House, design, renovation, decor.  Courtyard and garden.  With your own hands

House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» Pressure expansion tank. The nuances of selecting an expansion tank for a heating system

Pressure expansion tank. The nuances of selecting an expansion tank for a heating system

Go to the doctor, he will give you a prescription.

"Like plasticine" is normal shit. If "like a brick" is worse)

To the doctor, to the gastroenterologist.

Drink a laxative, and then see a therapist in the morning. and eat normal food directly

drink laxatives to soften microflora .. And "aloe vera" from Herbalife also helps very well. I drink myself.

include more fiber in food

Before going to bed, a glass of warm water, after sleep also a glass.

just switch to porridge and salads and fruits to eat prunes and drink kefir between meals 3 hours pause until that food is overcooked baked pumpkin with apple helps very well and put sour cream in the baked one when serving. otkazhist so far from chips croutons potatoes herring sausages captcha flour sweets.

There is a drug in the pharmacy Normaze, it helps to improve the work of the intestines. But don't forget about proper nutrition. Drink organic kefirs more often.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Naturopathic Treatment

Frequent cramping abdominal pain, flatulence, as well as the constant alternation of constipation and liquid, often mushy, shapeless stools are characteristic symptoms of a disease that more and more people suffer from. Irritable bowel syndrome, or, in the language of specialists, Colin irritable, can be a real pain for the patient.

Mainstream medicine often considers this disease as caused by psychiatric factors. Unresolved conflicts, neurotic deviations in development or depression - this is how the final "diagnosis" often looks, when no research helps to establish anything. But no matter how comforting the judgments of modern medicine may be, this is not true for many patients. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Has Specific Organic Causes!

Onset - indigestion

Violation of intestinal self-cleaning mechanisms

Gruel-like stools. The softness of this shapeless stool is due to the fact that it is loosened by the resulting gases. Many people consider mushy stools, which often have the appearance of flakes, as normal for themselves.

  • Keep track of maintaining the acid-base balance in your body. Take a sufficient amount of bases with food so that the metabolism has enough material for the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Take bases in alkaline powder form. This will help your body produce more digestive juices for optimal digestion of food.
  • Avoid useless, acidic foods such as white refined sugar and processed sugar such as marmalade, cakes, chocolate, confectionery, ice cream and sugar-containing lemonades, and sugary liqueurs.
  • Use organic foods such as honey, maple syrup, or thick pear juice to sweeten your food. But do not forget that everything is good in moderation!
  • If you're really into something sweet, eat some fresh fruit or some dried fruit. This will train you to perceive natural tastes.
  • Eat raw plant foods in small portions and chew them especially well. Do not take such food in the evening. At night, it will not be properly processed and will begin to wander.
  • Eat calmly and chew your food thoroughly! It is already beginning to be processed by the enzymes of saliva. The more intensely you chew, the better the salivary glands work and the more enzymes the saliva contains. And the smaller the pieces of food that reach your intestines, the easier it is for the digestive juices to completely digest them. As a result, the processes of fermentation and decay will be insignificant.
  • Avoid vegetables that make your stomach puffy, such as legumes (peas, beans, lentils) and cabbage. Although they, like all vegetables in general, are alkaline foods, however, they contain cell membranes fiber is broken down with great difficulty by digestive juices. Undigested residues cause strong fermentation in the lower intestines, resulting in unpleasant flatulence. In addition, acidic metabolic products are formed, leading to painful inflammation of the intestinal wall.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. "Quiet" mineral water is much more useful. Do not drink a lot of fluids during meals to avoid diluting the digestive juices.
  • Take care of good digestion. Chronic constipation due to increased decomposition processes causes inflammation in the intestines. Improved digestion is the first step to getting rid of your ailments.

Irritable Bowel Naturopathic Treatment

  • Fennel - 30 g
  • Cumin (crushed) - 30 g
  • Coriander fruit - 30 g
  • Chamomile flowers - 10 g

2 teaspoons of the collection for 250 ml of boiling water, leave for about 8 minutes, drink 1 glass half an hour before meals. If it is not possible to prepare tea, the corresponding extracts can be taken in the form of drops. For example, a completely tested finished product - Carminativum Hetterich. Along with extracts of mint and chamomile, it contains extracts from fennel, cumin and orange peel.

Homeopathy. Asa foetida (stinking ferula) D6. Great flatulence due to chronic constipation. Cramping pain in the abdomen. Stools are watery and frothy, and they are dark brown, sticky, and thick. In any case, its smell is extremely unpleasant and even smelly.

Acupuncture. In Chinese medicine, the picture of complaints of irritable bowel is viewed in two ways: as a lack of vitality (lack of "Qi") in the functional circle "spleen - pancreas" and as a violation of the free flow of energy along the liver meridian.

Symbiosis management

The intake of strengthening preparations containing natural intestinal bacteria restores the ecological balance in the intestines. In this case, the surviving useful microflora receives, so to speak, "support from above". Suitable preparations:

What happens in the body, or what poop is talking about

Stool is all that is left of the food eaten after the body has taken all the necessary nutrients. Going to the toilet "in a big way" is NECESSARY, as it is a natural way to get rid of waste. The color, shape, and smell of poop can tell you what is going on in your body.

Sausage-like, smooth and soft

Optimal view! All perfectly!

You are lacking in fiber and fluids. Drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Watery, without dense lumps, liquid

You have diarrhea! Perhaps caused by some kind of infection, and in this case, diarrhea is the body's way of getting rid of pathogens. You are advised to drink plenty of fluids to replenish fluid losses, otherwise dehydration may begin!

Sausage, but lumpy

Not as serious as in the case of "sheep feces", but it is better to increase the amount of liquid you drink per day and the fiber eaten in the diet.

Soft small feces with clear edges

Not so bad. Within normal limits, if you walk "big" several times a day.

Sausage-like, but with cracks on the surface

This is normal, but cracks mean you need to increase the amount of fluid you are drinking.

Spreading feces with fuzzy edges

Borders normal, but may become diarrhea.

Soft, rod-shaped stool that sticks to the sides of the toilet

Having a lot of fat means your body is not absorbing it properly. This can be observed, for example, in chronic pancreatitis.

Everything is fine. Usually the stool is brown due to the bile produced in the liver.

The food may be moving too quickly through the colon. Other options: You ate a lot of green leafy vegetables or green food coloring.

This color may indicate that there is internal bleeding due to an ulcer or cancer. Some medicines containing iron and bismuth subsalicylate can also turn stool black. Pay special attention if it is sticky and seek medical advice if it becomes bothersome.

Light, white or clay colored

If this is not what you usually see in the toilet, it could mean a biliary obstruction. Reception of some drugs can also cause stool to become too light in color. Seek the advice of your doctor.

Greasy, offensive, or bright yellow feces indicate an excess of fat in it. This may be due to impaired fat absorption, such as celiac disease.

Red or bloody

Blood in your stool can be a symptom of cancer, so seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Some facts about feces

Eaten food, as a rule, spends 1-3 days in the human body until it turns into feces.

Stool consists of undigested food, bacteria, mucus and dead cells, which is why it has such a specific smell.

Healthy stool sinks slowly.

How often do you need to walk "big"?

On average, people relieve themselves once or twice a day, but some do it more often and some less. According to doctors, there are no rules for going to the toilet if you feel normal.

So that there are no problems with defecation

Eat foods high in fiber (20–25 g, for example, 1 apple contains about 4 g of fiber, 1 pear contains 5 g of fiber), drink more clean water, exercise regularly or exercise.

If you have constipation, adding a lot of fiber to your diet will help.

Adequate drinking water makes it easier for feces to move through the rectum.

When to see a doctor?

If you first saw something wrong in the feces, not the same as usual, do not rush to panic. Watch. If this happens again, talk to your doctor. Pay attention to what exactly the body is "telling" you, and if something really bothers you, do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Feces like plasticine

Good day! Tell me, why can feces be sticky like plasticine? What is lacking in the body?

If there is a situation where pasty-looking feces are poorly washed off the toilet, it is important to know who is it about, an adult or a child? Viscous feces, like plasticine, in an adult often appear due to the high content of fats in it (steatorrhea). In this case, it is important how long such symptoms are observed. If the plastic-like feces appeared once, most likely, there is nothing dangerous, and the problem lies in the wrong diet. If pasty sticky feces are observed for several days in a row, this may mean the presence of a gastrointestinal tract pathology, so you should definitely consult a doctor and take a feces test.

Based on the results of the lipid profile, the specialist will determine the likely cause of the appearance of such a symptom. Detection of neutral fats in feces indicates pancreatitis or pancreatic insufficiency, the enzymes of which should normally break down lipids. When soaps and fatty acids are found during the study of a sample, this indicates a lack of bile flow and may be associated with its stagnation in the liver tissues, blockage or insufficiency of the biliary tract. It is because of the fat content that stool sticks to the toilet and is not flushed well. If the body does not have enough enzymes to break down lipids, treatment consists in the appointment of enzyme preparations and nutritional correction.

What to do if feces are observed like plasticine in a child? For a newborn with normal appetite and weight gain, the consistency of feces does not matter at all, since in the first month of life, the gastrointestinal tract is actively adapting to new conditions and diet. A baby on HB, which feeds exclusively on mother's milk, can have thick, liquid, or green stools and with any odor, provided that nothing bothers the baby. Feces can stick to the pope with high fat content of breast milk or functional lactase deficiency. Putty-like stool that is secreted in small portions so that it constantly stains the diaper indicates constipation in a child. In this case, you should more actively drink the baby, give him lactulose syrup, and for pain in the tummy - simethicone. For a bottle-fed baby, sticky, pasty green stool with a putrid odor is a variant of the norm. If your baby is sleeping well and is gaining weight, no action is needed. If the child is restless, constantly pulls his legs to his stomach, or does not gain weight well, it may be worth changing the mixture, which should definitely be consulted with a pediatrician. Plasticine feces can be temporarily observed with the introduction of complementary foods.

The reasons for the appearance of sticky feces in a child after a year can be associated with both a violation of fat metabolism and poor nutrition. You should always look at the condition of the baby as a whole. If there are no pathological impurities in the stool and other symptoms are absent, the general condition is not disturbed, you should not worry. However, you need to observe the child and revise his diet. The best medicine for stool disorders in any baby is to normalize the temperature and humidity in the children's room, and regularly ventilate it.

Steatorrhea (fatty stools) - causes, symptoms, treatment

Steatorrhea is an unpleasant condition in which the amount of fat in the stool increases dramatically. Often a person suffers from constipation or liquid bowel movements. In this case, the excreted feces are distinguished by a greasy sheen, it is even difficult to clean it from the toilet. Pathology is typical for both adults and children. What causes steatorrhea? How to treat it?


There are many reasons leading to fatty stools. Most often these are pathologies of internal organs, and sometimes external various factors. The main reasons include:

  • Congenital defect.
  • Excess fatty foods on the menu.
  • Bowel diseases.
  • Pancreas malfunction.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Disruption of the work of some glands.
  • Problems with the gallbladder and its ducts.

Doctors offer the following qualifications:

  • Intestinal. In a patient in the small intestine, fat is not absorbed at all, therefore it is excreted in the feces.
  • Alimentary develops when a person does not eat properly. A lot of fat gets into his stomach, which is not fully absorbed.
  • Pancreatic develops if the pancreas is disrupted. The enzyme is missing, which is necessary for the complete assimilation of fat. In this case, the amount of lipase, which is extremely necessary for the breakdown of fat, decreases.


The main symptom of the disease is a constant urge to defecate. At this time, the patient begins to excrete oily feces, which leaves a greasy mark. Typically light-colored or gray stools.

You need to worry in such cases:

  • Dry cough constantly worries.
  • The urge to defecate became more frequent.
  • Fecal incontinence.
  • Dizziness worries.
  • The patient notices pain in the spine, joints.
  • The belly swells and growls.
  • The person is weakening.
  • Working capacity is completely reduced.
  • The mucous membranes dry out.

With all these symptoms, the body gradually begins to deplete, erythema may appear on the skin, and seizures in the corners of the mouths. Also, the patient is often worried about stomatitis, looseness and bleeding of the gums.


The doctor must necessarily examine the patient, listen to all his complaints. When the doctor probes left side abdomen, he notes a strong rumbling. But when he deeply probes, he feels how the masses in the intestines are overflowing.

Then instrumental methods are prescribed, they are considered more informative. For example, with the help of rectoscopy, you can find out how atrophied the mucous membrane is, whether there are terminal hairs on it.

The patient must take a feces analysis, after his examination and the results of the tests, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. More informative diagnostic methods are:

Attention! If you do not take timely measures for steatorrhea, everything can end with leukopenia, hyponatremia, hypolipemia, hypocalcemia.

Treatment methods

First of all, they want to get rid of the patient from the pathology that led to oily stools. If pancreatitis is guilty, special enzymes are prescribed that improve the digestive process.

It is very important to sit on a diet for a while, it can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Eating a healthy diet will help restore stool. Medication is also important. In this case, drugs with a high concentration of lipase are prescribed. We draw attention to all drugs pharmacists cover with a membrane that does not allow absorption into the stomach, so the medicine immediately appears in the intestines.

Can be prescribed: Creon, Maalox, Pancreatin, Gastal, Almagel. Also, in order to quickly cure steatorrhea, you need to take: vitamins, antacids, hydrochloric acid, adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisone.

Diet with steatorrhea

For all forms of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a low-fat diet. It is allowed to consume no more than 50 grams of fat per day. The following products are allowed:

  • Butter must be of high quality, not a spread.
  • Lean meat - this can be beef, rabbit, turkey.
  • Lean fish.
  • Only low fat dairy products. Give preference to low-fat yogurt, kefir.

The diet should be followed until your condition is completely normalized. Be careful with digestible carbohydrates, high concentration can lead to stagnation of bile. We draw your attention to the fact that the more vitamins in the patient's diet, the faster it is restored. Some doctors specifically prescribe multivitamin complexes.

What are the predictions?

If the patient does not pay attention to steatorrhea, refuses to take medicines, everything can end up with such complications:

  • The intestines do not absorb nutrients that enter the body.
  • Protein deficiency, hypovitaminosis are observed.
  • Severe exhaustion of the body, due to the fact that the patient is rapidly losing weight.
  • Puffiness.
  • Thirst constantly worries.
  • Complete dehydration of the body.
  • Convulsions worried.

A dangerous consequence is that important systemic organs cease to function. In addition, the patient develops a number of complexes - due to constant defecation, it is difficult for him to communicate with loved ones and other people.


In order not to have to get rid of fatty stools, it is best to think about preventive measures prematurely. To stop the disease you need:

  • Eat fractional and balanced.
  • Give up alcohol and cigarettes completely.
  • Do not eat fried with spices.

So, it is important to understand fatty stool and constant urge to use the toilet - this is not normal. It is urgent to take action, otherwise everything will end in serious and life-threatening consequences. Keep track of what kind of lifestyle you lead, what you eat. Perhaps you need to completely change your menu. Be healthy!

Feces like plasticine

The child's chair is like plasticine

We are 7 months old, the baby poops (feces) like

lure, it became so hard for us when we switched to normal food at the age of 11 months

Maybe the complementary food is not correct

Thick feces like plasticine

The child was also on the mixture, they saved themselves with compote (dried fruits, or in turn prunes with dried apricots) helped us.

We are 3.5, I give mashed potatoes with prunes half a teaspoon and of course water more often

calla lilies like plasticine! how to be saved?

It's okay, after porridge, we generally began to poop like adults)))

the chair changing is okay. goes to the toilet normally?

after the introduction of complementary foods, this is the norm


We generally have a dark green chair on this nan

Let's get some water, it's okay on the willow

It was also on the willows ... this is normal)

SOS! How to relieve tummy pain?

If it has not been able to pump for a long time, then it is already worth putting a candle. Make him feel better

Who eats Nan fermented milk - what kind of stool do children have?

when we ate nan and semilak premium, green plasteline also went off. and colic was and went 1 time in 3 days. and in the zip, the doctor told us to eat nutrilon comfort. Now we eat only it and the color has become normal, sometimes the current gives green color and the stool It became porridge almost every day. The child began to poop easier.

Dasha, I had nan sour milk. She ate and she always had green or frothy stools and always constipation ... I don't know because of the mixture or not.

How to deal with constipation?

How did you understand that the child does not gorge himself and the milk is not fat? This is complete nonsense.

If you add the mixture, add water?

If yes, then it is necessary to change the mixture, it does not fit

I put it on almost every time. Then the child began to walk on his own and everything worked out by itself, now we go 1-2 times a day

Espumizan always helped us with poop for some reason))

The child didn’t poop today

Tan, here a girl in paints described to me how she set herself a microlax, says burned like hell, I won't put a child in my life anymore. It is better to put a regular enema with boiled water, only the water should be cool (below body temperature), otherwise the intestines will simply absorb it and there will be no result. By the way, I have a new trick in such matters😁 do you remember how they used to take the kids to the toilet on the street, held them by the legs? I began to do the same, effect👍👌 And after the mixture, the stinker (and gases and poop) always. And then take the lactose-free mixture, use it for a couple of months, and then try the usual one again.

If there is constipation and there is nothing in the first-aid kit, then you can grease the ear stick with the usual petroleum jelly and lift up the baby's legs, stick it lightly into the ass for the whole fleece and even a centimeter after the fleece, but you need to easily enter it, if the child is tense, try again in 10 seconds. This irritates the anus and makes it poop. We did this for a month when we were on another mixture

Duphalac helps me in such cases, 1 ml per 1 kg of weight, either give the entire dose at once, or divide it into two doses, dilute with water and give

Stool for constipation, green, black, white feces in an adult

Modern man often suffers from intestinal upset. At the same time, his stool changes and there is a violation of defecation. There are many reasons for this change. The worst is when green constipation appears. A change in the shade of feces indicates serious disturbances in the body.

It is not so easy to answer the question why constipation and green feces appeared. To understand the reasons, you need to take tests. Only then will the doctor be able to say with certainty why the stool has changed.

The simplest explanation for green constipation is the consumption of foods loaded with dyes. These products include sweets and some drinks. Sometimes constipation and green stools appear after overuse of medications, including antibiotics.

In infants, constipation is green, occurs after a change in diet. The baby does not immediately properly assimilate new food, this causes intestinal upset and a change in the consistency of the stool. If the delay in bowel movements continues for more than 4 days, you should visit your pediatrician. This is necessary in order to confirm the absence of a serious disease, or, conversely, to identify it in a timely manner.

When constipation and green stools in an adult cause severe pain and bloating, a gastroenterologist should be seen. If the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the treatment will have to be performed promptly.

Do not delay treatment, as stool disturbance can be life-threatening. Self-medication is also not recommended in cases where the following manifestations are present:

  • Green feces contain blood impurities;
  • Severe cramps appear;
  • A fetid odor appears.

If diagnostics show that constipation and green feces are caused by a change in food in the diet, it is enough to change your menu and drink more fluids.

Stool changes with constipation

Feces can have a different shade. By changing the shade, you can in some cases understand what caused the change. You should be alert if black feces and constipation appear. Often dark shade digested blood gives stool. Constipation and black stools can appear with the following ailments:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • A stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Stomach or rectal cancer.

Black or green stools after constipation is a concern in patients. Sometimes this problem occurs with the use of strong antibiotics, which are prescribed to treat certain diseases. The patient must comply with bed rest and a strict diet.

White feces and constipation can occur with diseases of the liver or biliary tract. When you change the shade of feces to white, you should remember what was consumed in the last day and whether any diagnostics were carried out. Constipation with light-colored feces occurs after X-ray examination, where barium sulfate is used. Also, light-colored stools appear after consuming diarrhea remedies. If you overdo the dosage, constipation will appear as a side effect.

It is also bad if the color of the stool with constipation has changed in pregnant women. Constipation itself is sometimes painful. If you do not start to deal with delayed bowel movements in a timely manner, the likelihood of miscarriage increases. It is worst if the stool turns black or green. Such a manifestation indicates bleeding or a serious illness. An urgent need to undergo an examination so that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

Changes in shade can be accompanied by:

  • Increased temperature;
  • Dizziness;
  • Flatulence;
  • Bloating.

In addition to color changes, stools can have different shapes, which you should also pay attention to.

Stool types for constipation

With constipation, feces may be different types... There are times when its shape changes. Sometimes thin feces appear with constipation. If such a change has occurred, you should pay attention to additional symptoms:

  • Mucus appeared in the stool;
  • Blood streaks;
  • Despite constipation, stools became a little more frequent.

Similar symptoms occur with diseases such as hemorrhoids and rectal polyps. In most cases, these diseases do not manifest themselves for a long time. The first symptoms are constipation and thin feces. Do not worry too much, as such an ailment can be easily eliminated. It is enough to undergo a course of therapy and the stool will return to normal, and all symptoms will disappear. The only thing to worry about is treatment delays. Over time, rectal cancer develops.

There is another type of pathology in which ribbon-like feces appear. A similar form will appear if you do not get rid of the polyps that have appeared in the intestine. The patient develops constipation with ribbon-like stools and severe pain. Timely diagnosis and treatment will eliminate polyps and stool disorders. With advanced forms, only surgical intervention saves from problems with defecation and the reasons for its appearance.

In rare cases, the patient manifests constipation and soft stools. The main cause of this manifestation is irritable bowel syndrome. With an ailment, the patient has a delay in defecation for several days. As soon as it is possible to empty the intestines, hard feces are changed to diarrhea, which is why soft stools appear.

With a similar disease, the patient may feel:

  • Bad breath;
  • Bloating;
  • Flatulence;
  • Intestinal motility disorders.

If a patient experiences constipation with soft feces, a diet and medication prescribed by a specialist need to be made. Such an ailment can cause a lot of trouble for the patient. It is difficult to cope with such a disease on your own, as constipation appears, but the feces are soft, which means you need to be careful with laxatives.

Another problem in infants is plasticine-like emptying. The baby's digestive system has not yet adapted to the use of milk or formula. Therefore, in some cases, constipation and feces may appear like plasticine. You should watch the baby, since in some cases, the problem lies not in nutrition, but in the defeat of the body with dysbiosis. In this case, the faeces turn green.

The first step is to add more liquid so that the stool is not so thick. In the future, you need to observe the color changes, which will make it clear what caused the violation. It is also recommended for the baby to do a tummy massage.

In the event that the delay in emptying is not too long, you can give the child Duphalac. Such a drug is safe for the child's body, but it is capable of acting effectively.

The most extreme case is an enema. It can be done if the child is in pain and severely delayed bowel movements. It is also recommended to visit a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

The consistency of feces, its norm, the reasons for the deviation from the norm

The consistency of feces is important indicator coprogram, which reflects the work of not only the intestines, but also the liver, pancreas.

Normal stool has a soft, shaped consistency that reflects its fluid, fiber and fat content, and correct ratio their quantity.

Why does the consistency of feces change?

With constipation, the consistency of feces becomes dense and most often manifests itself as a hard, fragmented appearance. This may indicate a violation of intestinal digestion, when there is excessive absorption of fluid in the colon. It is important to pay attention to the number of episodes of going to the toilet during the week, as well as the bowel movement itself. People with this symptom complex often complain of difficulty, and sometimes the inability to completely empty the intestines, excessive gas formation and intoxication, which undoubtedly reduces the efficiency and quality of life.

With diarrhea of ​​various origins, feces become watery or mushy, and the number of episodes of the act of defecation itself also increases. In this case, there is a lack of absorption of fluid and trace elements in the intestine. In addition, there is also an excessive secretion of fluid in the small intestine. This situation most often occurs with foodborne infections, when the body is trying to independently remove pathological agents and reduce intoxication. However, do not forget about the lack of absorption function of the intestine, which is called a symptom of malabsorption. This symptom can be either congenital or acquired against the background of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The next factor affecting the change in the consistency of feces is diseases of the pancreas, which are manifested by a greasy type of feces. Diseases such as pancreatitis and secretory pancreatic insufficiency lead to a decrease in the number of enzymes involved in normal digestion, which leads to an increase in the fat content in the stool. This is manifested by a sticky, oily appearance of feces, which are poorly washed off the toilet.

From Dr. Mercola

When it comes to toilet habits, few people like to talk about this topic - at least those over the age of four. Mention feces - and those who want to talk are blown away or, to a lesser extent, a strange expression, nervous laughter and jokes about the "excess of information" will appear.

But your waste is an important issue that deserves serious attention, regardless of the "fu factor." After all, if you do not pay attention to what remains in the toilet, you are simply flushing your health down the drain!

Did you know that an average person produces about five TONS of stool in a lifetime? It turns out that a lot of useful things can be learned from this mountain of waste.

The shape, size, color and other characteristics of feces can tell a lot about your overall health, how your gastrointestinal tract works, and even orientate you regarding serious diseases you may have - for example, infections, digestive problems, and even cancer. Feces come in almost every color of the rainbow ... and please forgive me for using the words feces and rainbows in the same sentence.

Although “normal” stool may vary in color, consistency and shape, there are still aspects that should be addressed immediately. It is from this point of view that in the following review we will talk about what is normal in the toilet and what is not.

What is normal stool?

Your stool is 75 percent water. The rest is a foul-smelling combination of fiber, living and dead bacteria, assorted cells and mucus. The characteristics of your stool will tell you how happy and healthy your digestive tract is - the color, smell, shape, size, even the sound with which stool sinks into the water, and even whether it goes under water or remains on the surface - all of this. important, relevant information.

The Bristol feces scale is handy tool, which helps to understand the state of affairs. Ideally, your stool should approximate types 3, 4, and 5, ranging from "sausage or serpentine with a soft and smooth surface" to "soft lumps that easily pass through the rectum." Type 4 is the golden mean.

Fiber adds bulk to the stool and acts as a glue to keep the stool from falling apart. Soft stools, but not diarrhea, can be associated with lactose intolerance, artificial sweeteners (sorbitol and splenda), or a reaction to fructose or gluten.

So, you look in the toilet: is everything okay there? The following chart will help you figure out what to look for to make you worry unnecessarily. There are, of course, a number of signs that MUST be of concern, and these are also highlighted in it. If your stool changes are accompanied by abdominal pain, tell your doctor.

Healthy stool Unhealthy stool
Medium or light brown Stool that is difficult, painful, or stressful to pass through the rectum
Smooth and soft, shaped, oblong, not separate pieces Hard lumps and lumps, or mushy and watery, or even pasty that is difficult to peel off
3-5 cm in diameter and up to 45 cm in length Narrow chair, pencil-shaped or ribbon-shaped may indicate a bowel obstruction or swelling - or, in the worst case, colon cancer; if the stool in a narrow form appears irregularly, then this is not a very alarming sign, but if it is constant, then you should definitely see a doctor
S-shaped, mimicking the shape of the lower intestine Black, tar-colored, or bright red stools may indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract; black stools can also be attributed to certain medications, food additives or drinking black licorice; if you have black or tar-colored stools, it is best to see a doctor
Quiet and gentle immersion in water ... it should fall into the toilet with a slightly whistling sound, not like a cannonball, with a loud splash, after which you need to wash White, pale, or gray stools may indicate a lack of bile, which suggests a serious problem (hepatitis, cirrhosis, malfunctioning of the pancreas, or possibly blockage of the bile ducts), so be sure to see a doctor; antacids can also cause white stools
Natural, not disgusting smell (I'm not saying it should smell good) Stool yellow may indicate a lamblia infection, gallbladder problems, or a condition known as Gilbert's syndrome - if you see yellow color, see your doctor
Uniform consistency Undigested food (special attention should be paid if accompanied by diarrhea, weight loss, or other changes in bowel movements)
Slowly sinks under water Remains on the surface or splashes
Increased mucus in the stool: May be associated with inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, or even colon cancer, especially if accompanied by blood or abdominal pain

Does the chair smell foul?

If your stool has an extremely unpleasant odor, this cannot be ignored. I mean the smell that much worse the usual foul odor of feces. Fetid stools can be associated with a variety of health problems, such as:

  • Malabsorption
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn's disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a condition caused by a defective gene that causes the body to produce abnormally thick, sticky mucus that builds up and causes life-threatening lung infections and severe digestive problems. Most cases of CF are diagnosed before the age of 2 years, so this problem is more common in infants and young children.

While we're on the subject of smells bad, let's remember the gases. Release gases(flatulence) - this is normal... Not only is this normal, it's also a sign that the trillions of hardworking gut bacteria are doing their job well. People release gases on average 14 times a day - from 0.5 to 2 liters! 99% of the gas is odorless, so you might not even know this is happening. Think - if not for that, we would have burst like balloons!

Constipation and diarrhea

On average, it takes the body 18 to 72 hours to process food into feces and excrete them. If this time is significantly reduced, diarrhea occurs, because the intestines do not have time to absorb all the water. Conversely, if this time is lengthened, constipation may occur, because it is absorbed too much water, making the stool hard and dry.

Constipation is defined as a strenuous bowel movement with hard, dry stools; at the same time, as a rule, the frequency of bowel movements decreases. Straining is abnormal, as is a feeling of incomplete emptying, bloating, cramping, or lethargy after a bowel movement. Over the age of 65, the risk of constipation increases significantly.

Chronic, advanced constipation can cause stool blockages, which is a serious medical condition. Laxatives should be avoided at all costs and only used as a last resort.

Common causes of INCREASED bowel movements / diarrhea
Lifestyle Diseases and conditions
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables (increased fiber) Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function)
Reinforced sports Crohn's disease
Drink more water Ulcerative colitis
Emotional stress Celiac disease
Food allergy
Side Effects of Treatment
Gastrointestinal infections
Common Causes of REDUCING bowel movements / constipation
Diet changes, less fiber, fewer fruits and vegetables Pregnancy, childbirth, or hormonal imbalance
Emotional stress Problems with muscles or nerves in the intestines, rectum, or anus
Ignoring urges, being on the road, or your schedule that forces you to hold back your urge to defecate Irritable bowel syndrome
Sedentary Diabetes
Insufficient water balance in the body Hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function)
Calcium or Iron Supplements Local pain or discomfort around the anus, such as from fissures or hemorrhoids
Medications such as narcotic pain relievers (codeine, for example), diuretics, antacids, antidepressants; excess or overuse of laxatives Less commonly: diverticulitis, bowel obstruction, colorectal cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and spinal cord injury
Food allergy

How to achieve perfect intestinal motility

Most gastrointestinal problems can be prevented or resolved by simple dietary and lifestyle changes. If you have trouble defecating or feeling unwell, take a look at the following factors and think about what you can do to change. These strategies will help prevent constipation or diarrhea, and also help prevent recurrence.

  • Eliminate all sources of gluten in your diet (wheat, barley, rye, spelled, and other grains are the most common)
  • Eat a diet that includes whole foods, rich in fresh organic vegetables and fruits that will provide you with nutrients and fiber. most fiber should come from vegetables, not grains
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, excess sugar (especially fructose), chemical additives, monosodium glutamate, excessive amounts of caffeine, and processed foods, all of which are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract
  • Strengthen your gut flora by adding naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles and kefir (if you tolerate dairy); add probiotics if you think you are not getting enough beneficial bacteria from your diet
  • Try increasing your fiber intake - plantain and freshly ground organic flax seeds are worth considering (aim for 35 grams of fiber per day)
  • Maintain Water Balance - Drink Plenty of Fresh, Pure Water
  • Exercise daily
  • Avoid pharmaceutical drugs such as pain relievers such as codeine or hydrocodone, which slow bowel function, antidepressants, and antibiotics, which can cause various disruptions in the digestive tract
  • Solve emotional problems with tools like EFT
  • Consider squatting to defecate, which straightens the rectum, relaxes the puborectal muscles, and stimulates complete, stress-free emptying of the bowel. Scientifically proven to relieve constipation and hemorrhoids

Try using a bidet

For a practical and affordable alternative to toilet paper, try a bidet. After that, you are unlikely to go back to toilet paper! It cannot be compared to a bidet! The bidet is much softer and less irritating to the skin than using paper, and your hands will stay clean. When I'm on a business trip, it is the bidet that I miss the most. Bidets are loved by almost everyone who owns them.

The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is determined not only in the elderly, but also in younger people. It is not easy to establish it, since the disease has no pronounced symptoms. Therefore, a number of diagnostic procedures are performed: ultrasound, blood, urine, and feces are analyzed.

Feces with pancreatitis and its substance.

The manifestation of pain in the hypochondrium an hour after taking fried, or salty, sweet, spicy food is the main symptom of pancreatic disease. Additional symptoms also appear: fermentation of intestinal contents, accumulation of gases, intoxication manifests itself, bloating occurs - as a result of diarrhea. A dangerous ailment, with its advanced form, a lethal outcome is possible. Laboratory tests determine - what kind of feces with pancreatitis, its substance, color, and consistency.

Feces with pancreatitis of a mushy appearance, a liquid state, comes out in small portions, very often the presence of fats, fibers, meat. This state of feces confirms the lack of enzymes for processing the food taken. The presence of undigested fats leads to frequent stools, a liquid and foamy state. The number of urges can reach up to three times a day, its substance:

  • ribbon-like, carries information about the unhealthy state of the sigmoid colon, that a tumor is developing, or there is a spasm of the sphincter;
  • the appearance of dark colored sheep balls, confirms the presence of constipation, also ulcers;
  • cylindrical shape, gives information about the normal amount of food of plant and animal origin in the intestines.
  • shapeless stools in patients eating vegetarian food, it contains a lot of fiber.

Experts believe that the state of the substance is normal, if the ratio of dense fractions is 20%, the presence of water reaches 80%, the regularity of the stool per day is determined up to two times, but at least once every two days. A visit to the toilet should bring a person a state of relief, there should be no discomfort or soreness. The daily norm is from 150 to 400 grams, with the intake of plant foods, the volume of the stool increases, with a fatty meal, the volume decreases. The normal state of feces is when it is light and softly submerged in water to the bottom.

The consistency of feces is normal, if it is soft, when a disease of the pancreas appears, it is also a dense state or ointment with constipation. With disturbances in digestion, liquid feces appear, increased intestinal motility leads to a mushy state, fermentation causes a frothy appearance of feces. In the normal state, the discharge of stool is continuous without a pungent odor. The acidity rate ranges from 6.8 to 7.6 pH.

Disorders in the digestive system contribute to the development of pancreatitis, resulting in changes in feces. Deviations from the established norm in the stool change the color of feces with pancreatitis, it becomes light up to white. The white color appears due to the accumulation of bile in the pancreas.

You can determine deviations from the norm in the stool yourself, it sticks to the walls of the toilet bowl, takes on a viscous appearance, is poorly washed off with water, gets a rotten smell due to rotting in the intestines. Feces change with the onset of the chronic form of pancreatitis, with its severe course.

In a patient with loose stools, bloating, nausea, colic, heartburn, and vomiting occur. Constant flatulence occurs when eating protein, fatty foods with starch and carbohydrates at the same time. Diet neglect leads to problems with stool discharge. Intestinal fermentation interferes with the absorption of useful elements along with food, the patient does not receive vitamins, microelements, does not eat up with adequate nutrition, which leads to weight loss.

You can normalize the stool with a diet prescribed by a doctor, which should be maintained constantly. Basically, the diet consists of eating fruits, vegetables, cereals, dried bread, cookies, marshmallows, jelly. There is no general purpose in the treatment of pancreatitis. The disease can be cured with an individual diet designed for each patient.

In the event that feces with pancreatitis with mucus may require long-term treatment in a hospital setting, surgical intervention is also possible. Currently, the method of laparoscopy is used, a modern method of surgery on internal organs through a small hole from 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters. In order to prevent radical measures, the intestinal microflora should be restored, for this, the intestines should first of all be cleansed. Cleansing with enemas is performed two to three times a day for 5 days. After rinsing, probiotics are prescribed to maintain and enhance the intestinal microflora. It is possible to normalize the work of the pancreas by prescribing a complex treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • analgesics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins;
  • calcium-containing preparations;
  • hormone-containing agents;
  • sedatives;

The intake of enzymes promotes the production of pancreatic juice in the required amount, after which the general condition of the patient improves, the feces are normalized. Unhealthy diet modern man, a tendency towards alcoholism leads to an increase in cases of pancreatitis, therefore, preventive actions are aimed at a healthy lifestyle.

To avoid pancreatitis, you should exclude alcoholic drinks, smoking. To be treated in a timely manner, to maintain a special diet. Keep weight within normal limits, do moderate physical activity. The set of exercises is determined by a specialist, since there are restrictions on some movements. You should not perform bends in different directions, squats, pumping the abdominal muscles, so as not to affect the internal organs. Experts recommend doing gentle sports, going to bodybuilding, swimming.

People who have had acute pancreatitis should follow a strict diet for several months. Then gradually expand the diet with new dishes. At the beginning of the diet, easily digestible food is used for a month - this is lean meat, poultry, dairy products. In the second month, fat and protein foods should be added. After two months of a strict diet, you can eat like a healthy person, gradually introduce new foods, and also observe the body's reaction.

Chronic pancreatitis cannot be completely cured, as a result, the pancreas should be constantly maintained in working order with diet food... The diet is low in fat and high in calories. Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, taking care of your own health is the basic life position for any person.

Our chair has a lot to say about our health. The shape and type of stool helps to recognize what is happening inside the body. When our intestines are healthy, then the stool should be normal. If, nevertheless, sometimes you notice episodic cases of unhealthy stool, do not sound the alarm, it depends on the diet. But if the symptoms become regular, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo the prescribed examination.

What should be the feces

Normally, feces are considered normal if they have the consistency of toothpaste. It should be soft, brown, 10-20 cm long. Defecation should take place without much stress, easily. Small deviations from this description should not be alarming immediately. Stool (or feces) can change from lifestyle, dietary inaccuracies. Beets give a red color at the exit, and fatty foods make the feces smell bad, too soft and pop up. You need to be able to independently assess all the characteristics (shape, color, consistency, buoyancy), let's talk about this in more detail.


Stool types vary in color. It can be brown (healthy color), red, green, yellow, white, black:

  • Red color. This color can occur as a result of receiving food colors or beets. In other cases, the stool becomes red due to bleeding in the lower intestine. Most of all, everyone fears cancer, but often this can be associated with the manifestation of diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.
  • Green color. Sign of the presence of bile. Feces moving too quickly through the intestines do not have time to take Brown color... A green tint is a consequence of taking iron supplements or antibiotics, eating a lot of greens rich in chlorophyll, or supplements such as wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina. Dangerous causes of green stool are Crohn's disease, celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Yellow. Yellow feces are a sign of infection. It also indicates gallbladder dysfunction, when there is not enough bile and excess fat appears.
  • White stool is a sign of diseases such as hepatitis, bacterial infection, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer. The reason may be stones in gallbladder... Feces are not stained due to obstruction of bile. The white color of feces can be considered harmless if you took barium the day before before the X-ray examination.
  • A black or dark green color indicates possible upper bowel bleeding. A non-hazardous sign is considered if this is a consequence of the consumption of certain foods (a lot of meat, dark vegetables) or iron.

The form

The shape of the stool can also tell a lot about internal health. Thin feces (reminiscent of a pencil) should alert. Perhaps some obstruction is interfering with the passage in the lower part of the intestine, or there is pressure from the outside on the thick section. This may be some kind of neoplasm. In this case, a colonoscopy should be performed to rule out a diagnosis such as cancer.

Hard and small stool indicates constipation. The cause may be an inadequate diet where fiber is excluded. It is necessary to eat foods high in fiber, exercise, take flaxseed or psyllium husks - all this helps to improve intestinal motility, relieve stool.

Too soft stool that clings to the toilet contains too much oil. This suggests that the body does not absorb it well. You may even notice floating oil droplets. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the pancreas.

In small doses, mucus in the stool is normal. But if there is too much of it, it may indicate the presence of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Other characteristics

According to its characteristics, feces in an adult are directly related to lifestyle and nutrition. What is the reason for the unpleasant smell? Pay attention to the fact that you have been eating more often lately. A fetid odor is also associated with the intake of certain medications, it can manifest itself as a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process. With violations of food absorption (Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), this symptom also appears.

Floating feces by themselves shouldn't be a cause for concern. If the floating stool has an unpleasant odor, contains a lot of fat, this is a symptom of poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines. At the same time, body weight is quickly lost.

Coprogram is ...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract, masses are formed in the feces in the large intestine. At all stages, splitting occurs, and then the absorption of nutrients. The composition of the stool helps determine if there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. Coprological examination helps to identify a variety of diseases. Coprogram is the conduct of chemical, macroscopic, microscopic studies, after which it is given detailed description feces. Certain diseases can be detected by the coprogram. It can be upset stomach, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbiosis, malabsorption, colitis.

Bristol scale

The British doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all major types of stool. Its creation was the result of the fact that specialists faced a problem, that people were reluctant to disclose on this topic, embarrassment prevents them from telling in detail about their chair. Based on the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own emptying without any embarrassment and awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol Stool Scale is used worldwide to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in their own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor their health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it has the shape of hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of intestinal work, then for humans, such a stool is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation, dysbiosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. Thick sausage

What does the look of feces indicate? It is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case bacteria and fibers are present in the mass. It takes several days for such a sausage to form. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and ruptures, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to prescribe yourself laxatives on your own, as the sudden release of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Cracked sausage

Very often, people consider such a chair to be normal, because it passes easily. But don't be fooled. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. During the act of defecation, you have to strain, which means there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, the presence of irritable bowel syndrome is possible.

4th type. The perfect chair

The diameter of a sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, easy to pressure. Regular bowel movements once a day.

5th type. Soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. Several soft pieces are formed and come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Stool several times a day.

6th type. Unformed chair

Feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. It comes out easily without injuring the anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but a condition close to it. The reasons for this type of feces can be laxative medications, an increase blood pressure, excessive use of spices, and mineral water.

7th type. Loose stools

Watery stools that do not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, liver and stomach diseases, unhealthy diet, helminths and even stress. In this case, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The act of defecation

Each organism is characterized by an individual frequency of bowel movements. Normally, this is from three times a day to three bowel movements per week. Ideally, once a day. Many factors affect our gut motility and this should not be a cause for concern. Travel, nervous tension, diet, taking certain medications, illness, surgery, childbirth, physical activity, sleep, hormonal changes - all this can be reflected in our stool. It is worth paying attention to how the act of defecation occurs. If excessive efforts are made, then this indicates certain malfunctions in the body.

Feces in children

Many mothers are interested in what feces should be in babies. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, since in early age gastrointestinal diseases are especially difficult. At the first suspicion, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

In the first days after birth, meconium (dark in color) leaves the body. During the first three days, light stool begins to mix. On the 4-5th day, feces completely replace meconium. When breastfeeding, feces of a golden yellow color are a sign of the presence of bilirubin, paste-like, homogeneous, has an acidic reaction. At the 4th month, bilirubin is gradually replaced by stercobilin.

Types of feces in children

With various pathologies, several types of feces in children differ, which you need to know about in order to prevent various diseases and unpleasant consequences in time.

  • "Hungry" cal. The color is black, dark green, dark brown, the smell is unpleasant. Occurs with improper feeding or fasting.
  • Aholic feces. Whitish gray, discolored, clayey. With epidemic hepatitis, biliary atresia.
  • Putrefactive. Gruel-like, dirty gray, with unpleasant odor... Occurs with protein feeding.
  • Soapy. Silvery, glossy, soft, with mucus. When feeding with undiluted cow's milk.
  • Fatty feces. With a sour odor, whitish, a little mucus. When consuming excess fat.

  • Constipation. Gray color, solid consistency, putrid smell.
  • Watery yellow stool. When breastfeeding due to a lack of nutrients in the mother's milk.
  • Gruel-like, thin feces, yellow. Formed when overfeeding with cereals (for example, semolina).
  • Feces for dyspepsia. With mucus, coagulated, yellow-green in color. It occurs with an eating disorder.

1. Number of bowel movements

Normally, bowel movement occurs 1-2 times a day without straining and painless.
With pathology, there may be a lack of bowel movements for several days - constipation, there may also be too frequent stools (up to 3-5 times a day or more) - diarrhea or diarrhea.

2. Forms of feces

For a convenient classification of feces in England, the "Bristol Fecal Shape Scale" was developed. On this scale, there are 7 main types of feces.
Type 1. Separate hard lumps, like nuts (difficult to pass) - characterizes constipation.
Type 2. Sausage, but lumpy - characterizes constipation or a tendency to constipation.
Type 3. Sausage-like, but with cracks on the surface - a variant of the norm.
Type 4. Sausage or serpentine, smooth and soft - a variant of the norm.
Type 5. Soft lumps with clear edges (easily passing) - a tendency to diarrhea.
Type 6. Fluffy torn pieces, porous stool - characteristic of diarrhea.
Type 7. Watery, without hard pieces, entirely liquid - characteristic of severe diarrhea.

Using this scale, the patient can roughly assess whether he is currently constipated or diarrhea. Unfortunately, in people with chronic diseases, this scale does not always give an accurate result, so it is not recommended to diagnose yourself without consulting a doctor.

3. The amount of feces

Normally, an adult excretes approximately 100-250 grams of feces per day.

The reasons for the decrease in excreted feces:

  • constipation (if the feces are in the large intestine for a long time, the maximum absorption of water occurs, which results in a decrease in the volume of feces);
  • the diet is dominated by foods that are easy to digest;
  • decrease in the amount of food eaten.

The reasons for the increase in excreted feces:

  • the predominance of plant foods in the diet;
  • violation of digestive processes in the small intestine (enteritis, malabsorption, etc.);
  • decreased functions of the pancreas;
  • violation of absorption in the intestinal mucosa;
  • a decrease in the flow of bile into the intestine (cholecystitis, gallstone disease).

4. The consistency of feces

Normally, there is a softish consistency, a cylindrical shape. With pathology, the following types of feces can be noted:

1. Dense feces (sheep) - the cause of such feces can be:

  • dysbiosis;
  • staphylococcus;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • irritation of the walls of the colon;
  • colitis;
  • violation of blood circulation in the intestinal walls;
  • syndrome of insufficient motor and reflex function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorder of the nervous system, stress;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

If you have such bowel movements, you need to contact a specialist, since with prolonged continuation of bowel movements of this nature, your well-being can significantly deteriorate. The appearance of a headache, irritability can be observed, intoxication of the body begins, immunity decreases. Sheep feces can cause fissures in the anal canal, can provoke prolapse of the rectum, and cause the formation of hemorrhoids. Regular constipation requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

2. Gruel-like stools.

There are many reasons for mushy stools. If you have a similar stool, and there is also an increase in the number of bowel movements (more than 3 times a day), contact a specialist to establish a diagnosis.

Porridge-like yellow stools - the cause may be infections, inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucosa, abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach (indigestible food), rotavirus infection.
Gruel-like stools with mucus - may appear against the background of a common cold, after eating mucus-like products, fermented milk mixtures, fruits, berry cereals. Often, with severe rhinitis, mucous discharge enters the esophagus, then into the intestines and can be visualized in the feces. With an infection that is bacterial in nature.

Gruel-like stools may appear with pancreatitis, the color of the stool may become gray in color. This type of feces may indicate the presence of fermentative dyspepsia, chronic enteritis and colitis with diarrhea.

Diarrhea can also be caused by:

  • dysbiosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • tuberculosis of various forms;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • improper nutrition;
  • kidney disease;
  • insufficient digestibility of food;
  • constant stress;
  • allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diseases of the digestive organs in severe form;
  • oncological diseases of the rectum.

3. Oily feces- oily consistency of feces is characteristic of disorders in the work of the pancreas (pancreatitis), with cholecystitis and gallstone disease, with liver disease, intestines with impaired absorption.

4. Gray clayey or putty stool- is characteristic with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed when the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder is difficult (blockage of the bile duct, hepatitis).

5. Liquid feces.

  • Loose watery stools - most often a sign of infectious diarrhea or intestinal infection.
  • Loose green stools are characteristic of intestinal infections.
  • Black liquid feces - indicates bleeding from the upper or middle parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Light liquid feces are a sign of damage to the initial sections of the small intestine.
  • Liquid yellow feces are a sign of damage to the end section of the small intestine. At the same time, the chair happens 6 - 8 times a day, watery, frothy.
  • Liquid feces resembling mashed peas are a sign of typhoid fever.
  • Loose stools, like rice water, are almost colorless - a symptom of cholera.

Unreasonable diarrhea in middle-aged and elderly people, lasting more than two weeks, often mixed with blood, is one of the symptoms that will make it possible to suspect a tumor of the small intestine.

Constantly loose stools are found in nonspecific educational bowel diseases - chronic enteritis, colitis, Croc's disease, after bowel resection, etc.

Diarrhea is also caused by:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • helminths;
  • fungi;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • with a lack or excess of digestive enzymes;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • after taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, iron supplements and other medicines;
  • with food allergies;
  • gastritis with secretory insufficiency;
  • after resection of the stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • adrenal insufficiency, increased thyroid function, diabetes mellitus;
  • hypovitaminosis, severe metabolic kidney disease;
  • with systemic diseases (for example, scleroderma).

6. Foamy feces- a sign of fermentation dyspepsia, when fermentation processes prevail in the intestine.

7. Yeast feces- indicates the presence of yeast. It may look like curdled, frothy stools, like rising sourdough, strands like melted cheese, or have a yeasty odor.

5. Stool color

Normally, the color can range from light brown to dark brown. With pathology, it can be noted:

1. Feces of light color, having a pale shade (white, gray):

  • may indicate that the person on the eve ate a large amount of potatoes, rice;
  • after x-ray examination using barium sulfate;
  • after taking medications that contain supplements such as calcium and antacids;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • cancer, cirrhosis of the liver.

2. Red feces:

3. Yellow feces:

  • fermentation dyspepsia (violation of the processes of digestion of carbohydrates);
  • poor-quality digestion of food in the large intestine, as well as due to insufficient work of the pancreas.

4. Green feces:

  • dysbiosis;
  • after taking certain antibiotics;
  • dysentery (also characterized by increased body temperature, abdominal pain, nausea, profuse vomiting);
  • complication of ulcers or malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

5. Feces of dark color:

  • taking activated carbon;
  • taking various medications that contain iron;
  • eating blueberries;
  • gastritis;
  • colon cancer;
  • duodenal ulcer (in the area of ​​the small intestine);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neoplasms in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes of the walls of the stomach.

If you find that you have practically black feces, which will have a viscous consistency, immediately contact a specialist, as this may signal the presence of blood in the stool.

6. The smell of feces

Normally, feces have an unpleasant and not pungent odor.

  • A pungent smell is characteristic of the meat food prevailing in the diet.
  • A rotten smell - with poor digestion of food (undigested food can be food for bacteria, it can just rot in the intestines).
  • Sour - can talk about dairy products prevailing in the diet. It is also noted with fermentation dyspepsia, after drinking fermenting drinks (for example, kvass).
  • Fetid - with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hypersecretion of the large intestine, with the multiplication of bacteria.
  • Putrid - putrefactive dyspepsia, indigestion in the stomach, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid oil is a consequence of the bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Faint odor - observed with constipation and accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

The feces should be gently submerged to the bottom of the toilet. If feces splash into the toilet water, this indicates that there is not enough fiber in the food. If the stool floats on the surface of the water, this may be due to eating a large amount of fiber, an increased content of gas in the stool, or a large amount of undigested fat. Poor flushing from the toilet bowl can signal pancreatitis.

Chair or feces- This is the contents of the lower parts of the colon, which is the end product of digestion and is excreted from the body during bowel movements.

Individual stool characteristics can tell a lot about a person's health and help in making a diagnosis.
Below are the interpretations of stool quality in health and disease.

1. The number of bowel movements.
Norm: regularly, 1-2 times a day, but at least 1 time in 24-48 hours, without prolonged strong straining, painless. After defecation, the urge disappears, there is a feeling of comfort and complete emptying of the intestines. External circumstances can increase or inhibit the frequency of the urge to defecate. This is a change in the usual environment, a forced position in bed, the need to use a boat, being in the company of other people, etc.
Changes: Absence of stool for several days (constipation) or too frequent stool - up to 5 times or more (diarrhea).

2. Daily amount of feces
Norm: With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces fluctuates within a fairly wide range and averages 150-400 g. So, when eating predominantly plant foods, the amount of feces increases, an animal that is poor in "ballast" substances decreases.
Changes: Significant increase (more than 600 g) or decrease in the amount of feces.
The reasons for the increase in the amount of feces (polyfecal):

  • Eating a lot of plant fiber.
  • Enhanced intestinal motility, in which food is poorly absorbed due to its too rapid movement along the intestinal tract.
  • Violation of the processes of digestion (digestion or absorption of food and water) in the small intestine (malabsorption, enteritis).
  • Decreased exocrine pancreatic function in chronic pancreatitis (insufficient digestion of fats and proteins).
  • Insufficient amount of bile entering the intestines (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of feces:

  • Constipation, in which, due to prolonged retention of feces in the large intestine and maximum absorption of water, the volume of feces decreases.
  • Reducing the amount of food eaten or the predominance of easily digestible foods in the diet.

3. Discharge of feces and swimming in water.
Normal: feces should be excreted easily, and in water it should gently sink to the bottom.

  • With an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in food (less than 30 grams per day), feces are excreted quickly and splash into the toilet water.
  • If the stool is floating, it means that it has an increased amount of gas or contains too much undigested fat (malabsorption). Also, feces can float when eating a lot of fiber.
  • If the stool does not wash off well cold water from the walls of the toilet, which means it contains a large amount of undigested fat, which happens with pancreatitis.

4. Stool color
Norm: With a mixed diet, the feces are brown. In breastfed babies, stools are golden yellow or yellow.
Stool discoloration:

  • Dark brown - with a meat diet, constipation, impaired digestion in the stomach, colitis, putrefactive dyspepsia.
  • Light brown - with a dairy-plant diet, increased intestinal peristalsis.
  • Light yellow - indicates too rapid passage of feces through the intestines, which do not have time to change color (with diarrhea) or impaired bile secretion (cholecystitis).
  • Reddish - when eating beets, when bleeding from the lower intestines, for example. with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis.
  • Orange - when consuming vitamin beta-carotene, as well as foods high in beta-carotene (carrots, pumpkin, etc.).
  • Green - with a large amount of spinach, lettuce, sorrel in food, with dysbiosis, increased intestinal peristalsis.
  • Tar or black - when eating currants, blueberries, as well as bismuth preparations (Vikalin, Vikair, De-Nol); with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, cirrhosis, colon cancer), when blood is swallowed during nose or pulmonary bleeding.
  • Greenish black - when taking iron supplements.
  • A grayish-white stool means that bile is not getting into the intestines (blockage of the bile duct, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis).

5. The consistency (density) of feces.
Norm: softish decorated. Normally, feces are 70% water, 30% - from the remnants of processed food, dead bacteria and desquamated intestinal cells.
Pathology: mushy, dense, liquid, semi-liquid, putty.
Change in stool consistency.

  • Very dense feces (sheep) - for constipation, spasms and stenosis of the colon.
  • Gruel-like feces - with increased intestinal peristalsis, increased secretion in the intestine with inflammation.
  • Oily - with diseases of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis), a sharp decrease in the flow of bile into the intestine (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis).
  • Clayy or putty gray feces - with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed when the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder is difficult (hepatitis, blockage of the bile duct).
  • Liquid - in case of impaired digestion of food in the small intestine, impaired absorption and accelerated passage of feces.
  • Foamy - with fermentative dyspepsia, when fermentation processes in the intestine prevail over all others.
  • Loose stools such as mashed peas - with typhoid fever.
  • Watery, colorless stools, like rice water, for cholera.
  • With a liquid stool consistency and frequent bowel movements, they speak of diarrhea.
  • Loose or watery stools can occur with high water intake.
  • Yeast Stools - Indicates the presence of yeast and may have the following characteristics: curdled, frothy stools like a rising sourdough, may have strands like melted cheese, or have a yeast odor.

6. Form of feces.
Norm: cylindrical, sausage-like. The stool should be discharged continuously, like a toothpaste, and should be roughly the length of a banana.
Changes: ribbon-like or in the form of dense balls (sheep feces) is observed with insufficient daily intake of water, as well as spasms or constrictions of the large intestine.

7. The smell of feces.
Normal: fecal, unpleasant, but not sharp. It is due to the presence in it of substances that are formed as a result of the bacterial breakdown of proteins and volatile fatty acids. Depends on the composition of the food and the severity of fermentation and decay processes. Meat food gives a pungent smell, dairy food - sour.
With poor digestion, undigested food simply rots in the intestines or becomes food for pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide, which has a characteristic rotten odor.
Changes in stool odor.

  • Sour - with fermentation dyspepsia, which occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, fruits, peas, etc.) and fermenting drinks, such as kvass.
  • Fetid - in violation of the function of the pancreas (pancreatitis), a decrease in the flow of bile into the intestine (cholecystitis), hypersecretion of the large intestine. Very offensive stools may be due to bacterial growth
  • Putrid - in case of indigestion in the stomach, putrefactive dyspepsia associated with excessive consumption of protein products that are slowly digested in the intestines, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid oil is due to bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Faint odor - with constipation or accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

8. Intestinal gases.
Normal: Gases are a natural by-product of the digestion and fermentation of food as it moves through the digestive tract. During and outside bowel movements in an adult, 0.2-0.5 liters of gas are excreted from the intestines per day.
The formation of gas in the intestine occurs as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine. They decompose various nutrients, releasing methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide. The more undigested food enters the colon, the more active bacteria are and the more gas is produced.
The increase in the amount of gases is normal.

  • when eating a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods);
  • when eating foods that contain a lot of fiber (cabbage, apples, legumes, etc.);
  • when using products that stimulate fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer);
  • when consuming dairy products with lactose intolerance;
  • when swallowing large amounts of air while eating and drinking;
  • when consuming a large number of carbonated drinks

An increase in the amount of gases in pathology.

  • Enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, in which food digestion is impaired (chronic pancreatitis).
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  • Chronic liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Chronic bowel disease - enteritis, colitis
  • Malabsorption.
  • Celiac disease.

Difficulty evacuating gases.

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony with peritonitis;
  • some acute inflammatory processes in the intestines.

9. Acidity of feces.
Norm: with a mixed diet, the acidity is 6.8–7.6 pH and is due to the vital activity of the colon microflora.
Stool acidity changes:

  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) - with fermentative dyspepsia.
  • acidic (pH 5.5 - 6.7) - in case of impaired absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine.
  • alkaline (pH 8.0 - 8.5) - with rotting of undigested food proteins and activation of putrefactive microflora with the formation of ammonia and other alkaline substances in the colon, with impaired secretion of the pancreas, colitis.
  • sharply alkaline (pH more than 8.5) - with putrid dyspepsia.

Normally, feces should not contain blood, mucus, pus, and undigested food residues.

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Expansion tanks for water supply systems or hydroaccumulators are used in supply systems drinking water... They solve the problem of storing a certain amount of water and maintaining the required pressure in the drinking pipeline. Pressure tanks are used as auxiliary equipment closed systems water supply. In open kennels, they are not needed because they use tanks installed at the top of the system.
Hydraulic accumulator for water supply is a membrane pressure water storage closed type... It is a steel welded tank with a volume of several liters up to several hundred liters. Inside the tank is a membrane, which is usually made of synthetic rubber or elastic rubber. It has the shape of a hollow pear, which when overpressure filled with water. The stretched membrane with a full water supply follows the shape of the tank. It looks a lot like an old soccer ball with rubber chamber, but instead of air, there is water in the chamber (membrane). The space between the membrane and the inner surface of the tank is filled under a certain pressure with an inert gas, which excludes contact of water with the metal of the tank and provides a head for the subsequent supply of water to the line.
The pump supplying water to the mainline does not work continuously - it also needs a break. Therefore, when a consumer opens a tap to take water, it will come under pressure from its temporary storage - a pressure head membrane tank... This will continue until the pressure in the system drops below the nominal. And only then the pump is switched on, the operation of which will provide the necessary pressure in the system.
Thus, expansion tanks for water supply, automatically performing an uncomplicated mechanical work for storage and subsequent supply of water to the consumer, they save the pumps from premature wear by reducing their start-up / shutdown periods. Moreover, the larger the capacity of the accumulator for the water supply system, the more water reserves will accumulate there and the less often there will be a need to turn on the pump. In addition, membrane tanks for water supply are able to provide the consumer with water during power outages - water from the pressure accumulator will flow to the water tap even without the participation of the pump.
The cost of a hydraulic tank depends on the volume of water that it can accumulate and on the manufacturer. It ranges from 1 thousand rubles for low-capacity models to 50 thousand rubles for tanks with a volume of ½ cubic meter. Therefore, the degree of comfort when using a drinking water supply system will be related to the budget allocated for the purchase of a membrane tank for the water supply system.
Salon of engineering plumbing "Tavago" offers a large commodity group membrane accumulators for drinking water supply from leading foreign (Reflex, GWC) and domestic (Dzhileks, Valtec) manufacturers.