House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Scientific work: psychology of emotional states. Control of emotional states The leading role in the regulation of emotional states is played

Scientific work: psychology of emotional states. Control of emotional states The leading role in the regulation of emotional states is played

the visible anxiety, and on the contrary, the motivation of avoiding failures is accompanied by alarm manifestation.

Since we started talking about the system of personality relations, it is impossible not to remember about V. N. Mezishchev - the author of the concept of personality relations. According to Mezishchev, the system of relations is the core of the person. This system is formed under the influence of the reflection of human consciousness. This concept has been widely used in medical psychology, especially in the field of research and treatment. neuroses.

Neurosis is a group of neuropsychiatric disorders, psychogenic in nature, which are a consequence of a long or excessive intensive emotional stress. The main cause of neurosis is a violation of the emotional communication regulation system, caused by the contradiction between the installations and the views of the person and the external reality, that is, the basis of such a violation is an intraxichic conflict.

Neurosis, being neuropsychic disorder, is accompanied by vegetative manifestations: muscle tension, tremor, heart impairment, anxiety, a sense of depression, headaches, weakness. Moreover, these vegetative changes do not occur immediately, but gradually. First of all, sleep changes. It becomes superficial, man easily wakes up. Gradually changes the sensitivity of a person to external stimuli. Sound, light, conversations unusually annoyed by a person. Even the noise of the usual level can become intolerable. Increased sensitivity protrudes, on the one hand, as an adaptive mechanism for a lack of information, providing an influx of additional signals with which you can resolve the situation. On the other hand, the increased sensitivity makes a person more susceptible to any stimulus and manifests itself as excessive planetness, impatience, explosive, and also in the form of pain in response to weak signals from the inner medium that were not previously perceived.

However, the main feature of neurosis is the conflict. The conflict is based on most neurosis and is always accompanied by extremely intense experiences. Experiences may be different. For example, the feeling of your guilt, its omission, as a result of which the traumatic situation arose, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that the experiences become a source of neurosis only if they are particularly significant for humans. Therefore, the majority of emotional, or interspicious, conflicts that served as the cause of the disease are by nature social. For example, a person is ill dispelled because he became a victim of injustice, but because the injustice (real or apparent) disrupted his ideas about justice, his faith in good and evil, in the meaning of human existence.

Thus, we approached the fact that emotional stress is most often related to social phenomena, i.e., emotional stress is an inseparable part of a human social adaptation. As a result of our many years of experimental studies of this problem, we concluded that there are identity characteristics that determine

466 Part III. Mental states and regulation

success adaptation man in most Diverse conditions. These Characteristics are formed in the process of human life, and their number primarily include the level of neuropsychic stability, self-esteem, the feeling of its importance for others (social reference), the level of conflict, communication experience, moral and moral orientation, orientation The nearest environment.

All these characteristics were interrelated with each other with a detailed study. Moreover, they form one integral characteristic, which was called us personal adaptation potential. This feature is considered by us as a systemic property of the individual, which lies in the ability of the personality to adapt to the conditions of the social environment. The higher the level of development of this property, the more severe and harsh conditions of the social environment can adapt a person.

During the experimental studies, it was found that, even in a real threat to life, people with higher adaptive potential not only have more chances to survive, but they can successfully fulfill their professional duties. It should also be noted that subsequently a person with a higher level of development of the adaptive personality potential have more chances compared to other to restore the functional state of the body and return to normal life.

There are other approaches to considering the problem of regulating emotional states and emotional stress. We will not consider them, since in the process of studying other learning items you will get acquainted with them in more detail. We will end this chapter with the consideration of the practical aspects of the regulation of emotional states.

R. M. Granovskaya divides all strategies to exit the intense situation into three groups: change or eliminate the problem; reduce its intensity due to the displacement of its point of view on it; Easy its impact by incorporating a number of methods.

A key role in managing its condition is the awareness of life goals and correlation with them specific values. The faster the person will determine his life values \u200b\u200band goals, he has more chances to avoid the negative consequences of a suddenly emerged excessive emotional tension, since a person who made a major life choice, largely determined all further decisions and thus got rid of herses and fears. Finding into a difficult situation, he correlates its importance with its main life guidelines. The timeliness of such weighing normalizes its condition. At the same time, the critical situation is considered against the background of a general perspective, such as the whole person's life, as a result of which the importance of this situation can sharply decrease. A lot of examples are known when accidents happened to people from which it was possible to recover within a few hours. But the reaction to them was so inadequate, so incomprehensible with personal valuables, which developed significant vital crises. Therefore, adverse effects arise often not because of the cases themselves, but because of the reaction to them.

Thus, one of the main ways to avoid excessive emotional stress is the harmonious development of the personality of a person,

Chapter 19. Emotional stress and regulation of emotional states 467

he has an independent idea worldview. Moreover, this development begins with the first days of human life, and its success largely depends on how skillfully build the educational process of the child's parents, and then teachers at school, as far as the state takes care of the growing of the younger generation, and from a lot of each other.

The next way to regulate emotional states, according to Granovskaya, is the right choice of the moment to make decisions or implement its plan. As you know, the extreme situation leads to a narrowing of consciousness, which leads to a violation of orientation in the surrounding. Anxiety, excitement change the strategy of behavior. The man struck by the confusion seeks to avoid the slightest risk, it is afraid to go in the direction that it faces delusions and mistakes, so every new information he seeks to tie with a similar, already known to him. In this situation, a person often makes mistakes, accepting the wrong decision. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to choose the right time to implement your plans in a difficult, emotionally intense situation.

Another way to reduce emotional stress is to weaken motivation. For example, refuse to achieve a goal or reduce emotional tensions through an arbitrary transfer of attention, concentrating it not to significantly the result of the activities performed, but on the analysis of technical details of the task or tactical receptions.

To create an optimal emotional state, first of all, it is necessary to correctly assess the significance of the eventful event, since it affects a person not so much the intensity and duration of real events as their individual value. When an event is seen as an emergency, even a small intensity factor can cause disadaptation. It must also be borne in mind that with strong emotional excitation, the personality characteristics of the person play a very significant role in the evaluation of the event. So, a good forecast becomes even more optimistic with an optimist, and bad - even more gloomy in pessimist. However, in order to correctly evaluate the event, a complete awareness of it is necessary. The larger amount of information on an exciting issue is a person, the less likely an emotional breakdown. From here it follows that all the forces need to increase the amount of information that exciting you. At the same time, awareness should be diverse.

Granovskaya highlights another way to combat emotional stress and emotional tension. This method is in advance prepared retreat strategies. The presence of a spare option of behavior in a particular situation reduces excessive excitement and makes a more likely success of solving the problem on the general direction. Without having prepared an alternative decision, a person unreasonably pessimistic assesses the situation that may arise in the case of failure of the main option. Having a backup option, in the case of failure, the first person is easier to accept the failure and maintain the optimistic location of the Spirit. Consequently, spare strategies reduce the fear of the unfavorable development of events and thereby contribute to creating an optimal background to solve the problem.

468 Part III. Mental states and regulation

In addition to the listed ways to exit stressful situations, it should be borne in mind that it is pointless to fight against what is already accomplished by the fact. Under some circumstances, when the continuation of effort is also turning into unsuccessful attempts to "knock the wall of the LBU", a person is useful to temporarily abandon the efforts to immediately achieve the goal, to realize the real situation and its defeat. Then he will be able to save forces for a new attempt at a more favorable setting. In addition, in the event of a lesion, it is not harmful to produce a general revaluation of the situation by the type "not very much and wanted." A decrease in the subjective importance of the event helps to move back to pre-prepared positions and prepare for the next storm without any extra spending of forces. It is no coincidence that in ancient times in the east people asked in their prayer:

"Lord, give me strength to cope with what I can do, give me the courage to accept the fact that I can't do, and give me wisdom to distinguish one of the other."

Control questions

1. Tell us about stress as a non-specific reaction of the body.

2. Give the classification of species of mental stress.

3. Name the conditions for the occurrence of information and emotional stress.

4. What are the individual features in the manifestation of stress?

5. What mechanisms of regulation of mental states do you know?

6. What is an intraxihic conflict?

7. What ways to avoid excessive emotional voltage do you know?

1. Berezin F. B. Mental and psychophysiological adaptation of a person. - L.: Science, 1988.

2. Granovskaya R. M. Elements of practical psychology. - SPb.: Light, 1997.

3. Isard K. E. Psychology of emotions. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

4. Rubinstein S. L. Basics of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.

5. Seld Stress without a distress. - Riga: Wieneda, 1992.

6. Simonov II. IN. Motivated Brain: Higher Nervous Activities and Natural Science Basics of General Psychology / Ot. ed. V. S. Rusinov. - M.: Science, 1987.

7. Simonov P. V. Emotional brain. Physiology. Neuroanatimia. Psychology of emotions. - M.: Science, 1981.

8. Fress P., Piaget J. Experimental psychology / Sat. Articles. Per. With Fr.:

Vol. 6. - M.: Progress, 1978.

Psychic properties of the person

Chapter 20. Personality

Chapter 21. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Personal Research

Chapter 23. Abilities

Chapter 24. Temperament

Chapter 25. Character

Chapter 20. Personality


General Concept about personality. Definition and content of the concept of "personality". Levels of the hierarchy of the human organization. The ratio of the concepts of "Individual", "Subject", "Personality" and "Individuality". Personality structure: orientation, ability, temperament, character.

The relationship of social and biological in personality. The problem of interaction between biological, social and mental. The concept of the personality structure of K. K. Platonova. Structural approach A. N. Leontiev. The concept of personality A. V. Petrovsky. The problem of personality in the works of B. G. Ananeva. Comprehensive approach B. F. Lomova to the study of the personality.

Formation and development of the personality. Classification of personality concepts. E. Erixon's identity development concept. Socialization and individualization as a form of personality development. Primary and secondary socialization. Inultation. Self-development and self-realization of the individual. Stability of personal properties.

20.1. The general concept of personality

In psychological science, the category "personality" refers to the number of basic concepts. But the concept of "personality" is not purely psychological and is studied by all social sciences, including philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, etc. What is the specificity of the study of the individual within the framework of psychological science and what is a person from a psychological point of view?

First of all, we will try to answer the second part of the question. This is not so simple, because the question is what is personality, all psychologists are responsible in different ways. The diversity of their answers and discrepancies in opinions testifies to the complexity of the phenomenon itself. On this occasion, I. S. Cop writes: "On the one hand, it means a concrete individual (person) as a subject of activity, in the unity of its individual properties (single) and its social roles (general). On the other hand, the personality is understood as the social property of the individual, as a set of integrated socially significant traits in the process of direct and indirect interaction of this person with other people and make it, in turn, the subject of labor, knowledge and communication "*.

Each of the identities of the individual existing in the scientific literature is supported by experimental research and theoretical substantiations and therefore deserves it to take into account when considering the concept of "personality". Most often under the personality understands a person in the aggregate of its social and vital qualities acquired by him in the process of social development. Consequently, the personality characteristics are not taken to relate the features of a person who are associated with the genotypic or physiological organization of a person. Personal qualities also not accepted

* Kon I. S. Personal sociology. - M.: Politicize, 1967.

Chapter 20. Personality 471

wearing human quality, characterizing the features of the development of his cognitive mental processes or an individual style of activity, for the expiration of those that manifest themselves in relations to people and society as a whole. Most often, the content of the concept of "personality" includes the sustainable properties of a person who determine the acts meaningful in relation to other people.

In this way, personality is a specific person taken in the system of its sustainable socially determined psychological characteristics, which manifest themselves in public relations and relationships, determine its moral actions and are essential for himself and others.

It should be noted that in the scientific literature in the content of the concept of "personality" sometimes include all levels of the hierarchical organization of a person, including genetic and physiological. We, when considering issues related to personality, will proceed from the above definition. What is our opinion based on?

As you remember, the study of the course of general psychology, we started not from the definition of psychological science, but with the fact that the question of the systemic study of the person himself was considered. We focused on the fact that psychology has developed its idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem of human research. This submission was substantiated by B. G. Ananev, who allocated four levels of the human organization, which are of the greatest interest to scientific research. The individual, the subject of activity, personality, personality was attributed to their number.

Each person as a representative of the biological species has certain innate features, i.e. the structure of his body causes the possibility of straightening, the structure of the brain ensures the development of intelligence, the structure of the hand involves the possibility of using tools of labor, etc., all these features a man's baby differs from a young animal. The belonging of a particular person to human race is fixed in the concept individual.Thus, the concept of "individual" characterizes a person as a carrier of certain biological properties.

Appearing on the light as an individual, a person is included in the system of public relations and processes, resulting in special social quality - it becomes personality. This is because a person, including a system of public relations, acts as subject - The carrier of consciousness that is formed and develops in the process of activity.

In turn, the features of the development of all these three levels characterize the uniqueness and originality of a particular person, determine it individuality. Thus, the concept of "personality" characterizes one of the most significant levels of human organization, namely the peculiarities of its development as a social being. It should be noted that in domestic psychological literature you can find some discrepancy in the views on the hierarchy of the human organization. In particular, such a contradiction can be found among representatives of Moscow and St. Petersburg psychological schools. For example, representatives of the Moscow school, as a rule, do not allocate the level of the subject, combining the biological and mental properties of a person in the concept of "individual". However, despite certain discrepancies, the concept of "personality" in domestic psychology relates to the social organization of a person.

472 Part IV. Psychic properties of the person

When considering the personality structure, it usually includes abilities, temperament, character, motivation and social installations. All these qualities will be discussed in detail in subsequent chapters while we We are limited only by their general definitions.

Abilities - These are individually sustainable human properties that define its successes in various activities. Temperament - This is the dynamic characteristics of human mental processes. Character Contains qualities that determine the attitude of a person to other people. Motivation - This is a combination of motivation to activities, and social settings - This is the beliefs of people.

In addition, some authors include such concepts as will and emotions in the personality structure. We considered these concepts in the "mental processes" section. The fact is that in the structure of mental phenomena it is customary to allocate mental processes, mental states and mental properties. In turn, mental processes are divided into cognitive, volitional and emotional. Thus, the will and emotions have all the grounds in order to be considered in the framework of mental processes as independent phenomena.

However, the authors considering these phenomena within the framework of the personality structure, there are also for this basis. For example, feelings are one of the types of emotions - most often have a social orientation, and volitional qualities are present in the regulation of human behavior as a member of society. All this, on the one hand, once again talks about the complexity of the problem under consideration, and on the other - on certain disagreements regarding some aspects of the problem of personality. Moreover, the greatest disagreements cause the problems of the hierarchy of the structure of the human organization, as well as the ratio of biological and social in person. With the last problem, we will get acquainted in more detail.

20.2. The relationship of social and biological personality

The concepts of "personality" and "individuality", from the point of view of domestic psychology, do not coincide. Moreover, in domestic psychological science there is quite a lot of differences about the relationship of these concepts. Scientific disputes occur periodically on the issue of which of the concepts is wider. From one point of view (which is most often represented in the works of representatives of the St. Petersburg Psychological School), individuality unites those biological and social features of a person who make it unlike other people, i.e. the concept of "individuality" with this position seems Wide than the concept of "personality". From another point of view (which can most often meet from representatives of the Moscow Psychological School), the concept of "individuality" is considered as the most narrow in the structure of the human organization, which combines only a relatively small group of qualities. General in these approaches is that the concept of "personal

Chapter 20. Personality 473

it includes primarily the quality of the person who is manifested at the social level during the formation of social relations and human relations.

At the same time, there are a number of psychological concepts in which the personality is not considered as a subject of a system of social relations, but seems to be a holistic integrative education, including all the features of a person, including biological, mental and social. Therefore, it is believed that with the help of special personal questionnaires you can describe a person as a whole. Such a discrepancy is caused by the difference in approaches to the consideration of the relationship between the biological and social structure in the human identity structure.

The problem of the ratio of biological and social human personality is one of the central problems of modern psychology. In the process of the formation and development of psychological science, almost all possible links between the concepts of "mental", "social" and "biological" were considered. Mental development was interpreted and as a fully spontaneous process, independent of any biological, nor from social, and as a derivative only from biological or only on social development or as a result of their parallel action on an individual, etc. Thus, several groups of concepts can be distinguished , differently considering the ratio of social, mental and biological.

In a group of concepts, which prove the spontaneity of mental development, the mental is considered as a phenomenon that completely subordinate to its internal laws is in no way associated with neither biological or socially related. At best, the human body within the framework of the concepts of concepts takes place the role of some "extensive" mental activity. Most often we face this position in the authors who prove the divine origin of mental phenomena.

In biology concepts, mental is considered as a linear function of the development of the body, as something definitely following this development. From the standpoint of these concepts, all the features of the mental processes, states and properties of a person are determined by the peculiarities of the biological structure, and their development is subject to exclusively biological laws. At the same time, laws discovered in the study of animals, which do not take into account the specifics of the development of the human body are often used. Often, in these concepts, the main biogenetic law is attracted to explaining mental development - the law of recapitulation, according to which the evolution of the species is reproduced in the development of an individual to which this individual belongs. The extreme manifestation of this position is the statement that there is no mental as an independent phenomenon in nature, since all mental phenomena can be described or explained by biological (physiological) concepts. It should be noted that this point of view is very widespread among the physiologists. For example, I. P. Pavlov adhered to this point of view.

There are a number of sociology concepts, which also proceed from the idea of \u200b\u200brecapitulation, but only here it seems somewhat different. As part of these concepts, it is argued that the mental development of the individual

474 Part IV. Psychic properties of the person

There are a number of approaches in theoretical substantiation of the possibilities of regulating the emotional state.

Emotional state and adaptation

F. B. Berezin considered the regulation of emotional state (ES) through the prism of mental adaptation. The character of mental adaptation is very important because it affects all adaptation in general. Berezin believed that the mechanisms of mental adaptation and regulation and ES were in the intrapsychic sphere.

The success of adaptation - on Berezin - depends on the action of the mechanisms of opposition to the alarm - a variety of forms of psychological protection and compensation. Psychological protection is a special regulatory personality stabilization system aimed at eliminating or minimizing a sense of anxiety associated with the awareness of any conflict.

Thus, the regulation of ES directly depends on the functions of psychological protection, which protect the consciousness from negative, traumating the personality of experiences. In a broad sense, this term is used to designate any behavior, including inadequate, aimed at eliminating discomfort.

Berezin allocates four types of psychological protection:

Preventing the awareness of factors of the threat of anxiety;

Allowing to fix the alarm;

Reducing the level of motivation;

Eliminating the alarm.

The studies have found a regular change of the mechanisms of intraxicheskic adaptation and allowed us to say that various forms of psychological protection have various possibilities to resist the alarm and other negative states.

It was found that there is a certain hierarchy of types of psychological protection. When one form of protection does not help in opposing the alarm, the other form of protection is included.

It was found that violation of the mechanisms of mental adaptation or the use of inadequate forms of protection can lead to the somatization of anxiety, i.e., the direction of anxiety on the formation of presets of presets, to the final breakdown of adaptation. The use of an individual inadequate form of psychological protection and the occurrence of hyperteres is always accompanied by supernature, more significant in its intensity than the usual motivation. As a rule, in this situation there is a condition due to the blockade of motivational behavior, known as frustration.

"Frustation" comes from Latin frustra - "In vain, aimlessly, useless." Frustration for psychologists is one of the most interesting ES for studying, caused by objectively irresistible difficulties that have arisen when the goal or solving the problem is achieved. Frustation as disappointment syndrome is a consequence of mental tension, which in turn is caused by the inability to satisfy this or that need.

Frustration is often accompanied by internal conflicts (conflicts of motifs). The incompatibility and collision of opposing identity trends inevitably prevent the construction of holistic integrative behavior inevitably and encourages the risk of disrupting adaptation.

Emotional stress (stress generated by emotions themselves) may be related to the situation of intraxicheskic conflict.

The probability of the occurrence of intraxihic conflict is largely due to the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere. Numerous studies have shown the role of cognitive elements in the development of stress, and the discrepancy between the cognitive elements (cognitive dissonance) entails increasing tension, and the greater the inconsistency, the higher the tension that leads to a violation of behavior integration.

The integration of behavior is the concept closely related to adaptation - the relationship system between the elements of the psychic personality structure, which allows us to successfully solve the tasks in the interests of adapting the individual, and first of all achieve consistency of its motives and environmental requirements. In other words, the integration of behavior is the configuration of the body and the psyche to achieve specific goals.

The integration of behavior affects:


Relationship system

Role-playing structures.

Intraxihyshsky relationship conflicts, installations, roles can lead to disorganization of human behavior, violation of "I-image", "I-concept", self-esteem, which is accompanied by a negative emotional background.

Therefore, adjustment of negative ES is not possible without the construction of integrated behavior. It is important to understand, because all sorts of exercises on the correction of ES, not supported by the formation of integrated behavior, can give only temporary relief, to create the illusion of the appearance of the fact that the problem is solved.

Emotional state and neurosis

The main feature of neurosis is the internal conflict and the confusion of mental life. The conflict is based on most neurosis and is always accompanied by extremely intense experiences. Experiences may be different. For example, the feeling of your guilt, its omission, as a result of which the traumatic situation arose, and others.

Experiences become a source of neurosis only if they are particularly significant for humans. Therefore, the majority of intrapsihic conflicts are social. Emotional stress is most often related to social phenomena, i.e., emotional stress is an inseparable part of a person's social adaptation.

Many personality problems of a person are solved if it is raised to increase its self-esteem (which was low) and confidence before it. The feeling of inner confidence is the target for which it is necessary to navigate when working on the prevention of negative emotional states.

Skill weigh different values

In general, values \u200b\u200bare not only (and not so much) what has a certain absolute value (an infinitely large price). Rather, even on the contrary: value is what is important for a person, for which he can sacrifice other values \u200b\u200bor vice versa than can donate.

One of the main ways to avoid excessive emotional stress is the harmonious development of the personality of a person, the formation of an independent ideological position. And this ideological position is not possible without the ability to weigh different values \u200b\u200bamong themselves. Yes, of course, there are values \u200b\u200b(for example, health and life are close), which are absolute. But if all the values \u200b\u200bof a person are absolutely, then sooner or later he will begin serious internal conflicts, which will be very and very difficult to resolve.

Therefore, one of the most important preventive tools in relation to emotional stress is to develop the ability to rationally weigh all that weighed.

Weakening motivation

Very strong motivation is able to destroy human activity and be the source of many negative emotions. Many people see a direct relationship between the level of motivation and the efficiency of activity. In fact, there is some optimum motivation. Experiments on trained dogs in the circus have shown that both very weak and very strong motivation prevent success. A similar effect can be seen in organizations with a very high level of remuneration: workers who are not yet accustomed to a new salary, it is difficult to focus in practice, because before the eyes constantly stands the threat of dismissal; Sooner or later, the poor mood begins to splash on others, the relationship is clarified, developing into the search for enemies, etc.

You can try to remove negative ES by loosening motivation. With self-making, self-sufficiency is proved that the result is not really important. Activities are interesting and valuable in itself. Immersed with your head in activity, you can distract from unpleasant thoughts.

The ability to weaken motivation is greatly influenced by the ability to displace unpleasant images from consciousness. Each person over time is the own formula of the displacement ("Yes, it!", "It went all to hell!", "Do not care!" And others).

Tactics of retreat

R. M. Granovskaya proposed a way to combat emotional tensions, consisting in advance prepared retreat tactics (in the case of deploying negative scenarios). The presence of one or many tactics prepared in advance reduces excessive excitation and makes a more likely success of solving the problem in priority areas.

The fact is that a person in a state of stress is inclined to actitively, trying to get rid of the action of the stressor faster. Only some, the most important principles are taken into account, the rest are discarded. In such a situation, if necessary, the choice of person may not understand its priorities and choose an easier way, from which the situation will soon be confused even more, and the person himself will immerse itself into a state of strong frustration.

Spare tactics greatly reduce the fear of the unfavorable development of events, increase confidence and form an optimal background to solve the problem.

Psychology of emotional state


1. Psychology of human emotional states

1.1. Types and role of emotions in human life

1.2. Psychological theories of emotions

1.3 Emotional states


Depending on the duration, intensity, substitution or uncertainty, as well as the quality of emotions, all emotions can be divided into emotional reactions, emotional states and emotional relations (V.N. Meatsishchev).

Emotional reactions are characterized by a high rate of occurrence and frequency. They last a minute, are characterized by rather pronounced quality (modality) and familiar (positive or negative emotion), intensity and objectivity. Under the immersion of an emotional reaction, it is understood to be more or less unambiguous communication with the event that caused it or the subject. The emotional reaction in the norm always occurs about events produced in a particular situation with something or someone. It may be fright from a sudden noise or a cry, joy from the heard words or perceived facial expressions, anger in connection with an obstacle or about someone else, etc. It should be remembered that these events are only a start-up incentive for the occurrence of emotion, the cause is either biological significance or the subjective value of this event for the subject. The intensity of emotional reactions may be different - from the barely noticeable, even for the subject itself, until excessive - affect.

Emotional reactions are often the responses of frustration of some pronounced needs. Frustation (from Lat. Frustatio - deception, destruction of plans) In psychology, they call a mental state, which arises in response to the appearance of objectively or subjectively irresistible obstacles to satisfying some needs, achieve the goal or solving the problem. The type of frustration reaction depends on many circumstances, but very often is the characteristic of the personality of this person. It can be anger, annoyance, despair, guilt feelings.

Emotional states are characterized by: a greater duration that can be measured by hours and days, is normal - less intensity, since emotions are associated with significant energy spending due to their accompanying physiological reactions, in some cases the imprepity that is expressed in the fact that the subject can be Hidden reason and caused their reason, as well as some uncertainty of modality of an emotional state. According to its modality, emotional states may appear in the form of irritability, anxiety, compost, various shades of mood - from depressive states to the state of euphoria. However, most often they are mixed states. Since emotional states are also emotions, they also reflect the relationship between the needs of the subject and the objective or subjective possibilities of their satisfaction rooted in the situation.

In the absence of organic disorders of the central nervous system, the state of irritation is essentially a high readiness of anger reactions in a long time of frustration. A person has flashes of anger in the slightest and diverse reasons, but they are at the heart of their dissatisfaction of some personally significant need, which the subject itself may not know.

The alarm status means that there is some uncertainty of the outcome of future events related to the satisfaction of some kind of need. Often the state of anxiety is associated with a sense of self-esteem (self-esteem), which may suffer with an unfavorable outcome of events in the expected future. Frequent anxiety emergence in everyday affairs may indicate the presence of uncertainty in itself as an individual, i.e. About unstable or low self-esteem inherent in this person in general.

A man's mood often reflects the experience of success already achieved or failures, or a high or low probability of success or failure in the near future. In a bad or good mood, satisfaction is reflected or dissatisfied with some kind of need in the past, success or failure in achieving the goal or solving the problem. It is not by chance a person in a bad mood asked if something happened. A long-term reduced or increased mood (over two weeks), not characteristic of this person, is a pathological basis, in which unsatisfied need is either really absent or deeply hidden from the subject's consciousness, and its detection requires a special psychological analysis. A person most often experiences mixed states, such as a reduced mood with a touch of anxiety or joy with a touch of anxiety or anger.

A person can experience and more complex states, an example of which is the so-called dysphorony - the three or three days of the pathological state, in which irritation, anxiety and poor mood at the same time. A smaller degree of dysphoria severity may occur in some people and normal.

Emotional relations are otherwise called feelings. Feelings are stable emotional experiences associated with some particular object or category of objects with a special value for a person. Feelings in a broad sense can be associated with various objects or actions, for example, you can not love this cat or cats in general, you can love or not to love to do the morning charging, etc. Some authors offer to call feelings only sustainable emotional attitudes towards people. Feelings are different from emotional reactions and emotional states lasting - they can last for years, and sometimes all their lives, such as a sense of love or hatred. Unlike states of feelings are subject to - they are always associated with the subject or action with it.

Emotionality. Under emotionality, the sustainable individual features of the emotional sphere of this person are understood. V.D. Nebylitsyn proposed when describing emotionality to consider three components: emotional impressionability, emotional lability and impulsivity.

Emotional impressionability is the sensitivity of a person to emotional situations, i.e. Situations capable of calling emotions. Since different people dominate different needs, each person has its own situations that can cause emotions. At the same time, there are certain characteristics of situations that make them emotional for all people. This is: unusual, novelty and suddenness (P. Fress). Unusuality differs from novelty that there are such types of stimuli, which will always be for the subject with new ones, because there are no "good answers" for them, it is a strong noise, loss of support, darkness, loneliness, images of imagination, as well as the compounds of a friend and unfamiliar . There are individual differences in the degree of sensitivity to emotional situations, common to all, as well as in the number of individual emotionic situations.

Emotional lability is characterized by the speed of transition from one emotional state to another. People differ from each other, as often and how quickly they change the condition - in some people, for example, the mood is usually sustainable and little depends on the small current events, in others, with high emotional lability, it changes through the slightest reasons several times in day.

The impulsivity is determined by the speed with which emotion becomes an incentive force of actions and actions without their preliminary thinking. This personality quality is also called self-control. There are two different self-control mechanism - external control and internal. With external control, not the emotions themselves are controlled, but only their external expression, emotions are present, but they are constrained, the person "pretends" that he does not experience emotions. Internal control is associated with such a hierarchical distribution of needs, in which the lower needs are subordinate to the higher, therefore, while in such a subordinate position, they simply cannot cause uncontrolled emotions. An example of internal control could be the passion for a person affair when it does not notice hunger for a long time ("forgets" to eat) and therefore foods remain indifferent.

In psychological literature, the division of emotional states, which are experiencing a person, in fact, emotions, feelings and affects are also common.

Emotions and feelings - personal education, socio-psychologically characterizing a person; associated with short-term and rapid memory.

Affect is a short-term, the rapidly flowing state of strong emotional arousal arising from frustration or any other, strongly active for the psyche of the reason, usually associated with the dissatisfaction of very important needs for a person. Affect does not precede behavior, but forms on one of its final stages. Unlike emotions and feelings, affects proceed violently, quickly, accompanied by sharply pronounced organic changes and motor reactions. Affects are able to leave strong and sustainable traces in long-term memory. Emotional tensions accumulated as a result of the occurrence of affajic situations can be summed up and sooner or later, if it does not give exit on time, lead to a strong and stormy emotional discharge, which, removing tension, often entails the feeling of fatigue, depression, depression.

One of the most common types of affects in our days is stress - the state of spiritual (emotional) and behavioral disorder associated with the inability of a person is advisable and reasonable to act in the current situation. Stress is a state of excessively strong and long psychological stress, which occurs in a person when its nervous system receives emotional overload. Stresses are the main "risk factors" in the manifestation and exacerbation of cardiovascular and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, each of the described modes of emotions within itself has subspecies, which in turn can be assessed by different parameters - intensity, duration, depth, awareness, origin, the conditions of occurrence and disappearance, the effect on the body, the dynamics of development, orientation (on itself , on others, to the world, for the past, present or future), according to the method of their expression in the external behavior (expression) and on the neurophysiological basis.

The role of emotions in human life

For a person, the main importance of emotions is that, thanks to emotions, we better understand others, we can, without taking advantage of the speech, judge from each other's condition and better tune in to joint activities and communicate.

Life without emotions is also impossible, as without sensations. Emotions, according to Ch. Darwin, arose in the process of evolution as a means, with the help of which living beings establish the importance of certain conditions to meet the relevant needs for them. Emotional-expressive movements of a person - Mimic, gestures, pantomimics - perform the function of communication, i.e. Messages to a person of information about the status of the speaker and its attitude to what is currently occurring, as well as the function of exposure - to provide a certain impact on who is the subject of perception of emotional and expressive movements.

Wonderful, for example, is the fact that people belonging to different cultures are able to unmistakably perceive and evaluate the expression of the human person, to determine such emotional states, such as joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise. This fact not only convincingly proves the innate nature of the main emotions, but also "the presence of genetically determined ability to understand their understanding of living beings." This refers to the communication of the living beings is not only one species with each other, but also different types of each other. It is well known that higher animals and people can perceive and evaluate each other's emotional states.

Congenital are far from all emotionally expressive expressions. Some of them, as established, are acquired in a lot of learning and education.

Life without emotions is also impossible, as without sensations. Emotions, according to C. Darwin, arose in the process of evolution as a means, with the help of which living beings establish the importance of certain conditions to meet the relevant needs for them.

At the highest animals, and especially in humans, expressive movements have become a subtly differentiated language, with which living beings exchange information about their states and what happens around. This is an expressive and communicative function of emotions. They are the most important factor in the regulation of knowledge processes.

Emotions act as an inner language as a signal system by which the subject learns about the considerable significance of what is happening. "The feature of emotions is that they directly deny the relationship between motivations and the implementation that meets these motives. Emotions in human activity perform the function of evaluating its strokes and results. They organize activities, stimulating and directing it. "

In critical conditions, with the inability of the subject, find a quick and reasonable way out of a dangerous situation, there is a special kind of emotional processes - affect. One of the essential manifestations of the affect is that he believes V.K. Vilunas, "imposing stereotypical actions to the subject, is a certain entry in evolution in the evolution of the" emergency "resolution of situations: flight, stupor, aggression, etc. .

An important mobilization, integrative protective role of emotions pointed out a large domestic psychologist P.K. Anokhin. He wrote: "Making almost instantaneous integration (unification into a single integer) of all functions of the body, emotions themselves and first of all can be an absolute signal of useful or harmful effects on the body, often even earlier than the localization of the effects and a specific response mechanism are determined. organism. "

Thanks to the timely emotion arising, the body has the opportunity to be extremely profitable to adapt to the surrounding conditions. It is in a state quickly, at high speed to respond to the external impact, without determining its type, form, other private specific parameters.

The emotional sensations of biologically, in the process of evolution, they secured as a kind of way to maintain a vital process in its optimal boundaries and warn about the destructive nature of the lack or excess of any factors.

The more difficult the living being is organized, the higher stage on the evolutionary staircase it takes it, the richer gamma of emotional states that the individual is able to worry. The number and quality of human needs corresponds to the number and variety of emotional experiences and feelings characteristic of it, and "the higher the need for its social and moral significance, the exalted feelings associated with it."

The most ancient in origin, the simplest and most common among living beings the form of emotional experiences is the pleasure that is obtained from the satisfaction of organic needs, and the displeasure associated with the inability to do this when aggravating the relevant need.

Almost all elementary organic sensations have their own emotional tone. On a close connection, which exists between the emotions and the activities of the body, says the fact that any emotional state is accompanied by many physiological changes in the body. (In this paper, we partially try to trace this dependence.)

The closer to the central nervous system there is a source of organic changes associated with emotions, and the less sensitive nerve endings in it, the weaker the subjective emotional experience. In addition, an artificial decrease in organic sensitivity leads to a weakening of the power of emotional experiences.

The main emotional states that people are experiencing are divided into emotions, feelings and affects. Emotions and feelings anticipate the process aimed at meeting the need, as it were, in the beginning of it. Emotions and feelings express the meaning of the situation for a person from the point of view of the currently relevant need for its satisfaction of the upcoming action or activity. "Emotions," says A.O. Prokhorov, can be called both real and imaginary situations. They, like feelings, are perceived by a person as his own internal experiences, are transmitted to other people, empathy. "

Emotions are relatively poorly manifested in external behavior, sometimes from the outside are generally invisible for an unauthorized person if a person knows how to hide his feelings well. They, accompanying one or another behavioral act, are not always realized, although all behavior is associated with emotions, since it is aimed at meeting the need. The emotional human experience is usually much wider than the experience of his individual experiences. The senses of man, on the contrary, are extremely very noticeable.

Feelings are subject matter, associated with the idea or idea of \u200b\u200bsome object. Another feature of feelings is that they are improving and developing, form a number of levels, ranging from direct feelings and ending with your feelings relating to spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals. Feelings are performed in human life and activities, in his communication with the surrounding persons a motivating role. In relation to the surrounding world, a person seeks to act in order to strengthen and strengthen his positive feelings. He is always connected with the work of consciousness, can be arbitrarily regulated.

Numerous physiological changes in the body accompanies any emotional state. Throughout the history of the development of this field of psychological knowledge, attempted to associate physiological changes in the body with those or other emotions and show that organic signs accompanying various emotional processes are truly different.

The desire to find the root cause of emotional states caused the emergence of different points of view, which was reflected in the relevant theories.

In 1872, Ch. Darwin published the book "An expression of emotions in humans and animals", which was a turning point in understanding the relationship of biological and psychological phenomena, in particular, the body and emotions. It has been proven that the evolutionary principle is applicable not only to the biophysical, but also the psychological and behavioral development of the living, which does not exist between the behavior of the animal and the person. Darwin showed that in the external expression of different emotional states, in the expression-bodily movements there are many people in anthropoids and elbow-born children. These observations have formed the basis of the theory of emotions, which was called evolutionary. Emotions According to this theory appeared in the process of evolution of living beings as vital adaptive mechanisms that contribute to the adaptation of the body to the conditions and situations of his life. Bodily changes accompanying various emotional states, in particular, related to the corresponding emotions of the movement, according to Darwin, there is nothing but rudiments of real adaptive reactions of the organism.

The modern history of emotions begins with the theory of James-Lange, according to which the root causes of emotions are organic (physical, bodily) changes.

The obligatory inclusion of bodily reactions to emotional experiences was U. Jemsu, an outstanding American psychologist, the basis for the wording of the theory of emotions, in accordance with which the subjectively experienced emotions are nothing more than the experience of corporal changes occurring in the body in response to perception of some fact .

Reflecting in the human psyche through the inverse relationship system, they generate an emotional experience of the corresponding modality according to this point of view, first under the action of external incentives occur characteristic of emotions to the body in the body and only then, as their result, emotion itself occurs. Thus, peripheral organic changes, which, before the appearance of Jeys-Lange theory, were considered as a consequence of emotions, became their root cause.

In proof, James invites us to imagine any emotion and mentally subtracting from the entire complex of experiences all the feelings of bodily organs. As a result, we will see that nothing will remain from emotion. This dependence is figuratively, according to James, it can be expressed by the formula: "We are crying because we are sad, but we are sad because we are crying."

An alternative point of view on the ratio of organic and emotional processes was offered W. Kennon. He was one of the first to noted the fact that the bodily changes observed in the occurrence of different emotional states are very similar to each other and in diversity is insufficient in order to quite satisfactorily explain the qualitative differences in the highest emotional experiences of man. Internal organs, with changes in the states of which James and Lange bind the occurrence of emotional states, and there are pretty small-sensitive structures that are very slowly coming to the arousal state. Emotions usually arise and develop quite quickly.

The strongest Kennon counterproof to the theory of Jeys-Lange was the following: artificially caused cessation of the receipt of organic signals in the brain does not prevent the occurrence of emotions. The provisions of Kennon were developed by P. Bard, who showed that in fact, bodily changes, and emotional experiences associated with them arise almost simultaneously.

In later studies, it was found that from all the structures of the brain actually with emotions, even the Talamus itself is functionally connected, and the hypothalamus and the central parts of the limbic system. In animal experiments, it was found that electrical impacts on these structures can be controlled by emotional states, such as anger, fear (H. Delgado).

Psycho-organic theory of emotions (so conventionally, the concepts of Jeys-Lang and Kennon-Barda can be called further development under the influence of electrophysiological studies of the brain. At its base there was an activation theory of Lindsa-Hebba. According to this theory, emotional states are determined by the influence of the reticular formation of the lower part of the brain barrel. Emotions arise as a result of violation and restoration of equilibrium in the respective structures of the central nervous system. Activation theory is based on the following main positions:

The electroencephalographic picture of the work of the brain arising from emotions is an expression of the so-called "activation complex" associated with the activities of the reticular formation.

The operation of the reticular formation defines many dynamic parameters of emotional states: their strength, duration, variability and number of others.

Following theories explaining the relationship of emotional and organic processes, theories appeared that describe the effect of emotions on the psyche and human behavior. Emotions, as it turned out, regulate activities, discovering a completely defined effect on it depending on the nature and intensity of the emotional experience. BEFORE. Hebuba was experimentally obtained by obtaining a curve expressing the relationship between the level of emotional initiation of a person and the success of its practical activity.

To achieve the highest result in the activities are undesirable both too weak and very strong emotional arousal. For each person (and in general, for all people), there is an optimum emotional excitability, providing maximum efficiency in work. The optimal level of emotional excitement, in turn, depends on many factors: We carry out my activities on the features, from the conditions in which it flows from the individuality of the person included in it and from much more. Too weak emotional excitation does not provide proper motivation of activities, but too strong destroys it, disorganizes and makes almost uncontrollable.

A person in the dynamics of emotional processes and states are not less than organic and physical impacts, cognitive-psychological factors play (cognitive means related to knowledge). In this regard, new concepts were proposed, explaining the emotions in humans by the dynamic features of cognitive processes.

One of the first similar theories was the theory of cognitive dissonance L. Festinger. According to her, a positive emotional experience occurs in a person when his expectations are confirmed, and cognitive ideas are embodied in life, i.e. When the real results of activity correspond to the outlined, are consistent with them, or that the same is in Connce. Negative emotions occur and enhanced in cases where there is a discrepancy between the expected and valid results of activity, discrepancy or dissonance.

Subjectively, the state of cognitive dissonance is usually experienced by a person as discomfort, and he seeks to get rid of him as soon as possible. The output from the state of cognitive dissonance can be double: or change cognitive expectations and plans so that they correspond to the actual result, or try to get a new result that would be coordinated with previous expectations. In modern psychology, the theory of cognitive dissonance is often used to explain the actions of a person, its actions in various social situations. Emotions are considered as the main motive of the relevant actions and actions. The cognitive factors underlying them are attached to the determination of human behavior a much big role than organic changes.

The dominant cognitive orientation of modern psychological studies has led to the fact that conscious assessments that a person gives the situation as zomoticogenic factors. It is believed that such assessments directly affect the nature of the emotional experience.

To what was said about the conditions and factors of the emergence of emotions and their dynamics of W. Jams, to Lange, W. Kennon, P. Bard, D. Hebb and L. Festinger, contributed to S. Shehter. He showed that a considerable contribution to emotional processes makes memory and motivation of a person. The concept of emotions proposed by S. Shehter was called cognitive-physiological.

According to this theory, on an emerged emotional state, in addition to the perceived incentives and generated by their bodily changes have the impact of a person's past experience and assessment of the cash situation in terms of relevant interests and needs. An indirect confirmation of the justice of the cognitive theory of emotions is the impact on the experience of human verbal instructions, as well as the additional emotionic information, which is intended to change the assessment by a person who has arisen.

In one of the experiments aimed at proof of the provisions of the cognitive theory of emotions expressed, people were given a physiologically neutral solution as a "medicine", accompanied by various instructions. In one case, they were told that this "medicine" should cause them the state of the euphoria, in the other - the state of the GNE. After the adoption of the appropriate "medicine" subjects after a while, when it was on the instructions had to start acting, asked what they were felt. It turned out that those emotional experiences that they were told, corresponded to the expected instructions expected.

It was also shown that the nature and intensity of the emotional experiences of a person in one situation or another depend on how others are experiencing them, nearby people. This means that emotional states can be transmitted from a person to a person, with a person in contrast to animals the quality of communicable emotional experiences depends on his personal attitude to the one who he comes.

Domestic physiologist P.V. Simonov tried in a brief symbolic form to present his totality of factors affecting the emergence and nature of emotion. He suggested the following formula for this:

E \u003d f (n, (in-use, ...)),

where E is emotion, its strength and quality; / 7 - the magnitude and specificity of the urgent need; (In - IP) - assessment of the probability (possibility) to meet this need on the basis of congenital and inseparable acquired experience; Information about the funds are projected to meet the existing need; IP - information about the means that the person has at the moment. According to the formula proposed by P.V. Simonov (its concept can also be attributed to the category of cognivistic and has a special name - information), the strength and quality of the human emotion in the ultimately determined by the power of the need and evaluation of the ability to satisfy the situation in the current situation.

The leading role in the regulation of emotional states is played by the Big Hemispheres. I.P. Pavlov was shown that it was the Bark that regulates the flow and expression of emotions, keeps all the phenomena taking place in the body under its control, has an inhibitory effect on subcortex centers, controls them. A significant role in the emotional experiences of a person plays the second signaling system, since the experiences occur not only with the immediate effects of the external environment, but may also be caused by words, thoughts.

The author of the course work shares the concept of the dual nature of emotions. Physiological changes are one of the two components of emotions, and the component is very nonspecific. A number of physiological reactions are manifested by both positive and under negative emotions, such as a heart can be hammered not only from fear, but also from joy, it is true and with respect to the frequency of respiration and many other reactions. The specificity of emotion gives the subjective painting of experiences, thanks to which we never confuse fear with joy, despite the similarities of some of their accompanying physiological reactions. Subjective emotion experience, i.e. Her high-quality feature is called emotion modality. The modality of emotions is subjectively experienced fear, joy, surprise, annoyance, anger, despair, delight, love, hatred, etc.

Thus, according to the authors of the textbook, each emotion consists of two components - an impressive, characterized by the experience of the subjective uniqueness of this emotion, and expressive - involuntary reactions of the organism, including in its composition of the reaction of internal organs and systems, undifferentiated muscular reactions (shiver, increasing tone ), as well as so-called expressive movements, among other things, communicative, signal character (cry, mimic, pose, voice intonation).

1.3 Emotional states

As mentioned above, the main emotional states that people are experiencing are divided into: actually emotions, feelings and affects.

Emotions and feelings anticipate the process aimed at meeting the need, are ideological in nature and are as it were at the beginning of it. Emotions are usually followed by the actualization of the motive and to a rational assessment of the adequacy of the subject's activities. They are direct reflection, the experience of the established relationships, and not their reflection. Emotions are able to anticipate the situations and events that have not yet come, and arise in connection with the submission of previously experienced or imaginable situations.

Feelings are subject matter, associated with the idea or idea of \u200b\u200bsome object. Another feature of feelings is that they are improving and, developing, form a number of levels, ranging from direct feelings and ending with top feelings relating to spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals. Feelings are historical. In the individual development of a person, feelings play an important role. They act as a significant factor in the formation of personality, especially its motivational sphere. On the basis of positive emotional experiences like feelings, the needs and interests of a person appear and enshrine. Feelings are performed in human life and activities, in his communication with the surrounding persons a motivating role.

Affects are particularly pronounced emotional states, accompanied by visible changes in the behavior of a person who experiences them. Affect does not precede behavior, but as it were to shift to its end. This is a reaction that occurs as a result of an already perfect action or a deed and expresses a subjective emotional color from the point of view of which extent as a result of the commission of this act managed to achieve the goal, to satisfy its demand. Affects contribute to the formation of the so-called affective complexes in the perception of the integrity of the perception of certain situations. The development of affects the following law: the more powerful, the initial motivational incentive of behavior is, and the more efforts had to be spent to implement it, the less the result obtained as a result of all this, the stronger the resulting affect. Unlike emotions and feelings, affects proceed violently, quickly, accompanied by sharply pronounced organic changes and motor reactions. Affects are able to leave strong and sustainable traces in long-term memory.

Emotional tension accumulated as a result of affectogenic situations can be summed up and sooner or later, if it does not give to exit on time, lead to a strong and stormy emotional discharge, which, removing the tension, often entails the feeling of fatigue, depression, depression.

Stress is a state of excessively strong and long psychological stress, which occurs in a person when his nervous system receives emotional overload. Stress disorganizes human activity, violates the normal course of his behavior. Stresses, especially if they are frequent and durable, have a negative impact not only for a psychological state, but also on human physical health. They are the main "risk factors" in the emergence and exacerbation of diseases such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal tract.

Passion is another kind of complex, qualitatively peculiar and occurring only in humans of emotional states. Passion is an alloy of emotions, motifs and feelings concentrated around a certain type of activity or subject. Passion is a great strength, so it is so important what she is heading. The passion of passion may proceed from unconscious bodily deposits, and it can be imbued with the greatest consciousness and idea. Passion means essentially impulse, hobby, orientation of all aspirations and personality forces in a single direction, focusing them on a single purpose. It is precisely because the passion collects, absorbs and throws all the strength on something one, it can be a detrimental and even the fatal, but that is why she can be great. Nothing great in the world has ever done without a great passion.

Speaking about various types of emotional formations and states, you need to highlight the mood. Under the mood understood the general emotional state of the individual, expressed in the "strict" of all its manifestations. Two main features characterize the mood in contrast to other emotional formations. Emotions, feelings are associated with some kind of object and are directed to it: we rejoice in something, they are upset by something, worrying because of something; But when a man has a joyful mood, he is not just glad to something, and he is joyful - sometimes, especially in his youth, so that everything in the world seems joyful and beautiful. The mood is not subject to it, and personally is, first, and, secondly, it is not a special experience, dedicated to a particular event, but a diffused general condition.

The mood is closely related to the way there is vital relationships with others and with their own activities. Manifested in the "strict" of this activity, woven into an effective relationship with the surrounding, the mood in it is also formed. At the same time, it is essential for mood, of course, not by itself an objective course of events, regardless of the attitude towards a person, as well as how a person regards what is happening and refers to it. Therefore, the mood of a person significantly depends on its individual characteristic features, in particular, from how he relates to difficulties - whether he is inclined to overestimate them and fall in spirit, it is easy to demobilizing, or in the face of difficulties, he does not indulge carelessness, he knows how to preserve confidence in What will cope with them.

Emotions affect the body and mind of a person, they affect practically all aspects of its existence. In a person who is experiencing emotion, you can fix the change in the electrical activity of the face muscles. Some changes are observed in the electrical activity of the brain, in the functioning of blood respiratory systems. The pulse of an angry or frightened person can be 40-60 shots per minute exceeding normal. Such sharp changes in the somatic indicators in the experiencing man of strong emotions indicate that almost all neurophysiological and somatic systems of the organism are involved in this process. These changes inevitably affect the perception, thinking and behavior of the individual, and in extreme cases can lead to somatic mental disorders. Emotion activates the vegetative nervous system, which in turn acts on the endocrine and neuromic humoral system. Mind and body require action. If adequate emotion behavior for one reason or another is impossible for an individual, psychosomatic disorders are threatened. But it is not necessary to experience psychosomatic crisis at all in order to feel how powerful influence has emotions to all the somatic and physiological functions of the body. Whatever emotion experienced by a person is powerful or barely pronounced - it always causes physiological changes in its body, and these changes sometimes so serious that they cannot be ignored. Of course, with smoothed, inalted emotions, somatic changes are not expressed not so bright, - not reaching the threshold of awareness, they often remain unnoticed. But it is not worth the smume of the values \u200b\u200bof such non-payment, sub-step processes for the body. Somatic reactions to moderate emotion are not so intense as a stormy reaction to a bright emotional experience, but the duration of the impact of the porch emotion can be very long. What we call "mood" is usually formed under the influence of such emotions. Prolonged negative emotion, even moderate intensity, can be extremely dangerous and, in the end, is fraught with even physical or mental disorders. Studies in the field of neurophysiology suggest that emotions and mood affect the immune system, reduce disease resistance. If for a long time you have anger, anxiety or depression, let even these emotions will be lowered, - then you have more chances to get sick, influenza or grab the intestinal infection. The influence of emotions per person is generalized, but each emotion affects it in its own way. Ending emotion changes the level of electrical activity of the brain, dictates which muscles of the face, and the bodies should be tense or relaxed, controls the endocrine, blood and respiratory systems of the body.

Elimination of unwanted emotional states

K. Izard notes three ways to eliminate unwanted emotional states:

1) through other emotions;

2) cognitive regulation;

3) Motor regulation.

The first way of regulation implies conscious efforts aimed at activating another emotion opposite to the one that a person is experiencing and wants to eliminate. The second method is associated with the use of attention and thinking to suppress unwanted emotion or control over it. This is a switching of consciousness to events and activities that have an interest in person, positive emotional experiences. The third method involves the use of physical activity as the discharge channel of the emotional voltage.

Private ways of regulation of emotional state (for example, the use of respiratory exercises, mental regulation, the use of "protective mechanisms", changing the direction of consciousness) is mainly fitted in three global methods marked by Izard.

Currently, many different ways of self-regulation have been developed: relaxation training, autogenous training, desensitization, reactive relaxation, meditation, etc.

Mental regulation is connected either with exposure to the outside (other person, music, color, natural landscape), or with self-regulation.

And in the other case, the most common is the method developed in 1932 by the German psychiatrist I. Schultz (1966) and called "autogenic training." Currently there has been a lot of its modifications (Alekseev, 1978; Vyatkin, 1981; Gorbunov, 1976; Marishchuk, Khojnov, 1969; Chernikov, Dashkevich, 1968, 1971, etc.).

Along with autogenic training, another system of self-regulation is also known - "progressive relaxation" (muscular relaxation). When developing this method, E. Jacobson proceeded from the fact that with many emotions there is a stress of skeletal muscles. Hence, in accordance with the theory of James-Langa for removing emotional tensions (alarm, fear) offers relaxing muscles. This method corresponds to and recommendations to portray a smile on the face in the case of negative experiences and intensify the sense of humor. Revaluation of the importance of the event, relaxation of the muscles, after the person was spammed, and the normalization of the heart of the heart is the components of the positive effect of laughter on the emotional state of the person.

A.V. Alekseev (1978) created a new technique, called "psychoregulating training", which from autogenic is different in that it does not use the suggestion of the "sensation of gravity" in various parts of the body, as well as the fact that it has not only soothing, but also exciting part. It includes some elements from E. Jacobson techniques and L. Persiva. The psychological basis of this method is an impassive concentration of attention on images and sensations related to relaxation of skeletal muscles.

Changing the direction of consciousness. Options for this method of self-regulation are diverse.

Disabling (distraction) is the ability to think about anything other than emotionic circumstances. Disabling requires volitional effort, with which a person is trying to focus on the presentation of foreign objects and situations. Distraction was used in Russian medical conspiracies as a way to eliminate negative emotions (Svenzitskaya, 1999).

Switching is associated with the direction of consciousness on some interesting thing (reading a fascinating book, watching a film, etc.) or on the business side of the upcoming activities. As A.S. Puni and F. A. Grubus write, switching attention to painful thinking on the business side of even the upcoming activities, understanding the difficulties through their analysis, clarifying instructions and tasks, mental repetition of the upcoming actions, focusing on the technical details of the task, tactical Receptions, and not on the significance of the result, gives the best effect than distraction from the upcoming activities.

The decline in the importance of the upcoming activity or the result obtained is carried out by making an event of a lower value or in general the reassessment of the significance of the situation on the type "Not really and I wanted", "the main thing in life is not, it is not necessary to treat what happened, as a catastrophe", "failures already were and now I treat them differently ", etc. This is how L.N. Tolstoy describes in Anne Karenina, the use of the last Levin intake: "Another first time after returning from Moscow, when Levin shuddered every time and redesigned, remembering the disgracement of refusal, he spoke to himself:" I also shone and shuddered, considering everything dead, when I received a unit for physics and remained in the second year; I also considered myself dead after my sister's case was ruined. And what? Now, when years have passed, I remember and wonder how it could upset me. It will also be with this grief. It will take time, and I will be indifferent to this. "

Remove the emotional tension helps the following methods.

Obtaining additional information that relieves the uncertainty of the situation.

Development of a spare recessive strategy to achieve a goal in case of failure (for example, if I do not proceed to this institute, I will go to another).

During the time of reaching the goal in case of awareness of the inability to do this in cash, funds, etc.

Physical discharge (as I.P. Pavlov said, you need a "passion to drive into the muscles"); Since with a strong emotional experience, the body gives a mobilization reaction for intensive muscular work, it is necessary to give it to this work. To do this, you can make a long walk, do some useful physical work, etc. Sometimes this discharge occurs in a person, as it were, herself: With extreme excitement, he dares around the room, goes through things, tears something, etc. TIK (involuntary contraction of the muscles of the face), arising from many at the time of excitement, is also a reflex form of motor discharge of emotional voltage.

Listening to music.

Writing the letter, record in the diary with the situation and the reason that caused emotional tension. Recommend to split the sheet of paper into two columns.

Use protective mechanisms. Unwanted emotions can be overcome or reduce their severity with strategies called protection mechanisms. 3. Freud allocated several such protection.

Care is a physical or mental escape from too hard. Young children are the most common protective mechanism.

Identification is the process of assigning installations and views of other people. A person adapts to the installation of powerful people in his eyes and, becoming similar to them, feels less helplessness, which leads to a decrease in anxiety.

The projection is attributing your own asocial thoughts and actions to someone else: "He did, and not me." Essentially, this is shifting responsibility to another.

Offset - substitution of a real source of anger or fear of someone or something. A typical example of such protection is indirect physical aggression (removal of evil, annoyance at an object that has no relation to the situation that caused these emotions).

Decidence is a refusal to recognize that some situation or some events take place. Mother refuses to believe that her son was killed in the war, a child, when was the death of her pet, pretext, as if he still lives and sleeps with them at night. This type of protection is more characteristic of young children.

The displacement is the extreme form of denial, the unconscious act of erasing in the memory of a frightening or unpleasant event that causes the alarm, negative experiences.

Regression is a return to more ontogenetically early, primitive forms of response to the emotionic situation.

Reactive education - the behavior opposite to the thoughts and desires that causes an alarm to disguise them. Treats more mature children, as well as adults. For example, wanting to hide your love, a person will show adequateness to the object, and adolescents - and aggressiveness.

Persistent attempts to influence a very excited person to calm down with persuasion, convictions, suggestions, as a rule, are not successful due to the fact that from all the information that is reportedly worried, he chooses, perceives and takes into account only what it matches it emotional state. Moreover, an emotionally excited person can be offended by considering that he does not understand. It is better to give such a person to speak out and even cry. "The tear always flies off something and the consolation is carrying," wrote V. Hugo.

Using breathing exercises, according to V. L. Marichka (1967), R. Demeter (1969), O. A. Chernikova (1980) and other psychologists and physiologists is the most accessible way to regulate emotional arousal. Various methods are applied. R. Demeter used breathing with a pause:

1) without a pause: normal breathing - inhale, exhale;

2) Pause after the breath: inhale, pause (two seconds), exhale;

3) Pause after exhalation: inhale, exhalation, pause;

4) Pause after inhalation and exhalation: inhale, pause, exhalation, pause;

5) half-out, pause, half a half and exhalation;

6) inhale, twenty, pause, twenty;

7) half-out, pause, half a half, film, pause, twice.

Inhale the nose - exhalation nose;

Inhale the nose - exhalation of mouth;

Inhale mouth - exhalation of mouth;

Inhale the mouth - exhalation nose.

Initially, the effect may be small. As the exercises repetition, the positive effect increases, but they should not be abused.

Canadian scientist L. Persiva offered to use breathing exercises combined with tension and muscle relaxation. By making breathing retention against the background of muscle tension, and then calm exhalation, accompanied by muscle relaxation, you can remove excessive excitement.


During the training course, the following tasks were resolved:

1. Reveal the concept of emotions, their types and role in human life.

2. A review of psychological theories on the problem of emotions was carried out.

3. The characteristics of the main emotional states are described.

4. Ways to eliminate negative emotional states.

Emotions are elementary experiences that arise from a person under the influence of the overall condition of the body and the course of the process of meeting current needs.

Depending on the duration, intensity, substitution or uncertainty, as well as the quality of emotions, all emotions are divided into emotional reactions, emotional states and emotional relations.

Emotional states are characterized by a greater duration that can be measured by hours and days. According to its modality, emotional states may appear in the form of irritability, anxiety, compost, various shades of mood - from depressive states to the state of euphoria. In psychological literature, the division of emotional states, which are experiencing a person, in fact, emotions, feelings and affects are also common.

The desire to find the root cause of emotional states led to the emergence of various points of view, which was reflected in the respective psychological theories.

Methods for eliminating unwanted emotional state:

1. Mental regulation

2. Changing the direction of consciousness (disconnection, switching, reduce the significance of the upcoming activity or the result obtained).

5. Using protective mechanisms (care, identification, projection, offset);

6. breathing exercises.


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Concept of obligation emotional stress. Stress as a non-specific body reaction. The main stages of stress but the city of Selre. Classification of mental stress. The conditions for the emergence of information stress. Features of the manifestation of emotional stress. Alarm classification. Individual features and manifestations of stress.

Regulation emotional states. Mechanisms for regulating mental states according to F. B. Berezin. Functions of psychological protection and classification of types of psychological protection. The role of frustration in the formation of stressful states. The need and their role in the development of stress. Intraxihic conflict. Features of constructing integrated behavior.

19.1. The concept of emotional stress

Being both independent physiological, mental and social phenomenon, stress in its essence represents another type of emotional state. This condition is characterized by increased physiological and mental activity. At the same time, one of the main characteristics of stress is its extreme instability. Under favorable conditions, this state can be transformed into an optimal state, and under adverse conditions - into the state of neuro-emotional tension, which is characterized by a decrease in the performance and efficiency of the functioning of systems and organs, the depletion of energy resources.

What is stress? Under stress, they understand the nonspecific response of the body to the external or internal requirements imposed on it. This concept was proposed by G. Selre. He managed to establish that the adverse effects of various kinds, such as cold, fatigue, fear, humiliation, pain and much more, the body corresponds not only to a specific protective reaction for each effect, but also a general, one-type comprehensive response, regardless of what irritant Acts an organism. At the same time, certain processes are deployed between the impact and response of the organism. These processes were described in classical studies of Selre, proving that stress stages are typical for any adaptation process. In particular, they include a direct reaction to the impact that requires an adaptive restructuring (the so-called phase of anxiety and mobilization), the period of the maximum efficient adaptation (phase of resistance) and the violation of the adaptation process in the event of an unfavorable outcome (adaptation).

In the first phase - the alarm phase - the mobilization of the body's protective forces, which increases its stability. In this case, the body functions

with big tension. However, at this stage, it still copes with the load with the help of surface, OL functional, mobilization of reserves, without deep structural rearrangements. Physiologically primary mobilization is manifested, as a rule, the blood is thickened, the content of chlorine ions in it drops, there is an increased allocation of nitrogen, phosphates, potassium, there is an increase in the liver or spleen, etc. In most people, by the end of the first phase, there is some increase performance.

Following the first phase comes the second. It is usually called the phase of resistance (stabilization), or the most effective adaptation. At this stage, the balance of the body's adaptation reserves is noted. All parameters derived from equilibrium in the first phase are fixed at the new level. It provides a little different response to the body to affect environmental factors. But if stress continues long or influencing stressors are extremely intense, the third phase is inevitably occur - the depletion phase. Since the functional reserves are exhausted on the first and second phases, structural restructuring occurs in the body, but when there are not enough for normal functioning, further adaptation to the changed environment and activities is carried out at the expense of irrepustible energy resources of the body, which sooner or later ends with exhaustion.

It should be noted that not all impact causes stress. Weak exposure do not lead to stress, it occurs only when the influence of the stressor (unusual object, phenomenon, or any other external environmental factors) exceeds the usual adaptive features of the individual. In stressful impacts, certain hormones begin to stand out in the blood. Under their influence the mode of operation of organs and organism systems changes. For example, the heart rhythm is increased, blood clotting increases, the protective properties of the body are changed.

Thus, stress arises when the body is forced to adapt to new conditions, i.e., stress is inseparable from the adaptation process.

The essence of the stress reaction lies in the "preparatory" excitation and activation of the body necessary for the readiness for physical tension. Consequently, we have the right to believe that stress is always preceded by a significant waste of the body's energy resources, and then accompanied by it, which in itself can lead to the depletion of functional reserves. In this case, stress cannot be considered as a negative phenomenon, since only due to it is possible adaptation. In addition, moderate stress has a positive effect of both the general condition of the organism and the mental characteristics of the personality. For example, with moderate stress, there is a positive change in such mental characteristics, as indicators of attention, memory, thinking, etc. Thus, stress, as a holistic phenomenon, should be considered as a positive adaptive reaction that causes the mobilization of the body. Nevertheless, there are stressful reactions that, on the contrary, lead to the demobilization of body systems. This is an extremely negative manifestation of stress in scientific literature disteres. It is a distress carrying factors destructive

acting on the body. The transformation of stress in Distress occurs with an excessively intensive effect of environmental factors and conditions of life, in which the functional reserves of the body are very quickly depleted, or the activities of mental regulation mechanisms are violated.

It should be noted that a person has adaptation differently than animals. This is due to the fact that a person has consciousness and that by its nature is a biosocial being, i.e., at the same time, a representative of a particular biological species and society. Therefore, the reasons for stress in humans are more diverse than the causes that cause adaptive reactions in animals. So, the stressors for a person can be both physical and social stimuli, both really valid and probable. Moreover, a person reacts not only to the actual physical danger, but also on the threat or reminder of it.

The multidimensity of the phenomenon of stress in humans is so great that it was necessary to implement the development of a whole typology of its manifestations. Currently, it is customary to share stress into two main types: systemic (physiological) and mental. As a person is a social being and a mental sphere plays a leading role in the activities of its integrated systems, then most often it is mental stress that turns out to be the most significant for the regulation process.

Some authors share factors causing mental stress into two large groups. Therefore, mental stress, they are conditionally divided into two types: information and emotional. Information stress arises in situations of significant information overloads when a person does not cope with the task of processing incoming information and does not have time to make the right decisions in the required pace, especially with high responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made. The emergence of emotional stress Most authors are associated with situations of threats, danger, insults, etc. From this point of view, it is customary to distinguish three forms of emotional stress: impulsive, brake and generalized. With emotional stress, certain changes in the mental sphere are noted, including changes in mental processes, emotional shifts, transformation of the motivational structure of activities, violations of motor and speech behavior.

It should be emphasized that such a division of mental stress on informational and emotional is very conditional. This classification proceeds from the basic characteristics of stress factors. In practice, it is very rare to divide the information and emotional stressors and determine which of the stressors are the leading. Most often in the stressful situation, informational and emotional stressors are inseparable, since the formation of feelings is always associated with processing information. Very often, as a result of an erroneous assessment of the situation in humans, a feeling of resentment or anger arises. In turn, the so-called informational stress is always accompanied by high emotional excitation and certain feelings. However, the feelings arising from this may also meet in other situations that are not related to the processing of information. In most works, mental and emotional types of stress are identified.

It should be noted that emotional stress causes the same changes in the body as stress physiological. For example, before entering the spacecraft to the moon orbit, the heart of the American astronaut E. Borman has beating with a frequency of 130 beats per minute, and at the time of landing on the moon pulse from another astronaut - E. Armstrong - reached 156 shots per minute instead of the usual 77. A similar picture Other astronaut was observed in another astronaut - Ch. Erwin, whose pulse was 180 beats per minute when the power system is detected. At the pilots at the time of refueling the aircraft in the air, the pulse increases to 186 shots per minute.

Such physiological changes cause not only danger, but also situations related to the high responsibility for the activities carried out and expecting the receipt of new, completely non-standard and unusual information. For example, during the descent of the Soviet lounge from the landing site to the surface of the moon, the pulse frequency in the members of the ground crew increased dramatically and reached 130-135 shots per minute, although there was no danger to their life.

Thus, mental stress can be described as a state of the body that occurs during the interaction of an individual with an external environment, accompanied by significant emotional voltage under conditions, when a normal adaptive reaction is insufficient.

As the main condition for the occurrence of stress, many authors indicate the presence of a threat. But it is indisputable that the emergence and course of stress primarily depends on the individual characteristics of a person. People react to identical loads in different ways. However, there is an increase in activity. In stress, the effectiveness of their activities continues to grow long enough (the so-called "Lion stress"). Other people, on the contrary, there is a decrease in activity, the effectiveness of their activities is rapidly falling ("rabbit stress"). At the same time, stress factors can be both psychosocial and physical.

Among the properties of the personality, due to the likelihood of stress, the leading place occupies anxiety, which in the conditions of adaptation can manifest itself in a variety of mental reactions, which are rated as reactions alarms. Under the alarm understands the feeling of unconscious threat, the feeling of concern and anxious waiting or a sense of indefinite concern. This sensation serves as a signal indicating excessive tension of regulatory mechanisms or impaired adaptation processes.

Very often, the alarm is considered as an adaptation form in acute or chronic stress. However, the alarm has personal conditionedness and in the direction of its manifestation can perform both the security, mobilizing and disorganizing functions. In the case when the level of anxiety is inadequate the situation, there is a surge of regulatory mechanisms, which, as a rule, ends with a violation of behavioral regulation. The behavior of a person ceases to correspond to the situation.

In most works devoted to the study of anxiety, normal and pathological anxiety is distinguished. The principal separation of anxiety on normal and pathological led to the allocation of numerous aspects and

varieties: normal, situational, neurotic, psychotic, etc. At the same time, most authors regard the alarm as a single phenomenon, which in an inadequate increase in the intensity of manifestation may acquire a pathological character. Analysis of the pathogen role of anxiety in psychopathological phenomena, which are clinically pronounced mental adaptation disorders, provides reason to consider anxiety responsible for most of the disorders in which these violations are manifested. Such an approval is based on the fact that there is a close relationship between the alarm and some physiological indicators, which was discovered in the study of the mechanisms of emotional stress. Thus, in many studies there is a link between an alarm with ergotropic syndrome - a pronounced increase in the activity of a sympatho-studary system, accompanied by shifts in vegetative and motor regulation.

Thus, the role of anxiety in the adaptation process can be significantly changed depending on its intensity and requirements imposed on the adaptation mechanisms of the individual. If the mismatch in the system "Man - Wednesday" does not achieve a significant extent and the level of anxiety does not exceed the average values, then its motivational role acts on the fore, and then the anxiety necessitates the activation of targeted behavior. With a pronounced violation of balance in the system of "Man - Wednesday" system, when the regulation mechanisms overvolve occurs, the alarm increases significantly, reflecting the formation of the state of emotional stress, which can acquire chronic character and reduce the effectiveness of mental adaptation, which, in turn, is one of the prerequisites for Development of the disease.

However, considering the interdependence of anxiety with some physiological indicators, it should be borne in mind that anxiety is primarily a subjective phenomenon, the level of manifestation and the character of which depends on the personal characteristics of the individual. It is currently well known that personality features directly affect the nature of the response of the body on the impact of the environment.

It has been established that the nature of the reaction is predetermined due to the stress of the disease. For example, as a result of an examination of 88 doctors of the Medical Faculty of the University of Washington University, it turned out that out of 96 serious diseases transferred by them over the past 10 years, 90 were per year who immediately followed the shock. Which of them had a shock especially strong, those sick or were injured faster - within 8 months after it. In addition, it was established that from the fun and good-natured doctors participating in the experiment, in 25 years, only 2% died, and from irritable and evil - 14%. (Initially, they were 25 years old for 25 years.) Similarly, among lawyers: 4% and 20%, respectively. Thus, those who are often angry and annoyed, risk losing not only the location of friends, but also life. They are produced and entered into blood too much adrenaline.

There is also evidence that a person who is constantly overwhelming anger is developing various psychosomatic symptoms, since the acid in the stomach increases during anger and rage. Although depressed anger and not the only reason for these diseases, is shown

that he participates in the development of rheumatic arthritis, urticaria, psoriasis, oratelystomach, migraine, hypertension. Perennial sadness also does not go out in vain. Sadness that is not Manifested in tears, forces "cry" other organs. As the results of the study show, in 80% of cases of myocardial infarction, either acute mental injury was preceded, or a long mental tension.

Psychologists and psychiatrists established the relationship between human somatic diseases and his personal characteristics, as well as the psychological climate in which he lives and works. For example, if a person seeks to take a place in the team that does not correspond to its real possibilities, i.e. it has an increased level of claims, it is mostly subject to the development of cardiovascular pathology. Chronic coronary diseases are much more common in persons with severe purposefulness, ambition and intolerance to their nearest surroundings. And the main feature of the person suffering from hypertension is maliciousness. At the same time, it was found that the hypertension can also lead situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for the recognition of self-surrounding. If a person is suppressed, they ignore others, then he develops a sense of constant discontent with himself, which is not finding out and forcing him daily "swallowing offense".

For patients with cardiovascular diseases, highly high self-assessment, associated with such features of the individual, as individualism, dissatisfaction with its position in life (profession, position), coniferization, addiction to "clarifying relationships". This is usually restrained people, secretive, touchy, stretching to others, but difficult with them converging. With an unfavorable situation or illness, they often bear their social ties, closed on the analysis of their subjective sensations, reducing not only the number of contacts, but also making them more superficial. Then it becomes a characteristic increased sensitivity to verbal stimuli, especially to the censures, care from acute conflict situations and from such traumatic factors as a shortage of time, elements of competition.

For patients with ulcerative disease, anxiety, irritability, an increased durability and a sharp sense of duty are characteristic. This is exactly what they mean when they say that the stomach ulcers arise not from what you eat, but from what "eats" you. Yazwhenniks are characterized by a reduced self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, decisiveness, susceptibility, uncertainty in herself, and at the same time increased demanding to itself, imperitiousness. In scientific literature, there are facts that testify that ulcerative colitis is often provoked by a blow to self-esteem and the deprivation of social support. It is noted that these people show a reduced ability to active self-defense and strive to do much more than really can. They are typical of the trend towards active overcoming difficulties in combination with strong internal anxiety. It is assumed that the indicated anxiety generates the state of the voltage, which may be accompanied by spasms of smooth muscles, the walls of the digestive organs and their vessels. The upcoming deterioration of blood supply (ischemia) leads to a decrease in the resilience of these

tissue, digesting their gastric juice and to the subsequent formation of ulcers. Moreover, the probability of occurrence of repeated exacerbations of the disease is higher than the less corrected self-assessment associated with the specified psychological peculiarities.

Upon other things being equal, stress is easier to carry people, capable of reducing the subjective importance of the negative effects of the impact of the stressor with the help of argument. They seek to foresee further development of events and refer to the situation with humor.

Thus, each person reacts in different ways to the external stressor. This is manifested by his individuality. Consequently, personal features are most closely related to the form of response to stressor and the likelihood of developing negative consequences. Consider psychological mechanisms that cause inadequate response to the external stressor and ways to optimize the emotional state.

19.2. Regulation of emotional states

The problem of regulating emotional states is one of the most difficult in psychology and simultaneously refers to both fundamental and applied problems. In the course of general psychology, we will get acquainted with this problem only in general, since when studying other disciplines, you will repeatedly return to it.

It should be noted that there are many approaches to the study of both the regulation of emotional states and mental mechanisms causing stress. We will consider only a few approaches. The first of these, submitted by the works of F. B. Berezina, is based on the following provisions: Adaptation proceeds at all levels of human organization, including in the mental sphere;

mental adaptation is a central link in the overall adaptation of a person, since it is precisely the character of mental regulation determines the nature of adaptation in general. Berezin also believes that the mechanisms of mental adaptation, and, consequently, the regulation of mental states lie in the intraxicheskic sphere.

To the number of mechanisms that determine the success of adaptation, Berezin refers the mechanisms of opposition to the alarm - a variety of forms psychological protection and compensation. Psychological protection is a special regulatory personality stabilization system, aimed at eliminating or minimizing a sense of anxiety associated with the awareness of any conflict. The main function of psychological protection is the "fencing" of the sphere of consciousness from negative, trauming experiences. In a broad sense, this term is used to designate any behavior, including inadequate, aimed at eliminating discomfort.

Berezin allocates four types of psychological protection: preventing the awareness of the threat factors that cause anxiety; allowing to fix the alarm; reducing the level of motivation; Eliminating the alarm. Conducted

the studies have discovered a natural change of the mechanisms of intrapsihichic adaptation and allowed us to say that various forms of psychological protection have various capabilities to resist the alarm and other negative states. More tists, it was found that there is a certain hierarchy of psychological protection types. When one form of protection is not able to resist the alarm, the other form of protection "turns on". Berezin was also found that violation of the mechanisms of mental adaptation or the use of inadequate forms of protection can lead to the somatization of anxiety, i.e., the direction of anxiety on the formation of presets, or to the final disappearance of adaptation. This is because the alarm, like any other emotional state, is associated with the vegetative and humoral regulation of the body, i.e., in the event of this state, certain physiological changes occur. It should be noted that the use of an individual inadequate form of psychological protection and the emergence of hypertrels is always accompanied by supernature, more significant in its intensity than the usual motivation. As a rule, in this situation there is a condition due to the blockade of motivational behavior known as frustration.

Frustration is the mental state of a person caused by objectively irresistible difficulties that have arisen when the goal or solving the problem is achieved. Follow mark, that the term "frustration" is used in modern scientific literature in different values. Very often under frustration understand the form of emotional stress. In some works, this term refers to fruitating situations, in other ~ mental state, but always refer to the mismatch between the behavioral process and the result, that is, the behavior of the individual does not correspond to the situation, and therefore it does not reach the goal to which she strives, and Even on the contrary, it can come to a completely opposite result.

Significant to adapt fruitating situations are usually associated with a wide range. needs which cannot be satisfied in a particular situation. As you already know, the need is a state of an individual created by the need for themselves in anything. There are a variety of classifications of the most significant of them. P. V. Simonov, for example, allocates biological, social and ideal. A. Maslu argues that there is a certain hierarchy of needs, where the highest are social needs.

The inability to satisfy this or that need causes a certain mental tension. In the case of the reorganization of a whole complex of needs or obligations, when a person is trying to solve two or more mutually exclusive tasks, mental stress reaches the highest limits and the result is a condition that causes a violation of adequacy of behavior, i.e. the frustration. As a rule, this state arises as a result of a certain conflict that is called called intrapsychiatric conflictor conflict motives. The incompatibility and collision of opposing identity trends inevitably prevent the construction of holistic integrative behavior inevitably and encourages the risk of disrupting adaptation.

It is with the situation of an intraxicheskic conflict directly related to emotional stress. The probability of the occurrence of intraxihic conflict is largely due to the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere. Numerous studies have shown the role of cognitive elements in the development of stress, and the discrepancy between the cognitive elements (cognitive dissonance) entails increasing tension, and the greater the inconsistency, the higher the tension that leads to a violation of behavior integration.

Integration of behavior is the relationship system between the elements of the psychic personality structure, which allows successfully solving the tasks in the interests of adapting the individual, and first of all achieve consistency of its motives and environmental requirements. Integration of behavior is implemented through such psychological education as an installation, attitude, role-playing structures. The intraptsychies conflict of relations, which are formed on the basis of role-playing and personal installations, can lead to disorganization of behavior and violation of the prevailing Personal Stroke - "I-image", "I-concept", self-esteem. At the same time, the disorganization of behavior will be accompanied by a negative emotional background, since emotions are conjugate with motifs and ensure the implementation of some regulatory functions, while the integration of emotions into a single system determines the nature of the emotional state.

Building integrated behavior - significant part adaptation process. Violation of behavior at any level of integration is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of mental adaptation, an increase in frustration tension and relevant physiological shifts. Depending on how our behavior is integrated, i.e., it is integral, consciously and subordinated to a certain goal, so high in our frustration threshold, which can be considered as a measure of the potential stability of mental adaptation and the ability to resist the emerging voltage.

One of the most important component elements of the personality structure affecting the level of integration of behavior, and therefore, the process of adaptation in general is the "I-Concept". "I-concept" - it is relatively stable, more or less conscious and experienced as a unique system of representations of an individual about himself, on the basis of which he builds his interaction with other people and belongs to himself. As follows from this definition, "I-Concept" is a system of relations of a person to himself and the surrounding items, people and other phenomena. All the information that a person receives from the external environment is perceived in the context of a system of such relationships, and, based on the degree of compliance or inconsistency with its goals, from the fact that the information obtained is increasing - a threat or approval - a person builds his behavior. It is no coincidence that "I-Concept" is the core of the human self-regulation system. At the heart of the "I-Concept" lie self-esteem and the level of claims reflecting the general focus of the motivational sphere focused on achieving success (motivation of achievement) or to avoid failures (avoidance motivation). In turn, the study of motivation showed the relationship between the nature of the motivation and the choice of behavioral strategies, as well as the features of adaptation to the conditions of the changing medium. When prevailing the motivation of achievement, behavior is distinguished by the lack of visible anxiety, and vice versa, the motivation of avoidance failures is accompanied by manifestation of anxiety.

Since we started talking about the system of personality relations, it is impossible not to remember about V. N. Mezishchev - the author of the concept of personality relations. According to Mezishchev, the system of relations is the core of the person. This system is formed under the influence of the reflection of human consciousness. This concept has been widely used in medical psychology, especially in the field of research and treatment. neuroses.

Neurosis is a group of neuropsychiatric disorders, psychogenic in nature, which are a consequence of a long or excessive intensive emotional stress. The main cause of neurosis is a violation of the emotional communication regulation system, caused by the contradiction between the installations and the views of the person and the external reality, that is, the basis of such a violation is an intraxichic conflict.

Neurosis, being neuropsychic disorder, is accompanied by vegetative manifestations: muscle tension, tremor, heart impairment, anxiety, a sense of depression, headaches, weakness. Moreover, these vegetative changes do not occur immediately, but gradually. First of all, sleep changes. It becomes superficial, man easily wakes up. Gradually changes the sensitivity of a person to external stimuli. Sound, light, conversations unusually annoyed by a person. Even the noise of the usual level can become intolerable. Increased sensitivity protrudes, on the one hand, as an adaptive mechanism for a lack of information, providing an influx of additional signals with which you can resolve the situation. On the other hand, the increased sensitivity makes a person more susceptible to any stimulus and manifests itself as excessive planetness, impatience, explosive, and also in the form of pain in response to weak signals from the inner medium that were not previously perceived.

However, the main feature of neurosis is the conflict. The conflict is based on most neurosis and is always accompanied by extremely intense experiences. Experiences may be different. For example, the feeling of your guilt, its omission, as a result of which the traumatic situation arose, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that the experiences become a source of neurosis only if they are particularly significant for humans. Therefore, the majority of emotional, or interspicious, conflicts that served as the cause of the disease are by nature social. For example, a person is ill dispelled because he became a victim of injustice, but because the injustice (real or apparent) disrupted his ideas about justice, his faith in good and evil, in the meaning of human existence.

Thus, we approached the fact that emotional stress is most often related to social phenomena, i.e., emotional stress is an inseparable part of a human social adaptation. As a result of our many years of experimental studies of this problem, we concluded that there are identity characteristics that are determined by the adaptation man in most Diverse conditions. These Characteristics are formed in the process of human life, and their number primarily include the level of neuropsychic stability, self-esteem, the feeling of its importance for others (social reference), the level of conflict, communication experience, moral and moral orientation, orientation The nearest environment.

All these characteristics were interrelated with each other with a detailed study. Moreover, they form one integral characteristic, which was called us personal adaptation potential. This feature is considered by us as a systemic property of the individual, which lies in the ability of the personality to adapt to the conditions of the social environment. The higher the level of development of this property, the more severe and harsh conditions of the social environment can adapt a person.

During the experimental studies, it was found that, even in a real threat to life, people with higher adaptive potential not only have more chances to survive, but they can successfully fulfill their professional duties. It should also be noted that subsequently a person with a higher level of development of the adaptive personality potential have more chances compared to other to restore the functional state of the body and return to normal life.

There are other approaches to considering the problem of regulating emotional states and emotional stress. We will not consider them, since in the process of studying other learning items you will get acquainted with them in more detail. We will end this chapter with the consideration of the practical aspects of the regulation of emotional states.

R. M. Granovskaya divides all strategies to exit the intense situation into three groups: change or eliminate the problem; reduce its intensity due to the displacement of its point of view on it; Easy its impact by incorporating a number of methods.

A key role in managing its condition is the awareness of life goals and correlation with them specific values. The faster the person will determine his life values \u200b\u200band goals, he has more chances to avoid the negative consequences of a suddenly emerged excessive emotional tension, since a person who made a major life choice, largely determined all further decisions and thus got rid of herses and fears. Finding into a difficult situation, he correlates its importance with its main life guidelines. The timeliness of such weighing normalizes its condition. At the same time, the critical situation is considered against the background of a general perspective, such as the whole person's life, as a result of which the importance of this situation can sharply decrease. A lot of examples are known when accidents happened to people from which it was possible to recover within a few hours. But the reaction to them was so inadequate, so incomprehensible with personal valuables, which developed significant vital crises. Therefore, adverse effects arise often not because of the cases themselves, but because of the reaction to them.

Thus, one of the main ways to avoid excessive emotional stress is the harmonious development of the personality of a person,

he has an independent idea worldview. Moreover, this development begins with the first days of human life, and its success largely depends on how skillfully build the educational process of the child's parents, and then teachers at school, as far as the state takes care of the growing of the younger generation, and from a lot of each other.

The next way to regulate emotional states, according to Granovskaya, is the right choice of the moment to make decisions or implement its plan. As you know, the extreme situation leads to a narrowing of consciousness, which leads to a violation of orientation in the surrounding. Anxiety, excitement change the strategy of behavior. The man struck by the confusion seeks to avoid the slightest risk, it is afraid to go in the direction that it faces delusions and mistakes, so every new information he seeks to tie with a similar, already known to him. In this situation, a person often makes mistakes, accepting the wrong decision. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to choose the right time to implement your plans in a difficult, emotionally intense situation.

Another way to reduce emotional stress is to weaken motivation. For example, refuse to achieve a goal or reduce emotional tensions through an arbitrary transfer of attention, concentrating it not to significantly the result of the activities performed, but on the analysis of technical details of the task or tactical receptions.

To create an optimal emotional state, first of all, it is necessary to correctly assess the significance of the eventful event, since it affects a person not so much the intensity and duration of real events as their individual value. When an event is seen as an emergency, even a small intensity factor can cause disadaptation. It must also be borne in mind that with strong emotional excitation, the personality characteristics of the person play a very significant role in the evaluation of the event. So, a good forecast becomes even more optimistic with an optimist, and bad - even more gloomy in pessimist. However, in order to correctly evaluate the event, a complete awareness of it is necessary. The larger amount of information on an exciting issue is a person, the less likely an emotional breakdown. From here it follows that all the forces need to increase the amount of information that exciting you. At the same time, awareness should be diverse.

Granovskaya highlights another way to combat emotional stress and emotional tension. This method is in advance prepared retreat strategies. The presence of a spare option of behavior in a particular situation reduces excessive excitement and makes a more likely success of solving the problem on the general direction. Without having prepared an alternative decision, a person unreasonably pessimistic assesses the situation that may arise in the case of failure of the main option. Having a backup option, in the case of failure, the first person is easier to accept the failure and maintain the optimistic location of the Spirit. Consequently, spare strategies reduce the fear of the unfavorable development of events and thereby contribute to creating an optimal background to solve the problem.

In addition to the listed ways to exit stressful situations, it should be borne in mind that it is pointless to fight against what is already accomplished by the fact. Under some circumstances, when the continuation of effort is also turning into unsuccessful attempts to "knock the wall of the LBU", a person is useful to temporarily abandon the efforts to immediately achieve the goal, to realize the real situation and its defeat. Then he will be able to save forces for a new attempt at a more favorable setting. In addition, in the event of a lesion, it is not harmful to produce a general revaluation of the situation by the type "not very much and wanted." A decrease in the subjective importance of the event helps to move back to pre-prepared positions and prepare for the next storm without any extra spending of forces. It is no coincidence that in ancient times in the east people asked in their prayer:

"Lord, give me strength to cope with what I can do, give me the courage to accept the fact that I can't do, and give me wisdom to distinguish one of the other."

Control questions

1. Tell us about stress as a non-specific reaction of the body.

2. Give the classification of species of mental stress.

3. Name the conditions for the occurrence of information and emotional stress.

4. What are the individual features in the manifestation of stress?

5. What mechanisms of regulation of mental states do you know?

6. What is an intraxihic conflict?

7. What ways to avoid excessive emotional voltage do you know?

1. Berezin F. B. Mental and psychophysiological adaptation of a person. - L.: Science, 1988.

2. Granovskaya R. M. Elements of practical psychology. - SPb.: Light, 1997.

3. Isard K. E. Psychology of emotions. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

4. Rubinstein S. L. Basics of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.

5. Seld Stress without a distress. - Riga: Wieneda, 1992.

6. Simonov II. IN. Motivated Brain: Higher Nervous Activities and Natural Science Basics of General Psychology / Ot. ed. V. S. Rusinov. - M.: Science, 1987.

7. Simonov P. V. Emotional brain. Physiology. Neuroanatimia. Psychology of emotions. - M.: Science, 1981.

8. Fress P., Piaget J. Experimental psychology / Sat. Articles. Per. With Fr.:

Vol. 6. - M.: Progress, 1978.

The problem of regulating emotional states is one of the most difficult in psychology and simultaneously refers to both fundamental and applied problems. In the course of general psychology, we will get acquainted with this problem only in general, since when studying other disciplines, you will repeatedly return to it.

It should be noted that there are many approaches to the study of both the regulation of emotional states and mental mechanisms causing stress. We will consider only a few approaches. The first of these, submitted by the works of F. B. Berezina, is based on the following provisions: Adaptation proceeds to the human organization levels, incl. in the mental sphere; Mental adaptation is a central link in the overall adaptation of a person, since it is precisely the character of mental regulation determines the nature of adaptation in general. Berezin also believes that the mechanisms of mental adaptation, and, consequently, the regulation of mental states lie in the intraxicheskic sphere.

To the number of mechanisms predetermining the success of adaptation, Berezin refers the mechanisms of opposition to the alarm are a variety of forms of psychological protection and compensation. Psychological protection is a special regulatory personality stabilization system, aimed at eliminating or minimizing a sense of anxiety associated with the awareness of any conflict. The main function of psychological protection is'' fraction''''''''s the sphere of consciousness from negative, trauming the personality of experiences. In a broad sense, this term is used to designate any behavior, incl. and inadequate aimed at eliminating discomfort.

Berezin allocates four types of psychological protection: preventing the awareness of the threat factors that cause anxiety; allowing to fix the alarm; reducing the level of motivation; Eliminating the alarm. Conducted

the studies have discovered a natural change of the mechanisms of intrapsihichic adaptation and allowed us to say that various forms of psychological protection have various capabilities to resist the alarm and other negative states. Moreover, it was found that there is a determined hierarchy of psychological protection types. When one form of protection is not able to resist the alarm, then''vets the other form of protection. Berezin was also found that violation of the mechanisms of mental adaptation or the use of inadequate forms of protection can lead to the somatization of anxiety, i.e., the direction of anxiety on the formation of pre-painful states, or to the final disappearance of adaptation. This is because the anxiety, like any other emotional state, is associated with the vegging and humoral regulation of the body, i.e., when this state occurs, certain physiological changes occur. It should be noted that the use of an individual inadequate form of psychological protection and the occurrence of the hyperteres of the EXTERNAL is accompanied by supernature, more significant in its intensity than the usual motivation. As a rule, in this situation there is a condition due to the blockade of motivational behavior, known as frustration.

Frustration is the mental state of a person caused by objectively irresistible difficulties that have arisen when the goal or solving the problem is achieved. It should be noted that the term''frustration''''''' applies in modern scientific literature in different values. Very often under frustration understand the form of emotional stress. In some works, this term refers to fruitating situations, in others - a mental state, but in the whole, meaning the mismatch between the behavioral process and the result, i.e., the behavior of the individual does not correspond to the situation, and therefore it does not reach the goal to which he wants to seek , and even on the contrary, can come to a completely opposite result.

Essential for adaptation fruitating situations are usually associated with a wide range of needs that are not satisfied in any situation. As you already know, the need is a state of an individual created by the need for themselves in anything. There are a variety of classifications of the most significant of them. P. V. Simonov, for example, highlights biological, social and ideal. A. Maslu argues that there is a determined hierarchy of needs, where social needs are among the highest.

The inability to satisfy this or that need causes a determined mental stress. In the case of the reorganization of a whole complex of needs or their incidents, when a person is trying to solve two or more mutually exclusive tasks, mental stress reaches the highest limits and the result is a state that causes a violation of adequacy of behavior, i.e. frustration. As a rule, this state arises as a result of some conflict, which is customary to be called an intraxihic conflict, or conflict of motives. The incompatibility characteristic of the intraxicheskic conflict and the collision of opposing identity trends inevitably prevent the construction of holistic integrative behavior and increase the risk of disrupting adaptation.

It is with the situation of an intraxicheskic conflict directly related to emotional stress. The probability of the occurrence of intraxihic conflict is largely due to the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere. Numerous studies have shown the role of cognitive elements in the development of stress, and the discrepancy between the cognitive elements (cognitive dissonance) entails increasing tension, and the greater the inconsistency, the higher the tension that leads to a violation of behavior integration.

Integration of behavior is the relationship system between the elements of the psychic personality structure, which allows successfully solving the tasks in the interests of adapting the individual, and first of all achieve consistency of its motives and environmental requirements. Integration of behavior is implemented through such psychological education as an installation, attitude, role-playing structures. The intrapsis-chic conflict of relations that are formed on the basis of role-playing and personal installations can lead to disorganization of behavior and violation of the prevailing Personal Stroke -''i-image''''i-concept''', self-esteem. At the same time, the disorganization of behavior will be accompanied by a negative emotional background, since emotions are conjugate with motifs and ensure the implementation of some regulatory functions, while the integration of emotions into a single system determines the nature of the emotional state.

Construction of integrated behavior is an essential part of the adaptation process. Violation of behavior at any level of integration is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of mental adaptation, an increase in frustration tension and relevant physiological shifts. Depending on how our behavior is integrated, i.e., it is integral, consciously and subordinate to a certain goal, so high by our frustration threshold, which can be considered as a measure of the potential stability of mental adaptation and the ability to resist the emerging voltage.

One of the most important components of the personality structure affecting the level of integration of behavior, and therefore, the process of adaptation as a whole is''i-concept''' '. ''I-concept'' 'is relatively stable, more or less conscious and experienced as a unique system of representations of an individual about itself, on the basis of which he builds his interaction with other people and belongs to himself. As follows from this definition, '' koieception'''''a is a system of relations of a person to himself and the surrounding items, people and other phenomena. All the information that a person receives from the external environment is perceived in the context of a system of such relationships, and, based on the degree of compliance or inconsistency with its goals, from the fact that the information obtained is increasing - a threat or approval - a person builds his behavior. It is no coincidence that it's a matter of the core of the human self-regulation system. In the root''i concept''''a lie and the level of claims, reflecting the overall focus of the motivation sphere, focused on achieving success (motivation of achievement) or to avoid failures (avoiding motivation). In turn, the study of motivation showed the relationship between the nature of the motivation and the choice of behavioral strategies, as well as the features of adaptation to the conditions of the changing medium. When prevailing the motivation of achievement, behavior is notable

the visible anxiety, and on the contrary, the motivation of avoiding failures is accompanied by alarm manifestation.

Since we started talking about the system of personality relations, it is impossible not to remember about V. N. Mezishchev - the author of the concept of personality relations. According to Mezishchev, the system of relations is the core of the person. This system is formed under the influence of the reflection of human consciousness. This concept has been widely used in medical psychology, especially in the field of research and treatment of neurosis.

Neurosis is a group of neuropsychiatric disorders, psychogenic in nature, which are a consequence of a long or excessive intensive emotional stress. The main cause of neurosis is a violation of the emotional communication regulation system, caused by the contradiction between the installations and the views of the person and the external reality, that is, in the base of such a violation there is an intraxicheskic conflict.

Neurosis, being neuropsychic disorder, is accompanied by vegetative manifestations: muscle tension, tremor, heart impairment, anxiety, a sense of depression, headaches, weakness. Moreover, these vegetative changes do not occur immediately, but gradually. Before the dream changes. It becomes superficial, man easily wakes up. Gradually changes the sensitivity of a person to external stimuli. Sound, light, conversations unusually annoyed by a person. Even the noises of usually gobrovnya can become indifferent. Increased sensitivity protrudes, on the one hand, as an adaptive mechanism for a lack of information, providing an influx of additional signals with which you can resolve the situation. On the other hand, the increased sensitivity makes a person more susceptible to any stimulus and manifests itself as excessive planetness, impatience, explosive, and also in the form of pain in response to weak signals from the inner medium that were not previously perceived.

At the same time, the main feature of neurosis is the conflict. The conflict is found in the basis of most neurosis and intensively accompanied by extremely intense experiences. Experiences are different. For example, the feeling of their guilt, its omission, as a result of which the traumatic situation arose, etc.
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At the same time, it should be noted that the experiences become a source of neurosis only if they are particularly significant for humans. For this reason, most emotional, or intrapsihic, conflicts that caused the disease is inheress in nature. For example, a person is ill not because he has become a victim of injustice, but because injustice (real or apparent) has violated his ideas about justice, his faith in good and evil, in the meaning of human existence.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, we approached the fact that the emotional stress is more likely to be associated with social phenomena, i.e., emotional stress is an inseparable part of a human social adaptation. As a result of our many years of experimental studies of this problem, we concluded that there are identity characteristics that determine

successful person's adaptation in a wide variety of conditions. These characteristics are formed in the process of human life, and their number primarily include the level of neuropsychiatric sustainability, self-assessment of the personality, the feeling of its significance for others (social referment), the level of conflict, the experience of communication, the moral and moral Orientation, orientation on the demands of the nearest environment.

All these characteristics were interrelated with each other with a detailed study. Moreover, they form one integral characteristic, which was named by our personal adaptation potential. This characteristic is considered by us as a systemic property of the personality, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ consists in personality ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment. The higher the level of development of this property, the more severe and harsh conditions of the social environment can adapt a person.

During the experimental studies, it was found that even in conditions of a real threat to life, people with higher adaptive potential not only have more chances to leisurely, but can successfully carry out professional duties. It should also be noted that subsequently a person with a higher level of development of the adaptive personality potential have more chances compared to other to restore the functional state of the body and return to normal life.

There are other approaches to considering the problem of regulating emotional states and emotional stress. We will not consider them, since in the process of studying other learning items you will get acquainted with them in more detail. We will end this chapter with the consideration of the practical aspects of the regulation of emotional states.

R. M. Granovskaya divides the allotment strategy from a busy situation into three groups: change or eliminate the problem; reduce its intensity due to the displacement of its point of view on it; Easy its impact by incorporating a number of methods.

A key role in management is played by awareness of life-purpose and correlation with them of specific values. The faster the person will determine his vital values \u200b\u200band goals, the more chances of avoiding the negative consequences of a suddenly emerged excessive emotional tension, since a person who made a major life choice, largely determined all further decisions and thus got rid of herses and fears . Finding into a difficult situation, he correlates its importance with its main life guidelines. The timeliness of such weighing normalizes its condition. At the same time, the critical situation is considered against the background of a common perspective, for example of a human life, thanks to which the importance of this situation can sharply decrease. A lot of examples are known when accidents happened to people from which it was possible to recover within a few hours. But the reaction to them was so inadequate, so incomprehensible with personal valuables, which developed significant vital crises. For this reason, adverse effects arise often not because of the cases themselves, but due to the reaction to them.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, one of the basic ways to avoid excessive emotional stress is the harmonious development of the personality of a person, odds

he has an independent idea worldview. Moreover, this development begins with the first days of human life, and its success largely depends on how skillfully build the educational process of the child's parents, and then teachers at school, as far as the state takes care of the growing of the younger generation, and from a lot of each other.

The following method of regulation of emotional states, according to Granovskaya, is the right choice of a moment to make a decision or implementing its plan. As you know, the extreme situation leads to a narrowing of consciousness, which leads to a violation of orientation in the surrounding. Anxiety, excitement change the strategy of behavior. The man struck by the confusion seeks to avoid the slightest risk, it is afraid to go in the direction, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ threatens with delusions and mistakes, in connection with this, every new information he seeks to tie with a similar, already known to him. In this situation, a person often makes mistakes, accepting the wrong decision. For this reason, it is extremely important to learn how to choose the moment to implement their plans in a difficult, emotionally intense situation.

Another way to reduce emotional stress is to weaken motivation. For example, to abandon the time from achieving the goal or reduce emotional tensions through an arbitrary transfer of attention, concentrating it not to significantly the result of the activities performed, but on the analysis of technical details of the task or tactical receptions.

It is important to note that to create an optimal emotional state, first of all, it is necessary to correctly assess the significance of the eventful event, since there is not so much the intensity and duration of real events, as their individual value. When an event is perceived as an emergency, then even a small intensity factor can cause disadaptation. It must also be borne in mind that with strong emotional excitation, the personality characteristics of the person play a very significant role in the evaluation of the event. So, a good forecast becomes even more optimistic about the optimist and bad - even more gloomy in pessimist. At the same time, in order to correctly evaluate the event, a complete awareness of it is necessary. The larger amount of information on an exciting issue is a person, the less likely an emotional breakdown. From here it follows that all-resistant forces need to increase the amount of information about the problem exciting you. At the same time, awareness should be diverse.

Granovskaya highlights another way to combat emotional stress and emotional tension. This method consists in pre-prepared retreat strategies. The presence of a spare behavior in any situation reduces excessive excitation and makes a more likely success of solving the problem in the general direction. Without having prepared an alternative decision, a person unreasonably pessimistic assesses the situation that may arise in the case of failure of the main option. Having a backup option, in the case of failure, the first person is easier to accept the failure and maintain the optimistic location of the Spirit. Consequently, spare strategies reduce the fear of the unfavorable development of events and thereby contribute to creating an optimal background to solve the problem.

In addition to the listed ways to exit stressful situations, it should be borne in mind that it is pointless to fight against what is already accomplished by the fact. Under certain circumstances, when the continuation of effort turns into unsuccessful attempts to 'apitate the wall of LBU'', a person is useful to temporarily abandon the efforts to immediately achieve the goal, to realize the actual situation and defeat. Then he will be able to save forces for a new attempt at a more favorable setting. In addition, in the event of a lesion, it is not harmful to produce a general revaluation of the situation on the type "one very much and wanted. A decrease in the subjective importance of the event helps to move back to pre-prepared positions and prepare for the next storm without any extra spending of forces. It is no coincidence that in deep antiquity in the east people asked in their prayer: ''goditz, give me strength to cope with what I can do, give me the courage to come to terms with what I can't do, and give me wisdom to distinguish One of the other'''''''

Control questions

1. Tell us about stress as a non-specific reaction of the body.

2. Give the classification of species of mental stress.

3. Name the conditions for the occurrence of information and emotional stress.

4. What are the individual features in the manifestation of stress?

5. What mechanisms of regulation of mental states do you know?

6. What is an intraxihic conflict?

7. What ways to avoid excessive emotional voltage do you know?

1.Besin F. B. Mental and psycho-physiological adaptation of a person. - L.: Science, 1988.

2.Granovskaya R. M. Elements of practical psychology. - SPb.: Light, 1997.

3.Izard K. E. Psychology of emotions. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

4.Rubinshtein S. L. Basics of general psychology. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

5. The city of Stress without Disteres. - Riga: Wieneda, 1992.

6.Simons P.V. Motivated Brain: Higher Nervous Activities and Natural Science Fundamentals of General Psychology / T. ed. V. S. Rusinov. - M.: Science, 1987.

7.Simonov P. V. Emotional Moz. Physiology. Neuroanatimia. Psychology of emotions. - M.: Science, 1981.

8. Fress P., Piaget J. Experimental Psychology / Sat. Articles. Per.
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with Fr.: Vol. 6. - M.: Progress, 1978.

Regulation of emotional states is the concept and types. Classification and features of the "Regulation of emotional states" 2017, 2018.