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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Care for the Chinese rose at home: watering, fertilizer reproduction, trimming. What to feed hibiscus room to bloom at home Chinese rose home in a pot as care for

Care for the Chinese rose at home: watering, fertilizer reproduction, trimming. What to feed hibiscus room to bloom at home Chinese rose home in a pot as care for

An unpretentious and pretty hibiscus tree (another name is a Chinese rose) will serve as an decoration of any apartment. The Chinese rose attracts its long-lasting flowering, charming simple or terry flowers that resemble a blurred rose. Flowers can have a variety of color and shape, depending on the type of hibiscus, which there are about three hundred.

This village or tree shrub in nature grows up to 5 meters, but at home it reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. Today, low plants are also popular - hibiscus hybrids.

Glossy leaves have an oval shape, gear around the edge. Color shades can be a variety of: from light pink or yellowish-white to a fire-red or purple-purple color.

Hybiscus colors shades

Simple varieties of hibiscus flowers are like Flowers Malva. In the natural form, the flowering period is winter, in culture can bloom almost a year.

The birthplace of Chinese roses is South China and Northern India. Here it is bred everywhere, and in a wild one he is no longer found. Hibiscus in Russia is known as a very popular indoor plant.

Useful properties and use of hibiscus

  • Few know that such a popular and favorite indoor plant has a big spectrum useful properties. It has long been used in the treatment of skin inflammation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, dysentery.
  • The composition of the leaves and flowers of the Chinese rose includes flavonoids that improve the process of metabolism and purify the body from harmful and unnecessary products. Hibiscus also has anti-shine properties, contributes to the purification of the body from glisted invasions. The use of leaves and colors of the plant in medicinal purposes protects the liver from harmful effects, improves metabolism, stimulates the production of bile.
  • Widely used in folk medicine Hibiscus flowers. They have anticonvulsant, anti-blessing, bactericidal, healing-valve, choleretic and diuretic actions.
  • Hibiscus flowers contain ascorbic, apple, lemonic acid, which give them a sour, but pleasant taste. The absence of oxalic acid in colors allows them to use people with a kidney disease, because it eliminates the formation of stones in them.

Home care for room hibiscus

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For someone who wishes to make a beautiful plant at home, but still does not know how to care for indoor flowers, hibiscus is perfect. Despite its beauty, the plant is very unpretentious.

It is calmly withstands and weak lighting, and sharp drops of temperatures, and insidious drafts. It does not disappear, even if you miss the watering time.


It is thanks to his unpretentiousness that Hibiscus is often put in offices, living rooms, in halls and corridors of various institutions.

Hibiscus is called a "Chinese Rose", and this name is how it impossibles more accurately transfers the beauty of this plant. However, so that Hibiscus does not just live, but also please you with his bright bloom, you need to remember several tips.

Location and lighting

The first thing you need to master the novice flower is a hibiscus plant is light-chapter. Put it by the window or in any other well lit place.

Also, do not forget that Hibiscus grows very quickly and reaches quite large sizes. In a small room, there may be problems with its placement: this flower does not like tightness.

An important role is played by a pot in which Hibiscus will live: the crust of the pot, the slower it will grow.

What should be the temperature?

Optimum temperature for Chinese roses in summer period - 20-22 degrees. In winter, temperatures should be reduced to 14-16 degrees. Decrease in temperature B. winter Positive will affect the future bloom of hibiscus. If you do not have the ability to keep the flower in a reduced temperature, do not be discouraged - the Chinese rose can grow in winter and at room temperature.

Air humidity

Hibiscus needs frequent spraying, because the flower adores high humidity. If you contain hibiscus in a dry air room, then the likelihood is that the flowers will not be able to completely open. Spraying should be carried out as careful as possible - the water should not fall on the flowers, otherwise the buds will cover with spots and fall.

To enhance humidity, you can use a pallet with a clayjit or pebbles filled with water. But remember, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water!

How to water the Chinese rose?

Hibiscus Chinese loves moisture. It is necessary to water it abundantly so that the land in the pot is completely soaked with water. But too often water the Chinese rose is not worthwhile - the upper layer of the earth should have time to dry. In the fall and winter, watering should be moderate, about 2-3 days half of how the top layer will dry. For irrigation, it is better to use a well-soft water of room temperature.

The soil

The soil for the cultivation of hibiscus should be used nutrient and light, it should be close to neutral (pH of about 6).

The ideal embodiment of the soil will be a mixture of a delicate, leaf, humid and sand in a 4: 3 ratio: 1: 1 ratio. Earth can add pieces of charcoal.

The simplified composition of the soil is also suitable: hardening, humus land and sand in proportions 2: 1: 1.

Do not forget to take care of a good drainage, the flower does not tolerate the stagnation of water in the pot!

Feeding and fertilizer

The feeder plays a big role in caring for room hibiscus. It is very important not to overdo the fertilizers.

In the spring, when the Chinese rose is preparing to go into growth, it is worth filing it with a potash-phosphoric fertilizer. For the rest of the fertilizer optimal time There will be summer when the flower grows most actively.

But from nitrogen-containing fertilizers it is better to refuse - Hibiscus does not like them too much.

How to transplant Chinese rose?

Young plants need to transplant every year. To do this, mix in a predetermined pot or a tub of 2 parts of the garden land, 1 part of the sand and 1 part of the peat. If you transplant a big plant, then the mixture is preparing heavier.

From the age of three, the need for an annual transplant disappears: an adult plant must be resettled every 2-3 years.

How to crop hibiscus?

Forming trimming must be made annually, only under this condition, the Chinese rose will delight you with its flowering.

Each time after flowering, the tips of the shoots need to be trimmed, then the side shoots will go into growth, in which, in turn, buds will be formed.

Note that Hibiscus flowers appear only on young shoots, so everyone is not cut in time - another flower you do not care for next year.

Early spring is very useful to discharge all shoots - including young. Although it is possible to carry out a room hibiscus during the whole year - it does not harm him at all.

The shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk (they are called "wolf"), be sure to trim. Just like those of branches that grow inside the crown. Do not worry about the flower, regular trimming goes only for the benefit, providing him with healthy growth and abundant bloom.

Reproduction of room hibiscus

The room Chinese hibiscus is breeding both seeds and cuttings. However, with seeds for a beginner crop, too much trouble is a way this is quite time-consuming and is suitable for those who are engaged in the selection of room hibiscus.

And the reproduction of cuttings there are several undeniable advantages. First, this method retains all the varietal signs inherent in the parent plant.

And secondly (which is especially important for a rabbing-amateur), while the method of the plant begins to bloom in the first year.

Reproduction of seeds

Seeds are better driving from the end of January to mid-March. Before planting seeds in the ground, they should be soaked for 12 hours in epine. Seed seeds need in a mixture of peat and sand.

After disembarking, the pot is covered with glass or film to create greenhouse conditions. It is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature in the range of 25-27 degrees.

Also, do not forget to periodically air the pot and spray the soil with seeds.

When young sprouts will have 2-3 leaves, they can be transplanted into a separate pot. Hibiscus grown from seeds bloom only for 2-3 years.

Reproduction of chinese rose with cuttings

The best suitable for breeding young cuttings. To root, place them in water or in the ground. In the first case, you need a sudine, it is better from dark glass filled with water. Put the hibiscus cuttings in it and cover the "cap" - for example, a glass jar.

It is necessary to increase the humidity. Cuttings are rouded in about 25-30 days. When the roots appear, the cutlets will need to transplant in an earthen mixture containing a large amount of peat.

It is advisable to add a sfagnum moss there - this is especially useful for a young plant.

When rouding immediately in the ground you need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before that, it is necessary to remove all the leaves from the cutter, except for two tops.

Hibiscus cultivation difficulties

  • Buds appear, but do not open and soon fall - insufficient watering; soil drying; lack of nutrients in the ground; low temperature indoor air.
  • The lower leaves fall out, the new leaves grow yellow - increased calcium and chlorine content in the soil; lack of iron and nitrogen; too dry air indoors; Abundant watering cold water; low temperature.
  • Flowing colors with too lush krone - an oversupply of fertilizers containing nitrogen; The flower lacks light, too high temperature in winter.
  • On the leaves, pinkish spots appear - lack of light; oversupply fertilizer.
  • The leaves are uniform and become sluggish - lack of moisture.
  • Roots dry - too low soil temperature.
  • The leaves dry out - too dry air indoors; High temperature in winter.

Diseases and pests

The greatest danger for room hibiscus represents a shield and a web tick. To get rid of these pests, it is necessary to wash the leaves at first with the leaves, and after performing a spraying with a variety of accomplices.

Types of Chinese Roses

Hibiscus, or a Chinese rose, attracts flowerflowers with its beauty and very tempting major inflorescences. Care for the Chinese rose at home is somewhat easier than growing a similar shrub on the street, but the efforts will still have to attach.

One of distinctive features This plant is the absolute inaccessibility of independent growth in a dry time - in the summer behind the shrub they will have to constantly look after all the necessary manipulations.

Otherwise, the risk of plants damage to pests increases, which can be destroyed by Chinese rose in two days. About everything in order.

It is extremely difficult to understand the types and varieties of this attractive plant, because there are about 300 varieties of roses.

Moreover, there are artificially derived from the 40-50s of the last century of varieties that do not fit into the total number of species. To significantly simplify the difference, it is necessary to highlight a certain classification of the plant:

There is a division of Chinese roses in the form of growing, isolated

  • hibiscus grassy,
  • shrub
  • hibiscus tree-shaped.

Herbaceous includes varieties:

  • marsh
  • hybrid.

An herbaceous species is an annual - its outflower buds completely disappear at the autumn time, capturing part of the root system. In the same spring, new kidneys appear on the bottom of the stem. Flowers prefer to grow perennial gradesFor which at home is a shrub species, and on the country's summer cottage.

There is a separation and in the form of colors - it is distinguished here:

  • terry, seem in the form of multi-layer flowers. Despite the existing beauty, they are quite unstable to growing in the climate of Russia;
  • simple.

The separation of hibiscus varieties is carried out on three types:

  • initial (capable of growing only in their homeland due to climate acceptability),
  • frost-resistant (allowing you to use yourself for growing in the open ground in a temperate climate),
  • indoor (for growing in the apartment).

If we consider the varieties of Chinese roses suitable for cultivation in the climate of Russia, the following are allocated here:

How to properly care for hibiscus at home?

If you have ever tried tea carcade, then, most likely, no, no, yes, we wondered: what is it cooked from? Clear business, tea leaves are not able to give such a rich taste, nor such a bright shade. The secret of the Red Tea Karkade - in dried flower petals.

This drink is obtained as a result of brewing the petals of the beautiful decorative exotype of hibiscus. True, they take a specific type of flower - Sabdariff for the manufacture of Eastern tea, otherwise a Sudanese rose.

We will talk to you today about representatives of this kind of plants in general.

Hibiscus, as a botanical group of Flora representatives, belongs to the Malvian family. His homeland is tropical areas and moderate areas of Eurasia, Africa, as well as the islands of the Caribbean.

To be more accurate, the main range of hibiscus grip covers South China, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Indonesia. Vital forms In plants a kind of several: it can be shrubs, trees, grassy cultures.

Moreover, there are among them both leaf fall and evergreen species.

Hibiscus is able to achieve a height of 3 m, it is not necessary to be a wood form. He has sweet leaves, located on the central escape.

The plant is beautiful, as it gives major reproductive organs from 10 to 16 cm in diameter. Hibiscus flowers are formed in the upper part of the stem and always single.

Interesting their feature - long stamens are growing into the phone.

Decorative culture is very popular in flower flowers, despite the fact that the flowers of most species bloom on one day, after which they are fading, and they come to replace new, no less charming reproductive organs. But the flowering period continues more than six months.

Types of hibiscus with description

Hibiscus is cultivated as a garden and indoor plant. The first in our country is possible exclusively in the southern and southeastern regions, where the climate is as close as possible to the tropical. Here, garden hibiscus pleases the eyes of surrounding chic colors since June and to the most frosts.

If you live north, do not despair: indoor plants are always at your service. As a rule, three types of exotic forms are suitable for cultivation at home: Chinese Hibiscus, Hibiscus Syrian and Hibiscus disseminated.

Chinese Hibiscus - the most popular variety this plant . It is called another Chinese rose. Just do not confuse with a real Chinese rose: these plants have nothing to do. The Native Area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Chinese - East Asia and the island of the Pacific Ocean. He fell into European territory at the end of the XVII century. Represents evergreen shrub up to 3 m in height.

But this concerns the wild form. The houses and options for the greenhouse are much more compact. In the Arsenal of Chinese - oval or oval-elongated dark green leaves with a glossy surface, a toothed edge and large flowers of various colors, mainly orange, red, pink, yellow; semi-grade or simple. Flowering plants lasts from March to November.

Hibiscus Syrian or Syrian rose - deciduous view with less large colorsSimilar to the reproductive organs of Malva, that is, having petals of silk texture with a darkening at the base and "shaggy" middle formed by stamens. Flower painting is also different: pink, motley, purple, white, lilac - everything depends on the variety. There are varieties with simple and terry flowers.

Hibiscus disseminated bottle. The birthplace of the flower is Central Asia. It has high trend to growing. It is the owner of scarlet colors up to 5 cm in diameter, whose petals are bent and similar to ostrich feathers. This is an evergreen plant.

How to properly feed Hibiscus?

Throughout the growing season, the culture provides abundant irrigation. Signals about the need to regular soil moisturizing the drying of the upper substrate layer. In winter, if the temperature in the room does not rise above + 14º, and it is also located at lower positions, the soil contains in moderate moisture mode.

The phase of active growth is a great time for regular feeding. They are carried out using mineral fertilizers with a nitrogen content once a month. Good and special complex fertilizers. The frequency of their introduction is once every 3 weeks. In winter, the soil under the plant also fertilizes, but exclusively by phosphorous-potash complexes in a half dose, monthly.

Chinese hibiscus transplant is carried out in the spring, in late April - early May. This is usually transshipment of adult copies in a more spacious pot. The substrate is formed from 2 h. Dernova, 1 hour. Humus ground and 1 h. Sand. The addition of a small amount of peat and bone flour is not rebel. At the bottom of the pot lay good drainagelayer.

The plant is breeding in the main cuttings. They are separated by a knife, noting that the escape was about 10 cm, with 2-3 sheets. The drank layer is placed on the bottom of the tank. After the cuttings landed in the ground, covered with a film. After 2 weeks, the escape should start the roots.

Hibiscus is subject to attacks of a web tick and aphids. Combat with them should be made through special drugs.

Chinese roses (or hibiscus) - bright flowers. They will decorate any garden, room or office. Caring for the Chinese rose is easy, even novice flowers or those who have little free time can cope with it. However, you still need to follow certain rules.

Features of this plant

The Chinese rose flower is characterized by large petals, brightness, long stamens and sometimes even painted leaves. Color is usually red. There are also other (white, purple, etc.). According to the structure, the flowers are divided into terry, semi-grade and simple non-none. The leaves are predominantly green, but they can be spots and screenshots (red or white).

The Chinese rose in Southeast Asia is growing. The resistance and unpretentiousness of the plant allow it to plant it even in the country areas in our country. From the neakhrov variety you can get a whole tree. It is easy to grow hibiscus and in the house: for this, dwarf varieties are specifically replaced.

The most popular blooming species:

  • "Florida" (red-orange neaching flowers);
  • "Hamburg" (red terry);
  • "San Remo" (white neahrow);
  • "Rose" (pink semi-eagle) and some others.

The cultivation of Chinese roses at home does not take away a lot of time and effort. The main thing is to provide it with a sufficient amount of light and regular watering. Then flower fittings will delight long. Especially nice when they are grown by their work.

Rules for disembodies

The first question that stands in front of the future owner of Hibiscus: how to plant it. To do this, you need to purchase cuttings or seeds. It will take clamzit, river sand and a few varieties of land - hard, sheet and humus. For growing at home it is better to use cuttings. They can be cut off from Chinese roses from acquaintances or buy in a flower shop.

  • put on the bottom of the container clamzite, on top of it - river sand and leafy land (equally);
  • pour this mixture;
  • put a cutlets, bury 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover the glass jar, wait until the roots stop.

Another option is to use water with activated carbon.

After the appearance of the roots, a Chinese rose should be landed:

  • bottom cover with clay;
  • mix the turf, leaf and humid land with river sand (in proportion 4: 3: 3: 1);
  • put a sprouted stalk;
  • it is good to pour (watering - one of the main factors of successful growth).

If you decide to grow a flower of seeds, they should also be prepared before landing:

  • soak in a small amount of water for the night;
  • then lay out on the wet gauze and put in a plastic bag with air holes.

In such a container there will be a greenhouse effect - warm and wet. It is in these conditions that the seeds will grow. When sprouts appear, they will need to spray with warm water and ventilated.

The next stage after the appearance of the leaves is planting plants into small pots with humus and wood. With proper care for the Chinese rose at home, it will bloom:

  • for 3-4 years in the cultivation of seeds;
  • next year when growing from cuttings.

To rose successfully grow and bloom, it should be put in a fairly illuminated place, but not under direct sunlight. Rooms are best suitable with windows to the East or West, with which there are no high trees or houses. In summer, this plant is better to bring to the balcony, but under the canopy so that the sun does not burn the leaves. Burns significantly reduce the stability of hibiscus to diseases. Therefore, it must be kept in the fresh air, but under protection.

Proper maintenance of the house

It is equally important to know how to care for the Chinese rose. For her, cropping, watering, spraying, pinching, feeding. Indoor plant under 5 years old also need to transplant each spring.

Water this plant follows every 3 days in summer and slightly in the winter. The main thing is not to give land in a pot to dispel. Water should be defended and watch it is room temperature. At the same time, it is important not to pour hibiscus so that its roots do not start. Also, to avoid this, on the bottom there should be a good drainage. In the heat in summer and with dryness from heating in winter, the plant should be sprayed. Every leaflet will have to irrigate. It is important to monitor that the water does not hit the flowers - spots appear on them. Also next to the rose in the pot, it is worth putting a capacity with distilled water or pieces of ice - it moisturizes the air.

For feeding you need to use mineral fertilizerswhere there is more phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. At least the latter should be reduced by the end of summer. It should be done every 10 or 15 days in the morning or in the evening, fertilizer dissolve in warm water, strictly observing the dosage. In winter, fear is followed by 1.5-2 months. To help hibiscus, it is better to bloom, it is necessary to feed it with both natural substances - for example, a sugar solution.

  • To obtain the first fertilizer, it is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar in water (on a glass).
  • You can also feed the Chinese rose with a pebble and activated carbon: to cut the pebble with boiling water for disinfection, put into the pallet, pour water, substitute under the pot and leave for 2-3 hours until the plant does not have it. It complements watering well.

So that these room flowers have not turned into an inaccurate bustle bushes, they must be formed: cut off the top, leave the foam height 7-8 cm.

  • In general, trimming according to the rules is carried out in the spring after resetting, as well as in the fall (by a third) or at the end of winter (halfway).
  • You should always cut off shoots, growing parallel to the main barrel, and branches growing inside the crown.

The transplant itself is simply simply. Preparing the same mixture, as for the first landing. His hibiscus with an earthen room is placed. Another option is to mix rain, sand and peat or humus (2: 1: 1). After 5 years, when this room beauty breaks, it will be possible not to replant, but simply change the upper layer of the soil.

Also, hibiscus must be bathed in summer and in winter. To do this, it is necessary to keep the flowers and buds with polyethylene film and hold 10-15 minutes under a weak jet of cool (not cold) water. Then you need to leave in the bathroom until it dries.

One of the most undemanding plants is the Chinese rose, but care at home requires punctuality and attention.

Possible problems

Canding the question of how to properly care for any plants, you need to remember the need to follow their condition and immediately take action if something is detected.

Violations in the flowering of hibiscus:

  • appeal of buds due to lack of nutrients, cold or soil drying;
  • the absence of flowering - the reasons are usually an overabundance of nitrogen in the soil or insufficient lighting;
  • brown edges of the leaves - burn from the use of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • the yellowing and dedication of the leaves due to an excessive irrigation (rot on the roots), excess chlorine and calcium in water for watering and lack of nitrogen and iron in the soil;
  • light specks on the leaves are burns that appear if the plant is kept under the right sunlight;
  • pest infection.

From the latter, the paved tick and a greenhouse whiteberry are applied. Because of the tick, the leaves are covered with yellow spots, they appear by a cobweb. The whitebarry carries different infections, besides, a sage mushroom is developing on its feces (it looks like a black fender), which is why Hibiscus dries and can completely die.

Why yellow leaves are the question that is given almost every owner of the room plant, including Chinese roses. And if such a problem appeared, you need to check:

  • is the flower enough: the land in a pot should not be either a drying, nor overlooking, like a swamp;
  • whether water is estimated for watering: usually from under the tap it is too hard, its use leads to chlorose of the soil;
  • is it worth it right in the sun and at the same time, is it enough light in the room;
  • what room temperature: Hibiscus - tropical plant, so it is uncomfortable, if the temperature is below + 18˚C around it, but above + 30˚C should also not be;
  • does not appear on the leaves dirty spots, a web, small ticks;
  • it is not too much nitrogen or high-phosphate fertilizers.

Accordingly, if any violations were revealed, it is necessary to immediately address them: normalize watering, rearrange the hibiscus to the illuminated place under the canopy (but not to leave on the draft), start spraying, bathe, introduce the necessary fertilizers, reduce the number of nitrogen .

If pests have become the cause of yellowing, it is necessary to handle flower insecticide or soapy water. In order for it better than color, it is possible to add some phosphate fertilizers to water for watering, but to observe the measure. If Hibiscus turns yellow with proper care, you need an early transplant: most likely, it does not fit the soil at all.

The problem, how to grow a Chinese rose, is quite a solution to the solution: it is necessary to observe the light and temperature regime, to water the stealing water in time, to make the necessary fertilizers, cut, replant and follow, did the pests appear.

Hibiscus, also called the "Chinese Rose", is quite common in lovers of flower growing and gardeners. Plant has a lot of different different speciesAnd the care of it is simple. What is important, this plant is steadily on weather changes, and if you take care of the shelter for the winter, Hibiscus will be able to transfer thirty-degree frosts.

Hibiscus can be one-year and perennial. It can grow with one flower, and can a big bush. In nature, there were copies of twenty meters in height, and five meters width. Many species, and there are about three hundred and are characterized by a long period of flowering.

The first flowers appear in early spring And they can hold out until the autumn. Therefore, the attention of the majority of gardeners newcomers to the Chinese rose and rose. After all, care, by and large, comes down to ensuring sunlight and timely watering, and the beauty of this bush gives all summer.

About chinese rose walks a lot different superstition. In European culture, they solve negative. In Eastern countries, Hibiscus is honored and proud of them. The hibiscus is told both bad and good, but first of all it is worth understanding the most sinister superstition. "Flower of death" - such a name was given by Chinese rose in the people. But why?

It is believed that the hibiscus of the house feeds on human energy.

  1. Some say that the plant absorbs only negative energy.
  2. Others argue that it absorbs all human strength. Supporters of this theory are handyed that when the owner of the flower, exhausted from his influence, dies, hibiscus is abundant and unusually blooms. It is explained by the fact that the plant after the death of a person begins to radiate all the energy that was abducted by the owner.
  3. Third, on the contrary, argue that the Chinese rose in the house distributes negative energy, sows irritation and anger throughout the dwelling and even attracts severe diseases, which cause death. It is believed that the strongest influence of hibiscus has during flowering. It is at this time that the plant has the greatest strength.

Do notice whether you have enough vitality, do you get rold in the morning sluggish, doesn't you clone to sleep for a whole day, whether you have enough tolerance or you can challenge in absolutely unpredictable situations - perhaps this beautiful flower Already walked you with its energy threads.

Life would be full of fear associated with this plant, because it blooms a fairly large period of time, but about the "deadly influence" of hibiscus there is another opinion. It is believed that death is considered only if the plant blooms in unsuitable time for this.

For example, if always hibiscus flashed in the spring, but suddenly flowers appeared in the middle of winter - this is a sign, go by doctors. It is necessary to fear blackened leaves, in this case the disease can overtake not only the owner of the house, but also his loved ones.

Chinese rose signs and superstition

Signs about the Chinese rose in the house are very contradictory, especially for women. On the one hand, it is believed that the hostess of hibiscus becomes more attractive for men. On the other hand, they say that relations will not be long. It seems like, the plant attracts men's energy, then sucks it and kicks out a man to attract a new "sacrifice."

Contradictory signs and for a married couple. Why you can not keep hibiscus at home - it is often used to guid damage and love spelling to break the life of spouses. But, if you do not take into account someone else's angry intent, this flower is able not to simply improve relations in the family, he can revive the passion and arouse new strong love feelings.

In southern countries where in natural environment And Hibiscus grows, believe that this plant is a family flower.

In China, the bloom of hibiscus to the wedding.

In India, the Chinese rose gives the bride and decorate the hairstyle and dress with flowers - as this is a symbol of innocence.

In Brazil, Hibiscus is presented to newlyweds as a symbol of childbearing.

The flower has energy movement - contributes to rapid recovery and excites the desire for creativity. Perhaps that is why the Chinese rose can be found in many hospitals and schools.

Is it possible to plant hibiscus in the garden

Hibiscus came to us from afar, and our climate is not very suitable for him. But, thanks to breeders, varieties were derived, which are suitable for our latitudes. These copies do not exceed three meters in height and can withstand frosts up to 30 degrees.

Of course, to survive the winter, the plant will need to help - either hold well, or to put into the house - because rare winter in Russia costs without decreasing the temperature below thirty degrees.

There are several types of hibiscus that can be grown, but the principle of care is similar. First, you need to choose appropriate place. The plant must be protected from the bright sun. Also should not be the threat of strong winds. Secondly, the Earth should be rather loose and nutritious. We need a timely watering as the land drying.

Different species have their own peculiarities. And peculiar trimming, and weeding, and mulching. But warming for the winter takes any kind, so do not forget to try in the fall.

Chinese rose can be grown from seeds and cuttings. Seeds are better sow in the middle of winter. Do not forget to spray future bushes in a timely manner. IN open sad You can land only when the threat of frosts takes place.

When soaring, you need to remove almost all the leaves from escape and put it into the water. When a rather long root appears, you can plant a hibiscus in a pot with peat, from where you can transplanted a bush into an open ground when the plant is strengthened.

And do not forget, young plants are not so well tolerant of frosts, so for the first year measures for insulation will have to be thought out particularly carefully.

Is it possible to keep at home chinese rose

There are doubts, and is it possible to keep the Chinese rose at home, because Hibiscus is called a flower of death. Let's think. Most people are used to seeing the causes of everything outside, and not from the inside.

For example, if others belong to a person with dislike, this person will assume that it simply lives among the bad and harmful people. And they will not even pay attention to their actions, which may also provoke such behavior. Also with plants.

If the flower began to fade, and at the same time the owner fell ill, of course, it is considered that the cause of the disease was the "harmful" flower. Meanwhile, it has long been known that it is a person who affects the environment.

If the house reigns a good, good atmosphere, then both plants will be fine. If the swearing is always heard, tension and irritation hangs, the inhabitants of this house will feel bad, and this applies not only to people, but also plants, and animals.

The same can be said about Hibiscus. Yes, he is often accused of owner diseases. However, experts argue that any plant absorbs the negative that itifies around. Naturally, it does not benefit colors. And you did not pay attention that people sick with something becoming more irritable and conflict?

Even alone, the sick person will find something bad: either the weather is bad, or in the Government of Thieves, or neighbors are suspicious, and modern television optimism does not add.

So the plants absorb all this dirt, gradually fading. So it is worth paying attention to the household flowers, because they can be an indicator of the atmosphere in the house, which means the health of households.

Do not forget to be the same that any plant can help us. For example, it is believed that the Chinese rose helps to gain the power of will and get rid of laziness, increases the desire to achieve the goal, and also develops creative abilities.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Hibiscus also contributes to closer relations between a man and a woman, including the strengthening of marriage. To strengthen the effect of the flower in this regard, they advise you to put it in the bedroom next to the bed.

Hibiscus care rules

Hibiscus needs light, in the shade he will reset the leaves. But the straight sun rays are harmful to leaves, yellowish spots will appear - burns. Pot is better to put on the southern or eastern windowsill, closing the Tyul window to dispel the sun rays.

Watering should be sufficient, but not excessive. It is impossible to allow dry land, but the water should not stand. If the upper layer is about three centimeters, it's time to water. Perfect option - Take advantage of drip irrigation.

Hibiscus loves moisture, so periodically need to spray the plant. It is better to do this in the morning so that surplus water over the day evaporated. For moisturizing, it can be placed around the flower cups with water.

Like any plant, the Chinese rose needs fertilizer. Feed the flower a couple of times a month. This is especially important during the formation of kidneys and flowering.

So that the flower grow more lush, in the spring you need to trim. Be sure to remove the dried and bare branches. And healthy shorterate half. Cropped healthy cuttings can be used for breeding.

Chinese roses are dark green shiny leaves and bright velvet inflorescences that appear on the branches in the middle or end of spring. The height of adult indoor bushes is 1.5-2 m. The plant, which is also called Hibiscus, is grown in apartments and offices. In some countries, inflorescences are used to prepare hair paint, and the shoots of Chinese roses are eaten. It is not more difficult to care for indoor bush than behind orchid or bamboo.


Straight sun rays are contraindicated with a decorative chisture. On the leaves after contact with the ultraviolet, small yellow spots remain, which gradually increase and apply to shoots. Burns weaken the immunity of the Chinese rose and make it vulnerable to diseases and a web box.

Hibiscus does not like shadow. The sun rays are responsible for photosynthesis and the growth of young shoots. Chinese rose, deprived of ultraviolet, weakens and resets the leaves.

Pot S. decorative plant Placed on southern or eastern window sills. The windows closes the blinds or thin tulle, which softens and dispels the sun's rays. Vase with hibiscus can be put on a special stand next to the windowsill. The Chinese rose will be securely protected from burns.

In winter, a decorative bush rests, he needs a minimum of light and water. If the owners of Chinese roses moved blossom from spring for mid-summer, in December and January, the plant will have to be heated desktop lamps. Electrical appliance Placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from the decorative bush. The lamp includes 4-5 hours to increase the duration of the daylight.

In summer, the Vazon with a Chinese rose is carried in the garden or on the balcony. The pot is buried in the ground under the spreader tree so that Hibiscus is always in the shade. Fresh air strengthens the immunity of the plant and activates the flowering.

Tip: If burns appeared on the leaves of the Chinese rose, it is necessary to prepare a solution of white sugar and distilled water. Sweet liquid rubb damaged pieces of flower 2-3 times a day. The tool is quickly absorbed and launches the regeneration of leaves.


Summer Hibiscus needs a lot of water. Liquid due to high temperatures evaporates from the soil. Dry roots are quickly discharged, and the plant dies. The Chinese rose is watered with a standing or melt water, heated to 30-35 degrees. The substrate is moisturized by 2-3 times a week. The liquid is added when the upper layer of the soil enhances 2-4 cm. Earth before irrigated, to saturate with oxygen and increase moisture digestibility.

Hibiscus does not tolerate dry air. Next to the pot advise to put bowls filled with cool distilled water or pieces of ice. The fluid under the influence of sun rays gradually evaporates, moisturizing and cooling the air on the windowsill.

Chinese rose is useful to spray from the spray gun. Leaves and shoots are moisturized early in the morning so that the moisture has time to evaporate. If water droplets remain on the plant, they will attract ultraviolet, which will burn hibiscus.

In the evening, a decorative bush wipes with a damp cloth, cleaning from dust. Room flower Quickly absorbs moisture. Instead ordinary water Sugar solution can be used. Sweet liquid provides plant with nutrients.

In the summer and winter it is useful to bathe hibiscus. Buds and inflorescences are closed with polyethylene packages so that the moisture does not get on them. Petals are watered because of the water and fall. The food film is closed and ground. The leaves in front of the bathing can be sprayed with a soap solution for the prevention of a paouth tick. The flower is substituted under a weak water jet of indoor temperature and hold 10-15 minutes. The plant after water procedures is left in the bathroom until complete drying. Wet hibiscus is protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

Water in the summer is poured into the pallet. The container is filled with fine pebbles, which is glued with boiling water for disinfection before use. In the liquid you can add several tablets of activated carbon or wood ash powder. The components disinfect water and protect the fungus from the appearance, so it remains longer than fresh. The roots of the Chinese rose absorb the required amount of moisture in 2-3 hours. The remains poured so that they are not stuffed.

In winter, the decorative bush watered twice a month. When the heating includes, and the air becomes dry, the hibiscus begin to spray with a standing water. The liquid protects the plant from a web tick and diseases.

Fertilizer and temperature regime

Putting for Chinese roses are brought during the formation of kidneys and flowering. Decorative bush fertilize twice a month. Buy drugs for flowering plants. Suitable "Kemira Plus" or a mixture of potassium and phosphorus. In winter, the dose of feeding is reduced by 4 times. The means are made to the substrate once every 1.5-2 months. From November to March you can abandon fertilizers so that the Chinese rose rested and prepared for the growing season.

Comfortable temperature for hibiscus is + 25-18 degrees in summer. In winter, the indicator is reduced to + 15-13. Chinese rose at minus temperatures dies. If the room is cold, a pot with a plant can be wrapped with a food film or newspapers, move the vase to the heater or the battery, but do not forget to moisten the air from the sprayer.

In winter, it is not worth lifting the temperature above +14 degrees. Cool climate creates perfect conditions For kidney formation. With + 12-15, the Chinese rose rests and is restored, prepared for vegetation.

Trimming and transplanting

Young decorative bushes, which are less than 5 years old, transplanted annually into new pots. Vase must be 2-3 cm more than the previous one. In too large tanks, the root system is growing, the green mass increases, and the buds are practically not formed. So that there were many inflorescences, the Chinese rose is transplanted into a small and close pot.

Buy clay or plastic vases with drainage holes and pallets. Capacities are filled with a nutritious and light mixture, which passes moisture and air. In flower shops, select a substrate intended for hibiscus. At home mix:

  • turf land - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat or humus - 1 part.

The substrate add grated foam or fine pebbles. Drainage components make the soil loose.

The ground is brought from a garden or garden, you can dial the ground on the edge of the forest. Sand and soil calcined. The substrate is disinfected in a steamer or a brass cabinet, spill with steep boiling water or dark pink manganese solution. High temperatures Destroy disputes of weeds and eggs insects.

Earth, past processing, mixed with peat and insist several days so that useful bacteria appear in the soil. Third pot fill in clayjit or pebbles. Drainage components are washed in soap solution. Through the ceramisite puffs up a thin layer of substrate with foam.

Hibiscus before the transplant does not water the week so that the soil in the vase is dropped. Wooden handle of the blade or knife knock on the walls of pot. When the land is separated, the container turns over. The Chinese rose is kept behind the stem and gently scroll through the vase, and then remove. The root system believes an extra substrate, but the earthlings do not touch. The base of the decorative bush is transferred to a new pot, sprinkled with soil. The substrate is slightly tamped, watered.

The plant is cut before the transplant. The procedure is carried out in spring before the appearance of buds. Thanks to the trimming, a thick and lush crown is formed with plenty of inflorescences. Choose the longest shoots and shorten on 2/3.

Excess parts are removed by a sharp knife or a secateur. Conventional scissors are suitable. The tool is wiped with alcohol before use. The blade is processed after each remote escape to prevent the infection and posting the Chinese rose. The location of the cut is lubricated to the garden harder so as not to flow juice. You can pumped with integrated carbon or wood ash. The components disinfect open wounds and destroy bacteria, accelerating healing.

Cutting can be carried out in March so that the Chinese rose blooms in the spring. If you need to postpone the formation of buds, the removal of healthy shoots are postponed until May. Cut off not only green, but also dry branches, on which there is no leaves. Also remove sick pieces of decorative bush to stop infection.

With artificial flowering delay, hibiscus transplant in late May. Watering reduce. Watch the Earth does not save, but a small amount of water contributes. In the middle of summer, repeat the pruning. Fertilizers are beginning to enter in June or July.


Healthy cuttings left after trimming are not thrown away. Select instances with leaves and 2-3 knots. Billets are planted in plastic cupsfilled with substrate for Chinese rose. Saplings are watered and covered glass cansTo create inside the tank is wet and warm microclimate.

Plant put in a warm place for a month. Hibiscus will be needed 20-30 days to root. Saplings periodically watered so that the land does not swam, and ventilate. Banks are cleaned for 10-20 minutes, and then returned. Grown seedlings are transferred to clay or plastic pots, water and fertilize. Young shoots can be picked up with syrup. On a glass of water takes 1-2 tbsp. l. White sugar and stirred to completely dissolve crystalline. Each pot is poured by 200-250 ml of sweet fertilizer.

Hibiscus spread not only with cuttings, but also seeds. The planting material is formed in buds after squeezing of petals. Seeds are first soaked in a solution that stimulates growth, and after 24 hours is washed with water and pale pink manganese. The billet wrap in a wet cloth and put into a plastic bag. The planting material is kept next to the battery or heater until sprouts appear.

The fusey seeds are planted in a box with a substrate for hibiscus and covered with glass. The transparent lid is cleaned when 2-3 full-fledged sheets are formed on seedlings. Those treated chinese roses dive and transplant in separate pots.

Causes of yellow leaves

Hibiscus poorly tolerates water from under the tap. Chlorine and calcium impurities are deposited in the ground and affect the root system. The lower leaves of the Chinese rose fall out, and the new acquires of a yellowish shade. Cerencing the plant will help additives iron. If you do not defend water and not to use feeding, the Chinese rose will stop blossoming, and the leaves will completely fall, and the branches will become naked.

Yellow bodies appear when nitrogen and potassium lack. The stains of the golden or pale-salad shade occurs when the fertilizer is rebupping. Sugpets are made no more than 2 times a month, and in the winter they forget about the existence of fertilizers and allow Hibiscus to relax.

During flowering, the leaves are yellow due to the large number of buds. Decorative bush spends all resources on the formation and development of inflorescences. In such cases, the plant is watered with sweet water and make fertilizers 3-4 times a month to provide Chinese rose with nutrients. You can neatly cut or disrupt new buds.

The leaves are yellow due to lack of light. A pot, which is constantly in the shade, move closer to the window and satisfy sunny baths. It is worth protecting hibiscus from drafts. They reduce immunity and lead to falling out leaves.

Decorative bush throws inflorescences annually. Buds are formed in spring or summer. If Hibiscus does not bloom, you need to carefully look at it.

Inflorescences may be absent due to sharp shift temperature mode. The kidneys are laid in a cool room. If you have sharply transfer hibiscus from the room, where it was + 12-14, in heat or put next to the battery, the plant will reset future buds and leaves.

The Chinese rose does not bloom due to lack of light or fertilizer, irregular irrigation. It is impossible to abuse nitrogen feeds. They stimulate the growth of green mass and stop the formation of inflorescences. The hibiscus, overwhelmed with nitrogen, will be thick and lush crown without a single bud.

Inflorescences fall out due to drafts and dry air. The leaves of the Chinese rose in winter and in the summer you need to spray and wipe off with a damp cloth, but the buds can not be touched. It is not recommended to rotate the decorative bush often or to transfer from one window sill to another.

In the absence of buds, it is worth replacing the upper layer of soil. He is neatly removed by the spatula, trying not to damage the roots. The new soil is mixed with overworked compost and dried algae. Additives supply hibiscus with nutrients needed for flowering.

Diseases and pests

A sharp change of temperature regime and drafts lead to the appearance of fungal infection. In the infected plant, the leaves dry and coated with black spots. Watering at the time of treatment is reduced or stopped. It is important that the soil remains slightly wet, but liquid did not accumulate in the pallet. The roots affected by fungus are cleaned of soil and soaked for several hours in a weak solution of manganese. The blackened shoots and leaves are cut, the wounds are sprinkled with activated coal and dried.

With fungal diseases caused by the lack of nutrients, the crown of Chinese roses is sprayed with liquid fertilizers and fungicides.

Chinese rose attacks a web tick. Insects settle on the lower sheets. The first symptom is yellow dots and a thin web, which ends the stem. Pests are destroyed by a solution of "Fundazola". In 1 liter of water, 2 g of suspension is poured and sprayed decorative bush. Processing is repeated several times, the break is 1 week.

At the initial stage of infection, you can do without insecticides. Custom tick Destroy soapy. The tool wipes leaves and branches several times a week.

Hibiscus, living on the street, can attack the trouble. Small bugs are seriously noticed. At the infection of insects indicate the yellowed leaves and a sweet ridge. The Chinese rose spray "nicotine-sulfate". On 1 l of water take 1 g of substance. Conduct several treatments so that the wave disappears completely.

To care for the Chinese rose can even beginners who had no room colors before. Hibiscus is afraid of temperature drops, direct sunlight, cold water and drafts. Loves multiple ultraviolet, heat and organic feeding. If we regularly water, fertilize and cut the plant, it will delight the lush crown and bright colors.

Video: Correct hibiscus care (Chinese rose)