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» Collective style of work. Personnel Management Principles

Collective style of work. Personnel Management Principles

Have you ever noticed that your work is built in accordance with a certain stereotype? The most stable characteristics that are manifested in behavior daily are reflected in the "working style preferred by us.

Sometimes we unconsciously act in accordance with a certain stereotype. There is a feeling that we are "driven" a given style that we have no other choice and the other way to achieve the goal. Working styles are often called "drivers" (from the English - moving, lead in motion). One person has a combination of two or three work styles, but most often one working style is expressed in behavior. The awareness of its own work style, with its inherent in the strong and weak parties, helps us compare your behavior with the behavior of our opponent and discover new opportunities for effective interaction. According to the author and developer of this theory of Julia Hay (Hay J. Ta for Trainers. McGraw-Hill, 1992), there are five working styles that have their strengths and weaknesses. We give the brief characteristics of each style.

People with this style copes well with the work that you need to do in a short time, have time to make a lot of things in a short time. They feel at the height if they cope with the tasks in the shortest possible time, and are experiencing energy peak in a state of stress and voltage. Their main advantage is the number of work performed.

However, they pay little attention to the preparation, in the presence of free time, they can postpone the start of work "For then", until it becomes urgent, and only then proceed to its implementation, as a result of which errors may be allowed. From here - the loss of time on their correction, and in the end, work may not be executed on time. The ability to quickly think can lead to the impatient of these people in relation to a slower colleagues - often they say too quickly, interrupt others and even finish their suggestions for them, leading to misunderstanding and useless disputes. Tightly planning your schedule of meetings, they are forced to rush from one meeting to another, sometimes ahead of time leaving one and late for the next one.

"Be perfect (best)"

People with this style - the opposite of the "hurry". They pronounced the desire to "be perfect": no errors in work, everything must be done well. They are distinguished by organizationalness, as they know how to look into the future, plan work and develop a strategy to overcome potential difficulties. They are difficult to catch surprise; Work they have a systematic and efficiently. You can rely on them when you need to work carefully. Accuracy, attention to detail, carefulness is their strengths. Unfortunately, difficulties occur when the work should be done strictly on time, since, striving to issue a perfect end product, they are long and painstakingly seek possible errors, insignificant changes are constantly contributed. They can provide a client too much information and to stun it. They carefully choose words and expressions, often using long phrases, unfamiliar words and technical terms that can be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

"Radu in others"

People with such a style usually good team members. They are supporters of harmony, possess good intuition and are attentive to feelings of other people. Their task is to please people, even when they are not asked about it. They guess what people need, and try to satisfy their desires. Next to people of such a style work well, as they are able to show patience and understanding. They are attentive to the feelings of others and can rally the team that the opinion of each of its member will be taken into account. Showing sincere interest and care for other people, they can encourage and calm down a person who is experiencing a difficult task. Unfortunately, they sometimes try to be unnecessary "good"! In an effort to preserve a good relationship, they can refrain from saying their own opinions and allow others to implement initially erroneous ideas, not speaking truth, so as not to offend another person. And then they suffer when people are angry at them because they did not warn them about failure.


This working style is associated with the desire to invest all the forces into performing any task, so people with such a style do everything with enthusiasm. The peak of energy they test when you need to do something new, and they like that you can appreciate and use all the possibilities. All aspects of the task will be carefully analyzed. People appreciate this approach and ability to move the deal from the dead point. The leaders are especially appreciated in such employees what they are often voluntarily taken for performing new tasks.

However, people with such a style often lack patience in achieving the final result, for initial interest and enthusiasm will fade long before the task is fulfilled. Attention to unnecessary to a large number of aspects makes their work and lengthens its execution time, and even if most of the work has already been completed, they continue to think about how to solve the problem in a different way, before agreeing with the fact that the work is completed.

"Stay strong"

People with this style retain calm in the stress and intense situation, they are well overcome crisis moments. Such people are inspired when you need to show exposure and durability. They have a strong sense of debt, and they show perseverance even when performing unpleasant tasks and instructions. They are in difficult situations that are able to think logical and take reasonable decisions, while others fall into panic. Due to non-trafficability and ability to solve any working issues, such people invariably consider reliable and balanced employees of the organization.

Their problem is that it is difficult for them to recognize their weaknesses and any failure they tend to qualify as weakness. It is easier for them to overload themselves with work than asking colleagues about help. They can hide their difficulties, "hiding" work, and with full external order on the desktop challenges of working documents can be accumulated in the drawer of this table. Colleagues may feel uncomfortable due to the lack of their manifestations of emotions. This is especially manifested when most people are experiencing stress. They are difficult to understand because they are not inclined to show their feelings.

Diagnosis of "Work Style" and its use in practice

The above characteristics are clearly manifested in behavior, which makes it possible to quite accurately diagnose the predominance of one or another style in a particular person.

An analysis of these behavioral features has found practical application in our company in the selection of personnel, in the work of evaluation and development centers, during business games, individual consultations and coaching. Analyzing the behavior of applicants to specific job positions during interviews with them, we revealed certain trends in the manifestation of workstation depending on the professional activities of candidates.

So, it turned out that employees of economic specialties are much more often, compared to other specialists, show the style of "be perfect". The most characteristic of employees of the service sector is the style of "Radules Others". Style "Try" typical for workers from PR and marketing. Production engineers are more consistent with the behavioral manifestations of the style "be strong" - "overcoming difficulties to anything", and specialists in the field of human resources are often expressed by the style of "Hurry".

If we talk about the analysis of organizations and companies, then they most often adhere to only one work style, which is reflected in what kind of people they value and invite to work. For example, bureaucratic organizations adhere to the style of "be perfect", as, however, the law firms where accuracy and scrupulsiness are necessary. In ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, calm and prudence is needed to help people in a critical situation ("be strong").

Advantages of awareness of their work style

How can I use knowledge of your work style? First of all, you should consciously take up the strengths of your preferred work style, without taking into account his weaknesses. Knowing the weaknesses of your work style will understand how you organize your working time. You can appropriately adjust the planning of the working day and your behavior.

If you are characterized by a working style "Hurry", you should plan a sufficient amount of time to perform the task, especially for the preparation stage that you are especially inclined to shorten. Sometimes you need to consciously slow down work, especially when it is necessary that other people have time to "digest" information. It is necessary to learn to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting it, and sometimes asked to make sure that you understood it correctly. It is also important to learn to ask people about their needs, and not to build their own assumptions on this.

If you are a "perfectionist" ("be perfect"), you need to relax more often and take what you are imperfect. Errors are an important part of the learning process. "The experience is the son of difficult mistakes." You must understand that it is important to comply with the timing of work and see the final goal.

If you are used to constantly "delight" others (the working style "Radules others"), then do not let yourself load yourself with unnecessary requests and unnecessary requests, you must learn to firmly say "no" - often, in order to save reasonable boundaries, only a solid failure is needed. spoken in polite uniform.

If you are all the time "try and trying" to do anything (try the work style "Try"), then you need to control your feeling of boredom at the project completion stages. Sometimes you just need to overcome yourself and continue the work, despite the focusing interest in this lesson.


Stock Foto Vasily Smirny, Coupler

The management style is a way to whom the manager manages subordinate to him by employees, as well as independent of the specific management situage, a sample of the behavior of the head. With the help of the installed control style, job satisfaction can be achieved and the performance of employees can be encouraged. At the same time, the optimal control style does not exist and talk about the advantage of a particular control style, you can only for a specific management situation.

The following control styles are distinguished.

Task-oriented management style

The efforts of the manager are concentrated on the task that must be performed, at the same time, according to the bizani, the head:

    hurts insufficient work;

    encourages slower employees to make more efforts;

gives special importance to the volume of work;

manages the iron;

draws attention to the fact that his staff work with full return;

encourages employees by pressing and manipulating to even greater efforts;

requires greater returns from low-speed employees.

The studies of Halpina-Wiener and Peltsy show that such executives:

    often more positively characterized by their superiors than personal-oriented leaders;

    it is positively evaluated by their employees if the leaders have the effect of "upstairs".

Personal oriented management style

With this level of control in the spotlight, employees are with their needs and expectations. By bizani, head:

    draws attention to the health of employees; cares about good relations with their subordinates; drawn with his subordinates as equal;

    supports its employees in what they do or should do;

    starting for its employees.

The head who manages, focusing on person, cannot, however, to immediately count on the full satisfaction of the staff. For this, the impact and respect of the head "Upstairs" is important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

Three problems inherent in the management style:

  1. The results that must be achieved using the control style contain several components that cannot be collected together.
  2. The absolutization of the control style is considered as a method with which labor productivity increases.
  3. The management situation is seen as unchanged, while over time it may change and the manager must, accordingly, change its attitude towards individual employees.
Control styles can be single and multidimensional. The control style is one-dimensional, if one evaluation criterion is considered. One-dimensional are authoritarian, corporate and other management styles, and the first and second styles polarly differ from each other.

Authoritarian management style

With this management style, all production activities are organized by the head without the participation of subordinates. This control style can be used when solving current tasks and implies a used distance in the formation between the head and subordinate, as well as the material motivation of employees.

The head, due to its legitimate authorities, manages subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them before subordinates, while it comes from the fact that, unlike subordinates, has a great understanding and knowledge of the case, which, of course, should not be. Decisions of the head have the nature of the orders that should be unconditionally implemented by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions towards themselves;

The head keeps the distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know to fulfill their tasks. He controls "whether his orders follow and how much. Signs, emphasizing the position of a person in the eyes of his people around him (for example, a car), support the reputation of the leader's power.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    punch ability.

Subordinates - the addressees of orders. According to "X and XY theory:

    middle man is lazy and, as far as possible, leans from work;

    workers are disabled and afraid of responsibility and wish to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions need to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    strict management subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

At the same time, the management style motivation of subordinates is often limited, because the manager is separated socially, reports, as a rule, less interesting work subordinates and supports in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent in relation to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. Information they mined because of informal paths supplied by the head of informational barriers.

    recognition of the head of the only instance;

    recognition and execution of orders of the head;

    the absence of the desire to have the right to control the right.

The advantages of authoritarian management style - possible greater speed of decision-making, success in everyday, ordinary work.

The disadvantages of authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation of the independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous solutions through excessive requirements of managers regarding the number and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style

With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of the head and subordinate. This control style can be used when prevailing the creative content of work and involves an approximately equal level of education of the head and subordinates, as well as the intangible promotion of the employee.

Typical signs of corporate management style:

The head manages subordinates, including them in the decision-making process for which it is responsible. He expects from his subordinate specific assistance, makes decisions taking into account their proposals and objections. He delegates his powers as possible, and manages only if necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the ability of subordinates and is aware of what he cannot know everything and foresee. Only the result of the work is controlled, self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which should be known to perform tasks, but also informs other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. The head does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of his people around him.

Requirements for the corporate manager manager, corky:


    confidence in employees;

    refusal of individual privileges;

    the ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates are considered as partners who are capable of independently performing "daily work". In the assessment of the subordinates, at the same time, the leadership is most often emanated from the "Theory of Hu", according to which:

    reluctance to work is not congenital from nature, but by the consequence of bad working conditions that reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account the target settings, possess self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved by the shortest way through the monetary promotion and provision of individual development;

    with a favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of the subordinates increases their motivation, which entails the improvement of labor results.

Requirements for corporate manageable subordinates, corkscu:

    the desire and ability to bear personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is the adoption of expedient solutions, the high motivation of employees and the unloading of the head. In addition, the development of employees is maintained. Disadvantage - Corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Management of the delegation method of authority

Such management is a technical technique in which competences and responsibility for actions are transmitted, as far as possible, employees who accept and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, it should be abandoned to delegate typical management functions, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the load from the manager is removed, its own initiative of employees is maintained, their labor motivation and willingness increase responsibility. In addition, employees should be trust in decision-making for their own liability.

In order to successfully apply the management of delegation, it is necessary:

    delegation of task staff;

    delegation of competencies;

    delegation of employees of responsibility for action;

    the elimination of the possibility of recalling delegated authority or transfer them from one employees to others;

    establishment of the procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    the elimination of the ability to intervene the manager in the correct actions of the employee;

    the obligation of the head of the head in case of error and obtaining results settled in a special order;

    acceptance of responsibility by management;

    creating an appropriate information system.

Transferred tasks must comply with employee abilities, be mostly homogeneous completed in shape. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions should correspond to each other in terms of volume.

Advantages of managing delegation method:

    unloading a manager;

    the possibility of rapid adoption of competent solutions; employees are transferred competencies and the responsibility of the conistence;

    promoting the development of its own initiative, work motivation from employees.

Disadvantages of managing the method of delegation:

    the head delegates the smaller number of interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relations may be approved;

    strong orientation on the tasks, and not for employees;

    the establishment of hierarchical relations "horizontally".

Why are the leaders insufficiently delegate authority?

1. The fear of the fact that the subordinates are not competent competently carry out instructions (make mistakes).
2. Difference in relation to the competence of subordinates.
3. The fear of the fact that subordinates too quickly acquire high competence.
4. Concerning the loss of his value and the bonds associated with it.
5. Feeling loss of own authority or status.
6. The fear of what the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear before risk.
8. The reluctance to give the work that the manager himself speaks well.
9. Inability to advise subordinates and manage them.
10. Lack of time to advise subordinate and manage them.

Why are the subordinates are not ready to bear responsibility?

1. Insufficient self-confidence.
2. Information deficiency.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed orders.
5. Insufficient motivation of the employee.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose a person who delegate.
3. Delegate mainly "final results" instead of accurate methods for performing the task.
4. Being ready to make mistakes and what needs to be forgiven.
5. Give enough powers to perform the task to the end.
6. Inform others to delegate and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and complicate delegated tasks.

The use of one or another style, as well as its results depend on many factors. This is primarily complete mastering one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive sometimes imposed on top of the control style and manual. When mastering management science, it is very important to avoid errors. Analysis of the activities of the leaders of different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most frequent mistakes allowed by managers. Ten major errors in managing staff management of the PA enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The inclination to give the opportunity to go as a woman.
3. Prejudice against certain employees.
4. Frozen, schematic or doctrine installations.
5. Excessive susceptibility to other, including critical, opinion.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Immunity to the proposals of employees.
8. The obvious disrespect of the personality of the employee, for example, the admissibility of criticism with others.
9. Explicit distrust of employees.
10. Insufficient sequence in action.

Conversely, the experience of prosperous enterprises showed that the leaders of these enterprises are significantly more:

1. Valid the knowledge of the case;
2. belong to people as equal;
3. Requests fairly;
4. Detect errors objectively;
5. Reliable and loyal;
6. Listen to opinions that differ from their;
7. Progress is valued;
8. have the authority of business connoisseurs;
9. Loose bias;
10. Transfer criticism;
11. Capable to change than the chiefs of small enterprises.

Management style or manual is the most important factor in management at the enterprise. Properly defined and successfully used style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in recent years, many firms pay such significant attention to this issue.

In the process of building a collective, it is necessary to allocate two aspects. The first of them is associated with the mobilization of combined efforts on solving the task facing the team, and the second - with the creation of the Spirit of the team, the development of the feeling "we". This division is key in the formation of basic approaches to the construction of the team.

The construction of the team is the creation, the use and development of the mechanism of collective activity, a certain philosophy and the distinguishing style of collaboration, involving the talent and energy of people in achieving both general and personal goals.

What employees should be a team? The problem of staff assessment criteria arises. In a traditional approach to the selection of personnel, there are not so many: work experience, qualifications, work experience. Along with them, you can allocate the main and additional qualities of workers, important for collective activities.

Main qualities:

  • a responsibility;
  • qualitative performance;
  • striving for cooperation;
  • confidence;
  • interest in newcomers and the ability to introduce a new one;
  • accuracy;
  • the ability to perceive criticism;
  • risk ability;
  • readiness to compromise sociability.

Additional qualities:

  • knowledge and professional skills;
  • the ability to coexist and work in the team;
  • responsibility for the whole group;
  • image;
  • the ability to promote something, "break";
  • organizational talent.

Personal qualities meaningful for collective work

Quality data was detected during a number of round tables and "brain attacks" with the leaders of various teams. These qualities are simultaneously the requirements for employees as a team members. The criteria for assessing personnel can be used both for the selection of new employees and for self-assessment and adjusting qualities in already working groups that have set themselves a common goal - to develop the style of collective work.

In the process of building a collective, it is necessary to allocate two aspects. The first of these is associated with the mobilization of combined efforts on solving the task facing the team, and the second - with the creation of the Spirit of the team, the development of the feeling "we", i.e. With the maintenance of personal beginning and attention to people. Such a division is key in the formation of basic approaches to the construction of a team, and in the future we will call it dichotomy to build a team.

Orientation to solve the tasks of the organization (emphasis on the performance of the Group):

  1. Group assessment of the task
  2. Planning and decision making
  3. Achievement of consensus
  4. Organization and timelines

Orientation for supporting personalities (focus on working with staff):

  1. Participation and inclusion
  2. Support, promotion
  3. Teaching collectivity
  4. Collective work style

Consider the components of this dichotomous ligament.

Building a team with an emphasis on solving the problem

1. Group assessment of the problem. The team needs that the goal set before him was understood and considered to be meaningful all its members. The problem is that each employee clearly represented the tasks facing the team, participated in their analysis and search for ways to implement. A sociological study made it possible to establish, for example, that almost 40% of surveyed civil servants work on the tasks formulated inaccurately, incomprehensible.

2. Planning and decision making - This is the choice and generation of the meaningful idea of \u200b\u200bthe task. The involvement of each employee in the decision-making process is a search and evaluation of the existing alternatives to achieve the ultimate goal. In order for this search to be successful, the manager should provide a team of comprehensive information on the problem; Create an environment of free discussion and statements of any ideas on a solid problem with their subsequent detailed analysis; establish or develop criteria to select the optimal solution; Together choose a solution in accordance with the established criteria.

Do you always need to involve the decision-making team? Many problems have simple solutions, standard and are known from previous experience. At the same time, new problems or acute situations often arise in the lives of teams when a creative approach is required, then it is necessary to involve all personnel in developing ideas and making basic solutions.

3. Achievement of consensus (agreements) about the decision, the organization and timing of the task is the most important element of collective activities. Consensus is characterized by the participation of all members of the team, the optimal use of available resources, creative resolution of conflicts and reaching agreement with decisions.

Head to achieve consensus is necessary, firstly, do not assume that someone should win, and someone lose if the discussion enters the dead end. Instead, you need to look for another, more acceptable for all alternative. Secondly, avoid conflict can be avoided with such measures as voting, averaging of opinions, throwing a coin or conclusion of transactions. Thirdly, do not allow passages, do not face the discussion of people, but to "face" ideas. Do not allow any of their nor someone or statements that negatively affect collective work.

4. Organization. One of the conditions for strengthening the organizational unity is the optimization of the number of the team. Most researchers agree that it should not exceed 10-12 people. The fact is that the mass manifestation of such qualities such as friendship, openness, honesty, mutual support, etc., almost impossible in too large groups.

An important condition for building a team is clear coordination of relations between employees, which involves the system of teams of collective activities:

  1. Each considers the task facing the team, priority.
  2. Everyone seeks to be informed well.
  3. Each is used in the workplace optimally, learns and controlled.
  4. Each daily takes part in glider, conversations in the group.
  5. Everyone feels personal responsibility at its workplace.
  6. Each is frank and honest.
  7. Each immediately reports about the deficiencies found as a product product.
  8. Each complies with the agreed deadlines for the performance of work.
  9. Everyone understands and observes (supports) the organizational unity of the collective.
  10. The team does not accept any excuse.

Another condition of collective activities is to provide the ability to solve sharp, conflict issues of management and self-government. Management and self-government should not rely on the knowledge and will of one (supervisor), but on the totality of knowledge and the will of all. The management process here performs in the new quality - as an activity management inherent in each member of the team. First of all, it concerns the distribution of roles and developing a system for coordination in the team.

Building a team with an emphasis on maintaining relations in it

1. Participation and inclusion. The construction of the team is largely determined by how much each person is included in collective action. Hence the task of the leader - to enable each employee due to personal abilities to take part in the life of the team. For this, the head must create an environment for self-distributing roles between people in accordance with their qualifications, specialization, experience and consent.

2. Support, encouragement Provide assistance to each member of the team in solving the tasks of the individual by recognizing and evaluating its success. Recognition gives a person the feeling that his work is necessary. Evaluation is an indicator of the effectiveness of his labor.

Conducted sociological studies show that neither one nor another factor is used in due measure. For example, 70% of respondents indicated that in conversations with the leadership, issues of recognition of activities or success of workers were never discussed, 60% - that the effectiveness of their personal work was not considered by the bosses.

If you are the head, try to express the recognition of your subordinates:

    even if you are not completely satisfied;

    even when receiving partial or incomplete results;

    even when receiving ordinary, and not only exceptionally good results.

The form of public assessment of employees is the certification, which is carried out every 3-5 years. The main tasks of certification are, on the one hand, obtaining information that allows you to assess the employee on the basis of work and its potential, and on the other - informing a person about how its activities are evaluated by the management.

However, certification is carried out quite rarely, but to evaluate the activities of the employee, it is sometimes necessary to adjust its efforts every day. For this, conversations are used between the head and subordinate. They are held mainly on specific issues: assigning a task, its verification, conflict situation, the availability of a problem. Each of these situations can be used to assess and develop the potential of the employee.

3. Teaching collectivity Deserves special attention in the context of building a team. The main educational process for the production of the collectivity mechanism is the workflow, and as a teacher, the head, who must all see and react and react accordingly, based on the rules adopted by the team. In addition, discussions, joint discussions, conversations, comprehensive analysis (without tough criticism) of collective work - all this can be the consolidation of new rules and behaviors.

4. Collective work style. In friendly, workable groups, a special style of work is created. It is characterized by:

    openness and honesty in communicating with each other;

    the ability to grow constructively and listen to criticism;

    the ability to enter the position of other colleagues, or empathy;

    the desire to change the rules themselves in accordance with the rules developed by the Group;

    recognition and adoption of proposals for improving work;

    readiness to make compromises.

The activities of the team brake:

The leader who decided to form a team should be used by different styles depending on the situation, and the style of the leadership must comply with the generally recognized norms and interpersonal relations that have been developed by the team. But in any case, a more successful leader will be the one in which style is manifested as a concern for production, about solving the problems of the team, and (not to a lesser extent) a tendency to maintain relations, care for human needs.


A constant search for the optimal coexistence of collective and personal, whole and private, public and individual underlies the formation of any team.

Starting to build a team, the manager must take into account that a group of people from which the team has to be created should be considered not as much as the management object (someone manages someone), how much is a social community, in the depths of which the self-organization mechanism develops at the expense of self-employment , self-development and self-arration. This is due to the fact that the source of collectivity is not outside the collective, and inside it, among people, its components.

The construction of the collective is a long process consisting of a number of changes, and its stages are not clearly delimited. Moreover, they occur not out, but within the process of management and self-government. In other words, the change of the rules of the game occurs during the game itself, and the team is not something given on top, and the result, to which there is a long path of transformations, assessments, adjustments and new transformations that occur partly under the influence of the head, partially - by internal conviction.

Alexander Gaponenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
head of the Department of General and Special Management of the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

How do you communicate with employees? Mustly control each step, let all on samonek, practice an individual approach? Well, how does it work? Today we will talk about the management styles of the head. Arrange more comfortable, start!

Or maybe you did not think at all about the style of management? Business goes, the online store develops, why complicate something? let's we will analyze the basic styles of management, as well as the pros and cons of each. This will help to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership and determine what style to stick in the future.

Authoritarian style, or "As I said, so will be"

Gennady Pavlovich P. has been managing the team for many years. As I got out to managers in Soviet times, and managed. It is clear that for so many years, the style has already formed and cannot be changed. And it would be necessary: \u200b\u200bGennady Pavlovich - from those bosses that they believe in the instruction of the joke: "Item 1. The head is always right. Paragraph 2. If the head of the wrong is wrong - see paragraph 1. Yes, yes, there are already there. No wonder that in the team he has tequet: Young people who are brought up in a new society who are not afraid to offer their ideas and are very surprised when they face the principles of the chief. Surprised and go to more loyal leaders. It is delayed in the team only the main backbone - people who work for more than a dozen years have long been accustomed to Zakidonam Gennady Pavlovich. And everything would be fine, only this backbone is almost completely pensioners. They are not alien - the company has no development, everything goes across the old man. The firm is not very good.

Do you know such Gennadiev Pavlovichi? They are found among the young generation of entrepreneurs. Usually, very authoritaries, cutting in judgment, recognize only their own opinion. Do not allow not the slightest deviations from instructions, regulations, charters and commissioned in the company of the company. The subordination is precisely observed - with the simple people of liberties do not allow, not Barsky is a matter. Here is a paradox: they do not trust their own employees, but at the same time want the working tasks to be perfect.

Cons of authoritarian style

  1. Together with water, you can throw out a child: the one who is used to not listen to the opinion risks not to hear the valuable ideas that the company will bring profit. One who does not allow informal relations with subordinates may not notice the love of his life or one who can become the best friend. Human relations sometimes go beyond subordination.
  2. Supervision is not stubbornness. Fanatical following instructions step Left - Step right equals Excellence - Mattering for the company Position. Read the biographies of great entrepreneurs: they all recognize that it is necessary to retreat from the rules, think wider, to give the opportunity of creativity.
  3. Do not all agree to work with the dictator - in companies where authoritarian management style reigns, more percentage of dismissal. And go, as a rule, the most talented. Survive in such a team fitlens or conservatives, which are still.
  4. Employees are not developing in such companies, do not offer ideas, do not learn new. Maybe they would be happy - just why, because it will still be as it ordered a local god. And once the initiative is punishable - why to show it at all?

Pluses of authoritarian style

  1. Iron discipline. With the dictator you do not burn: or you fulfill all his demands, or the door to the street is open. As a rule, in such a collective, terry color blooms for the slightest violation. Total submission makes employees obedient and consonant on any requirement of management.
  2. Clarity and transparency of all business processes. The dictator chief firmly knows how and what happens in the company at each stage, which tasks are solved and who performs them.
  3. In the staff are not confused, And they will clearly fulfill the orders of the authorities - they do not get used to them. With a democratic or liberal style of leadership, it is more difficult to carry out this: in the case of force majeure and bosses, and workers can be storm as a ship in bad weather. And this is fraught with row taken and erroneous solutions.

Democratic style, or "let's think together"

Alexey K., the young leader quit from Gennady Pavlovich and founded his own business. He decided to study in other people's mistakes and realized that he would not allow such a dictatorship, which reigned in his former place of work. Alexey gained young employees who were more like-minded people rather than subordinate. From the first days, he began to adhere to a democratic style of leadership: discussed with employees the company's development strategy, heard their ideas and opinions trusted to work on projects on his own. For employees, he was not a strict chief, but his boyfriend with a guy Lech. Once this is almost a challenged company: Employees relaxed and stopped perceiving Alexei seriously. Some started to be late, disrupt the timing of the task execution, And on the perplexity of the chief, said: "Yes, you will do, do not worry!". When the transactions with profitable customers began to break off and the company lost profits, the young businessman realized that it was time to change something.

A democratic control style is a deceptive thing. Young and modern, he seems to be the only acceptable and responding to the spirit of time (well, do not work on the old manner!), But it is a little weakened by the entrance - and it turns out as in the example above. So that democracy does not turn into anarchy and permissiveness, the head must have managerial experience.

In general, a democratic style is really a priority in young modern companies. The head does not make decisions alone - it is advised to the team, it is satisfied with the brainstorming, it tries that each employee discloses its potential. He himself works on an equal footing or leads to himself the role of consultant, mentor. If the democrat chief is mistaken - it does not blame the staff, but draws conclusions. At the same time, he remains the leader - does not remove the main role, does not emphasize that "we are all equal here guys." That is, the team team, but the hierarchy should be built clearly.

Cons of democratic style

  1. The possibility of anarchy, bringing the role of the head, the emergence of opposition in the team. In general, everything is described by the example of Alexey K.
  2. Decisions can be accepted long. The more people participate in the discussion - the longer the process can be delayed. The case will save and clear terms of tasks. For example, the discussion and making of ratsres are given 3 days - and no longer. This disciplines employees and speeds up business processes.

Pluses of a democratic style

If you do not allow mistakes, a democratic style can be the basis of creation.

  1. Strengthens the team spirit, Makes employees with real like-minded people, combined one goal. Well, if the company has been worked out - mission and values, the main tasks for the coming years, the overall big idea.
  2. Reduces the number of errors in operation. The more people have been involved in solving the task - the greater the chance that there is an optimal option. Only, we will remind, the discussion should not be delayed.
  3. Minimal frame frame. Why leave the team, if you share its values \u200b\u200band tasks, you feel involved in one common goal? That's right, there is no need. From companies with a democratic management style, employees are extremely rare (unless, of course, poured into the team and share common values).

Personal-oriented style, or "Do not be afraid, I'm with you"

Olga B. worked with Gennadia Pavlovich, and with Alexei. The woman realized that both in authoritarian, and in democratic styles there are its pros and cons, and decided to act differently. Actually, she did not come up with anything new - involved in a complete individual approach. Olga realized that with each employee need to work in its own way, And what is suitable for one, is categorically unacceptable for another. For example, quiet can be shy on common planes and brainstorms, but in a personal conversation will begin to fountain creative ideas. It is difficult for man-owl to come to the office by 9 am - He does not think his head, things are not done, but in the evening the most fruitful time comes. Olga organized a few comrades a free schedule, the introverts allowed not to perform on the glider at all. Employees rated a good attitude and began to call the boss "Our Mom". But without a spoonful of tar nowhere: a group of persons who found a good attitude to weakly and began to frankly to work quickly. Olga worried, he spent silent conversations, and only when the team filed a collective request for the dismissal of strata, decided to make a bold step.

Practice individual approach is right. Usually, the heads of this type (as a rule, women) love to carry out psychological testing, arrange corporate parties and joint gatherings to better know their employees. However, overly patronizing the workers is not worth: You are not a zeal, but they are not helpless chickens. Trust, but check, be not a mommy, and the boss is such a morale of this fable.

Cons of a person-oriented approach

  1. As a rule, the chiefs of this type are soft, sensitive people. A good relationship is more important to them than the company's profit and its development. Therefore, as it is neither sad, soft boss can quickly "eat" Its more involuntary colleagues or someone from the subordinate.
  2. Absence. Instead of clearly distribute instructions and control the process of performing tasks, such managers or perform everything themselves, or forgive endless delay. Rent guys, it's a business! Here you need to take heavy solutions and risk in large, otherwise there is a risk of ruining and.

Pros of an individual approach

  1. Good relations in the team. Human relations - hardly the main thing for half of the staff. If it was lucky to find an understanding chief - many will hold hands and teeth for this place, even despite the small salary and small career prospects.
  2. In the crisis situation employees will stand for the head of the mountain and will not give to ruin the company. "One for everyone, and all for one" - this slogan is still working.

So how do you need?

In each of the three styles, we found our flaws. So what is the control style to choose how to behave with subordinates? Much, of course, depends on your personality and type of character. The dictator by nature will never "deliver snot" and take care of the personality of each employee. A quiet intelligent woman is simply not able to crack in the table and make subordinates work.

What to do? Combine control styles depending on the situation. This is called situational management. For example, if the force majeure originated, it is necessary to include the dictator mode and distribute clear instructions that will be able to save the situation. If you see that the employee does not cope with the work, - use an individual approach, talk to a person personally, find out what he worries him. If you need to solve a new task - follow the democratic style, find out the opinions of all employees and solve the problem together. Moreover, even in cooperation with the same person it is possible to apply different control styles - again, depending on the situation. Somewhere to stay a rigid leader, somewhere - a wise mentor, sometimes to provide the necessary deceo support. Here is a table that will help you skillfully lavage between several control styles.

Of course, for this you need to be an experienced leader and a fairly flexible person. All this comes with time. Successes to you, let everything work!

A team of like-minded people, which moves to one goal is a cohesive team. Willingness to cooperate is a guarantee of fruitful cooperation between people. It may not only be about the workflow, because rallying is the ability to understand the person with whom there exist in one space. Act on a single algorithm in tandem with a partner, without leaving the comfort zone - productivity of actions and efficiency even in force majeure situations.

In order for the group to rally, it should have a unified approach to the working process of mutual understanding. Motivation and promotion can become excellent help in this matter. The cohesion of the collective is a combination of defining factors of interpersonal relations, the productive organization of life motives within joint activities. For cohesion, the social and psychological climate in the team and mutual understanding between
supervisor and subordinates.

Employees - a single whole

On a note! To rally, you need to be able to competently overcome any difficulties and disagreements within the collective.


A friendly team is good interpersonal relationships. To organize a connection between people, a little democratic approach. First of all, it is necessary to adequately evaluate the optimal level of psychological compatibility of each member of the group, smoothing roughness and find the optimal solution. In order for the team to be characterized as successful, it is worth considering the main nuances of this issue:

  • Unity is possible only if the goal is socially approved.
  • Forcing for anything, will give an immediate response, so this approach should be excluded.
  • Integrity is an association of absolutely different people who work as a well-established mechanism.
  • Clear position distribution and competent team management.
  • Collective relations are determined through the concepts of morality.
  • In cohesion is great importance responsibility. It should be not only from the manager, but also every member of the team.
  • Movement to the goal, when everything in the team objectively estimates their successes and failures.
  • Overcoming difficulties and help like-minded people in a difficult situation.
  • The openness of the collective is the ability to maintain a favorable atmosphere inside the team and any disagreement to disassemble and eliminate.
  • Rational way out of conflict situations. It is built on a collectivist basis relationship with other teams or their representatives

Each team members should have their own opinion. It is worth excluding the chance. If you organize corporate trainings, where pressing problems will be dealt with, you can find a way out of the most difficult situation. It is worth understanding that collectivism implies not only care and desire, but also confidence in a person with whom you work.

Methods of cohesion

When a cohesive team is required

The cohesive team has its own criteria for efficiency. It is necessary to develop a specific methodology that will suit each team member. Below are the factors that will indicate the manager that the team is disassembled and it must be rationed:

  • There is no honesty. People provide unreliable information to each other, pursuing their own goals: lgut, gossip, provoke conflict situations.
  • Corruption within the company, abuse of power. When employees are looking for benefit from the activities of the enterprise.
  • No motivation.
  • The opacity of the wage system and premium.
  • No control, because of what happens. Bright leaders try to hold down in the framework of more slave employees.
  • There are inspired rules and code of behavior in society, which comes into incision to generally accepted concepts.
  • Several of internal unhealthy competition. Most often associated with illiterate leadership. When the main emphasis is a competitive moment, fully disappears the confidence of workers to each other.
  • Lack of strategy and formation and development of internal corporate culture.
  • Inaction in the event of conflict situations or the lack of reaction to certain actions of colleagues, only because they are good experts.
  • Lack of purpose when people come to work to undercover an eight-hour working day.

It is necessary to competently organize a set of trainings that will be held regularly. There is a mass of techniques to change the attitude of employees to the workflow and to the team.

Before and after

Methods and mechanisms of formation

The cohesion of the collective is easy to organize, if you apply several modern techniques. Together with mutual understanding, trust will come, the optimal atmosphere for labor efficiency will be created. Main ways of cohesion team:

  • social and role, business communication;
  • discussion of controversial moments, delicate situations;
  • psychological tests;
  • analysis of the manners of communication and behavior of employees;
  • studying of each employee for a specific case;
  • formation of a common position;
  • discussion of circumstances related to the achievement of a common goal;
  • mutual assistance;
  • expert method optimizing personnel policy.

In any of these events for the unification of the team, the supervisory participation of the head or man is needed, which directly controls the work of a particular department.

Team elements


To understand how to rally a team, you need to understand which nuances lead to disunity. Moreover, at the initial level it is necessary to remember that the formation of the team occurs in stages. Any tymbliding is a collective work and it requires immersion. Below are the definitions of the basic conditions / criteria for the formation of a cohesive collective:

  • coincidence of interests;
  • the team employs people of one age category;
  • goodwill;
  • general psychological safety;
  • the desire to consider and take the opinion of another person;
  • active activity;
  • work on the result;
  • positive example in the face of the head.

Disability may not even be caused by non-internal conflicts, but by the fact that the company employs people of different ages.


How the cohesive team is formed

Success and common goal will bulk the team. Interest - the basis of all basics. It is not even about financial benefits, but in spiritual development. Everyone wishes to become a professional of his business. If you postpone the breakdown and focus on the process, then soon people will become more understanding each other and the performance will go up. The main factors of formation:

  1. Choosing a strategy and latching stage.
  2. Determination of the main negative factors.
  3. Studying conflict situations.
  4. Modeling cases and conducting experiments.
  5. Adding creative notes into trainings.

When the formation is completed, colleagues will understand the multifunctionality of the team and make the tasks that are put specifically in front of them.

On a note! Having a warning from the bosses, it should motivate, and not discognizable the self-esteem of the employee. Each leader must be a psychologist.


Cohesion tools

If you develop a desire to help each other in an employee, a mutual understanding will appear. After all, the collective cohesion is a combination of human qualities that are developed in a positive way. Basic tools:

  1. Creating corporate traditions.
  2. Joint watch outside of work: Activities, trainings, celebration.
  3. Systematic meetings on which not only working moments will be discussed.
  4. Gymification and communication.
  5. Creative and intellectual thymbynding.

It is required to conduct an analysis of the individual / psychological features of each team member. Disobedience may occur even when people unites one goal.

Cohesion creation tools

Sophisticated team is the merit of the head of the enterprise. It should approach the organization of the workflow from the point of view of psychology. Resolution of conflict situations, Selic advice to the middle link is the right way. The "right approach" has many synonyms for employees who should know each boss:

  • The validity of orders and claims.
  • Selecting a system of methods and techniques.
  • Proper distribution of powers.
  • Attentive attitude to subordinates.
  • Participation in the activities of the team.

Equality and adequate assessment of employees should be in the first place. It is difficult to find a common language with a twenty-year-old guy with a lady of Balzakovsky age, but if a young man looks at a colleague, as a mentor, and he, in turn, will see a student in a young employee, cohesion will occur, despite the age abyss.

Even if the team is a single whole, a constant work is required that will allow you to maintain this condition. It can disrupt any factor from outside: the appearance of a new team member, a conflict situation or a misconception in views. Success will depend on a number of factors and sometimes some trainings are not enough.