House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» What plants use a person? The use of plants by man what needs to eat.

What plants use a person? The use of plants by man what needs to eat.

  • Plants are separated into the air oxygen, which breathe the overwhelming majority of living organisms (animals, plants, etc.).
  • Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is allocated with the breath of living organisms. If it were too much, then the animals could not breathe.
  • Plants support air humidity. The forests make the climate softer, weaken the wind, thanks to them moisture is held in the soil, forests prevent the formation of ravines.
  • Plants serve as many animals and the environment for their lives.

The value of plants for man

In the life of people, the plants play a very important role. First of all, they serve:

  • food
  • food for agricultural animals,
  • building material,
  • raw materials for production (paper, fabric, etc.).

In plants that a person uses for food is usually a very ancient story. Many of them were extorted at the dawn of civilization. Now there are many wheat, rj, corn, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage and many other plants. These plants are called cultural.

Many plants are beautiful and have decorative meaning. They are specifically grown in gardens and houses. Once they were also wild, but then they were alive. Examples of decorative plants: Clematis, lavater, rose.

Many plants have medicinal importance for both human and pets. A number of them are specifically grown for drugs. Examples of medicinal plants: plantain, alha, lily of the valley, thermopsis, Valerian. For example, the thermopsis prepare medicines from cough.

True gourmets are one of the most terrible people in the world, because they will not stop before, just to try the new taste of some refined dish.

Such gourmets or specially for them were invented crazy dishes, which include the ingredients obtained from the products of the human body. No, they do not use human bodies, only reproducible livelihoods. Crazy dishes with unexpected ingredients.


The use of human saliva for fermentation is known in Japan as much as it is grown in this country. In the era of Jemon, the peasants were played by starchy products like snag, millet and buckwheat to launch the fermentation process.

Enzyme amylase, contained in human saliva, breaks up sophisticated sugar in products, after which wild yeast can eat these sugars and turn them into alcohol. With the beginning of the era of Rice, the first sake options appeared. To prepare this drink, a young virgin checked a few grinding rice and splashing the resulting Cashitz in a large Chan with the rest of Rice. Then the mixture was left over, and as a result, sake-coschi was obtained. Through the VII century, cleaner methods of production of sake and slices remained in the past.


This drink is prepared approximately by the same technology as the previous one, but only facing not rice, but corn. Chichi also has a thousand-year history: in the Empire Incas Girls from Aveyaasi schools ("House of Selected Women") learned to prepare at the rituals. I am still doing in some regions of Central and South America in some regions and use human saliva to prepare.

Dishes using breast milk

There is one ready-made food product, which is derived directly from the human body is breast milk. In breast milk contains all substances that are necessary for a growing human body. Even an adult, if necessary, could survive, feeding exclusively by this substance.

And recently, several culinary experimenters tried to create products from human milk, which usually produce from cow, sheep and goat milk. In 2011, the London-producer company of ice cream presented a variety of treats from human milk called "Baby Gaga". The first party scattered in a few days of 14 pounds of sterling for a portion.

In 2010, Manhattan Chef Daniel Angerer earned the anger of the Ministry of Health for the fact that the cheese cooked from breast milk of his own wife served in his restaurant Klee Brasserie.

And finally, in 2011, a temporary art installation called "Lady Cheese Shop" was presented in one of the New York galleries. Her author Miriam Symoun offered everyone to try different grades of cheese from human milk. In addition, nursing mothers regularly try to experiment with their own milk at home, coming up with the most incredible recipes. At the beginning of this year, for example, several such recipes from users appeared on the network - from yogurt and oil to Lazagany.

Cheese using human bacteria

The human body can contribute to the preparation of cheese and without breast milk. Biologist Christina Agapakis and the developer of aromas Sissel Tolaas recently united to create cheeses using human bacteria extracted between the fingers of the legs, and even from the Pup of Michael Pollan writer. This cheese was conceived as an antithe "sterile" Western approach to food. However, the main purpose of the experimenters was the creation of a unique smell (not taste) of the resulting cheese.

Products with L-cysteine \u200b\u200bcontent obtained from human hair

L-cysteine \u200b\u200bis an amino acid that is often used as a test air conditioner in the production of bread, bagels, a base for pizza and so on. This substance is mainly obtained from duck feathers or synthesized in laboratories, but human hair can serve as one of its sources.

How many L-cysteine \u200b\u200bcontained in products on our table is obliged to their horizons, unknown. However, in 2010, the American magazine "Mother Jones" interviewed a number of companies relative to the possible human origin of their L-cysteine, and some gave a positive answer (others claimed that they use "duck feathers").

A modern person uses many things invented for optimal and simple solutions of everyday tasks. Unfortunately, some of the comfortable trifles are not so harmless, as it seems. They either have originally or acquire properties that are dangerous to health.

Let's talk about life objects that are important to delete and replace new on time.

Old food containers

Plastic dishes are present in any house. It is easily clean, it weighs little, does not be afraid, usually has a convenient and reliably closing lid. We use containers for heating food and storage in the refrigerator, as packaging for food, which we take on the road and to work, and also use the bottles and other containers from under beverages, sauces and other products of industrial production. At the same time, many of us make mistakes that can lead to poor worsening.

First, not all purchasing plastic dishes pay attention to its marking. Meanwhile, each type of plastic has a narrow scope. For example, freeze products can be freezed only in tanks marked with snowflakes, and warm up - in containers with two Latin letters P (PP). The service life of the dishes exposed to thermal exposure should not exceed two to three months, since over time it begins to distinguish toxic substances.

Secondly, most containers from under purchased products are unsuitable for reuse. Despite the seeming smoothness of the walls, they are almost impossible to wash away from the remnants of the primary content. Traces of mayonnaise, ketchup, sweet syrups and waters, sour cream, etc. - Excellent environment for the life of pathogenic microorganisms, so it's not necessary to re-put in such a dishes.

Thirdly, in bottles of drinking water, you can not pour other food fluids. Plastic, from which they are made, does not withstand contacts with acids contained in juices, compotes, plates, etc. It is destroyed, highlighting toxic substances.

You need to periodically check your kitchen for obsolete or unsuitable for the use of plastic dishes and throw it without the slightest regret.


Air fresheners

Air aerosol fresheners only at first glance seem to be a useful invention. The only plus is in the convenience of use, but in fact they are rather harmful. Despite the assurance of safety manufacturers, each bottle contains many chemicals that negatively affect the respiratory organs, the immune system and even the reproductive function of a person.

It is also important and the following fact: the unpleasant smell in the residential premises, as a rule, indicates a violation of the rules of hygiene. It makes sense to find and eliminate the source of "amber" - instead of "refreshing" air through household chemicals. In addition, lovers of pleasant fragrances may well make an inexpensive and harmless substitute for aerosol flavors using natural essential oils, fragrant herbs, cheese, citrus and other components of natural origin.


Old shoes

It is mainly about the daily used sports and home shoes. Favorite sneakers or slippers quickly lose properties: molded, curved, cease to determine the weight correctly. Wearing a fused, which lost the shape of the shoe harmfully affects the state of the legs of the legs.

Footwear made from synthetic materials, traveled another danger. In its insoles and soles, the pathogenic microflora is settled, because of which, by the way, there is an unpleasant smell. Continuing to wear such shoes, a person risks infected with fungus. The maximum service life of sports and home shoes is six months.

Shoes suitable for washing in a washing machine (sneakers, sneakers, slips), it is recommended to erase at least 1 time in 2-3 months (depending on the intensity of socks). Washing Tips You can read by reference.


Non-letters of personal hygiene

Each person knows that the toothbrush, comb, and urine - objects of individual use. However, not all replace personal hygiene tools without waiting when they lose their qualities.

Toothbrush must be changed at least once every three months. During this time, her bristles are abrainking and practically ceases to clean the teeth from the plaque and residues of food. In addition, the working surface of the brush sooner or later becomes a house for bacteria. That is why dentists advise to acquire a new brush not only in regular mode, but also unscheduled - after transferring infectious diseases.

One every six months it is necessary to change the washcloth. It is constantly in a wet environment and quickly populates microflora. After each use, the washcloth should be rotted with hot water and carefully dry.

The service life of the brush for hair or plastic combs (if they are regularly washed) does not exceed 12 months. Wooden handy retreats twice as smaller: their surface is more difficult to maintain clean.


Antibacterial soap

All sorts of so-called antibacterial soap contain triclosan. This substance does not so much protects a person from pathogenic microorganisms, how much contributes to the creation of antibiotics resistance in bacteria and fungi. Some researchers believe that triclosan has a negative impact on the human endocrine system, and its regular admission to the body leads to hormonal failures.


Long stored spices

Pepper, carnation, cinnamon, turmeric, zira, coriander and other spicy supplements have a long shelf life. However, this does not mean that you can eat spices, purchased more than two years ago. It will not affect noticeable harm to health, but there will be no expected effect from such spices. From long storage, they lose not only useful properties, but also the aroma. It may seem that the problem solves the use of a tightly closing container, but it is incorrect. Spices should be purchased in a small packaging and get rid of the shredded.

As a modern person uses plants, you will learn from this article.

How do people use plants?

Almost all plants man uses for its own purposes. The plant is used in nutrition, in medicine, for the production of goods, etc.

1. What plants do people use in food?

The need for a person in food products by one or another is provided by plants - either directly or through animals that are also powered by plants. The diet of primitive people was made of fruits and seeds, tubers and roots, young shoots and even whole plants.

What plants a person uses in food?

The most important modern cultivated plants are:

  • grass - rice, wheat, corn, oats, rye and barley.
  • crochelonal plants - potatoes and banana, sugar beet and sugar cane.
  • bean plants, as there are many plant proteins in them.
  • plants with lots of fat. This is a surepice, rape, sunflower and poppy.
  • vitamination plants to which all vegetable and fruit plants belong.
  • plants with an exciting action are coffee and tea, tobacco and cocoa.

2. What plants are used in industry? It is cotton, wood, jute, rubber, cellulose, vegetable oils and fats, tanning substances, dyes and fibers.

  • Linen. Serves raw materials for the manufacture of fabrics, mainly for table and bed linen.
  • Hemp. Seasins, ropes, thick threads, jagut and burlap are made of it.
  • Cotton. It is a source of cellulose. Cardboard, paper, artificial silk, varnishes, artificial wool, viscose are manufactured from it. Raw materials - wood.
  • Blueberry and lingonberry fruits, tea bushes seeds and coffee wood, bark and sound wood. Truble substances and dyes make.

3. What plants use in medicine?

For the manufacture of drugs, people use such plants: plantain, St. John's wort, mother and stepmother, calendula, cleanliness and so on.

4. What flower plants use a person?

Flowers people plant on the flower beds, grown in the greenhouse, give each other. They will give dwelling or workplace comfort, will decorate the parks and flower beds, will give positive emotions.

What part of the plant uses a person?

If we take in general the use of plants in all of the above spheres, then a person fully uses the plant. For example, fruits or seeds it uses in food, stem and leaves for the manufacture of tannins or tissues, root for the manufacture of tinctures and drugs.

We hope that from this article you learned how a person uses a plant.

Currently, humanity continues to use plants wide for their needs. At the same time, natural vegetation cover gradually changes. Forest area decreases, unplaced spaces increase, and some plants disappear and are not restored, sometime widespread on Earth. Although this process of destruction of initial natural vegetation is gradually progressing, nevertheless there are still many species of plants, continuing to maintain a lot of economic importance for people's lives.

There are five main areas where people directly or indirectly use plants:
as food;
source of raw materials for industry;
as medicinal products;
with decorative goals;
To preserve and enhance the environment.

The edible value of plants is well known. As a person's food and animal feed, parts containing spare nutrients or substances themselves extracted in one way or another. The need for carbohydrates is mainly satisfied due to starch and sugar-containing plants. The role of sources of vegetable protein in the human diet and animals is mainly carried out by some plants from the legume family. Fruits and seeds of many species are used to obtain vegetable oils. A significant role in the nutrition of people is played by spices and plants containing caffeine, tea and coffee.

Tea plantation. Photo: Jakub Michankow

A person receives from plants not only rich in energy substances, but also vitamins. We can attribute almost all fruit and vegetable plants to vitamination plants.
A significant role in our nutrition is played by spices and spices, all, with the exception of the cooking salts having plant origins. The main part of the spicy substances of spicy plants refers to a large group of essential oils, which are formed by plants in special cells or stand out in special containers located inside the tissues, and later when the bodies of the plant are coming through the glands or glandular cells. We are talking about easily evaporating, pleasant smelling liquids, which are a mixture of alcohols, coal acids, esters and other substances. The taste also depends on organic acids playing an important role in metabolism.

The technical use of plants and products of them is carried out in several main directions. Wood and fibrous parts of plants are most widely used. Wood is used in the manufacture of building and other structures, furniture, as well as in the production of paper. Dry distillation of wood allows you to get a significant amount of important organic substances widely used in industry and in everyday life. In many countries, wood is one of the main types of fuel.

In world trade, a variety of painted woods used to obtain furniture and decorative plywood are in great demand. This is a red tree, for example, Mahagony (Swietenia Macrophylla), mined in South America; Green tree (Ocotea Roiaci), also found in South America; Black tree (types of kinds of DIOSPYROS) supplied by countries in Africa and East Asia; Tacon (Tectona Grandis) - the inhabitant of tropical forests of East Asia, etc.

Despite the widespread spread of synthetic fibers, vegetable fibers, obtained from cotton (morphologically, trichoma), flax, cannabis and jute, have retained great importance in the production of many tissues.

Many wild plants serve as a source of various fragrant substances that are used as raw materials in the production of soap, perfumery, as well as products used in the food industry and medicine. The most valuable are (except for cultivated pink geraniums, Kazanlyk Rose, Muscat Salfa, Lemon Sorghum, etc.) Numerous types of ashistribute, green-colored families (wormwood) and others growing in different parts of the Earth.

For therapeutic purposes, the plant is used for a very long time. In folk medicine, they constitute the bulk of drugs. In scientific medicine of the countries of the former USSR, about a third of the preparations used for treatment are obtained from plants. It is believed that with therapeutic goals of the peoples of the world use at least 21,000 species of plants (including mushrooms).

At least 1000 species of plants are bred with decorative purposes: either because of beautiful flowers, or due to a spectacular greenery.

The existence and normal functioning of all ecological systems of the biosphere, part of which and the person is determined by the plants.
Plants already used by a person or that can be used in the future, make up plant resources. Plant resources refer to the category of refilled (with proper operation) as opposed to, for example, irregular mineral resources. Most often, plant resources are divided into natural flora resources (here include all wild species) and resources of cultured plants. In terms of volume and significance in the life of humanity, they differ significantly.

The introduction of plants in the culture and the formation in this way additional plant resources is associated with the formation of ancient human civilizations. The existence of these civilizations could be provided only by a certain "assortment" of alturized plants that give the necessary amount of plant proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The life of a modern person and modern civilization is impossible without the widest use of cultivated plants. Almost all cultural plants, the number of which reaches approximately 1500 species now belongs to the coated bridge. By the middle of the XX century. Cultivated plants occupied 1.5 billion hectares, i.e. about 10% of the entire surface of the sushi of the globe.

Today, a person has a unique opportunity not only to use plants already invented by nature, but also invent and create something new. We are talking about genetic biotransformation of plants and creating transgenic plants with unique properties resistant to various factors.

What are transgenic plants? Of course, first of all, in order to keep the crop. Transgenic plants are mainly resistant or to herbicides, or insect pests. Up to 50% of the entire Netransgenic potato dies from harmful insects, including from the Colorado Bucket. This is a significant blow to economics and prices, therefore, genetically modified soybeans, transgenic potatoes, transgenic corn are introduced in the United States and other developing countries of the world. Transgenic plants resistant to herbicides carry into themselves gene taken from one of the types of bacteria. This gene encodes toxin, which is used to spray untransgenic plants, that is, essentially nothing changes. What we externally spray untransgenic plants that we have introduced this gene, and it acts from the inside.

In addition to transgenic plants, resistant to herbicides and to traditional pests, there are plants with improved properties: an increased content of vitamins, an increased content of amino acids, a modified composition of fatty acids.
An example is the rice with a high content of beta-carotene, which in the human body turns into Vitamin A. It is known that today in the countries of the developing world the person does not receive a sufficient number of vitamin A. In extreme cases, this can lead to blindness. Therefore, the development of such organisms is relevant. As another example, it is possible to develop a genetically modified carrot in which beta carotene is increased. This carrot today has been successfully sold in American stores.