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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Chemical formula tea. Calorie Tea (dry welding)

Chemical formula tea. Calorie Tea (dry welding)

Tea is a popular drink, the army of his fans does not become smaller, on the contrary, in recent years more and more people have become interested in the history of tea, the properties of this drink. And black, and green tea - products obtained from one tea bush. Their difference is only to the degree and method of processing the tea sheet. Although these circumstances affect the composition of black tea and its beneficial features.

What is included in the chemical composition of tea

For more than 200 years, people are studying tea to identify all the components and find out how useful it is. Until now, not all ingredients of tea are discovered and investigated. But now it is already clear that tea is very complex to the chemical composition of the plant. It has almost 300 substances. Up to 50% of discovered substances belongs to soluble in water (extractive), in black tea - up to 40%.

In the black composition in different amounts contain the following components:

  • b vitamins B,
  • vitamins P, K, A,
  • tannins,
  • amino acids
  • caffeine,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • potassium,
  • fluorine,
  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • calcium.

In a cup of brewed black tea contains 5 kcal, in dry caloric content is 150 kcal per 100 g.

Action of tea components on the body

As part of tea, there are a lot of tanning substances. They make up to 30%. The tart taste of tea is explained by the presence of Tanina in it. In black tea, it is less than in green, since more than half it is fermented. The tannin makes tea with a sharp taste, gives him a pronounced tea fragrance. In Ceylon and Indian tea Tanina is more than in Chinese. This substance has wound-healing, hemostatic, bactericidal, binders, anti-inflammatory effect. Fastened black tea can replace a powerful disinfectant when processing wounds.

Tea leads among vegetable cultures in the content of vitamin P. This component is not produced by the human body, but it is necessary for the normal functioning of the vessels. In addition, Vitamin P has the following properties:

  • has an antiallergic effect;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves digestion;
  • increases glucocorticoid synthesis;
  • useful in queing and rheumatar;
  • restores the structure of damaged cells;
  • strengthens immunity.

The black tea contains carotene from which vitamin A. It is necessary for the proper formation of bones. Vitamin A improves the condition of the skin, mucous, fat exchange, pancreas operation, vision. The lack of vitamin leads to a decrease in immunity, skin diseases, malfunction in the work of the endocrine system.

Many in tea and vitamins of Group B. It is pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin PP. Thanks to these components, tea is useful for gout, diabetes, liver diseases, stomach ulcers, disorders in the work of the nervous system, the tendens to allergies, skin problems.

In black tea there is not a lot of vitamin C, but it is. In the fresh tea sheet of ascorbic acid contains more than in citrus. But with further processing, vitamin C is destroyed.

Vitamin K contained in black tea provides blood clotting.

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Tea has a unique property: it can calm and tone equally.

Some people believe that coffee has a more tonic effect than tea. In fact, coffee, thanks to the caffeine alkaloid, has a fast action that also quickly passes. And it is absorbed slower, but its effect does not pass for a long time, since it is excreted from the body gradually.

Black tea benefit

Black tea is able to reduce the development of heart disease and vessels, prevent the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. Regular drinking drink strengthens immunity, reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus.

The drink is useful in poisoning, digestive disorders. It accelerates metabolism, improves digestion, favorably affects the urinary system and the work of the kidneys. The drink is able to calm the nervous system, it increases the mood, the concentration of attention, helps to cope with depression and stress.

Tea will only benefit when the brewing rules are followed. It is necessary to choose only a quality product, purchasing tea only in specialized stores. It is not necessary to brew tea too hard, you should drink no more than 4 cups of black tea. Before bedtime, drink black tea should not be not called insomnia. The Chinese believe that yesterday's tea carries only harm, so it is not recommended to drink it.

Harm black tea and contraindications

Black tea is strong concentration, especially in large quantities, is able to cause aggravation of some chronic diseases, harvesting health.

Contraindicated tea with elevated excitability, diseases of the nervous system, mood drops, ulcerative disease. With an elevated eye and arterial pressure, you need to be careful with the use of black tea. Consultation with the doctor in this case does not prevent.

How to brew black tea

The health effect on the body is maintained under the condition of proper brewing. Clean kettle is rinsed with boiling water so that it warms it. Then the required amount of welding is poured into it. A teaspoon of tea is usually taken on one cup of tea.

The kettle closes the lid and leaves for a minute so that the tea revealed a little. Poured it hot water not less than 95 °. Black tea insisters for about five minutes. After that, the drink can be spilled in cups. If the foam appeared, nothing terrible, this once again confirms the quality of tea.

Black tea is one of the popular drinks today. It is drunk at breakfast, lunch, dinner and in the breaks between feeding food. The amount of tea consumed during the average person exceeds the amount of water drunk. But this product is interesting not only taste. But it can also be used as a medicine and cosmetic.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Chemical composition Black and green tea is presented in the table.

Table: Chemical composition and KBJU of black tea (in comparison with green tea)

Useful properties of the product

Black tea contains a lot of useful substances:

  1. Tannins. These components are responsible for giving the tea of \u200b\u200bhis tart taste. They are also called tannins and polyphenols. Tanin has astringent and bactericidal impact on the body. It is able to strengthen the walls of the vessels, restore the tissues of the mucous membranes and compact the cell membranes. Polyphenols are a natural antioxidant and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  2. Catechins. Polyphenols belong to the group, but have a number of distinctive properties. They have an additional impact on the body: stimulate brain activity and positively affect the digestive system.
  3. Essential oils. The content is minimally, but in the composition they are still present.
  4. Vitamins C, PP, P, B1, B2, K. Their concentration is small. But they have a positive effect: improve the carbohydrate organism, strengthen and expand the walls of the vessels, restore the normal blood flow rate, optimize brain activity.
  5. Proteins. Mainly belonging to the group of bugness (vegetable proteins).
  6. Amino acids. Including glutamine, extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  7. Minerals and trace elements. As part of the tea of \u200b\u200btheir several: iodine, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus. In combination, they constitute a health complex for the body. However, their content is minimal.
  8. Alkaloids. First of all, caffeine. It is slightly different in its properties from the caffeine, which is contained in coffee. Tea caffeine, reacting with Tanin, forms theine - a special kind of caffeine. Thein has a stimulating effect on the nervous system without overloading it.

Combination with milk, lemon and chamber

Many love to mix tea with milk. Until now, there is a myth that the use of a nursing mother tea with milk enhances lactation. However, this statement did not find any scientific reinforcements. Moreover, milk in tea practically reduces all its useful properties to zero.

But black tea is perfectly combined with other additives. For example, with lemon or chamber. As part of a tea drink, they do not lose their useful properties at all.

What tea choose

Types of tea differ only in the method of processing a tea sheet. The composition of the product remains the same. But this is only when the high quality of tea and the good faith of the manufacturer is meant. The fact is that the production of packaged and granular tea is practically waste-free. A tea sheet is grinding without parsing to high-quality and not very. As a rule, the cost of such tea is below the sheet.

The responsible approach and compliance with the cooking technology allow all three types of tea to be competitive.

Photo Gallery: Sheet, Granulated and Packed Black Tea

Sheet black tea contains a lot of useful substances in the composition
Granulated tea is considered a low-quality variety, but it is not inferior to sheet tea. Tea consumption in bags is the most convenient and inexpensive option.

Contraindications: possible harm to health

Black tea is a relatively harmless product and does not have any contraindications. But excessive consumption of tea (more than 3-4 cups per day) or the habit of drinking too strong tea has a negative impact on the categories of people who have certain diseases:

  1. Glaucoma.
  2. Alarm disorders.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Headaches.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Diseases of the thyroid gland.

For people suffering from these diseases, it is necessary to use food containing caffeine products with caution, as depending on the individual characteristics of the body, even the minimum amount is capable of negative reaction. But this is not a reason to give up tea at all. It is necessary to track your state of health, do not exceed permissible norms and refrain from the use of tea during the exacerbation of the disease.

How many times can you brew

Black grades of tea lose taste and aromatic properties when re-brewing. Together with them from the beverage, useful properties. For this reason, the re-brewing of black tea is not recommended. In extreme cases, it can be brewing one more time.

Is it possible to drink yesterday

Drink yesterday is categorically not recommended. This is due to the fact that after 8-12 hours, the cooked drink not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes harmful to the body. The organic substances contained in tea during this time begin to decompose, which contributes to the growth of bacteria.

The appearance of bacteria in tea is evidenced by a whitish-transparent film, which can be seen on the surface of the welding for some time. This tea is better not to drink.

At what temperature to brew tea

So that tea does not lose their taste and aromatic qualities, it is necessary to brew it correctly. For this, a tea sheet is taken from the calculation of 1 tsp. on a glass hot water. These proportions can change a little depending on the grade of tea. The welding teapot must be treated with boiling water. It is believed that this action depends on how much tea will be fragrant. Falling asleep tea into the welding capacity, it should be poured with water, but only not boiling, and the temperature is 85 o -90 o. There is tea under the lid for 8-10 minutes. After that, he is ready to use.

Black Tea Eating Nuances

Black tea has a number of nuances that need to consider in a particular situation.

Can cause heartburn

Tea may indeed be the cause of heartburn. The fault of this caffeine, which actively acts on the receptors of all organs and systems of the body, including digestive. It stimulates the production of gastric juice, increasing the level of acidity in the stomach.

Lowers or increases the pressure of black tea

The tonic properties of tea and the presence in its composition of caffeine - the reasons why people suffering from hypertension should be careful when using this drink. Tea can raise pressure. But he brings the hypotoniki only the benefit, maintaining the vessels in the tone. It does not give pressure to fall below the required norm.

The drink has some healing propertiesand applied both in hypertension and under hypotension

Diuretic and Power Impact of Tea

With upper diseases respiratory tract This drink is useful to drink, like a diuretic and campphic. In addition, it tones the body and contributes to the speedy recovery.

The diuretic properties of black tea helps the body to cope with the diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, cleaning them from harmful substances. In addition to this, tea also cleans the liver.

During pregnancy

There are no contraindications for reception during pregnancy. However, given the particular enhanced sensitivity of the body during this period, especially in the early stages, it should be based on their own sensations. It is also better to prevent the occurrence of an excessive exciting effect from tea and overdose. Pregnant women are quite enough two cups of tea per day. The rest of the black tea is absolutely safe.

In the period of breastfeeding

Drinking tea nursing women are not prohibited. However, it should be remembered that the products used by the mother fall into the rapid body of the child and can have a negative impact on it. It can happen and with black tea. Caffeine, entering the child with breast milk, is able to cause sleep disorder and general overexcitation. Therefore, the use of tea in the feeding period is better limited. It should also be paid to its quality. In tea, additives and flavors are often contained, which are categorically prohibited by a nursing mother, as they can cause skin irritations and digestive problems from a child. They also create the risk of allergies.

Is it possible to give breast kids

One year old kids give black tea is categorically prohibited. As a general rule, you can steal children with black tea since three-year-old age. Up to this point, caffeine-containing products are contraindicated, which can be harmful to the nervous system of the child.

Black tea with pancreatitis

This disease is not a contraindication to drink. On the contrary, tea has a positive effect on the body, including during the exacerbation of the disease. Polyphenols, contained in tea, contribute to the decrease in inflammation, and the diuretic effect of the beverage helps to remove the edema. It is recommended to use a medium or low fortress of no more than 3 cups per day.

In diabetes

In diabetes, the use of tea is recommended. Polyphenols included in black tea are able to maintain insulin level at an acceptable level. Sick diabetes patients belong to the category of people who drink black tea are needed in large quantities. It is allowed to use up to 5 cups per day.

With gastritis

If there is gastritis with increased acidity, black tea is excluded. However, there is also gastritis with reduced acidity. In this case, black tea has a positive effect. It can be drunk up to 4 cups per day.

With cholecystitis

The harmful effects of tea on the body in the presence of this disease is not marked. Sustful black tea may be present in a medical diet. However, its excessive use or its too high concentration is able to cause discomfort. Therefore, drinking tea with cholecystitis is needed with caution, not exceeding the recommended dose.

Black Tea Slimming

Black tea improves metabolism. This helps to reduce body weight. In addition, pectin contained in the drink enhances the binding of carbohydrates. Due to this, they are not postponed in the body's adhesive layer. There are special diet, which is based on the use of black tea.

Diet on black tea

It lasts 7 days. During this time you can lose weight by 5-10 kg. Each of the seven days it is necessary to use black tea and an additional one product.

  • 1 day. Before meals - a cup of strong fresh black tea. After 20 minutes - 120 grams of degreased cottage cheese. Such a diet should be adhere to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drinking no earlier than half an hour after eating and only water.
  • 2 day. Black tea 20 minutes before meals. After - 100 grams of boiled chicken breast. Consume breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • 3 day. Use only milk tea. The ratio of water and milk - 1: 1. During the day you need to drink 7 mugs.
  • 4 day. Before meals - a cup of strong fresh black tea. In 20 minutes - green apple. After 20 minutes - one more. Thus, for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is necessary to drink a cup of tea and eat 2 apples. The day leaves 6 apples.
  • 5 day. Before eating - a cup of black tea. After 20 minutes - 100 grams of boiled beef. Consume breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • 6 day. Before meals - a cup of strong fresh black tea. After 20 minutes - 2 raw medium carrots and 1 teaspoon honey. The same for lunch. For dinner, only tea and carrots, no need to add honey.
  • 7 day. Before eating along the usual scheme, drink a cup of black tea. After 20 minutes - a small plate of manna porridge. So 3 times a day. In the first reception to the caress you can add some dried fruits.

Benefit for bodybuilders

Black tea will benefit this category of athletes due to the content of Catechin. They affect the hormonal background of the body, reduce the level of cortisol, which is actively standing out during the workout. This hormone can cause a premature sense of fatigue, as well as split muscular weightthat critically affects the result of training.

Health recipes

Black tea is often applied for medical purposes.

Black tea from diarrhea and constipation

It is an effective means, since containing tanning substances, and also has antiseptic properties. Drink need to be made concentrated. If when cooking tea is preparing in the usual way to a cup of water, 1 tsp. tea, then to obtain the healing drink it is necessary to take 2-3 h. l. Welding. Let break for 5 minutes. Then drink volley. No food does not use. Usually helps from the first glass. But if diarrhea passed only partly, then after 2 hours you can drink another cup of tea. Attention should be paid to the pronounced fixing properties of the product. For this reason, people suffering from constipation, tea consumption should be limited.

With poisoning

Tea can have a strong disinfecting effect, especially if you add sugar there. Black tea with sugar contains a large number of catechins, which, at a strong concentration in the body, can fight even with a dysenteric stick. In the food poisoning, tea is made from the calculation of 2 h. Welding on 1 cup of water. The drink is well defended, after which it is necessary to add a couple of tea spoons to the sugar. Drink no more than two times with an interval of 2 hours, since the fixing properties of tea can interfere with the purification of the body from malicious microbes. Carefully treat with general well-being. If the temperature rose, then the poisoning is strong, and tea is unlikely to help.

Washing eye tea

The anti-inflammatory properties of tea can be used in the fight against conjunctivitis, that is, with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. To do this, brew 1 tsp. Tea Sheet in half a glass of boiling water and leave to a complete cooling. After that, we got to wash your eyes in the same way. It must be rich and not hot. The procedure can be repeated as necessary once every 3-4 hours. Nonal inflammation can pass after the first two washes.

From sunburn

Tea will help reduce symptoms caused by long-staying sun: redness of the skin, heat, peeling. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a cool bath and pour 350 ml of a strong fresh welding. Fifteen minutes is quite enough to calm the irritable skin. If necessary, you can repeat in a few hours.

Beauty Recipes with Black Tea

Also black tea serves as an excellent cosmetic agent.

From the eats, bruises and bags under the eyes

The best folk remedy From the eye of the eyes is a compress from black tea. In addition, this drink activates the development of collagen, which will help at the same time to deal with " goose legs" around eyes. You need to take 3 h on a glass of boiling water. Welding and give to settle. In the resulting tea concentrate you need to coat your cotton wheels and put them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Another way is to rub the area under the eyes of tea ice. For this, the welding is poured into the forms and put in the freezer to full freezing, after which it is ready for use.

Rejuvenating face mask

Tea's ability to influence the production of collagen skin can be used to care for the skin of the face. It will take a small towel and a strong welding prepared from the calculation of 3 h. Tea on a glass of boiling water. You need to brew tea and give to cool only half, so that it remains warm. Mix the towel in tea and impose on a pre-purified face for 20 minutes.


Tea is able to give the skin a dark shade. To do this, just need to wipe the skin instead of a wood-welding lotion 2 times a day. After that, 4 hours do not wash. The procedure is repeated 4-5 days. After this period, the result will be noticeable.

Application from perchot

Black tea has a beneficial effect on the scalp. To do this, you need a strong welding (3 l. Of tea on a glass of boiling water) rub into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes in the form of a mask. Dandruff treatment will be unprecedented, but about a month the first results should appear. Additionally, tea has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, normalizing their work. Masks from tea need to thoroughly flush. They are best suited for dark hair, as tea is capable of rendering a light painting effect, and light hair can start yellowing through several applications.

The composition of the finished tea includes various compounds that determine its aroma, color and toning properties:

Tanning (phenolic) substances;

Caffeine 2-4%;

Vitamins - B1, B 2, P, RR, C;

Panting criticic acid;

Essential oils;

Minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.).

When processing from a tea sheet, water is removed, the content of which is reduced to 3-7%, and consequently, the content of dry substances in the finished dry tea is 93-97%. The tea includes more than 300 connections.

One of the important indicators of the value of tea is the content of extractive substances in the water, which in the finished green tea make up 40-50%, and in black - 30-45%.

The most important component of tea is a complex of phenolic compounds (tea tannin), consisting of catechins and their gallopal esters. The most rich by the bike green tea.

Phenolic compounds and the product of their condensation give tea to the thirst for thickening properties, tart, pleasantly astringent taste and beautiful color. Tea tannin has a high p-vitamin activity, contributes to the best perception of vitamin C by the body, enhances its resistance infectious diseases. Catechins warn hemorrhage, as they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have antioxidant properties, antisolitical action. Tubils are one of the components of the tea sheet. By the ability to dissolve in water, tubyl (phenolic) substances are divided into water-soluble and water-soluble. In the formation of the quality of finished tea, water-soluble tannings, which are rich in young sheets and kidneys are of great importance.

In the greatest quantity contains caffeine - from 2 to 4% dry mass. More caffeine accumulates in the second sheet of flush. When processing tea, a significant part of the caffeine forms with Tanatin caffeine tanat (oxytianate), which has a pleasant taste without bitterness, characteristic of both source components, and affecting the human body is softer than a pure caffeine drug. This compound causes clouding of a tea beverage when it is cooling, which is a sign of high quality tea. When heated, turbidity disappears.

Protein substances range from 24.9 to 29.1% dry matter. The products of their collapse are amino acids - play an indispensable role in the formation of tea fragrance, especially black. But, on the other hand, entering into a reaction with tanning substances, they form insoluble compounds than reduce the content of extractive substances.

From carbohydrates in a tea sheet, sucrose, starch, fiber is found. The average content of soluble sugars in the finished tea is 3-4.7%, and the tissue and hemicellulose - 7.9-16.8%. Products of transformation of these carbohydrates are involved in the formation and color of tea.

Pectin substances (from 2 to 3% dry mass), which in young leaves are much larger than in older, contribute to the gluing sheet during twisting and give hygroscopicity.

Smithy substances affect the formation of taste and fragrance of tea.

Mineral (asol) substances are mainly represented by potassium oxides, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

The intensity and tone of the color of tea are associated with painting substances that are in it.

The tea sheet contains many different enzymes, with which the heating agents occurs.

The vitamin value of the tea is due to the content of vitamins C, 2, PP, etc. in the green tea of \u200b\u200bvitamins is greater than in black.

Energy value of black tea - 109 kcal (456 kJ) per 100 g

Tea is a real storehouse of biologically active substances. The most important of them is an alkaloid caffeine, which has a tonic effect, exciting the activity of the nervous system and an increase in mental performance. Caffeine stimulates cardiac activity, favorably affects the work of the kidneys and contributes to normal digestion. An increased amount of caffeine can also have an adverse effect on the body. There are no direct readings to exception from the diet, but the restriction of tea use is often required not so much due to caffeine, as due to limiting fluid consumption. This is required in violation of the seal of the village activity, with overweight, in old age. Doctors believe that it is necessary to limit the amount of tea with the developed atherosclerosis and hypertension, and strong tea in these cases should not be drunk at all. This is especially true for people suffering from gastri

tom with increased acidity and ulcerative disease, since strong tea concentrates oxalic acid, irritating the gastric mucosa.

Alkaloids Theobromin and Teofmine are contained in small quantities and complement the tonic effect of caffeine.

Tubils give tea tart, astringent taste and wonderful golden color.

All tanning substances with ions of oxide iron form substances of black. This property of tea oxidation with trivalent glands is used in the production of artificial black caviar. Therefore, it is impossible to brew tea in the oxidizing iron dishes or in water containing iron ("rusty").

The color of tea catechins (tannins) is made brighter in an acidic environment. This property explains the fact that when adding lemon tea he brightens.

Tanines are well soluble in water hot and bad in cold. Therefore, when cooled by a strong welding, they fall into the sediment, and the welding is purple. If it is heated again, it is made transparent again. If brewing during cooling does not turbulent - it means that it is weak.

Kyrgyss Cheyan

The chemical composition of tea is investigated. The benefits and harm of tea. Useful advice On the use of tea in cosmetics.



Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Tyva

Municipal General Education

Average comprehensive school №3 G. Ak-Turatka

Work at the XV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference

"Step into the Future"

Chemistry section


"Study of the chemical composition of tea"


Student 10 "a" class

Kyrgyss Cheyan Mergenovna

MOU SOSH №3 G. Ak-Turatka


Sarygar Tatyana Ashak-Oton

Chemistry teacher and biology

MOU SOSH №3 G. Ak-Turatka

g. Ak-Doverak



works made by the student of 10 "a" class MOU SOSH №3 G. Ak-Turatka

Kyrgyss Cheyan

IN research work "Chemical composition of tea" is studied by the chemical composition, the influence of tea on the human body. Application of tea in cosmetics

In the experimental part, analyzes the chemical composition of tea on pectin substances and caffeine

In order to determine the most pectic-containing varieties of tea; Release the possibilities of unconventional use of tea in cosmetics.

1. Introduction ........................................................................ ......... ... 3

2. Biology of a tea plant ........................................................................... ..four.

3. Chemical composition of tea ............................................................ ....... 5.

4. The effect of tea on the human body ....................................................8.

5. experimental part

Getting pectins from tea ............................................................9

Getting caffeine from tea ............................................................ .10

6. Conclusions .................................................................................... 11

7. Literature ........................................................................... ....... 12

8. Appendix .............................................................................. .13


Currently, every person in the world drinks tea every day. But it does not think at all about their benefits or harm, which depends on the quality and taste of tea, what is the difference between the varieties and the price difference, because today the varieties of these products are more than enough. In our work we will try to answer these questions.

Tea relieves fatigue and headache, increases mental and physical activity, stimulates the work of the brain, heart, breathing. But individual categories of people should reduce the consumption of tea. Tea contains a lot more caffeine than coffee.

Tea consists by 30-50% of extractive, i.e. soluble in water parts. The six most important components of tea: these are tubyl substances, essential oils, alkaloids, amino acids, pigments and vitamins, pectin substances.

Pectic substances are one of the components of the prevention of violations of fat metabolism, atherosclerosis, diabetes, desiccable - stone disease. The content of pectins in tea ranges from 2 to 3%, but the quality of tea depends on them.1 Determine the most pectic-containing tea varieties has become the goal of our work.

Study of chemical composition of tea

Purpose: - determine the most pectic-containing varieties of tea;

Release the possibilities of unconventional use of tea.

Tasks: 1. Examine literature on the chemical composition of various varieties of tea.

  1. Reveal the most pectic-containing tea varieties
  2. Determine the possibility of unconventional use of tea

Object of study - tea of \u200b\u200bvarious brands

Subject of study - The content of pectin substances in tea of \u200b\u200bvarious brands

Relevance work is that now every person in the world drinks tea every day. But it does not think at all about their benefits or harm, which depends on the quality and taste of tea, what is the difference between the varieties and the price difference, because today the varieties of these products are more than enough. In our work we will try to answer these questions.

Practical significance The work is that during the theoretical and practical study of the chemical composition of tea, students will learn about the benefits or harm of tea. You can recommend several prohibitions for using it and additional use of tea in cosmetics.

Methods: study of theoretical material; experiment; Comparisons and analysis.

  1. V.V. Pokhlebkin. Tea 3.

Biology of tea plant

And where did the word "tea" come from?

Tea drink The first is mentioned in the manuscripts of 2700 BC. Cultivate tea began in China in IV century. AD Russia previously met the Chinese drink "Tqii-E". This name was subsequently transformed into the word "tea".

In 1638, the Russian ambassador Vasily Starkov brought Mikhail Fedorovich dried tea leaves as a gift from Mongolian Aldeon - Khan.

Where are tea grow?

The main challenges of the world are consideredasia States:India, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran.In Europe : Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia in the south of Krasnodar Territory, in the Black Sea region.In Africa : Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zimbavba, Zambia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Burund, Mali, Madagascar, South Africa, and also on the islands of Mauritius, Azores.In South America: in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia,In Central America: in Mexico, Guatemala ..In North Australia, Papua New Guinea and on Fiji Cas.

Tea - evergreenwhich exists in two types: Chinese tea- (this shrub is mountainous areas of Southeast Asia) and Assamian tea (tree growing in India)

What external factors affect the development and taste quality of tea?

To grow tea, warm summer is needed and autumn; (not lower than +20), but at the same time enough cold winter (not higher than +10, but not lower than -3). The concentration of aromatic substances in the tea sheet depends on the duration of the luminous day and the total number of sunny days. With a lack of light and the Sun, the tea acquires a rough taste, becomes non-forgetic and herbaceous.

The quality of finished tea is closely connected with the place of growth?

Sure. Indian black teas are distinguished by the fortress, give an intense infusion

Ceylon possesses more bright infant with reddish and as strong taste. Chinese are more diverse on shades of taste and aroma, less cutting to taste. Azerbaijan and Krasnodar teas with their properties closer to Chinese and Indian, differ in the fatty and fragrance, tender, but weak. Georgian teas have a pleasant, velvety, predicted taste more enjoyable, fragrance is poorly expressed.

Chemical composition of tea

Although tea is studied over the centuries, and on the disclosure of its chemical composition, scientists work at least one and a half years, only over the past decades it became possible to obtain a relatively complete picture of which chemicals are included in the tea.

As studies have shown, tea consists of 30-50% of extractive, i.e. soluble in water parts. In practice, solubility is never fully implemented. Green teas contain more soluble substances (40-50%), and black - less (30-45%). In addition, than younger than the quality of the leaves of tea, the richer with extractive substances obtained from them dry tea. And vice versa, the older, rougher leaves, the less extended in infusion soluble substances, the less tailed tea.

From soluble substances, first of all, attention should be paid to the six most important groups or components of tea:these are tubyl substances, essential oils, alkaloids, amino acids, pigments and vitamins.1

Tannins - One of the essential components of tea and tea infusion. They constitute 15-30% of tea and are a complex mixture of more than three tens of polyphenolic compounds consisting of Tannina and various (at least seven) catechins, polyphenols and their derivatives.1

Tannin in tea acquires a pleasant tartness that gives the basic taste of the infusion of tea.The more tannings, the higher the quality of tea, better color, preplicitiness and fragrance. Tannins have a soothing effect on the stomach and intestines;

Essential tea component are andalkaloids . Among the alkaloids, the most famous was always and remainscaffeine Or, as it is also called as part of tea, thein.

It has an exciting effect, in tea caffeine more than in coffee (1-4%), but tea caffeine acts softer: first, tea for welding takes less than coffee; Secondly, caffeine in tea forms a tannin connection, which is more gently acting on the cardiovascular and central nervous system; thirdly, tea caffeine does not accumulate in the human body; Fourthly, in addition to caffeine, the tea is the alkaloids of theobromine and theophylline - they are good vasodilators and diuretics.

Caffeine - One of the main perpetrators of the thrust of people to tea as a toning drink. In its pure form, it is a colorless, not smell, but a bitter taste of a substance contained, however, not only in tea, but also in coffee, cocoa, nuts of Cola, MEE and some other tropical plants.

1 V.V. Pokhlebkin. Tea 5.

Caffeine it belongs to those few tea substances, the composition and the number of which are extremely slightly changed when recycling. Meanwhile, various types of tea contain a different percentage of caffeine. For a long time it remained a mystery. It was then it turned out that caffeine is distributed unevenly in a tea plant. The first sheet of flush contains 4-5% caffeine, the second - 3-4%, the third - 2.5%, the remaining - from 0.5 to 1.5%. In the seeds, caffeine tea is completely absent. This suggests that caffeine is not laid in tea from birth, but is purchased in the process of growing tea bush. From here it is clear that high quality teas made of the first leaflets contain more caffeine than teas from rough raw materials. That is why pressed teas, where caffeine is practically absent, the peoples of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Mongolia can drink in very large quantities. And this is why the Kazakhs, the Turkmen who use black tea are also in large quantities, prefer his second and even third grades, where caffeine is contained in extremely small doses, but many tannin, pectins, so important to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in Central Asia.

In addition, proteins serve as a source of those amino acids that occur during the processing of a tea sheet into ready-made tea.

Protein substances Together with free amino acids range from 16 to 25% of tea. Proteins - the most important component of the tea sheet. Proteins areenzymes.

As for amino acids, They discovered 17 in tea, and the nature of one of them is still not clarified. Among the amino acids, tea has glutamine acid, an extremely important for the vital activity of the human body, actively contributing to the restoration of the depleted nervous system. Amino acids when interacting with sugars, as well as tannin and catechos in the conditions of elevated temperatures in the process of tea production form aldehydes and thus participate in the formation of tea fragrance.

Pigments (Rutin), drawn in tea, also play an important role. People have long noticed the ability of a tea infusion of various color, these substances cause painting of infusion, which, depending on the type and variety of tea, can be from light-hectable to red-brown.

. Mineral and other inorganic substances Tea contains from 4 to 7%. They are not limited to the salts of iron, open in tea relatively long. In addition to ferrous compounds, there are also metals such as magnesium, manganese, sodium.

Together with silicon, potassium, calcium, they are extremely important for the nutrition of various human tissues and especially for the formation of electrostatic and radioactive phenomena centers in our body. There are other metals and inorganic substances in the form of trace elements, including fluorine, iodine, copper, gold, etc.. All of them are part of complex compounds, but, being in colloidal state, can be dissolved in water and enter the tea infusion. (Especially fluorine and iodine, serving an antisclerotic agent).

Particularly indicate phosphorus and its compounds. The higher the grade of tea, the more phosphorus and potassium in it. The latter is very important to maintain the normal activity of the cardiovascular system.

The composition of tea includes a small weight, but a variety of groupresinous substances. These are complex chemical composition complexes: alcohols (rubber), resin acids, resin phenols and other organic compounds.

But their role in tea in general is clear: they act mainly as carriers, and even more as a tea fragrance fixators.

Another group of soluble organic compounds in tea formorganic acids (about 1%), which consists of oxal, lemon, apple, amber, peer-grade, fumaric, and two or three more acids. As part of the tea, they are still weakly studied, but it is clear that in general they increase the food and dietary value of tea.

Enzymes or enzymes are contained in tea mainly in an insoluble, associated state. These are biological catalysts. With their help, all chemical transformations occur both in a lively tea plant, with its growth and in the process of factory making tea.

Pectin substances - These are colloidal substances with a complex composition. Their content in tea ranges from 2 to 3%. In the presence of sugars and acids, they can form student masses - jelly. Pectines are important to preserve the quality of tea: this is connected with them. physical property Tea, as his hygroscopicity. With a lack of pectinic acid in tea, its hygroscopic increases sharply, and therefore the tea is fluttered faster. The fact is that pectinic acid covers each chayank thin, weakly melted with a gelatin film and thus plays for tea the role of "rain raincam". Recently, the positive role of pectins for the human body is increasingly determined, especially in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. A good quality tea contains, as a rule, more water-soluble pectins than bad tea varieties.

Carbohydrates The tea contains a variety of simple sugars to complex polysaccharides. The higher the percentage of carbohydrate content, the lower its variety. Therefore, carbohydrates are a kind of ballast for tea. Fortunately, most of them are insoluble. Moreover, insoluble is the unnecessary person of polysaccharides - starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, components from 10 to 12% of tea. But useful carbohydrates - sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose (they are in tea from 1 to 4%) soluble.1

So, even a quick and incomplete acquaintance with the chemical composition of tea convinces us that nature has created a kind of chemical warehouse in a tea sheet or rather, a whole chemical laboratory. And the most amazing and wonderful is that it is a permanent laboratory.

What is the influence of tea on the human body?

Tea increases mental activity, eliminates fatigue, tones the nervous system, enhances blood circulation, improves digestion, promotes the regulation of kidney activities and accumulating in ascorbic acid, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Tea protects teeth from caries: it contains fluorine. Tea contributes to the removal of toxins from the body, there are many mineral substances in it, which to restore the acidic alkaline balance of the body. In addition, the caterins in tea are cleaned by the body from free radicals, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.


  1. Tea - Treasurer useful for a person substances
  2. The tea plant pulls out of the soil and synthesizes the most diverse and rare, useful substances for a person.
  3. Ready tea has the ability - to give its best, the best, most useful part for a person
  4. To preserve chemical compositiontea is necessary correctly brew

The taste quality of tea affects the method of cooking welding. Need good water, clean, odorless. The brewing kettle can be ceramic, porcelain or glass. Green tea is brewed for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately filter, because it quickly begins to be patterned. Black tea is longer - up to 4-5 minutes, so that more tannilic substances dissolved in water. Cream or milk is served to tea, as well as berries and fruits.

1. A.T. Soldatenkov, N.M. Clariad et al., Basics of organic chemistry of food, feed and biological additives

experimental part

Obtaining pectin substances

Purpose: Determine the most pectic-containing varieties of tea


  1. Tea welding of the brands were placed in the flask and poured 40 ml of warm water
  2. After 30min, the solution was filtered and 40 ml of warm water was poured again.
  3. The filtrate No. 1 and No. 2 was mixed, taking 5 ml of pectin, added to it 20 ml of NaOH and waited 30min.
  4. Heated on a water bath 2 ml of an alkali solution of pectins. Added 5 ml of 1N acetic acid and 1 ml of lead acetate

The results of the experiment for the presence of pectins in tea

Tea brands




Curbed bright yellow



Curbed bright yellow



No sediment




No sediment



No sediment



  • The physical property of tea is connected with pectins, as its hygroscopicity. With a lack of pectinic acid in the tea, its hygroscopic increases sharply, and the tea will deteriorate faster. A good quality tea contains, as a rule, more water-soluble pectins than bad tea varieties.
  • . Curl light yellow sediments fell out in test tubes №1, №2. No precipitation fell in test tubes №3,4,5. Hence, it follows that the content of pectins is larger in Tea "Akbar" "Listism"; Less or absent in the "Candy", "Nuri", "Gita"
  • The most pectic-containing teas: "Akbar" - green tea, "Lism" - black indian tea
  • . Rectin substances - polymer compounds with molecular weight from 10 ... 100 thousand daltons. Are a carbohydrate component of the cell wall and the intercellular space of plants

Thes of them: prevention of fat metabolism, atherosclerosis, diabetes, bile-stone disease; affect the function of the thick bowel; There is a positive role of pectins in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

It is part of the cell walls of plants, but they are especially rich in their crusts of citrus fruits (40%), as well as the core of apples (20%). Are in fruits and rootes. They protect them from drying, affect drought resistance

Getting caffeine from tea.

Purpose: caffeine selection

Equipment: porcelain crucible, mortar with pestle, alcohol, match, laboratory tripod, porcelain cup

Reagents: Black tea, 2 g of magnesium oxide


1. In the porcelain crucible to put a teaspoon of chopped into a mortar of black tea and 2 g of magnesium oxide.

2. Make a substance and put a crucible on fire. Warm on a moderate fire

3. Tie to the crucible to put a porcelain cup with cold water

4. In the presence of magnesium oxide, caffeine will accomplish, i.e. turn into steam. Finding on a cold surface, caffeine will become solid and mounted on the bottom of the cup in the form of colorless crystals

Quality reactions to pectin and caffeine

Purpose: Proving the presence of the resulting pectin and caffeine


1. To alkaline solution of galacturonic acid (Sodium Pectat)5 ml of 1N acetic acid and 1 ml of lead acetate and heated in a water bath were added. In the presence of pectin there is an educationbrick-red sediment of lead pectatat.

2. How many caffeine crystals put onporcelain cup and drop 1-2 potassies concentrated nitric acid. Heat until the mixture does not get dry. Caffeine will oxide and turn into amalinic acid. During neutralization, the acid solution of ammonia is formed in a red salt


1. Tea has both healing and weakening effect on the body. There is almost the entire alphabet of vitamins in tea. The suffering atherosclerosis and hypertension should not drink strong tea, which is associated with the exciting effect of caffeine to the central nervous system.

2. Pectins in tea are and much more than coffee, but less, in the apple. The greatest number of pectins was found in the "Akbar", "Lisan". Of those who participated in the same experiment, Princess Kandy, Princess Nuri, Princess Gita, did not receive pectins, which speaks of the poor quality of tea or his fake.

3. In the course of the experiment, they proved that the composition of the tea "Akbar" includes caffeine. Got them in its pure form and conducted high-quality reactions to make sure that these are really obtained organic matter.

4. Revealed the opportunity additional use Pectic-containing tea varieties: eye baths, nutritious and moisturizing face care masks, increase tone tone, fading skin, masks for hands, brittle nails and hair

5. Tea is a treasurer useful for a person substances. The tea plant pulls out of the soil and synthesizes the most diverse and rare, useful substances for a person.

6. Ready tea has the ability - to give its best, the best, most useful part for a person

7. In order to preserve chemical composition Tea need to brew properly


1.V.V. Pokhlebkin. Tea. - M.: Centigopolygraf, 1997.

2.A.T. Soldatenkov, N.M. Clariad et al., Fundamentals of organic chemistry of food, feed and biological additives. - Moscow: ICC, 2006

3. Chemistry magazine at school number 1. 2010.

Tea in cosmetics

The use of tea in cosmetics is quite well known. Modern cosmetic lines based on tea tree extract offer various facial care products and hands, hair, hygiene products, etc. But, first, all these means are quite expensive, and secondly, contain synthetic ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction. Well, and thirdly, having prepared a cosmetic with your own hands, you are absolutely sure of its composition and origin of components.

Having attached a little effort, you will create your own cosmetic line. Each woman dreams of delicate velvety skin, beautiful shiny hair, and how many chagrins deliver hands that do not look better after using different detergents, or heels that do not want to be soft and gentle, like a baby. Any woman, and now, and many men, should allocate a little time for "beloved" and take care of the skin.

Tea face
1. Rinsing a face with the influence of salted green tea, and better wiping ice cubes from it will save your skin fresh and will return to her a healthy look.
2. Tea infusion can be used instead of milk for removing makeup.
3. Skin wiping with an infusion of red tea in a cascade will help with inflamed eels.
4. Tea mask will help with the sun, extended and vessels inflamed from the sun. Soft fabric or gauze moisten tea solution and attach for 20 minutes. If the skin is dry, then after the mask you need to apply a nutrient cream.
4. From tea you can make a mask for fading skin. Tablespoon flour to divert strong tea to the consistency of sour cream, add one yolk. Apply on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
6. Tea for auto market. Brew black tea spoon with three tablespoons of water, boil 2-3 minutes, strain. In the morning and evening after washing, wipe the face.
7. From the bags under the eyes and echoing ages will help the thickening of tea, which remained in a brew. Mix it with sour cream and apply for 5-10 minutes.
Tea body
1. The baths from a strong infusion of tea are well helped from the handiness of the hands. It is better to choose green, because black can paint the skin. Brew 4 teaspoons of tea with two glasses of water and boil 2-3 minutes. Make warm baths for 10-15 minutes.
2. The same procedure will save the same procedure from the sweating of the feet, only desirable to add 1 teaspoon of the hammer of the bark of the oak.
3. Very tone the skin of the bath from tea. Brew 4 dessert spoons of black or green tea glass boiling water. Insist 10 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. If you take a bath with black tea, then it will help your skin slightly -set. But after that, the bath itself will have to clean carefully.

4. If you have small abrasions or cuts on the body, the skin is a bit inflamed, wipe it with an infusion of carcade.
Tea for hair
1. Rinse your hair After washing the faded influence of green tea. The hair will become magnificent and shiny. If you do not fit this option, simply rub the infusion of tea in the roots of the hair with a cotton swab. So you strengthen the roots and get rid of dandruff.
For oily hair. Mix 30 g of vodka with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a glass of green tea, dilute a liter of boiled water. Apply everything on the washed hair and do not wash off. Do 3-4 procedures.
Trying hair. To give hair a chestnut hue, prepare a strong infusion of black granular tea. It is about 2 tablespoons per liter of water boiled on a slow heat for 10-15 minutes. They must be insisted, strain and apply on the hair, cover them with a plastic bag and insulate. After 10-15 minutes, a shade will appear, in 40 minutes a saturated color. Do not wash off.
For gray hair. A glass of strong hot tea. Mix with 4 tablespoons of cocoa or coffee powder, you need to stir, apply on your hair, labeled and comb. Do not wash off.
Instead of hair varnish. Before winding on a hair curlers or brackets, a well moisten the hair with the following solution: 2 teaspoons of dry tea pour boiling water, insist and strain. Kudri will stay much longer.


to work done by the student 10 "a" class MOU SOSH №3

g. Ak-Turatka Kyrgyss Cheyan Mergenovna

The author studied work on the topic "Chemical composition of tea". The goal is to determine the most pectic-containing varieties of tea and identify the possibilities of unconventional use of tea. The object of the study selected various types of tea

To achieve the goal, the author studied a literary review on the topic of research, which makes it possible to expand knowledge about biology of tea plant and chemical composition, the benefits and harm of tea, as well as the possibility of using tea in cosmetics.

The work is set out clearly and consistently according to plan. The author used the methods of experiment, comparative analysis.

Processing, analysis of experimental results. Conclusions are made on facts and corresponds to the goals of work. At the end of the work there are practical recommendations

The essence of the work performed shows that the students learned well theoretical questions and owns the methodology for studying and analyzing the chemical composition of tea

The teacher of the biology and chemistry teacher of the Higher Category Museosh No. 3 of the Ak-Taucker Sarygar Tatyana Ashak-Olovna was reviewed.