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House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» Aloe: benefits, harms and contraindications. Aloe Vera - medicinal properties and contraindications of the agave Is it useful to drink aloe

Aloe: benefits, harms and contraindications. Aloe Vera - medicinal properties and contraindications of the agave Is it useful to drink aloe

There are many medicinal plants, the beneficial properties of which have been known for a long time. Aloe vera juice is widely used - its benefits and harms are well studied by modern medicine. This plant can be grown at home - and there will always be an excellent remedy for inflammation, germs and viruses at hand.

Aloe is a guest from the African continent, and in nature the plant can also be found on the island of Barbados, the Arabian Peninsula, in some Asian states. As an indoor flower, aloe began to be grown all over the world.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of aloe juice are explained by its composition, which includes a large number of components useful for humans.

  • Vitamins A, E, C, group B. They are easily absorbed by the body and almost never cause allergies.
  • Tannins. Due to their content, the sap of the plant has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, is able to stop the blood.
  • Organic acids necessary for normal functioning (malic, cinnamic, succinic, citric).
  • Phytoncides are real antibiotics of natural origin that fight microbes, fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Various minerals. Among them are calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, manganese.
  • Amino acids, including essential ones - they are not produced in the body and can only be supplied with food.

Also, the composition of the juice of a medicinal plant includes resinous substances, flavonoids, poly- and monosaccharides.

How to make juice?

The benefits of aloe juice are beyond doubt and scientifically proven. However, it is very important to prepare it correctly. Step by step, this process looks like this.

  1. You need to select the required sheet. The most useful will be those located near the rhizome, in the lower part of the plant. To avoid mistakes, you can focus on the tip of the leaf: a slight yellowness suggests that it can be used for medical and prophylactic purposes.
  2. Cut off the selected sheet. To do this, you can use a regular kitchen knife.
  3. Rinse the sheet with water.
  4. Chop with a sharp knife.
  5. Place small pieces on sterile gauze folded in several layers.
  6. Squeeze out the juice.

The cut aloe leaf should not be stored for more than 4-5 hours - it loses its medicinal properties, so it is best to squeeze the juice right away.

You can make juice at home in a slightly different way.

  1. Cut off suitable leaves.
  2. Rinse them out.
  3. Cut into small pieces.
  4. Scroll the pieces through a meat grinder.
  5. Place the resulting pulp on sterile gauze and squeeze out the juice.

Experts advise not to water the plant 2-3 weeks before the planned cutting of the leaves.

In order for the infusion to best reveal the healing properties of aloe vera, you should use the following recommendations.

  • The optimum length of the leaf for squeezing juice is 15 cm.
  • The minimum permissible length is 10-12 cm. Small unripe leaves should not be used yet, the effect of them is practically zero.

It is best to store ready-made juice in the refrigerator or in a cool dark place. Duration of storage is about two weeks, alcoholic tinctures can be kept up to 6-12 months.

Medicinal properties

The home plant of aloe has a rich composition, therefore, it has a whole range of beneficial effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal and antimicrobial;
  • soothing (aloe vera-based products are used to treat skin and for cosmetic purposes);
  • regenerating (juice helps to accelerate wound healing);
  • improvement of the work of internal organs.

Even ancient healers used aloe for various purposes. And modern research has proven that this plant is really very useful for the body, has a positive effect on digestion, immunity, and the human heart.

Use for the treatment of colds

The beneficial properties of aloe are very diverse, but most of all this plant is known for helping to cope with various colds, bronchitis, sore throat.

Also, the juice can be used to quickly treat a cold in children and adults.

Recipes with aloe juice for bronchitis

Aloe vera is a unique herb that will be beneficial for many health problems, but knowing how to use it correctly is important. The most effective recipes from the piggy bank of folk wisdom will help with this.

Juice with honey is very effective for bronchitis and can be used to treat colds. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • a glass of juice;
  • a glass of honey;
  • 100 g of alcohol (you can also prepare an infusion in water, then 100 g of water is taken).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. mix the ingredients in a glass jar;
  2. leave the mixture for 5 days in a cool dark place.

This "medicine" is best used in the early stages of bronchitis or colds, it will help you quickly defeat the disease and avoid complications. Store the infusion in the refrigerator, apply 1 tsp. three times a day (before meals).

Aloe, and cocoa - even children can drink such a remedy, because thanks to cocoa it has a pleasant sweetish taste, and the fat becomes almost imperceptible.

Required components:

  • aloe juice - 150 g;
  • - 200 g;
  • honey - 300 g;
  • badger fat - 100 g.

All components are mixed (before preparing the drug, the fat must be melted), the product should be stored in the refrigerator.

In case of illness, use 3 tsp. three times a day until complete recovery.

Help with angina

The beneficial properties of aloe juice make it a powerful weapon in the fight against sore throat. In folk medicine, there are two effective recipes.

Herbal infusion. To prepare it you need:

  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • I - 1 tsp;
  • medicinal - 1 tsp.

How to prepare the infusion?

  1. All components should be placed in glassware.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over. Time for infusion is half an hour.
  3. Strain.

With angina, 1 tbsp is taken every 2 hours. l.

You can prepare an infusion with St. John's wort. Required components:

  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • anise fruits - 10 g;
  • rose hips - 20 g;
  • St. John's wort flowers - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • boiling water - 3 glasses.

Cooking procedure:

  1. mix the components in a glass container;
  2. pour boiling water (3 glasses);
  3. insist for 40 minutes;
  4. strain.

With angina, the infusion should be taken in a third of a glass 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day. You can add a little sugar to the product to make it taste good.

Use in cosmetology

Aloe is a good remedy for a large number of skin problems such as:

  • first wrinkles;
  • acne and acne;
  • dark spots;
  • burns and wounds;
  • inflammatory processes.

The following remedies based on the juice of this medicinal plant will help to rid the skin of acne.

  • Lotion. 1 tbsp. l. juice is mixed in 2 drops of essential oil (, tea tree, eucalyptus). The resulting product must be wiped cleaned problem skin twice a day.
  • Alcoholic lotion. 2 tbsp. l. alcohol tincture of calendula mixed with 3 tbsp. l. fresh juice. Apply to cleansed skin twice a day.
  • Mask for normal to oily skin against acne and acne. 1 tbsp. l. juice mixed with 1 egg yolk and add 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice. The mask is applied to the cleansed face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is necessary to rinse it off and use a moisturizer.
  • Clay mask. It is not difficult to prepare it: in 1 tbsp. l. clay (white or blue) add aloe juice, 1/3 tsp is enough. The composition is mixed (a thick mask of a creamy consistency should be obtained), applied to clean skin for about 15 minutes, then washed off.

You can use masks no more than once a week.

Fight dandruff

Aloe juice can also be used to solve scalp problems, in particular to eliminate dandruff. An effective cosmetic mask is easy to prepare.

Required components:

  • aloe juice - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • raw egg yolks - 2 pcs.;

How to prepare the product?

  1. Prepare aloe juice.
  2. Juice the garlic.
  3. Mix all ingredients.

The finished mask is used according to the following scheme.

  1. Rub the product into the scalp.
  2. Then distribute along the length of the hair.
  3. Cover hair with cellophane, top with a terry towel to maintain temperature.
  4. Wait 45 minutes.
  5. Rinse hair with your usual shampoo.

This tool will help to restore strength and healthy shine to curls, relieve dandruff.

About the dangers of aloe

Aloe has a positive effect on the human body, but this plant can also bring harm. Juice in high concentration can cause inflammation of the kidneys or intestines. Therefore, self-medication should be abandoned, any course should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Persons suffering from diabetes should be very careful: the medicinal plant lowers sugar levels.

In general, negative consequences can be discussed in the case of abuse of a medicinal plant. If the dosage is strictly observed, then the risk of side effects is minimal.

If you abuse aloe juice, you may experience:

  • abdominal pain;
  • poisoning;
  • allergic reactions.

The optimal course of treatment with aloe juice should not last longer than 14 days.

Children can be given such funds from 3 years old, having previously received the advice of their attending physician. However, for infants, the juice will be harmful and damage the immune system.


It should be remembered that there are a number of cases when it is definitely necessary to refuse taking aloe juice.

Contraindications include:

  • cystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis), gallbladder (cholecystitis), kidney (nephritis);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels in severe form;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pregnancy, lactation (the juice of a medicinal plant can cause contraction of smooth muscles, which will increase the risk of miscarriage);
  • menstruation (aloe can cause increased bleeding);
  • cancers, benign and malignant tumors. In this case, the plant should not be consumed in any form, since it can cause the growth of neoplastic cells.

Finally, individual people may have individual intolerance to the components, so they will also have to stop using aloe-based preparations.

To understand that an allergic reaction is taking place, the following signs will help:

  • the appearance on the skin of red spots, rashes;
  • severe itching;
  • mucous nasal discharge;
  • sneezing;
  • in some cases - problems with the intestines.

Faced with such signs, you should immediately stop taking the drug and visit a doctor.

Despite some contraindications, in general, aloe juice is an excellent remedy from nature itself, which has a large number of beneficial effects. When used correctly, the plant will help solve many common problems.

According to scientific classification, aloe is classified as a succulent perennial plant of the monocotyledonous spermatozoa class of the xanthorheid family. The genus described above includes treelike, shrub and herbaceous installations in dense fleshy leaves, collected in characteristic rosettes. In this case, the edges of the leaves can be crowned with cilia, thorns or denticles, as well as a classic smooth structure.

At the moment, there are about five hundred different types of aloe in the world, while in Russia the classic real aloe, the "tiger" analogue and the tree-like one (called the "century-old"), are mainly widespread. Initially, aloe spread throughout the world from the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula, some species grew in the Canary Islands.

The plant contains a fairly large number of substances - these are powerful natural antioxidants, allantoin, beta carotene and vitamin complexes, as well as polysaccharides, glycosides, enzymes, phytoncytes, sterols and other substances of a biologically active nature.

The benefits of aloe

Aloe is one of the first plants in the world to be used for medicinal purposes. According to some reports, the first medical written sources, dating back to the thousandth year BC, contained recipes for the preparation of decoctions and compresses from the above-described plant.

At the moment, traditional medicine knows hundreds of ways to use both the pulp of aloe and its juice, moreover, both as an external and internal remedy.

The plant has pronounced healing properties, it is excellent for helping to heal wounds and cuts. In addition, the pulp of aloe is used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, as well as in the treatment of the duodenum and as a remedy after an ulcer.

As the practice of traditional medicine shows, the active components of aloe have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-burn, and bacteriostatic effects. It can easily treat dermatitis, relieve irritation, normalize the work of intestinal motility, and treat eczema. Aloe directly affects macrophages of soft and thin skin, therefore, very often the plant extract can be found in specific anti-aging cosmetics.

The benefits of aloe juice

The most convenient form of consumption of aloe for the purpose of treatment is juice. It is quite simple to get it: thanks to the large fleshy leaves filled with nutritious moisture, it is very easy to get a liquid substance at home using the method of squeezing, which can be used both internally and externally. It should be remembered that freshly squeezed aloe juice must be used for a maximum of several hours, and the leaves must be plucked immediately before pressing, since in the open air it quickly loses its active substances and no longer exhibits the much-needed powerful biological activity. An alternative method is keeping freshly picked leaves of aloe in the refrigerator for twelve hours, and then squeezing the juice and using it for its intended purpose: according to the research of Academician Filatov, thus, biostimulation is activated inside the structure of aloe, the medicinal properties of the plant are enhanced.

The world-famous recipe for the treatment of a cold is to instill a few drops of undiluted aloe juice into each nostril: this procedure helps to clear mucous membranes, relieve inflammation and get rid of snot.

Aloe juice is also used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, anemia, as an adjuvant against tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. The liquid of the plant is also used in eye practice, mainly as an auxiliary therapy in the treatment and prevention of keratitis, blepharitis, clouding of the lens of the eye, myopia and conjunctivitis. Compresses based on aloe juice are effective against inflammation of the oral cavity, ulcers and wounds, as well as other skin lesions.

For direct ingestion, not pure juice is used, but its mixture with fruit juice, or boiled water.

How to make aloe juice?

Aloe juice can be made easily at home! For this procedure, you will need a meat grinder, a knife, one large aloe bush and alcohol, preferably medical.

  1. To get started, carefully cut the required amount of plant leaves from the bush. Their willingness to determine is quite easy: choose mature shoots that have slightly dried out tips, and their length is at least 13-15 centimeters. Leave the young leaves! They have not reached the necessary condition. Most often, ripe shoots are located at the base of the bush or in its middle.
  2. Place the first portion of the leaves in a meat grinder and grind the leaves vigorously, adding material as needed.
  3. Strain the resulting juice, the remaining pulp can also be used as directed. If you do not plan to use the juice right away, then it can be canned. To do this, take aloe and alcohol in a ratio of 8 to 2, spread the jar, put the mixture there and preserve by placing the container in a cool and dark place.


It should be remembered that aloe is absolutely safe only if used exclusively for external use! In all other cases, when using this tool, side effects are possible.

The main danger that aloe can carry for the body is an overdose - under certain circumstances, the juice of a plant in a high concentration can cause poisoning and accompanying diarrhea, inflammation, stomach pain, and in rare cases, nephritis. You can not use the remedy during pregnancy, as this will almost certainly provoke a miscarriage.

It is also forbidden to permanent, long-term use of pulp or aloe juice internally - the course of treatment with this remedy should not exceed two weeks. Studies have shown that a very long-term systemic intake of juice or plant pulp can induce the development of both benign and malignant tumors, while the agent acts as a carcinogen and accumulates in the body.

Aloe is probably the healthiest home flower. However, do not forget that, like any medicinal plant, aloe can be harmful to health if mishandled with juice. The benefits and harms of aloe juice are the topic of our article today.

Before figuring out how to make aloe juice, you need to understand what healing properties it has. It is worth noting that all the positive qualities of this plant are based on the rich composition of its juice. Aloe vera contains the following substances in its cell sap:

  • vitamins of group A, B, C and E. These components are well absorbed by the human body and almost never cause allergies;
  • tannins. Thanks to them, agave juice has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. They also allow you to stop the blood;
  • organic types of acids: cinnamic, malic, as well as citric and succinic;
  • phytoncides. They are a natural antibiotic. Phytoncides are able to resist bacteria, fungi, microbes and other types of pathogenic microflora;
  • minerals: phosphorus, calcium, as well as zinc, iron, manganese and potassium;
  • juice contains many amino acids. Some of them are not even produced by our body;
  • resinous substances;
  • mono- and polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids.

As you can see, aloe juice, as for home flowers, has a rich macro- and microelement composition. It can even be used as a fertilizer for indoor flora. For example, such feeding will not be superfluous during the flowering period of plants or after planting.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the natural agave juice (the popular name of the plant) has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • calming;
  • regenerating. Aloe speeds up the wound healing process;
  • stimulating the work of many internal organs.

The properties described above allow agave juice to have a positive effect on the circulatory system, digestion and human immunity. However, do not forget that this flower is not only beneficial, but also capable of causing harm.

Video "Aloe: harm or benefit"

In this video, you will learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of the aloe plant.

What harm does

Despite the impressive list of positive qualities that are characteristic of aloe, this plant can provoke diarrhea. This is due to the fact that some components of the juice have laxative properties.

Diabetics should be wary of the biostimulated property of the agave. The fact is that it is able to reduce blood sugar levels.

It is worth noting that this plant can only cause harm when used internally. If the use of a folk remedy was incorrect, then aloe can provoke constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, severe pain, vomiting and inflammation. In rare cases, growths and malignant tumors may even develop on internal organs.

Outdoor use almost never causes negative consequences. Unless an allergic rash or irritation may appear, which provoke the biologically active substances of the flower.

It is forbidden to take aloe juice to pregnant women, as it can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, remember not to self-medicate. If you want to use this traditional medicine, then consult with your doctor first.

How to get and cook

To use aloe for medicinal purposes, you need to know how to prepare the desired solution from its juice. To begin with, you should examine the indoor flower and choose the healthiest and most beautiful leaf.

The most useful are the leaves formed as close to the rhizome as possible. The fact that the leaf can be used for medicinal purposes is evidenced by a slight yellowness at its tip.

The length of the leaf plate should be 15 cm. You can also take specimens 10–12 cm long. It is better not to use immature and small leaves, since they do not have pronounced medicinal properties. It is better to collect already mature leaves.

  • first you need to cut off the leaf at the very base. You can separate the leaf from the main stem with both scissors and a knife;
  • then the cut part of the plant must be well washed and dried;
  • for convenience, all thorns are removed from the leaf surface.

When the leaf is ready, you can extract the juice from it. To do this, the prepared leaf must be chopped with a well-sharpened knife. The resulting mass must be placed on sterile gauze, which was previously folded in several layers. Now it remains to squeeze out the juice, which can then be used to prepare various solutions according to a wide variety of recipes.

You can get the same mass by passing the chopped leaves of the agave through a meat grinder. But after that, you still have to use cheesecloth to cleanse the juice from large plant fragments.

You can also squeeze the juice out of the plant with your hands. But this method will be the most impractical and time consuming. How exactly to squeeze the juice from the aloe, each grower must decide independently.

Some experts advise to stop the flower about 2-3 weeks before the intended cutting of the leaf. Thus, the agave will accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients in its leaves.

The prepared solution can be drunk internally or used to prepare compresses and lotions. The main condition for the effectiveness of such a folk remedy is a properly prepared solution. For the treatment of a certain type of disease, there is a recipe for preparing a medicine from aloe juice. For example, some solutions should be prepared in a water bath.

As you can see, the preparation of a medicinal drink can be carried out in various ways.

Once the home remedy is ready, it should be used as directed. Also, the prepared solution can be preserved and used when needed. However, it should be noted that freshly prepared juice has the greatest healing power. If you prepare a product and leave it in the freezer, then some of the healing properties will be lost.

To store aloe juice without losing its main positive qualities, you need to know the rules for storing it at home.

Storage rules

The prepared juice should be stored in a cool and dark place. It is best to use a refrigerator for this purpose. In this case, there is no need to freeze it.

Application methods

Today there are several ways to use aloe juice:

  • it can be drunk on an empty stomach. It is important here to prepare the solution correctly, since ingestion of this agent can lead to negative consequences. One of the options for internal use is the use of suppositories in the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • the imposition of compresses or lotions on the affected skin. The duration of the use of compresses can be either several minutes or more than half an hour.

The method of application (external or internal) depends on which disease needs to be treated.

As you can see, aloe vera juice has a lot of beneficial qualities. But it also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when using this plant for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of aloe are known to everyone. In many homes, it is grown and used for medicinal purposes. This plant is native to Africa, and currently there are about 300 species of it, each of which has its own specific medicinal properties.

In the article, we will take a closer look at what the benefits of aloe are, and how it is used for certain problems.

How to grow aloe

Aloe is tree-like and bushy. Only the last type of plant is taken internally, while the tree-like one is successfully used externally. Aloe is quite unpretentious. Even if you forget to look after him for a while, it will regularly continue to grow. But if you want to grow a truly healthy plant, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. The best soil for it is a mixture of brick chips and charcoal.
  2. You don't need to add peat to it.
  3. In the warm season, aloe loves a lot of light, warmth, and it only needs moderate watering.
  4. In the cold season, watering should be done even less often, but the place where the plant is kept should be light. Optimum temperature in winter: 12 to 14 degrees.
  5. A good feed for him will be top dressing intended for cacti.
  6. Young plants are transplanted annually, and those that are older - after 3 years. The oldest ones can be disturbed even less often - only every 5 years.
  7. Aloe can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and tuberous division.


The benefits of aloe are due to its rich composition. So, succulent leaves contain a large amount of essential oil, 20 amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, B, fiber and many other trace elements and nutrients. Also, the plant is famous for its bactericidal action.

Therefore, it is widely used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent. They also treat burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils, acne and other skin diseases.

Use in cosmetology

The plant is included in many cosmetic preparations. But women widely use it, making natural masks, juice and so on. After all, the plant perfectly moisturizes and regenerates the skin, cleanses it, is able to penetrate deep inside and stimulate regeneration, relieve itching and irritation.

Based on this, the benefits of aloe for the face are invaluable. After a long stay in the sun, cosmetologists strongly recommend moisturizing the skin with products with the addition of aloe.

Often in beauty salons, relaxing baths are made with its addition. And if at home you apply freshly squeezed juice to the face and neck area before going to bed, then it will look fresh and healthy in the morning. But first, before this, the face should be thoroughly steamed and cleaned.

Aloe can be added to creams and other skin care products. At the same time, so that the result is not long in coming, it is necessary to achieve a high concentration of the plant.

Aloe in cosmetics

Almost all companies producing skin care cosmetics have in their arsenal products that contain, however, if you look at its concentration, it turns out that the maximum content of the substance does not exceed 15%. But advertising labels are full of catchy headlines, assuring consumers of amazing results. Unfortunately, in fact, such a small concentration of the plant cannot lead to a truly effective result. That is why it is advisable to add natural and freshest juice to these products: it will bring much greater benefits to the skin.

This is most relevant for mature skin, which requires more external substances to maintain its tone.

Aloe in medicines

In addition to cosmetic purposes, aloe-based products are also used in traditional medicine. They are widely used in gynecology, dermatology, immunology, dentistry, surgery. They treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, inflammation of the oral cavity, acute respiratory viral infections and many other pathologies. Let's consider several drugs for lovers of official medicine.

For example, a drug called "Aloe juice" is sold in pharmacies, which is used for constipation, polyarthritis, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Another well-known drug is "Aloe Vera with Iron". This unique combination can improve blood circulation and restore metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with its help, protective functions are restored, and infectious diseases go away. The drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of anemia, intoxication, radiation sickness and asthenia.

In case of burns, aloe liniment is often prescribed, which is rubbed into the affected area. It is also useful for periodontal disease, arthrosis, amphodontosis, conjunctivitis and polyarthritis. "Aloe tablets" are recommended for myopia and chorioretinitis in combination with other drugs.

For eye diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they often recommend "Aloe extract liquid" or "Aloe extract liquid for injection", which have the same effect. The first of them is taken orally, a teaspoon three times a day, and the second is injected under the skin.

How to prepare a remedy at home

Realizing how great the benefits of aloe for the body are, this plant is grown in many homes. Let's figure out how you can use it yourself.

Aloe is harvested at any time of the year. At the same time, mature leaves are chosen, those that are lower. When the tip of the leaf begins to dry out, it is ready to eat. The leaf is cut off at the base or broken off.

So that the healing properties are not lost, the leaves cannot be kept without doing anything with them, for more than 3-4 hours. Tinctures and mixtures are made from the plucked leaves. The recipes for the treatment of these are not that complicated. They are prepared in two ways:

  1. The juice is simply squeezed out with your hands, without peeling.
  2. The leaf is peeled and all the pulp is applied.

The main thing to remember is that the prepared product must be used within a few hours after the leaf has been torn from the plant, otherwise the benefits of aloe will be significantly reduced, and its use will become useless. If you do not need to use all the prepared juice, then it can be preserved by mixing eight parts of it with two parts of medical alcohol.

Homemade recipes

Facial masks can be made, for example, by mixing aloe juice with cream or egg white. After applying to the skin, hold the mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with soft cool water or unsweetened tea.

For burns, it is best to use freshly squeezed. The benefits of this will be most effective. At the same time, there is no need to cover the affected area from above, so that the liquid is absorbed into the skin as much as possible.

For acute respiratory viral infections and colds, aloe leaves (3 pieces), passing through a meat grinder, are mixed with three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of alcohol.

When the body is depleted, a multivitamin mixture containing aloe is very useful inside. The benefits of it are explained by the large number of nutrients that make up the components used. Take one hundred grams: aloe juice, walnuts, lemon juice and honey. The mixture is taken in a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

In case of gastrointestinal disease, you can simply eat a piece of aloe leaf (5 centimeters in size) 30 minutes before meals for a month or drink freshly squeezed juice a teaspoon.


Considering the benefits of aloe, and the harm from taking this remedy, you should also not forget. So, a person may have an individual intolerance or allergy to the described plant. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume aloe juice internally.

This plant has long been called a home doctor, it has so many useful properties. In almost every apartment you can see this irreplaceable plant, the name of which is aloe. Today we will consider exactly what useful properties it can boast of and how to use it.

Aloe - benefits

There are a lot of valuable elements in the leaves of this plant, which explains the benefits of the plant. The list of useful biologically active components has more than two hundred. They all differ in their useful properties.

Of the vitamins, aloe leaves contain all the components of group B, vitamins A, C and E. The pulp of the leaves is rich in anthraquinone glycosides and amino acids. Phytoncides, polysaccharides, gelonins, enzymes and other useful substances are present in the pulp. We will consider in more detail the useful qualities of the plant a little later.

Aloe - harm

Like any other remedy, aloe has more than just positive properties. In some cases, this plant can be harmful. It is absolutely safe to use aloe only for external treatment.

Due to the too high content of biologically active components, aloe can be unsafe for allergy sufferers. Their body can give an unpredictable reaction to the plant. Overdose can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, inflammation and even nephritis. The use of aloe during pregnancy is especially dangerous as it can cause miscarriage.

Do not take too long to be treated with aloe. The duration of any treatment with this plant should not exceed two weeks. In this case, aloe can cause the formation of tumors of various types and accumulate in the body as a carcinogen.

Aloe - contraindications

As we noted above, aloe can be used externally by almost everyone, without exception. But the use of aloe and preparations from it inside has its own contraindications.
For example, it is contraindicated to use aloe in the following conditions:

  • Various liver diseases. It can be different kinds of hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder - gallstone disease, cholecystitis.
  • Nephritis of the kidneys.
  • Bladder cystitis.
  • Some types of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Uterine bleeding, profuse menses. This is due to the fact that aloe causes the arrival of shelter to the abdominal organs. And with all sorts of bleeding, additional blood flow can provoke a disastrous result.

The healing properties of aloe

There are many types of this plant, each of which has its own beneficial properties. Aloe tree-like is common in our apartments. It is also called the agave. It is this type of aloe that is grown for medicinal purposes. This type of aloe in an apartment can grow up to 1 meter in height and grow densely at the same time. True, aloe does not bloom in the apartment. The flowering process of this plant can only be observed in its natural habitat.

The bacteriostatic and bactericidal qualities of aloe have long been noted. This plant is able to suppress the activity of microbes such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, as well as various bacilli - intestinal, dysentery, diphtheria and the causative agent of typhoid fever.

In this regard, aloe is very helpful in wound healing, it is able to cleanse the body of radiation traces. Aloe can also be used to increase the body's defense against infection. Aloe is used for general strengthening of the human immune system as a natural biostimulant.

For the manufacture of medicines, you can use the leaves and juice from them. On sale you can find condensed aloe juice, which is also called sabur. At home, you can get fresh plant juice or preparations for use in Filatov's tissue therapy.

Traditional medicine recommends using the leaves of a plant that has already crossed the three-year milestone. In this case, you only need to cut off the lower and most fleshy leaves. Juice is squeezed out of them, which must be used immediately. The fact is that fresh aloe juice cannot be stored for a long time - it simply loses its beneficial properties. To extend the shelf life of aloe juice, various alcoholic tinctures are made from it.

Application of aloe

This plant can be used to treat a wide range of different diseases. Some people even give special injections with aloe juice. Of course, homemade juice cannot be used for injections. For this purpose, a special solution in ampoules is sold in the pharmacy. Such internal injections are especially good for treating diseases of the digestive organs, purulent inflammations, ailments of the eyes and respiratory organs.

An alcoholic tincture of aloe has proven itself perfectly, which can be used to get rid of and treat burns and various wounds. To prepare such a tincture, the aloe leaf must be cut into smaller pieces and filled with 100 ml of ordinary vodka. The container must be sealed and placed in the cold in a dark place. You need to keep this mixture there for about two weeks. After the end of this period, strain the composition through cheesecloth. For sore throat, take the tincture three times a day. If you get a very bitter tincture, then you can drink it with water.

The same tincture can be used to treat stomach ulcers or as a digestive aid. For this purpose, it should be drunk before meals no more than a teaspoon.

To increase immunity, such an effective recipe from aloe will help. Grind the leaf of the plant in any way possible - you can use a blender or twist it in a meat grinder. Add a large spoonful of honey to this porridge and mix thoroughly. The mass should stand for a day after which it can already be used. Eat this remedy in the morning and in the evening with a spoonful before meals.

A recipe from onion juice and aloe juice will help with coughs. Take a small onion and grind it into porridge. Do the same with the aloe leaf. Squeeze the juice from the plants and mix it. Drink this potion in a teaspoon after eating, three times a day.

Aloe for face

Aloe is widely used in cosmetology. It is suitable for literally any skin and has a positive effect: it moisturizes dry skin, dries up oily skin, soothes sensitive skin and gives tone to aging skin.

If you have all sorts of rashes, the skin is oily and shiny, peeling and irritated, prone to allergies, then you just need to use aloe.

The popularity of aloe for cosmetic purposes has prompted some cosmetic companies to commercialize aloe gel. It is in essence aloe juice in a condensed form, to which preservatives are added to increase the shelf life. This remedy is very beneficial for any skin. There should be no foreign components in the gel, only aloe juice and thickeners.

For lovers of everything natural, you can make such a gel yourself. Of course, it will have a short shelf life and only in the refrigerator. To make a homemade preparation, peel 4 aloe leaves and place the pulp in a clean container. Then mash it with a blender until smooth. Add a little vitamin E to this gruel. The resulting mixture can be used by first diluting with water or adding other medicinal components.

Based on the resulting homemade gel, you can make face masks or lotions. It is imperative to store this product in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.

Aloe for hair

Few people know, but aloe can be used to solve a wide variety of hair problems. Most often, it is included in a variety of hair masks:

  • For example, to eliminate and strengthen them, you can prepare the following mask: aloe juice, almond oil and honey are mixed in equal parts and applied to the scalp. Then everything is covered with plastic wrap and a warm handkerchief. You need to keep such a mask for about half an hour.
  • To add shine to the hair, a mask of aloe juice and burdock oil is suitable.
  • And to eliminate dandruff, use a mask of aloe juice and 20% alcohol.

Pure aloe juice can be used as a substitute for a store conditioner. It will make your hair manageable, give it smoothness and softness.

Aloe contains ingredients that can help prevent hair loss. Therefore, the juice from this plant can be rubbed into the head to strengthen the roots and stimulate new hair growth. This simple procedure will help fight dandruff and remove excess oiliness.

Lovers of natural products will surely appreciate the aloe shampoo. To make it, take a gel from this plant and add coconut milk and wheat germ oil to it. This shampoo will not only wash your hair, but also moisturize it well.

Aloe for a cold

It is very effective to use aloe juice to eliminate nasal congestion and get rid of a cold. You can instill a few drops of juice diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with water into each nasal passage. Thus, you will relieve inflammation and speed up blood flow, destroy disease-causing bacteria in the nose. Small wounds that may be inside the nose will heal much faster.

Aloe juice can be used for over one year old. You just need to take into account that only bacterial rhinitis can be treated in this way. If the disease is of a viral nature, then a severe allergy may begin.

For children, aloe juice should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3 and only then instilled in a few drops three times a day. The first effect can be seen a few days after the start of treatment. The process must be continued for at least five days to maximize the effect of the treatment.

If you want to treat a runny nose in babies in this way, then be sure to first consult a pediatrician. If he gives permission for such a method, then it can be used. In this case, dilute the juice of the plant with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and bury it in the baby's nose no more than twice a day.

Aloe for acne

Traditional recipes of medicine are very widely used aloe in the fight against various rashes on the face. It is best to take freshly cut leaves for acne treatment, as storing the cut leaf for more than three hours kills all the beneficial ingredients in aloe.

It is useful to make applications from aloe leaves. To do this, take a piece of leaf and cut it into two halves. Apply the pulp to the purulent pimple and secure with a plaster. In this form, you can leave the applique overnight. After just a few applications, you will be able to get rid of acne.

Aloe lotion helps to wipe acne after washing. Mix 8 tablespoons of aloe juice with 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and store in the refrigerator.

A mask made from plant juice and a few drops of lemon juice works great on acne and copes with it. Add to this one more egg white and apply on face for half an hour, and then wash.

Of course, aloe is very effective for elimination. But remember that it cannot be used in the presence of any kind of neoplasm on the skin and in case of individual plant intolerance. The same can be said for preparations that include aloe.