House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» An extracurricular event "Talk about proper nutrition. Abstract conversation with children "Useful and harmful food conversation for nutrition

An extracurricular event "Talk about proper nutrition. Abstract conversation with children "Useful and harmful food conversation for nutrition

Conversation: "Healthy Food"


Tell children about food and their meaning for a person, to introduce the concepts of "nutrients", "correct", or "healthy nutrition"

Develop curiosity, the ability to allocate the rules of healthy nutrition.

Educating in children the attitude towards their health and health surrounding. To raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Manuals and materials: Pictures depicting food: fish, meat, sour cream, milk, vegetables, fruits, chips, chup-chups, peps-cola, ice cream, cake, candy; Moilazzi: Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, apple, radish, cucumber, grapes; Cards with the image of vitamins A, B, C, and on them products in which there is this vitamin.


Educator: Guys, today our conversation will go about tasty and healthy food.

Tell me, can a person live without food?

Children: NO

Educator: What time can, but quite a little. So that a person is well grew, he developed, he needs to eat every day - eat.

And what does a person eat?

Children: Meat, Fish, Milk, Vegetables.

Educator: And animals feed?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, guys! People, animals, birds, insects eat. Any organism from the smallest to adult - nutrition is required. As soon as the power stops in a timely manner for breakfast, lunch and dinner, our body weakens. Why is it going on? Yes, because the products contain nutrients that help our organism grow and develop.

Guys, what nutrients do you know?

Children: Vitamins.

Educator: Products contain many different vitamins. And each vitamin has its own name and house where they live. And now we will remember where, in which products vitamins A, B, S.

The educator causes three children in turn, and they show vitamins in the picture and call the products in which they are.

Educator: Guys, every person has its own favorite food. Name your favorite food.


Educator: Guys, how do you think, if we are, there are some sweets cakes, cupcake, ice cream.

Children: sick teeth.

Educator: Correctly guys, so that you grow strong and healthy kids, you need to use a variety of food, and not just sweet and tasty. This is called "right", or "healthy nutrition."

Guys, do you want to learn more about healthy diet?

Children: Yes.

Then guess the riddles:

Should eat old and young
Vegetable always(salad)

Will be built and high
The one who drinks fruit(the juice)

Know the cow is not easy
To children(milk)

I will grow faster
If I, there is(sour cream)

Knows firmly since childhood Gleb
On the table is the mainstream of all(bread)

You are not looking for candy -
Eat with cabbage fresh(soup)

Outside the window winter il summer
On the second we -(cutlet)

We are waiting for a lunch hour
It will be fried(meat)

It is needed in a porridge, needed to soups,
Dozens have dishes from various(cereals)

Meat, fish, cereals, fruit -
Together they are all -(Products)

Educator: Well done guys! All the riddles guess. Do you eat these products in food?

We praise in your hands
Frequently, more fun.
Our legs knocked
Frequently, more fun.
For the crankshafts, please
Quieter quieter, quieter
Our pens rise
Above. Above, above.
Our knobs joint
Below dropped below. Completed, handled
And stopped.

Educator: Guys, imagine hot soup so that he cooled let's join him.

The breathing gymnastics "Cooling Borsch"

Dial air in the chest - inhale

Exhausted air to push the belly - exhale

When exhaling a loud pronouncement of the sound "F - F - F"

Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Here is our soup and cooled.

Guys, and milk do you like to drink?

Children: Yes, love

Educator: Do you know which products can be made of milk?

Children: sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, prokobvash, curd cheese.

Educator: Yes, well done guys. But I have one more task for you. You need to choose products that eat to be strong and healthy. Here you make cards, spread them. In one direction useful products, and in another are non-optical.

Game "Useful and non-disabilities"

Educator: Well, well done guys! You feed and save your health for a long time.

But the gold rules of food, remember them and you will always be healthy:

1. The main thing is not to overeat.

2. Eat freshly prepared food at the same time.

3. Chew food thoroughly, do not rush to swallow.

4. Do not eat fat, salt and acute food.

5. Vegetables and fruits - Useful products

6. Many sweets, and the health is one.

Educator: Guys, name, what products do you need to eat healthy?

Children: Fish, Meat, Calat Vegetables Fruits Milk Sour Cottage cheese porridge.

Educator: Well done! In order for you to grow healthy, strong and dextering, you need to eat right, physical education, sports and observe the day of the day.

See also:
  1. Quality System based on KHASSP principles
  2. Analysis of the solvency of the organization: the concept, goal, information base, the method of calculating indicators, assessing their change. According to accounting reporting, conduct an analysis.
  3. Analysis of equity profitability: goals, sources of information, modeling and evaluation of results. Using accounting data, spend the analysis.
  4. Analysis Fin. Organization resistance: goals, sources of info, its assessment in compilation of the main and working capital, indicators of Finn, independent. Based on Bo, analyze.
  5. The most important innovations of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".
  6. The effect of motorization on the environment
  7. The effect of land reclamation on the environment
  8. Water differs from the air greater density. In this respect, it is 800 times superior to the air environment.
  9. Impact of tourist enterprises on ...
    Environment and methods of its protection.
  10. Question 31. Dialectics ratio of sensual and rational in knowledge.

Rational meals are nutrition, ensuring growth, normal development and human activity, contributing to improving its health and disease prevention.


1. Energy equilibrium

2. Balanced nutrition

3. Compliance with the power mode

First principle: Energy equilibrium

The energy value of the daily diet must comply with the body's energy consumption.

The body's energy consumption depends on the floor (in women they are 10% lower than 10%), age (the elderly, they are lower by an average of 7% in every decade), physical activity, profession. For example, for human mental persons, energy consumption is 2000-2600 kcal, and for athletes or persons engaged in severe physical labor, up to 4000 - 5,000 kcal per day.

Second principle: Balanced nutrition

According to the principle of balanced nutrition, the provision of basic foodstathes implies the flow of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the body in a strict ratio.

Proteins are the main building material of the body, the source of hormone synthesis, enzymes, vitamins, antibodies. Bellands should provide 10 - 15% of daily calorie content, while the proportion of animal and vegetable proteins should be the same. The optimal amount of proteins should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

Fats possess not only energy, but also plastic value due to the content of fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipids. The optimal amount of fat consumption is 15 - 30% calorie. Such a favorable is the ratio of plant and animal fats, which provides 7 - 10% of calorie content due to saturated, 10 - 15% - monohenaturated and 3-7% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates - the main fuel material for the vital activity of the body. Carbohydrates should provide 55 - 75% of daily calorie content, their main share falls on complex carbohydrates (starch-containing and non-stroke-containing) and only 5 - 10% - on simple carbohydrates (sugar).

There is a fiber of undivided carbohydrates. Despite the fact that in the intestines of fiber is practically not absorbed, normal digestion is impossible without it. Food fibers are contained in most varieties of coarse grinding bread, croups, potatoes, in bean, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Mineral substances and vitamins have important for the correct metabolism and ensure the functioning of the body.

The rational nutrition implies that proteins are provided 10 - 15%, 15-30% fats, carbohydrates 55 - 75% of daily calorie content

Third Principle: Food Mode

Food should be fractional (3 - 4 times a day), regular (at the same time) and uniform, the last meal must be no later than 2-3 hours before sleep.

Municipal educational institution "Poskovkovskaya Secretary General School №1"

Conversation with students on the topic

"Healthy nutrition"

Prepared and held a cool head of Peshenskina M.M.


Goals and objectives:

  1. help students think about the need to be healthy, adapting to a healthy lifestyle;
  2. work on the formation of healthy nutrition skills,
  3. develop attention, cognitive interest;
  4. educating the responsible attitude of students to their health.

A knock on the door, bring a letter. Teacher reads a letter.

"Hello guys! I am the most patient in the world man, very diluted and moderately educated !!! I write my letter from the hospital. Something happened to my health: the body is lomit, in the eyes of the stars, rings in the ears. And I don't want to have fun and stitch. I love to fly over the roofs of houses and play with the baby, and the doctor does not allow me. What should I do? Help!"

Guys, I wonder, and who sent us this letter?

Guys, do you like to root? Why? Why root - bad?

So healthy to be better. Why do we need health?

And who of you consider yourself healthy?

How to determine whether we are healthy or not?

And what does our health depend on? (ecology, lifestyle, labor and sleep mode, sport, power and food)

Why does a person eat?(children's responses)

Yes, you are right, each person for normal operation of the body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water that should come together with food.

A C. how many times do you need to eat?(children's responses)


What has been breakfast in the morning, affects our mood and well-being all day. Tastybreakfast Must be healthy and versatile, but in no case monotonous. General opinion is that onbreakfast Needless to eat porridge.

Second breakfast (at school):

Good breakfast - It does not mean to fit so that then it is impossible to get out of the chair. Goodbreakfast It implies the optimal combination of products containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other useful substances, the organism needs after sleep.


Dinner - The second or third reception of food per day (usually after the first or second breakfast). As a rule, ondinner Hot food serves

Afternoon person:

You can have buns, waffles, cookies with tea, juice or milk.

Its time for dinner:

Dinner is the last food before bedtime. To sleep well and relax at night, you can only eat lightweight food:casseurs, cottage cheese, omelet, kefir, prostroprious.

Power should be diverse - with different products to the body different nutrients come.

Food should be chewed thoroughly. Ground food is easier to digest.

Do not allow overeating - with an excess of food does not cope with the digestive system, food is subjected to fermentation and rotting, the body is poisoned.

Do not hurry during meals - the duration of the meal should be at least 20 minutes at one dish and 30-40 minutes - at two. This is achieved saturation without overeating.

And why in the spring you are quickly tired, more quarrel with each other, more sick?(little vitamins)

Do you know that the word vitamin consists of 2 parts: "Amin" means "carry", and "Vita" - "Life". So, Vitaminmeans "carrier of life." If there are few vitamins in the body or not, people are ill.

And where is the most contained vitamins?(in fruits and vegetables)

Crossword: "Vegetables - Fruits"


I am a ruddy matryushki

From girlfriends

Wait when Matriuska
Falls itself in the grass. (Apple)

Cucumbers they seem to
Only bundles grow
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served. (Banana)

Blue uniform, white lining,
In the middle - sweet. (Plum)

This fruit is sweet and fit,
On a thick woman in form similar. (Pear)

Guess not very simple -
Here is a fruity I know -
It's not about coconut,
Not a pear, not about draining, -
Bird is still so
Call the same - ... (Kiwi)

Nor in the fields and in the gardens,
Neither with us and us
And in tropical forests
Grows ... (Pineapple)

Vertically: Golden and useful,
Vitamin, although sharp,
Bitter taste has it.
When you clean - tears pour. (

Russell lady in the garden
Dressed in noisy silk.
We prepare it for her
And large salts.(Cabbage)

What is this ruck
Fallen on the barrel?
Poped, salad.
True, it's ... (zucchini)

Although I'm called sugar,
But from the rain I did not splash,
Large, round, sweet taste,
I learned, who am I? ... (beet)

Crop, not a month,
Yellow, not butter,
Sweet, not sugar,
With a tail, not a mouse. (Repka)

Guys, and let's visit Carlson in the hospital! We will collect products for him so that he quickly recovered.

Each child has a leaflet with a set of products: pepsy, kefir, yard, chips, heroles, sunflower oil, cakes, "snickers", carrots, cabbage, chocolate candies, apples, pears, bread.

Select products that will be useful for Carlson.


Teacher: Well, now I ask you to get up in a big circle.

There is a wonderful custom to stretch your hand, catch it up, thereby wishing the health of the neighbor. Stretching his hand, a person shows that it is open to communicate, does not hold an evil on anyone. Shake your hand. Look, what a chain of the handshakes from us turned out. Pass each other on this chain your kindness, divide the burdens and a good mood!

The conversation about the rational nutrition was performed by a student 1 ms E Lepina Irina checked teacher Pevchenko E. P.

The problem of rational food, oddly enough at first glance, is very complex. Everything more clearly becomes that it is impossible to develop one of his appearance acceptable to all healthy people immediately. And everything is clearer understanding that it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person. This means that each type of rational nutrition can be recommended only a very homogeneous group of the population.

What is rational food? Rational called food, which is best satisfying the needs of the body in energy and essential (irreplaceable), vital substances, and in the data, specific conditions of its life and activity. From here it is seen: rational food is not a certain standard suitable in all cases.

In order for the nutrition to be highly efficient, the following factors should be taken into account: first, modern neuropsychotics and the overall acceleration of the pace of life. The body becomes more and more difficult to cope with unfavorable external and internal influences. Resistant hypodynamia (a sedentary lifestyle) - the Beach of our century - she deprived the human body of motor-visual reflexes, weakening these the most functional efficiency of the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines.

.... Rational power is effective only against the background of a sufficient number of motor-visual reflexes, in other words, sufficient physical loading.

The second equally important condition .... For high efficiency of rational nutrition - a favorable, calm neuro-emotional background, persistent struggle with nerve and stress overloads. Not a single system of the body, including digestive, not free from the negative effect of stress. Under the influence of neuropsychic irritability, aggressiveness, conflict and stressful states, the functional ability of the digestive system is broken, and sometimes perverted.

So that rational food is highly efficient, you need to create a favorable background. What is necessary for this? Daily intensively load yourself physically. Decisively mobilize yourself to fight irritability, conflict and stress. No clarification of relationships, nervous explosions due to trifles, etc.

Improper nutrition can be a negative factor - not only not to help the body to cope with the difficulties that constantly occur in life, but even interfere with it. The study and development of rational nutrition principles Many countries of the world are important. In international FAO and WHO organizations dealing with food problems, a lot of work is underway to generalize the principles of rational nutrition.

The principles of rational food primarily unanimously adopted the principle of moderation in nutrition, excluding overeating, but at the same time providing the needs of the body in calories in accordance with the energy costs.

The second basic principle is a balance of nutrition, which is best satisfying the needs of the body in the vital, essential foodstuffs. With balanced nutrition, optimal conditions for metabolism are created.

The third is recognized as the principle of four-time nutrition, providing for meals every time in small quantities.

The fourth principle of the diversity of nutrition, which gives the body the opportunity to take the biologically active substances necessary for his life - after all, each food product has its own characteristics in the structure, combinations and relationships of the components of its biologically active components.

Finally ... Fifth Principle: High Biological Food Food. In modern conditions, it is especially important in modern conditions of an increased rate of life and neuro-emotional overload. The main thing here is daily, systematic consumption of fresh, if possible, raw vegetables and fruits and especially greens.

B. Zh. W. Relatively long ago, the principle of balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates was already proclaimed - in the ratio of 1: 1: 5. If you take the daily rate of protein for an adult for 100 grams, then the daily rate of fats and carbohydrates will be 80 and 350 - 400 grams.

Proteins An extremely important role in rational nutrition belongs to the protein. More than half of the world's population suffers from protein deficiency. A sufficient and stable protein and C-vitamin food background is the first and indispensable condition of its rationality. As a medium, the needs of an adult in protein and ascorbate can be taken 80- 100 grams of protein and 80-100 milligrams of ascorbate, that is, for each gram of the incoming protein 1 mg vitamin C.

As for fat, it was not so long ago a desire to quickly restrict it in the nutrition of adults. And especially in the afternoon. Fucked actions contributing to the development of atherosclerosis. For adults, 80- 100 grams of fat are recommended, including 25-30 grams of vegetable oil. Fat.

Carbohydrates daily need for carbohydrates 350- 400 grams per day. From carbohydrates in the diet there should be 75 percent of bread products (bakery products, croup, pasta and others) and 25 percent of sugar, including honey, jam and fruit.

Vitamins are improved by the need of the body and in vitamins. It will certainly be satisfied at the expense of food, especially vegetables, fruits, berries and fruits.

At what times of the year our body is not enough vitamins? The second half of winter and spring is especially unfavorable in this place, when the range of vegetables and fruits is reduced, and in the remaining stock of vitamins melts. In addition, in the spring man comes out of winter weakened and needs an additional vitamin supply.

What kind of vitamins need to supplement the power in the spring? First of all, ascorbat (vitamin C), since it is not synthesized in the human body. Three months a year - February, March and April especially poor vitamins. These months, it is necessary to especially take care of early vegetables - green onions, cucumbers, radish, spinach, parsley. In the spring, the need is growing in other vitamins: B 1, 2, in 6, e, etc.

So what is the result of the result of the above? The rational nutrition should maintain an acidic equilibrium in the body and prevent the development of acidotic shifts expressed in reducing acidity. To do this, it is enough to increase the proportion in the food diet of vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products.

Rational meals are nutrition, ensuring growth, normal development and human activity, contributing to improving its health and disease prevention.


1. Energy equilibrium

2. Balanced nutrition

3. Compliance with the power mode

First principle: Energy equilibrium

The energy value of the daily diet must comply with the body's energy consumption.

The body's energy consumption depends on the floor (in women they are 10% lower than 10%), age (the elderly, they are lower by an average of 7% in every decade), physical activity, profession. For example, for human mental persons, energy consumption is 2000-2600 kcal, and for athletes or persons engaged in severe physical labor, up to 4000 - 5,000 kcal per day.

Second principle: Balanced nutrition

According to the principle of balanced nutrition, the provision of basic foodstathes implies the flow of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the body in a strict ratio.

Proteins are the main building material of the body, the source of hormone synthesis, enzymes, vitamins, antibodies. Bellands should provide 10 - 15% of daily calorie content, while the proportion of animal and vegetable proteins should be the same. The optimal amount of proteins should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

Fats possess not only energy, but also plastic value due to the content of fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipids. The optimal amount of fat consumption is 15 - 30% calorie. Such a favorable is the ratio of plant and animal fats, which provides 7 - 10% of calorie content due to saturated, 10 - 15% - monohenaturated and 3-7% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates - the main fuel material for the vital activity of the body. Carbohydrates should provide 55 - 75% of daily calorie content, their main share falls on complex carbohydrates (starch-containing and non-stroke-containing) and only 5 - 10% - on simple carbohydrates (sugar).

There is a fiber of undivided carbohydrates. Despite the fact that in the intestines of fiber is practically not absorbed, normal digestion is impossible without it. Food fibers are contained in most varieties of coarse grinding bread, croups, potatoes, in bean, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Mineral substances and vitamins have important for the correct metabolism and ensure the functioning of the body.

The rational nutrition implies that proteins are provided 10 - 15%, 15-30% fats, carbohydrates 55 - 75% of daily calorie content

Third Principle: Food Mode

Food should be fractional (3 - 4 times a day), regular (at the same time) and uniform, the last meal must be no later than 2-3 hours before sleep.


In the subsection

Proper and healthy eating

Today, the topic of our conversation: rational and healthy eating.

Questions answers the dietitist Corner Vladimir Sergeevich

Alexander Mikhailovich, that this is generally for the problem - rational food, what is her essence?

The problem of rational nutrition is so important that it is included in the number of ten global problems of modernity, nominated by the UN before humanity. What is food? This is the supply of an organism with energy, plastic substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, biologically active substances, enzymes and hormones. After all, it is known that the guarantee of a person's life in constant energy preservation. How much energy it spent, the same should be in food, that is, there must be a connection between the nutrition and metabolism. This principle allows you to develop the norms of human needs in food. Norms and there are criteria for rational nutrition.

What are the norms of food by man exist?

Scientists installed: on average, one per day for one person is enough food containing 2.800 kilocalories. Protein in it should be about 85 grams. After analyzing the results of the actual feed for fats, a limit is set to 33 percent. The need for carbohydrates in new standards is somewhat reduced and justified. Carbohydrates that enter the body have mostly two sources: sugar and starch. Sugar, as a rule, is abused. And it gradually leads to diabetes. But to say exactly how much sugar is required by the human body, clarify the upper border of its consumption and exclude the diabetes factor, scientists are not yet taken. This is the task of the coming years. An important role in new standards is given to vitamins. Studies show that in highly developed countries, hypovitaminosis has been distributed. The reasons for it again lies in violation of the rules of rational nutrition. The main vitamins, the necessary organism, - B, A and D - should be in food at any time of the year. But you can't get involved, everything is good in moderation. Scientists have established that the body needs three more vitamin: folacine (folic acid), B12 and E. Mineral substances are of great importance. The fact that calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron is needed by the human body, they knew before. But it turns out to be needed to no less and such elements as zinc and cobalt. Their excess, as well as the disadvantage, is equally harmful.

How relevant is the problem of obesity?

The spread of excessive power dissipation in highly developed countries is a kind of paradox of our time. Prevention and treatment of obesity are becoming a social problem. And the analysis of the nutrition of people in different geographic regions of our country confirms the presence of an imbalance of energy and nutrition. This is the basic condition for obesity. On the one hand, food that we use is growing calorieness, and on the other, our lifestyle becomes increasingly larger. The discrepancy between the arrival and energy consumption is obtained. Often there is a disruption of the power mode. The main share of food is accepted in the evening. Obesity is the disease of the wrong metabolism. It contributes to premature aging of the body, dramatically reduces performance, develops heart failure, not to mention that spoils the appearance of a person. Obesity has one feature that distinguishes it from other diseases. As a rule, filling people do not consider themselves sick and do not turn to the doctor, but obesity is a disease, and besides curable. First, using a balanced nutrition, the use of small-calorie diets, and, secondly, long-term loads, gymnastic exercises are needed.

But there is a feeling of hunger, appetite, which makes a person there is as much as he wants. Is it possible to manage them at your own accord?

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of hunger. This is a signal that the body needs to get a new portion of food. The so-called food center is located in the cerebral cortex, which is excited by impulses coming from the body. Does not cause doubts that the feeling of hunger is the feeling that was inherited from the distant ancestors. They fought for food and, having won, consumed her in a large number, their appetite was elevated. It is possible that it is fixed in the offspring.

continued ...

Elena Druzhinina led

Proper nutrition provides high diversity as one of the main and mandatory conditions of rationality.(K.S. Petrovsky)

Purpose:Examine the basics of hygienic nutritionalization for different groups of the population. Learn to assess the diet of a particular person and make recommendations for optimization.

Basic hygienic requirements for rational nutrition.

Characteristics and importance for the health of the population of the main components of food (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins).

Principles of the development of physiological norms of the population.

Nourishing disorders associated with them and their prevention.

Laboratory work "Hygienic evaluation of the diet".

Rational nutrition Call physiologically full nutrition, ensuring the constancy of the inner environment of the body (homeostasis) and a high level of vital activity. Basic requirements for the edible diet: a) Energy adequacy of nutrition, i.e. compliance of calorie food to the body's energy productions; b) the adequacy of the supply of plastic functions of the body: the content of all necessary foods, minerals and vitamins in quantities and relationships most useful for the body (balance of nutrition); c) the maximum compliance of the chemical structure of food fermented digestive systems; d) the correct power mode; Power biotheticism, i.e. Instant for the body.

1. Fasting diseases and general malnutrition (dystrophy, cachexia).

2. Power failure: a) protein-energy deficiency (alimentary dwarfishness, alimentary insanity, anemia, quashiorecore, liver cirrhosis); b) vitamin deficiency (qing, xeroofthalmia, take-take, Rahit and others; c) mineral failure (endemic goiter, capital teeth, rickets, osteoporosis).

3. Diseases of excessive nutrition (obesity, gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypervitaminosis).

4. Food intolerance (allergies, enzymesopathy) and improper combinations of products (milk with herring or cucumbers).

5. Diseases of the wrong power regime (gastritis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood, obesity, atherosclerosis).

7. Food poisoning.

Energotrata the person consists of the main exchange, energy associated with the reception, digestion and the absorption of food ("specifically dynamic action of food" SDDP) and energy spent on different activities. The main exchange depends on the mass of the human body (on average for men 70 kg, for women 60 kg) and the intensity of exchange processes, accounted for approximately 1,400-1700 kcal. SDDP is 10-15% of the main exchange. Approximate energyrators under different activities are presented in Table. one.

Table 1. Estimated energy consumption with some types

Kind of activity


kcal / Minkg.

Kind of activity


kcal / Minkg.

Running 180 m / min

Work in the laboratory

Conversation standing, sitting

Textile work

House cleaning

Work miner


Speech report

Floor washing

Work Surgeon

Dressing, undressing

Computer work

Riding a bus





Car repair

An important aspect of rational nutrition is the distribution of daily caloric content of food receiving (power mode). The most favorable for adults is a three-year (30-35% breakfast, 45-50% lunch, 25% dinner) or four-menel nutrition (20-25% first breakfast, 10-15% second breakfast, 35-40% lunch and 25% dinner) And for children - four-five-volume nutrition. Children in children's preschool institutions receive four meals, but instead of the 2nd breakfast - the afternoon snack between lunch and dinner.

The optimal ratio of the main foods in the diet of a healthy person: "Proteins: Fats: Carbohydrates" \u003d 1: 1: 4.

Food proteins - The most important component of food producing mainly plastic function is to build all cells and tissues of the body, antibody synthesis and enzymes. The biological value of proteins is determined by the optimal ratio in them of essential amino acids (40 mg of isoleucine, 70 mg of leucine, 55 mg of lysine, 35 mg of sulfur-containing amino acids, 60 mg of aromatic amino acids, 10 mg of tryptophan, 40 mg of threonine, 50 mg of valine in 1 g of protein), What is observed in the proteins of animal origin. Proteins of animal origin should be at least 55% of the total protein consumed per day.

Table 2. The optimal level and maintenance of the most important amino acids in the foods of animal origin

Amino acid

Optimal Level (FAO / WHO)



Methionine + cystine

Phenylalanine + tyrosine

Fat food provide the body energy (Caloric coefficient 1 g fat \u003d 9.3), perform plastic function in the synthesis of lipid structures (nervous tissue, cell membranes, prostaglandins), act as food solvents of fat-soluble vitamins and serve as a source of essential (irreplaceable) polyunsaturated fatty acids. The biological value of fats is determined by the optimal ratio of various types of fatty acids.

Table 3. Content of PNCH in food fats and the amount of fat satisfying the daily need for PNGK

Number of fat, g




Animals fats


Fat beef

Salo pork

Gusian fat

Chicken fat

Fat liver cod.

Vegetable oils





NLC (palmitic, stearinovaya) are used by the body as sources of energy. MNG (oleic acid) and PNGC (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic acids), called vitamin F, belong to biological active substances. PNCH (especially arachidone acid) in the composition of phospholipids of cell membranes ensure their fluidity and elasticity; Participate in the exchange of vitamins of the group in pyridoxine and thiamine; Enhance the elasticity and elasticity of the walls. PNCH is one of the main components of lecithin lipotropic amino acid and stimulate cholesterol oxidation, which contributes to the removal of its excess amounts of the organism and the prevention of atherosclerosis. With a deficiency of vitamin F, the dryness of the skin, the achedule and the fragility of the nails, hair loss; The development of phrentoderma is possible. Since PNCC is present in fats with liquid consistency (mainly vegetable origin), the content of vegetable fats in an adult diet should be at least 30% of the total number of fats.

Carbohydrates Provide the body with energy. Digested carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, as well as starch, dextrins and glycogen; Unsupported - cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and pentosans, lignin, resins, etc. The latter are represented by food fibers regulating the composition of intestinal microflora, intestinal peristalsis, absorption and removal of excess steroids, cholesterol, toxins, etc. Depending on the amount of nutritional fibers, food is divided on "protected" (more than 0.4% fiber) and "refined" (less than 0.4% fiber).

Physiological Norms for adult able-bodied population Determined by floor, age and professional personality of a person (Table 4.5):

1st group - workers predominantly mental labor;

The 2nd group - workers engaged in light physical labor;

3-yagroup - workers engaged in the work of moderate gravity;

The 4th group - workers engaged in severe physical labor;

The 5th group - employees of particularly severe physical labor.

Table 4. The need for energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates adult able-bodied men (per day)

Labor intensity groups

Age, years

Energy, kcal

Carbohydrates, G.

including Animals

Daily diet of pregnant women women (5-9 months) exceeds the standards of the appropriate age and professional group by 350 kcal, 30 g of proteins (20 g of animal protein), 12 g of fats, 30 g of carbohydrates; mothers diet, nursing Babies under the age of 1 month. - exceeds the norms per 500 kcal, 40 (26) of proteins, 15 g of fats and 40 g of carbohydrates; Nursing babies aged 7-12 months. - at 450 kcal, 30 (20) g of proteins, 15 g of fats and 30 g of carbohydrates.

Table 5. The need for energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates of adults-bodied women (per day)

Labor intensity group

Age, years

Energy, kcal

Carbohydrates, G.


Daily diet of children It is determined by their age, and adolescents - age and floor (Table 6).

Table 6. The need of children and adolescents in energy,

Rational nutrition is a balanced diet, compiled by gender, age, state of health, lifestyle, the nature of the labor and professional activity of a person, the climatic conditions for his residence. A properly compiled diet increases the body's ability to resist with negative environmental impact factors, contributes to the preservation of health, active longevity, fatigue resistance and high performance. What are the basic principles of rational nutrition? What is needed to organize rational nutrition?

Food is the main source of energy for humans. With food, a person receives an indispensable macro and microelements, vitamins and acids that are not synthesized by the organism. Food is necessary for the body to maintain the processes of vital activity, growth and development. On the nature and power mode, the course of many processes in the human body depends. The correct replenishment of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins contributes to the slowdown of aging processes, increases the body's resistance to noncommunicable diseases and the ability to self-extract. The body also needs micronutrients, biologically active compounds that contribute to the development of enzymes normalizing metabolism.

No more than 10% of the population adheres to the norms of rational nutrition. Recommendations on rational food use standards are averaged quantities of nutrients needed by a person. Compliance with the norms of rational nutrition contributes to improving the health, prevention of diseases, conditions caused by excess or lack of nutrients. Balance of nutrients in food contributes to the normal course of physiological and biochemical processes in the human body.

Static standards in the conditions of an ever-changing rhythm of life, the environment is almost impossible. The last rules of rational food are set out in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 593 of 2.08.2010, the rational food of the person according to the specified standards should include:

  • Bakery and pasta micronutrients enriched;
  • Vegetables, potatoes, bumbish;
  • Meat, fish, fish products, bird;
  • Milk, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, oil, sour cream, cheese);
  • Sugar;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Salt.

Not all products from the listed range are useful. To obtain maximum benefits and compliance with rational nutrition, it is possible to prefer products with low fat content, eliminate semi-finished products, as well as products subject to various types of thermal and chemical treatment (smoked, canned food, sausages). Preference should be preferred with fresh products, avoiding long-term storage products.

This list also does not contain quantitative norms of products, since these parameters are determined by individual human factors.

RATIONAL POWER is a special approach to the organization of food and its regime, which is part of a healthy lifestyle of a person. Rational nutrition contributes to the normalization of the processes of digestion, the absorption of nutrients, the natural secretion of the products of the body's life, deliverance from unnecessary kilograms, and, therefore, the observance of the basics of rational nutrition contributes to the body's resistance to the development of diseases, the prerequisites for which the violation of metabolic processes, excess weight, irregular nutrition, Low quality products, energy imbalance.

Basic principles of rational nutrition:

  • Energy balance - compliance with the amount of energy incoming energy spent energy spent in the process of vital activity. The main source of energy for the body is food consumed. The body consumes energy to maintain the body temperature, the functioning of the internal organs, the flow of metabolic processes, muscular activity. In case of insufficient flow of energy with food, the body switches to internal power supplies - fat tissue, muscle tissue, which, with a long-term energy shortage, will inevitably lead to the depletion of the body. With constant excess of nutrients, the body spares fat tissue as alternative power sources;
  • Balance of nutrients required by the body for normal vital activity. According to the basics of rational nutrition, the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1: 1: 4 for adults at low labor intensity and 1: 1: 5 with high labor intensity. The energy value of an adult diet living in a temperate climate and not involved in hard work should be distributed in a sequence of 13% protein food, 33% of fat-containing products, as well as 54% of carbohydrates;
  • Compliance with the power mode is one of the basic principles of rational nutrition. The power mode covers the reception time, its number, intervals between meals. Rational diet involves a four-time meal, which contributes to sufficient saturation of the body and suppressing a feeling of hunger, the absence of snacks between the main meals, certain intervals between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. This contributes to the development of conditionally reflex reactions, preparing the body to receive food.

For the right organization of rational nutrition, it is necessary to take into account all individual factors, also determining human capabilities (social status, financial position, work schedule).

The correct organization of rational nutrition is one of the leading principles, among which allocate the duration of food intake, which should approximately equal to 30 minutes, the correct distribution of the energy value of the diet during the day. The basis of rational nutrition is the principle of 25:50:25, determining the calorie content of the diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning you should give preference to slow carbohydrates and proteins, the body should get the maximum part of the nutrients, while dinner should consist of low-calorie products.

The principles of rational nutrition involve the consumption of a balanced diet daily depending on the needs of the body, taking into account individual factors. If rational power supply is met, the menu must include:

  • Grain;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Non-fat varieties of meat, eggs;
  • Fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, with rational nutrition, the menu should exclude such types of thermal and chemical processing as roasting, smoking, conservation, since this products are "healthy" alternatives.