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» Bags under the eyes of the symptoms of the disease. Bags under the eyes: Causes of appearance and how to get rid of them

Bags under the eyes of the symptoms of the disease. Bags under the eyes: Causes of appearance and how to get rid of them

The state of the lower eyelids in a large extent affects the appearance of a person, issuing age (sometimes adding several years) and giving the face painful, and more often the unclean look. Bags and circles under the eyes are not easy to hide, because cosmetics do not always cope with this task, and the person does not remain anything, how to hide behind glasses with dark windows. Outwardly, different people look equally and are swelling, to a greater or lesser extent hanging over the lower edge of the orbit. In fact, there are two types of bags: some arise due to the accumulation of fluid (swelling), while others appear due to the growth of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and each of them has its own mechanism for the appearance and features of development. Speaking about the problem, one more type of formations should not be discharged - under the eyes, although they do not have relations under the eyes under the eyes as a result of the deformation of the tissues lying on the border of the cheekbones and the lower part of the socket. Learn more about bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes: video

Eyebags under the eyes can act as independent entities and supplement fat hernias. Fat has a loose structure and nature itself it is assigned the role of water accumulator in the body. When the fluid delay (tendency to swelling due to problems with the kidneys, for example), part of it enters the fatty tissue, located under the centuries, thereby increasing its volume and forcing "falling out" over the boundaries outlined by the orders. If the edema complements the existing fat hernia, then a bag of impressive sizes is formed! Usually education, the appearance of which is provoked by the delay of the fluid, manifest after sleep and quickly pass. You can speed up the process using compresses from decoctions of tea, chamomile, parsley or by having a lightweight massage of the lower eyelid with the tips of the fingers in order to activate the microcirculation of blood and lymph, which will allow slightly "dry" or drain the tissue. On the one hand, from the swelling of the resulting edema to get rid of easy, but, unfortunately, empty bags are often not just a cosmetic defect: their regular appearance is a reason for the examination of the internal organs, especially the kidneys, bladder and liver.

Fat bags under the eyes and in the region of the upper century are formed due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin of the periorbital zone, which, in turn, provokes a constant facial load. In addition, the skin of the eyelids stretches and saves, fascinated by the strength of gravity (ptosis), as a result, free spaces are formed under the skin, where the subcutaneous fatty tissue is fixed in the periorubital zone.

It should be theoretically to hold the membrane, separating fatty tissue from the skin, but she loses this ability due to the loss of elasticity. By the way , Only at the end of the 20th century, beautician doctors abandoned the membrane east operation.When I realized that not only her weakening affects the formation of hernia in the area around the eyes.

Paint bags under the eyes.

Unlike fatty and "water" formations this type of formations under the eyes is extremely cosmetic flawless.m and not any connection with the pathologies of the internal organs does not. Actually, with bags under the eyes, these formations, called specialists of zilly hernias or south, is incorrect, because they are formed due to excess or lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the cheekbone area and on the border of the zyloma and ordown regions. Learn more about painting bags (reasons for the appearance, symptoms and methods of deliverance from the defect).

If swelling appeared under the eyes, the face will look tired and older. This phenomenon can be associated with harmless and natural processes in the body, but may be a symptom of serious diseases. In some cases, folk recipes will help to cope with the situation, and in others it will have to resort to the help of a specialist.

Bags under the eyes often appear in people who do not respect the mode of sleep and recreation, abuse alcohol, as well as incorrectly feed. With the age of enems appear increasingly. But sometimes skin swelling appears in people leading a healthy lifestyle. Why do bumps appear under the eyes?

Common reasons

The appearance of edema is due to the accumulation of a large amount of fluid, which is not evenly distributed, and accumulates in one place. The causes of such a phenomenon can be a lot: from the most harmless to serious and pathological. Therefore, if the swelling of the skin does not pass within a few days and it cannot be removed by simple folk remedies, it is better to contact a specialist and surveys.

Many people do not see the difference between bags and edema. Although in a domestic understanding, these two concepts have the same meaning, in fact, there is difference between them. Evenkers are a pathological cluster of fluid under or over her eyes. And bags are a dermatological problem. They represent the resulting folds of the skin.

There are dozens of pathological and nonpatological reasons for the development of swelling. The defect usually appears on the right and left. To begin with, consider a list of harmless causes.


If a person drinks little water throughout the day, the body will start missing liquid, because of what it will store it. This can manifest itself in the form of a swelling. Similarly, the body reacts to stimuli, for example, on crying. A strengthened tide of blood to the eyes causes a cluster of fluid in tissues of fiber. Water bags may appear for other reasons:

  • Smoking.
  • Reading.
  • Car driving.
  • Overeating.
  • Stresses.
  • Long headaches.
  • Stay in the wind, sun.
  • Unnecessary physical exertion or, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Frequent ambient temperature differences.
  • Work at the computer.

IMPORTANT! In the state of the region around the eye negatively affects the lack of sleep.

Many people are familiar, bruises and swelling under the eyes appear after the sleepless night. If a person leads a nightlife, then this certainly does not contribute to healthy appearance. With a dehydration, dehydration occurs, and therefore the body is trying to keep the liquid.

The steady circles under the eyes also appear in the event that the day before the man was crying. The tear contains the salt - the substance that holds the fluid. In addition, salt is annoying skin cover, causing inflammation and swelling.

Some women allow a serious mistake when the cosmetics do not wash off before bedtime. No matter how tired you are, you should not go to bed without having fun. If you ignore this rule, the skin stops breathing and swelling appears next.

In addition, it is not necessary to apply too much cosmetics to the region of the eyelid, it causes the blockage of pores and irritation. And the moment is also important on how to rinse makeup. Do not use toilet soap for this purpose. You must have special means for demacia. Soap strongly dries skin.

And why are swelling after sleep? If you drink a lot of liquid before bedtime, the likelihood of morning swelling is great. The kidneys simply do not have time to remove the excess drank from the body, so the liquid is sent to the tissues. It is not recommended to sleep without a pillow and even more so with the head down. Because of this, the normal lymphatic and venous outflow from the head is disturbed.

And what does smoking do you have to hide the eyelids? Tobacco smoke contains a large number of poisonous substances. This causes the poisoning of the body and hypoxia.

It is impossible not to mention the addiction to salted food. With systematic abuse of salt, the liquid is poorly excreted from the body. It is important to take into account that salty food causes thirst, which makes it even more liquid. It causes severe swelling.

Age-related age changes are played in the emergence of strong edema. Skin covering of man of old age is difficult to maintain fiber and fatty tissue. In addition, over the years, the kidneys begin to work worse, which is why the exchange of water in the body is disturbed. Often, the elderly has a permanent edema of the eyelids.

Regular use of a large number of salted food can lead to swelling under the eyes

Reading with poor lighting and long-term work at the computer leads to an overvoltage of the eyes. This negatively affects the blood supply to the age. As a result, the intracellular fluid penetrates into the tissue of the eyelids, which is why they swell.

Representatives of the beautiful floor, dark bags often appear during menstruation. During this period, the estrogen hormone level increases, which delays fluid in the body.

With extra weight, there is a violation of water-salt metabolism. Part of the fluid can accumulate in the near-eyed area.

The inclination of the formation of a swelling under the eyes is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the tissue in this zone. Consider some characteristics:

  • The near-eyed area is equipped with a huge number of blood vessels in which blood flow is constantly going. The blood flow contributes to the occurrence of swelling.
  • Eyelids are a plot with excess skin that is going to the folds. Subcutaneous fabrics in this area are loose.
  • When blinking and movement of the facial muscles, the skin around the eye is experiencing a strong load.
  • Unlike the near-eyed zone, if the leather of the forehead, the nose, the cheek accumulates the liquid, it quickly falls into the space near the eye.


Bags under the eyes can characterize the following pathologies:

  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Left-deceiving heart failure.
  • ORVI.
  • Inflammation of facial nerve.
  • Halazion.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Schimorite.

Escapes under the eyes can the symptom of a variety of pathologies ranging from a cold and cold and ending with furunculosis and silent inflammation. In heart disease and kidney disease, not only swelling of the face, but also the feet. Characterized by the appearance and other symptoms, for example, such as breast pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia. Skin covers acquire a pale or even a bluish shade.

If the swelling appeared, for example, only under the left eye, this indicates a circulatory impairment. In this case, attention should be paid to such symptoms as dizziness, pressure drops, cold limbs.

If the edema appeared due to contact with the allergen, they can be cured by antihistamine. Depending on the frequency of the effect of the antigen, swelling is periodic or constant. The state can be exacerbated by the appearance of rashes on the skin and strong itching.

In renal diseases, not only eyes, but also legs, loins, as well as belly swell. When a person turns over in a dream, the accumulations of the fluid go from one part of the body to another. In case of kidney diseases, get rid of bags under the eyes is very difficult.

The appearance of edema only under the right eye may indicate a circulation disorder

The reasons for the appearance of bruises and swelling can be wounded in physical injuries. Men are inclined to participate in fights. The nose is vulnerable in this plan part of the body, which is injured. Deformation can lead to rupture of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries.

Congenital curvature of the nasal partition is also a common cause of bags under the eyes. In this case, treats the problem with medical preparations there is no point. Patients showed surgical intervention.

With liver diseases, in addition to the eyelids, swell their hands, especially fingers. Heartburn appears, nausea, the jaggility of the skin and eyeballs, pain in the right side. With an increase in intracranial pressure, headaches and bleeding appear.

Black circles under the eyes are a consequence of weakness and stretching the walls of the vessels. This causes disorders in lymph and blood flow. To strengthen the vessels, it is recommended to wash it with cold water, as well as wipe the face with ice cubes.

Asymmetric edema appear in insect bite, as well as mechanical damage. If a person eliminates the likelihood of both reasons, swelling on one eye may appear due to such diseases:

  • Barley.
  • Phlegmons.
  • Polyneuropathy.
  • Tumors.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine.
  • Cavernous syndrome.

If the swelling is accompanied by redness, it may indicate conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva mucosa. Redness appears when exposed to smoke, poisoning, as well as alcoholism.

Edema in the child

Blue bags under the eyes may appear at any age and even young children. If an adult has a similar phenomenon that can be associated with stressful situations or long-term loads, then in childhood it is seriously alarming.

In children, until the year, the appearance of swelling in the near-eyed area may indicate the following:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Barley.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Viral pathology.
  • Violation of the water-salt balance.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Violation of sleep mode.

The sudden appearance of edema, accompanied by redness of the eyes and discharge from the nose, most often indicates an allergic reaction. When swelling the inner corners of the eyes, you can suspect the obstruction of the tear canals. The appearance of headaches, discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, as well as difficulties in urination testifies to the kidney problems. If we talk about the children of school age, then all the aforementioned reasons can add a large load on the eyes due to lessons.

In the event that the edema does not pass within a week, it can talk about the development of such pathologies:

  • Renal or liver disorders.
  • Heart failure.
  • Increase intracranial pressure.
  • VDC (Vegeta Dystonia).
  • Diabetes.

Plowness in children can appear after sleep. This is due to two reasons. A child is either inappropriate, or sleeps over the norm. In the second case, the swelling is explained by the long lack of emptying of the bladder.

ATTENTION! Eveniness under the eyes in children is considered normal. It is explained by the change in blood circulation processes occurring after delivery.

Urgently consult a doctor follows when such symptoms appear:

  • Eleks of other parts of the body.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Headaches.
  • Weakness, fast fatigue.
  • Continuous tears.
  • Redness of eyeballs.

Hernia under the eyes

Under the eye there is a cavity, which from the outside is covered with the lower eyelid. In this place can postpone fatty fabric. Young people have such lacuna. However, with age, the skin of the eyelids stretches and the opposite space increases.

This leads to a violation of the lymphatic exchange and a slowdown in metabolic processes. Fats do not have time to split and output. The hernia under the eyes is a cosmetic defect. They are not a sign of pathologies.

The exceptions are situations where fat formations achieve large sizes. In this case, they begin to squeeze the tear ducts, which causes a violation of the circulation of the tear fluid.

ATTENTION! In order to distinguish hernia from edema, press the finger on the closed eye. Bags will harden, swell and increase in size.

Porous hernias may appear as a result of the following reasons:

  • Nervous exhaustion.
  • Prolonged stay under the right solar rays.
  • Hormonal failures.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Features of the anatomical structure of the skull.
  • Addiction to oily, salt, smoked food.
  • Permanent visual stress.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Permanent overwork.
  • Smoking, alcoholism.

In the photo it is clearly seen that adipose tissue is postponed under hernias

With hernias there are no ophthalmic pathologies. At the same time, the patient may noted that the mode of the day, the diet, the number of nervous upheavals has recently remain unchanged. And there is no physiological prerequisites for the formation of a swelling.

For the hernia of large sizes, the appearance of the following symptoms is characteristic:

  • Continuous tears.
  • Worsening vision.
  • Education does not increase and do not decrease in the amount during the day. It does not affect the amount of water drilled.
  • The skin acquires a bluish, reddish or plum shade.
  • There are vascular grid on the eyelids.

IMPORTANT! Excess fat around the eyes can wear congenital character. Because of such a genetic predisposition, already in the youthful age of eyelids may look swollen.

If the hernias were formed above their eyes, visually the impression is that a person has decreased eye cut. Eveniness affects the near-eyed area in a circle.

Paint (double) bags

Painted bags, or sufami called swelling, which occur not directly under the eyes, and are located just below, on the cheekbones. This phenomenon has no pathological origin, but is associated with age-related changes. The development of SUF is based on degenerative processes in the tissues.

In fact, painting bags are repeated fat deposits. They do not cause any painful sensations. Suffers may appear even in childhood. However, at this age, they are small, inexpressive and until a certain point remains invisible. The first visual signs usually appear after forty years. More susceptible to the formation of a woman's sofa.

The amount of fat in the field of cheekbone increases over the years, and we cannot affect this process. However, there are a number of predisposing factors that can speed it up. These include:

  • A sharp set of body weight.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Permanent swelling, due to which skin covers are stretched, and subcutaneous space increases and fill with fat.

Suffers can visually increase due to leather sagging, which loses its elasticity and elasticity with age. Get rid of painting bags under the eyes with the help of creams and traditional medicine will not be possible. In this case, you should resort to cosmetic procedures. Thermalifting is very popular. Subcutaneous fatty fiber is subjected to laser influence. In this case, the outer layer of the epithelium is not revealed.

And also doctors recommend using a lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure helps to strengthen the outflow of lymph, which accumulates in painting bags. With pronounced sediments, only plastic surgery will be productive.

The most important thing

Bags under the eyes may appear in women, men and even infants. In adults, the causes of swelling are often associated with the wrong way of life. Distractions, overwork, bad habits, errors in nutrition - all this negatively affects the appearance. Insufficient water consumption and, on the contrary, the reception of excess fluid often leads to the occurrence of bags under the eyes. The swelling indicates such serious pathologies as allergic, jade, anemia, heart failure.

Edema under the eyes of the infants is the option of the norm. Pipples that do not pass within a week can be a symptom of vegetative dystonia, diabetes, liver diseases or kidney. The hernia in the near-eyed zone is a cosmetic defect. It is unrelated to pathological processes. Painting bags appear with age. It is possible to eliminate them only with the help of cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. It is possible to fight yourself with swelling only if it is not caused by serious pathologies.

Attention to the skin for banal care is natural for any age, especially when recovery after stress, lack of sleep or winter time.

In this respect, recipes for cosmetic care and skin care. Our eyes play a very important role in communicating, this is a non-verbal communication tool with others. Well, when the eyes look well-groomed and show the kindness. But what can be seen in the tired eyes, and even with bags under them? Very often from overwork, inclipping or working at the computer eyelids and skin around the eyes swell, characteristic swelling appears - bags under the eyes. How to remove them?

Bags under the eyes - a common problem of both adult men and women and adolescents.

When the skin hits around the eyes and eyelids, it brings chagrins, creates complexes, because spoils appearance. Indeed, waking up in the morning, very sad to see his face with bags under the eyes.

The reasons for the occurrence of swelling, the bags under the eyes are different:

Kidney problems

Cardiovascular diseases,

Excessive use of alcohol,


Consumption of a large amount of salt,

Consumption of a large amount of water (and other liquid) before bedtime,

Age-related hormonal changes

Lack of sleep

Reduced immunity and infectious diseases,

Hypochondria and depression,

Allergic diseases (reaction to flowering plants),

Inflammation in the gaymorovy sinuses, throat, in the nasopharynk.

The factors causing bags under the eyes are much more, these are just the most common.

In women, swelling can be in critical days, and in children under 2 years of age during teething, viral infections.

Often, the edema of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes are people who are long sitting at the computer monitor.

To remove these bags and prevent their appearance, you need to give time to leather care around the eyes. At home, you can remove the swelling by folk remedies, if it does not carry a pathological nature, i.e. E. if this is not a reaction to internal diseases.

So, the first simplest recipe: when eyelids swell, quickly helps raw potato.

The washed and purified potato is cut into 2 parts and apply to centuries for 10-15 minutes. After that, the face is rinsed with cool water and cautiously with nameless fingers cream around the eye in the skin lines.

Compresses from bags under the eyes

Sage and violet

The compresses from the sage grass and herbs of violet are also well helped to remove the edema in just 15-20 minutes.

There are 1 teaspoon of each plant and 2 glasses of boiling water to make the infusion. The compress on the fellow eyelids also makes a quarter of an hour and rinse with cool water. Application of the skin care cream around the eyes is the final stage of the procedure.

Flowers Vasilka

To return the eyes, tired the day from work on a computer, shine, liveliness and vision to use the infusion of flowers of cornflower. To do this, 1 tablespoon of flowering cornflowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes in a water bath, strain. Making a skill face for 15 minutes. Wipe the eyelids and after removing decorative cosmetics. Vasilka's infusion relieves irritation and redness on the eyelids. This is especially true if the eyes look wearily, the bags are formed around, the eyelids are reddened and swelling.

Lipa and Romaista

Make a mixture of linden colors and chamomile inflorescences by taking 1 tablespoon of each raw material. Pour 2 glasses of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes in a water bath. After fixing the moistened gauze napkin in the nasty to attach to the eyes for 15 minutes. This compress relieves inflammation from the eye and helps to cope with bags under the eyes.


An eye compress from birch leaves is effective to combat eyelids.

Handful of fresh birch leaves pour 2 steep boiling water cups, insist for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cold bulls will remove swells for 15 minutes.


Under edema on centuries, the compresses of the horsetail of the field are also helped. We take 1 tablespoon of grass horsetail, pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 30 minutes, let it breed for 10 minutes. Wash your cotton swabs in the brave and superimpose for 15 minutes. This compress removes not only swelling, but also inflammation.


Tightening, refreshing and soothing effect on inflamed eyelids and eyes has a decoction of the greenery of parsley.

Personal Parsley's greenery poured 2 glasses of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes and filter. Mixed in the warm infusion cotton swabs apply to centuries for 2 minutes. We repeat it 3 times, wetting tampons in the nasty. After the procedure, make a cold shower on the face, dry the skin with a napkin and apply to the skin of the face (only in the eyes I did not hit) a mask from sour cream for 10 minutes.

From bags under the eyes and echoing ages are good masks:

Cucumber Mask Mask Fresh Cucumber,

Curd mask 10 minute

Packets of sleeping black or green tea,

A mask of whipped egg squirrel foam 10 minute.

Homemade cream from bags under the eyes and edema age

The base for the cream is a brucing fat Barcutor 100ml, which is sold in ordinary pharmacies. This natural fat cream should be cooked from the inflorescences of the chamomile (1 hour spoon) and the handustrian sipstocks. An independent collection of plants for cream needs to be planned in eco-friendly places away from roads. Plants put in a thick-walled saucepan, add fat and cook 20 minutes after boiling. Next, it is necessary to clean the cream from vegetable raw materials by filing.

Cream is applied to the region of the eyelid by nameless fingers without pressure - taking tapping.

Most often are the symptom of certain diseases of the kidneys, hearts and other internal organs. Less often, bags under the eyes are observed in healthy people. The main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes are: excessive use of salt and liquid, lack of sleep, diseases of the kidneys, heart, thyroid gland, inflammation of the sinuses of the nose (sinusitis) and others. Treatment of bags under the eyes depends on the cause of their appearance, and includes a diet, medicinal and surgical treatment.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are formed due to skin edema and subcutaneous tissue or age reduction of elasticity and skin saving. They are not always a sign of the disease. The appearance of bags under the eyes of healthy people is possible in the following cases:

  1. Eating excessive amounts of products containing salt (for example, saline fish, pickles, etc.). Salt contributes to the water delay in the body, and also causes thirst. Increased water content in the body leads to the appearance of edema under the eyes.
  2. The lack of sleep may be the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes if the time designed to sleep is less than 8 hours a day.
  3. Excessive use of alcohol contributes to the water delay in the body. Bags under the eyes may appear even after one-time consumption of large doses of alcohol.
  4. Increasing the level of estrogen, which is observed in all women a few days before the start of menstruation, causes a fluid delay in the body and the appearance of bags under the eyes.
  5. Age changes of the skin, which loses its elasticity and elasticity lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes, which are not associated with swelling, and due to the empty of subcutaneous fatty tissue under the eyes. Early loss of skin elasticity can also be due to frequent finding in the open sun, smoking, alcohol use and hereditary factors.

As a rule, bags under the eyes of healthy people are not accompanied by other symptoms, appear in the morning, hold several hours (or no more than 1-2 days) and independently disappear after elimination of the causes. If the bags under the eyes arose against the background of age-related skin changes, they also do not combine with other symptoms, are present both in the morning and in the evening and do not increase over time.

Sometimes the bags under the eyes are a consequence of the so-called, the hernia of the eyelids is to protrude adipose tissue under the skin. In this case, the bags under the eyes are observed throughout the day, they are often combined with dark skin under the eyes (bruises under the eyes), which aggravates the cosmetic defect. The treatment of hernia is a surgical and lies in the removal of excess adhesive tissue under the eyes (blepharoplasty). Thanks to modern methods of treatment, such operations pass painlessly and do not leave the scars on the skin.

In which cases, the bags under the eyes point to the disease?

In case the bags under the eyes are accompanied by other symptoms, or have a person with a known disease of the kidneys, heart, thyroid gland or other organs, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance:

If the bags under the eyes appeared overnight, are combined with an increase in body temperature, lumbar pains or urinary impairment (rapid urination or small amount of urine), then a likely cause is one of the inflammatory diseases of the kidney:

  1. Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of the kidney vessels, which is manifested by the following symptoms: the appearance of edema under the eyes, pain in the lower back, an increase in blood pressure (which is accompanied by headaches, deterioration of general well-being), an increase in or decrease in the amount of urine, an increase in the body temperature and the appearance of blood in the urine. Read more about the symptoms of Glomerulonephritis in the article.
  2. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidneys, the main symptoms of which are: an increase in body temperature, lower back pain (more often unilateral) and urine clouds. Eknescents under the eyes are more characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis when not only the appearance of bags under the eyes, but also an increase in weight due to a fluid delay in the body. Read more about this disease in the article.

If the bags under the eyes appeared for several days, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in the forehead or under the eyes, the presence of discharge from the nose and nasal mortgage, the likely cause of the appearance of edema under the eyes is the inflammation of the sinus of the nose - sinusitis.

  1. Schimorite is the inflammation of the nasal dashed sinus, which is more likely to be one-sided. In this regard, the swelling under the eyes is more pronounced on the one hand. Read more about Gaimorite in the article.
  2. Etmoitis is inflammation of ethmoidal sinuses (one of the sinus sinus, having a lattice structure), in which there are often bags under the eyes, swelling eyelids, pain when pressing the nose and neighboring parts of the nose.

If the bags under the eyes appeared for several hours (or minutes), accompanied by redness of the eyes, sneezing, transparent mucous discharges from the nose, skin itch or respiratory impairment (shortness of breath) and occurred after contact with dust, pollen, animal wool, eating citrus and other productsThe probable cause is an allergic reaction. With an allergic reaction, the body temperature never increases, no pain. When the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance.

If the bags under the eyes arose against the background of the existing disease of the thyroid gland, either combined with an increase in the size of the neck, difficulties during swallowing and respiration (shortness of breath), then a possible cause of thyroid gland is possible.

  1. Goz is an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, which can lead to the squeezing of the neck organs: the squeezing of the neck of the neck disrupts the outflow of blood from the face and causes swelling and the appearance of bags under the eyes, the surge of the respiratory tract causes shortness of breath, etc. Read more about this disease in the article.
  2. Large tumors of the thyroid gland (benign, for example, adenoma, or malignant, for example, the carcinoma of the thyroid gland) can lead to an increase in the dimensions of the thyroid gland and squeezing the surrounding organs of the neck.

In the event that the bags under the eyes are accompanied by pronounced weakness, depression, an increase in body weight, a disruption of the menstrual cycle in women, a possible cause is the insufficient function of the thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a consequence of thyroid diseases or individual brain structures (pituitary gland and hypothalamus): tumors of thyroid glands or pituitary glands, autoimmune thyroiditis (disease in which the immune system attacks the cells of the thyroid gland), lack of iodine in the body, etc.

If the bags under the eyes are accompanied by pronounced edema (increasing size) of persons, headaches, frequent nose bleeding, voices hoarseness, cough, then a possible reason is the violation of the outflow of venous blood from the face and head along the top of the vein (large vein, according to which the venous blood flows out From head to heart). Such a phenomenon is often referred to as the syndrome of compression of the upper hollow vein. The main causes of this syndrome are:

  1. The malignant tumor (cancer) of the lung is a severe lung disease, which is manifested by a long cougium, the presence of blood in sputum, a decrease in body weight, a minor increase in body temperature and other symptoms. Read more about this disease in the article.
  2. The malignant tumor (cancer) of the breast in women is manifested by the following signs: the presence of a dense nodule in the mammary gland during feeling, changing the contours of the breast, isolating the blood circular liquid from the nipple and others. Read more about it in the article.
  3. Other malignant neoplasms (including egg cancer, ovarian, liver, etc.) can also lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes.

As a rule, the presence of a squeezing syndrome of the upper hollow vein impairs the prognosis for the patient, since it is likely to indicate the presence of metastases.

Bags under the eyes of pregnant women

The appearance of bags under the eyes during pregnancy is often normal and caused by the delay in the water saline in the body of a pregnant woman. Excess fluid accumulates in adipose tissue and subcutaneous fatty tissue, causing bags under the eyes, an increase in weight, increased skin moisture, etc.

The appearance of edema under the eyes may also point to the disease of the kidneys, pregnant women or other diseases.

In order to distinguish "normal", or physiological swelling under the eyes during pregnancy from "abnormal", or pathological, pay attention to the following points:

At what time of pregnancy did you have bags under the eyes?

If the bags under the eyes appeared on the late period of pregnancy (in the last trimester), then most likely, this is a physiological (natural) edema. If the bags under the eyes appeared in the early periods of pregnancy (in the first trimester), it is likely that the pathological edema associated with the kidney disease or gestosis (complicated under pregnancy).

How much did you add in weight?

Weight gain is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy: Normally, an increase in body weight must occur gradually, and the total increase on average does not exceed 10 kg. If the bags under the eyes are accompanied by a rapid and significant increase in body weight (15kg or more), you should necessarily refer to a gynecologist to make sure the weight gain is not related to the disease.

What products did you eat before the appearance of bags under the eyes?

If the appearance of bags under the eyes was preceded by the reception of salted food or a large amount of liquid (water, juice, soups, watermelon, etc.) is physiological edema. If the bags under the eyes appeared against the background of a conventional diet and the reception of the usual amount of liquid (1.5-2 liters per day), then the cause is likely.

Are there any swelling?

If the bags under the eyes disappeared after the normalization of the diet - restrictions of the cook salt and fluid, then these are physiological swelling. If swelling do not pass or amplified against the background of a reduced salt content in food, most likely, these are pathological swelling.

Do you have chronic kidney diseases, hearts or other organs?

If the bags under the eyes appeared in a pregnant woman who suffers from chronic kidney disease (chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc.), then probably bags under the eyes are a sign of exacerbation of the disease. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Bags under the eyes in children

The appearance of bags under the eyes of the child does not always indicate health problems. Bags under the eyes of healthy children appear in the following cases:

  1. After a long crying or screaming a child.
  2. After excessive use of liquid or salted products.
  3. After sleep in the position when the child's head is located below the body.
  4. If the bags under the eyes of the child are not related to diseases, they pass independently after eliminating the causes.

The appearance of bags under the eyes of the child can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Kidney diseases: acute or chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney development anomalies and urinary tract (bubble-ureteral reflux - urine movement from the bladder towards the kidneys), urolithiasis, etc.
  2. Diseases accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure (hydrocephalus - elevated liquid content in the skull cavity, etc.)
  3. Heart diseases: Congenital heart defects, etc. As a rule, these diseases are already detected in the first days of the child's life, in connection with which parents usually know the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes.
  4. Allergies to pollen, food, animal wool, insect bites, etc.
  5. The lack of thyroid hormones, or congenital hypothyroidism, is a serious illness, which is manifested in the first months of the child's life and is characterized by a large body weight at birth, the edema of the face, the inhibitory development of the child and other symptoms. Read more about it in the article.

In which case should you appeal to the doctor immediately?

You need a pediatrician consultation in the event that:

  1. Bags under the eyes appeared suddenly, accompanied by tearing, redness of the eyes, transparent discharge from the nose, child's concern. In this case, there is probably the presence of allergies (swelling of quinque), which requires immediate assistance of a doctor.
  2. Bags under the eyes are combined with an increase in body temperature, headache, pain in the lower back, impaired urinary (random or rare urination, blood presence in the urine). These symptoms indicate the disease of the kidneys.
  3. Bags under the eyes are accompanied by swelling of spring, anxiety, a child crying. The likely cause of echoes under the eyes in the child in this case is an increase in intracranial pressure.
  4. Bags under the eyes do not pass for a long time, increase over time, celebrated throughout the day.

How to find out the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes?

To clarify the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes in adults, pregnant and children, the following main diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Arterial pressure measurement is an important step of diagnosing the reasons that caused the appearance of bags under the eyes of pregnant women, as well as with suspected kidney disease. Increased blood pressure during pregnancy may indicate preeclampsia (toxicosis) in which treatment is required. If the increased blood pressure is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, renal pains, then the kidney disease (glomerulonephritis) is likely.
  2. General urine analysis is the simplest and most affordable method for diagnosing kidney disease. If the cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is the diseases of the urinary system, leukocytes, red blood cells, protein, etc. will be detected in the analysis.
  3. The overall blood test shows an elevated leukocyte level, which is observed in diseases of the kidneys, sinusitis, etc.
  4. X-ray of the chest is used in suspected of the compression syndrome of the upper hollow vein due to lung cancer, breast and other malignant diseases.

Treatment of bags under the eyes

Treatment of bags under the eyes depends on the cause that caused their appearance. If the bags under the eyes are not related to any diseases, take advantage of the following tips to eliminate them:

  1. Pay attention to your meals: if there are many saline or excessively seasoned dishes in your diet, limit them. Pint full healthy food: boiled vegetables, vegetable stew, soups, etc.
  2. A healthy person during the day should drink at least 1.5 liters of water (liquid dishes are included here, juices, etc.), try not to exceed the amount of fluid consumed, especially for the night.
  3. Refuse to eat alcohol.
  4. Clean the night sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  5. In the morning, after sleep, spend around the eye with ice cube - ice causes the narrowing of the vessels and removes swelling.

If the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes is one of the above-listed diseases of the internal organs, the treatment is appointed only by the attending physician. Bags under the eyes will disappear against the background of the treatment of the main disease.

Popular treatment of edema under the eyes

Folk recipes for treating bags under the eyes help remove edema and improve the skin condition around the eyes:

  1. Raw potatoes chopped into small slices should be put on the skin in the eye area for 10-15 minutes, after which it was washed with cool water. Also for this purpose is a fresh cucumber.
  2. A decoction of chamomile (prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dry crushed daisy flowers on a glass of boiling water, give cool, then strain the resulting decoction) Pour into the form for freezing and the resulting ice cubes wipe the skin in the eye area every morning.
  3. Cooled tea bags should be applied to the eyes for 5-7 minutes, after which it was washed with cool water.

Edema zone under the eyes is a very common problem that gives a lot of inconvenience. The subcutaneous tissue in these places has a very loose structure and almost does not contain collagen fibers. In addition, the skin under the eyes is constantly exposed to compression and stretching - when a person is closed, blinking, etc. All this creates prerequisites for the occurrence of so-called bags that give the face to the tired and painful appearance and visually adding age.


The immediate reasons for the accumulation of the liquid in the sublag zone can be the most different - from easily disposable flaws of the day of the day to serious diseases of the internal organs.

Power errors

People suffering from the edema of the shameless zones, often explain this by excessive use of fluid. Such a reason really takes place, but not always. In the body, only an excess fluid is delayed, which was directed directly before bedtime - then the kidney simply do not have time to bring water. However, the swelling is observed in the "Votokhlebov", and, on the contrary, in people who limit the consumption of fluid: because of this, the body begins to reduce the activity of the kidney work to create water reserves in the tissues.

The fluid delay in the body also contributes to an excessive passion for smoked, spicy and salted dishes, alcoholic beverages.

Domestic reasons

Subrazi's swelling often arises due to the most common life phenomena. It can be provoked:

  • fatigue of the eye muscles after long-term work at the computer, reading, sewing, performing small-scale needlework, driving a car;
  • lack of sleep or interrupted night rest;
  • long crying (especially against the background of heavy nervous overvoltage);
  • incorrect pose during sleep. So, contributes to the formation of bags under the eyes the habit of sleeping without a pillow;
  • finding in a smoke room (including in active or passive smoking);
  • finding into the eye of a foreign body or contact with an aggressive agent (acid, hot fat, caustic pairs).

The bag under the eye may be a consequence of the injury of the head (most often - the forehead area, bridge or temples). Moreover, the swelling sometimes plays the role of a protective cushion that protects the eyes from the force. However, this phenomenon should not be considered positive, since the subcutaneous tissue is suspended with liquid is easily infected.

Excessive passion for cosmetics

The abuse of representatives of weak sex with cosmetics creates additional factors that contribute to the occurrence of bags under the eyes. The reason can be:

  • excessive amounts of tonal creams, powders or shadows on eyelids and areas around the eyes, as well as incomplete removal of decorative cosmetics before bedtime;
  • the use of unsuccessful or poor-quality cosmetics;
  • improper use of moisturizing creams. Each such agent contains from 80 to 90% water. When overlapping on the face of a too thick layer of cream, a part of the liquid can be absorbed into the skin and create swelling;
  • cosmetic procedures. The so-called pretty-toxin-based beauty injections ("Botox", "dysport") create temporary failures in the system of lymphatic outflow and contribute to the emergence of subcutaneous fluid clusters.

Edema under the eyes may occur in women at the end of the menstrual cycle against the background of an excess estrogen. In future mothers, swelling is often observed in late pregnancy, when the kidneys are hard to cope with the increased load and not enough water from the body.

Physiological features

Some people have a hereditary feature - an excess fat content in subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, their eyes constantly look slightly swelling that it does not depend on health.

The edema of the zone under the eyes may appear if there is excess weight, as well as in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin and the fall in the tone of the eye muscles.


If the swelling of the sublags is accompanied by a tear, a sharp eye, the embezzlement of the nose, sneezing, light source and redness of the eyelids, the cause can be an allergic reaction. As an aggressive agent, tap water, pet wool, pollen of plants, food products, drugs are often performed.

In this situation, the unpleasant sensations and bags under the eyes are disappearing when contacting the allergen. Speeding recovery will help antihistamines and shifting itching creams or gels. But medicines should appoint a doctor.

Eye pathology

Edems are often arising against the background of eye diseases, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, sclerites, ptosis, twists of the eyelid and malignant neoplasms.

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or sinuses of the nose

If the ugly bag is formed only under one eye, it often occurs due to infection of nearby tissues - abscess in the oral cavity, flux, inflammation of the gum, purulent process in the nasal sinus, inflammation of the facial nerve or lacrimal gland.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical

When the cause of the swelling becomes the hernia of an intervertebral disc, the cosmetic defect is accompanied by:

  • disruption of coordination of movements;
  • weakness;
  • stubborn head and other pains;
  • feeling of "goosebumps" by body;
  • pain in the cervical spine;
  • stiffness;
  • violation of the operation of the peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by changing the sensitivity of certain parts of the body.

The listed symptoms arise gradually, and at the initial stages of the disease, the swelling under the eyes may be its only sign.

Kidney disease

Escapes during dysfunction of the urinary system organs are sometimes called freely floating due to the ability to move from one body zone to another. At the same time, the bags under the eyes regularly occur in the morning. There is also a uniform swelling of the face (patients after sleeping notice the prints of the bedding folds on the skin).

During the progression of the disease, other symptoms are developing: a decrease in the amount and change in urine color, dysuria, an increase in blood pressure. The "renal" edema is considered to be particularly difficult to treat.

Peat pathology

Liver diseases are manifested not only by the clusters of the fluid under the eyes, but also by swelling of the hands (especially fingers). In addition, patients complain:

  • on nausea, belching;
  • on the feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • on pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

In people suffering from liver pathologies, a change in skin color and scler (jaundice) can be observed, as well as urine (darkest) and feces (becomes light). Such states are dangerous by the fact that it is clearly manifested when the disease is already thoroughly launched.

Heart problems and vessels

Cardiovascular pathologies are manifested by the blueness or pallor of the skin, one-sided edema of the face, the instability of arterial pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pain in the field of the heart, the feeling of cold in the limbs.

If the bags under the eyes are accompanied by an evening swelling of the lower legs (legs, ankles and feet), as well as the listed symptoms, is an alarming sign that requires immediate appeal to the doctor.