body really dried and there is not enough energy, then you will feel physical discomfort: the rumbling in the abdomen, the decline of forces, etc. Physical hunger is impossible to confuse with something. If you are full, but just want a chocolate, a cake or something else because you are sad, boring, lonely, etc. - This is a psychological hunger.

5) do not even try to sit on diet - This follows from paragraph 3. Very often it is the abuse of diet becomes a favorable soil for the development of compulsive food behavior. In this case, in this case, the operations to reduce the stomach will not help, so the cause of overeating is not physiological.

6) to consult a psychologist - There are entire programs to solve the problem of compulsive overeating. At the very least, at the first stage, they can accurately be very useful, so often it is very difficult to find the reason for it forcing you to overeat.


In conclusion, I want to say what to fight with a compulsive overeating yourself more than real. I also suffered similar problems. Yes, it takes time and effort and it is quite difficult. But, definitely, the hell in which people who collided with such a problem are worth any effort to get rid of it.

We emphasize once again that the reason for the compulsive overeating is always "in the head". Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the psychological component. And it is better not to postpone the solution to the problem in a long box, because it not only worsens the appearance, but also significantly undermines your health. And most importantly - believe that everything will work out!

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Uncontrolled gluttony is a disease that arises for several reasons. Deals brings a lot of trouble and can spoil life if not to take care on time. To properly decide how to deal with gluttony, disperse with the causes of its occurrence.

There are no reasons for all phenomena, because nothing happens just like that. If they are neutralized, it will be easier to deal with the consequences. Treat symptoms is wrong. It is important to immediately find the source of the problem.

In most cases, you are to blame:

  • sharp refusal of food or mono-nutrition;
  • boredom provoking frequent hikes to the refrigerator;
  • stress and overwork at work;
  • addiction to harmful food (for example, fastfood).

Bulimia: Dangerous enemy №1

What is bulimia, and how is this concept associated with overeating? With this word, experts call a mental disorder, which consists in uncontrolled eating harmful and high-calorie foods and the subsequent attempt to purify the body using vomiting or other unpleasant procedures aimed at "emptying" of a complete stomach.

Bulimia is a disease that requires serious treatment. It is based on almost a manic concern of food, and it is expressed not only in gluttony, but also in conversations about their own weight, fear of gaining extra kilograms. Thus, the disorder is controversial: the patient cannot deny himself in favorite delicacies, again and again comes on the same "rake", but constantly looking for ways to get rid of the eaten.

The symptoms of bulimia is:

  • The inappropriate feeling of guilt - you are a connoisseur, but pounce on the food again and again.
  • Depressive moods - overeating leads to longing and despondency.
  • The inability to control your behavior - attempts to escape from the vicious circle do not lead to anything.
  • Self-criticism - the patient is aware of its own mistakes and scolds itself, but can not cope with the problem independently.
  • Waiting for approval from the part - dependence on the opinions of others leads to permanent attempts to correct and get rid of the eaten.

Heavy bulimia can lead to hospitalization. Her signs are much more obvious. Among them:

  • Deterioration of the state of teeth, hair and nails.
  • Weakness and muscle pain.
  • Punching of the parole.
  • The feeling of "irritated throat".

How to cope with the increasingness caused by psychological reasons and irreparable harm to our health? The earlier you refer to the specialist, the greater the chances of the cure. If you feel that your well-being has worsened, hurry: the bill goes on the days, and even hours!

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Causes of globe attacks: Hungry for stomach

The attack of gluttony may occur with a sharp refusal of food. If a person wants to lose a little bit, he often takes too many measures at the same time. Among them are unbalanced diet, in which the body is sharply translated into hungry pieces.

Such measures often lead to reverse reaction. After the end of any diet, a person begins to have favorite dishes, as a rule, immediately in large quantities and cannot already hold itself at certain frames. His organism is a rustle, having experienced an artificial hunger. Our body seeks to stock as much as possible with a large amount of beneficial substances, including fat, in case of repeating the "hunger strike". In such cases, the question is often put forward to the fore: How to stop gluttony?

Slimming with the help of mono-food is especially dangerous for people of the Central Constitution, which are better replaced by the right diet. Our nutrition specialists often face the consequences of independent attempts to lose weight. Today I walked on a buckwheat diet - got rid of the pair of troika kg., And tomorrow I scored all seven. The body from such tests can go into the "Food Swarny" mode when a person stops controlling himself and eats everything that comes across his eyes.

How to deal with attacks of increments: longing and laziness

Sometimes people get used to to eat big portions and often make it just boredom. An interesting film and climbing on weekends, and then on everyday evenings are in the habit. How to overcome gluttony of such a plan? The answer is one - to radically change your life so that it is interesting! Find yourself a lesson in the shower, walk, do not sit in the four walls in front of the blue screen!

  • Tired of spending weekend at home? Go for a walk to the park or go to the forest - breathe clean air and rejoice in the beauties of untouched nature.
  • Want to take yourself something interesting and useful, and not to sit down the days in front of the computer monitor or TV? Take a painting or handmade - create and infect others with your passion!
  • If you like active rest, choose swimming in the pool, yoga or stretching! Regular classes will not only help preserve the shape of slim, but also will strengthen your health.

Uncontrollable increment as a reaction to experiences or fatigue

It's no secret to anyone - people overeat in a state of stress. When sad, anxious or hurt, temptation arises to bump to the dump. If such a way to combat troubles has been dragging out, and you are no longer in your own way, urgently change your life!

  • Do not give in to provocations and do not look for problems - it is much better to maintain an optimistic attitude in all situations.
  • Find ways to distract from routine and stress - with the help of hobbies, hiking in the theater or cinema, walks and conversations for souls with relatives and friends.
  • Do not stay alone with sad thoughts - find the one who will listen to you will become a real support and support in all the troubles.

Also strong hunger may occur after intense intellectual labor. The overwhelmed brain requires compensation for power costs. Especially in such cases, I want only sweet and such a calorie!

How to overcome gluttony: pest products

The reason for the overeating can be Fast Food. Fast food causes the most real addiction. That is why she wants her yet. In addition, such sublimated products saturate the body for a small time, and after a couple of hours you are ready to swallow the elephant again.

Very often, if a short time is given to food, a person tries to eat as much as possible food. At the same time, each free minute will be used for a snack of fear, which will not be time for it. So the desire to be saturated with semi-finished products and quick meals from the eaters, in a few minutes I stuffing a huge portion in a few minutes, can get sideways to everyone to lose weight.

How to get rid of glutton

How to stop gluttony? There are several ways, and not all of them are associated with a diet. It is important to understand that only the complex of all measures will give a long positive result.

  • Every time you want to eat, think: do you want this particular, or the reasons for others? Your body may need water or just get rid of stress. Every time, asking yourself and finding a right answer, you will notice that they began to eat less.
  • Do not bring yourself to strong hunger. In this state, in one meal, you can eat more needed, because so long was waiting for this opportunity. Enlarged portions affect the size of the stomach, they simply stretch it, and you get used to overeat.
  • Eat in small portions, but no less often than 4-5 hours.
  • If you are reading or watching TV while eating or watching a TV, control the size of the portions becomes very difficult. Outcome - overeating.
  • Do not hurry to eat. Stay gourmet. Try the taste of the dish, it will help to quench the hunger and do not afford too much.

Region: how to stop and overcome the habit of everything and immediately

Tip # 1 for all losing weight: change your lifestyle! Together with him slowly, but your figure will change correctly - it will become slim and tightened. Remember: the owner is only you, and you decide how it will look.

  • Do not buy a lot of food at once. Let there be few products in your refrigerator, but they will be useful. Traditionally, festive dishes Leave for a reason, you should not indulge yourself every day. Otherwise, you will run to the refrigerator not because of hunger, but for the next appetizing delicacy.
  • Try to organize a variety of life so that there is no time to miss, think about food, and then ask how to cope with the inclusion. Do not sit at home in your free time. Walk, communicate, engage in sports, spend your vacation outside the house.
  • Change your thoughts about food. Life is beautiful, diverse. We eat to live, but do not live to eat!

How to get rid of gluttony folk remedies

Means for weight loss "from the people" mass, but are effective - only units. We offer you several ways to help in combating overeating.

  • Warm water, drunk in the interruptions between meals, perfectly blocks a sense of hunger.
  • Aromatherapy is a pleasant and useful occupation. Mix a few drops of scented orange oils, grapefruit and bergamot and enjoy the rest after the working day.
  • Herbal decoction is another way not only to calm the "rioty" waiting for new portions of the stomach, but also to strengthen health. At the heart of Nastos applied to reduce appetite - altet, flax and corn stiggers, and the leaves of the lingonberry and the horsetail of field contribute to the removal of excess water and harmful substances from the body. However, before using such "folk" funds, it is necessary to consult with a specialist - even the useful herbs have its own contraindications.
  • How to deal with overeating and gluttony? After eating it is good to rinse your mouth with water or even brush your teeth. This calms the taste receptors, and you will not want additives.

Faced with the problem of increment, it is best to seek help from a specialist. Competent treatment will help not only get rid of uncontrolled attacks of overeating, but also bring your weight to the norm.

An independent struggle with the ailment is good, but, you see, it is much better to trust professionals. Do not play with your health! If you feel that this problem is close, contact us and receive advice from our specialists absolutely free. Do not stay alone with your increment, call us, and we will help you.

"Well, I moved again," we are once again Conducting yourself for incontinence in food. And how to keep it here when there is so much delicious! All of all, if on physical condition, this bad habit was not reflected. Yes, do not be surprised: overeating - also destroying the lesson is akin to smoking. Today we will talk how to control your appetite. To begin with, we will understand with the reasons of overeating.

To visually imagine, we propose to fold the palms with a boat and lean over to each other. Now remember how much food falls into it during the day. Is impressive? To maintain life, we need not so much, and we are happy to knock the stomachs. Fortunately, the organ has a muscular structure and can be stretched. Why do we overeat? No matter how paradoxically, the reasons may be a lot: the spontaneous desire to have a snack, the "ourselves" of life problems (boredom, anxiety, fear, and sometimes even joy), indulging with your weaknesses, pity to your own person ... By the way, none of the reasons to bundle the stomach not It has nothing to do with a real hunger and almost always causes a feeling of guilt for the eaten.

Think about whether the following points are not characterized for you:

Portions of food are eaten quickly;
You eat, even if they are already saturated;
You think that you are always hungry;
Even if you are satisfied, you still donate from the plate all to the crumb, even if you realize that already excessive;
There is a tendency to "piety", you constantly boil something.

In the case of at least one affirmative answer it is time to take action. We are pleased to offer our assistance in the form of effective advice:

When attacking the next "hungry" desire, ask whether you are ready to eat, say, carrots. With you, you will be glad to "throw" anything at least something, then you can safely go to the kitchen. If the portion of vegetables or some fruit seems unattractive, you own a false feeling of hunger;

The obsessive desire to have a snack may be associated with incorrect power. For example, your basic diet makes fat, fried, stuffed "chemistry" products. Or maybe you abuse spices or drink food with water? Nothing amazing that I always want to eat: such a food is for us "dummy";

Listen to your body. Often thrust for certain food is associated with problems in health. So, exorbitant love for candy and cake can be a consequence of chrome shortage, to a dad - a shortage of vitamins of group B, to chocolate - hypoglycemia, etc. If so, without help yourself can not do. Just do not need to argue with sweets or buns: Choose a healthy alternative (honey, porridge, whole grain bread or a complex of vitamins);

Scientists argue: in 99 cases out of 100 are related to psychological problems. The desire to throw food in the stomach will not leave if we do not understand it is clear that we are bothering us. Even if you are aware that you are nervous, this is not enough. But the wording "I was upset because of ..." or "EM, because it's boring ..." can shed light on the true alignment of cases;

The best power mode is fractional when you get eating in small portions 6 times a day. If hunger torments you in a free time, snack the right products. Among them - the portion of vegetables, fruits, nuts, a glass of juice or herbal tea, yogurt;

"Balanced" with sedative drinks. Even to work, you can take a herbal collection, which will help not "grow up" into emotional moments and will prevent overeating. You help you noble lekari - Melissa, Mint, Chamomile, Valerian, Petcher;

Observe non-hard food rules. So, there is no "for the company", snack fast food, read or watch TV along with the meal, reward yourself with delicious for the work done, sit at the table with the "wolf" feeling of hunger.

Do not forget to drink water with small sips during the day: often we take thirst for hunger. To test yourself, feel hunger, drink 1-2 cup of clean water - if the desire to eat will not disappear after 10-15 minutes, then you can reinforce;

Fill your life with emotions. A new occupation, the hobby will help to distract something from the obsessive desire to chew something. For example, start drawing, embroider, run, get out on nature ... By the way, staying in the fresh air, and even together with physical exertion, brains are wonderfully inserted into place.

In fact, avoid overeating is not so difficult, especially if you hit several fronts at once. Treat carefully to your health and mental condition,

One of the most common reasons why people suffer from overweight is (there should be a drum fraction) that they often confuse emotional hunger with physical. In order to avoid emotional overeating, it is necessary first of all to learn to distinguish between these two types of hunger.

Physical hunger, as a rule, is gradual, the body begins to send you signals that he needs to eat (the rumbling in the abdomen, for example). You look at food with appetite in the eyes, sometimes you even will be ready to eat that food, which you do not really like. After you quenched physical hunger, you feel full and pleased.

Emotional hunger comes suddenly. At the same time, we want not just to eat at least something - our body requires something defined (chocolate bar, for example). With an emotional hunger, we can eat and eat, and at the same time not to feel that we have been saturated. After receiving food, in this case, we often experience the feeling of guilt.

Why is this happening?

Because in fact we need not food. Perhaps we need to overcome boredom or anxiety. Or maybe we are just looking for pleasure.

Always keep in mind that with emotional hunger you want not food at all. Food just acts as a replacement what you really want.

Simple, but an effective way to determine which hunger (physical or emotional) you are experiencing, is a broccoli test.

Broccoli test

When you see the next time you will seem that you are hungry, ask yourself this simple question: "Do I want to eat broccoli right now?". If your answer is "yes," then you are experiencing physical hunger. Go and eat.

If you answered "no", then you have an emotional hunger. You do not want to eat. You want to get rid of stress, alarm, well, or you just boring.

When we experience physical hunger, any food seems to us attractive. If you do not want vegetables, well, you are not hungry.

How to deal with emotional overeating

The first and most important step is to learn to distinguish an emotional hunger from physical. We have already passed it. Then you should refer to the issue of excess weight. It is necessary to understand that it simply moves more and less is not always enough to lose weight.

This is undoubtedly necessary and important, but the diet is only a way to deal with the consequence. If we do not understand the reason why we can only postpone the inevitable.

That is why diets are often useless in the long run: lost kilograms will return, and they will also bring friends with them. In this case, you do not change the image of thoughts, habits and behavior. You just simultaneously change your diet, but it is not enough to stay in the desired weight for a long time to maintain your body healthy.

Let's return to the topic of emotional overeating. So, if you feel that the attack of gluttony rolls on you, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What do I really want to try to replace food?
  2. What can I do to correct the situation?
  3. Why didn't I still do this?

When we accept emotional hunger for physical and begin to argue, we choose the position of a weak person. It is such a message that we send yourself: "I am powerless." We fall into the peculiar food trance. We turn off our mind and just eat, eat and eat. And we are focused only on one - the pleasure that we experience when we eat.

That is why many people sat down on. They eat more and more, trying to prolong pleasure. Food for them becomes a drug.

However, as soon as we finish there, we begin to regret what they fell, and feel guilty.

We do not solve the task, replacing food what worries us. We just displays the decision.

Imagine: There is a person who comes to your house every day and insistently calls the door of your apartment. You may not open it today, tomorrow or in a week. But if this person really needs to see you, then he will achieve his own - sooner or later you will have to meet him. The same in the question of substitution of real desires and food problems.

We must clearly understand what bothers us. Then the obsession will leave. And the desire to empty the refrigerator too. Complete to the essence, do not tell yourself: "I'm nervous." Configure: "I'm nervous because of the fact that X ..." or "I'm nervous because of what happened y", or "I really don't want to eat, I just have nothing to do." The more accurately you can determine what exactly it bothers you, the more likely that you can take effective measures to combat it.

Stop chignify your belly. Find a real problem and fight her.

Almost every woman has their own addictions. Someone has a chocolate cake, someone has an appetizing roasted grill chicken, and much more. And it is almost impossible to stay from not eat another portion. And then we see that the weight was added, and the fat was deposited on the body. It becomes sad, and we begin to seek comfort. Where do we find it? That's right in food. It turns out a vicious circle.

Psychologists have already explained to us for quite a long time that in nine cases out of ten causes such an excessive overeating of purely emotional-psychological. The mad rhythm of the life of the metropolis, or intense relationships with his beloved person, close, household, work colleagues and much more.

And in this case, food becomes for us as if the only "bomb shelter", if you can put it. The food relaxes and soothes a person, especially various sweets and other calorie food. Such food even raises the mood and everything else improves the well-being for some short time. Well, your favorite food is a double pleasure.

What to do in this case?

For a start, try to determine the cause of overeating or the situation in which you regularly "immersee" into the increment to find an effective way to deal with overeating. Remember why for the last time it happened, which there were reasons for.

1. Exclude temptations. Try not to keep at home in large numbers those products that cause you a lot of desire. If a variety of pastry products are replete in the kitchen - cake cakes, cream cakes, whipped cream cakes, strawberry ice cream in the freezer, abundance of different candies on the table, then you see, here you need to have a huge, truly iron power will to be kept from overeating.

2. Try to replace all the calories for useful. For example, if the attacks of sudden gluttony usually visit you as soon as you come home from work, it is better to have any non-ball and useful options for a small snack. It can be an apple, cucumber in front of dinner, they will stop the feeling of hunger, and also fill your stomach for a while.

3. Try to always drink water before meals. Teach yourself gradually to the fact that in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner you drink a glass of water. In addition, so it will be easier for you to fulfill the recommended almost all nutritionists, as well as cosmetologists, one and a half or two liters of pure water per day.

4. Try to remove stress in other ways. If you, for example, overeat after quarrels or intense situations, then food for you is a kind of "jamming" of stress. Therefore, try to replace eating in other ways to relax. Someone helps the training, sports exercise to throw out negative energy. And someone removes psychological stress with the bathroom with aromatic oils. Remember some kind of favorite pleasant occupation, which is not related to food and which always acts on you peaceful.

5. Reduce food portions! If, for example, you can not live without your favorite cakes, then put a condition: "I will not completely refuse your beloved delicacy. But, nevertheless, I have to take care of my health, as well as think about how to deal with overeating. That is, from today, I will eat not three, but two cakes, enjoying every piece! "

6. No need to combine the reception of food and other any classes. For example, if you have a TV at the same time, or sit on the Internet, then most likely you will simply not notice that they have already eaten enough, and the feeling of hunger is gone.

To fight overeating, you need to focus on what you eat, on the process itself. Then you can be content with a small number of food, completely saturately satisfying your body, and without moving at the same time without loading your body with extra sugars and fats.