House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Di dietrich official. Gas boiler de Dietrich (de Dietrich) - Overview of outdoor and wall models

Di dietrich official. Gas boiler de Dietrich (de Dietrich) - Overview of outdoor and wall models

The block-modular individual thermal item is an installation used to transmit heat energy from the external heat network to various systems Heat supply consumer.

An individual thermal item allows you to connect reconstructed or newly under construction objects to thermal networks in the shortest possible time. The bit has an automatic control system that allows you to produce weather compensation, set the daily or night mode, festive and weekend modes. Each BITP is equipped with a range of remote data transfer to the switching line, through a GSM-link or Internet and provides the ability to output to a single dispatching item of information from the heating and heating controller and hot water control. At the same time, the monitor of the manager is displayed that the thermosham of the thermal item parameters in the current mode is displayed.


The BITP consists of a heating module, hot water supply and a node for taking into account thermal energy. The use of a modular design allows you to reduce the time costs for the manufacture and installation of the thermal item. In addition to lamellar heat exchangers, the thermal point includes:

  • Automatic electronic system regulation of heating contours
  • Circulating and Raising Heating Contour Pumps and GVS
  • Measuring instruments
  • Short-controlled fittings
  • Heat Energy Accounting Knot
  • Magnetic-mesh filters and water processing devices
  • Automatic control and dispatch system

Based on the practical experience of the introduction of energy-saving equipment, CJSC "Heat-effect" offers more than 40 ready-made unified typical schemessolutions of constructive manufacture of modular Bitp. The finished design solution allows you to perform work on the design and manufacture of equipment in the minimum time, as well as reduce the cost of manufacturing an automated thermal point.


The use of the bitp instead of boilerrs allows to reduce the construction volume of the room for placing the heat point, 2 times to reduce the length of pipelines, to reduce capital costs for the construction of equipment and heat insulation materials, reduce electricity consumption compared to energy-intensive equipment CTP, optimize the energy consumption system. The bit is fully automated, which reduces operating costs by 40-50%. Due to the use of the automatic control system, the consumption of thermal energy at objects is reduced to 30%, as a result, the economic efficiency of the use of the BITP is from 10 to 25%, the payback period is 1-2.4 years.

The deadlines for the installation of thermal points are reduced by 4-5 times due to the use of installation blocks of factory readiness.

The economic effect of implementation is due

Increased reliability, reduced maintenance costs, simplifying and cheating of pipeline and reinforcement schemes within thermal points.

Reducing the loss of thermal energy by reducing the area and temperature of the outer surface of heat exchangers.

Reducing thermal energy loss due to an increase in heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers, reducing the desired temperature pressure and flow of heat carrier for heating water.

Reduction of heat energy flow in the heating system by implementing effective automatic system Patasadal control of the flow of TE on the outdoor temperature.

Cabinet thermal location

The heat point comes with a collected form in a container made of metal professional flooring with insulation and does not require additional construction mounting work. The pipeline outputs are located outside the container.


CJSC "Heat-effect", a subsidiary of OJSC Izhevsk Motion Aksion Holding, manufacturing energy-saving equipment for the needs of housing and communal services - lamellar heat exchangers, block individual thermal points, shut-off fittings (cranes for ball flanged steel grades), Filters Mesh magnetic - accepted Participation in the Energy Saving Program of the Budget Sphere of the Republic of Tatarstan. As a result of the installation of five heat exchangers, the TIX economy of the budget of Tatarstan for energy consumption for the month amounted to 227 thousand rubles. When introducing in the Volgograd region in heating and hot water systems plate heat exchangers Instead of the shell-tube, get annual economical effect From the introduction of one plate heat exchanger 290 thousand rubles. By reducing fuel consumption and thermal energy in heating and hot water systems.

The introduction of new lamellar heat exchangers in the thermal points of the city of Izhevsk, instead of casing-tube heat exchangers, has given a certain economic effect. This is due to improving reliability, a decrease in maintenance costs, simplifying and cheating of pipelines and reinforcement schemes within thermal points. At the implementation of the implementation of 20 apparatuses, the economic effect amounted to 4 million 176 thousand rubles. in year.

Block Individual Heat Point (BITP) - In its composition, it is intended to combine many products manufactured by both our republics and other enterprises of our republic, incl. Plastic heat exchangers, locking valves, automatic control and dispatching systems, etc. The bit is a factory readiness heat dissipation equipment unit for connecting the consumer to the thermal network.

The main components of the thermal point are heating heat exchangers, hot water supply (DHW) and, if necessary, ventilation. Specialists of our company have developed 12 options for typical circuit solutions of the BITP device for various loads. Since the heat point is ready for connection and operation by the unit, it includes, in addition to heat exchangers, the following main equipment:

  • automatic electronic control system of heating and DHW circuits;
  • circulation pumps of heating and DHW circuits;
  • thermometers and pressure gauges;
  • shut-off valves;
  • heat metering unit;
  • mud filters.

Advantages of applying individual thermal items:

  1. The total length of thermal network pipelines is reduced by two times.
  2. Investment B. heating networkAs well as the costs of building and thermal insulation materials decrease by 20-25%.
  3. The flow of electricity to the pumping of the coolant is reduced by 20-40%.
  4. Due to the automation of heat leave to a specific subscriber (task), up to 30% of heat for heating.
  5. Heat loss during transport hot water Reduced twice.
  6. Significantly reduces the emergency networks, especially due to the exclusion of hot water pipelines from the heating network.
  7. Since automated thermal points operate "on the castle", the need for qualified personnel is significantly reduced.
  8. Comfortable accommodation conditions are automatically supported by monitoring the parameters of coolants: temperature and pressure of the power water, water heating system and water water; Air temperatures in heated rooms (at control points) and outdoor air.
  9. A significant reduction in water and heat consumption is ensured by using accounting devices.
  10. It is possible to significantly reduce the costs of domestic heating systems due to the transition to the pipes of a smaller diameter, the use of non-metallic materials, inadascularized systems.
  11. In some cases, the removal of land for the construction of CTP is excluded.
  12. Heat saving per MW established by the total thermal power to 650-750 GJ / year, installation costs are reduced by 10-20% due to the full factory execution. Saving thermal energy ranges from 15 to 35%.
  13. Four times decreases the consumption of electricity with respect to the energy-intensive equipment of the CTP.
  14. With the use of the BITP, the quality of heat supply is sharply increased, the need for regular expensive repair of hot water networks is disappeared. It may be supplied thermal energy In children's and medical institutions depending on weather conditions at any time of the year.

Consider the economic efficiency of the use of the BITP on one of the objects of the city.

An example of calculating expected economic efficiency Modernization of thermal item administrative building (with the replacement of casing tube heat exchangers on the plate)

Benefits of Implementation:

  1. Reducing the loss of thermal energy by reducing the area and temperature of the outer surface of heat exchangers.
  2. Reducing thermal energy losses due to an increase in heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers, reducing the desired temperature pressure and flow of heat carrier for heating water.
  3. Reducing the consumption of electricity to the pumping of the coolant due to the optimal circulation of hot water provided by the use of effective circulation pumps and the software control of the pumps and the temperature of the hot water.
  4. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy in the heating system by implementing an effective automatic system of sofasadal control of the flow of TE on the outdoor temperature.

Initial data for calculation:

  • Dimensions of dismantled heat exchangers:
    • number of sections - 9/10;
    • section diameter - 0.114 / 0.159 m;
    • section length (with Kalach) - 5.3 m;
    • insulation thickness - 0.06 m.
  • Dimensions of installed heat exchangers:
    • number of blocks - 1/2;
    • length - 1.08 / 1.236 m;
    • width - 0.466 m;
    • height - 1.165 m;
  • The temperature of the surface of the insulation to / t heat exchanger is 45/55 ° C.
  • The temperature of the surface of the installed heat exchanger is 36/40 ° C.
  • Air temperature in TSTP - 18 ° C.
  • Daytime temperature DHW - 55 ° C.
  • Night temperature of DHW - 40 ° C.
  • The heat transfer coefficient from the surface is dismantled by T / O - 10.5 W / (M2⋅ ° C).
  • The heat transfer coefficient from the surface of the T / O - 8.5 W / (M2⋅ ° C).
  • Duration of DHW with heating - 203 days.
  • Duration of work of DHW without heating - 147 days.
  • Consumption in the circulation of DHW after modernization - 3.8 tons / h.
  • System operation time before modernization per day - 24 hours.
  • The time of operation of the DHW system after modernization per day - 13 hours
  • The uneven consumption of GVS winter - 0.62.
  • The uneven consumption of GVS summer - 0.76.
  • Temperature loss in circulation circuit - 12 ° C.
  • Average savings due to regulation in GVS - 5.6%.
  • Average savings due to regulation in heating - 14%.
  • The average hour energy consumption in heating is 0.448 Gcal / h.
  • Annual energy consumption in GVS - 2704 Gcal.
  • Annual energy consumption in heating - 2185 Gcal.
  • Specific fuel consumption for heat generation - 0.176 tp / gkal.
  • Power of existing pumps - 1.1 / 5.5 kW.
  • The average power of pumps after the reconstruction of 0.31 / 1.275 kW.
  • Specific consumption U.T. By 1 kWh of released electricity under the concern OJSC Udmurtenergo 0.28 -3 tp / (kWh).
  • Approximate value 1 T.Y. Udmurtenergo OJSC 3,353 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of upgrading from investment fund 987.0 thousand rubles.
  • Payment

    1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe radiation surface of the dismantled heat exchanger DHW: F1 \u003d 3.14 × (0.114 + 2 × 0.06) × × 5.3 × 9 \u003d 35.07 m2.
    2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe radiation surface of the dismantled heat exchangers of heating: F2 \u003d 3.14 × (0.159 + 2 × 0.06) × × 5.3 × 10 \u003d 46.45 m2.
    3. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe radiation of the installed heat exchanger DHW: F3 \u003d 2 × (1.08 × 0.466 + 1.08 × 1,165 + + 0.466 × 1,165) \u003d 4.61 m2.
    4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe radiation surface of the installed heat exchangers of heating: F4 \u003d 2 × 2 × (1.236 × 0,466 + + 1,236 × 1,165 + 0.466 × 1,165) \u003d 20.47 m2.
    5. Heat loss through the surface of a dismantled heat exchanger DHW: Q1 \u003d 35.07 × 10.5 × 0.86 × (45 - 18) × × 24 × 350 × 10-6 \u003d 71.81 Gcal.
    6. Heat loss through the surface of dismantled heat exchanger heating: Q2 \u003d 46.45 × 10.5 × 0.86 × (55 - 18) × × 24 × 203 × 10-6 \u003d 75.62 Gcal.
    7. Heat losses through the surface of the installed heat exchanger DHW: Q3 \u003d 4.61 × 8.5 × 0.86 × (36 - 18) × 13 × 350 × 10-6 \u003d 2.76 Gcal.
    8. Heat loss through the surface of the heating heat exchangers installed: Q4 \u003d 20.47 × 8.5 × 0.86 × (40 - 18) × 24 × 203 × 10-6 \u003d 16.04 Gcal.
    9. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy due to a night decline in circulation: Q5 \u003d 350 × 10-3 × (24 - 13) × × 3.8 \u003d 175.56 Gcal.
    10. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy by reducing the flow of the coolant for heating hot water: Q6 \u003d 2704 × 5,6 / 100 \u003d 151.43 Gcal.
    11. Reducing the consumption of thermal energy by reducing the temperature of hot water at night: Q7 \u003d 0.380 / 55 × (55 - 40) × × (203 × (24 - 13) × 0,62 + + 147 × (24 - 13) × 0 , 76) \u003d 270.4 Gcal.
    12. Saving thermal energy in gVS system: Q8 \u003d 175,56 + 270.4 + + 151.43 \u003d 666.45 Gcal.
    13. Saving thermal energy in the heating system: Q9 \u003d 305,57 + 16.04 \u003d 365.15 Gcal.
    14. Annual heat savings due to all factors: qsmm \u003d 666,45 + 365,15 \u003d 1031.60 Gcal.
    15. Electricity savings by reducing power and software management circulating pumps QE \u003d 1.1 × 24 × 350 + 5.5 × 24 × 203 - - 0.31 × 13 × 350 - 1.275 × 24 × 203 \u003d 28414 kW.
    16. Annual saving of conditional fuel: e \u003d qsmm × 0.176 + q × 0.28 × 10-3 \u003d 1031.6 × 0,276 + 28414 × 0.28 × 10-3 \u003d 189,52 Т.Т.
    17. Total annual economic effect, thousand rubles: EG \u003d E × C \u003d 189.5 × 3.353 \u003d 635.5 thousand rubles.
    18. The payback period of the funds of the innovation fund, not more than: t \u003d 987 / 635.5 \u003d 1.55 years.

    From the point of view of minimizing energy consumption in central heating networks, the flow regulation and heat accounting is advisable to implement in individual thermal points, for each consumer separately. The use of ITP systems has a number of advantages compared to the CTP. It allows us to take into account the individual features of each consumer, which reduces the consumption of thermal energy and creates the most comfortable conditions for the consumer.

    Heating, which already exists, new objects, residential buildings and so on. In addition to the supply of heating, the delivery of hot water is also possible and the attachment of the object to such communication as sewage.

    General Description BTP

    Block (BTP) is ready-to-work installed installation. It is important to know here that the layout of any devices for each item is individually carried out. The main characteristic on which specialists are based on assembling the unit are the size of the room in which the object will be installed.

    Same production blockpoint It is carried out through the use of basic schemes, on the basis of which, it is possible to attach this equipment to the usual engineering thermal network of the building. There is a general program for calculating the Danfoss for thermal points. It is worth noting that this is one of the rather large manufacturers of block thermal points.


    If we talk about the most common configuration of the BTP, which is considered standard, then it includes such elements as:

    • Knot of accounting and regulation. This node is designed to keep accounting the actual flow of coolant and heat. In addition, it is engaged in adjusting the heat carrier consumption in accordance with the specified temperature schedule.
    • Heating knot. This element is responsible for the heat of thermal energy, taking into account weather conditions, the time of day and other conditions.
    • Node This device is intended to maintain optimal temperature Water in the system (55-60 degrees Celsius) and its submission to the consumer. Also, this node is responsible for conducting heat processing operations.
    • Ventilation knot. This system is designed to regulate the consumption of heat supplied to the consumer, depending on weather conditions, as well as day time.

    BTP device

    Block thermal item is an automated installation that is intended to transmit energy from the boiler room, thermal power plant, RTS to heating, as well as ventilation and GVS communications connected to the residential or production buildings. In other words, this is a local mediator between the station and the consumer.

    If we talk about the room in which it is planned to install a block heat point, it should be sufficient in size so that all block equipment can be placed, as well as the control and measuring instruments necessary for the functioning of the system. All these devices are needed to ensure that the TP can perform features such as:

    • transformation of the coolant;
    • adjustment, control and change of thermal values;
    • distribution of heat carrier in group or individual systems;
    • plays the role of the fuse in case the temperature rises above the maximum value;
    • hears heat consumed and coolant.

    Variety of systems

    In its characteristics and reception of heat sources, TP are divided into species. The first view refers to open system. In this case, the fluid comes to the BTP directly from the coolant, and the entire volume of the fluid that goes to the operation of the equipment is replenished due to the full or partial fence of water.

    In its type of connection to the system open species BTP can be divided into two groups:

    • Dependent scheme. In such a system, the coolant is applied immediately to the heating system. The advantages of the scheme belongs to its simplicity, as well as what is not required additional equipment. However, without it, there is no possibility of adjusting heat supply on this node.
    • Independent scheme. In such a system between the consumer and the thermal station itself, there are devices such as heat exchangers. With their help, it is possible to regulate the supply of heat source, which helps save up to 40% of energy.

    What advantages is the installation of BTP?

    Installing an automated block thermal point can give a system of several following advantages:

    1. Increases network efficiency. The possibility of adjusting the heat consumption in place increases the overall savings of thermal energy by about 15%.
    2. Automation of the control process. Equipment has thermal relays that make it possible to customize the equipment in such a way as to compensate weather, as well as change the mode of operation in accordance with the day of the day.
    3. Reduced material costs. Since the installation is automated system, It is required less personnel in order to monitor its work, control the condition of heat elements, carry out preventive work or repair, etc. In total, all this is capable of reduced the cost of material funds by approximately threefold.
    4. Even with high performance (up to 2 gkal / hour), this equipment refers to a compact one. An exemplary area that will have to highlight under BTP - it is 20-25 m 2.

    Manufacturer Danfoss.

    The acquisition of block TPs in such major producers has its advantages. For example, one of the main differences from other manufacturers is that the equipment is supplied to the installation site in the ready-made form. That is, collecting the unit does not have to have, which significantly increases the installation speed and connection. Of these advantages, it is also possible to allocate that the installations from Danfoss can be operated in fully automatic mode.

    In order for the equipment to work in this mode, you just need to set the desired temperature and pressure values. Adjusting and controlling devices will continue to support the specified mode of operation. It is also worth adding that there is an opportunity for an individual configuration on the buyer's order. You can add the accounting system, the system of remote control of the device, etc.

    Heat points SP 41-101-95

    This paper is a document on which the processing of the thermal point is carried out. All rules that are spelled out in this paper are applied to such TPs whose characteristics fall under specified: the pressure of hot water to 2.5 MPa, the fluid temperature is up to 200 degrees Celsius. If the installation works with steam, then its conditional operating pressure should be within up to 6.3 MPa, and the temperature should not exceed 440 degrees Celsius.

    According to this joint venture, thermal points are divided into two main categories - these are individual or central. Individual TPs are designed to join the heating system, water supply and ventilation of one building or its part. The central TPs are intended for the same as the ITP, but with one difference that they are used for several buildings immediately.

    • Commercial consumption of thermal energy
    • Monitoring the parameters of heat consumption modes and their automated regulation (flow rate, pressure level, temperature, etc.)
    • Automatic maintenance of hot water temperature taking into account the requirements of sanitary standards
    • Automatic maintaining water temperature in the heating system depending on the outdoor temperature, time of day, working graph, etc.
    • Automated information output to the dispatching item
    • The ability to remote control and management through the modem
    • Alarm in case of emergency and freelance
    • Analysis of efficiency and optimization of heat supply modes
    • The ability to choose an automatic and manual control mode of the BITP

    Advantages of the Etra:

    • High factory quality production;
    • Full set of technical documentation: passport ( short description schemes, calculated heat and coolant costs for each system, types of coolants and their parameters, etc.); instruction manual, assembly drawing, documentation for component equipment;
    • Using your own standard solutions library (sample schemes), taking into account the individual requirements of the customer: a guarantee that the BITP is also suitable in overall characteristics, and by the parameters of the thermal network;
    • Short terms of design and manufacture (from 4 weeks);
    • 100% output control;
    • Autonomous work of ITP, staff participation is only necessary for periodic inspection or maintenance;
    • Many years of experience in the development of the development, production and maintenance of thermal equipment;
    • Application of reliable equipment of well-known world manufacturers (Wilo, Tour & Andersson, Genebre, Rosma, etc.);
    • Own production of collapsible plate heat exchangers, which allows you to always provide the customer with a competitive price;
    • Own service: full complex of work;
    • Reducing the complexity and timing of installation work: For installation, the ITP requires only to connect it to the pipeline and submit voltage to the control cabinet;
    • Block-modular design and compactness: the possibility of installation in hard-to-reach, basement;
    • The presence of all necessary permits.

    Benefits for thermal networks:

    • Reducing capital investments in heat networks up to 20-25%;
    • Reducing the consumption of electricity to the pumping of the coolant by 20-40%;
    • Reducing the maximum thermal load by 8-10%;
    • Reducing network water consumption by 20-30%.
    In addition, the ITP installation allows you to reduce peak loads, maintain the bandwidth of thermal networks when ensuring their full viability in reducing the accident.

    The manufacture of individual thermal items Etra is carried out on the basis of design documentation developed by typical schemes and taking into account the individual needs and conditions of the customer.

    On the calculation, design and acquisition of individual heat points (ITP) Etra, you can contact the Etra Engineering Department in Nizhny Novgorod or contact one of the branches of the company.

    Typical solutions

    Module of heating-ventilation with addicted connection with mixing pump Module heating-ventilation with independent connection with 1 heat exchanger (without reserve) Module of heating - ventilation with independent addition with 2 heat exchangers (with reserve)

    DHW module Single-stage with 1 heat exchanger (without reserve) DHW module Single-stage with 2 heat exchangers (with reserve) DHW two-stage module with 1 heat exchanger (monoblock)

    DHW two-stage module with 2 heat exchangers I / O node Distribution manifold (comb)

    Heating and DHW Contour Control Cabinet
    The Etra company has developed an extensive library of typical modules using which you can solve almost any task on any object.
    We draw your attention to the fact that in addition to typical modules and nodes, information about which is presented below, we are always ready to take into account the individual wishes of customers and develop an inepar solution, both in designing and designing and in configuration and manufacture.
    When selecting typical modules, the following values \u200b\u200bof the basic parameters are received by default:
    Disposable 15-20 M.V.
    Circulation consumption of DHW from the maximum cost of DHW 40%
    Calculating thermal network pressure 16 kgf / cm 2
    Calculated pressure with independent accession of CO, 6-10 kgf / cm 2
    Estimated pressure with the dependent connection of CO, 10 kgf / cm 2
    Pumps CO, SV, GVS Reserve, with Czech reserve, with Czech
    Calculated thermal network temperature 150 ° С (Cut 130 ° C)
    Temperature schedule of heating system 95/70
    Temperature graph of the thermal network for the calculation of the DHW 70/30

    List of typical modules / nodes:

    Heating / ventilation Device accession to TS With mixing pump View module
    Independent accession to TC With 1 then (without reserve) View module
    With 2 then (with reserve) View module
    GVS. 1 step With 1 then (without reserve) View module

    With 2 then (with reserve)

    View module
    2 steps That monoblock View module
    2 TO View module
    I / O node view module
    Distribution comb (collector) View module
    Cabinet automation view module

    Depending on the load, the heating / ventilation modules and the DHW have different diameters of the internal circuit, from 32 to 150.

    In the scheme of heating modules with heat exchangers by default is present expansion tankwhich compensates for the thermal extension of the coolant and maintains optimal pressure in the system.

    Structurally, each module is a completely finished unit of equipment, installed on its own frame, and the modules themselves are collected in an automated block thermal item on the principle of the constructor.

    All presented technical information Wear reference. Etra reserves the right to make changes and improvements both in the scheme and in the specification and in the design conservation. common principle. dimensions The module is presented reference to the heat exchanger on the first frame. If it is necessary to use a heat exchange apparatus of greater power on a longer frame, the dimensions of the module will be increased. For more detailed and accurate information, please contact Etra!

    Advantages of the thermal point Etra

    5 reasons to order a ready-made thermal point Etra in factory execution:

    Many years of experience of managers and specialists of our company, as well as extensive and tested library of typical solutions - all this is a guarantee of a qualitative and competent approach, whether it is a small typical module or a powerful thermal item designed for individual requirements in a special design.

    1. Thoughtful technical solution

    Our engineers choose a solution that perfectly combining efficiency and efficiency, following the simple rule "necessary and enough" - and from the point of view of the dimensions, and in terms of the scheme and configuration. The most complex stages of design - calculation, equipment selection, calculation of heat exchangers, selection of pumps, etc. - We take over. And you can not worry about all the design and regulatory requirements The design was complied with the design to the available room, so that access to all equipment and other nuances.
    Thus, the use of the heat-blocks of the Etra during design is the colossal saving time for the designer. First, the presence of an extensive database of ready-made standard solutions allows us to respond and provide all the documentation within the literal hours. But even if the technical solution is needed for the specific requirements of the project, the primary calculation and supply will be made within 48 hours, and together with commercial offer Schemes, specifications, calculations of heat exchange apparatuses, sheet selection sheets are provided.

    2. Factory quality

    The thermal points of the Etra are manufactured in their own production site in Nizhny Novgorod.
    The production complex is equipped with all necessary manufacturing, processing, test equipment and GPM. The main production sites include areas of cutting, plumbing, shot blasting and blade processing, paint cameras, sections of assembly and holding hydraulic tests, welding posts. Equipment, specialists and technologies have evidence of certification of Nax.
    The obligatory stage of production of any BTP is the conduct of hydraulic tests.
    The factory assembly and crimping for our customer is a guarantee of high quality heat pipe.

    3. Convenient equipment

    The customer does not need to spend time and effort on the purchase of all essential materials and components - as a rule, it is at least 30 points in the specification. All this needs to be found, order, pay, get, check the quality, collect all the necessary documents, etc.
    The package includes all the necessary documentation - passports, certificates, operating manuals and maintenance, schemes, specifications, etc. A complete set of technical and shipping documentation is saving your time.
    The heat-plug itself can be supplied both fully assembled in the form of a single factory structure and in the form of separate blocks / modules. It all depends on the requirements of the customer, the characteristics of the logistics and premises, which will be installed by the heat item.

    4. Loyal price

    A long-standing partnership with leading suppliers of materials, equipment and fittings allows us to get everything for a complete set of heat-step at really favorable prices.
    It is also very important that the company "Etra" is also a manufacturer of heat exchangers, and heat exchangers can be up to 40% at the cost of the thermal point.
    Thus, our customers receive the most affordable product.

    5 Fast mounting

    By purchasing a block thermal point of production "Etra", the customer receives a factory readiness product, and up to 90% of the most complex works (welding, automation, electrician connection, hydraulic tests) We have already done for you. Installation directly on site can quickly and simply fulfill your contractors, or and this stage we can take over.

    Equipment and kipi used in the Etra

    Pos. equipment identification Design markings Manufacturer
    1 Single heat exchanger System CO, DHW, or SV Series at LLC NPO "Etra"
    2 Two-way monoblock heat exchanger DHW system Series at LLC NPO "Etra"
    3 Circulating pump, supplement, increase Yonos, Star, Top, Stratos, Il, Mhil, MVI Wilo.
    Magna, CR, TP, UPS, Grundfos.
    GHN, NMT, SAN, SMART IMP pumps.
    Evoplus, CP, CM DAB
    4 Regulatory valve CV216 / 316GG. Tahydronics.
    KPSR-100. KPSR Group
    5 Adjusting valve electric drive TA-MS. Tahydronics.
    ES05 / 06; SBA. AUMA.
    St. Regada.
    6 Pressure drop regulator DA516, DAF516 Tahydronics.
    Ra-M, Ra-A, Ra-in KPSR Group
    7 Controller bypass PM512. Tahydronics.
    8 Solenoid electromagnetic valve EV220B H3. Danfoss.
    9 Pressure relay (press service) RD-2R Rosma
    10 Buck membrane, expansion WRV Wester.
    CAL-PRO, ULTRA-PRO Zilmet.
    11 Electronic temperature controller SMH2GI. Segnetics.
    12 Outdoor air temperature sensor DTS 3005. ARIES
    13 Immersion immersion thermometer with sleeve KTP, TMT, TPT Termico
    14 Flow meter ERSV TAKEOFF
    15 Heat activity TSRV TAKEOFF
    SPT Logics
    16 Balancing valve Stad, Staf. Tahydronics.
    17 Crane ball regulating Ksh.t.F.Regula. LD.
    18 Steel steel crane Ksh.ts.F., Ksh.ts.P. LD.
    19 Crane ball (coupling) brass art.3028, 3035, 3036, 3046 Genebre
    20 Shutter disk rotary art.2103, 2109. Genebre
    21 Return valve, brass art.3121 Genebre
    Reverse valve, cast iron art.2401 Genebre
    22 Mesh filter, brass art.3302. Genebre
    Mesh filter, cast iron 821A. Zetkama.
    23 Manometer showing TM-510 Rosma
    24 Thermometer showing with a sleeve, bimetallic BT-51.211 Rosma
    25 Spring valve safety PRESCOR, PPC Program
    art.3190. Genebre

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    The Logo de Dietrich is one of the oldest trademarks. The image in the form of hunting hunting was a given enterprise in 1778 by Louis XVI and since then is the guarantor of the quality of products.

    Advantages of Boilers de Dietrich

    More than two centuries boiler equipment De Dietrich enjoys great popularity. De Dietrich success is based on quality, reliability, durability of equipment produced. Being a leading manufacturer of boilers, de Dietrich is constantly improving the equipment produced.

    In Russia, the De Dietrich boiler equipment appeared in 1993 and since then has gained great popularity. Currently, full service and technical support for boiler equipment in Russia is being carried out.

    Quality Boilers de Dietrich

    The De Dietrich brand guarantees the high quality of each boiler from the simplest to very complex, saturated with electronics. Quality control at every stage of production, up to the used technical solutions, applied materials and to the production, technical testing and control of the finished product - all this ensures reliability and durability of de dietrich boilers. Heating boilers During the entire period of operation, the quality of the De Dietrich brand is confirmed.

    Innovation in the production of De Dietrich

    Innovation are basic characteristic feature De Dietrich - and the basis for production. The company constantly invests funds in research developments, it allows you to create new technologies whose goal is to save fuel and maintain the environment in the De Dietrich boilers. Research and creation of new technologies are engaged in more than 100 employees of research organizations in De Dietrich.

    Scientific research and innovation allow to provide excellent quality of De Dietrich boilers and maintain a high reputation in De Dietrich.

    In 1980, De Dietrich developed eutectic cast iron, which has a high integrity of the structure, excellent corrosion resistance and high resistance to sharp temperature differences. The elastic module of the developed eutectic cast iron is 30% more than any other cast iron. Eutectic cast iron is used in the manufacture of heat exchangers for the De Dietrich boilers. Thanks to this, De Dietrich boilers have an increased operational resource.

    Heat exchanger of the boilers de dietrich possesses original designwhich provides maximum heat exchange and respectively high efficiency.

    De Dietrich manufactures boilers with high-quality sectional cast iron heat exchangerswhich are designed to work with fan burners on gas or diesel fuel, as well as boilers with atmospheric gas burners. Produced boilers have a power range from 12 to 1450 kW and efficiency to 93 - 95%.

    De Dietrich also produced steel boilers with a capacity of up to 1500 kW (previously known as Schafer). The main advantages of steel boilers de dietrich is: no requirements for the reverse line temperature and to the minimum volumetric flow, there is no need for feedback enforcement node. Thanks to these features, De Dietrich boilers have an increased resource compared to the boilers of other manufacturers.

    Gas boilers De Dietrich Could be supplied with three types of control panels, which are characterized by the boiler management principle: Basic B3 - control over electronic boiler thermostat; Diematic-M 3 - programmable weather-dependent; Cascade K3 - for slave boilers in a cascade system (models are indicated for DTG 230 and DTG 330 boilers).

    Official site of the manufacturer of boilers De Dietrich in Russia: