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» Pregnancy in a dream to what dream of a woman. What dreams of pregnancy or see pregnant women in different dreams? Pregnancy in Semenova

Pregnancy in a dream to what dream of a woman. What dreams of pregnancy or see pregnant women in different dreams? Pregnancy in Semenova

Our ancestors believed that dreams did not shoot just like that, every dream is a sign of over, an omen. If it is correct to interpret, you can avoid serious troubles or learn about the good news.

From a psychological point of view, a dream is a display of internal state, subconscious, hidden desires or problems. If you contact your dreams, you can get with a dozen interpretations of the same sleep.

To most accurately find out what the subconscious mind is trying to say (and maybe the universe), if interpretation, it is necessary to remember the smallest details of sleep, feelings and emotions that you have experienced your inner sensations.

Every dream book gives his interpretation of dreams, some are taken into account the other details of sleep, and somewhere not taken into account. Scientists involved in the study of dreams came to the conclusion that it is impossible to completely interpret the sleep for all 100%, since there are no identical dreams.

Even those dreams that seem the same, differ in some details about which, after awakening, a person forgets. No dream book in the world can provide for all the details of sleep, and each little thing can change the value and interpretation.

What dream of pregnancy (own and someone else's)?

Drawing pregnancy can be interpreted in different ways, looking at what dreams contact. Almost all dreams contain several interpretations of pregnancy, taking into account the nuances and the details of sleep. We all divided and classified to find the most accurate interpretation of what you had a dream.

There are several common concepts that interpret the pregnancy doned:

  1. Upcoming pleasant troubles and care.
  2. The birth of a new one (there is a new relationship, the beginning of the construction of the house and so on).
  3. Real or future pregnancy in the house.

Everything is quite logical, but it is worth clarifying that almost all dreams interpret pregnancy as a sign that woman await new events in life.

Often there is an interpretation, which promises an ambulance and reveal, and if the lady is already in an interesting position, then the birth will be light and successful.

Pregnancy, who dreamed of a man, suggests that he subconsciously wants children from the woman who loves. To find out what pregnancy is actually dreaming, we turn to the most popular dreambooks.

Dream of flowers

If an innocent girl dreamed to be pregnant, such a dream encourages it to be as attentive as possible, somewhere next to her big deception.

For a woman, pregnancy in a dream is a good sign, soon it is waiting for a huge joy or she will be able to be proud of someone from his loved ones.

If a man sees a pregnant woman in a dream, this suggests that he will soon have to build plans.

If a pregnant woman is dreaming, which you do not know in real life, the omen is bad, you are waiting for troubles and difficulties and all efforts will be in vain.

By Freud.

Everyone, and a certain subtext, which he sees everywhere, is already accustomed to the unusual interpretation of the Great Psychologist. Interpretation of sleep about pregnancy by his dream book says woman just dreams of becoming a mother.

If the lady is not in a relationship, it will immediately meet that man from whom he wants to give birth to a child.

Men see a pregnant woman who is familiar or unfamiliar - bad sign that promises health problems (potency)and tapping with the second half.

If pregnancy dreams of a woman

    raising the salary

    new work

    receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery.

A dream may impose a quick pregnancy to the one who he dreamed.

It often happens that the lady is already in the position, but does not know about it, and the body sends it to her signs so that she felt his interesting position on the subconscious level.

If in a dream you are watching childbirth, then wait soon come arrived. If you watched very long and heavy childbirth, then should be careful at workSomeone builds a goat and this is fraught with problems in affairs and material losses.

If the birth in a dream ended well for both the guide, and for a child, despite all the problems, you can handle everything and deal with everything. If you try, you can get out of the water with dry and without serious losses.

If you lie on the bed next to a pregnant woman, you are waiting for pleasant hopes.

A familiar pregnant girl who appeared in dreams, promises success and good luck at work and complete mutual understanding and love in the family.

Seeing a close and beloved girlfriend in an interesting position, especially if she is glad to future motherhood - a harbinger of great joy. The problems that hung a lamb sword will be allowed as it is impossible.

If you saw yourself in an interesting position in a dream, but it did not please you at all, this is a reason to alert, somewhere near the deception, most likely you are deceived by a close person.

Dream Miller

Miller believed that in a dream he himself in a state of pregnancy is a good sign for those who have serious material difficulties, such a person is waiting wealth and prosperity.

If pregnancy dreams of a wealthy person, he will lose his means and accumulation because of his own nonsense.

For a married man, see himself pregnant means the loss of spouses, because of disagreements and misunderstanding, this woman never takes a child from him.

For idling, such a dream thrust skouring marriage On an honest, good and meek beauty, with which he will be happy in marriage.

The sick, who saw in a dream a beautiful pregnant girl or his wife, will soon go away into the world of others, his death will be quick, it will not be to suffer.

Prisoners who dream of a pregnant woman or a girl who is waiting for him in the wild, will soon come to freedom.

If the pregnancy has dreamed of a person who has troubles and difficulties, it remains a bit and everything will be fine. Cases will go to the way, the financial situation will improve, and nasty and vile people will remain in the past, destiny will send a chance to start everything from pure sheet

The lady, which saw himself in a state of pregnancy is dissatisfied with his life with his spouse, and is afraid that their future children will resemble the father, or will be stupid and ugly.

If an interesting position dreamed of the one who actually is waiting for a child, after a while she is waiting for successful and light childbirth, after which she will quickly recover and will be ready for a new pregnancy.

If in a dream the woman saw the process of conception of the baby, then her married life will be unhappyAnd children will cause patients and with deviations.

If such a dream saw a virgin, she will soon meet a good man and will be happy with him, give birth to a healthy child.

If in a dream a virgin sees her childbirth, then in reality it is waiting for a disgrace, to avoid which you can carefully choose new acquaintances.

Modern dream book

If such a dream dreamed of a lady, which over 60 years old, then it is fraught with serious health problems, and a young girl has a sleep promise a good marriage or ambulance profit.

If the girl who recently broke up with a man sees himself in a position, then everything she has planned, will soon become a reality, but you have to try. In any endeign guaranteed success and new business will be profitable.

All dreams have a secret meaning, warn us about something important, and to interpret the meaning of sleep, people turn to dreams. Sometimes in our dreams come pregnant women: relatives, close friends or unfamiliar women. Young girls often see the dreams in which they themselves with a pretty tummy. Let's try to find out what the pregnancy is dreaming.

There are many approaches, deciphering dreams, and every dream pregnancy explains in his own way. Therefore, a unambiguous answer to this question is difficult to find.

Most often, such a dream foreshadows the following:

  • young girl see himself on demolitions - to the shame and sadness;
  • an unfamiliar woman in a position dreams of sufficiency;
  • a woman is married - this is to joy and profits;
  • elderly man - to death.

Of course, this is a very generalized conclusion. Consider more than a few versions of the meaning of this dream.

Pregnancy dreamed of a man

It should be noted immediately note that such dreams come not only to girls, but also to men. There are two main interpretations of this dream for men:

This dream is a kind of compensation for a man who emphasizes his creative inclinations.

A man gives life not only to a child, he can create some kind of projects, discoveries, business. The mission in this world is not limited to one children.

In Siberia and in the Urals, this dream is interpreted as follows:

  • If a young girl dreamed that she was in a position, and she was not yet ready to become a mother and denunely denies this opportunity, then for her it is a kind of warning about the possible conception.
  • If a married woman dismisses a pregnant woman, this dream is usually preceded by quarrels and scandals with her husband, and also prophesies the birth of ugly or naughty children.
  • If the virgin has dreamed of her pregnancy - a dream will prophesate bad fame and deception.
  • In the case when Sleeping really awaits the birth of a child - this dream predicts light and successful childbirth, and the baby will definitely be born healthy.

David Loft Dream

It is important to whom this dream was happily, as everyone is given different interpretation. David's dream book explains in great detail what the pregnancy of women who are waiting for the birth of a baby in reality.

So sleep during pregnancy has the following interpretation:

  • Pregnant women sometimes see dreams about themselves. They are not always joyful, sometimes it is heavy and bad dreams. No need to worry - such a vision simply displays the experiences and fears that the future female has experienced in reality. Many fear upcoming birth. In this case, the dream book pregnancy explains that a woman needs to relax and stop cheating.
  • When the future mother often dreams of childbirth is a sign of concern for their physical health. Sleep can talk about her concern to the upbringing of the future kid, about discontent with his material situation.
  • If in the dream, the baby was born defective or with some deviations - this testifies to the insecurity and vulnerability of the future mother. When the nightmares are shot on the loss of a child or that the miscarriage occurred, perhaps the future feminine does not trust the father of the child, does not believe in his willingness to support her.

For the rest of people, the dream is explained as follows:

  • If a person was harmful to a sick woman in a position, it means that he himself would be a long-liver and retain good health before old years.
  • If a man saw his own pregnancy - this dream personifies creativity, unexpected profit and even wealth.
  • Also, this dream often comes to people who are entirely dedicated to an important life project, and are looking forward to recoil or successful completion.
  • A young girl who lives an active sexual life is a dream warns about the approach of menstruation.

Modern dream book

It is believed that he is quite accurately deciphering the signs of over, sent to us at night. Many prefer to believe exactly the modern interpretation of dreams. This dream book pregnancy explains:

  • In love with a young girl to see himself in a dream of a pregnant woman - a good omen, love and happiness is waiting for her, strong family relationships.
  • A woman who saw himself in position can be expected to be awaited, material well-being and strong marriage.
  • A man who dreamed his pregnancy will achieve success in all important things for him. All the plans of their plans and dreams will be brought to life, as well as the financial situation will improve.
  • Elderly woman is a dream predicts serious ailment.

Dream of Peoples Tibet

What a pregnancy is dreaming, Tibetan interpreters are deciphered as follows:

Tibetans consider if the man suddenly had a dream that he himself would wait for the child, then his dreams and plans would definitely come true.

A woman see a relative or girlfriend in the position of promises profit in the farm.

Esoteric dream book

This is the publication to the question of what the pregnancy is dreaming, it is as follows:

  • The person who dreamed pregnant will take a familiar or relative of the sum of money, and he may not be returned to him.
  • This dream usually foreshadows losses.
  • See yourself with a future mother in this dream book - also to material losses.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Alien pregnancy, according to Miss Hasse, dreams of unpleasant events. To see the dream of pregnant - to ambiguous troubles and problems.

A woman who disastended by the future mother can calmly plan any things, luck will be to accompany her in everything.

Ukrainian dream book

This publication explains why the pregnancy is dreaming, so:

  • young girl this dream predicts deception and dishonor;
  • the future feminine came in a dream - to trouble;
  • pregnancy dreams of a woman in marriage - to pleasant news;
  • elderly see himself in position - death or severe illness.

Dream Miller

It is very popular all over the world for more centuries, many believe in the veracity of his decodes of dreams.

So, what dreams of pregnancy, according to Miller:

  • For a sleeping woman to see himself with belly - unfortunately in marriage, it is also a sign that she has unattractive children.
  • Virgin to see himself in the position - to deception and troubles.
  • If the sleeping really is waiting for the baby, then this dream book is bodied by prosperous and lungs.

Interpretation of flowers

This publication is popular in Russia for more than 30 years. The author is a famous astrologer and an interpreter of dreams. The advantage of this dream book is an associativity that is inherent in the Slavic people.

What dreams of a pregnancy on the interpretation of flowers are:

  • Man Such a dream foreshadows changes in life.
  • Young girl this dream will proper misfortune.

Interpretation by Freud.

The famous psychotherapist became famous for the fact that in all actions, misery and actions of a person saw only sexual desires or associations with sex.

What dreams of a pregnancy in the interpretation of Freud:

  • Woman see himself in the position - a sign that she will soon become pregnant.
  • A man see pregnancy - means a subconscious desire to make a child with a woman who is with him now in relationships. It also talks about his fear to lose this woman.

English Dream

The British consider - pregnancy during sleep predicts the rapid birth of twins in the family or a close environment.

  • For a girl to dream of a pregnant one means betrayal or treason of her beloved.
  • A man Such a dream is an unexpected life turn, a new job or a new love.

Sonner Simon Kananita

This dream book explains pregnancy in a dream as follows:

  • young girl see himself a future mother - to love and happiness;
  • if someone else's pregnancy dreamed - you can wait for troubles;
  • an elderly woman see her pregnancy - a harbinger of death;
  • men be in a dream in the position - build bold plans.

With interpretation, it is necessary to remember the details of the dream, because every little thing is important. If you bring a general outcome - many editions have a dreamy pregnancy often decipher the same, but still there are small differences in interpretations. What dream book to believe is to solve only you.

Pregnancy in a dream often causes women or girls a sense of anxiety, especially if it is not planned in advance. It should not be premature to panic - not always an interesting position that seen in dreams, foreshadows the appearance of a child. What dream is my pregnancy, and how to react to such dreams?

Why dream of my pregnancy with a big belly

What dreams of my pregnancy with a big belly? Women should be alerted after such dreams, because, most likely, in sexual terms, it remains unsatisfied. You can try to talk about it with a sexual partner, try making small changes, try something new in bed. If this is not done, there is a risk that over time, a married couple will cool down to each other and partners will start looking for entertainment and thrill on the side.

A big belly, seen by a woman in his outside, can also foreshadow a lot of problems. Troubles can be both on the personal front and at work or in business. You can trace the subsequent dreams - it is likely that there can be hidden hints on them as everything can be changed.

What dreams of my pregnancy and the movement of the child

Do I need to worry and worry and why dream of my pregnancy and the movement of the child? Ladies who stay in an interesting position should be rejected by such dreams, because they foreshadow that the baby will be born quite soon, and the childbirth will be easily and quickly. The child will certainly be born healthy and strong, and growing, not causing the trouble to parents.

If the pregnancy and movement of the child dreams of a young girl who is not married, should also be tune in to pleasant events. Soon it turns out to meet a good young man, and if everything is fine, will certainly follow the wedding. Family replenishment will also be around the corner and will make the union more friendly and strong.

What dreams of my pregnancy with a big belly and chain of a child

Of many women, often after seen dreams, the question worries - why dream of my pregnancy with a big belly and the movement of the child? Both young girls and adult ladies should be alerted - such a dream can foreshadow a lot of unpleasant events:

  1. in real life, you can expect a disgrace - someone will take advantage of inexperience to seduce and throw, and it is likely that with a child;
  2. there are considerable financial spending, there is a possibility that for the treatment of severe diseases;
  3. kidney problems may appear, you should immediately go to the hospital - timely medical care will help to avoid complications;
  4. someone from close people may have problems, and they will not solve them independently.

If such dreams appear periodically, you need to carefully remember all the events that occur in night gold - this will help not miss the hint of how it can be fixed.

What dream of my pregnancy from Thursday to Friday

It is not a secret for anyone that the dreams that have seen on certain days are most often come true. What dream of my pregnancy from Thursday to Friday? No options - all dreams converge on the fact that conception is not far off. If the married couple has long planned to replenish the family, proceed to the embodiment of their dreams should be immediately - everything will certainly succeed. If the pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted - you have to beware of conception, but it is unlikely that it will be possible, and the dream about it is subtly hinting.

You should not worry about pregnancy - it is a dream that seemed from Thursday to Friday, foreshadows that there will be no difficulties in a woman, the baby will be able to carry out without hassle and difficulties. Such dreams can also predict twins, therefore, if there were already cases of twin birth cases, you should prepare for such a surprise of fate.

Why dream of my pregnancy from Friday on Saturday

What to do and what to expect from fate, why dream of my pregnancy from Friday on Saturday? If on Thursday night the probability of a dream of a dream is almost 100%, then the Friday night should also not be discharged - such dreams are also quite often come true.

What pregnancy foreshadows in a dream? There are several interpretation options:

  1. in real life, it will be possible to conceive, very soon, and it does not depend on the desire of a partner;
  2. there are quite a few unfriendliers who do not show themselves, waiting for the right moment;
  3. soon will be able to fix your financial situation;
  4. at work and in household matters is awaited;
  5. the closest person can fool brutally.

Dreams seen on Friday night have one feature - they can concern not only a dream, but also close or even familiar people. It is not necessary to hurry with the conclusions - it is better to trace if a similar dream is not recruited several times. If it happens on Thursday night, you can safely build assumptions, as for this only a dream.

What dream of my pregnancy from Saturday is on Sunday

What dreams of my pregnancy from Saturday on Sunday and what did the destiny vote? This is the only opportunity to immediately embody what it sees in life, because usually dreams that have seen on Saturday night come true, and on the same day. If a married couple dreams of a family replenishment, but a woman cannot become pregnant, you should have sex on Sunday, and several times. The likelihood that it will be possible to conceive is almost 100%.

If the conception is not included in plans - it is better to beware of joining sexual act on Sunday, otherwise everything can happen in addition to the will. Since the pregnancy, seeing in a dream, can also foreshadow the strengthening of the financial situation, you can try your strength in the lottery. The chances of getting rich quite high, so at the very morning it is better to go for a cherished ticket.

What dreams of pregnancy is mine from Sunday for Monday

What dreams of pregnancy is mine from Sunday for Monday, and is it possible to trust such dreams? As many dreams are predicted, such night dreams are bright and realistic, but rarely come true in life. Do not worry about conception - Most likely, the dream will not come true, the probability of this is too small.

You should not expect from dreams and improving the financial condition or betrayal of near people. Even if something like this will happen in real life, it will be so insignificant that it is not worth attributing attention to such incidents. Pregnancy in a dream can also add health problems, but if the dream visited on a Sunday night, it is not necessary to worry about - the disease will bypass in any case.

What dreams of pregnancy is mine from Monday to Tuesday

Why dream of my pregnancy from Monday to Tuesday and how to treat such dreams? There are a lot of features to which special attention should be paid. If, after seen sleep, bright positive emotions remained, and they continue to continue only Monday, it should be hoped that night dreams will certainly come true. If the married couple plans conception, in the near future, the dream will be fulfilled.

Because pregnancy can also be foreshadowed, you should not forget about them. For the first days after such a dream, it is necessary to communicate with close people with extreme caution and try not to turn the secrets - there is a probability of betrayal.

Girls or women should not reflect on what the pregnancy is dreaming - if all the dreams are aimed at the birth of the baby, it will certainly come true. It should not be unconditionally trusted dreams - they can also be wrong or foreshadow completely different, sometimes unwanted or impossible events. It is recommended for a few weeks to observe dreams - confirmation can be drawn from dreams, especially if they are repeated with strict regularity.

Dreaming is an undisclosed area of \u200b\u200bthe human psyche. For many centuries, this phenomenon has no rest to researchers and ordinary inhabitants. Some argue that this is just the balletness of our subconscious. Others - what is the signs of over. To whom to believe everyone decides for himself. But it is difficult to deny that sometimes some signs are hard to ignore. For example, pregnancy.

What dreams of pregnancy, his own or alien? This burning question is interested in a large number of women. Someone, because it has long been dreaming of a family replenishment, and someone has already come across the meaning of this complex symbol. Let's try to figure out and find the grain of truth.

Syncnation games

On the Internet, you can often find a question: i dreamed that I was pregnant, what is it for? Excited girls do not find a place and panic, reading the negative sleep values \u200b\u200bin the network. But maybe mystic here? Often girls do not foreshadow nothing but the hassle associated with their own nervousness.

Pregnancy in a dream may indicate a strong desire to make a baby. Or, on the contrary, the young lady is very afraid of possible pregnancy. And then the excited subconsciously gives out what she thinks so much about.

Our subconscious is often explicted by signs, so do not consider vision literally. Pregnancy is a symbol of growing, moving from childhood to the youth. If you did not have the obsessive thoughts about children on the eve of the children - the vision foreshadows the cardinal changes in life. Lonely girls should expect the appearance of a man in their lives and long romantic relationships. And those who already found their half, it is worth thinking - whether you are satisfied with the established relationship. Perhaps it is worth removing "pink glasses" and look at your relationship from the side.

However, this is not all possible variations of the reference games. What dreams of seeing a pregnant free and sexually active girl? In such a situation, this is a frequent phenomenon. What to do?

If a married lady dreamed of her own pregnancy - expect pleasant hassle associated with the upcoming motherhood. Young couples tend to see dreams about their future children. In such a situation, our subconscious proceeds our desires and desires for dreams.

Why dream of seeing a pregnant lady, which is already in the position? Do not worry, prosperous pregnancy in a dream sulit Light Roda. And unfavorable childbirth in a dream do not speak anything other than the fears of the future mother. Pay attention to your nervous system and try to get more positive emotions. Usually, unreasonable fears leave the future mother two weeks before childbirth.

A very interesting situation arises when the question is: "What dream of your own pregnancy?" Specifies a man. But there is nothing strange in this, such a vision can dreamed of a person of any sex, it only once again emphasizes disturbance of the interpretation of such sleep. For example:

  • pregnancy in a dream is the birth of new ideas, plans, new life stages;
  • for people creative it is always a good sign. He means that soon you will be visited by an idea that can radically change your life and raise a new level of skill.

The dream of pregnancy without visible reasons is a normal phenomenon, often absolutely nothing significant, except for subconscious fears and desires. Therefore, before starting to look for hidden meaning in what he saw in a dream - think about your fears. But still, in some cases, pregnancy in a dream is not just the game of the subconscious. Let's try to figure out the mystical side of the question.

Esoteric side of the question

According to Millerian dreams to see himself pregnant in a dream - good sign. If in a dream, the future mother knows that she will have a boy, it means that in a short time it is expected to increase at work, receiving a new position, an increase in income or will soon have unexpected financial assistance. What dream of your own pregnancy girl? A girl is waiting for a lot of small, but unpleasant hassle. Also possible great difficulties in life.

If in a dream, the girl sees himself pregnant and unmarried - be prepared for the same changes that are described above, but only in a negative key. For example, if you are waiting for a change in the place of work, then because of the unfavorable setting in the team. Also, such a vision warns a woman to be careful in society, maybe the appearance of unpleasant gossip due to new hobbies.

For a married girl with esoteric side Own pregnancy in a dream Sulit treason husband and conflicts in the family. Perhaps the appearance of a permanent mistress. Unmarried girls vision promises struggle with temptations.

If you dream that you are pregnant twins - rejoice! This is a wonderful sign. Twin is a symbol of equilibrium and harmony. In the near future, such a girl is waiting for success in affairs and loving relationships. Expect a meeting with the future spouse.

Wangi's dream book says that the girl who saw his own pregnancy in a dream is actually very afraid of this process. Vangang connects such visions with hormonal changes in the body of a woman, and, if a girl in a dream, saw his own pregnancy, possibly three Event Development Options:

  • the girl really wants to get pregnant;
  • young person is experiencing strong fear of possible pregnancy;
  • the birth of a child in a dream promises the solution of old conflicts and complex situations.

If you study the interpretation in various dreams, despite the large number of discrepancies, you can identify the general moments. Therefore, in order to find out what exactly your vision means, you need to turn to a large number of sources.

Variations interpretation sleep

Dream Interpretation Loffa It claims that the dream of pregnancy for a girl is always a good sign. It promises a series of pleasant events and changes. There may be an unexpected pleasant news or a cash gift. Sometimes the vision predicts an ambulance in the real world. As well as similar dreams - a normal phenomenon on certain days of the cycle. Thus, the hormonal system informs the brain that the girl is ready for fertilization. If a girl sees the process of birth of a child, wait for the chance to start the life of "from pure sheet". You will have the opportunity to change the usual way of life. Light birth - shifting responsibility on others.

Dream of Freud. Explains such visions only with physiological and psychological points of view. Such a dream indicates the readiness of the girl to motherhood. If the vision was at a man, and he sees her pregnant his girlfriend - this is a sign that the pair is time to go to a new level of relationship. If the dream of his own pregnancy dreams of a guy - a man quarrel and trouble in their personal life.

Dream of flowersOn the contrary, it claims to see his own pregnancy for a girl - a bad sign. Wait for a variety of problems and failures. If the dream dreamed of a mature woman - a dream is good, wait a series of pleasant events. A man who saw himself in a dream of pregnant women, in the dream of Tsvetkova, should expect good changes in life, the time of the new stage has come. He is waiting for great accomplishments.

Dream Khasse - Complicated for understanding, its judgment is very radical and depend on the age of the dreams. If the girl saw his own pregnancy in a dream, she is waiting for success in his personal life. If the dream dreams of a woman aged, expect a lane of failures, illness or even death.

Dream Longo It claims that pregnancy in a dream denotes a person's willingness to a new stage of life. Simply put, the girl who saw his own pregnancy in a dream should be thought about motherhood and in real life. If a dream has dreamed of a guy - it means that he is ready for responsibility, and the relationship is time to go to a new level.

Alien pregnancy

Pregnancy is a powerful symbol that can be interpreted by a thousand different ways. However, someone else's pregnancy denotes the same in a large number of dreams. To see someone from loved ones in an interesting position says that the dreams planned big plans. Which, most likely, will not be able to embody without the help of loved ones, in particular, those who appeared in a dream. This is a symbol of great success and financial well-being.

If in a dream pregnant appeared your close girlfriend - Fuck. In the near future, she can become your rival in any kind. But if you quarrel in a dream with a girlfriend, which is waiting for the child - we wonder not it, and envious. Wait for insidious beats in the back. Such a dream warns and gives a chance to build a defense in order not to fall into the trap of ill-wishers.

If you are a business man, closely related to the world of business, a friend, which was in a dream of a pregnant - your faithful ally. Listen to her advice on keeping your affairs, she will be able to tell you a successful solution to your concerns.

If in a dream woman sees pregnant her daughter - This does not mean that the dream will soon become a grandmother. Such a dream talks about the strong experiences of a woman about her child or desire to finally acquire grandchildren. Also, such a dream speaks of a successful solution to all the problems of your daughter. In the near future, it will be applied, and you will have a reason for pride.

So what does pregnancy mean in a dream

Pregnancy can dreamed if you are waiting serious changes in life. If you are rich - wait for financial difficulties, poor - wait for wealth, lonely - will soon meet your halm, in love - we can go on the rivals. For men, it is also a sign of fast change, first of all, this is a subconscious signal about readiness to take responsibility and become a father. If a dream is dreaming a married man - Beware, divorce is possible.

If your daughter appears in a pregnant woman - try to be as cautious in communication. A series of serious quarrels and offense is possible. But if you dreamed of interrupting pregnancy - alerto! This symbol speaks of the possible death of close people or serious diseases.

You dreamed a rather unusual dream about the birth in you. It is not necessary to scare greatly if in real life you are not pregnant, it is not always a dream personifies the emergence of an unexpected child in real life. But, let's come to a single denominator, what is the dream of your pregnancy in dreams?

Most often, pregnancy in a dream is associated with great responsibility, or the dreams performs all its projects in good faith and the dream only signals this, or many people rely on a dream and it is necessary to closely relate to their promises. Romantic predictions are also not rare in relation to this sleep.

Interpretation Dreaming on separate plots

Snovedia must be remembered by the overall picture of sleep, and it is better to recall the basic details to build a holistic narration. This is not so simple, but if you have already had a similar experience, for example, on our website, the first stage of interpretation will be easy.

Immediately should be noted - if you can't remember a certain detail of a dream, just throw it away, it is not recommended to think about it, as your own speculation risk cutting and completely change the picture of your dream, and we will not know this interpretation.

So, if you managed to connect this hard puzzle, then we can begin interpretation. Our site provides all the materials necessary for interpretation at home, reader only to relate their own memories with the following scene development options:

  • Simple pregnancy in a dream during pregnancy in real life. In this case, you should immediately calm down, since in absolutely all dreams, such a dream means the birth of a completely healthy baby and favorable childbirth, you should not worry, but you can read a couple of books about this;
  • If you dreamed that you were pregnant, but in reality I didn't even think about it. If you dreamed of a dream with pregnancy, then you should not immediately think about a similar outcome in real life, even if you would like the child, this dream concerns only the improvement of your romantic relations and charming;
  • You are a man, but dreamed of a dream about pregnancy. The impossibility of pregnancy in a man has long been proven, but what is just not happening in dreams? It is not necessary to be afraid of a similar dream, it does not symbolize the absence of a rod or something like that, on the contrary, in the nearest projects and fast undertakings you are incredibly lucky;
  • Shone of a little baby in tummy. Extremely good dream, it is interpreted as soon adding in your family, but this does not mean that you get pregnant in reality, most likely your sister or relative;
  • If you learned the floor of your child from the dream womb and it turned out to be a boy. A dream with a similar plot foreshadows a dream promotion and the opportunity to demonstrate their own professional qualities, everyone will be responding about you as a competent specialist, that's how this dream is interpreted in dreams;
  • Dreamed that she was pregnant with a girl. Oddly enough, but the dream foreshadows the great difficulties of the dreams, which may be associated with both working activities and with any endeavors, should not be involved in dangerous adventures and take over the unbearable burden, it is worth listening to such a gender;
  • Pregnancy twins for a woman. Thus, the subconsciousness gives you a signal that everything in your life is balanced, you are good at the current place of work and you do not want to change anything, you like the current position, and all your decisions are extremely favorable;
  • Again, if a pregnant double is a man. The subconsciousness in this case no longer expresses such an equilibrium, like a girl, but urges a dream to make a choice from which a lot will depend on. This vision itself is a symbol of choice, which soon has to make a dream - a man;
  • Twins for a woman in a dream. If you are prison with a similar plot, you can enjoy - you are waiting for unprecedented wealth and patronage from the new second half, promotion and unspecified success in all endeavors that will only arrive in your vital activity;
  • In a dream, you are under the auspices of your husband during pregnancy, but I have no registered afternoon. If you are not married, but in your feces are sure that you have a husband and you are both waiting for the child, then such a dream will proper misfortunes, infidelity and annoyance. Most likely to find a second half will be extremely difficult;
  • You are married, but the subconscious of the husband did not turn on the dream. The opposite dream, which symbolizes the subconscious loyalty to her husband, as you just obeyed your motherly instinct and try to save your child in a dream, spending some time away, away from the most important man in your life.

How to interpret dreams dreams, specialists - psychologists and sonologists

  1. By Freud. Sigmund Freud ties in the root and declares that a similar dream is a symbol of new acquaintances, you are fortunate enough to find the soul mate or she will find you. But you should not immediately rush at the first one, suitable in the parameters and prediction, this may be erroneous love, a psychologist warns;
  2. Dream of flowers. In the flowering, this dream is only happiness and happy memories, you will overfill pride. And if you are also pregnant in real life, then such a dream foreshadows the birth of a healthy child, or a defender of his mother, or a decent continuer of family traditions;
  3. White magazine Longo. In his opinion, you have no reason for concern, even if the dreams - a man was pregnant in a dream. This means that the reader promises good luck in all his endeavors, Also Longo gives advice - you should not throw out my idea, whatever it seems to be, it will lead you to success, be confident in your abilities;
  4. Dream Interpretation Wanderer. A series of benevolent interpretations continues and this dream book, be sure of your abilities and all your desires will begin to fulfill one after another, as if you are holding a seven-degree in our hands - it's only to break away from our bad habits, laziness and uncertainty and desire to be transformed into real life;
  5. Moon dream book. And only in the lunar dream book it is worthwhile, a deception is possible by the closest environment, and the favorite people most likely hypocritically condemn you for your back.