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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Humat potassium universal liquid application. How to apply humate potassium for different crops? Humata - what it is

Humat potassium universal liquid application. How to apply humate potassium for different crops? Humata - what it is

Organic farming is becoming increasingly popular among farmers. Many specialists in agriculture And private gardeners and flower products are moving to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and feeding. A big role in these modern technologies Gamates play, and in particular humate potassium.

About six dozen years ago, the famous Professor Lydia Khristian in practice showed the effectiveness of humate. Haming the humic acids from the soil, which were represented by sodium salts, it used them for watering plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of cultures. Nowadays, drugs based on humate are applied and manufactured in many countries and are in great demand in agriculture. This industry is reborn every year to the production of environmentally friendly and safe products. Agrarians massively began to use humates in their activities.

What are the humats?

Humaths are a variety of drugs that are made of humic acid salts, which are easily dissolved and converted with an effective solution for use in various industries. Kalivaya and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly leads the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore exhausted and poor land plots when drilling land, in environmental practice, in crop production and animal husbandry, as well as in construction and medicine.

Advantages of Gumus

Gumus is formed in the process of decomposition of organic products and their waste. The greater the organic and less oxygen, the more efficient the accumulation process of humus. Useful biochemical processes in the soil under the influence of humate occur only at the three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humaths contribute to improving the composition of the soil and filling it with nutritional elements, stimulate the growth of cultures and protect them from poisonous products and heavy metals.
  • The humus contributes to heating the soil, since it paints it in a dark color with it.
  • Gumus is able to maintain the necessary moisture content of the soil, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • With the help of humus, you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly sections with humus become connected, and viscous clay soils in combination with humus turn into loose.
  • When using potassium humate, accelerated absorption of beneficial substances with plants from soil and water.

Impact of potassium humate on various cultures

Different cultures react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be approximately divided into groups on the effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • A good reaction - in corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet.
  • Weak reaction - in legume crops.
  • Minimum impact - on sunflower and pumpkin.

Humat Potassium reminds of the form of ground coffee. It has the same coloring and loose. It is used as feeding for indoor plants and for flowers on the outdoor ground. This universal fertilizer is capable of changing the volume of harvest for the better, despite the various unforeseen situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With the right and timely use of humate, a good harvest is guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in the application between annuals and perennials. Plant - one-stage fertilizer is very necessary in the initial stage of development and before the formation of breeding bodies. Perennial cultures need fake after landing or transplanting to a new place to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilizer of humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or to process other planting material.
  • With irrigation.
  • With extraordinary processing (for example, when spraying).

For each type of culture there is its own fertilization rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the drug. To violate these recommendations to a smaller or most side is categorically prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. The growth and development of plants can slow down, which will lead to a low yield. It is recommended to distribute the drug so that not most of It was used to soak seeds and spraying, and most of the root - for watering under the root, that is, to power the root part of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, it is possible to apply humates in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each separately this complex fertilizer depends on the specific culture and from the selected feeding. For example, humus can be used in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost contributes to the rapid growth of microorganisms, if approximately 2.5-3 months before use to be treated with a solution of humate. 10 kg of compost or manure will take 10 gr of humate. Such an integrated fertilizer is introduced into the soil when dripping or in liquid form when watering.

The drug by 80% consists of a basic substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with an incentive effect. In the process of processing a natural peat, a variety of useful substances that are used in the preparation were extracted. It is potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these active organic substances are excellent powers for plants and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be applied at all stages of plant development and contribute by any means. The liquid must be dissolved with water according to the supplied instructions (for separately taken culture) and use for soaking the planting material, spraying and entering the root, soaking seedlings.

An excellent effect gives the humate potassium peat as a means to power the soil. It contributes to an increase in organic components on the land plot. It is necessary in the form of a concentrated solution using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers The effectiveness of the drug is increased several times. There are no prohibitions for a combination of humate with potassium and nitrogen, but it is not recommended to mix it with phosphoric drugs. The newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve with such a mixing. Preparations, which contains phosphorus, must be made separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic and chemicals should be carried out carefully, if not sure in the final result. When mixing small doses various elements You can easily trace their reaction. When forming a homogeneous fluid - fertilizer can be used, and when the sediment is dedicated, it is impossible.

The method of incorrect treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only is favorably affects the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the number of nitrates and poisonous substances in their composition.

Application of the drug Humat potassium "Sufler"

This universal drug is distinguished by its composition that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of the humate of potassium "Sufler" among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the timing of ripening crops.
  • Enhances plant immunity and increases sustainability to many diseases.
  • The energy of germination of the seed material increases at times.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrient elements from the soil to the plant.
  • In a short time it is capable of restoring soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • Many times increases the resistance of plants to climatic and weather changes, to all adverse weather conditions.
  • Quality rises harvest collected And the timing of its storage by extending the focus is increasing.

Most often, this fertilizer is used to feed indoor flowers. Strictly observing recommended in the dosage manual, it is recommended to use fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times in the period from November to February.

The use of peat potassium humate (powder)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • It helps to reduce poisonous substances and nitrates 2 times.
  • Strengthens immunity and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and ripening.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of the plants.
  • The amount of nutrient elements, as well as vitamins increases significantly.
  • He contributes to the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases the stability of plants to droughts and cold.

Humat potassium in the country. How to improve the structure of the saline area (video)

Tomatoes today are a very popular vegetable grown on all Russian gardens. They contain many healthy substances. This culture requires careful supervision. For getting good harvest It will be necessary to correctly grow seedlings, move it into a soil or to a greenhouse, to feed, water and protect against pests and diseases. In order for tomatoes to grow well and let juicy and healthy fruits, experienced vegetables are recommended to feed them with a humate potassium.

What is useful in potassium humate for tomato seedlings

It is used to increase the yield of culture. It is obtained by fertilizer from the remains of plants, peat, dung, lake-slim hoods. Sometimes used and brown coal for this fertilizer. Natural components strengthen the plant and stimulate its growth.

In the humate potassium there is a lot of potassium and phosphorus, it is also filled with humic acids and useful trace elements. It is considered useful for grated, potatoes and beets. They improve the growth, rhizomes are strengthened, yield improves (in particular, flavoring and fruit size).

In addition, humic acids improve the state of the earth around the plant, develop microflora in the soil.

Humat potassium for seedling tomato

Most often used for roasting and leaf feeding. When fertilizer, you need to clearly follow the instructions on the package, because the excessive amounts of substances will not bring better results.

When soaking seeds add 20 ml of substance in a glass of water. Seeds are soaked for a day so that they are disinfected. Cuttings can be processed for better rooting.

To water the tomatoes by this means needed under the root for the entire period of growth of no more than three times (50 ml per bucket of water). In the same proportions, breed fertilizer for spraying foliage.

In order to restore the fertility of the Earth, you need to dissolve 500 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water and after steaming the site, it is plentiful to hide the ground.

Fertilizer has a variety - humate 7, containing all 7 microelements, useful during plant vegetation. Humat 7 microelements Method of use for tomatoes through mixing with nitrogen and mineral feeders (for example, barrel and 4 buckets).

The use of Gumat 7 iodine for tomatoes is characterized by the fact that it is recommended to make it possible for two months (May-July). It strengthens the plant and makes it resistance to diseases is more resistant.

There is another kind of this fertilizer - Gumatem. It is used to combat pests such as the Colorado Flashing Beetle. You can shoot them not only tomatoes, but also potatoes, and other cruciferous.


Caline Ecorgian humate - fertilizer to improve the state of the soil, but also contributes to the development of roots. Reduces the amount of heavy metals in the ground and nitrates in the fruits.

Gumatized gera fertilizer for tomatoes is often used as an analogue of potassium humate. Contains a set of trace elements to improve growth. It has the same properties as potassium humate for tomato seedlings.

With this drug, you can carry out a microelement feeding of seedlings in the greenhouse, in domestic boxes, in the open ground.

Its liquid state makes it possible to penetrate well into the soil and get it, rooted - draw all the useful substances and distribute the trunk. Convenient when spraying. Does not scoring holes.

Watering with this fertilizer is held three times with an interval of 14 days. It is best to start watering after disembarking a culture in a soil or greenhouse. The second fertilizer should be done when buds begin to get toned. Last time to pour a culture at the time of flowering. The concentration of fertilizing solution is a tablespoon of a dining room for 10 liters of water.

Council. In order to improve the state of the Earth in the garden, you can scatter fertilizer over the site and switch or use the liquid solution at a certain place. You can mix the humate fertilizer and ash and scatter in the garden of early spring, when the snow is still lying. Thus, you can speed up its melting and focusing the land.

Often, the humatic fertilizers are used to process and improve the properties of composts. Due to the large presence of humic acids, the organic processing is accelerated, and the compost ripens faster. A fertilized soil by humus compost, with the addition of humate, and improves the useful microflora.

To the question of how this fertilizer affects the shoots of tomato, it is possible to answer that his introduction to the young seedlings will not prevent its growth, on the contrary, it will accelerate and strengthen the plant. But before applying the fertilizer for young vegetation, the tomato is better to pay attention to the instructions on the package, so as not to burn the faint roots of the plant.

Interesting. It is better that fertilizer works in a podzolic or alkaline ground. But in acidic land gives the opposite effect and the palette of culture. In the chernozem does not give any effect at all.

Compared to other fertilizers, potassium humate is used for many cultures and garden trees, flowers and fruit plants. The drug has a comprehensive effect: increases growth, immunity, strengthens the roots, makes more resistant to disease, improves adaptation after moving into the ground, removes radionuclides and nitrates, contributes to the emergence of useful microflora in the soil.

Interesting. This fertilizer has deserved positive feedback from the rowers of Russia.

Tomato fertilizer folk remedies

In addition to purchased drugs, you can use fertilizers made by yourself. But it is necessary to carry out the feeder after the seedlings moved to the garden. For independently prepared fertilizer solutions, a dung, a korlard or chicken litter is most often used. But not in pure form, but with the addition of feeding drugs in small quantities. Such mixtures give an excellent effect for the growth and development of tomato.

It is best to prepare and make nitrogen-containing or potash fertilizer. This is a cow manure and nitroposk, mixed in a bucket of water.

Another good feeding will be chicken litter and potassium sulfate.

It is good to use fresh manure with yeast and ash (woody), a korlard and boric acid infused in water for the roasting irrigation.

While plant blooms, you can add infusion of ash and water, mixed with potassium humate.

The easiest way to fertilize tomatoes is to mix yeast and sugar, after their three-day fermentation add wood ashes. The use of such bait gives a good tomato harvest and fills the plant with useful elements.

Any feeder must be made carefully, in small quantities, so as not to burn the plant and its roots.

The humate of potassium is called salt derived from humic acid. Humat and acid are the main components of the soil, its concentrate is humus, which responds almost for all processes in the ground. It is formed due to the collapse of organic substances. Under the action of water, microorganisms and oxygen, humates are obtained from it. The tool is a universal organic fertilizer that increases soil fertility.

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    Composition fertilizer

    Potassium humate is a fertilizer with a large content of humic acids (more than 80%). Its application allows you to speed up the growth and development processes of many plant species. The effect of the means is aimed at reducing the level of soil acidity and increasing its general qualitative indicators due to the effective effect on plants - fruit, vegetable crops, garden and houseplants. The fertilizer includes:

    • amino acids;
    • peptides;
    • enzymes;
    • growth stimulants;
    • antibiotics.

    Humaths accelerate metabolic and biochemical processes in the soil. They are obtained from brown coal, soil, lignosulfonates and peat. The tool is used for processing seeds, seedlings, cuttings and adult plants.

    Potassium humate cannot be used simultaneously with fertilizers that contain phosphorus, and potassium spit. This is due to the fact that their interaction forms insoluble compounds. At first, humans contribute to the wet land, and after 5 days - other fertilizers.

    The drug will not have due efficiency in fertile soil - chernozem.

    Useful properties of the product

    Gumat - natural and environmentally friendly fertilizer, which is obtained from minerals saturated peat (potassium or sodium). The drug is produced in dry and liquid form. The concentrated solution is more in demand due to the convenience of use. It has a dark brown color. The substance needs to be breeded with water, depending on the purpose of use:

    1. 1. To improve the overall state of the soil, it is recommended to prepare a composition with a concentration of 0.1-0.2%.
    2. 2. For the root dressing, spraying or soaking seeds requires a solution with a dosage of 0.01%. The use of a substance contributes to the removal of nitrates from plants and fruits.

    The main property of fertilizer is to stimulate plant growth. Its main action is directed to the roots. The drug contributes to their development and strengthen the plant as a whole.

    Humat potassium has a number of useful properties:

    • restores and improves soil characteristics;
    • accelerates the ripening time of fruits, seeds;
    • increases yield;
    • increases germination;
    • strengthens the root system;
    • increases the immunity of the plant, its resistance to various diseases;
    • reduces the number of nitrates in the fruits and reduces the need of plants in them;
    • increases the storage time of cultures;
    • increases the endurance of plants to temperature drops;
    • has a positive effect on any kind of cultures;
    • it is an environmentally friendly and safe means.

    Instructions for the use of the drug for various types of crops

    Instructions for use depends on the purpose of using the drug:

    1. 1. For soaking seeds or seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and a third of a teaspoon. Hold it 12 hours.
    2. 2. For spraying, a solution of 10 liters of water and 3 g of substance should be used.
    3. 3. For watering, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of the drug in 10 liters of water. This composition treat the plant during flowering period.

    For vegetables

    Handle Caliya's humate vegetable crops are needed before sowing and during vegetation. In the season you can perform feeding up to 6 times. To prepare a solution for watering, you need to mix 10 liters of water and 100 ml of the means. The consumption of composition varies from 3 to 10 liters per 1 square meter. M and depends on the type of plants.

    For spraying, the same solution is used. Application rate - 3 l per 100 square meters. m. To soak seeds, it is necessary in 1 liter of liquid to dissolve 100 ml of substance. Seeds need to soak one day.

    Fertilizer is used for cucumbers and tomatoes (3-4 processing per season). Potatoes need to soak or spray before planting. Beets, cabbage, zucchini and carrots need to be processed 4 times during the season.

    For greens

    Treatment of these crops can be carried out 2-6 times per season. To do this, mix 10 liters of water and 100 ml of humate potassium. This solution is to produce root feeding at the rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter. m.

    For fruit and berry bushes and trees

    The drug is used to process seedlings, roots and other parts of trees, bushes. To make a means better in a complex with pesticides and herbicides.

    Processing must be carried out early in spring before the start of flowering, during the formation of the ovary and during maturation.

    A solution of 1 l of water and 50 ml of the drug is used to treat bulbs or seeds (soaking for 24 hours). For watering you need to dissolve 100 ml of means in 10 liters of water. The cost consumption is 7-10 liters per 1 square meter. m. For spraying, use 3 l mixtures per 100 square meters. m.

    For garden flowers

Potassium humans are used in crop production for more than half a century as organic fertilizers for soil and stimulants of growth and development of plant crops. Multifunctionality and versatility of this substance make the area of \u200b\u200bits use is very extensive. This is the improvement of the composition and structure of the soil, and accelerating germination of seed material or rooting seedlings, and an increase in the decorative properties of plants, their yields.

Applying humic substances can be used throughout the vegetation period of plants. It is very economical and effective even in small doses, and at the same time is environmentally safe. We will tell about this fertilizer and its application in detail.

The available humats differ in origin, form of release and composition. What are these differences?


Gumates from natural and artificial raw materials are produced.

For reference. The reaction with sodium alkali gives a similar product product - sodium humat. But his sphere of influence is not so extensive. In addition, it has an alkaline reaction, so it is not recommended for application in alkaline ground. Although in general the differences between these drugs are not too large.


Potassium humate is well compatible with many other plant beneficial drugs, so it is often produced not only in its pure form, but also in complex compositions. These include a gumatized carbamide or a popular "phytoosporin" at the gardeners.

The quality of the product and the concentration of the active substance in it is of great importance. Some manufacturers under the guise of humic fertilizers sell a solution of ordinary peat. Outwardly, it does not differ from the "right" means, and the humins are present in it, but it is clear that it is no effective. Therefore, it is better to buy concentrated preparations created by well-known manufacturing companies.


Form release

On sale humate potassium can be found in different typesand choose the most convenient form for use.

  1. Liquid concentrate that is independently divorced by water in the required proportions. Available in a container of different volumes, which is very convenient and large farmers, and summer houses, and lover of houseplants.

  2. The most economical and convenient for transportation form of the release is a paste from which liquid fertilizer is prepared for watering and spraying.

  3. In a bulk form (granules, powders), the humate of potassium is convenient to be made in the soil at its resistance. As well as fertilizer large squares. The drug is scattered over the surface of the Earth before plowing or by taking the snow. This method is very effective for fertilizing lawns.

  4. The most efficient development is the gel containing active molecules. The liquid preparation prepared from it has increased penetration.

    Rashless fully soluble humate potassium - gel

Regardless of the form, all these drugs are equivalent in action. Differences are only in the method of making, preparation of solutions, dosage.

Instructions for use

Depending on the composition, form of release and manufacturer, potassium humate can have a different concentration of the active substance, so there is its own instruction developed by the manufacturer for each drug.

A solution for irrigation or extraxanoral feeding on the leaves is prepared by diluting with water of any form of the drug according to the proportions indicated in the instructions. Since the danger from overdose of the drug is absent, it is often bred for irrigation without compliance with clear proportions, simply making a solution similar to the color of a fastening tea.

Note. A solution of powder or granulated potassium humate may contain insoluble mechanical impurities. If it is preparing for spraying, it is recommended to strain it.

Approximate consumption of the finished solution


8-10 liters per square meter of crops.

10 liters by 50-100 square meters.

Strictly according to the instructions

When using bulk fertilizer, its flow depends on the quality of the soil:

  • fertile soils - 100 grams per 100 square meters (one weaving);
  • poor or infected soils - 300-500 grams per hundred.

The water temperature for the solution, the environment and the processing time does not have.

How it works

The principle of operation of humic substances is still not completely understood by scientists. But it was established that they have the ability to associate some chemical compounds, attracting them to themselves. For example, they block the harmful substances contained in the soil, which include salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides. And from the seeds they pull compounds negatively affecting their germination, and block the penetration of infections into them.

Another useful property Gumates - the ability to penetrate the cell membranes of plant crops, improving their nutrition, circulation of beneficial substances and fluid movement.

Regular use of this substance allows you to achieve the following results:

  • increase the fertility of the soil and the settlement of its useful microflora, neutralization of toxins contained in it. Potassium humate helps break a heavy clay soil and make a more moisture light sandy;
  • acceleration of rooting cuttings, germination of seeds and bulbs, obtaining friendly and healthy shoots;

  • acceleration of ripening of fruits, approaching the timing of decorative cultures;
  • increasing plant resistance to infections and insect pests, as well as sustainability to such negative factors as frost or drought;
  • improving yield.

Note. Especially obvious the effectiveness of potassium humate when used in the regions with a harsh climate and poor soil. In the black earth zones, the Earth itself contains a lot of useful humus, and a favorable climate does not create problems for growing garden and vegetable crops, so people living in areas often arise doubts about the benefits of the drug.

Video - Humat potassium in the country. Improve the structure of the saline

Very good results in the cultivation of vegetable and decorative crops can be achieved by applying potassium humate throughout the season. Moreover, the methods of use can be the most different :.

  1. You can start from early spring, scattering the granules of the drug throughout the planned area of \u200b\u200bthe site, including not only the garden and greenhouses, but also a lawn, land under garden trees, flower beds. Especially effective such introduction of fertilizers in the snow: they will dissolve and together with the waters are absorbed into the soil.

  2. Then the humate potassium is then used to soak seeds before planting, as well as purchased seedlings and their own cuttings for stimulating the root formation and accelerate the survivalability in a new place.

  3. Seedlings before picking or disembarking in open sad It is useful to make a solution of the drug or pour after these events.

  4. Watering and spraying is recommended and throughout the growing season, especially during periods of cooling, formation of uncess, ripening fruit.

  5. In the fall, after harvesting, the liquid or powder fertilizer is recommended to be made to the sections where pesticides were used.

  6. Humat potassium accelerates the transformation of organic waste into compost and saturates its useful microorganisms. Therefore, it is very useful to shed a compost bunch with a solution of this substance.

If you compare potassium humate with other fertilizers, it has a lot of advantages, which includes low cost, environmental safety, simplicity and all-season applications, unlimited shelf life, versatility. What makes it so attractive for professionals and lovers.

There are many supporters of both organic and mineral fertilizers. You can be an adherent of any way, but many still agree that natural additives for plants are most often more useful. At least due to the fact that they are completely decomposed in the soil. One of these fertilizers is humate potassium. In this article, we will consider ways to use it.

Gumat loved our gardens and gardeners for a very long time. It is easy to use it, and the effect of applying this natural additive is extremely good and noticeable even with the naked eye. Get it out of absolute natural natural components. Potassium humate from the residues of vegetation is used for this also drawing from peat, manure A or even lake il. In some cases, brown coal acts as raw materials. Natural components of humate have a pronounced stimulating effect. So, with pre-soaking seeds, the degree of their germination increases sharply. If the cuttings should be treated with them, then the chances of rooting are significantly increasing.

In order to treat seeds, seedlings and cuttings, a solution should be prepared from the calculation of 20 ml of the preparation by 250 ml of water. It is soaked within 10-15 hours a day before landing.

How to breed humat potassium?

If potassium humate is used for irrigation - the composition is prepared from the calculation of 50 ml of the drug on the water bucket (10 l). For a large processed area, one can proceed from the ratio of 1 liter on 200 liters of water (one barrel).

Perennial plants are subjected to four multiple treatment with watering solution: the first time the processing is carried out in early spring. 3 weeks after that, the second processing is performed. After the formation of buds, the for the third time to apply humate, and in the last - the fourth time - during flowering.

Instructions for the use of liquid humate potassium

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Very positively proved humate liquid peat with potassium composition. This fertilizer in the form of a dark brown liquid. It has a stimulating effect and contains 80% of the main substance. Potassium humate liquid on a peat basis, produced as a result of the processing of natural peat, by extracting many active substances (phosphorus, nitrogen, microelements and potassium). It is very saturated with mineral and organic trace elements. Peat liquid humate potassium has up to 30 useful and nutritious trace elements.

Instructions for the use of this fertilizer is not complicated: it is necessary to simply dissolve the concentrate in water with a concentration of 0.01%, depending on the purpose and fertile culture. This type of humate applies to soak seeds and planting materials, seedlings, as well as the root and not root fertilizer of cultures.

In order to improve the state of the soil, increasing the composition of organic substances in it, the liquid humate of potassium is added to the ground as a concentrated solution of 0.1-0.2% of the main substance.

Very effective is considered the fertilizer in a complex with eradicates and mineral fertilizers. It can be mixed without any restrictions with nitrogen, organic fertilizers, even with potassium.

Liquid potassium humate is not combined with phosphoric drugs due to the formation of compounds that are not able to dissolve. They are recommended to contribute separately. If you have any doubts about any other eradicate or organic substances, it is better to take each drug in small parts, mix and look at the reaction. If a precipitate is not formed as a result of this compound, it means that drugs can be safely mixed and used as fertilizer.

The treatment of growing plants is not a root method in a complex with minerals and pesticides, it has one very big advantage - it contributes to a significant decrease in nitrates and poisons in a growing plant and a grown crop.