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» What will happen if you eat alone vegetables. That's what happens to your body, if you eat exclusively vegetables and fruits

What will happen if you eat alone vegetables. That's what happens to your body, if you eat exclusively vegetables and fruits

The world is quite diverse, so no one has long been surprised by some features of different cultures. Few people truly can be surprised by what is familiar to other peoples.

Polygamy, reverence of sacred animals, originality of art ... All this is no longer surprisingly surprising, but here is unusual - as long as. Refers to this and vegetarianism. A person who does not eat meat - on spiritual or physical reasons - causes mixed feelings from society. Basically, they are mixed in one big question, which is asked to vegetarians: what will happen if there are some vegetables? It is time to talk about the advantages and minuses of a vegetable diet.

Pluses of consumption of some fruits and vegetables:

1. To begin with, of course, a very small amount of fats. Thus, the caloric content of vegetables and fruits is so small that the vegetarian a priori is not complete. If there are - then this is either the initial degree of vegetarianism - that is, too much of time has passed since the beginning - either "not real vegetarianism". Plus, vegetable dishes require a much smaller amount of salt, so the salt level in the body is significantly reduced, which of course contributes to weight loss and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. The fiber, the content of which is very high in vegetables, helps to remove slags and toxins in the body, and also strengthens the walls of the vessels and improves metabolism.

3. Complex carbohydrates contained in fruits are much slower and better sugar, which allows not only to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, but in general, to regulate blood sugar content.

4. Among other things, vitamins, which are very much in almost all fruits and vegetables, a person is needed, especially in winter. Therefore, a vegetable diet is initially aimed at raising the level of vitamins in the body, improve the condition of the hair, nails and the whole organism as a whole. There is information that if you eat alone vegetables, then even sleep better!

Cons of what will happen if there are some vegetables:

First, a vegetable diet is a very complex process. It does not tolerate people with a weak digestive system, and especially with diseases of the stomach and intestines. Unfortunately, a very small number of people understand. But remember: if you decide to eat alone vegetables, but soon they felt not too good - it is better to stop immediately. Do not make your body take what he does not like. But do not confuse the organism of this diet and the simple reluctance to abandon the cakes and candies.

Secondly, there is such a fact: vegetables are quite difficult to nourish for a long time, as they are very fast digest. Therefore, often at the first time of such nutrition, the desire to eat something terribly oily and calorie is very strengthened. This feeling you just need to endure, and the food must be regular - once every two hours, but not too large portions.

Thirdly, there are vitamins in meat products that are not in the plant products, so the lack of them can affect the state of vision, memory and bones. You can replenish the lack of such vitamins if you take vitamins from pharmacies. In general, if you do not hold and are not going to stick to vegetarianism, but just want to lose weight, then your diet should last no more than two or three weeks.

Writes Natalia from Minsk

I decided to write my own loss story! Of course, I did not drop 50 kg, but 28 is also an achievement, in any case, for me.

My little story sounds as follows. I have always been slight enough. With a rise of 175 cm, my weight was 58 - 60 kilograms, I wore the 46th size of the clothes. For the period of the first pregnancy (at 18) I scored about 25 kilograms, then, after the birth of the baby, for the first year - another 15. I can not say that she elaved a little: I watched as much as I wanted. In addition, there were problems with thyroid gland. As a result, the weight arrow showed 97 digit! I tried to lose weight, but all diet led to one result: 5 kilograms dropped - I gained 7! Exactly after 5 years, a period of waiting for the second baby was coming, there was no limit to our joy, but I was worried about my weight. I think many moms will understand me! As a result, for the whole pregnancy, I scored only two kilograms. Kid grew and developed, and I lost weight! Lucky is not because it was sitting on diets, and because in my diet, such products, like meat, fish, vegetables and fruits prevailed, was not trying after 18.00. As a result, after second genera, my weight was 87 kilograms (minus 10 kilograms). But the joy lasted for a short time: for 6 months of breastfeeding, my weight returned to 97 kilograms. Again tried to lose weight, again on diets - and again with zero result.

Motive. The motive was always. I can't say that my health bothered me, just a 25-year-old aunt looked out of the mirror, I didn't buy what I liked, but what was waiting! Wore 54 - 56 clothes size! It was especially difficult to find something trendy from the outerwear! Here is a motive!

How I was humid. Again began to observe diets - and again with zero result! Then I came up with my weight loss method! Arriving on vacation to parents for two months (long vacation), I decided to lose weight urgently! Hard, but effectively! Only vegetables and fruits, saw green tea, did not eat after 18.00, ran in the evenings of 1.5 kilometers, in the morning and in the evening I dressed the press for 50 times. The result is minus 14 kilograms in two months! My delight was not limit! Maybe this is a lot for two months, but the more weight, the easier it is to reset it! My weight was 83 kilograms. I bought myself a new suit for the 50th size, jumped up the admiration of relatives and acquaintances. There were still many different slimming editions, read articles on the Internet and drew new useful information. He admired the achievements of many women - and it spurned me even more. He told himself that I could! And was able! Then I went to work and continued to lose weight further. Food 5 times a day, but excluded bakery products from their diet, potatoes, pasta, porridge (buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.), because I do not like them at all. But I can not live without sweet! I love chocolate! Therefore, coffee with milk and chocolate (I try to replace the chocolate with marshmallow) enters my daily diet!

Naataly: "I wish everyone good luck and excerpt, as well as tremendous patience, motivation and effort of will! It is necessary to understand that harmony is not a diet, but a lifestyle!"

Approximate menu during weight loss.

8.00 - coffee with milk and 20 grams of chocolate (or one piece of marshmallow);

11.00 - Salad of vegetables for the season and protein (meat, chicken), green tea;

14.00 - Vegetable salad for season and fish, marshmallow 1 thing, green tea;

17.00 - Cottage cheese and tea.

If I wanted to eat, I allowed myself at 18.00 a glass of kefir. Snapped with fruit - apples and oranges. As a result, for another 7 months, the weight fell by another 14 kilograms, while I did not go fasting, did not sit on diets, but I watched what I love, but adhering to my principles! Although I can not say that everything was very smooth: there were also sitting, and kebabs with friends, - but I tried to keep myself in my hands. I ate what I wanted, but until 18.00 and in limited quantities.

My result. In general, I lost weight by 28 kilograms for 9 months! Clothes size - 46 - 48. In 31 years I look much better than in the period from 19 to 27 years. Sometimes the eldest son takes for the younger brother, nice! And still admires the husband, who always supported me!

How to support weight. I lost weight in 2009, so the weight is kept at the level of 69 - 70 kilograms for three years, it pleases. After all, everyone knows that it is not so difficult to lose weight, how to keep it! In terms of food, adhere to the same principles as in the second half of weight loss. I give a little slab: sometimes I eat cake, ice cream, holidays and kebabs are also there, but everything is moderately and limited. Sometimes I arrange unloading days on cottage cheese or kefir. I want to lose weight up to 63 kilograms, I will really try. But honestly, I will say that 28 kilograms have been lighted easier than the remaining 6 - 7 kilograms.

Council. I wish everyone good luck and excerpt, as well as tremendous patience, motivation and effort of will! It is necessary to understand that slimness is not a diet, but a lifestyle! Tea is very tasty without sugar, it can be drunk by itself, and not the edible with a bun or a piece of cake, a cake, encourage yourself for any achievement you need not delicious, and a campaign for a concert, in a movie or theater, just walking on the street ! If possible, go to work on foot, walk more with your kids! All tremendous patience and good luck!

I am 31 years old, height - 175, weight - 69 - 70 (weight to weight loss - 97 kg.)

On the eve of the spring and the upcoming beach season, are you resolutely set up to get rid of excess fat savings? Among the numerous dietary nutrition systems that can help in this, many choose diet, including only a berry-fruit and vegetable base. So-called fruit vegetable diet. It eliminates even the consumption of cereal and legume crops. How effective are are effective and harmless to health and weight loss?

Fruit Vegetable Diet: Pluses

Among the advantages of fruit and vegetable diets, we note the following:

  1. A large number of ballast substances (fiber), after modifying its part of the microflora of the stomach and the small intestine, turns into substances that can reduce the level of poor cholesterol. This value can achieve as long as 35%, which is possible with the "ordinary" nutrition by receiving special drugs.
  2. Fruit and vegetables contain a large amount of water. She together with the fiber is very voluminous. A quickly filled stomach sends signals to the brain - stop, I am filled. There is a sense of saturation. But with a large volume in most vegetables and fruits a little calorie. Therefore, the body draws energy from other sources, and the person is losing weight. However, sitting on a carbohydrate diet should not count on the reset of 6-7 kg per week, as promoted on some "female" sites, but minus 3-3.5 kg is a achievable result for weight loss.
  3. All the same fiber and liquid help the thick intestine quickly and easily free.
  4. Fruit vegetable diet allows you to quickly restore hepatic and muscular glycogen speakers, reduce the height of the painful syndrome of the creature and its duration.

If you decide for some time to eat only vegetables and fruits remember that WHO recommends the number of simple sugars limit 10%, and, consequently, the remaining 90% must be distributed between complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and fats.

Vegetable Fruit Diet: Minuses

Let's start with the fact that from the late 80s last century, instead of a system of balanced food behavior, nutritionists actively promote adequate power postulates. Among them is an item that and how it is necessary, depending on the ambient temperature and the region of residence. Based on this, they advise to stick to diets, the basis of which (and not completely all the diet!), It consists of vegetables, berries and fruits, it is recommended not to winter-spring, but in the summer-autumn period. And this advice is based on no money saving.

Food consisting of almost one carbohydrates covers energy, but not the plastic needs of the body. We lose weight, you will lose, but this will happen by reducing muscle mass. The fat just no need to split, because the source of energy will be eliminated, but to maintain the volume of old and produce new muscle cells simply will not be out of anything. Therefore, the disappeared kilograms return pretty quickly. As soon as proteins become the body, the muscles will start recovering.

Vegetable fruit diet and its unconditional cons:

  1. After a meal that contains a large amount of vegetable and fruit fiber, you will be waiting for a rapid return of hunger. Especially if you managed to stretch the stomach. Ballast substances quickly go to a 12-point intestine, where the body begins to feel cheating - the absence of proteins and fats. In addition, the stomach begins to send pulses to the brain, asking for it to fill it. As a result sucks under the spoon, the number of food intakes increases. In the future, to get rid of such effects will require considerable time and the power of will.
  2. The absence of fats in food leads to a decrease in not only bad (low density), but also good, extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the body, high density cholesterols.
  3. The carbohydrate diet is definitely and hurts the pancreas, kidneys and liver. In some cases, it can cause purulent acne.
  4. Passion to acidic fruit and berries can cause gastritis.
  5. The exclusion from the diet of proteins, especially animals, leads to wasteless edema. And here the advice on the daily restriction of the cook salt up to 2 mg and less - the dead karticle. Maybe only worse. NaCl is the desired mineral nutrient, which is intensively lost during training from then, and requires not complete, but recovery.
  6. The carbohydrate-containing "silo" is no less effective in the production of intestinal gases than legumes or meat.
  7. The absence of proteins and fats creates a deficit:
  • hormone-like substances necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, which by the way produces more hormones than all other endocrine glands and adipose tissue combined;

  • c-reactive protein, precursors and neurotransmitters themselves, as well as some amino acids representing unique functional significance, for example, omega-3 and omega-6;
  • minerals - calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, chromium;
  • vitamins - D, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, RR, lipoic acid.

And in conclusion, we want to advise to lose weight after all on a diet restricting carbohydrates and fats. Fruit vegetable diet for weight loss Let it be like an addition. Leave fruit or vegetable days for low-calorie unloading days that are necessary for the body to extend the life expectancy.

And about. Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun and nutritionists from different countries of the world recommend daily to use 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. It is about 400 grams.

However, studies of scientists from London, which appeared in 2017, showed that the daily rate of fruits and vegetables should be enlarged.

Experts are convinced that this will reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, improve the condition of the blood vessels and the immune system. Probably the reason is that antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables reduce DNA damage, Lifehacker writes. And this reduces the risk of cancer.

What happens if you go completely into vegetable food

1. Lack of trace elements

In fruits and vegetables, many fiber and carbohydrates. But you will not get fats and proteins. A person will have a loss of muscle mass and strength.

2. You will experience a decline of energy

On average men with moderately active lifestyle, up to 2.8 thousand calories are needed, women - up to 2.2 thousand. From fruits and vegetables, such a number of calories is difficult to get.

For example, 2.2 thousand calories are 100 cups of chopped cabbage or 23 apples. Even if you eat more calorie food, for example, avocado, you still have to eat a lot.

Despite this, in fruits there is no type of carbohydrates that give energy and help to focus.

3. The level of inflammation will decrease

Inflammation occurs when the body struggles with bacteria and viruses or is trying to restore damaged cells. Meat, cheese, and recycled food enhance inflammatory processes. These processes are associated with the development of atherosclerosis, an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Vegetable food reduces inflammation levels due to the high content of fiber and antioxidants.

4. shortage of vitamins and minerals

Exceptionally vegetable diet will not provide the body with vitamins B12 and D, will give little iron. And although the spinach and the other dark sheet greens are rich in iron, they also contain fitat substances that block the absorption of this trace element.

5. You will lose weight

Vegetable food gives a feeling of satiety, because of what you will eat less and will decrease the weight. Even when we see a complete dish of food, we rather want to postpone the spoon. The brain seems that we have already eaten a lot, and therefore should be satisfied.

At the same time, you will run more often to the toilet.

6. It will often be bloated

Some people are difficult to digest sugars and other carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, which can lead to bloating. But it depends on the characteristics of the body and intestinal microflora.

7. The level of cholesterol will decrease

After moving to plant food, cholesterol level will fall by 35%. Such a decrease occurs when receiving some drugs. This is due to the lack of recycled sugars and fats that increase cholesterol. In the fruits and vegetables there are no these components.

Before sticking to a certain diet or type of power, consult a nutritionist doctor.

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins useful for the body, as well as fiber and necessary trace elements. The content of fats in fruits and vegetables is minimal, and therefore they are most often included in the dietary diet. But, despite the mass of the pluses, there is practically no natural protein in fruit, which, for example, is in meat and fish. It is due to the lack of protein that the question of a pure fruit and vegetable diet puts many professionals in a dead end. Next, let's try to understand this issue in more detail, as well as get acquainted with the tips of nutritionists.


The golden rule states that everything should be in moderation. The human body should receive balanced nutrition, which includes vegetables, and meat, and fish. As for vegetables and fruits directly, then with the right diet, they bring exclusively to any body, namely:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the likelihood of serious diseases associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce the risks of occurrence in the body of tumors;
  • contribute to the purification of the body from harmful slags and toxins, and also support the weight at the optimal level;
  • improve the digestion and operation of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole;
  • reduce the risk of diabetes development, and also reduce blood cholesterol;
  • fruit diets are a kind of detox for the body.

In addition, raw vegetables and fruits are largely strengthening immunity, increasing the barrier functions of protecting the body, especially during the cold season. When using a large number of fruits and berries (but at the same time no more kilogram per day) you can protect your body from various viral and bacterial diseases.

Also, doctors noted that the use of raw fruits and vegetables contributes to better brain activity, concentration and receipt of new energy.

However, all rawlings and vegetarians are very important to create a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and nuts, as well as additionally use vitamins, otherwise all the advantages of eating exclusively plant products can be simply shut down.

Harm diet

Despite the mass of posses of vegetable diets, they can cause harm to the body, especially unprepared.

  • Often people sitting on raw diet lacks vitamins and minerals that are in meat and milk. We are talking about the vitamins of the group B, as well as about such elements such as potassium, calcium and zinc. Of course, there is a shortage of protein.
  • In very frequent cases, vegetarians have to use artificial protein, which felt the lack of natural due to the abandonment of meat and fish. So that in the body there is a normal number of vitamins of some fruits and vegetables, and therefore the lack of vitamin D is fraught with the development of bone diseases.
  • The use of fruits and vegetables can adversely affect the human brain activity, as well as lead to a lack of useful amino acids that are required to maintain the work of the heart, the brain and the eye apparatus.
  • In addition, this kind of diet can provoke anemia and a strong decrease in blood hemoglobin levels.
  • Also, fruit and vegetable diets can provoke serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract: frequent constipation or diarrhea. This is due to the fact that in raw products there are a lot of dietary fibers, difficult to digest in the intestine.

As a rule, no doctor can appoint a diet, which involves the use of alone raw fruits and vegetables. Any nutritionist stands for balanced nutrition, tested by time, with the exception of some diets, which involve the predominance of fruits for a certain period. If there is a desire to completely change the diet or sit on a fruit diet, then the consultation of a specialist is obligatory anyway. It is also very important to pass a number of analyzes (if necessary), so as not to have contraindications to the transition to a new diet.

Fully contraindicated to consume some vegetables and fruits to women who want to have a child, pregnant women and children.

When moving to a fruit or vegetable diet, it is very important to use several liters of fluid per day. It can also be purified mineral water, and frosses made by their own.

Of course, that by using the fruits and vegetables, it is possible to live, especially if the diet is balanced, and vegetarian also uses cereals, nuts and dairy products. However, the opinions of nutritionists on this occasion still diverge, especially when people go to complete raw food. What will happen if there are only vegetables and fruits, can show only the time and condition of the human body. Someone feels good, and someone becomes only worse.

For the complete change of its diet on the fruit-vegetable, it is very important to weigh everything in and against and only then smoothly go to it. It is best to eat balanced, and you do not choose diet for a long time, and just a few weeks. It is also very important not to choose exhausting diets, because of which you can easily get into the hospital.

Read more about what will happen if there are only vegetables and fruits, you will learn from the following video.