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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» How to build a tree of objectives organization an example. Objectives of the organization and their formation

How to build a tree of objectives organization an example. Objectives of the organization and their formation

Very often in companies you can see a strategy in the form of a huge document containing many heterogeneous information, while the responsibility for achieving the strategy is assigned only to the Director-General. I will consider how to formalize and digitize the strategy by creating a tree of goals, assign those responsible for achieving the goals of employees, identify indicators for assessing progress in achieving goals, as well as identify the project program that will ensure the implementation of the strategy.

The history of the management approach for goals

Management technology for targets has serious founders and a long history of development. The concept of management for goals (management by objectives - MVO) was introduced into business practices in 1954 by Peter Drucker. The management of the purposes are based on the formalized goals of the company, the goals of employees of the company, as well as regular procedures for assessing progress in achieving the goals.

According to Peter Drker, management on targets is built in accordance with five basic principles. The first principle implies the development of goals to the level of each employee, while the goal of the employee must directly flow from the objectives of the organization. The second principle states that when developing goals, it is used to detail the goals "top-down" from the level of the strategy to the staff level, as well as the aggregation of the goals "bottom-up" for binding the goals of employees with the objectives of the company. The third principle provides for the interaction of the head and employee in the formulation of the goals, and not a simple bringing the goals to the employee without the possibility of their discussion and adjustment. The fourth principle requires a regular assessment of progress in achieving goals and analyze feedback from employees. Well, the fifth implies the use of the SMART principle when formalizing goals.

Tree Tools - Building

So what is the goal? The goal is the desired state of the company on the strategic planning horizon, which may vary from one to ten years depending on the industry and the size of the company. In fact, the company's mission and the owner's vision is the basis for building a tree of targets, which is detailed "top-down" from the mission on the principle "What does this mean?".

The concept of the "Tree Tree" was first suggested by Ch. Cherchmen and R. Akoff in 1957 and is a structuring tool used to identify and formalize the target state of the company and creating a program of its development.

The tree of goals is a structured, built on the hierarchical principle, the set of objectives of the organization in which the main goal (mission) is allocated, as well as subordinate to it the first, second and subsequent levels of detail.

When building a tree of targets in practice, it is necessary to take into account that the goal will be achieved when all of it will be achieved, thus the completeness of the goal-setting and the association of goals between levels will be achieved.

By technology, the tree of goals is formed by "top-down" level behind the level, until the ability to "digitize" the goal will appear with indicators, as well as appoint a responsible employee for its achievement. In practice, the tree of goals is often limited to two-three levels of detail, because when formalizing goals, the main thing is to stop in time so as not to go into excessive detail.

This is the difference from the "classic" approach of Peter Druker, who involves bringing the goal to each employee. The projects are not easy to "give" goals to the level of leaders of key units, and not that before each ordinary employee.

Therefore, the detailing of the tree of goals is terminated, after the goal is appointed responsible, the goal has become measurable using an indicator, as well as projects aimed at achieving this goal.

Tree Tools - Grouping

When building a tree of purposes, it is necessary to initially comply with some order of structuring or grouping goals to ensure the completeness and consistency of the created target tree. You can use several grouping options, someone grows targets over the PDCA cycle, someone grows on business processes, however, on the basis of project experience, it is safe to say that the following two options are most convenient.

The first option implies a grouping of goals for the prospects of a system of balanced indicators - BSC (Finance, customers, processes, training and development) and most often apply to commercial companies. The second option is more often used in state structures and large holdings and implies a group of target objectives in accordance with the organizational structure, for example, by deputy general director, which facilitates the subsequent coordination of the tree of objectives in the organization.

The definition of the rules for grouping goals allows you to bring "order" when creating a tree of goals, as well as test completeness of goal. As an example, when using the BSC's prospects group, you can detect "gaps" in terms of orientation on the client, the development of internal business processes or in training and development of personnel. In fact, you can see that the Russian business is sometimes guided by a joke - "That the cow would eat less and give more milk, it needs to be less feeding and more to milk."

To verify the constructed tree of targets for completeness, you can additionally hold a SWOT-analysis of the company, which allows you to determine the objectives that could be missed during goaling, but in practice it is not always done.

Is Smart always possible

If we talk about the rules of formalization of goals, then on the one hand, SMART technology was created for this, but in practice it is not always possible to adhere to it 100 percent. It is not immediately possible to achieve the measurability of objectives, for example, on the upper "floors" of the tree of the target, for their measurement it may be necessary to take many indicators, and with the primary wording of the target, it is simply impossible to determine the list of indicators.

If you contact examples, the goal "to increase sales by 20% annually" is often quite sufficient for further discussion and detail, while the goal formulated with the use of Smart may look as follows "Commercial Director to increase sales by 20% annually, The cost of entering the market of China, with new products in the field of online learning. "

The community of wording in the goal tree will be replenished later, when detailing goals and when the goal environment model will be built, in which the indicators and their actual and planned values \u200b\u200bwill be determined; algorithms for calculating indicators and sources of information collection responsible for achieving the goals of employees; Projects aimed at achieving goals.

To assess progress in achieving the goal, indicators are used, and it is they show how we moved to the implementation of the strategy, and to whom from managers can pay for this award, and who does not. A large number of indicators for measuring the degree of achievement of goals often leads to the need for serious refinement of a management accounting system and serious labor data for data collection, and that is why each target is tied to a maximum of 2-3 indicators, which are selected according to the Pareto principle, taking into account the possibility of calculating them on the basis of existing In the company of management accounting system.

The next step, after digitizing the goal, the indicators and destination of the responsible employee is the formation of projects aimed at achieving the goals themselves. At the same time, several projects can be formed to achieve one goal for which it is necessary to specify the timing of their execution.

Thus, as a result, the tree of goals should be formalized, the indicators with actual and planned values \u200b\u200bshould be "tied", the projects are appointed for achieving goals and indicators, the projects aimed at achieving their goals are formed, and, therefore, to achieve a strategy. It remains only to begin the implementation of projects and introduce new indicators to the system of motivating responsible employees.

Is it worth building a system of balanced indicators (BSC)

The next step in the digitization of the strategy is to build a system of balanced indicators (BSC) using Norton and Kaplan technology. BSC allows you to level the disadvantage of the management system for targets and balance the goals and indicators relative to each other.
For example, in the goal tree, two opposite goals may be: "Reduce the development time of a new product" and "reducing the cost of developing a new product", priorities between which will be determined in manual mode when determining priorities between projects.

BSC allows you to determine project priorities through algorithms for balancing goals and indicators on prospects on the basis of expert assessments, as well as as a result of the analysis of the correlation of the actual values \u200b\u200bof the indicators. However, in practice you can see the complexity of the BSC algorithms, and, although in Russia there are many positive examples of its construction, unsuccessful examples even more.

Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the maturity of management in a particular company to understand how much it can implement and use BSC technology, because it is very often quite enough to use a tree of targets with indicators, projects and responsible, without the use of BSC with its uneasy algorithms.

Considering the strategic management from a very pragmatic point of view, it is unambiguous to say that if the goals of the organization are not defined, then, of course, the system will not work fully.

Objectives of the enterprise - These are specific indicators with specific values \u200b\u200bto achieve the company for the planning period.

Unfortunately, not in all companies involved in strategic management, there are goals. Moreover, in some companies, when they reach the development of goals, managers begin to understand how it all threatens and, of course, try to sabotage this process in every way.

After all, if the goals of the organization are clearly painted, then it will be possible to control their execution, and, in addition, you will need to be responsible for achieving them. And when in the company everything is "foggy and vague", it is easier to get away from responsibility.

The advantages of the formalized setting of the organization's goals.
1. If the organization's goals are not formulated or incomprehensible, there is a danger of performing actions that do not meet the goals of the enterprise. Formalization of the organization's goals encourages their discussion within the company, which reduces the risk of misunderstanding or incomplete understanding.
2. If the goals of the enterprise are clearly defined, the possible conflicts between them may be more likely to be found and eliminated during the coordination of the goals.
3. The exact definition of the criteria for evaluating the company's activities as a whole is necessary in all cases, with the exception of the case when the formalized announcement is made for "propaganda" hiding the true goals of the organization.

Criteria of the organization's goals (SMART criteria)

When developing and formalizing the objectives of the Organization, it is necessary to remember that the goals should satisfy five criteria.

They are often called Smart * -Criteria:

  • concreteness ( S.pecific) goals of the organization:
  • meashability ( M.easurable) Company purposes:
  • reachability (realizability) ( A.chievable) goals of the organization:
  • significance ( R.elevant) goals of the organization:
  • time definition ( T.iMED / T.iMED-BOUND) Company goals:

    * Smart is an abbreviation of English Words: Specific (Concrete), Measurable (measurable), Achievable (achievable), Relevant (significant), TIMED / TIMED-BOUDD (defined in time).

    Specification of the goals of the organization (SPECIFIC)

    There should be no formulation of the type "Improving the efficiency of the enterprise", because It is not defined what effectiveness and what effectiveness should be achieved.

    By the way, so that the goals of the enterprise are specific and understandable to all employees, a glossary should be developed in the company, in which all the terms would have been decrypted.

    In particular, all that concerns the wording of the organization's objectives should be deciphered in the Strategic Management Regulations. Naturally, employees of the company must have access to this information.

    Measureness of the goals of the enterprise (Measurable)

    If the goal of the enterprise can not be measured, it cannot be controlled, so when approving any indicator, it is necessary to determine how this indicator will be calculated.

    It may seem that this criterion is excessive, because If the purpose of the organization is specifically, it is naturally measurable.

    On the one hand, it is quite logical, but on the other hand, in practice it may be so that it is very difficult to measure this goal or a measurement of a particular purpose is very expensive for the company.

    For example, such a goal of the company as a market share for some organizations can be very difficult measurable, although it is quite specific and for it you can set target values, but, in fact, there may be significant financial and temporary resources for its measurement.

    Reachability (realizability) of the company's goals (Achievable)

    On the one hand, the goals of the company must be tense, that is, in order to achieve them, it is necessary to work effectively, but on the other hand, the goals of the organization must be real.

    If the goals of the company are easily achievable, it creates employees. If each time the goal of the organization is entrusted with overestimated, then employees have psychological dislike for work.

    It turns out that the company's employees can try their best, but the point is not to reach the goal of the enterprise. Such a model of work can lead to the fact that even if then put a real goal, it will not be able to achieve it, because Already "accustomed" to the unattainableness of the organization's goals.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account such an important moment when checking the feasibility of the achievability of the objectives of the organization: most often the goal of the company is not alone, therefore, an important task is to be approved.

    It may be that the goals of the enterprise will be contradictory, so when setting numerical values, it is necessary to determine the ranges in which these goals can be joint.

    Contribution is meant that the specific values \u200b\u200bof the selected indicators cannot be achieved at the same time. For example, the company will plan to increase profits and at the same time significantly reduce the total costs.

    It is clear that with certain values \u200b\u200bof the data of the organization's goals (profits and costs), this may be unreal. This means that during the definition of the values \u200b\u200bof the targets themselves, it is necessary to carefully ensure that they are simultaneously fulfilled.

    To do this, it is better to use the estimated model of strategic planning, compiled, for example, in spreadsheets.

    The significance of the goals of the organization (Relevant)

    When determining the target indicators of the enterprise, on the one hand, it would be desirable that in the system of strategic planning, as many indicators can be involved in the system, in order to obtain as much as possible, the company's more comprehensive coverage.

    But, on the other hand, the more indicators, the more difficult the system, in addition, the managers themselves will be difficult to navigate and make decisions if there are too many indicators.

    Therefore, when choosing the goals of the company, it is necessary to evaluate them from the point of view of significance, and every time you wonder about the feasibility of using them.

    Definition of the time of the company's goals (TIMED / TIMED-BOUD)

    Naturally, when the company is developing a strategic plan and establishes a goal for itself, it is necessary to decide on the planning period. Therefore, in the process of setting the objectives of the organization, you should always tie them to specific terms.

    If this is not done, it will not be clear, and when to hold a factory control of the achievement of the company's goals. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such an important point as the possible adjustment of the company's goals during the implementation of the company's strategic plan.

    The revision of the organization's goals may be related to the fact that certain factors were not taken into account or were taken into account incorrectly. In this case, it may be predetermined the time interval, after which such adjustments of the enterprise's goals can be made.

    On the one hand, the strategy should be the easiest way to come from which it is impossible to go, but on the other hand, various events that significantly affect the company's business can occur in practice.

    Close the eyes on them can be a very dangerous occupation. Therefore, the company should be able to respond promptly to such significant events and, accordingly, adjust the goals of the company and the company's strategy.

    Objectives of the organization - Mandatory element of the company's strategic plan

    If the company has no goals, it will be difficult to understand whether the company has achieved the necessary results or not. After all, if you do not know what you want, how can you understand, you got it or not. When staging and developing a strategic plan, the goal of the organization must be.

    Perhaps at first the company will not have a total tree of strategic goals, but the goals should be at least for each development project that flow out of the developed strategy.

    Thus, it can be bolden to say that if the company has no goals, it does not have a strategic plan, and there is no strategic management system that would ensure the development and implementation of such a strategic plan.

    It seemed to be an obvious statement, but, nevertheless, I was often able to meet with such a situation. By completing consulting projects for the production of management, from the directors I could hear about such a question.

    They said that before that they attracted a consulting company, which helped them to solve the task of setting strategic management. But then, looking at the developed materials, the director was surprised: "And where is the organization's goals?".

    In fact, in their strategic plans there was only a strategy, that is, the directions of movement, but the boundaries were not identified, which should be moved by these areas, namely the goals of the enterprise were not identified.

    Consultants who completed these projects were able to convince the director that everything should be so. That is, the goals of the company, of course, are needed, but now you can do without them, and then somehow you need not to forget to develop them.

    Thus, it was impossible to check the execution of the strategy. If everything is so left, then the staff will then say that they moved in the right direction, but if the criteria were not identified, the effectiveness of such a movement would be very difficult to determine.

    Practical aspects of the development of organization purposes

    So, objectives of the enterprise - This is a set of specific indicators characterizing the efficiency of both the company as a whole (strategic indicators) and the objects of the lower level (business processes, projects, financial responsibility centers - TsFE).

    And immediately need to pay attention to the fact that in the end all these indicators will have to enter the integrated (holistic) financial and economic model of budgeting. After all, the strategic management system and budgeting should be a clear relationship.

    The numerical example of the organization's goals, mutually related to the company's strategic budgets, considered in the book "Strategic Management and Effective Business Development", and the electronic model is part of the CD-solving "Strategic Management of the Enterprise" (there you can find a large number of examples of strategic plans of various companies).

    From the foregoing it follows that the development of the company's goals is one of the most difficult stages in the preparation of the company's strategic plan.

    By the way, it is necessary to pay attention to one very important feature of the fulfillment of all this work (from strategic analysis to the formation of a strategic plan and ensuring the necessary conditions for its implementation).

    Despite the fact that there is such as a linear sequence of actions to develop a strategic plan, in practice it is very rare to do everything from one right.

    The problem here is what. When you are making a strategic plan (however, such as any other) arises such a question - where to begin: from analysis or with the development of the organization's goals.

    On the one hand, you need to start with strategic analysis. But, on the other hand, when you spend some kind of analysis, you need to have at least some kind of landmarks in the Company's goals.

    Otherwise, the analysis may be delayed and not the fact that it will lead to some desired result. It turns out that this analysis needs to somehow limit, ask some at least an indicative framework.

    Thus, it turns out that in practice, it is possible to obtain a more or less normal strategic plan only by iterations - a consistent approximation to the desired solution. That is, the linear sequence actually turns into cyclic.

    It is possible that in addition to strategic analysis it will be necessary to carry out a comprehensive diagnostics of the company. The technology of comprehensive diagnostics (analysis) of the company will need to be applied not only to the fact, but also to the plan.

    This means that the analysis of the actual state is first: the current time is estimated at the current time (including its marketing component, as one of the most important), organizational and functional model, working personnel and what financial and economic state is Everything allows you to achieve. When assessing the last aspect, naturally will have to analyze and the current budget model of the company.

    Then, after completion of the first version of the comprehensive diagnostics, a new strategy is being developed, a new marketing system, a new organizational and functional model, the requirements for the personnel and the plan for bringing it in line with these requirements, and the new budget model is being built, with which the financial and economic assessment is made. The component of the new (now planned) version of the current company.

    It is clear that it can repeat several times. Although it is not necessary to get involved. Sometimes an attempt to get an ideal solution to the loss of time and their competitive positions.

    Another point to pay attention to is associated with the definition of which goals for the company are primary, and what secondary.

    Often among the company's strategic goals dominated financial and economic. Among such strategic indicators may be, for example, net profit, profitability of sales, profitability of assets, profitability of equity, etc.

    The question arises: what should there be a sequence of planning the objectives of the organization, that is, with what purposes to start, to what then go over and what should be at the end of the chain.

    Again, with a deep study of this issue, you can come to the conclusion that in this case the linear sequence turns into a cyclic one.

    That is, you will have to go at least twice all the chain. You can start with some of the priking (more precisely, the desired minimum values) on strategic indicators, and then with such a global level to descend to the lower.

    Thus, after receiving a reference point for strategic indicators, it will be necessary to plan operations and then in accordance with the developed budget model, calculate the exact values \u200b\u200bof the strategic indicators.

    If such advantageously are financial and economic indicators, then they will be carried out in the financial budgets that are based on the operational.

    It is clear that when planning on this chain, it is also possible to walk more than once.

    Examples of the company's goals

    There are different approaches to developing a tree of goals for a particular company. The following discusses several examples of the tree of the organization's objectives.

    Organization Tree Tree (Example For Wholesale Trading Company)

    An example of a tree of targets for a trading company engaged in the sale of electrical equipment, is given on figures 1-5. In this example, all the goals of the organization are divided into five groups (see Fig. one).

    Fig. 1. An example of the architecture of the tree of the organization's goals

    Corporate goals of the enterprise - This is a set of basic indicators for the company as a whole. In other words, it can be said that the corporate goals of the organization are strategic indicators of the company.

    Corporate goals of the enterprise determine the company's main indicators. In this case, these growth rates included three main objectives (see Fig. 2.).

    Fig. 2. An example of a tree of corporate organization purposes

    The company plans to actively grow due to the development of a dealer network, which should cover at least 70 regions.

    At the same time, sales in already existing markets should grow by 50%. Moreover, this goal is divided into two scenes.

    The share of regular customers should be over 40%, and the share of large clients over 30%.

    Undoubtedly, the company adopted a certain classification of clients on criteria, on the basis of which it was possible to determine which clients are constant and which are large.

    In addition to these purposes, the company plans to increase twice the sales of related products.

    Product goals of the organization In this example, we determine the share of sales on the company's assortment positions (see Fig. one).

    Operational goals of the enterprise Determine the planned efficiency of the implementation of the company's main business functions. The example of the example allocated the main three groups of operating purposes (see Fig. 3.).

    Fig. 3. An example of the tree of operating goals of the enterprise

    Operational objectives for business functions "Sales" include four indicators.

    It is planned to increase the number of new regular customers by 200%. At the same time, the rejection of prices from the average market should not be more than 20%.

    In the regions, at least 30% of the total sales should be sold, and the number of regional representative offices should be at least 50.

    As for the target indicator associated with regular customers, it turns out that it does not always have a positive effect on the business. At least for some businesses, an increase in the number of regular customers on the contrary is alarming managers.

    For example, the director of one retail network engaged in the implementation of audio-video products, said that regular customers are really far from a gift for them.

    He explained it just enough. Much above the likelihood that trading sellers will substitute the "left" product to regular customers than those that they see for the first time.

    For this, the company constantly hung sellers, that is, they translated from one trading point to another. Did it quite often, because Sellers are pretty quickly "started acquaintances" with regular customers and started selling them the "left" product.

    According to the business function "Supply" in the example under consideration (see Fig. 3.) The three targets are defined.

    The share of supplies of the main supplier should not exceed 70%. Initially, the company was created as a distributor of one of the foreign suppliers. Over time, competition began to tighten, so it was necessary to seek reserves to save costs.

    At the same time, the quality of products of domestic suppliers gradually improved, and the cost of purchasing their products (prices + transport costs) were lower than that of foreign companies. Therefore, this company gradually decided to increase the share of domestic suppliers.

    As for the accompanying goods, a strategy focused on domestic suppliers was immediately elected here.

    In part of the business function "Storage and transportation" there are two targets. The company plans to focus on the development of its own warehouse system, so the ratio of own and leased warehouses should be 80% by 20%.

    In terms of transport, the company also plans predominantly (60% by 40%) to rely on their own strength. More such solutions are caused by the fact that in our country, the market outsourcing market is not enough.

    The company was simply afraid to give these functions to the side, since it was not able to find reliable counterparties that would not create problems when working with clients.

    Management goals of the organization Broken for eight groups, each of which corresponds to the basic control functions implemented in this company (see Fig. four).

    Fig. 4. Example of the management of the company's management objectives

    The company's marketing system should allow to ensure that marketing research and advertising the proportion of costs in the turnover did not exceed 2% and 10%, respectively. In this case, naturally, sales indicators must be performed.

    Due to more competent finance management, the financial cycle should not exceed 35 days. The system of economic management should ensure controlling all costs, whose share exceeds 1% of the total costs.

    It should be noted that it is not rare that the crises are forced to pay more attention to the development of the management system and improving the efficiency of work (see the book "Crisis - Ampedron or Magic Pendel. Anti-crisis technology to improve the efficiency of the company").

    The relationship of the company's goals and strategy

    It is necessary to pay attention to such an important point as a clear relationship between the objectives of the organization and the achievement strategy. And it is still very important to make the goals of the enterprise and the strategy to be clearly fixed on paper and brought to all top managers.

    In practice, when developing a strategic plan, you can slightly change the sequence of actions. Namely, first develop the first version of the company's strategy, that is, to determine the main directions of movement, and then formulate the goals of the organization - to determine the exact quantitative parameters of the movement boundaries at selected directions.

    And then you need to return to strategy again and lead the goals and strategy of the company in full compliance. This approach is fully justified, because He eventually gives the desired result and at the same time psychologically easier is perceived.

    Therefore, quite often companies apply it. But it is very important to go through the goal cycle? The strategy at least twice, otherwise the inconsistent strategic plan may turn out.

    For example, when in one company operating in the food industry, developed a strategic plan, they decided to go first from the strategy, and then develop the goals of the organization and coordinate them with the strategy.

    The company first developed a strategic plan, so there was no experience of such work yet. As a result, in some positions it turned out that the goals were not agreed with the strategy.

    One of the most important strategic indicators of the company was profit. But at the same time, in some positions, the strategy was aimed at achieving other indicators.

    The situation became more complicated by the fact that the strategic plan was not recorded on paper, so the control of the execution of the strategic plan was significantly complicated. For example, the Director-General began to deal with why the company's profit is not growing the desired pace, but at the same time the growth of sales in natural indicators significantly overtakes profit growth.

    The marketing and sales directorate argued that when developing a strategic plan was an installation, according to which the company's products had to be present even in the most distant corner of the region in which the company worked.

    Naturally, this led, first, to large transport costs, and, secondly, to a small margin, because In the villages and villages they purchased mostly the cheapest products.

    Of course, as a result of the implementation of such a strategy, the profit decreased, although the indicator of the market coverage increased.

    When developing the company's strategic plan, previous errors have already been taken into account, and all highlights were recorded on paper, agreed with all top managers and approved by the Director General.

    So, the objectives of the organization are one of the most important elements of the strategic plan and in general the company's management system. To effectively manage the company, it is important not only to learn how to develop goals, but also provide the conditions necessary for their successful achievement.

    Note: In more detail the topic of this article is considered at the workshop "Strategic Management and Effective Business Development" which holds the author of this article -

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    It is difficult to say who first introduced this term "tree of goals" in everyday life. Lincoln Acofoff, as many ... or Brown Tracy under the term will be limited ... or the developer of the first mental cards ... But this is not important. The main thing is that someone intelligent invented an excellent structure of life planning and improving efficiency and called it a "man of man's goals".

    By the way, there is also a "tree of enterprise goals" - the essence of the same, but the analysis is deeper. And in general, the principle of the Tree of goals is suitable for solving practical any problems and tasks. Structure:

    • makes a complex transparent;
    • prompts the optimal solutions;
    • allows you to optimize the time.

    How does this happen?

    Man's Goals Tree: Scheme, Graph, Map

    Creating a tree of goals begins with identifying a problem for which you need to find a solution.

    The problem is the trunk of the structure.

    The "branches" of the built-in plant will mark tasks - those steps that must be taken to achieve the goals or neutralization of difficulties.

    The branches - aim, stages, actions.

    A tree is built in an inverted state and looks like a diagram in which:

    • at the top ("trunk") - problem
    • below and on the parties ("Crohn") - solutions schemes

    Advantages of a tree target

    The technique allows you to clearly and clearly divide any large project into a variety of consecutive actions, the execution of which will lead to the goal.

    The system has huge advantages over any other planning types:

    Rules for building a tree of targets

    The development of the structure of the tree of human goals is carried out in a certain sequence:

    1. First raises the main task / problem / goal. Most often it is unattainable in one action, so it needs to draw a "crown".

    Example: admission to the university.

    1. Each wide branch below is a subtle. The penultimate step leading to the achievement of the target.

    Example: selection of university, submission of documents, passing exams, moving with a non-resident training option.

    1. Small branches are the main steps to achieve each subsequent stage.

    Example: To submit documents, you need to make copies of some of them, take a picture, fill out the application.

    The correct solution for any tree of goals will be marked:

    • about temporary restrictions;
    • about the necessary resources;
    • on additional and very small steps.

    All that requires , Here you can and need to be used.

    Crushing the goals with the help of a tree, sequential steps in the future should be included in the plan plan and destroy them or as its own, or software. The smaller the stages of achieving goals, the easier it is to reach the final result.

    Building a tree of targets - the process is not complicated, but very important. Because it makes you thinking over the perspective and move forward through small tasks. Act and effectively.

    Brian Tracy in his book "Leave Frazdiness - Eat a frog."

    The clearer we see and perceive the future, our global goals, the faster we come to them.

    Have you tried to draw problems like trees of goals? What result did it turn out?

    "Tree of goals"

    strategic planning long-term market

    The Tree Tree is a structured hierarchical list of the organization's objectives in which lower levels are subordinated and served to achieve higher levels.

    Accordingly, at the top is the general purpose of the organization. Since the achievement of the General Strategic Objective of the Organization is a fairly difficult task, it is a decomposition of the goal - the placement of the goal into several smaller goals, the cumulative achievement of which leads to the achievement of the main goal. Next, the process is repeated for each smaller target of the lower level until the target is quite simple as a result of the decomposition, to be achievable, realistic and possible for execution exactly in accordance with the content and at the scheduled time.

    Decomposition is used to build a "Tree Tree" to associate a master goal with the methods of its achievement formulated in the form of tasks to individual performers.

    "Tree of goals" can be defined as a "target frame" of the organization, phenomena or activity.

    The goal is the perfect idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the activity and the possibility of an object in respect of which it is established and should reflect the objective conditions for its existence, as well as the adjustment of the structure of the object and the structure and dynamics of the goal achievement, so it should be about the totality of the whole.

    When building a "tree of purposes", its design is based on the "from the general to the private" method. The termination of the decomposition of the target to smaller ceases at the time when the further process is inappropriate as part of the consideration of the main goal. A properly constructed tree of goals in the future can easily be transformed into a schedule or diagram.

    Building a tree of goals in itself represents only a methodology for developing a strategy for achieving the specified general purpose. Accordingly, the result and quality of the constructed hierarchical set of objectives depends mainly on the qualification of a specialist who has made a tree of goals. By analogy with conventional tools, the method itself is a tool significantly facilitating the work, but the result of the application of the method depends on the Contractor.

    Figure 1. "Tree of goals" organization

    Consider the technological foundations for the construction of the "Tree Tree".

    There are no universal methods for building a "Tree Tree". Methods for its construction depend on the nature of the goal, a selected methodological approach, as well as from the one who develops a "tree of goals", as it represents the tasks assigned to him, as he sees their relationship.

    The main rule of the construction of the "Tree Tree" is "fullness of reduction".

    The total reduction is the process of information of complex phenomenon, process or system to simpler components. To implement this, such a system approach is used:

    • a) the target of the highest level is a guide, the basis for the development (decomposition) of the lowest level;
    • b) The lowest levels are ways to achieve the highest level and should be presented so that their set predetermined the achievement of the initial goal.

    Requirements for building "Tree Tree" are as follows:

    • · Completeness of reflection of the process or phenomenon;
    • · At each level, the set of contributions should be sufficient to describe the target of the highest level;
    • · The consistency of the lowest and upper levels;
    • · Decomposition of the target on the scene at each level should be carried out on one methodological approach;
    • · All goals should be formulated in the timing of work.

    "Tree of goals" is based on the coordination of goals.

    The vertical coordination of goals allows you to coordinate the connection between yourself, activities and form the competitive advantages of the entire enterprise.

    Horizontal coordination provides more efficient use of industrial potential and its parts (for example, qualified personnel operating in various divisions, various types of resources for their use in various areas of activity, production capacity for greater downloads in order to create conditions for reducing costs, etc. .).

    The above classification has a practical orientation, since for each of the specific groups of goals, you need your approach to building and analysis.

    Building the "Tree Tree" by any method is based on such qualities such as: ordering; openness; Recognizes importance.

    It should also be noted that when decompositioning goals it is impractical to use different methods at the same time in the same "tree of goals", even if the characteristic of the goals allows. You can build two "targets" by two different methods (if the target is it), and then compare the results obtained.

    The method of disaggregation of goals is used for formalized purposes, which often characterize actually existing objects or those that are created. It is based on the system presentation about the object of the study and provides for the use of such concepts:

    • a) system (c) as a holistic object, that is, the general purpose or the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be created (in fig. 1 is designated by the "0" symbol);
    • b) the subsystem (PS) as part of a more general system (in Fig. 1, it is marked with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4), in which the subsystems are functionally significant;
    • c) elements as a set of components of elements subsystems (in Fig. 1 they are indicated by numbers 1.1 - 4.15)

    It is worth noting that the second and below the "Tree Tree" levels should contain basic and alternative elements of achieving higher levels. The first level of objectives does not contain alternatives, and is generalized interrelated subsystems.

    Figure 2. Building "Tree of goals" by the method of disaggregation

    • a) if an element that is analyzed is not directly related to the main system and does not give anything valuable for its operation;
    • b) If the element is considered, it is trivial and its existing option is arranged by the researcher and performer.

    The method of providing the necessary conditions when building a "Tree Tree" can be used to decompose any type of purpose. The author of this approach is V. Glushkov, who applied it for the first time when constructing graphs for predicting the development of scientific and technological progress, then it was proved that the method works in a greater number of cases. Schematically, the method of providing the necessary conditions is shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Building "Tree of goals" by providing the necessary conditions

    The method of providing the necessary conditions suggests that the draft general purpose is proposed to experts for the analysis and construction of the "Tree Tree". Independent experts nominate requirements regarding the form and conditions necessary to achieve the goal, offer a list of estimates of the structure of goals, as well as measures to achieve goals.

    The hierarchy of goals allows you to answer the question of responsibility for achieving various goals through the establishment of the relationship between the hierarchical levels of the organization and goals.

    There are a regulatory and actual "tree of targets" of the organization. The first is planned, the second - characterizes the current state of the enterprise in terms of activity. It performs the transition from the actual to the normative "target tree", where it is a task that solves strategic management.

    Objectives should be established for each direction of the enterprise, for each production unit involved in achieving results.

    The objectives of the enterprise are the borders described in the formal form, which it wants to achieve in long and short-term period.

    Strategic goals are related to:

    • · Implementation of activities in attractive industries, combinations;
    • · Competitive position in the market and perception of its consumers and society;
    • · Investment activities of external investors, the place that wishes to occupy an enterprise in the financial market;
    • · Internal features and capabilities of the enterprise to ensure the implementation of externally aimed purposes.

    Strategic goals should be installed in all units and areas of activity of the enterprise, on which its survival and success depends.

    The set of objectives can be described using specific indicators, which allows you to perform the requirement of measurability. Each enterprise chooses and formulates its goals, and also forms a system of indicators for their characterization.

    Indicators, in the general list, can reflect the goals of the organization, often they are grouped as follows:

    • 1) general economic objectives: the level of income, the level of profitability (calculated by different methods) annual profit increase; Annual income increase in one simple share, etc.;
    • 2) Marketing goals: total sales, market share, it serves a firm; sales increase; increase in market share, resource availability, price level;
    • 3) Production goals: the scale of production and the dynamics of growth, the level of expenses; value added and its dynamics, level of quality of production; The introduction of new production methods, the level of efficiency, etc.
    • 4) Financial Goals: Minimization of the Tax Press: Financial Stability; optimal capital structure; Dynamics of capital turnover; stock price and level of dividends; Investment growth and others;
    • 5) Scientific and technological objectives: the technological level, the development of new products and technologies, the acquisition of patents and licenses; etc.;
    • 6) Personnel objectives: the optimal level of the number and structure of personnel, staff qualifications, development of the system of recruitment, selection, advanced training and retraining, level of labor productivity, etc.
    • 7) organizational and management objectives: the introduction of effective management technologies; optimization of temporary characteristics for decision making; The introduction of effective methods for organizing production and management, etc.

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