House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

Mossi are common. Main species Mukov.

When blooming plants have not yet existed in nature, he has already pleased the eyes ... dinosaurs.

The forest covered, reminds us of primitive times. Its layer of just a few centimeters creates a feeling of a dense green carpet that covers everything around.

SUPERSTAR MOX: Classes and types

The first mosses on our planet appeared more than 400 million years agoLong before the flowering plants. Like, these plants breed disputes. In the world there are numbers about 18,000 species of mossunited in three classes.

Hepatic Mossi.

The oldest of them - hepatic Mossi.. The most famous representative of this group - blepharostoma hairless (Blepharostoma Trichophyllum) With its characteristic flat, burly shape. Most of the liver moss has both stems and real leaves.

Blopharostoma Hair is most often grows on the basis, as well as on a trendy, stumps and stones along the shores of streams and rivers, forming dense or loose, in a mixture with other moss, turfs and even whole carpets.

Big class also make up briefites. They are all divided into orders in accordance with the device of their stems, leaves and the method of fixing in the soil. Mossi form "pillows" with a height of millimeters to several centimeters, and sometimes cover huge areas with a dense lawn of living plants and their dead parts with a layer thick up to 1-3 m or more.

Anthurserotovy MAY.

The second is no less extensive class - anthurserotovy MAY., externally reminiscent of "livers". They received their name from the Greek words Anthos - flower and keros - horn, since the form of plants is a dark green plate outlet (layer) with a diameter of 1-3 cm, tightly adjacent to the soil, and numerous corn-shaped grows (spores) up to 2 height -3 cm.

Refers to one of the most common species. In the forest, he can cover very large areas, but also in the hidden places, on the walls and roofs of the houses, he also find a place. Long stems with dispute boxes are clearly visible in the picture.

Felt Moss. Kukushkin Len.externally resembles a twig of coniferous plants. Its length can reach up to 15 cm, it is Cukushkin Flax often wipes the soil in the forest.

Cortley wall forms small pads and grows on limestone stones, including on the walls of houses from such a material.

Some mums, the boxes with disputes are sometimes similar to flowers, such as, for example, Polytriches juniper-like.

Zirrimflulum Hairkone (Cirriphyllum Piliferum)forms loose light green turfs. It prefers lime soil rich in nutrients. Cyrrhilum can be found in the forests and thickets of shrub. However, in the garden he also find a place.

Chloroomium shiny ( Hylocomium Splendens)most often occurs in the forests, although the meadow, roadside of roads and quarries often give him a shelter. In the process of growth, cascades are formed, consisting of some of the individual floors.

Safagnum Misoye SPHAGNUM CAPILLIFOLIUM)it grows primarily on swamps and in wet forests. Plant height does not exceed 20 cm. This moss can have a white-green, brown, reddish or yellow color.

Antoceros Gladky Anthoceros Laevis)- One of the few species from the genus Antocerotov moss inhabitants in northern latitudes. This moss is often the first to appear on the wet soil after weeding on the beds, in flower beds and especially in furrows.

Where Mossa live

On rocks and mosses feel out of competition: after all, there are no flowers in the flowering plants. High humidity and regular water lifts in the streams also contribute to the spread of "green and fluffy".

Perseverance, with which the moss applies to the garden, is directly related to its ability not only to dispute reproduction, but also to vegetative, especially in leaf-care species. So that from each piece of moss, which dropped out of a lawn mower from the knife, may grow a full-fledged new plant. Thanks to this property, you will get almost easily to populate a part of your plot "fluffy" inhabitants:

  1. The moss is cut by 5-10 mm and these tiny pieces are scattered over the surface of the in advance of the moistened soil.
  2. At the end of the process, the plot should be closed by cruising MCH at least 10%.
  3. After that, everyone is pretty pressed and the first weeks are moisturized. Earth before "sowing" can be replaced with sand or pebbles from the lava.
It will help you to make an interesting "mossy" composition.

The most creative ideas for using moss in garden decoration You will find in №1 Country magazine. Style and lifestyle "for February-March 2016.

And algae, the features of their structure and physiology are known to scientists for a long time. In appearance, these plants are very similar. However, they are representatives of absolutely different systematic units. In our article we will look at the moss differs from algae.

Plant classification

What plants are not in nature! Just amazes a variety of plants: algae, mosses, fern, voted, flowering ... all and not listed. However, the systematics managed to combine them in various groups based on the aggregate of the main features of the structure.

Comparison of moss and algae

Why are mosses, fern, algae, lichens are plants? All these organisms are capable of photosynthesis, since chloroplasts in cells contain in cells. The most primitive of them live in water. These are algae, which are a group of lower plants. Mosses - typical however, their reproduction is possible only in the presence of water. Therefore, they prefer wet places.

Externally algae and mosses are very similar. Therefore, they are often confused. Not all algae grow exclusively in water. Some of them settle on the trunks of the trees, the surface of the rocks, wet areas of the soil, in the snow, in the hairproof animals. They form a solid green cover, like mugh-like. Blue-green algae is able to join symbiosis with gifs of mushrooms, forming lichens.

Characteristics of lower plants

Algae is called lower, since their body is a totality of cells (no separation for the root of the stem and leaves). It is called Slaghia, Talomom or Layer. Algae cells are not specialized. They are connected anatomically, but each of them performs similar functions. With the help of rhyuids, algae is attached to the substrate. This structure also does not form fabrics, so it is not capable of performing a conductive function. Yes, and there is no need for it, as the lower grow exclusively in water.

Higher Spore Plants - Sushi Success

In connection with climate change, plants had to adapt to the ground environment. The first representatives of this ecological group arose in Devon. This is a group called rhinofitis. Their prints are well preserved in ancient fossils. These are the first plants that have elements of conductive tissues. Therefore, they are also called vascular. Their ribbed stalks were branched, and instead of the roots, rhizoids were still preserved.

Mossi came to replace rhinofitis. Currently there are about 10 thousand species. The difference of moss from algae is not only in the habitat. Their life in land conditions has become possible due to the essential complication of the structure. Most moss has a leafy structure. At the same time, the rhizoids are preserved with them throughout their lives.

Mkov's structure

What moss differs from algae? Spore plants in the life cycle there is a change of generations. We will analyze this process on the example of their typical representative of Moss Kukushkin Len. Its sexual generation has a kind of green carpet. Visually, he resembles some types of algae.

If you look attentively, green covers consists of separate fine stalks with seating leaves. At the end of the summer, a box on the leg is formed on their tip. This is an affordable generation - sporophyte. The shape of the box outwardly resembles a cuckoo. From here and the name of this type of plants occurs.

In the box ripen the cells of the most of the power reproduction - disputes. When ripening, they pour into the soil and germinate. From the dispute again grows green leafy shoots. They form sexual reproduction bodies - Gametangia. They ripen sex cells - eggs and spermatozoa. In the presence of water, they merge, resulting in a zygote. Spitophyte grows out of it. Thus, in the life cycle of moss, the sexual generation prevails.

Plant species: Algae, Mossi

Since algae appeared on the planet much earlier, their structure is much more primitive. This does not allow these plants to master new habitat conditions. To sort out how moss is different from algae, it is necessary to consider the features of their organization and processes of vital activity.

Let's start with the body structure. All MAs are exclusively among algae there are various species. For example, chlammedonad and chlorella are single-cell. Volvox - Colonial algae. It consists of a group of cells combined with a single shell. More difficult to arrange the Tallons of Chlorella, spirohyra, all of them are multicellular.

Many features of the differences can be found in the features of the vital activity of these organisms. And mosses, and algae are capable of sexual reproduction. But in the latter, this process occurs under adverse conditions. This is a kind of algae protection. For example, with a decrease in the water temperature or drying out the reservoir, chlamdonada maternal cell forming grounds.

They go into water and merge into pairs. As a result, the zygote is formed - fertilized egg. It is covered with a thick shell, which allows it to carry it and freezing, and drying. Upon the occurrence of favorable conditions, the contents of the zigotes are divided, as a result of which the movable cells of the most of the most powerful breeding - zyospore are out. They increase in size and acquire the features of adult individuals.

So, in our article we looked at the moss differ from algae. The main features are as follows:

  • Algae - more ancient plants that have arisen in water.
  • Mosses - the first susso comments.
  • Algae can be single and multicellular. Colonial forms are also found.
  • All mossoids are multicellular plants whose body has a leafy structure.
  • In algae, male and women's individuals, spores and gametophyte are no different. And Makhov may have differences in their structure.
  • Algae can multiply by Taloma parts. Mosses are not capable of vegetative reproduction.

Moss - ancient plant whose age exceeds 400 million years. To study this department of higher plants, a whole science is highlighted, called briology.

Many people do not have ideas what kinds of mossoids are, and often do not distinguish mosses and lichens. Meanwhile, this amazing representative of the flora plays a crucial role in the ecosystem and soil moisturizing, is used in medicine and is a source of peat deposits, from which people get fuel. It is impossible to deny the great importance of the diversity of Mukhov in the lives of people and nature. Moss, whose pictures will be provided further, is striking the variety of appearance.

Building and distribution

Mossoid plants are distinguished by the lack of flowers and the root system. Some species have rhizoids - processes resembling roots. Leaves have chlorophyll stock and support life functions. There is also a sporeophyte consisting of a leg and a box, in which disputes that serve to reproduce. The maximum height of the stem is 5 cm, the exception is some water moss and epiphytes. It should be noted that the deer moss, called the beagle and reaching 20 cm in height, does not belong to the department of mossoid.

Moss - an example of plants using two breeding methods for greater survival: sexual and sex. During the reproduction period, the disputes may look blooming due to the appearance of color-like green heads. Disputes retain the vitality of dozens of years, with the help of the appearing threads they are attached to the selected surface.

Mai can be found in almost all corners of the planet. Most species for growing prefers wet soil in swampy terrain, shaded places and tree trunks. In the case of a dry period, the moss temporarily ceased to grow and flow into analiasis. Rolls and stones can be observed as a place of habitat of dispute plants. . Data representatives of Flora can not be found in the seas Or in areas with saline soil, as they do not tolerate salt.

Species diversity

The first representatives of the Mossoid departments originated in the coal period long before the appearance of flowering plants and externally did not change any changes, retaining the primordial appearance to our time. Currently, the number of types of MHOs is about 20 thousand, including the department of livenies and antocerotophytes.

The following classes exist:

  1. Liver;
  2. Anthurserotovy;
  3. Luminous (bride).

From the list you can allocate subclasses:

  1. Sphagnum (peat or white);
  2. Takakiy;
  3. Hypinate;
  4. Andreey.

Head and anthoxerotes

The liver class with the dominant life stage of Gametophyte, more than 6,000 species of moss include. Loaders are distributed in tropical area and with moderately humid climates. It is characterized by a vegetative way of reproduction. Junmanniete livers have stalks and leaves, layers - flat tall (layered), located on Earth or floating water surface.

From the most famous representatives of the class, you can highlight the march of polymorphic, pelleium, pylfill, cereal, Riccius floating. The latter is often bred in aquariums.

For anthtocerotes, the presence of a plate layer or Taloma is characterized. Like liver, Antoncerotophytes are predominantly in the tropics. In the conditions of an excessive drought on Talomakh, languid thickening appear, due to which the plants can survive unfavorable conditions. Often live in symbiosis with blue algae.

Typical representatives: Antoceros field, smooth and anthocheros Willed.

Brown or briopcida

Luminous - one of the largest moss classes. Completed worldwide. There are both annual and perennial samples. In height, there are both low, 5-10 mm, and higher, reaching 15 cm. Diffiscife multi-sized, for example, can be attributed to particularly small mham.

The famous representatives of Briopsides are Cukushkin Lyon and Fontinalis fire-fighting, which can often be found in the forests of Russia of Northern and medium latitudes. Due to the abundance of flat leaves, Kukushkin Lena resembles a small part of the coniferous branch, growing up, fontinalis is more like a tiny fern.

On the southern lands there is a funarium of finest and imaginary wavy - low plants with pointed leaves of green shades. Robro is a rosette, on the contrary, prefers to stay in the shade of coniferous forests.

Another sample brilliant - Glockomium shinyhaving leaves in the form of scales. Consists of several tiers due to the special branching and dense deciduous coating.

Safagna Mossa

An example of the most famous subclass of briefites is sphagnum. There are more than 300 species for which red, greenish-white or yellow color and relatively large sizes are characteristic. Sfagnum grows in the tundra and forest lowland with crude soil, forming a dense carpet due to the thick growth of the leaves. If young shoots have rhizoids, then adult representatives of the form are completely devoid of root-like formations.

Popular representatives: SFAGNUM Bolotnaya, Brown, Hair, Magelflan.

Peat, the source of which is sphagnum, is actively used in agriculture and in industry to produce peat gas. The carbolic acid released by moss has found an application in medicine due to bactericidal properties.

Takakiyevy, Hypper and Andreey

Moch-like, belonging to the class Takakia - rather contradictory plants. At first, briologists have attributed this class to livenists due to the characteristic structure of Gamenaophytes, however, after a detailed study of sporophytes, the plant was reclassified into sheet-leafy. Visually, Takakia differs from other briefites. There are two types of Takakiyev: Takakiya Rogoliste and lepidosyoidal. Habitats are the Far East, as well as the North-West of North America.

Representatives of the type of hypnos form a vegetable carpet on wet soils and rocks. The shoots are abundantly covered with leaves from all sides, the hypinical mosies spread predominantly in the north. The famous representative of the type of hypnum cypressive is also spread in the forest strip, it is possible to find it both in a thick grove and on rocky hills.

Mossoid, belonging to the class of Andreev, prefer a cold terrain. Due to the peculiarities of the structure and ability to root in stone pores can grow on rocks and in rocky soils. There are about 100 species of Andrei Mukh. Examples: Andrei Cold and Andrei Rocky.

Aquarium Moss.

There are varieties of decorative mosses suitable for decorating aquariums. Mocho-shaped loved aquariums at a high level of survival, unpretentiousness and slow growth. A large number of variations of the appearance is another advantage in favor of moss.

Moss ordinary key, fontinalis, Yavansky Moss, Riccia Floating, Riccardia - examples of plants suitable for decorating aquarium.

Mossi is not always a noticeable, but an extremely important role in the life of people. In addition to use in construction, medicine, industry and aquarium, mocho-shaped can be an object for collecting and numerous photos.. These creatures of nature are truly amazing and beautiful.

Types of mhov.

The kingdom of plants is divided into 2 grates - higher plants and lower plants. Lower plants are algae, higher - mosses, ferns, horsetails, planes, vicious, coated bridges.


Differ from higher plants in that do not have fabrics (conducting, mechanical, etc.) and do not have organs (roots, leaves, stems). The whole body of algae is a single loader (Tall). There are unicellular algae.

Spore plants

Mosses, ferns, horships and planes multiply by disputes (useless reproduction). From the dispute grows sourling (Gametofit)It produces grounds (eggs and floating spermatozoa). For fertilization, water is needed. After fertilization, the zygote is formed, from which the new plant grows - sporophyte (disputes are formed in the spouts).

Mossa They are considered the first plants that came to the land. They first appear stem and leaves. Differences of MUS from the rest of the highest plants:

  • No roots, instead of roots ricoida.
  • There are fabrics, but they are poorly developed (especially mechanical and conductive), because of this, all MAs are small herbs.
  • Gamenaophyte dominates sporefit (is a leafy plant). Sporophyte - box On the leg, growing on Gametophyte.
  • From the controversy grows the green thread of the foreground (protonmea), and then - Gametophyte.

From the White Moss Safagnum, the peat deposits are gradually formed.

Ferns, horsetails, planes have not only stem and leaves, but also roots, and well-developed fabrics. They were widespread in the coal period, one of them was formed by the deposits of stone coal.

  • In ferns, disputes are formed on the bottom surface of the leaves.

Seed plants

They differ from all previous departments by the fact that men's gamets do not swim in the water. They are inside pollen, which is transferred to the wind.

Covenate (flowering) Currently occupy a dominant situation in the Earth's biosphere. Covenate seeds are covered with a shell (spindlers). Only the covered bridge is: flowers, fruits, , vessels in xylem.

Algae - Mossa
1. Install the correspondence between the characteristic and group of plants: 1) Green algae, 2) Mossoid

A) do not have fabrics
B) do not have organs
C) have boxes with disputes
D) some representatives have aquifer
E) Sporophyt develops on Gametophyte
E) contain single-cell and multicellular organisms


2. Install the correspondence between the symptoms and groups of plants for which they are characteristic: 1) green algae, 2) leaf-weighting mosses. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) sporephite grows out of the zygote
B) missing fabrics and organs
C) on the gamemetophyte the box on the leg is developing
D) reproduction bodies develop on the tops of the shoots
E) there are single-celled and multicellular forms
E) most species the body is represented by a layer


Algae in different. From Mikov.
Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. Algae, unlike Mukhov,

1) unicellular and multicellular plants
2) autotrophic organisms
3) reconstruct disputes
4) do not have fabrics and organs
5) relate to lower plants
6) perform the role of producers in the ecosystem


Mossi - Fern
1. Install the correspondence between the characteristic feature of the plant and the department to which it belongs: 1) Mossoid, 2) Fernic

A) leafy plants with rhizoid
B) the presence of a modified escape with apparent roots
C) the presence of a large number of aircraft cells
D) the predominance of Gametophyte over sporophyte
E) the presence of herbaceous and wood forms
E) presence in the development cycle


2. Install the correspondence between the signs of organisms and departments for which they are characteristic: 1) Fernicular, 2) Mossoid. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) presence in the life cycle
B) the lack of roots
C) the prevalence of Gametophyte in the life cycle
D) Development dispute in a box
E) the location of sporangies on the bottom of the sheet
E) Development of protonmes from disputes


3. Install the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants for which they are characteristic: 1) Mossoid, 2) Fern. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the absence of roots
B) developed conductive system
C) the presence of aquifer
D) weakly developed mechanical fabric
E) the predominance of sporophyte over Gametofit
E) modified underground escape - rhizome


4. Install the correspondence between the symptoms and departments of the plants: 1) Mossoid, 2) Fern. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) some have aquifer
B) Sporophytic prevails over Gametofit
C) the controversy grows
D) disputes develop in a box
D) no roots
E) there are complex leaves


5. Install the correspondence between the sign of the plant and the systematic group for which it is characteristic: 1) Mossoid, 2) Fern

B) adult plant - sporophyte
C) disputes are formed in boxes
D) disputes are formed in spouts on the bottom of the leaves
E) the controversy develops
E) from disputes developing foresight (protonime)


6. Install the correspondence between the peculiarity of the reproduction and the plant department for which it is characteristic: 1) Mossoid, 2) Fern. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) Gametophyte prevails in the development cycle
B) in the development cycle dominates the useless generation of plants
C) education dispute occurs in a box (sportsman)
D) sporophyte is not capable of forming organic substances from inorganic
E) Gamenaophyte is represented by a reproduction
E) the dispute germinates in forecast


We form 7:
A) formation boxes on the leg
B) Development of adult Gametophyte plants
C) the development of an adult plant from zigotes
D) Haploid chromosome set in somatic cells of an adult plant
E) the location of sporangies on the leaves-wigh

Mossi Like Ferns
Select three options. Ferns, like mosses

1) are higher disputes
2) have vegetative and generative organs (flowers, fruits)
3) are perennial plants
4) in the process of photosynthesis form organic substances from inorganic
5) do not need water in reproduction and development
6) do not contain chloroplasts and mitochondria in cells


Mossi - gone
1. Install the correspondence between the plant and the department for which this feature is characteristic: 1) vote, 2) mossoid. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) forms wood tier
B) the presence of a rod root system
C) predominance in the development cycle of sporophyte
D) grows in the lower yarus of the forest
E) availability of forecast (proton) in the development cycle
E) attached to the soil with risoids


2. Set the correspondence between the characteristics of the life cycles and plant departments: 1) vote, 2) mossy. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the formation of endosperma
B) the predominance of Gametophyte over sporophyte
C) forecast formation (protonmes)
D) water participation in fertilization
E) ripening pollen on sporophyte


3. Install the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants: 1) Mossoid, 2) vote. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) reproduction is not associated with water
B) multiply by dispute
C) the presence of rhizoid
D) Gametofit dominates the sporefit
E) Representatives of the department are Kukushkin Len and Sfagnum
E) Representatives of the department are larch, cypress and juniper


Mossi - flowering
1. Install the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants for which they are characteristic: 1) Mossoid, 2) coated. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.

A) an adult form is represented by sporophyte
B) Gametophyte prevails in the development cycle
C) there are no roots
D) plants have a flower and fruit
E) pollination occurs with wind and insects
E) disputes develop in a box


2. Install the correspondence between the sign of the plant and the department for which it is characteristic: 1) mosses, 2) coated. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) breeds seeds
B) the presence of rhizoids
C) the presence of flowers
D) the presence of roots
E) no tissues
E) Gametophyte prevails in the life cycle


Mossi in different. From flowering
Select three options. MAY, unlike coated plants,

1) form genital cells
2) do not have tissues
3) have rhizoids
4) are phototrobes
5) breed disputes
6) do not have a flower


Ferns in different. From Mikov.
Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. For ferns, in contrast to Mids, characteristic.

1) presence
2) the formation of rhizoids in sporophyte

4) the presence of roots
5) reproduction of disputes
6) predominance in the life cycle of sporophyte


Ferns - gone
1. Install the correspondence between the processes and plant departments: 1) vote, 2) Fern. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) the formation of endosperma
B) greens formation
C) fusion of fixed weights
D) Development of a pollen tube
E) reproduction and disputes


2. Install the correspondence between the plants feature and the department for which it is characteristic: 1) Fernal, 2) vote. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) eggs develop in Gametophyte on cones scales.
B) Flowstone grain develops from the dispute.
C) in the development cycle there is a haploid ratio.
D) Life form - shrub or tree.
E) Putting roots develop from rhizomes.
(E) Disputes develop in sporangies on the leaves.


3. Install the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants for which they are characteristic: 1) Fern, 2) vote. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) presence in the development cycle
B) reproduction by disputes
C) the presence of segments
D) the presence of sperm
E) the development of the main root
E) the presence of tree and herbaceous forms


Ferns - flowering
1. Set the correspondence between the sign of the plant and the department to which it belongs: 1) Fern, 2) coated bridges

A) Fruit formation
B) sexual generation is represented by a pro
C) reproduction disputes
D) the process of fertilization depends on the presence of water
E) the presence of a flower
E) double fertilization


2. Set the correspondence between the features of plant development and departments for which they are characteristic: 1) Fern, 2) flowering. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) reproduction by disputes
B) Education on the overhaul of male and female sex cells
C) Fine pollination and insects
D) double fertilization
E) seed education inside the fetus
E) education dispute on the bottom surface of the leaves


3. Set the correspondence between the symptoms and departments of the plants for which they are characteristic: 1) flowering, 2) fern. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Plants breed disputes.
B) There is a slope in the development cycle.
C) Seeds are protected by an eyelodic.
D) plants have both rod and urine root systems.
E) fertilization occurs in the presence of water.
E) fertilization is preceded by pollination.


4. Install the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants: 1) Flower, 2) Fern. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the development of the incent
B) reduction of GaMetophyte to several cells
C) settlement disputes
D) fertilization in the presence of water
E) implementation of pollination and fertilization
(E) Development of a germ bag in a nursery


Voted - flowering
1. Set the correspondence between the feature of fertilization and the plant, for which it is characteristic: 1) coated brine, 2) vote

A) two sperm participate
B) one sperm participates
C) triploid endosperm is formed
D) eggs develop in female cones
D) sperm merges with the central diploid cell of the germs bag


2. Install the correspondence between the plant department and the peculiarities of the spores of his representatives: 1) voted, 2) coated. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) life form - mostly trees
B) life form - herbs, shrubs, trees
C) there are special organs for vegetative reproduction
D) there are no special organs for vegetative reproduction
E) xylem is represented by vessels
E) xylem is represented by tracheids


3. Set the correspondence between the signs and departments of the plants for which they are characteristic: 1) vote, 2) coated. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) represented by all life forms
B) pollinated only by the wind
C) have a variety of inflorescences
D) the presence of seeds in the cones
E) the presence of triploid endosperm in seed
E) do not have fruits


Flower in different. From vote
1. Select three correct responses from six and write the numbers under which they are specified. Coated plants in contrast to viced:

1) able to form extensive forests
2) are characterized by the variety of life forms
3) breed seeds
4) pollinated insects and birds
5) have well-developed vegetative organs
6) form juicy and dry fruits


2. Select three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. Coated bridge, unlike viced,
1) are perennial plants
2) contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll
3) have flowers and inflorescences
4) form fruit with seeds
5) represented three life forms
6) breed seeds


Select one, the most correct option. In the process of evolution, the stem with leaves first appeared
1) Algae
2) Mossoid
3) Fernalovoids
4) Playovoid


Set the sequence of the stages of the individual development of annual coated plants from the seed
1) Food and seed formation
2) the appearance of vegetative organs
3) the appearance of flowers, pollination
4) fertilization and formation of the embryo
5) Seed germination


Select three options. What function does the plant flower perform?
1) Pollination
2) absorption of substances
3) fertilization
4) Vegetative reproduction
5) deposition of spares
6) Formation of seeds and fruits


Select one, the most correct option. What is characterized by a group of mossy-like compared to other groups of plants
1) In the process of development, generations alternation occurs
2) reconstruct disputes
3) have leaves, stem and rhizoid
4) form organic substances in the process of photosynthesis


Select three options. Seeds breed
1) white cabbage
2) clover creeping
3) Balavovoid Pla
4) deer moss
5) Horsetail field
6) onion


Choose from the plants listed below two, breeding disputes, and write down the numbers under which they are specified.
1) Fern Orlyak
2) Horsetail
3) Klever beautiful
4) Juniper rock
5) Dross creeping


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What made it possible to be coated, in comparison with viced plants, take the dominant position on Earth?
1) the location of the seed inside the fruits
2) the presence of chloroplasts in cells
3) Symbiosis with bacteria and mushrooms
4) the presence of a flower
5) Double fertilization
6) reproduction seeds


1. Select three faithful response from six and record into the numbers under which they are specified. What features are characteristic of the plant shown in the picture?
1) Sporeophyte prevails in the development cycle
2) Gamenaophyte is represented by a reproduction
3) has modified leaves
4) seeds are not protected by sprinkling
5) forms fruits
6) pollination is carried out by insects


2. Select three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. If the plants have shaped shoots shown in the figure, then for this plant is characteristic

1) fertilization with water
2) Deposition of organic substances in rhizome
3) reproduction seeds
4) predominance in the life cycle of sporophyte
5) The presence of a dry multiferous fetus
6) Well-developed tracheids in wood


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. For pictures of plants are characterized by the following signs
1) lower plants
2) Primitive Higher Spore Plants
3) The diploid sporophyte prevails over the haploid gamethophyte
4) no roots
5) The body is not divided into fabrics and organs
6) The haploid gamesophyte prevails over the diploid sporophyte


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. If in the process of evolution in the plant, the escape depicted in the figure was formed, then for this plant is characteristic
1) Small scaly leaves
2) fertilization with water
3) reproduction seeds
4) Fruits formation at the tip of escape
5) Development of a leafy plant from protonerable (forecast)
6) availability of well-developed root system


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. The following plants are characteristic of the broadst forest:
1) fir
2) Lipa
3) pine ordinary
4) Oak
5) Beech
6) Pihta


Install the correspondence between the examples and categories of plants: 1) lower plants, 2) higher plants. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Helds
B) lichens
C) real algae
D) Playovoid
E) mossoid
(E) Bagryanka


Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified. Related to plants that do not have roots include
1) Cukushkin Len
2) Male Shield
3) Balavovoid Pla
4) Horsetail
5) Sfagnum
6) Laminaria


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What plants have roots?
1) Fuuna
2) brown algae
3) Green Mossi
4) sphagnum mosses
5) Chewish
6) vote


1. Select three correct answers from six and record the numbers in the table, under which they are specified. For coated bridge characteristics
1) presence
2) Double fertilization
3) ripening dispute in sporing spikelets
4) the presence of the fetus
5) Triploid endosperm
6) predominance in the life cycle of Gametophyte


2. Select three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. In the process of reproduction and development of coated plants occurs
1) Formation of pollen
2) Education of the Summer in Zajazi Pestik
3) Formation of the ingrowth with rhizoids
4) Double fertilization
5) the formation of the haploid endosperma
6) resettlement with dispute


Install the correspondence between the characteristic and group of higher plants: 1) dispute, 2) seed. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) develop from the embryo
B) are more ancient in historical origin
C) have a rod or urine root system
D) fertilize with water
E) form an embryonic bag and pollen


Set the correspondence between the features and groups of plants: 1) lower, 2) higher. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the body is a tall, or a layer
B) have vegetative and generative bodies
C) have photosensitive eyes
D) have a variety of fabrics
E) live mainly in the water environment
E) include single-cell organisms


Set the correspondence between the characteristics and departments of the plants. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) protonmea is formed from the germinating dispute
B) Gamenaophyte reduced to a tiny inapproach
C) have rhizome with apparent roots
D) Gametophyte prevails in the life cycle
E) disputes ripen in spouts collected in
E) have a variety of life forms


Set the correspondence between the characteristics and representatives of the plants shown in the figure. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the body is attached to the substrate
B) the body is represented by a layer
C) in cells there are a variety of plastides
D) characterized by seed reproduction
E) have vegetative and generative bodies
E) forms the wintering zygospore


All the following features, except for two, are used to describe the plant shown in the figure. Determine the two terms "dropping" from the general list, and for writing the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) is attached due to the rhizoid
2) Green Plant represented by Gametophyte
3) has ghobes on spring escape
4) prolonged disputes
5) has branched rhizome


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What features are characteristic of the department to which the plant is shown in the figure?
1) double fertilization
2) predominance in the development cycle of sporophyte
3) GaMetophyte reduction
4) Skell Solmin
5) Inflorescence Complex Colos
6) inserting growth


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. Algae belong to the kingdom of plants, since
1) in ecosystems are produced
2) they carry out photosynthesis
3) in ecosystems they are consultations
4) their cells contain plasts
5) their body is not differentiated on the fabric
6) they absorb oxygen for breathing


Analyze the text "Ma". For each cell indicated by the letter, select the appropriate term from the proposed list. Ma is ________ (a) plants, since they breed disputes that are formed in special bodies - ________ (b). In our forests there are green mosses, for example, Cukushkin Lyon, and white mosses, for example, ________ (c). Water is extremely important for life activity, so they are often found near forest standing reservoirs: lakes and swamps. The centuries-old deposits of moss in the swamps form deposits ________ (g) - valuable fertilizer and fuel.
1) Low
2) Box
3) Semyon
4) Susor
5) Sporiv
7) peat
8) Flowering


© DV Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Mossi, they are mugh - these are dispute plants that have stalks, green leaves, but deprived of the roots, systems of vessels, colors and seeds. Scientists, however, do not consider the bodies of Moss with real stems and leaves, but we will not go into scientific subtleties now.

Mossi - plants are small. Most land mms reaches only a few centimeters in height. There are liliputs that are five times less than a millimeter. But among the aquatic mises there are real giants with a stem of a meter length. The modest dimensions of the MAY, probably obliged to the absence of a conductive system. How without her they would deliver water and nutrients in all the ends of the big body?

Movch is short, similar to threads, the bottom of the body. They resemble roots, but serve mainly to attach to the soil. And the water of the MA is absorbed by the entire surface of the body.

Sometimes the name of the moss is used, confused by different plants. For example, known to all "Deer Moss" () - no moss, but a plant from a completely different group is a lichen.

Where does moss grow?

Mossi - ordinary inhabitants of raw, shaded places. They can be found on rotting wood, trunks and branches, rocks, stones, concrete, along the lower edge of the buildings where moisture accumulates. Sometimes they appear on the roofs and between stones paving. It is not surprising that these moisture lovers have mastered the reservoirs.

Under not so long ago, the Glacier in the Antarctic, the British found a moss, which was glanced here and a half thousand years, since the time of the Roman Empire. Moreover, a sprouted moss placed in the water! This suggests that there was no time in Antarctica, the same as in the northern hemisphere.

Among the tourists are the opinion that the MAs are more likely to settle on the north side of large stones, rocks, tree trunks. The north side is really more often and longer is wet. But it does not happen everywhere and not always. Yes, and in different species of moss, unequal requirements for humidity and light. So sharing the Mai can from either side of the world, and to navigate on this basis it is necessary with caution.

What moss differs from algae?

The main differences of the moss from the algae are that the MAY:

How are MAs differ from fern?

Mossi is impossible to confuse with ferns, because Makhov:

  • there are no real large leaves and long roots;
  • specialized fabrics are very poorly developed;
  • cells most of life have half, and not double, chromosome set;
  • disputes ripen not on the leaves, but in a box that is connected to the leg with the stalk;
  • a branched thread grows out of the disputes, and not a small plate;

In addition, MAs are not tree and appeared on the planet before fern.

What is Moss useful?

Like other living organisms, the MAY is important in the general cycle of substances. Many animals and microorganisms they give food, in the course of life they change the habitat. For example, covering the soil with a dense carpet, they can lead to it. Unpretentious MAs are among the first to settle there, where other plants live difficult to live (for example. In Tundra). Fixing and decaying, the mosses enrich the soil by humus. Many frogs are postponed in moss, moss wore the nest of birds.

The man has long been used by marsh moss sphagnum. He grows up the top, the rest of the stem dies. But since the plant contains a killer for bacteria phenol, it almost does not overload. Gradually accumulating and sprinkling at the bottom of the swamps, moss forms common fuel and chemical raw materials - peat.

Another property of sphagnum is the ability to absorb huge amounts of moisture. Therefore, dry moss is used as a litter for livestock, and during the war he, it happened, replaced bandages.

In addition, many mosses are very decorative, their bright green pads are decorated with aquariums, greenhouses, garden compositions, etc. In the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto is the Saikhodi Monastery, where this is the century as the Garden of Mukhov has been created. He is recognized as the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Object. Instead of lawn grass and flower, the earth covers mosses. There are 130 species. They decorate miniature ponds, Moss mats surround stones and trees.

Mixes are generally easily absorbed from the air not only moisture, but also many chemicals. This allows you to detect an atmosphere pollution using these plants. By the way, the destruction of the environment is threatened with many mhams disappearance. In the Red Book of Russia included 60 types of mosses.