House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Summer alcohol from pest insects and not only. Naming alcohol: from mosquitoes, threshing, fertilizer of flowers and much more Save not to lose

Summer alcohol from pest insects and not only. Naming alcohol: from mosquitoes, threshing, fertilizer of flowers and much more Save not to lose

With the onset of heat activated activities, midges and other annoying insects. They not only deliver discomfort with their presence, but can also bite, leaving a painful trail. Chemicals are often impossible to apply due to the presence in the house of small children and pets. Therefore, in this case, the most proven is in the struggle. Ammonia From mosquitoes and midges has many advantages and therefore received such a number of supporters.

Features method

The principle of operation of this means is simple. It has a strong, sharp and unbearable fragrance. For congenital reinforced sense of insects, which, with the help of smells, find their home and food, it is simply unbearable.

For a person, this component is fully safe and quickly loses its strength. Therefore, the ammonia alcohol can be easily applied even in those houses where children and pets have. In addition to the fight against midges and mosquitoes, Ammonia is indispensable in the economy. With it, it is also effectively possible to get rid of Tsley, carrot and onion flies, a wire carrier. The solution is actively used and in everyday life. After treatment with ammonic alcohol, plants grow better, microbes in bulbs disappear, stop sweating the windows and disinfected the surface.

On a note!

Ammonia from mosquitoes and midges is quite affordable tool. The cost of 1 bottle with a capacity of 40 ml on average is about 15-25 rubles. Also, it can be applied against pests in the country or in the apartment.

Use options

Ammonia from mosquitoes and midges can be applied in various ways:

  • For it is necessary to conduct careful surface treatment. You need to moisten a soft fabric by ammonic alcohol and rub tables, window sills, chairs, furniture.
  • Will help the method. To do this, pour clean ammonia alcohol into the container with a sprayer and process the walls of the tent, clothes and even the walls of the lounge. The action of the alcohol will be maintained until its fragrance is completely illuminated.

Prepare a solution for surface treatment should be directly before use, since the amazing alcohol quickly disappears and loses its abilities.

If the mosquitoes managed to leave traces of their stay on the skin, then this tool can help and in this case. Helps the ammonious alcohol from mosquito bites, if you just wipe the affected area with a solution. Apply alcohol is allowed in a pure undiluted form. Its active ingredients neutralize the effects of insect poisons. You can also strengthen the effect if, after processing with alcohol, the injured place to anoint the ice cube or simply gauze dipped in ice water.

To save children, the ammonia from mosquito bites need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

To more clearly appreciate the effectiveness of the use of ammonic alcohol against midges and mosquitoes, you need to get acquainted with the opinions of those who have already managed to try the method. Reviews about the use of amazing confirm its effectiveness.

In our house, the ammonia alcohol is a means of essential, especially on the care of the linen. But this year in the apartment on the first floor there was literally the invasion of mosquitoes. They were not even saved on the windows. We decided to handle the windowsills and some furniture by ammonic alcohol every evening. The result struck from the first day. The buzzing guests really, as blew.

Artem, Volgograd

The ammonia got rid of the midges in flower pots within a few days. It was no longer necessary to reuse the solution, so I am very advised that such a simple and inexpensive way of struggle.

Alina, Klimovsk

Mosquitoes were not allowed to sleep in the country. Various not very helpful, so I tried the ammonia alcohol. The result justified expectations. to. Acted in both cases.

Irina, Sergiev Posad

Thus, ammonia against mosquitoes is deserved useful aneg. Only one small packaging of the means - and all households are reliably protected from the appearance of insects in the house and the consequences of their bite.

Ammonia alcohol against insects
Save not to lose!

Sometimes there are simply no strength to fight ants that endless blacks appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where.
Summer alcohol will help here!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse with this solution all kitchen furniture. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us.

And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.
Another embarrass will help from Haling mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It will be enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool and the rest you will be provided. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool.

It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine pleasant with useful: pour houseplants Such a solution. Neither smells or mosquance mosquance, and at the same time - Flowers

Itching from the bites of mosquitoes can be removed, races scene of the bite of ammonia alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonic alcohol and water) or solution drinking soda (1/2 h. Spoons on 1 cup of water).

Healthy bulbs without chemistry
Damage to the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest.

Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week.

This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor.
So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

If a bottle was great, the easiest way to hit her ammonia *.
Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder.

Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly in the sheet - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding.

Summer Alcohol - Plant Defender
It turns out that a solution of ammonia can significantly facilitate the life of lovers, protecting garden crops from various pests and diseases.

In addition, it is believed that watering this solution is useful for plant growth and is used as an additional feeding.

Pests sensitive to ammonia couples
1. The hidden voice is a malicious beetle, which causes a serious damage to onion and garlic landings. To scare this pest, do not let you get yellow and die crop, in the first half of the summer it is necessary to carry out the beds with garlic or onion with a solution of ammonia alcohol (25 ml per bucket of water).

Such a procedure should be carried out every 7-8 days. This is the feeding of plants with nitrogen compounds, and a high-quality rebuilding agent from insects.

2. The fault is able to destroy the greens on many trees and shrubs, almost completely. You can get rid of these pests with the help of the next solution - 50 ml of ammonic alcohol and a quarter of a piece of grazing household soap (for better sticking) are taken to the water bucket of water. The ammonis is perceived by plants like an extraordinary feeding of nitrogen, but the wave dies.

3. Carrot and leek flies - can completely destroy the crop of onions and carrots. One of the effective methods of combating these harmful insects is watering vegetable landings with a solution of ammonia (2 ml of alcohol on 10 liters of water).

4. Wire, which is found in large quantities in new land plots, damages growing tomatoes. When planting tomato seedlings in each well, it is necessary to pour a small amount of a weak solution of ammonia alcohol.

5. Moshki on indoor plants can cause significant damage to young, only transplanted colors, and so unpleasant neighborhood on the windowsill is unlikely to like someone. It is sufficient to get rid of them quite simply - it is enough to pour the plant with a solution of ammonia (25 ml of alcohol on 2 liters of water outlook).

For most room colors (lilies, clematis, geranium), this solution is an excellent fertilizer. Another method of fighting annoying moshkara is the dusting of the Earth in the pots of dry, crushed into dust, pepper (can be red chili or black peas).

How to escape from mosquitoes and midges on the street? What are the means to apply to scare away "flying vampires"? What grandparents do you apply in practice? Is there any mass repeller that can be put in the yard and forget what mosquitoes? Is it possible to settle any insects to eat all bloodsowing? What to do if bloodsows still bit you?

Natural means

Galaxy: You can smear vaniline, clove, a "asterisk" with a balm, but it does not always help. The parents in the Altai Territory have always had mosquitoes, but in one year the dragonfly appeared, who ate all mosquitoes. Now there is just paradise. I think how to catch a dragonfly at the site.

Cat "S.: We save only smokyokur. We come, his husband immediately swabs and mosquitoes / midges as it did not happen. Although we do not have a plot, but not yet mastered virgin. We smeared with creams of three species and vaniline, did not help. Put in the barrel what can light up, and then there is a grass ... You can straight green to go smoke. And that's it.

GOLD SINDI:Lavender oil (necessarily essential) I buy in a pharmacy, in a small bubble (50-60r). The contents of this bubble pour into a half-liter bottle refined vegetable oil, diligently shake. This bottle is enough for the whole season, for a family of several people. Boldly smear the oil (smells of delicious) open areas of the skin - mosquitoes will fly at a distance of 30-50 cm, but will not sit down.

Goose:In the past year, we set off the spirals from mosquitoes, along the perimeter of the square, on which the brazier stood and people sat. On this square only one could be. But this is also chemistry.

Pani: The funds store tried, probably, everyone liked "Gardex", he even at the natural ingredients, but it is more expensive than others, but grabs him for an hour.
Somehow they bought a candle from mosquitoes with the smell of cloves, so around her mosquitoes and the truth is not, but you won't sit near the candle all the time. Spirals have the same action, but the candle smells at least nice ... and natural it seems.

ROLDINA: Lavender oil helps me, only I don't mix it with anything (why?), Right from the pharmacy bubble I nano at several points, like perfume. For a couple of hours there is enough. Mosquitoes and midges a lot, the site has overgrown and swampy. And if you already bitten, Kashitz from ordinary soda with water helps well, it takes itching itching and swelling.

Feia: Vanillin needs to dissolve in a small amount of vodka, in the water he just becomes a suspension. And then add 100 ml of water into a bottle with sprays.
I use the reftamide itself, perfectly helps for the whole day, as a last resort, I splashes the second time per day.

Ivolga17: We divorced lavender oil and vanillin in one bottle. Nearby fly, but do not sit. It smells pleasant, but enough for an hour, no more.

Lu:Plant Basil - He also helps, besides, he is beautiful and edible. And they also say that Klezchevina is well sued near rest (arbors, veranda). Basil is triturated in palms and apply to the body. Kleschevin scares his presence, although I know it from words, I do not have it.

olga N:We are not particularly helped to us. Rubbing in the palms of the leaves / Flowers of yarrow and juice or pulp, I make 3-4 smear, scares 100%. One bad - acts 30 minutes. It is very convenient in the field and forest where the yarrow is under your feet. I want to plant everywhere in the garden. Yarrow Multifunctional: Useful insects attracts, harmful frightened.

olen:Basil is already planted, the yarrow is going. But about Kleszhevina - I doubt it is poisonous? I read that her seeds are very poisonous! Next to the house where there is a child - afraid ...

Vika_VK:Castorka helps from flies. In Central Asia, in Kyrgyzstan, the toilets are attached, they say that flies are less, and the commist, I think that it is necessary to deprive the biosrees. I liked the dragonfly. I know that the bats mosquitoes eat. But with such a number of mosquitoes, volatile mice will probably turn into volatile elephants.

Olga31:The smell of tomato greenery is a wonderful natural repellent. Put several pots with tomato bushes on the balcony or in front of the windows is a reliable barrier against mosquitoes.

Antonch: Geranium oil helps from mosquitoes and midges. And it smells nice. Well, more vanillin. I grind baby cream and smelling children. For hours or two helps.

8 flavors against mosquitoes

  1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over the burner, get rid of Muh and mosquitoes even very large rooms.
  2. Finely cut fresh leaves of cherry or rowan and graze outdoor skin.
  3. Essential oils carnations, basilica, anise, eucalyptus: lubricate open areas of the skin (5-10 drops on a glass of water), or to the source of fire - in a fireplace, a fire, a candle or a preheated frying pan. Moisten the oil of these plants with a vaccine and put on the windowsill.
  4. Put fresh branches in the room, they scare mosquitoes as well as the smell of tomato leaves.
  5. If you decide to sit in nature - throw a branch of juniper branches.
  6. No insect will touch the face, if they wash the decoction from the roots of wormwood (the handful of chopped roots pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, insist 20-30 minutes.).
  7. When you have a liquid for an electric fumigator, do not rush to run to the store behind the interchangeable block. Fill in an empty bubble 100% extract (!) Eucalyptus. Mosquitoes will forget the road to your home.

Kakia. essential oils Scap mosquitoes:
carnation essential oil;
Citronella essential oil;
lavender essential oil;
Rosemary essential oil;
geranium essential oil;
essential oil of the car;
tea tree essential oil

Purchased funds

KR * OKSA: Acomarine helps us. He has a fir, carnations, lavender and vanilli essential oils. Melt and the child too. Try ...

olen:Akomarine really liked! As part of any chemistry, alone essential oils, so without fear smeared by a 1.5-year-old child. Only they were saved. I can not say that no one is parted ... but they fly, they bite significantly less! In the afternoon, they did not bite at all, and at sunset, when they are mad switched, they still bite. But it is necessary to smear often - every couple of hours, probably.

Ann: My mother gave me a means called "Tarol from the midges", it is completely natural. I spray even in the face. I saves only them. Twisted, fly, but do not bite, but it does not work on mosquitoes.

Goose:In the past year, we set off the spirals from mosquitoes, along the perimeter of the square, on which the brazier stood and people sat. On this square only one could be. But this is also chemistry.

Pani: The funds store tried, probably, everyone liked "Gardex", he even at the natural ingredients, but it is more expensive than others, but grabs him for an hour. Somehow they bought a candle from mosquitoes with the smell of cloves, so around her mosquitoes and the truth is not, but you won't sit near the candle all the time. Spirals have the same action, but the candle smells at least nice ... and natural it seems.

Olga31: I bought in Lerua Merlin "Komeroff" for 19 rubles! It is written on it: from insect bites. When you are mazed, the smell of the "asterisk", when it is absorbed - the smell of the usual means from mosquitoes. So: neither midges nor the mosquitoes of 2-3 hours do not bite.

LX:We had a lot of mosquitoes last year .... I looked around, but in the pond larvae Komarov sissed, I had to pour the chlorins there !!! But there was a lot of frogs (they love to eat it). On the street splash vanilla, means of children's, but some powerful chemicals Do not splash. After bites, lubricating phenyatil. Although I do not help me, after the bites, such bleaks swell and itch, they don't know what you don't know what to smear ... Bought a lamp and a loss of the disorder, but something I did not notice that these devices help. It is necessary to include fumitals with a powerful tablet, only from me from these tablets the head immediately begins to hurt, and when I insert a children's pill, the minimum is clear.

OLYA-DU6KA: Look at the pharmacies or children's shops an anti-mosquito bracelet - scares both mosquitoes and midges. Last year I took, perfectly helps!

Lana: We have relatives installed on the plot a special lamp. She attracts mosquitoes and they burn in it. Every day the mosquitoes are less and less. Females die and therefore there is no new rating. But it seems expensive.

Massis:Last year, I found the program on the Internet, called Antimosquito. Turned on the lattice, made great speakers to the street, like mosquitoes became less. On the midge, unfortunately, it does not work. Also, the experiment was carried out in a closed room, mosquitoes burned, who could.

Pani: Last year, I bought a lamp from mosquitoes, beautiful, in the form of a frog, read the instructions, was horrified and passed to the store back. There is a principle of operation - the device emits ultrasonic waves that attract the insects to themselves, they are flown - they are sucking the fan, where they fall on the hot spiral and die with a martyr's death ... In short, I didn't want to have a crematorium on the site.

Sunnya: In our arsenal, there is a racket "killer insects". Favorite fun husband - rushing with a racket and mosquitoes / flies to kill. The strings passes the current from the battery. Charged OT. electrical network. We bought last year, I no longer remember in which supermarket (subway or giant). It cost inexpensively, 200 rubles 200. But this fluffy, if you hurt randomly, strongly and hurts. I am in case the child grabs.

olen: Bought in the metro lamp from mosquitoes - mosquitoes did not pay any attention to it.

Danna_9713: There is such a lamp - the shredder of bloodsowing insects. I read about it on the Internet. Principle of operation: lures the smell and destroys the females of bloodsowing insects (mosquitoes, midges, blinding, etc.), thereby not gives to the reproduction (the offspring without females is simply not). And after 2 weeks, the population of these insects in the area disappear. Must work around the clock. According to stories, a slaughter thing. Only costs from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. Very expensive! And from the flies there is an ultrasonic repeller, also on the Internet about it a lot of information.

tOFFEE: C.italy, that there are a lot of flies in summer houses, and that they are fruit in the insulation. Output one - change the insulation. More maybe landfill near or farm with animals. I read it that helps from flies of washing the floors with water with the addition of kerosene. I planted a buzzin at the entrance to the household, it seems that works. Flowering Pijm 5 m around flies and mosquitoes distinguishes. In the cottage settlement he spied the idea - on the open veranda put a jar with sweet water / compote, a semi-shot plate, flies there, the wasps flew, drown, and can't get out.
Relatives sticky ribbons hang, closed the doors, windows, but it is not quite aesthetically, stuffy, on the ribbons are full of flies, and individual individuals continue to fly.

Vicont: In room better ribbons Vaschnilovsky Yellow Preparation - Ma comes quickly and irrevocably. One minus compared to the ribbon: tape removed and burned, and from the drug it is necessary to sweep the bodies of flies. Against flies the drug is called "Muscachid", and against Murash - "Murachid".

Amarant:I highly recommend after the bites midge gel "Ppi-Balm". I can't say anything about his action on mosquito bites, they bite me a little, but I immediately have a reaction in the form of a red-burgundy swollen spot, so the gel is tested. If you assimilate immediately, for 5-10 minutes after the bite, and then repeat three times, then if the trace remains, it will be almost not noticeable. I have been using the second year.

If Moshka still caused you injury, you can wipe the seats of bites with an aqueous solution of ammonia alcohol (equal amount of water and alcohol), mortar food Soda (1 teaspoon of soda on a glass of water) or a solution of table salt. Help in "sliding" wounds of fresh parsley juice, kefir, table vinegar and lemon juice.

  1. Refrigerating means include the smell of valerian and tobacco smoke. One hundred grams of camphors, evaporated over the burner, get rid of Muh and mosquitoes even very large rooms.
  2. In antiquity to scare off mosquitoes and other insect bloodsuckers, the decoction of the roots of dusty was used - one of the most common weeds.
  3. You can use finely chopped fresh leaves and cherry or basil flowers.
  4. The smell of cloves, basilica, anise and eucalyptus scares the mosquitoes. Any of the oils of these plants can be used to protect - it is enough to lubricate open areas of the skin or drop oil into cologne (5-10 drops), as well as to the source of fire - in a fireplace, a fire, a candle or a preheated frying pan. Moisten the oil of these plants with a vaccine and put on the windowsill.
  5. Tea tree oil can also be used as a repenel, it helps it from bites.
  6. Site under your windows country house Bузина, or bed of tomatoes. Fresh elderber branches bring into rooms, they scare mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.
  7. If you decide to sit in nature, boil the samovar on pine or fir bumps, or throw a slightly dried juniper juniper into the fire.
  8. Old folk remedy against mosquitoes - Persian, Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile (she is Pyrethrum). Dried inflorescences, stems and leaves of these types of chamomile, crushed into powder, are amazed nerve cells Insects. It is enough to decompose around the apartment or house several chamomile bouquets, and you will be delighted with mosquitoes for a week.
  9. The smell of cedar oil scares not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
  10. No insect will touch the face, if washed with a decoction of the roots of wormwood. Prepare a decoction simply: the handful of chopped roots poured one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil and insist.

And they say that fresh cedar pins, put in the room, saves both mosquitoes and moths. And under the windows you can plant small cloves multicolored odorous - and beautiful, and there are no mosquitoes.

The danger of the midges for a person is that midges are carriers of hazardous diseases: leukocytozonosis of birds, online cattle and human. The tumor from the bite of midges is much larger than from the mosquito bite, respectively, and pain too. This is due to the fact that when the midge attacked the flesh, while the mosquitoes pierce the skin with thin styling robes. In addition, saliva, falling into a wound when bitten, can cause a heavy allergic reaction.

Unusual means

Tanya0709: Yes, it is possible to tar in the pharmacy (somehow it is called: whether "clean", or "medical). My friend takes a piece of polyethylene, a piece of rags, smeared by tar, and pins plastic on the pin, on top of a cloth The garden is going. There is a smell, there are no stains. And from the bite of midges I tried the lavender oil. Anointed lavender, it was still a few minutes, then it was quite and did not, it was noted at all. There it was written in the annotation, that with the like you can use.

There is a very extreme recipe:
You take some closed packaging, like a bucket, snatch off the bark. Check the bucket in the ground bottom up and divorce around a strong bonfire. After such thermal processing of berst, turns into a black duct substance - to manage (this is how it was probably once mined). This thing you need to deceive the open areas of the body. No fucking creature after that will be flown to you and on the cannon shot.

Natalia R.: In the house I do not have any mosquitoes or midges. Maybe shy to fly, and maybe because the box has a box with church incense. Try! spray a plot around the perimeter, the solution seems to be "Divigals" is called, it is enough for all summer, there are no mosquitoes in the courtyard, and a little midges.

Stroypapa: From mosquitoes and midges saves a deaf fence with a height of 1.5 meters around the site (most mosquitoes live-flies at an altitude of up to 1 meter, so when they are sitting on its plot, they seem more) and processing the territory itself and around the site special means (such as those who are processed from the tick).

Anatoly 1288:I believe, that folk remedies have long been outdated, they have immunity to them. Isn't it better to buy a scarecher from this living crop and sleep well? Last year, Taiwan LS-216 bought himself and no problems!

Danna_9713: Here is what they write in the article "Vile Summer" on the site "Moscow Pravda":

Did you know that the ammonia alcohol is perfectly coping with insects, pests and helps indoor plants? It can return the heels to children's softness, as well as well wash the windows and whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol: Application against insects.

Sometimes there are simply no strength to fight ants that endless blacks appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where. Here will also help the ammonia alcohol!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all the kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us. And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.

Still amazing will help with Halves komarov and midge During a picnic in nature. It will be enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool and the rest you will be provided. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

Summer alcohol: Application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool. It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine a pleasant with useful: pour houseplants with such a solution. Neither smells, nor mosquitoes, and at the same time - fertilized flowers :)

Itching from mosquito bites It can be removed, races the bitter place of the ammmonium alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonic alcohol and water) or a solution of drinking soda (1/2 h. spoons on 1 cup of water).

Washing windows

In order for longer to keep the window glass with clean and easier to launder them later, then the pure glass is cleaned with a mixture of water (30 pieces), glycerin (70 parts) and several drops of ammonia alcohol. Glasses, rubted with such a mixture, are less polluted, Failed in winter it is not formed. When washing the glasses together with the glycerin film, the dirt on it is easily washed off.

Dry ultramarine blue glasses glowing with blue tint.

Warm salt solution helps to quickly clean the window from the ice. Glass then wipe dry.

Your heels will become like a baby ...

This very good recipe It will help those who have rough hands, cracks on the heels, natoptyshi, nails on the legs "coronal" and "terrible". In general, their two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work." Take glycerin, I buy 5 bubbles at once. In the first case, you can with vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol. The pharmacy bubble with the glycerin is not fully filled, so we throw vinegar into it, shake. And if with the ammonia alcohol, then mixed in proportions 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol). You can rub this mixture as in the morning, and in the evening, for the night of the heel, soles, fingers and in a few days you will see a stunning result. Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. You can also lubricate your hands. This mixture is cheap, but affordable and correct.

How to whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol is an excellent bleach. When washing linseed or cotton products, when soaking, pour 5-6 table into soap water. Spoons of ammonic alcohol. The ammonia softens the water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, actually because of which white things acquire a yellowish tint. To enhance the effect of the ammonic alcohol, you can add a couple of bupidar spoons. After washing, leave the underwear clouded for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5: 5.

For whitening woolen and silk things, prepare this solution:

  • 12 liters water
  • 8 st
  • 50 gr. Powder
  • 3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide
  • 30 ml. Ammona alcohol
  • It is soaked for 4 hours, at 40 degrees.

Healthy bulbs without chemistry

Damage to the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest.

Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week. This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor.

So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

Fighting tool

And I read another remedy: 2theful spoons of ammonic alcohol are taken to the water bucket and a bit of washing powder is added (for better sticking) and this solution is repelled by the plant, like a wave will get away from the ammonia, and he evaporates quickly and if only falls on the leaves The benefits will (as a fertilizer) ...

I found: Kurdumes writes in their book "Smart Garden"

If a bottle was great, the easiest way to hit her ammonia * (quote from the book). Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder. Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to process the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (Max ammonia concentration of 0.1%). You can use the ammonia alcohol - 1 ml. on 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

I will be very glad if my feedback to someone will come in handy and help. I live with my family in the village. We have our own vegetable garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medveda (in the people - Kapoolenka). What did it escape all, ranging from seeds and ending with a seedler. And in the countryside, the summer without a crop is a year without billets. Seed out, I eat it, and the Medveda eats it (the maximum of the week and the vegetable garden at all as nobody saved). And the main poison does not take it. I have already tortured. I went to the market for a new sediment. The grandfather and grandmother are selling seedlings of cabbage (beautiful such, big, green), well, sin just do not take!

I take and perhaps that I will plant for the third time, and the Medveda eats everything. Grandma me and says: I will teach you now how to deal with it. At the pharmacy you buy the ammonia alcohol, then dilute its 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when they plant the seedlings, then under each bush, they pour out the floor of a liter jar. And all, and with a seedy will be with a harvest. I have been doing this for the second year, and you know, helps. This year I planted my greenhouse. As the seeds sowed, he poured the garden with a solution with the ammonia alcohol and I want to say the result on my face (its seedlings). Now the ammonious alcohol buy large bottles of 100 mg) and I advise everyone. In my case, a sharp smell is even plus than minus.

Did you know that the ammonia alcohol is perfectly coping with insects, pests and helps indoor plants? It can return the heels to children's softness, as well as well wash your windows and whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol: Application against insects

Sometimes it is simply no strength to fight ants, which endless string appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where. Summer alcohol will help here!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all the kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us. And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.

Another embarrass will help from Haling mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It is enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool, and the peace will be secured. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

Summer alcohol: Application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool. It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine a pleasant with useful: pour houseplants with such a solution. Neither smells or mosquance mosquance, and at the same time - fertilized flowers.

Itching from mosquito bites can be removed, races scene of the bite of ammonia alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonia alcohol and water) or a solution of drinking soda (1/2 h. Spoons per 1 cup of water).

Washing windows

In order for longer to keep the window glass with clean and easier to launder them later, then the pure glass is cleaned with a mixture of water (30 pieces), glycerin (70 parts) and several drops of ammonia alcohol. Glasses, rubted with such a mixture, are less polluted, Failed in winter it is not formed. When washing the glasses together with the glycerin film, the dirt on it is easily washed off.

Dry ultramarine blue glasses glowing with blue tint. Warm salt solution helps to quickly clean the window from the ice. Glass then wipe dry.

Your heels will become like a baby

This very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracks on the heels, holoptyshi, nails on the legs "coronal" and "terrible".

In general, their two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work." Take glycerin, I buy 5 bubbles at once.

In the first case, you can with vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol. The pharmacy bubble with the glycerin is not fully filled, so we throw vinegar into it, shake.

And if with the ammonia alcohol, then mixed in proportions 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol).

You can rub this mixture as in the morning and evening at night: heels, soles, fingers - and in a few days you will see a stunning result.

Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. You can also lubricate your hands. This mixture is cheap, affordable, sure.

How to whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol is an excellent bleach. When washing linseed or cotton products, with soaking, pour 5-6 table into soap water. Spoons of ammonic alcohol.

The ammonia softens the water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, actually because of which white things acquire a yellowish tint.

To enhance the effect of the ammonic alcohol, you can add a couple of bupidar spoons. After washing, leave the underwear clouded for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5: 5.

For whitening woolen and silk things, prepare this solution:

  • 12 liters water;
  • 8 st. Salt screws;
  • 50 gr. powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 30 ml. Summer alcohol.

It is soaked for 4 hours, at 40 ° C for temperature.

Healthy bulbs without chemistry

Luka damage by the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest.

Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week. This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor.

So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

Fighting tool

And I read another remedy: 2theful spoons of ammonic alcohol are taken to the water bucket and a bit of washing powder is added (for better sticking) and this solution is repelled by the plant, like a wave will get away from the ammonia, and he evaporates quickly and if only falls on the leaves The benefits will (as a fertilizer).

This Kurdumes writes in their book "Smart Garden":

If a word was great, the easiest way to hit her ammonia. Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder. Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly in the sheet - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding.

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to process the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (Max ammonia concentration of 0.1%). You can use the ammonia alcohol - 1 ml. on 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

I will be very glad if my feedback to someone will come in handy and help. I live with my family in the village. We have our own vegetable garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medveda (in the people - Kapoolenka). What did it escape all, ranging from seeds and ending with a seedler. And in the countryside, the summer without a crop is a year without billets.

Seed out, I eat it, and the Medveda eats it (the maximum of the week and the vegetable garden at all as nobody saved). And the main poison does not take it. I have already tortured. I went to the market for a new sediment. Standing grandfather and grandmother sell cabbage seedlings (beautiful such, big, green), well, just do not take sin. I take and perhaps that I will plant for the third time, and the Medveda eats everything.

Grandma me and says: I will teach you now how to deal with it.

At the pharmacy you buy the ammonia alcohol, then dilute its 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when they plant the seedlings, then under each bush, they pour out the floor of a liter jar. And all, and with a seedy will be with a harvest.

I have been doing this for the second year, and you know, helps. This year I planted my greenhouse. As the seeds sowed, he poured the garden with a solution with the ammonia alcohol and I want to say the result on my face (its seedlings). Now the ammonious alcohol buy large bottles of 100 mg) and I advise everyone. In my case, a sharp smell is even plus than minus.

Excellent methods for using ammonia alcohol, simple and inexpensive. Share them with friends!

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