House, design, renovation, decor.  Courtyard and garden.  With your own hands

House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

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What the burner of a condensing boiler is made of. What is a condensing boiler

And high performance characteristics polypropylene pipes pipelines in water supply and heating systems - only the upper part of the iceberg. For the correct operation of the installed communications, it is not enough to choose the type of polymer pipe and buy the material in the required quantity - preliminary design sketches are required, and at large objects - serious thermal and hydraulic calculations... For the heating system to be effective, polypropylene pipes for heating must have a diameter confirmed by these calculations.

Let us consider in more detail the significance of the size of the diameter of polypropylene pipes in the construction of pipelines.

Pipe material for communications. What are the parameters of the pipe

Questions of how the water supply system should look like, what diameter of pipes should be in the main supplying heat, are solved at the stage of designing life support systems in the house. As a result, the diameter of polypropylene pipes for water supply can often differ from the identical size of the heating system pipeline, since these communications have different purposes and are therefore exposed to different factors.

On a note: if the boiler water supply rate in the heating system pipeline is less than 0.2 m / s, then there is a high probability of airing the line, and exceeding the supply rate by 0.2 m / s will lead to an increase in costs - the costs of equipment exposed to heavy loads will increase.

The use of polypropylene products has greatly simplified the work on equipping residential buildings with hot water heating and water supply systems. However, you need to know exactly which type of polymer pipe material is suitable in a particular case. The types of polypropylene pipes that exist today have different technical characteristics and are designed for a specific area of ​​use.

The most reliable products for the installation of hot water heating pipelines and hot water supply systems (DHW) are PN25 or PN30 products. It is these brands that are able to withstand pressures up to 25 and 30 atm. respectively, at the operating temperature of the coolant 95 0 C. Even short-term operation of such pipes at a water temperature of 120 0 C is allowed, since distinctive feature these products are thick-walled.

Samples of polypropylene pipes, reinforced with aluminum.

For cold water supply, polypropylene pipes with a uniform wall are used. For DHW systems and heating circuits, reinforced products are used, since the inclusion of an aluminum shell in the structure of the wall of a polypropylene pipe or significantly increases the strength of the pipe material and reduces the amount of thermal expansion.

For reference: thermal expansion is 0.03 mm / m 0 C, while for channels with a wall of homogeneous polypropylene this value is about 0.15 mm / m 0 C. Based on this, homogeneous products are suitable for cold water supply, and for systems heating and hot water supply, only reinforced polypropylene is used.

What diameters are polypropylene pipe materials produced?

When choosing accessories for a heating and water supply system, the decisive factors are the temperature of the liquid, its flow rate and pressure. The required cross-sectional area of ​​the water supply system is determined in this case by calculations performed in accordance with the scope and operating conditions of the equipment.

Based on the configuration of the pipe section (circular ring), its geometric parameters are determined by the outer and inner diameters. The current classification of polypropylene pipes clearly defines the typical dimensions of each type of pipe products used for installation.

Today, both domestic and foreign manufacturing firms produce standardized components for pipelines. Taking into account practical application, standard engineering solutions have been developed that allow determining the optimal passage in products for home heating and other water communications. Based on the data in the table, you can make right choice equipment and components of the heating main, without resorting to hydraulic calculations.

As a rule, the marking contains one of the following values ​​for the outer diameter:

16, 20.25, 32 and 40 mm,

which correspond to the inner diameters of PN25 polypropylene pipes:

10.6; 13.2; 16.6; 21.2; 26.6 mm.

For ease of use, the correspondence of the diameters and wall thickness of polypropylene pipes used in heating and water supply systems are summarized in the table:

Table with data on the diameters and wall thickness of polypropylene pipes used in everyday life of the series

A reasonable question. Why are external parameters applied on finished products, if the size of the internal passage of the pipeline is so important for functionality. The point is that the outer diameter indicates the corresponding type of connection.

Potential of using polypropylene pipes of various outer diameters at a speed of movement of the coolant in the pipeline 0.7 m / s:

  • a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm is designed to connect one or two heating radiators;
  • a value of 20 mm corresponds to connecting up to 5 radiators with a total power of up to 7000 watts);
  • for a larger number of radiators (with a total power of up to 11 kW), propylene polymer pipes with an outer diameter of 25 mm are used;
  • polypropylene pipe material with an outer dimension of 32 mm is designed for equipping a house as a whole or one floor with a heating system of 10-12 kW of total power (maximum 19 kW);
  • products with a diameter of 40 mm are used for laying trunk pipelines in residential buildings of a large area. Usually these are cottages and country houses, in which the number of heating devices reaches 20 pieces, and the total power of all connection points is approximately 30 kilowatts.

Influence of the pipe diameter on the performance of the heating system

The rate of supply of the coolant and the amount of transferred thermal energy directly depends on the inner section of the polypropylene pipelines. For clarity of this statement, the dependence of the provision of thermal energy on the intensity of the coolant supply and the values ​​of the pipeline diameters is summarized in the table:

Selection table for polypropylene pipe material depending on the intensity of the heat carrier supply and the need for thermal energy

Thermal power is indicated in W, heat carrier flow rate in kg / sec. The calculated data are based on average temperatures: the supplied heat carrier at 80 0 С, return flow at 60 0 С, air in the room +20 0 С.

For example: at a flow rate of 0.4 m / s, the following amount of heat energy will be transferred in the pipeline:

  • for a line with an outer size of 20 (inner section 13.2 mm), the amount of heat is 4.1 kW;
  • for propylene products Ø 25 and 16.6, respectively, the amount of heat will be 6.3 kW;
  • propylene pipelines with outer and inner diameters of 32 and 21.2, respectively, have a heat supply of 11.5 kW;
  • pipe materials of 40 millimeters (size of the inner lumen 26.6 mm) will provide a heat supply of 17 kW.

With an increase in the flow rate of the liquid to 0.7 m / s, the flow rate of the coolant will immediately increase by 70-80%.

Important! The practical purpose of the above table is to recommend, based on the value of the required amount of thermal energy, the required pipe diameter during the selection of pipe materials for a residential heating system.

Let's look at an illustrative example:

There is typical house useful area 250 m 2. The building is sufficiently insulated and in order to create normal living conditions it needs heating at the rate of 1 kW per 10 sq. m, that is, to create a comfortable temperature in the house, 25,000 watts of thermal energy (maximum) will be enough.

On a note: more heat is always required for the first floor - about 2/3 of the total consumed amount.

Thus, out of 25 kW, heating the first floor will require 15 kW, the second - 10 kW.

House equipped autonomous system heating at the base double-circuit boiler... The radiators installed in the rooms are connected in parallel. The house has a wiring for two wings with equal heat output. On the ground floor, the power for each wing is 7,500 watts. For the second floor, both wings require 5000 watts.

Two-storey house with a hot water heating system based on an autonomous boiler - sectional view

The boiler produces 25 kilowatts of thermal energy for heating the house. This means that for the heating main you need to use polypropylene pipes and fittings with an inner diameter of 26.6 mm (at a feed rate of 0.6 m / s). This value corresponds to the outer diameter of the pipe 40 millimeters.

To supply the branches on the ground floor, 1500 watts of heat will be required. Using the data from the table, we get the following:

  • at a flow rate of 0.6 m / s, the optimal diameter of the inner lumen of polypropylene pipes will be 21.2 mm - corresponding to this value is identical outdoor parameter according to the table is 30 mm;
  • for each wing, a pipe material with an inner diameter of 16.6 mm is suitable, which corresponds to a Ø 25 mm of the outer contour of the cross-section of polypropylene pipes.

Now we will consider the procedure for connecting heating devices.

Water heating radiators on average have a power of 2 kilowatts, therefore, theoretically, pipes with minimum value outer diameter - 16 mm (PN16). However, in practice, it is recommended to use polypropylene products with an inner section size of 13.2 mm and an outer diameter of 20 mm (PN20), since the use of polymer pipes PN16 is recognized as inappropriate due to low manufacturability.

The second floor is equipped with a 32 mm pipeline. Pipes and connecting fittings Ø25 mm are used for each wing. With radiators, the picture is the same as on the first floor - the batteries are connected using PN20 pipes.


Based on the above example, for each section of the pipeline in the heating system, you can select components of the required diameter - including the efficiency of the heating equipment will depend on this.

It should be remembered that the materials for the piping in the heating system are selected in accordance with the maximum technical specifications an autonomous boiler, despite the fact that in most cases the unit will operate normally - in accordance with the specified operating parameters.

Polypropylene pipes are manufactured in accordance with GOST and their dimensions are regulated by the standard. The diameter of the inner lines is from 10 to 1200 mm, the wall thickness depends on design features... They are classified: by the composition of raw materials, by pressure, by purpose.

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Every year polypropylene pipes conquer new spaces - they are used in many industries: mechanical engineering, Agriculture and, above all, in heating, water supply and sewerage systems. Dimensions and configuration of PP pipes are regulated by GOST. Products are divided into types depending on the qualitative composition of raw materials, namely, on the degree of modification of the base polymer with various additives.

Classification of polypropylene pipes by the composition of raw materials

  1. PPR (PPRС, PPR) - products of this type are made from a static copolymer of expanded propylene (or random copolymer) with a crystal structure of molecules. They are resistant to temperature fluctuations from -170 to + 1400C, shock loads, therefore they are widely used for sewerage, water supply and heating. They are considered the most demanded material for household construction. Sizes are in the range of 16 ... 110 mm and are subclassified by the pressure for which they are designed.
  2. PPH products. They are made from raw materials with the addition of modifying additives: antistatic agents, flame retardants, nucleators, which impart increased impact strength to the polymer. Products of this type are used for external cold water supply, ventilation and drainage. For heating systems they do not fit because they have low temperature melting. The diameters of PPH polypropylene pipes, as a rule, are large, since they are most often used in the construction of industrial sewerage and drainage systems.
  3. PPB (block copolymer). The structure of this type of raw material consists of homopolymer micromolecules (blocks), which differ in structure, composition, and alternate among themselves in a certain order. The final product of this type, due to its molecular structure, acquires increased shock resistance and is used for floor heating systems, cold water supply.
  4. PPs (Polyphenyl Sulfide) is the highest grade polymer with a special molecular structure. It has increased resistance to stress and heat, improved wear resistance and strength. The diameter of polypropylene pipes of this type is from 20 to 1200 mm. Scope of application - ventilation, hot and cold water supply, heating.

Pressure classification

In the labeling of PP products, the designation N25, N10, etc. is found. This indicator makes it possible to assess the resistance of the material to the pressure of the liquid passing through the line.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

There are the following types of polypropylene pipes:

  1. N10 (PN10) - with a working pressure on the wall of 1.0 MPa and a polymer thickness of 1.9 to 10 mm. They are used for arranging underfloor heating, cold water supply with heating up to +45 degrees. Diameter of polypropylene pipes of this type: outer - 20 ... 110 mm, inner - 16 ... 90 mm.
  2. PN16 is a rarely used type of product with a wall pressure of 1.6 MPa. Suitable for supplying cold and hot water with liquid heating up to +60 degrees.
  3. N20 (РN20) - polypropylene lines with a working pressure on the wall of 2.0 MPa and a product thickness of 16 ... 18.4 mm. The most demanded material for the device of hot and cold water supply with a liquid heating temperature up to 80 degrees. Execution: outer diameter - 16 ... 110 mm, inner - 10.6 ... 73.2 mm.
  4. N25 (PN25) - polypropylene pipe with a working pressure on the wall of 2.5 MPa and reinforcement with aluminum foil. Ideal for heating systems, hot water supply with a heating medium temperature up to +95 degrees. Due to the multilayer structure, products of this type have increased resistance to shock and heat loads. Execution: inner diameter of polypropylene pipes PN25 - 13.2 ... 50 mm, outer diameter - 21.2 ... 77.9 mm.

Currently, there is a variant of reinforcing the line made of polypropylene with fiberglass. This allows you to avoid delamination of water lines during operation, and during installation - loss of time for cleaning the sections during welding. Systems with fiberglass mesh reinforcement are most preferable, as they provide quick installation, resistance to deformation, and increased service life without repairs.

What determines the size of polypropylene pipes

What are the diameters of polypropylene pipes? The parameters depend on the temperature and volume of the transported liquid, its pressure on the walls. First of all, the configuration of the product is selected depending on the purpose. For each type of classification, there is a table of sizes of polypropylene pipes, according to which a suitable product is selected.

What are the sizes of highways? The physical parameters of sewerage, heating, and water supply systems directly depend on what they are intended for. The diameters of metal and polypropylene pipes differ slightly, but in favor of the latter. The parameters of the plastic ones are less, and the service life is much longer. In addition, the polymer benefits from aesthetic and corrosion resistance properties.

For comparison with metal products, Table 1 shows the diameters of polypropylene pipes in mm:

Table 1. Diameters of polypropylene pipes, mm
Equivalent passage, mm Outside diameter, mm
Steel gas pipeline Steel plumbing Polymer
10 17 16 16
15 21.3 20 20
20 26.8 26 25
25 33.5 32 32
32 43.2 42 40
40 48 45 50
50 60 57 63
65 75.5 76 75
80 88.5 89 90
90 101.3
100 114 108 110
125 140 133 125
150 165 159 160
160 180 180
200 219 225
225 245 250
250 273 280
300 325 315
400 426 400
500 530 500
600 630 630
800 820 800
1000 1020 1000
1200 1220 1200

The diameter of the pipe pp is selected according to the results of calculations of the cross-country ability of the pipeline. When choosing steel, copper, polymer products, you should carefully consider the marking - some types are indicated by the inner diameter, and some by the outer. In the marking of plastic pipes, only the outer diameters are indicated.

How to find the right line size

We select the inner diameter of polypropylene pipes by means of an elementary calculation with the initial data:

  • the speed of movement of the liquid along the line;
  • water consumption.

The diameter of polypropylene pipes for water supply to a private house or mansion is calculated by the formula:

D = √ ((4) -Q- (1000 / π ∙ v)) where v is the speed of the passing flow, m / s (taken from 0.7 ... 2 m / s);
π is the pi number equal to 3.14.

In practice, the diameter of pipes for the water supply of a private house is assumed to be 20 mm by default. For multi-storey building at each stage of construction, different diameters of polypropylene pipes are used on the basis of an updated calculation: for supplying water to each apartment, to each entrance, to a house, block, microdistrict, various parameters of highways are used. Accordingly, the higher the water consumption, the larger the sizes are accepted.

In practice, in apartment buildings the following dimensions of polypropylene pipes are used in mm:

  • for risers of 5-storey buildings Ø25 mm;
  • indoor wiring - the diameter is taken 20 mm;
  • for risers of houses of 9 and more floors, polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are accepted.

Polypropylene pipes - dimensions, table

Polypropylene pipes of large diameters are used in the organization of water supply, heating, sewerage to houses, residential areas, public buildings, sports complexes, hotels, for industrial needs. For example, pipes for water supply with a diameter of 500 mm or more are used to supply cold drinking water from storage pools to metropolitan areas. For transferring the coolant to pp pipes big size not used because of the high heat load, which contributes to the softening of polymer lines.

The diameters of the range of polypropylene pipes are shown in table 2:

Table 2. Classification of diameters of polypropylene pipes, mm
Outside diameter, mm PN10 PN20 PN30
Inner diameter Wall thickness Inner diameter Wall thickness Inner diameter Wall thickness
16 10.6 2.7
20 16.2 1.9 13.2 3.4 13.2 3.4
25 20.4 2.3 16.6 4.2 16.6 4.2
32 26.0 3.0 21.2 5.4 21.2 3.0
40 32.6 3.7 26.6 6.7 26.6 3.7
50 40.8 4.6 33.2 8.4 33.2 4.6
63 51.4 5.8 42 10.5 42 5.8
75 61.2 6.9 50 12.5 50 6.9
90 73.6 8.2 6 15
110 90 10 73.2 18.4

For ventilation systems and gutters of industrial structures, polypropylene pipes are used, the dimensions of which exceed Ø400 mm.

For self installation heating systems, water supply and sewerage systems in a private house or apartment, it is important not only to choose the correct dimensions of the highways, but also to connect them correctly. This will require special welding equipment, some skill and ability to use it. Therefore, it is better if professionals are engaged in the design of communications and their laying.

In the article, we briefly described the classification and main parameters of polypropylene water mains used for the device of external and internal systems heating, sewerage, ventilation, water supply. The range of products of various diameters and purposes allows the implementation of complex construction projects, the piping of hot water, cold water and heating aesthetically pleasing, quickly, reliably.

How do you deal with replacing old steel pipes for polypropylene? What size highways do you use when installing in-house communications?

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Diameters of polypropylene pipes: dimensions in mm, table, internal diameter of PP pipes - print version