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» Social conditions for the formation of loneliness in modern society. Loneliness among people or complete isolation - what is terrible? In the work of Slobodchikov and

Social conditions for the formation of loneliness in modern society. Loneliness among people or complete isolation - what is terrible? In the work of Slobodchikov and

A distinctive feature of a modern person from the rest of the animal world is the problem of loneliness and the absence of close people.

Loneliness is a state of a lonely person. There is a feeling that there is no close friend who can entrust his thoughts and which will understand you. "Loneliness is due not to the lack of people around, and the inability to speak with people about what it seems to be essential, or the unacceptableness of your views for others," the German philosopher and psychologist wrote. As a rule, the state of loneliness brings suffering.
Before moving directly to the topic of the conversation, it is necessary to make a slight retreat.
Man is a public creature. Only leading a public lifestyle, he was able to survive in the wild. Only joint efforts he reached its exceptional position in the animal world. Only due to the accumulation and transfer from generation to generation of their knowledge and experience, modern people can use the achievements of all mankind. I no longer mentioned these, at first glance, banal things, because they sometimes silent either at all ignored with the analysis of such a problem as loneliness.
Man is a biosocial being. Congenital forms of behavior, such as the instinct of the continuation of the genus and the group lifestyle, formed as a result of natural selection, are organically intertwined into a modern cultural and public entry.

Lonely soul. One among people.

Living in society, it is impossible to be lonely in the literal sense of the word. We are always among people. We are surrounded by people living with us at one time, common culture and society. The level of development, mentality and interests correspond to a certain social layer and age.
The problem of loneliness is, first of all, the problem of the lack of pair, and not just a couple, but the lack of a loved one. The very fact of the presence of a loved one for some time will fill your life with meaning. Then everything will depend on how relations will develop, but the problem of loneliness will be closed. A separate article will be devoted to the topic of search and selection of a partner.

As for communicating with others, here you can note here two points that may interfere with the formation of new relationships and which are associated with character characteristics, or rather, with attitude towards themselves (I am bad) and to other people (they are bad).
Position: I am bad. It often arises as a result of ignorance of the accepted rituals of behavior in a certain social environment to maintain a conversation. As a result, self-esteem falls, a sense of own inferiority appears.
Position: They are bad. Sometimes, falling into an unfavorable or insufficiently benevolent environment in comparison with what was before, a person may be one against society. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered, a negative attitude towards the surrounding and alertness to any active contacts with the outside world appears. Disappears a desire to do something yourself. Subsequently, the environment or situation may change, and the installation remains.

The problem of loneliness. One among yourself.

That way of life, which is laid in our nature and society, implies communication and interaction, it does not provide for a single existence. leading a group lifestyle, and a person includes the need for belonging. The state of solitude can only wear an objective temporary character or be chosen at their own request (solitude).
Someone gives paramount importance to the feeling of confidence and security, which the group gives, and someone prefers a more secluded lifestyle, causing only a narrow circle of communication. When privacy do not disturb the thought of loneliness, but this is a completely different topic for a completely different conversation.
Frederick Nietzsche on this occasion Ironically noticed: "There are two types of loneliness. For one loneliness, this is the escape of the patient, for the other - the flight from the patients. "

Only physical and spiritual activity is able to snatch a person from the state of loneliness. It is necessary to go to society, to people, to take those rules of the game by which they live, and participate in joint activities. Only communication in the combined common interest group (study, work or hobby), in which a person feels ownmay change position.
The problem of loneliness from the plane of common concepts and reasoning must be translated into a plane of specific actions. Then it turns out that it is stronger: or the desire to find a way out of the current problem, or the reluctance to make the necessary efforts to find.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation St. Petersburg State Mining University


Course student philosophy

Marmaid Ekaterina Evgenievna

Checked Garetskaya E.M.

St. Petersburg 2012


1. Solitude philosophy




IN modern society There is practically no positive attitude towards loneliness.

Modern society seeks to control not only the social behavior of a person, but also his inner life. This is carried out, in particular, with the help of limiting the ability to think alone. Accepted ways of behavior, ready-made moral assessments, and, in fact, the absence of any moral restrictions, social stereotypes broadcast by modern society led to the formation of a huge mass of people of the same and easily managed in their "same".

Staying with himself for many representatives of the modern generation does not make sense, but loneliness scares. As a result, individuality is erased, the possibility of "exchange" is reduced as enrichment when communicating with other people. Accordingly, the value of the communications itself is reduced, the quality is replaced by quantities. This leads to social isolation, anomy, alienation, the causes of which are the rest of loneliness and the desire to avoid it in any way.

1. Solitude philosophy

About the phenomenon of loneliness is written and said many: philosophers, writers, poets - everyone explored him to clarify his essence.

Loneliness pursues a person throughout his history. Nowadays, it has become a social disaster, a real illness of modern society. Attempts by philosophical understanding of this phenomenon also have a very long tradition. But only in the XX century, according to N.A. Berdyaeva The problem of loneliness has become "the main philosophical problem, with her the problems" I ", personality, society, communication, knowledge . Among the existing philosophical schools, the most attention is paid to the existential and phenomenological directions. In the works of Sartre, Gusserly, Cami, Bober, Hydegger and other loneliness of a person in the world (illuminated into the world) takes one of the central places.

Loneliness belongs to the number of those concepts, the real life meaning of which, it would seem, is clearly represented even by the everyday consciousness. But this intuitive clarity is deceptive, for it hides complicated, sometimes conflicting philosophical content of the concept that escales from the rational description.

Loneliness is often considered as something destructive in relation to the person, preventing her to live, putting obstacles and breaking it. And often loneliness is considered as a consequence of the pressure of the outside world on the identity, which forces it to be caught up with him, to flee, at the same time suffering from it.

Loneliness is almost always perceived by us as a tragedy. And we run from his top down, unable to make communication with your own Ya.

But the flight from loneliness is escape from himself. For only alone, we can understand your existence as something necessary closest and deserving sensibilities and communication. Only passing the gate of loneliness, a person becomes a person who may be interested in the world. Loneliness is an axis that permeates our life. Childhood, youth, maturity and old age revolves around it. In fact, human life is an infinite destruction of loneliness and deepening into it.

Loneliness is an insight. In his ruthless light, the ordinarity is free and attacked all the most important thing in life. Loneliness stops time and exposes us.

Flight from loneliness There is a flight alone - then the most longerness in the crowd, at work, alone with his wife and children. The flight from loneliness is the approach to the space loneliness of old age.

How to avoid this loneliness? You can only answer this question through the emergence of a new deeper issue: "What is the meaning of loneliness?" The answer to him can only be solitude philosophy.

Thinking of loneliness always breaks down the abyss before us. Alone, we meet with God or the Devil, we acquire ourselves or fall of NIC. Therefore, the theme of loneliness, as well as the theme of death, forbidden for our consciousness.

Loneliness can be considered as a fundamental antipode itself the basics of human dormitory, humane interpersonal relations and, ultimately, the very essence of a person. An aristotle noticed that a person is outside of society or God or a beast. Of course, the centrifugal forces from the person from the social context inherent in it and put it in the position of "God" or "beast" are connected with such phenomena as individualism, egocentrism, isolation, alienation, etc. But in the end, all these breeding factors reflecting the complex processes of social development of society lead to a single result - to the sustainable state of loneliness associated with the experience of their tragic "atomicity", losingity and abandonment in the boundless and losing sense for it, the expanses of society. Unlike the objectively arising insolation, which may not be perceived as such, loneliness fixes the inner, reflective breakdown of a person with himself, focusing on the inferiority of their relations with the world of "other" people.

Loneliness refers to those problems that pursue a person throughout its history. Recently, loneliness began to call a social disaster and now - this is already dangerous disease, the disease is multipoint and insidious, causing simultaneously compassion and protest.

Watchless, poverty, hunger, oppression, wars - troubles of mankind. Their manifestations are usually obvious, and therefore the struggle with them takes the nature of the powerful movements of protest, uniting people with a common goal, towering human in man.

Other business is loneliness. Most often it does not advertise its attack on personality. However, as American researchers, W. Snotener, and T. Johnson, are noticed, "loneliness becomes an all-pervaling phenomenon in our society. Pronounced loneliness is the main problem both in the aspect of personal and public spiritual well-being."

What is more alone trouble or man's guilt? Who is he, the victim of external circumstances, causing sincere compassion, or egocentric, who committed a crime primarily towards himself? To give an unequivocal answer to these questions is not easy, especially since they do not exhaust all possible alternatives.

Grave ailment of loneliness all-point and multiple. It is naive to believe that only reflecting entities prone to philosophizing are subject to it. Loneliness sometimes fell on quite "prosperous" people. Neither material benefits nor involvement in the establishment, nor an externally prosperous existence of a person who perceives the western lifestyle as a given, unable to dismiss her early or late the coming loneliness, summarizing the sad result of the entire lived life. The authors of the Collector "Anatomy of Solitude" rightly note that many people experience the most painful state of loneliness is not in physical insulation, but just in the center of the group, in a family circle, and even in society close friends.

All researchers agree that loneliness in the most general approximation is associated with the experience of his convergence from the community of people, families, historical reality. Naturally, under "cutoff" is not a physical isolation, but rather a violation of the context of multifaceted connections that unite the person with its social environment.

Loneliness, in contrast to the objective isolation of a person who can be voluntary and fulfilled internal meaning, reflects its painful breakdown with society and himself, disharmony, suffering, the crisis "I".

Theoretical and artistic understanding of loneliness has an old tradition. And it would be wrong to bind it exclusively from the XX century, or with the development of capitalist production. Still in the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiast, there are words confirming that loneliness was perceived by the people of that era as a tragedy: "There is a lonely man, and there is no other; he has no son, he has no end, and his eyes are not saturated with the wealth." (4: 8). The drama of the loss of communication with the world of other people permeates this biblical text, which has become almost the first distant echoes of existentialism pessimism.

The deep roots of solitude philosophy in many ways permeate the modern vision of man and interpersonal relationships. It is not only about the actual philosophical reflection in the narrow sense of the word, but also about the widespread the sustainable motives of loneliness in all modern Western culture.

"For the artist, the Drama of Loneliness is an episode of the tragedy, in which we all play and the presentation of which ends only with our care in eternity," the famous French film director Jean Renoir writes. It is art, with his increased susceptibility to socio-ethical and psychological issues, the influence of an individualistic philosophical position, leading the artist to the drama of loneliness, is sharply reacting to the sistering humanistic values.

"Loneliness is as rich, how much and non-existent theme - continues J. Renoir. After all, loneliness is emptiness inhabited by ghosts that come from our past." The "ghostly" past is urgent, but the most powerfully begins to form the vision of the present, and as an alienated reality. This illusory reality turns into a dominant for the development of the artist's creative individuality. Truly "dead drags a living."

If we wanted to get the most sophisticated interpretation of a sense of loneliness, I would not have anything better to turn to the authors like Pascal and Nietzsche. According to Pascal, a completely lonely person is abandoned in meaningless being. In Lona an endless and empty universe, he faces horrity with his own loneliness. The feeling of deep isolation and the abandonment, which we discover in certain pathological conditions, is a wound for each of us from the moment we are aware of the extreme conventions of our Being and metaphysical extension.

"Contemplating all the silent universe and man left in the darkness on the mercy of the fate, abandoned in these shorts of the universe, who does not know what to hope, what will happen after death. It covers horror as a person who had to tumble on a terrible desert island, Which, waking up, does not know how to get out of this island, and does not have such an opportunity "[Pascal].

Also, Nietzsche, we find a statement that with the death of God, a person immediately finds himself in the status of final loneliness. "The Last Man" in the composition of Nietzsche "so spoke Zarathustra" actually realizes that all of us and each of us individually are sentenced to metaphysical loneliness. Strongly loneliness of the last philosopher!

"I call myself the last philosopher, for I am the last person. No one, besides me, does not turn to me, and my voice comes to me, as a voice dying!. You help me hide my loneliness from myself and direct my way to Many and to love through lies, for my heart is not able to endure the horror of the most lonely loneliness, it makes me talk like that if I've rabid. " As Jaspers notes, Nietzsche wrote it in 1876, being a young professor, surrounded by friends. The work "So spoke Zarathustra" did not even appear on the literary horizon. But Nietzsche himself examines his essay and the provisions made in it rather as a personal fact rather than as an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universal position of mankind.

We are born alone and live lonely. Best of all, probably, this position of man expressed Thomas Wolfe, describing in his first big novel the birth of self-consciousness at Yujina Ganta:

"And when he was left to sleep alone in a room with closed shutters, where the strips of thick sunlight were laid on the floor, they were inevitable loneliness and sadness: he saw his life losing in the gloomy forest colonnades, and understood that he was forever, sadness was locked In this round little skull, sharpened in this beating, covered from all the heart, his life was doomed to wander around the deserted roads. Lost! He understood that people always remain someone else's friend that no one was able to truly understand another that, sharpened in the dark womb of the mother, we appear on the light, not knowing her face that they are investing in her arms of others and that, hitting an existence in a hopeless prison, we will never break out of it, whose hands would have embraced us, whose mouth would be Nor kissed us, whose heart would not warm us. Never, never, never, never "[Wolf T.]

2. Nikolay Berdyaev about loneliness

Loneliness is a contradiction. "" Loneliness is a tragic. "But the personality is born through loneliness," says the Russian philosopher Nikolay Berdyaev. Like a chemistry scientist, he considers the loneliness of a person through a magnifying glass of the microscope, comes to an atomic structure of the feeling, explains Where to look for a way out.

The philosopher himself says that "I" - initially, not from anything and is not coordinated from anything. The main problem is "me", which throws the light to all its existence, there is a problem of loneliness, which is so little studied philosophically. "

The world, according to Berdyaev, can be divided into object and subject. Objects are all that surrounds us. This world does not complain the philosopher due to its certainty, due to the attachment of a person to specific things, if we talk quite simple. The desire for this object is generated in the soul of a person's sense of loneliness.

The person is immersed in existence, in objects. And here is an important event in the fate of "I" becomes the birth of consciousness. It largely makes a person lonely, but it also makes the effort to combine and overcome loneliness.

"The space and time of our objectified world is a source of loneliness and at the same time to overcome loneliness. People are separated by space and time and they are connected in space and time not in authentic existence, not in genuine communication, but in objectship, in social events. Movement in space and time has for "I" the main meaning. Exit from this space and time there is a way out of a fixed, stable loneliness. But loneliness always involves the need for communication, longing to communicate. Loneliness in a certain sense of the word is a social phenomenon " .

Loneliness begins with the annoyance of a person into the world of things. Earlier in the small community, everyone felt cozy, now the individual is one on one with the universe. "I" in the world, exposed to its influence, but at the same time belongs not only to the world. But for yourself. "There is nothing disguise and destructive than when" I "is egocentrically immersed in his own states, forgetting about others, about the world, about multiple and general." Here the philosopher allows himself a joke when he speaks about the selfishness of some hysterical women who closes only on themselves.

In the modern world, loneliness has its own colors and shades. According to Berdyaev, the philosopher and the prophet are alone in different ways.

"Truly tragic the position of the philosopher," writes Berdyaev. "It's almost no one who doesn't love him. Throughout the history of the culture, a friend is found to philosophy and more than a variety of parties. Philosophy has the most unprotected side of culture. The very possibility of philosophy is constantly being questioned. It is forced to begin its work with the protection of philosophy and excuses for its possibility and fruitfulness. Philosophy is attacked on top and bottom, she is hostile to religion and her hostile science. She does not use the fact that it is called public prestige. "

But a person, like a philosopher, is trying to overcome his loneliness through knowledge. And through interaction with the same other as "I". "In order not to be lonely, you need to say" we ", not" I ". Loneliness is a longing to communicate. Its overcoming is to meet another. But a person often perceives this event as a meeting with an object, body, not a soul and soul and Personality. And here is a collision, if you want, the conflict that the philosopher refers to the "incorrect reflection in the other".

Nikolay Berdyaev argues about the significance of the social "me", about the varieties of a person of social, about his interaction with the surrounding. True love And friendship, which is aware of scientists, as a meeting of the individual with a person, can save. But not to the end, because in all lovers there is not only a compound, but also confrontation. May come to help in the fight against loneliness and the team, if life is subject to social construction. Religion and God - as a means and method of getting rid of the oppressive feeling. But Berdyaev, calling the religion to the incarnation of the object world, argues that only God can help. "God is overcoming my loneliness, the acquisition of completeness and meaningfulness of my existence."

3. Loneliness is a natural state of a person.

Loneliness. How much negative is invested by society in this word. As a result, every person is panic - to spiritual convulsions, to the bouquet of neurosis, to the spasms of consciousness - is afraid to stay alone, not finding his finger-sucking circle of communication, contrived friends and worthless acquaintances. And I do not care that "friends" will disperse and betray with the first opportunity. What familiar is in the greater half of their types, from which it is just nauseous. That the group in which yesterday was his "in the board", today it turns away from him only because the person committed something not planned by the nested behavior program. This is all no matter, because he is part of society. Part of society. He is not a loser, because losers are alone. He is like everyone else. The cell of the huge body called "Crowd".

loneliness phenomenon Berdyaev philosophy

Living in the crowd is very simple. "Come on, it's so comfortable. Try! To you, as a small particle of the whole, everywhere there is a place, you will always feel in your plate. You don't even think. Feel yourself with a collective mind with neuron!" Yes, part of a huge human anthill. Feel the wrong Human nature of Human Nature. The intellect of the scope is the intelligence of the most unhappy person in it. Why is the person in the crowd turns into a herd animal capable of all the lowest and petty? On marathism, for murder, on meaningless cruelty? Is it because in a frantic roar of this multi-art and multi-way monster, it is very easy not to hear chopping panic cries of conscience?

"Are you with us? Wonderful! Prepare for life in Eden!" BUT. God forbid you start stand out. God forbid. Appearance. Behavior. Speech. Anything. Even thoughts. Only thoughts about the fact that above those surrounding - and you own your own hand hang your life and throw out in the trash can. Who will you be when you will deprive the support of society? Nick An intangible point. Zero coefficient. Asocial type. This is the philosophy of the crowd, driven into the heads of all and everyone. "THERE IS SAFETY IN NUMBERS". Therefore, we live and do not worry. Swim by flow. You can not change anything.

And in fact? Imagine a crowd of geniuses. Does not work? And the crowd of idiots? Easily? Because the word "genius" is only the only number. Multiple - either mockery or nonsense. But Idiots love to be bored in flocks (often these flocks are beautiful name, like - "Cabinet of Ministers". Or - "State Duma").

Loneliness is a natural state of a person. If her majesty nature was pleased to the higher forms reasonable life On our planet were associated with the hands and legs of such a phenomenon as the "team", we would not be mammals, but insects, like bees and their ordered Roy. And in humans - surprisingly free consciousness and thinking. Nature is not mistaken. More precisely, her mistakes exist for long, do not build civilizations and do not travel beyond the limits of the atmosphere of their planet. But humanity went through the wrong way, when not only fire and instruments took from the caves of the Stone Age, but also a cave lifestyle. So many millennia passed - and everything remains still. All the same cave (only more comfortable), and spoke to each other people (only better dressed). Who knows if the development of civilization went along the path of individualism, would we not live now with socially strictly more perfect than this variable "please" democracy "?

If there are no fussy people around, in the gomon of which it is impossible to hear their own inner voice - a person ceases to be just an organism with a basic set of functions. He becomes a person. Creator. Thinker. It opens up new horizons, and the mind is ready to take universal revelations. After all, you noticed that alone and calm easily think? Only in silence, alone with himself, you can consider serious things and take the right solutions. If it seems to you that it is best to advise about everything knowledgeable people (From the crowd ... from an anthill ...) - so this is not everyday wisdom. This is a primitive desire to have someone at hand to whom it could be all responsibility.

Anyone from the crowd also feels the need to be alone. But he gave up so much unnecessary connections, dead, pulling the vitality of "links", that in the silence of loneliness he begins to climb different nonsense. "What does he / she say? What will think? Did I do with him / her? Well if you need ... I don't go ... not to tell if ..." Naturally, he runs away from loneliness. Once again, convinced that the crowd of law and loneliness is evil.

Creativity is also not a collective process, because creativity is a crowd - it is handicraft. Poets do not come down in heaps to write poems. A hundred sculptors do not drive away dances around the marble lump, cutting off on a piece. Artists are not going to at one canvas, drawing each of their part of the picture. In all people there are particles of chaos. You are calm, focused, you are surrounded by velvet silence - and chaos changes his essence, rushing in the row of creativity. In the blatment and stream of negative emotions, in the cutting soul of cramped, the grains of chaos rocked the weed grass of destruction and self-destruction.

You're lonely? Do not want to understand you. Do not wait for you to run with the proposals of love and all-friendship. It is better to estimate - how much you need their friendship and understanding. And whether you need at all. Can you take out loneliness? All, you are no longer a fighter. You broke, and future humanity is not needed, bent by fate. Go, become another colorless termit. Drops in the sea. Hechbird in the desert. A loan is a legitimate place until he seized another soul torn to the public opinion.

Many people with perseverance worthy of better use are looking for their second half, or rather - guaranteed salvation from the "shameful" loneliness, such an indulgence of "higher" biological order. The subsequent relations of two "halves" - oceans of spiritual pain, hatred and jealousy, malice and irritation generated by misunderstanding each other. So did it cost?


Loneliness is not only a complex phenomenon of human individual life, but also the most important social phenomenon requiring regular socio-philosophical, psychological and anthropological understanding.

Modern person deeply worries problems relating to his individuality, its uniqueness; He desperately looking for his "identity" and is afraid of losing her. In addition, we strive to be ourselves, fight for the unique integrity of consciousness, against the randomness of the transient, volatile being, against the universal non-existence of the scattered consciousness; And if it succeeds to some extent, the absolute loneliness of our position is terribly terrified. And then we again pulls back, to the crowd, to friends, political, social, moral actions, to writing books, to pursuit of glory - all these classes and each of them are separately an attempt to enlist the recognition of others in the fact that we We exist - separately, but not alone.

In its least pronounced form, we are all experiencing loneliness as bored; We constantly feel that they should take themselves to not be face to face with "non-existence", which is our own consciousness.


1. # "Justify"\u003e. # "Justify"\u003e. Berdyaev N.A. I and the world of objects.

Mazurenko E.A. Loneliness as a phenomenon of individual and social life. - Arkhangelsk - 2006

Mateev D.A. The loneliness phenomenon and the problem of communication disturbance: socio-philosophical aspect. - Novosibirsk - 2008

Puzanova Z.V. Solitude philosophy and solitude of philosopher - Moscow

Hamitov N. Solitude Philosophy. - Kiev - 1995


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Psychology and sociology /12. Social psychology

K.PS.N. Rogova E.E.

Southern Federal University, Russia

Social factors and aspects of loneliness in the modern world

The concept of loneliness as a social psychological phenomenon, varies in several species and types. Loneliness is cultured, cosmic, interpersonal and social species and types.

Interpersonal type of solitude It is an episodic exacerby sense of tension and anxiety associated with the need to have friendly or intimate relationships and relationships. It can be caused by the lack of the desired circle of communication and is characterized by the sensations of social and emotional isolation. Interpersonal view of solitude Can go to hopeless apathy if it becomes chronic. Space type of loneliness Destering with a sense of loss of communication with the Being, personal disinfection worldwide. Cultural type of loneliness Often experienced immigrants and migrants who are experiencing a change in the usual social environment for them, or people who are convinced that generally accepted cultural norms and values \u200b\u200bcannot be acceptable to their inner world. Social type of loneliness people are subject to Feeling themselves with an incomprehensible society and the world as a whole. Especially sharp and chronic forms of loneliness, As a social phenomenon is called "rejection", "Ostrakism", "Exile", "resignation".

Idle people are more susceptible to experience sense of social loneliness than family mans, and among idle faster will feel everything social aspects of solitude He who was married earlier. Decisive the moment of social type of loneliness Here is the absence of any love affection. Loneliness is stronger than the common age, than in adulthood, and more acutely felt with young people. Divorced and widowed people of the older age group less often feel lonely than solitude young people In a similar situation. The study of behavior and deeds of divorced people revealed that social type of loneliness Makes them to studysearches for someone more than just a interlocutor or partner for sex . Loneliness as a social problem It disappears only when confidence appears in reliability and confidence in the partner, in the stability of the relationship.

Modern societies contribute to the spread of social loneliness. In various demographic groups, the quantity and ratio suffering from solitude men and women constantly changing, and with age the number of single women increases. The absence of his family is more tragic for women, however, there are women who do not suffer from social type of loneliness, without having families at the same time. Such a type of women easily changes one partner after another, at the same time without tosing and not wanting to legalize their relationship. As a result of a long adaptation to itself and constant listening to its own state, social type of loneliness is often able to generate egoism In such women.

In modern society, the same conflicting lones were formed: civilization against civilization, culture against culture, identity against identity. They are characteristic of racism and nationalism. Or, more precisely, the new nationalism, this ideological construct, a hybrid of history, created as a result of social and sexual mixing of various groups and disguised as multiculturalism, "the main topic of which is not biological heredity, but the irresistibility of cultural differences; Racism, which does not seem to assert the supremacy of some groups or peoples over others, but only indicates that the borders are badly abolished, that different lifestyles and traditions are incompatible.

Social aspects of loneliness There are dissemination of social relations and connections of the inner spiritual world of man. Social loneliness It should not be identified with the state of physical isolation of a person, quite often a person can be alone not in isolation, And surrounded by his family, the best friends and colleagues at work. The concept of loneliness as a social psychological phenomenon, varies in several species and types. Of people, suffering from social species loneliness, It often distinguishes the concentration of its inner personal space, low self-esteem, excessive shyness. Lonely people feel unloved, worthless, unnecessary. In their own concept and according to the people around them, the lack of beloved halves, friends or loved ones is signs of a loser. Probability social problem of loneliness Great from divorced and widowed people who are on long-term treatment in the hospital or recently changed their place of residence. Social Type of Loneliness Men and Women It has its own features and differences. The absence of your family is more tragic for women. Conflicting solo conflicts were also formed in modern society: civilization against civilization, culture against culture, identity against identity. They are characteristic of racism and nationalism.

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. Loneliness is one of the most pressing problems of modern society. This is not only a complex phenomenon of human individual life, but also the most important social phenomenon that requires deep socio-philosophical understanding. Only in the presence of a wide interdisciplinary approach, an accurate understanding of the phenomenon of loneliness, its transformation in the modern world and forecasting the impact on the world of the future is possible.

The man of the XXI century feels increasingly divorced from himself. He feels an insignificant "screw" in the mechanism of global politics, lonely and abandoned in an alien to him. In the field of global political and economic relations, a separate individual and its inner world lose its paramount importance compared to the interests of the state, region, organization or team.

The scientific and theoretical relevance of appeal to the problem of loneliness in modern society is associated with the ambiguous interpretation of changes in it, and therefore the attitudes that the person should be guided in their lives. The nature of the changes occurring in modern society, for example, in the interpretation of D. Bell, looks like a transition from the production of things to the production of services. The scientist calls such a society by the post-industrial society, in which the information revolution unfolds.

Other researchers give him various definitions: "Poskaiplicistical society", "Globalizing Society", "Information Society", "Network Society", "Postmodern Society", "Risk Society", "Individualized Society", and this list can be continued. However, the listed characteristics of modern society are not synonyms, it is its separate faces characterizing the manifestation of its specific properties that exist in this society at the same time.

In this regard, it is particularly relevant to compare from the standpoint of the social philosophy of loneliness and communication phenomena and communications in their immediate relationship and interdependence.

Sphere high technologies and artificial Intelligence He burned out people from each other, communication in a virtual environment often completely replaces the real interpersonal communication: often people nearby, prefer to communicate in a virtual computer environment than leaned with eye. This generates a problem of virtual communication as a fluid of real communication, which, in turn, is very ambiguous affects the problems of loneliness of a particular individual.

Most of the study of loneliness in modern science is limited by the framework of social psychology and sociology. Therefore, loneliness is traditionally understood as a negative emotional experience in social isolation from other people, as a social phenomenon that extends to the advent of megacities, an increase in social mobility of the population, a crisis of family relations.

Loneliness is a concept, whose meaning of which seems affordable. However, such clarity is deceptive, and the understanding is ordinary, since the phenomenon of loneliness is filled with contradictory philosophical content, representing the difficulty for rational analysis. The value of the socio-philosophical understanding of loneliness is to focus on the significance of this phenomenon for humans and society. The danger of understanding it only as an individual phenomenon is that the situations and the reasons for which loneliness arises and is felt by a person is ignored. Thereby, many dynamic factors directly related to the essence of loneliness as a social phenomena are not taken into account.

Social processes designed to optimize and facilitate human life, ultimately lead to the leveling of the value of a separate personality. Individuality is erased, the possibility of "exchange" is reduced as enrichment when communicating with other people. Accordingly, the value of the communications itself is reduced, the quality is replaced by quantities. This leads to social isolation, anomy, alienation, the causes of which are the rest of loneliness and the desire to avoid it in any way.

On the other hand, excessive attention to social manifestations of loneliness without taking into account its importance for the inner world of a person can lead to the misunderstanding of the most important personal functions of loneliness.

The subject of research is updated by the need to draw attention to the threatening standardization of modern society, to the danger of intellectual degradation. The possibility of overcoming the current situation is seen, among other things, in changing the social attitude to loneliness. Fight S. negative consequences Solitude should begin not with the eradication of loneliness as such, but from the formation of a new attitude towards it. Of great importance is the socio-philosophical approach, which makes it possible to identify significant personal and social functions of loneliness, to determine the distinctive features of social modes of loneliness, such as non-timeness, abandonment, incomprehensibility. This will make the true causes of social anomalies and reduce the risk of their occurrence.

The degree of scientific desires of the topic of research. Loneliness is a complicated social phenomenon that requires interdisciplinary analysis. The study of this phenomenon and aspects of its relationship with asocial behavior is necessary, but this is the prerogative of psychology and sociology. The relationship of suicidal behavior and loneliness, for example, goes to its roots in the field of psychopathology. This is a medical problem, which is quite serious and has an extensive base of research.

Modern philosophical scientific and reference literature does not give a definition of loneliness. However, the history of humanitarian thought shows that philosophy has always recognized the value of loneliness. The problem is that the definitions that are used are purely psychological character and reflect only the negative characteristics of the studied phenomenon. Thus, there is a need to determine loneliness reflecting its philosophical content.

In the manifold of scientific approaches that make up the base for the formation of modern knowledge of solitude as an individual and social phenomenon, several groups of sources can be distinguished.

The first group includes the works of those thinkers in the history of philosophy, whose reflections, one way or another relating to loneliness and reflect the attitude to this phenomenon. The value of these works is determined by the fact that, despite belonging to various philosophical areas, they include both common features of loneliness, and individual differences due to the life situation and the subjective position of each author.

Reflections Plato, Aristotle, Epicate, Seneki, M. Aurelia, Confucius reflect the understanding of solitude ancient thinkers.

The medieval position in terms of loneliness, painted by the author's religious beliefs, is most brightly presented in the works of Augustine Aurelia (blissful).

The new perception of man by the Thinkers of the Renaissance Age is reflected on the attitude towards loneliness, on the understanding of its purpose. The new meaning of his stay alone is found in the work of such thinkers like D. Aligiery, F. Petrarch, K. Salyutati, L. Bruni, J. Manetti. The change in views on loneliness in the process of forming an understanding of the new European personality can be traced in the works of N. Makiavelli, M. Monteneya, B. Pascal, in addition, the anthropological ideological orientation of L. Fiherbach was of great importance to aware of the value of loneliness during the transition to a new time.

The value of a single person with his responsibility and enormous opportunities of knowledge through his own singleness proclaims the Danish theologian and philosopher S. Kerkegor. Existential orientation in the understanding of loneliness is presented in the history of philosophy of the works of A. Shopenhauer, F. Nietzsche, J.P. Sartre, M. Bubra, N.A. Berdyaev et al.

For the 20th century, a negative attitude towards loneliness is characterized. This position is reflected in the works of the social philosopher and psychologist E. Fromma. Pathological loneliness, studied by other representatives of Neofreedism.

The following source group is work, reflecting the transformation of socio-philosophical and cultural thought, which have not significantly influence the development of the theory of loneliness in the perspective of this dissertation study. These include scientific views set forth in studies of foreign thinkers (X. Ortega-I-Gasset, P. Tillich, V. Vindelband, X. Hofmister, E. Levinas, J. Lipovetski, N. Elias, R. Senneta, Lukach), modern domestic social philosophers (A.A. Huseynova, V.V.Bibikhina, K.H. Momjyan, BC Barulin.

The authors of modern generalizing publications on the problem of loneliness are I.S. Kon, Yu.M. Schwalb, O.V. DanCheva, V.I. Lebedev, N.P. Romanova, A.S. Gagarin. Serious contribution to the development of solitude problems made modern thinkers: N.V. Khamitov - a representative of psychoanalytic philosophy. Important for understanding the age characteristics of solitude of solitude are psychological and pedagogical studies.

A great contribution to the study of loneliness through the relationship of this phenomenon with communication was made by M.S. Kagan, E.I. Golovakh, N.V. Panina, E.Ya. Melibruda, L.A. Sicky. The possibilities of psychotherapy of loneliness are presented in the works of I. Yala and others.

Social philosophers, similar to sociologists, consider the phenomenon of loneliness through the prism of social processes and mechanisms: through political changes in society as an abandonment of G.D. Levin; Through anomy as a result of changing the social structure of J.V. Puzanova and V.I. Kurashov.

In modern scientific literature there are studies that in the context of studying other socio-philosophical problems enter a serious analysis of loneliness.

It should be noted that at the present stage both domestic and foreign studies of loneliness are presented, mainly in scientific articles. Classic foreign approaches to the study of the problem of loneliness are presented in the liaison labyrinths of solitude "by the editorial office of N.E. Pokrovsky. This collection has monographic integrity, since the works of foreign authors are not only combined with a single issue, but have a structural and logical unity. The collection presents the classical psychological, sociological and socio-psychological theories of loneliness. Within the framework of the listed sciences, the most persistent attempts to classify the types of loneliness were undertaken, to determine the concepts of "loneliness", "isolation", "privacy", "anomios". And the frequent psychodynamic directions were reflected in the works of J. Zilburg, Sullivan; Interactive Direction R.S. Weis; existential direction K. Mustakas, von Wizleben; cognitive directions L. Sidlo, D. Perlman, J. Yang; System System Models of Loneliness J. Flanders, Phenomenological K. Rogers, W. Sadler, T. Johnson, Intimate V. Derlegi, S. Margulisa, as well as the sociological concepts of loneliness K. Bowman, D. Risman, P. Slater, M. Foreign Ministry

Modern social reality is distinguished by the fact that the possibilities of a person to find themselves and their inner world are constrained by the tyranny of public, anonymity, the ability of the relationship, the propaganda of the danger of loneliness. Thus, "modern society has kidnapped and abducts us with ourselves," said V.A. Kuvakin, arguing his own humanistic view of peace and man.

Although the study of processes related to the transformation of modern society began relatively recently, it can be noted that certain aspects of the life of the personality, including her loneliness, has already been reflected in research from Z. Bauman, W. Bek, A. Bruce, A.D. Yelykova, V.L. Inozemeseva, N.V. Korytnikova, F.V. Lazareva, I.A. Malkovskoye, D.A. Silateva, E. Toffler, N. Elias, E. Fromma, etc. From these works, we can conclude that the most important aspects of modern society are the rapid shift social structures and the incompression of the characteristics of institutional structures and personal situations. The result of life in such a society is growing loneliness.

In addition, in these works, the role of the role uncontrolled by the person and trends is noted, which leads to increasing insecurity, uncertainty and becomes a serious obstacle to personal creativity in social chaos, which is a consequence of society individualization processes. This aspect also requires further study.

Based on the analysis of the degree of development of the study theme, it can be concluded that there is enough big Plast A variety of (sociological, psychological and socio-philosophical) literature, which gives certain theoretical representations and a large factual base on the transformation of modern society and specifically about the phenomenon of loneliness in such a society. However, this information is in the existing form of fragmentary and incommensurate by a number of parameters.

From the foregoing, it follows that the problem of socio-philosophical analysis of loneliness in the conditions of social transformation of modern society, although it is in the field of view of domestic and foreign scientists, but its decision is still far from completed, which allows us to talk about the presence of an extensive research lacuna. These considerations are determined by our appeal to this topic.

The purpose of the dissertation research It is to implement the systemic socio-philosophical analysis of loneliness in transforming social conditions of modern society.

The following is set tasks:

- determine the problem area of \u200b\u200bloneliness in modern society;

- Conceptualize the socio-philosophical categorical apparatus of loneliness theory;

- clarify the types of loneliness and social conditions for their formation in modern society;

- show the destruction of traditional social formats in the context of globalization;

- describe social individualization as a factor in the formation of loneliness;

- to systematize the methodology of the socio-philosophical study of loneliness in the context of the social transformation of modern society;

- analyze social solitude factors in the modern world;

- to explore the transformation of personal identity facts in modern transforming society;

- show the synthesis of social and personal factors in the formation of loneliness in modern society;

- to explore loneliness in the context of postmodern transformations and networking of modern society;

- to describe the informatization of society as a condition that affects the state of loneliness;

- Analyze the global Internet network as a tool to overcome loneliness in the conditions of modernity.

Object research is a phenomenon of loneliness in a modern transforming society.

Subject of research There are socio-philosophical analysis of the formation and overcoming loneliness in the conditions of social transformation.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. The problem of loneliness with its multi-faceted and complexity of manifestations in the modern world has delivered the task of its holistic study as a phenomenon of individual and social life.

The methodological basis of the dissertation is a combination of socio-philosophical approaches to the study of the phenomenon of loneliness, its social and personal functions. As a methodological base, the principle of dialectical interrelation and interdependence of loneliness as an individual phenomenon and social phenomenon is used. The systemic approach used in the work as an understanding of a person in relationship with other people and society has allowed us to consider loneliness as a social phenomenon.

In addition, during the study, a method of comparatively comparable analysis of various points of view and approaches, which makes it possible to trace the contextual load of the concept of "loneliness" and a specific historical approach, which allowed to study the understanding of the phenomenon under study, depending on the transformation of social and cultural factors in modern society.

The features of the subject of study led to the interdisciplinary nature of this dissertation research. Its foundation made up systemic and logical approaches. When studying any phenomenon of social reality, the interdisciplinary approach is of particular importance, since any social phenomenon is multifaceted.

The information base of the study was the provisions and conclusions presented in the philosophical, sociological and socio-psychological thought, which made it possible to consider the studied phenomenon in the relationship of its individual and social manifestations.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is as follows:

- determined the problem area of \u200b\u200bloneliness in modern society as a certain form of self-consciousness, and showing the split relations and links of the inner world of the individual;

- conceptualized socio-philosophical categorical apparatus of loneliness theory as timeless and universal phenomenon of public being;

- presented types of loneliness and social conditions for their formation in modern society in the context of psychological, space, cultural and social aspects;

- shown the destruction of traditional social formats in the context of globalization associated with an increase in the number of problems common to humanity, as well as the expansion of the number and types of integrating subjects;

- Social individualization is considered as a factor in the formation of loneliness, which is a consequence, not so much the process of decaying the previous communities, how much the process of forming new communities in modern society;

- The methodology of the socio-philosophical study of loneliness in the conditions of modern society, based on the synthesis of various discursive practices based on the synthesis, and based on the subordination of their achievements and constructive integration into a holistic concept;

- Social solitude factors are identified in the modern world, which are not necessarily identified with the state of physical insolation of man;

- revealed transformation of personal facts of loneliness in the modern transforming society related to the awareness of the inferiority of relations with personal intelligent people, the emergence of a sharp deficit of meeting the need for communication;

- It has been proven that the synthesis of social and personal factors in the formation of loneliness in modern society depends on the causes of their causes and the intensity of changes in the self-consciousness of people who cause the loss of the permanence of the image of the world;

- the conceptualized loneliness in the context of postmodern transformations and the networking of modern society, leading to the destruction of hierarchical structures, replacing the space of spaces space of streams;

-Informatization of society is defined as a condition affecting the state of loneliness by legitimizing the most adequate incarnation of the lifestyle of an individualized personality;

- It has been proven that the global Internet network is a tool to overcome loneliness in the conditions of modernity, when the quantitative characteristics of the International transferred to high-quality associated with the change of a large number of self-organizing Internet communities that are constructive and aimed at mastering the Internet space.

Provisions endured for protection.

1. Various philosophical flows and psychological schools are considering loneliness, not only as the only possible basis of human existence, but also as an anti-abatinal condition for a person, pathology and manifestation of a weak adaptability of the personality, as a social problem, a consequence of the development of modern public forces. Loneliness is an experience that causes a complex and acute feeling, which expresses a certain form of self-consciousness, and showing the split of the main real network of relations and communications of the inner world of the individual. If you analyze the condition of a person who is experiencing loneliness in the modern world, then it is characterized by an element of the surprise of its manifestation. There are various types and degrees of loneliness. The theory of loneliness, as a rule, ignored the situation in which it arises, and, thus, did not take into account the many dynamic factors directly related to its essence. The conceptual model of loneliness will explain the specific features of loneliness as a universal, universal phenomenon, as well as the main paths of its possible change. To solve this problem, an interdisciplinary method is applied, combining social philosophy, psychology and sociology with existential phenomenology.

2. In modern philosophy, there were two positions responsible for the question whether the loneliness of the eternal companion of mankind or it appeared on some special historical turning. The first position is associated with loneliness, primarily with the emergence of industrial society and the urbanization process. The second position considers it as a timeless and universal phenomenon of public existence. If we proceed from the assumption that the very emergence of the social community of people and the formation of society, i.e. A certain sustainable solidarity (in the concept of Durkheim), implied perception and reflection about not only the presence of this commonality, but also its absence, then loneliness is a basic universal phenomenon, only by changing in the historical process, but never leaving humanity. As the physical health of the body implies the potential and even the presence of the disease and the entire fullness of social communication is implicitly interrelated with the impossibility of establishing communication or its loss, the perception of which is exactly the content of loneliness. In such a interpretation, loneliness becomes an existential phenomenon that goes into the deep layers of human consciousness and is only partly manifested in certain forms on the surface of social existence.

3. Based on the review of the most important views on the loneliness and their analysis, the following typology of loneliness is built. As for psychological performances, in their framework, loneliness is regarded in a psychological paradigm as a negative state, which goes back into childhood. However, in contrast to psychoanalysis and human-centered therapy, existentialists, firstly, do not consider this feeling pathological, and, secondly, they see its causes in human existence. In addition to the psychological type of loneliness, the space is perhaps the most difficult. The cosmic measurement is used to designate at least three different forms of self-perception: comprehension of themselves as a whole reality, thanks to which the person correlates with nature and cosmos; involvement in mystical, mysterious aspects of life, extremely close to God or to the depths of being; The faith of a person in the uniqueness of their fate or involvement in great historical purposes. The next type of loneliness can be interpreted as loneliness cultural. In social sciences, the concept of cultural loneliness is used in the conventional sense, presenting a inherited system regulatory values and values \u200b\u200bthat define decisive elements in intersubjective relationships and lifestyles. Finally, the last is the social type of loneliness. The concept of "social" has a meaning here, often implied in American sociology. This is the construction or destruction of organized bonds, the relations forming the structure within which individuals and groups interact.

4. Globalization is the process of world economic, political and cultural and. The main consequence of this is world, migration on the scale of the entire planet, human and production resources, legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as the rapprochement and merger of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is, covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. It occurs both an increase in the number of problems common to humanity and the expansion of the number and types of integrating subjects. The modern process of globalization leads to generation not only just a separate new individuality, but also to the emergence of a new creative type of personality capable of independent overcoming of loneliness. Under these conditions, the personality falls under the pressure of new, never before those who have not arisen, the conditions - the inevitable tendencies of globalization, as well as the theoretical ambitions of a certain category of modern analysts and practical claims of politicians on the integrative influence of elite civilizations for the rest of the world. All these processes accompanied the strengthening of individual loneliness. Man, always striving, albeit, not always consciously, to exemption from the pressure of the outside world, did not foresee and could not foresee that the type of freedom that he dreamed of will be the price, and the price of this is insecurity, which includes uncertainty, insecurity And loneliness.

5. Society of early XXI century. It is characterized by the rapid complication of processes in the social, economic and cultural spheres, which leads to an increasingly explicit fragment of human existence, which is also the cause of its individualization. Based on this, individualization can be understood as a socio-historical category belonging to life situations and human biographies. In such a society, very often public problems are manifested as individual. Individualization leads to the erosion and destruction of not only large social groups - classes, classes, layers and even families. The increase in the individualization of society is characterized by duality and inconsistency. On the one hand, there is an increase in economic efficiency and expanding the layer of highly paid and privileged. On the other hand, there is a sharp drop in the standard of living for the unprivileged majority and the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the least protected. As for the influence of the individualization of social relations on the problem of the solitude of the individual who lives in such a society, the sharpness of the problem of loneliness today is due to the fact that the process of the formation of human autonomy is not only not completed - he barely began. The aggravation of solitude problems and even the sensation of loneliness as a total there is a consequence not so much the process of decaying former communities, how much the process of forming new communities in modern society. Multi-levelness and incompleteness of social processes in the modern world is the main cause of the increase in solitude of a separate person.

6. By virtue of a multidimensional, controversial nature of the problem of loneliness, each of the sciences (philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc.) has a subject of study "its" loneliness, reduced to the phenomena of biological, social, ethical, cultural, etc. Order, the consequence of which the absence of the integrity of knowledge is becoming the impossibility of "agree on the terms" between specialists of different areas of knowledge and even the refusal of all definitions. The epistemological potential of the interdisciplinary approach can be optimally implemented under the condition of structuring a set of various data on the foundation of the socio-philosophical understanding of the problem. The analysis of the role of the theoretical rod in the study of the phenomenon of solitude is precisely social philosophy is due, firstly, belonging to the problem of loneliness of the mainly of the subject area of \u200b\u200bsocial philosophy, and, secondly, the specific possibilities of socio-philosophical research of the problem. In order to recreate the holistic image of the phenomenon of loneliness of the methodological dominant research, the synthesis of various discursive practices were elected, based on the subordination of their achievements and constructive integration into a holistic concept.

7. Social aspects of loneliness are the disintegration of social relations and connections of the inner spiritual world of man. Social loneliness does not have to be identified with the state of physical isolation of man, quite often a person can be alone not in isolation, but surrounded by his family, the best friends and colleagues. The concept of loneliness, as a social psychological phenomenon, differs from several species and types. People suffering from social species of loneliness often distinguishes concentration in their inner personal space, low self-esteem, excessive shyness. Lonely people feel unloved, worthless, unnecessary. In their own concept and according to the people around them, the lack of beloved halves, friends or loved ones is signs of a loser. The probability of the social problem of loneliness is large in divorced and widowed people who are on long-term treatment in the hospital or recently changed their place of residence. The social type of loneliness of men and women has its own characteristics and differences. The absence of your family is more tragic for women. In modern society, the same conflicting lones were formed: civilization against civilization, culture against culture, identity against identity. They are characteristic of racism and nationalism.

8. One of the most serious problems of mankind is the problem of loneliness, when the relationship for some reason does not add up, without giving rise to any friendship, nor love, nor enmity, leaving people indifferent to each other. Under lonelling, we understand the subjectively experienced inconsistency between the observed reality and the desired ideal state, in which there is no close emotional attachment to a separate person or there is no available social communication circle. A person becomes lonely when aware of the inferiority of his relationship with people, personally significant for him, when he is experiencing an acute deficit of meeting the need for communication. Loneliness is hard mental condition, usually accompanied by poor mood and painful emotional experiences. Deeply lonely people are usually very unhappy, they have few social contacts, their personal relationships with other people or are limited, or completely torn. Genuine subjective solitude states usually accompany the symptoms of mental disorders that have the form of affects with a clearly negative emotional color, and different people have affective responses to solitude different. A lonely person is characterized by exceptional concentration on itself, on his personal problems and internal experiences. It is characterized by increased anxiety and fear of the catastrophic consequences of an unfavorable coating of circumstances in the future.

9. The problem of loneliness is one of the actual problems in the social and spiritual life of modern society, however, about the nature of loneliness, its essence and causes of occurrence in modern society are known. However, in reality, the problem of loneliness is real. Currently, an increasing number of people experiences this feeling due to the influence of the crisis of modern Russian culture. People suffering from loneliness over time to a certain extent lose positive human qualities and spiritual values. Situational loneliness they can move into a chronic state, which leads to mental disorders, to the degradation of the individual and, consequently, the degradation of society. All of the above determines the need to explore the problem of loneliness in modern Russian reality. Social loneliness is expressed in a deep experience of a man breaking ties and relations with other people, with society. Features of social loneliness are largely dependent on the reasons for their spawned, and, in turn, affect them, reinforcing or relaxing their action. From a psychological point of view, intensive changes in everything, including in the self-consciousness of people, cause a feeling of instability, uncertainty, sometimes lost, abandonment, meaninglessness of any activity in a sufficiently large number of people. The feeling of constancy of the image of the world, the "lizgost" of the environment is lost.

10. Life space is currently undergoing significant changes under the influence of high-tech development. In fact, all the logistical achievements of modern civilization are a peculiar manifestation of the "soul" of the postmodern society, which uses them to streamline objective reality in accordance with its entity, adapts it to their needs. Postmodern is the only possible form of objectification of the abstract idea of \u200b\u200b"absolute freedom" of a person, this is the absence of any rules and rules, it is a complete rejection of any style that is replaced by vulgar, disharmonious eclectics. The essential sociocultural distribution channel of postmodernism in the modern world is the approval of the network principle of public life and the destruction of hierarchical structures. The destruction of hierarchical structures occurs under the action of the principles of the rhizome. In the modern world, the space of streams comes to change spaces. One of the essential channels of influencing information technologies to everyday life is a virtual reality. The consequence of excessive wiping virtual environments can be changed by the attitude of a person to reality as such, including the reality of everyday life. Therefore, postmodern can be viewed as a society of total, irresistible loneliness, receiving confused forms. Like a paradoxically, but a modern man is striving for megalopolises, with their extreme accumulation of the population, only in order to be reliable to exhaust from the same as he, singles.

11. Information and communication technologies directly and directly affect the daily life of a person, determining the specifics and quality of its work, life, leisure, lifestyle and even thinking. The development of information technologies transforms the entire structure of human communicative human experience. Anonymity caused by the development of mediated forms of human communication, allowing the ambiguous identification of communication objects. With the development of information technologies, the number of living interpersonal contacts is significantly reduced. Meanwhile, as psychologists note, for normal well-being, a person needs constant contact with other representatives of the social environment close. A man who spends a lot of time in cyberspace, turns away from real reality and begins to be afraid of direct communication with himself. The individualization of society occurring under the influence of the development of information technologies leads to the rapid legitimation of social loneliness as the most adequate embodiment of the lifestyle of an individualized personality. Under the influence of information technology, "interactive" loneliness occurs, which develops on the basis of the increased inclusion of an individual into the virtual world of cyberscommus. His specificity is to displacing live social contacts with virtual contacts.

12. The Internet forms global, serves as a physical basis for. Currently, the Internet has become an essential factor affecting the everyday life of a significant number of people. Internet polyfunctional is not just an environment of personal and business communication, but also in an increasing degree of markets for sale (e-commerce), as well as entertainment. At the beginning, the emergence of the Internet contributed to an increase in lonely. Created an illusion of a saturated life, made it possible to realize himself in different hypostasses, while canceling such a necessary attribute of existence in society as an obligation to others. But in the future the situation began to change in the opposite direction. Quantitative characteristics The ones passed into high-quality. On the Internet currently there is a large number of self-organizing communities. Many Internet communities are constructive and aims to "enjoy" online space, its profits. The sociocultural consequence of the distribution of information technology becomes the increasing importance of communicativeness when it changes its forms, by profiting new ways of labor activity, leisure and new methods for finding information. Overcoming loneliness helps special clubs for communication, functioning on the Internet. People with a variety of interests can take advantage great choice portals, for example,. Thanks to the Internet, it is much easier to find a pleasant interlocutor for correspondence, true love or a faithful friend.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. The study may be useful in developing the concept of loneliness and its overcoming in modern Russian society. The results obtained are of interest not only for social philosophers, but also for sociologists, psychologists, social specialists, as well as all who theoretically and practically solves the task of forming a holistic, humanitarian approach to the problem of loneliness in modern society.

This dissertation can serve as the basis for the further development of the socio-philosophical issues of loneliness and its overcoming. The results of the study may be based on the basis of building concepts of social work, sociological and socio-psychological research, introduced into the practice of scientific and pedagogical activities, educational work as part of the development of the cultural program of modern Russian society, as well as used in teaching common, social philosophy, special courses philosophy, sociology and psychology of the person.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation study were reported and discussed at inter-university, regional and international conferences, in particular: the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Education is the main factor in the development of man and society" (Volgodonsk, 2000), the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference " Professional culture of the teacher of the economy and law "(Rostov-on-Don, 2000), the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference" Personality Development in Educational Systems "(Stavropol, 2000), Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference" Psychological Studies in education "(Rostov-on-Don, 2001), Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference" Peace through the eyes of a child "(Rostov-on-Don, 2002), All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Personality and Genesis: Personality and social reality "(Krasnodar, 2003), Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference" Development of Personality in Educational Systems of the South Russian Region "(Rostov On-Don, 2004), Inter-University Scientific and Practical Conference "Education of a Citizen, Human of Culture and Morality as a Constructive Development Conditions of Modern Russia" (Rostov-on-Don, 2004), annual meetings of the Southern Department of the Russian Academy of Education: . Sochi (2003), Nalchik (2004), Volgograd (2005), All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychology of Education: Modern State and Prospects" ( Slavyansk-on-Kuban, 2007), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Earth Dynamics" (Sofia, 2008), Scientific and Practical Conference "Social Development of Youth: Traditions and New Challenges" (Rostov-on -Don, 2008), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Higher humanitarian education XXI century: problems and prospects "(Samara, 2009), All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Psychological and Pedagogical Research of Quality of Education in Inspection Conditions educational institution"(Rostov-on-Don, 2009), International Scientific and Practical Conference" Novini from Scientific Action "(Sofia, 2009), All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Psychology of Professional Human Educational Space "( Yekaterinburg, 2009), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Vdeck Pokrok Na Rozmez Tiscilet - 2010" (Prague, 2010), International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Teacher of Higher School in the Twentieth Century" (g . Rostov-on-Don, 2011), International Scientific and Practical Conference "" (Sofia, 2011), International Psychological and Pedagogical Readings "Development of Personality in Educational Systems" (Rostov-on-Don, 2007-2011).