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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Rhododendron: What is this flower and how to care for him. Rhododendron - Description of medicinal species of plants, composition, beneficial properties, application in folk and traditional medicine, landing and care, where to buy, photo Rhododendron in folk medical

Rhododendron: What is this flower and how to care for him. Rhododendron - Description of medicinal species of plants, composition, beneficial properties, application in folk and traditional medicine, landing and care, where to buy, photo Rhododendron in folk medical

Azalea! - One of Rhododendron varieties

is there such an in general in nature?


Rhododendron (Lat. Rhododendron) - genus of plants of the family of drowning. There are more than 600 species of rhododendron growing mainly in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere. In Russia, in vivo, up to 18 species are found, mainly in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

It is a good early wounded honey. The bark and leaves are rich in tanning substances. Source: Rhododendron ...

In Ukraine, Rhododendron is growing in Polesie, whose name is Azalia Pontica. For the first time, he was opened in the mountains of the Caucasus, there he often forms solid thickets, sometimes occupies even weakly covered with the land of rocks. Then this plant was discovered in Asia Minor. The fact that he grows in Polesye, did not know even scientists for a long time. The local population gave the name to this plant - DiryaPastean (you want to check the correctness - try to go through the thickets of Rhododendron).

Azalea probably!

Rhododendron (Rhododendron Ponticum)

Department: Covenate

Class: Dichomotic

Order: Verechatka

Family: Vereskovye

Rod: Rhododendron

Latin name

Rhododendron L.

Rhododendron (Lat. Rhododendron) - genus of plants of the family of drowning. There are more than 600 species of rhododendron growing mainly in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere. In Russia, in vivo, up to 18 species are found, mainly in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

Rhododendron is represented by shrubs or shrubs with evergreen or falling on the winter with leaves. Leaves are regular, solid.

Obroat flowers, with a large, slightly incorrect wedge of yellow, pink or purple-purple color, are collected in shield inflorescences, less often - single or two.

The fruit is a five-grated multiferous box, dropped from top to bottom.

Seeds are sticking, from 0, 5 to 2 mm in length.

Rhododendron is growing as singly, so groups and thickets, more often in the undergrowth, on the mountain slopes rises to the Alpine Mountain Belt. Also growing on the swamps, mary and in the tundra. Prefers unbelievable, wet, but well-drained soils without stagnant moisturizing. High humidity is required, a slight shading by trees and shrubs.

Rhododendron is growing slowly, especially in the first years. The root system is superficial, compact, from numerous urine roots. Propasses seeds, cuttings, gag and division.

It is a good early wounded honey. The bark and leaves are rich in tanning substances.

In the Russian Far East, 11 species and 2 forms of Rhododendron are growing:

Rhododendron Golden (Rhododendron Aureum Georgi)

Rhododendron Hypopitys Pojark.)

Rhododendron Brachycarpum D. Don)

Rhododendron melligent (Rhododendron Parvifolium Adam)

Rhododendron Adamsii Rehd.)

Rhododendron Pointed (rhododendron Mucronulatum Turcz.)

Rhododendron Dauricum L.)

Rhododendron Sometin (Rhododendron Sichotense Pojark.)

Rhododendron Tschonoskii Maxim.)

Rhododendron Schlippenbach (Rhododendron Schlippenbachii Maxim.)

Rhododendron Camchatsky (Rhododendron Camtschathicum Pall.)

Rhododendron Redowski (Rhododendron Redowskianum Maxim.)

Rhododendron Fories, Pink (Rhododendron Fauriei Franch.; Rhododendron Brachycarpum AUCT.)

Rank rhododendronov (Emphasis on the third syllable!) Great and diverse. It includes evergreen, nickered and leaf falling shrubs, shrubs, and sometimes trees. Translated from Greek rhododendron.- "pink tree". But to a rose from the family rhododendron from the family of herass, nothing has nothing. They are connected only by the beauty of flowering and a huge variety of species and varieties.

Before deciding to grow rhododendrons in its garden, it is necessary to understand the nature of these plants. And he is not easy, because their homeland is wet alpine areas predominantly northern hemisphere. They grow almost everywhere - from Greenland and Kamchatka to Java, from Alaska to Florida, from the Alps to the Caucasus and Himalayas. The smallest of them, climbing up to 4,000 meters above sea level, no more than 10 centimeters, however, we manage to carry forty-degree frosts. And the most powerful swelling to 10 meters in height. Their flowers collected in the same way in inflorescence, in diameter reach more than 20 centimeters.

It is clear that, like all sorts of hustras, Rhododendrons are proud and unchanged in preferences. And if you plan to plant them, they will not be adapted to you, but will resolutely dictate their conditions.

With proper agrotechnology, rhododendrons are sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests. Most often, the problems begin in unsuitable conditions for normal development and in non-compliance with the rules of cultivation.

Plants suffer from strong overvailing, unbalanced feeding, low acidity of soil, winter physiological drainage and sunburn. May be damaged by mushroom diseases (spots, rust) and chlorose (acute lack of iron and manganese, which occurs at low soil acidity and passes with proper feeder mode). Collecting and burning damaged foliage, conducting sanitary trimming and processing plants with suitable fungicides, many diseases can be resolved.

Rinodendrons damage most often garden snails and slugs (helps collect and destruction), Rhododendes, bugs, cobed tick, torment Cherver, weevils, shields, Rhododendrian flies that insecticides are well helped.

Rhododendrons are multiplied with seeds, cuttings (green and semi-deserted), grain, fission of bushes and vaccination.

Sliced \u200b\u200brhododendron flowers have been preserved for a very long time, and one inflorescence consisting of 20-30 flowers is completely able to replace a bouquet.

In ancient Greece, the name "Rododendron" called nothing with him with anything general oleander. In modern meaning, this word was first used by the Italian doctor and Botany Caesalpino in 1583, and it was one of the one-sole appearance - Rhododendron Rust.

The first serious attempt to systematization took Karl Linney in 1753, which described three evergreens and six deciduous species. Moreover, evergreens, he was attributed to the genus Rhododendron, and deciduous - to the genus Azali. In the future, this division was revised many times, and today the azaleas call only those rhododendrons that are grown in the closed soil - in room conditions, in greenhouses and winter gardens.

In more detail about the cultivation of rhododendrons, you can read in the books of M. Alexandrova "Rhododendrona" and I. Gorin "Journey to the country of Rhododendronov".

Rhododendron dense Rhododendron Impeditum)

Evergreen shrub with a pillow-shaped crown. Flowers from mid-May to mid-June, often re-at the end of the summer - early autumn. Flowers 2.5 cm in diameter. Leaves up to 2 cm long, well saved under the snow. It grows very slowly.

Conditions of detention - The sun, takes out a light shadow. Care - Very useful regular watering. The shelter from the frost and the sun is snow, in the low-snow winters you can raise it onto the plant or in advance to cover the cauldron. Replanted easily, like all rhododendrons, thanks to the compact root system. The optimal size of the pit for landing, which is filled with a cooked mixture, 40 x 40 x 40 cm as for all small types of rhododendrons. Using - for mountaineering, shrubs groups. Flowers abundantly, regularly.

Rhododendron stupidRhododendron Obtusum)

Half-hole pillowless shrub. Flowers in the second half of May - early June. Flowers are about 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are fully preserved under deep snow, in the minor winter, partially dry out. Hybrid varieties are called "Japanese Azalia" and even assign them the Latin name Azalea Japonica.which is actually one of the synonyms rhododendron Japanese - A completely different look. The varieties have the same compact Habitus, but a variety of color. Winter hardiness varies: most resistant Ledicanense (light lilac), Maruschka. and Melina. (raspberry), Rosinetta. and Babuschka. (pink terry), Schneeperle (white), Satschiko. (salmon), Sazava. (purple). Conditions of detention - Sun or light shadow. Care - regularly watered. Using - Good for Alpinarians. It is usually blooming abundantly, grows slowly.

Rhododendron CanadianRhododendron Canadense)

Leafy shrub. Blooms - in early May, before the dissolution of the leaves. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Leaves up to 5 cm long, autumn reddish-yellow. Conditions of detention - grows in sunny plots and in light shadow. The wind is desirable. Regarding drought-resistant and little sensitive to temporary overcoat. As with most Rhododendrons, he needs an acidic soil (PH 4.5-5.5), moisture and breathable. Optimal composition: sour riding peat, loamy garden soil, coniferous opead from under pines (fir) 1: 1: 1. Care - does not need shelter. Resistant to spring overall kidney. Watering only in a strong drought. Using - landing in small groups, combined well with conifers.

Rhododendron JapaneseRhododendron Japonicum)

Leaf Fall strong branching shrub. Flowers from the middle (end) May until mid-June. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter, natural form is usually red, orange or yellow. Leaves up to 10 cm long, autumn very bright, red, orange and yellow tones. In overseas catalogs, it is usually listed among garden (deciduous) azaleas. These include also hybrid varieties With the participation of many Eastern and American species. The most popular groups Knaphil., EXBURY. and Mollis. These are plants up to 1.5 M height of all sorts of paint. Winter hardiness varies, but usually good. Conditions of detention - Sun, light shadow. Care - It may take prience from the spring burning of the kidneys. This can be avoided, planting from the northern side of buildings or trees. Using - for groups of shrubs.

Rhododendron ShlippenbachRhododendron Schlippenbachii)

Leaf foll weaving shrub. Flowers from mid-May until early June. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter. Leaves up to 10 cm long, autumn orange-yellow. Conditions of detention - Sun or sixteen. Care - Priest from the spring burning of the kidneys. Watering with watering will reduce the mulching of pine bark, which is placed in a solid layer on black Loutrasil or geotextile. Other mulch options, sour peat and coniferous opead, put directly to the ground. Sawdust, manure, leaves are not used. Periodically, the soil is acidified with special means: colloid gray, sulfuric acid solution. The acidification contributes to the fertilizer by superphosphate, sulfate potassium, sulfate ammonium. Using - a completely winter-hardy view. Suitable for landing in small groups. To pick up trees.

The place for planting rhododendrons should be protected from winds and direct sunlight, without water stagnation and with an acidic soil reaction.

These plants feel well in reservoirs, where the air is moistened. Therefore, they are planted near the ponds and lakes, streams and pools. If there are no water nearby, evergreen rhododendrons before flowering once a week spray. But flowering plants Watering is undesirable, the bushes are better to water.

Rhododendron ... Orphographic Dictionary

- (Greek, from rhodon rose, and dendron tree). Rosid plant, having several types, some of which are growing in Asia Minor, others on the Alpine and Altai mountains; We keep in rooms and oranges. A dictionary of foreign words entered ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (rhododendron), plant genus ses. Heath. Evergreen or leaf falling shrubs, less often trees. Flowers are large, often bright, in shield or umbrella inflorescences, rarely single. St. 600 (by other data, up to 1300) species, ch. arr. in… … Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Rhododendron, the genus of shrubs or small trees (the family of heers). Over 600 species, mainly in the moderate belt of the northern hemisphere (mainly in the mountains of East Asia and North America), including 18 species on the far ... ... Modern encyclopedia

The genus of shrubs or small trees of the family of heers. St. 600 species, mainly in the moderate belt of the northern hemisphere (mainly in the Mountains Vosta. Asia and in North. America), including in the Far East, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. Many species ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Rhododendrin, Bagongen, Azalea, Azalaya, Marash Log of Russian Synonyms. Rhododendron SUT., Number of synonyms: 6 Azalea (6) ... Synonym dictionary

- [DE], Rhododendron, husband. (from Greek. Rhodon Rose and Dendron Tree) (Bot.). A shrub plant from the family of drowning with dense leaves and beautiful flowers growing in mountainous locations and bred as a decorative plant. Dictionary … Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

- [DE], and, husband. Shrub or small tree ses. Heath with dense leaves and large beautiful flowers, bodied as decorative. | arr. Rhododender, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (Rhododenron L.) Generic name of plants from the SevereSkoy (Ericaceae). It is known to 200 species growing on the mountains of Europe, America, Asia, mainly in the Himalayan mountains and on Malay about Wah. This is a small tree or shrubs, with one-year ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

rhododendron - and outdated rhododend. Pronounced [Rhododenon] ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian


  • I speak in the color of the colors, Diffenbach Vanessa. Victoria is eighteen, and she is afraid of touches and words, their own and strangers. She is afraid to love. The secret garden has become her refuge and native place where all fears evaporate. Only through flowers she ...
  • Color language, Vanessa Diffenbach. Amazing Roman Vanessa Diffenbach is an unforgettable story about a girl speaking, which conquered the hearts of millions of readers around the world. Victoria eighteen, and she ...

Rhododendron (rhododendron) is a representative of the heather's family. This genus is represented by shrubs and trees that are leafy, semi-repulsive and evergreen. According to various sources, this genus combines 800-1300 species, their number includes azaleas, which are very popular with flower water, they are still referred to as "Roododendron". The name of this plant includes 2 words: "rhodon", which is translated as "Rose" and "Dendron" - meaning "tree". In this regard, Rhododendron means "tree with roses" or "Pink Tree". The fact is that Azali flowers are externally similar to roses. IN wild conditions The greatest spread of Rhododendrons was obtained in the northern hemisphere (in South China, Himalayas, Southeast Asia, Japan and North America). They prefer to grow in the coastal zone of the seas, rivers and oceans, on the northern slopes of the mountains and in the half of the undergrowth. Separate types in height reach 0.3 m, while others are fluttering shrubs. Flowers of various types of this kind differ from each other not only by color, but also forms, as well as the value. For example, the largest flowers in the diameter can reach 0.2 m, while the smallest is just a tiny size. To date, approximately 3 thousand species, forms and varieties of garden rhododendron.

Garden rhododendron is a shrub. Different kinds They may differ from each other the magnitude and shape of sheet plates, which are two-year-old, annual and perennial, cherry or sedentary, shed, sawn or single-crushing, inversely or egg-shaped. This plant takes relatively very popular in all countries of the world due to its decorative foliage, as well as beautiful flowers that make up creeps or palate inflorescences that are similar on the amazing beauty of bouquets. Flowers can be painted in pink, purple, white, red or purple color. The form of flowers directly depends on the type and variety of the plant and is a funnel-shaped, tubular, bell and wheeled. Separate species have a pleasant smell. The fruit is a five-liter multiferous box, inside which are two-millionth seeds. The surface compact system of the roots of this culture consists of a large number of urine roots. Due to the fact that the root surface system, the Rhododendron transplant is rather light, and the plant transfers it well. This shrub is considered an excellent wounded honey.

Choice of time and place of landing

In medium latles, it is recommended to cultivate only those types of rhododendron, which are distinguished by high frost resistance. You can land the plant in the open soil from April to the second half of May, and in September-November. Experienced gardeners They are engaged in landing Rhododendron throughout the entire period of vegetation except for the flowering time of such a shrub, and it is also impossible to do it for 7-15 days after flowering.

To land, you should choose a shaded area located on the northern side of the structure. The soil should be well drained, loose, contain a large amount of humus and be sour. If on the site, the depth of groundwater is less than 100 cm, then to land this shrub will have to make a raised bed. Rhododendron can be planted near such trees as oak, pine, larch, as their root system goes deep into. This shrub is not recommended to plant next to the chestnut, maple, elm, lime, alder, yawa, and a poplar, because their root systems are located on the same depth as Rhododendron, so the latter will lack the necessary number of nutrients and moisture. If Rhododendron still has to land next to one of the villas listed, then the landing pools will need to be protected by carved in the soil slate, rubberoid or polyethylene. The best neighbors for this culture is a pear and an apple tree.

Prepare a fossa for planting, so, its depth must be about 0.4 m, and the diameter is about 0.6 m. It is necessary to pour soil consisting of 3.5 driers of a loam (you can replace a pair of clay buckets), as well as 8 buckets of the upper peat. It should be mixed thoroughly. Then the soil should be attacked in the pit it is necessary to clean well. After that, they make a hole, the size of which should be equal to the magnitude of the root coma of the planting plant. Immediately before landing, the seedling must be immersed in a container filled with water. And it is necessary to pull it only after air bubbles will be stopped on the surface of the water. After that, the root system must be placed in the hole, which is filled with soil, it must be very good to compact, so that there is no emptiness. A seedling has a root neck must be on the same level with the surface of the site. Lached plants need abundant irrigation. If Rhododendron was planted in dry soil, then the richness of the irrigation should be such that the land of wet on the depth of 20 centimeters. Then the surface of the priority circle should be filled with a layer of mulch (oak leaves, pine leaves, peat or moss), while its thickness should be 50-60 mm. If there is a large number of boutons on a saplau, then some need to break, in this case, the plants will be aimed at rooting, and not on lush flowering.

If only one bush rhododendron is planted on the spacious plot, the wind is able to break a seedling. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to establish a support, while tilt it should be towards the direction most often of the current winds. Then the planted plant is tested to the support. After the plant arrives, the support can be removed if desired.

Rhododendron needs B. good care. It is necessary to spray it in a timely manner, water, feed, pour, produce forming trimming, as well as, if necessary, to protect against pests and diseases. Ruff or drop the surface of the soil under the bushes is impossible due to the surface location of the plant root system. We need to be carried out manually, it is categorically prohibited for these purposes.

This culture is especially important level of atmospheric and soil moisture compared to the rest. garden plantsMoreover, during the bootonization and flowering. Rhododendron is very important to water correctly, because it has a significant impact on the bookmark of flower kidney of the future season. Watering the plant is necessary exceptionally soft water (estimated or rain). Some gardeners soften, and also acidify the water is very simple, for this they are 24 hours before irrigation mix it with the upper peat, you need to take a few hands. As a state of sheet plates, it is possible to determine how often this shrub should be water. The plant needs watering if the foliage becomes matte and loses the tour. During watering, the Earth should be soaked at a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters. But when watering, it is also very important that in the soil the liquid does not cause themselves, since the root system is extremely negatively responding to it. With the cloth of water, Rhododendron behaves in the same way as with a lack of moisture, namely, the leafy plates are folded and lowered. To avoid the convergence, it is necessary to water the shrub in a dry hot period as always, but it must be quite often moistened from the sprayer using soft water for this.

Since bushes most often have from nature the right form, then there is no need for a strong formative trimming. As a rule, the plant needs trimming if the shrub became excessively high if the rejuvenating trimming is necessary or it is necessary to cut the stems damaged by frost.

What are the rules for trimming an adult shrub? Cutting the stems are produced in spring time, while you need to have time before the sludge will begin. Slices on branches, the thickness of which is from 20 to 40 mm, you must definitely dampen the garden. The awakening of sleeping kidneys on the stems begins after 4 weeks, at the same time there is the beginning of the update process, which lasts throughout the year. If the shrub is very damaged by frost or old, then it should be shortened to 0.3-0.4 meters, while in the first year they cut one half of the coat, and the next one - the second.

These plants have one very important feature. So, in one year, their flowering and fruiting is distinguished by their abundance, while the next - it is fruitful and blooms much more. However, this frequency can be corrected. For this, it is necessary after the flowering will end, break all the blurred inflorescences. In this case, all the preserved forces and nutrients shrub will send to the bookmark of the flower kidney of the future season.

Undercotting Rhododendron

Even shrubs planted in the current season are needed in the dressing. For the first time during the season, the plant is fed at the beginning of the spring period, while the last time - at the end of July, when the plant will flash, and the growth of young stems will begin. Specialists are recommended to use liquid fertilizers to feed this culture, which should include horny flour and semi-proverse cow manure. To prepare such a fertilizer, the manure should be connected to water in the ratio 1:15, then it must draw over for several days, only after that they can feed shrubs. Before you feed Rhododendron, it is necessary to pour it well.

Such plants need acidic soil, in connection with this, choose mineral fertilizers follows, which will not disturb the reaction of the medium. So, it is recommended to use superphosphate, phosphate, nitric acid and sulfate potassium, sulfate ammonium, sulfate calcium and magnesium, and take them in a weak concentration (1.2: 1000). And the solution of potash fertilizers should be even weaker.

  • at the beginning of the spring, the organic is introduced or mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, while 1 square meter of the site takes 50 grams of magnesium sulfate and as many ammonium sulfate;
  • in the first days of June, when the plant will flash, 1 square meter of the site is made by 20 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, as well as 40 grams of ammonium sulfate;
  • the third time Rhododendron is fed in July, with 1 square meter of the site take 20 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Most often, on this shrub, milders of creeks, shields, pawnies, bugs, whils, rhododendron flies, and still slippers and snails are seized. When buchelogium appears on bushes, their collection should be done manually, and in preventive purposes, the plant is sprayed with mortar fungicidal preparation Tirama either TMTD (8%).

If rhododendrons settled rhododendron bugs, web mites or weevils, then it is necessary to spray it with a diazine. At the same time, when defeating weevils, not only the bush is processed, but also the surface of the earth is near it. In order to get rid of the rest of the pests, carbofos are used, while you need to follow the instructions in the instructions.

Most often, such a plant is sick with fungal diseases, for example: cancer, rust, chlorosis or spotted leaves. Most often, such diseases are developing as a result of insufficient aeration of the root system. With the damage to rust and spotting a bush, it is necessary to spray with copper-containing drugs, for example, burgundy mixture. In case of chlorosis disease, the bush replaces its color to yellow, in this case, in water for watering it is necessary to pour iron chelate. If Rhododendron is sick with cancer, then the affected stems are needed or cutting up to a healthy fabric, or removed at all. In order to prevent at the beginning of the spring period and deep autumn, the bushes should be sprayed with a burgundy mixture.

Rhododendron reproduction

Multiply this plant It is possible by seeds either in vegetative ways: hazard, vaccine, dermal of bush and stalling. Faster and easier to propagate such a plant can be looted.

To seed seeds, places are used, which are filled with moisturized peat or peersmaking, mixed with sand (3: 1). After the seeds are sown, they are sprinkled with sand, which should be washed. From above, it is necessary to cover the tank with glass, and then transferred to a well-lit place. Sevings need to water timely, to venture every day, and you also need to regularly remove the condensate from the surface of the glass. As a rule, the first seedlings appear in 30 days. When the seedlings have a pair of real sheet plates, they will need to be seeded by becoming better, using the 2x3 centimeter scheme. When transplanting seedlings should be plugged in Semi-aidoli, this will make it possible to form a strong root system. Seedlings in the first year of life must be grown in a cool greenhouse. For the second year, the seedlings should be transferred to open soil for training beds with garden earth, mixed with a small number of peat and sand. Such seedlings differ in relatively slow growth. Their first bloom can be seen only for 6-8 years.

The drawing is also a rather complicated way of reproduction. For the workpiece of cuttings, semi-respected stems are used. Cherenkov's length can vary from 50 to 80 mm. Bottom leaf plates with chopped cuttings should be broken. At the same time, the lower cuts must be immersed in a solution that stimulates the growth of the roots (for example, heteroacexin), by 12-16 hours. To roighten the cuttings, planted into the substrate consisting of sand and peat (1: 3). Then the container from above must be covered with a transparent dome. The rooting of cuttings is a continuous process and difficult. Thus, the rooting of evergreen species lasts from 3 to 4.5 months, and deciduous - 6 weeks. For cutting, the cuttings are planted in boxes filled with a substrate consisting of pine needles and peat (1: 2). During winter period The cuttings should be in a well-lit and cool (from 8 to 12 degrees) of the room. With the onset of spring, the drawer with cuttings should be shopped in the garden plot. There they will grow another 1 or 2 years, only after this cutting can be transplanted for a permanent place.


The lighter and natural method of reproduction of this culture is the drawing of the chains. In the springtime, a low-rise young flexible escape should be chosen, it must be burned and put in the prepared groove, the depth of which should be at least 15 centimeters. The middle part of the stem must be fixed in the groove, pinching it. Next, the groove is filled with garden ground connected to peat. The top of the stem left on the surface must be tied to a vertically installed peg. During watering itself, the cooks should not be forgotten to moisturize and the grain. In autumn, either with the onset of the next spring, the tanks must be cut off from the parent plant and disembark to a permanent place. This method is excellent for breeding Rhododendron Falls.

Care at autumn time

If a drought is observed in autumn time, then Rhododendron will need regular abundant irrigation, so, under 1 bus station, 10-12 liters of water should be poured. If at the autumn time systematic rains are observed, then such plants do not need to water. In November, it is necessary to insulate the system of shrub roots, for this, the surface of the priority circle should be closed with a layer of peat.


If Rhododendron is grown in medium latitudes, then after the first frosts, the bushes should be inspired. For this, the branches of the pine branches are shoved between the branches of the plant, and the shrub itself is a little tightened by the twine. Then it should be covered by burlap. Remove the bags from the plants in the early spring after the snow cover comes down, and choose a cloudy day. If Rhododendron is cultivated in the region with a fairly warm climate, then in the shelter it does not need it.

Types and varieties of rhododendrons with photos and names

Rhododendron species There is a very large amount. Below will be described those species that are cultivated by gardeners, as well as the most popular garden varieties.

Rhododendron Dahuricum Rhododendron

IN natural conditions This species is found on the rocks and in coniferous forests of Northeast China, East Siberia, Primorsky Krai, Korea and Northern Mongolia. This average evergreen shrub is stronger, its height can vary from 200 to 400 cm. Corah gray color. Branches are directed up. Buro-red thin shoots closer to the tips have a downset, which is a short pile. The length of small leaf leaf plates is about 30 mm, the front surface is smooth, and the purple - scaly. The color of young leaves pale green, and over time they become dark green, in autumn time they are painted in a green-red or brown color. IN winter time It takes place only not very much of foliage. Blossom is quite magnificent and lasts about 20 days. Flowers bloom before the foliage opens. They are large, have a funnel shape, pink-purple color, and in the diameter reach 40 mm. In autumn, sometimes repeated bloom is sometimes observed. This species is highly resistant to frozen, and it is well multiplied with green cuttings. There are 2 varieties:

  • evergreen shape - color of foliage dark green, and flowers - purple-purple;
  • garden Early Hybrid - This lower plant is very magnificently blooms, the flowers in the diameter reach 50 mm, they are revealed very early and painted into a rich red-blue color, this form is less frost resistant compared to the main view.

Rhododendron Adamsii Rhododendron

This evergreen shrub grows on rocky slopes and in the mountain forests of the Far East, as well as the Northeastern Bloods of Tibet. The height of the branched bush can reach up to 50 cm. On the surface of the shoots there is a omission consisting of a glazed pile. Matte dense green leaf plates have an oblong-elliptical form in length and width they can reach about 20 mm. The front surface is naked with them, and on the involves there are scales, because of what it has a red color. The shields consist of 7-15 flowers, in the diameter reaching 15 mm, they are painted in various shades of pink color. This species is entered in the Red Book of Buryatia.

Rhododendron Japonic (Rhododendron Japonicum)

The birthplace of this species is Japan, or rather, Honshu Island, where he prefers to grow on the sunny mountains. This species is among the most beautiful deciduous rhododendrons. The height of the branched shrub can reach 200 cm. Stems naked either on their surface are silver color bristles. The green leaf plate has an oblong-lanceal form, and on the front, and on the wrong surface there is a soft omission. In autumn, the foliage is painted in red-orange color. Brushes consist of 6-12 fragrant flowers of the bell-shaped shape, in the diameter reaching 80 mm and possessing a red-shark or orange color. Of all the species grown in medium latitudes, this species is the most beautiful. It has high frost resistance, and still perfectly multiplied with seed and stallion.

Rhododendron Caucasian (rhododendron Caucasicum)

In nature, this view is found in the Caucasus. This not very tall shrub is evergreen, the branches are sharpened. Leather dark green leaf plates, located on sufficient thick long stiffs, have an oblong-oval form. The front surface is naked, and the wrong - felt-redhead. On the hairy flowers are brushes consisting of 8-10 fragrant flowers having a funnel-shaped shape and a pale green color, inside the zea are green specks. Decorative forms:

  • pink-white - bloom begins earlier than at the main type;
  • brilliant - color dark pink flowers;
  • golden yellow - on the surface of yellow flowers there is a pale green crap;
  • sollar-yellow - light red spots are located on the surface of yellow flowers.

Also, the gardeners are cultivated by such species as: Albrecht Rhododendron, Atlantic, Vases, Holocelete, Tree, Yellow, Havy, Western, Golden, Indian, Kamchatka, Canadian, Carolinsky, Carpathian, Kistere, Adhesive, Shortoploy, Red, Large, Large, Kathevbinsky , Lapland, Larbura, mellular, nail, sea buckthorn, pointed, dense, Pontic, attractive, Pukkhan, rusty, equivalent, pink, sechotic, creamy, stupid, rooted, yakushiman, etc.

This includes hybrids and zertforms that are cultivated by gardeners. Rhododendron hybrid is Rhododendron Garden. The following varieties are most popular:

  1. German Cultivar Alfred. This variety is obtained when crossing the Kathevbinsky Rhododendron with a variety of Evereg. In height, this evergreen shrub reaches 1.2 m. The crown diameter is approximately 150 cm. Glossy dark green sheet plates have an oblong elliptical form. Tight inflorescences consist of 15-20 saturated purple flowers, which have a green-yellow spot, in a diameter reaching 60 mm.
  2. Grade Blue Peter. He was removed by crossing Rhododendron Pontic. The bustice in height reaches more than 150 cm. The spreading crown has a diameter of about 200 cm. In the diameter, lavender-blue flowers reaches 60 mm, they have a corrugated edge, and on the top petal there is a twin purple color.
  3. Jacksoni.. This English hybrid was obtained by crossing the Rhododendron of Caucasian and variety nobleanum. The height of the shrub is about 200 cm, and in the diameter of his crown reaches about 300 cm. There is a low-end form, the height of which does not exceed 0.8 m. The leathery sheet plates of the oblong shape have a green matte facial surface and brown - involnee. Inflorescences consist of 8-12 flowers, which in the disclosure process are painted in pink color, then it is replaced by white, while the yellow-white spot is formed on one of the petals.
  4. Roses Marie.. Czech grade, which is obtained by crossing Rhododendron magnificent and varieties Pink Pearl. A shrubs in height reaches 1.2 m, and the diameter of the crown is 150 cm. The leathery sheet plates have an oblong-elliptical form, on the greenish facial surface they have a wax coating, and the purple - green-blue, brilliant. At the edges, the flowers are painted in a gentle pink color, which is replaced by a sampling on a saturated pink with a purple tide. Compact inflorescence of spherical shape consists of 6-14 flowers.
  5. Nova Domble. This Dutch hybrid was removed when crossing Rhododendron Kathevbinsky and Person Gloryozum. The height of the shrub is about 300 centimeters, and a loose crown in the girth reaches about 350 cm. The stalks grow almost vertically. Leather glossy sheet plates are quite large. Tight inflorescences consist of 10-12 large flowers, in a diameter reaching 60 mm, they are painted red and have a black spot.
  6. Canningham. This Scottish Cultivar is a very popular Caucasian Rhododendron variety. The height of the bush is approximately 200 cm, and the crown in the diameter reaches 150 cm. The length of dark green leaf leaf plates of the oblong form is about 60 mm, and the width is 30 mm. Tight inflorescences consist of 10 white color flowers, on the surface of which there is a yellow crap.

Many unprofessional gardeners seeing a chic rhododendron in the picture, decide on anything to decorate their garden plot. However, in most cases, by purchasing and putting a cherished bush on its plot, the gardener notes that his Rhododendron is not so beautiful as it was assumed, and besides, he gradually gets up and dies. Therefore, most gardeners are asked if it is possible to successfully cultivate such a thermal-loving shrub in the suburbs? And is it possible to grow such a plant in unusual average latitudes? If you do everything right, then it is quite possible.

First of all, you should choose the right variety that is able to survive enough frosty winter months. The fact is that thermal-loving species and varieties, even if they are very good to cover, in the winter they will still get out. Very good for cultivation in such conditions suitable leaf falls: Rhododendron Japanese, Yellow, Shlippenbach, Vases, Canadian, Kamchatka, Pukkhan. From the firstborn, you can choose Rhododendron Larber. For cultivation in medium latitudes from evergreen species, Rhododendron Kathevbinsky is suitable (and his hybrids Alfred, Abraham Lincoln, Nova Zemm worm, Canning White), Also Rhododendrons are short-forth, golden, largest and Rhododendron Smirnova and his hybrids Gabriel, Dorothy Swift, Like. Finnish breeders are relatively recently obtained enough winter-resistant varieties of Elvira, Hague, Mikkeli. Also well tolerate the harsh winter of medium latitudes of the Northern Light group of Rosie Lightts, Pink Lightts, Spice Lights, etc.

Purchase a suitable seedling little, it is necessary to put it right:

  1. Landing is produced in spring time. The plot must be in a half, and the distance between the sapling and any other plant should be at least 100 cm.
  2. For landing it is recommended to buy a special soil. If you wish, it can be done at home, for this you will need a needle, garden land and peat. In the soil you need to make a complex mineral fertilizer.
  3. The magnitude of the landing pit must be a couple of times more of the container in which the plant is located. If the soil is clay, then at the bottom of the yamek, you will need to make a good drainage layer from broken bricks, the thickness of which should be about 15 centimeters.
  4. After disembarking the root neck, the plant must be at the same level as in the container.
  5. Lached plant needs abundant irrigation.

To care for rhododendron cultivated in medium latitudes should be almost the same as those plants that are grown in regions with a softer climate. However, there are some differences. Care rules:

  1. For landing, use sour humulaous soil. In those places from where the roots will choose nutrients, there should be no wood ash, dolomite, lime and other additives that are able to squeeze the soil.
  2. The surface of the priority circle must be mandatory to float the layer of mulch. This is especially important because due to horizontally spaced roots, loosening and plowing of the soil near the plant is prohibited.
  3. In the spring time, the shrub must be protected from the scorching rays of the sun. For this, the march is suitable, grid or fabric.
  4. It is very important to choose the correct watering mode. This plant should receive so much moisture as he is required. In the arid hot period in summer a shrub must be watering 2 times in 7 days. If rainy and warm weather is observed at the autumn time, then the bangs begin to grow young shoots, but they do not cause the rise in winter. In order to prevent such an increase in the growth of stalks, the bush should be treated from a fine pulverizer with a solution of novelter or potassium sulfate (1%) and do it in a dry day. This will lead to the suspension of growth, as well as to stimulate the decisions of the stems and laying floral kidney for the future season. After the shrub is processed, all watering must be stopped, even if drought and heat is observed.
  5. Rhododendron is a very beautiful plant, and it has healing properties that are used for more than one year both in the official and alternative medicine. The composition of the species Rhododendron Daurus, Golden, Adams, Caucasian includes Andromedotoxin, Ericolin, Arbutin and Rhododenrin. The composition of foliage includes ascorbic acid, while in the summer its concentration in the plant is most. Due to the substances that entered into such a plant, it is characterized by an anesthetic, sedative, antipyretic, antibacterial and coating effect. It is also able to remove from the body excess liquid, eliminate swelling, outbreak, frequent heartbeat, strengthen cardiac activity, as well as reduce venous and blood pressure.

    But it should not be assumed that this plant is absolutely harmless. Rhododendron, made on the basis of Rhododendron, cannot be used to people suffering from a serious kidney disease and tissue necrosis, as well as pregnant and feeding breasted women. It is recommended that before the first time to adopt a similar means to consult a specialist.

The literal name of this plant is translated as a "pink tree". In its external data and multiple varieties, it is not at all inferior to the queen of flowers. We are talking about handsome with an interesting name - Rhododendron. What is this flower, and what are the features of his cultivation? What kind of types there are, and in what climatic conditions they can be grown - about all this in our today's review.
Flowers Rhododendron

Rhododendron: What is this flower

Rhododendron belongs to the family of heers. External data may differ depending on the variety and species. General features are collected in inflorescences or brushes. Large flowers. Rare specimens have small solitary flowers.

The leaves may differ not only in size, but also a form that seems to be in a wide variety of variations. Flowers two-fallen. Inflorescences are in the form of brushes or umbrellas. Color has a very rich gamut. After the completion of flowering, fruits are formed: five folded boxes in which seeds are located.

Some species of Rhododendron flower (there is a photo in this article) can reach a diameter of twenty centimeters. Thanks to this amazing quality, every inflorescence looks like a separate bouquet and after cutting for a long time can save its magnificent appearance.

The height of the Rhododendron bush varies depending on the type of ten centimeters to ten meters. The root system is very compact and is close to the surface, so young plants develop quite slowly.

Plant looks great in landscape design

Where Rhododendron is spread

What is Rhododendron now is understandable, but where does it grow? Natural environment Habitat for rhododendrons are wet highlands, as well as forests and swampy terrain. The plant got the greatest distribution in the northern hemisphere, namely:

  • in Greenland;
  • in Alaska;
  • on the island of Java;
  • in China;
  • in Japan;
  • in the Alps;
  • in the Himalayas.

Rhododendrons are also found in the southern part, but in places of their natural growing are considered:

  • New Guinea;
  • Australia.

In our country, the most favorable climatic conditions for this plant in the Far East, as well as in the Mining Area of \u200b\u200bthe Caucasus.

Rhododendron in mountainous terrain

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Rhododendron is very interesting. It includes a huge number of tanning substances. In addition, the plant is an excellent honeymoon, some species inherent healing properties. However, if there are all these positive qualities, many rhododendrons are poisonous. They include neurotoxins that can first excite the nervous system, and then gradually begin to cohere it.

Rhododendron contains a lot of useful components:

  • ericolin;
  • manganese;
  • aluminum;
  • essential oil;
  • hydroquinone;
  • copper;
  • barium;
  • flavonoids;
  • silver.

It will be just wonderful if near the selected landing site will be located some reservoir. Otherwise, there will be a spraying until the very beginning of flowering.

An excellent neighbor for Rhododendron is pine. It covers it from direct sunlight, and its root system does not interfere with the growth and development of the bush. But unwanted neighbors are considered: Lipa, Alder, Iva, Clane and Bereza.

Sapling Rhododendron

Rhododendrons: landing and care in open soil

It is quite difficult to grow rhododendrons. Landing and care in open soil behind these plants requires a lot of effort and patience. For the shrub landing, the first thing you need to dig a hole in a depth of about half a meter. The width will depend on the size of the root seedlock. Drainage is necessarily placed on the bottom, since the roots show high sensitivity to excessive moisture. They quickly reappear, which leads to the death of the plant.

The soil should be chosen with a sour, loose, having good air permeability. In no case cannot be added to the soil of wood ash or other components having an alkaline reaction. Mineral fertilizers They are selected without the content of chlorine and calcium in them.

Before boarding the soil comes are abundantly wetting the growth stimulator solution. These actions are carried out at least 10 hours before disembarkation. You can plant rhododendrons from spring to late autumn.

Young Rhododendron in Open Ground

Planting Rhododendrons in the Moscow region and care for them

When landing, it is impossible to deepen the root neck too much. The final step is mulching. As a mulch, the bark of pine or needle is best. It is not worth loosen the soil in the future, since it is possible to damage the shrub's roots located close to the surface.

You can grow rhododendrons in the suburbs. Landing and care for them will not differ from the one that is described above.

With proper care, the plant will delight abundant blossom

How to hide rhododendron for the winter

Winter frosts and stews can destroy Rhododendron. Care in autumn and preparation for the winter of this shrub is a very responsible moment. First of all, roots are insulated. A peat or dry foliage can serve as a protective layer, which is placed in a layer of 15 centimeters.

How best to hide a rhododendron for winter? Arcs set over shrubs for winter. Subsequently on them is stretched by observing material. As soon as the temperature decreases significantly and reaches minus 10 degrees, a layer of thick film is spilled on top of this, and then on top of the arcs are fixed. If possible, all this falls asleep with a layer of snow. The shelter of Rhododendron for the winter in the suburbs is carried out in the same way, but taking into account the humidity of the climate and the changeability of weather conditions. At any time you need to be able to control the state of the shrub.

As a rule, winter shelters make all the flowerflowers that grow in their portion of Rhododendrons. Frost-resistant varieties (Photos are presented in this article), of course, exist, but even they cannot withstand the harsh conditions of certain regions.

Shelter process bush


Rhododendron can multiply in several ways:

  • pavement;
  • champions;
  • seeds;
  • decision bush.

The seed method is practically not used, as it takes a lot of time and requires high labor and patience. Shining is carried out at the beginning of summer. It is necessary to cut the desired amount of cuttings, remove the lower leaves from them and leave in containers with a solution of the root growth stimulator. After that, the twigs are planted in a prepared substrate and are covered with glass jars. Saplings put in a bright room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Three months later, the root system is formed in young plants, and by the spring they will be ready for landing in an open ground.

Rhododendron twigs

Fighting diseases and pests

Rhododendron Pon proper care little diseases. But in case of violation of the recommended growth conditions, the plant may appear rust, spotty, as well as chlorosis. In this case, the affected parts of the shrub are removed, and it is processed by a solution of fungicide.

Garden snails, slugs that often annoy Rhododendron, it is required to regularly collect and destroy. But when the appearance of such pests, as a web tick, weevil or shield, insecticide is required.

An example of Rhododendron disease

Pruning and subordinate

When watering Rhododendron, ordinary water is recommended to acidify it. Do this in order that with time the shrub has not lost its decorativeness. The acidifier use citric acid or table vinegar.

Shrub's dressings are extremely rare. Comprehensive fertilizer is entered early in spring, and then after the completion of flowering. also in spring period You can add overwhelmed dung to the top layer of the soil.

Rhododendron bush trim diagram

To maintain the decorativeness and the formation of a thick beautiful crown in the fall, rhododendron cut. Extra shoots are removed at all, and the remaining length is reduced by a third. This technique promotes lush blossom next season. But in the spring pruning is extremely undesirable.