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» What can cause pain in the stomach. Why does the stomach pain appears and how to get rid of it

What can cause pain in the stomach. Why does the stomach pain appears and how to get rid of it


The appearance of strong pain can poison life and violate plans. Worse, if they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - nausea, temperature or diarrhea. There are many reasons why the stomach hurts. Need to know what to do in each case, is it necessary to run to the hospital?

Pain in the stomach - causes and treatment

Provoke painful symptoms may cause diseases caused by diseases. Among common - ulcers, gastritis. This also includes the appearance of polyps, tumors, damage to the mucous membrane. The pain causes diseases of neighboring organs - it can give away from the intestines, appendix, diaphragms, hearts. Among the causes are not related to pathologies:

  • overeating;
  • poisoning;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • injuries;
  • improper nutrition;
  • physical exercise.

What if the stomach hurts? To begin with, it is desirable to eliminate the reasons that led to this situation. If a painful condition lasts long and the situation is not clear, it is worth visiting a doctor for diagnosis. What to do first - depends on the symptoms:

  • with acute pain - call an ambulance;
  • in case of poisoning - to do washing;
  • change the power mode;
  • comply with the diet;
  • take appointed drugs;
  • use folk remedies.

Hurts stomach during pregnancy

Often discomfort occurs with a woman waiting for a child. Pain in the stomach during pregnancy appear as a result:

  • hormonal restructuring;
  • pressing the growing uterus;
  • overeating;
  • hunger;
  • toxicosis;
  • poisoning;
  • physical fatigue;
  • stress;
  • infections;
  • ulcers;
  • constipation;
  • neuroses;
  • heartburn;
  • night spasms with gastritis;
  • reception of drugs;
  • abdominal muscle tension.

How to remove pain in the stomach in pregnant? To begin with, contact the doctor, self-medication in this situation is excluded - many drugs are contraindicated. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of stress, more walking, observe the diet. In coordination with the gynecologist:

  • take medication;
  • use the means of traditional medicine;
  • do teas with mint, dyeing;
  • there is honey;
  • take Mineralo Borjomi.

Paint stomach after eating

Unpleasant symptoms after making food may appear when a person will compress, takes away poor-quality water, food. Painful signs will aggravate the situation, if you move before going to bed, disrupt the power mode, drinking little water. Why after eating a stomach hurts? The reason may be illness:

  • esophagus;
  • the hernia of the diaphragm, infrinning the nerves;
  • ulcers;
  • polyps;
  • new formation.

If after meals the stomach hurts - what to do? When such a state is not related to nutritional impairments, it is advisable to pass a survey to obtain proper treatment. For those who are accustomed to overalls receiving food on the go, it is possible to facilitate the state if:

  • attach to the stomach area cold;
  • take a tablet but-shop;
  • drink three glasses of water;
  • reconsider nutrition;
  • sit on the diet.

Stomach hurts and nauseous

The situation in which vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, loss of appetite is added to these symptoms, is required by the doctor's intervention. Pain in the stomach and nausea arises as a result:

  • overeating;
  • poisoning;
  • use of harmful products;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • apandicitis;
  • ulcers;
  • infections;
  • gynecological diseases.

What helps from stomach pain with this situation? To quickly learn pain, you can take a but-piety, papaverin. With an incomprehensible diagnosis, a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist is examined. The treatment method depends on the reason for which it originated:

  • with poisoning - drink plenty of water, take activated coal;
  • pregnant women - keep track of places with a bad smell, gnawing seeds;
  • for diseases - take preparations for the purpose.

Acute pain in the stomach

The most terrible situation when a person cannot even move from the bounty pain. It is dangerous for life and requires immediate assistance. A sharp pain in the stomach occurs in the case of:

  • spinning ulcers;
  • inflammation of appendix;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • acute pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • attack of ulcers at night;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

First aid with abdominal pains, if it is acute, constant - challenge the ambulance. When the reason is not clear, it is better before the arrival of doctors not take medicines - the symptoms will be clear, it is easier to diagnose. What can I do? Recommended in this case:

  • organize peace of patient;
  • give drinking water, warm tea;
  • refuse meals.

Strong stomach pain

When unbearable painful sensations appear, it is necessary to understand what caused them - a disease, poisoning, food, life conditions. Different nature of pain requires its approach in treatment. What do you need to do? It is necessary to describe in detail the doctor all the symptoms, possible causes, the beginning of the attack, concomitant signs. When the stomach hurts, the treatment determines the nature of pain. She can prick, cause a feeling of gravity, to be:

  • drawing;
  • cutting;
  • parry;
  • constant;
  • hungry;
  • zhugay.

Stomach hurts after alcohol

The reason for the appearance of such pain is the impossibility of processing with the gastric enzymes of ethyl alcohol. There is irritation of the mucous membrane, the food is badly digested, boosts. All this can provoke the appearance of ulcers, gastritis. What to do when the stomach hurts after alcohol? Specialists advise:

  • drink no-shlu;
  • wash;
  • eat food not causing irritation - liquid oatmeal, raw egg;
  • drink a decoction of mint.

Stomach pain

The appearance of symptoms of this nature may be associated with malignant neoplasms. Pains occur during gastritis provoked by viruses and bacteria, alcohol, antibiotics. Dull pain in the stomach caused:

  • low-quality nutrition;
  • atrophy of the mucous;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases;
  • squeezing the uterus during pregnancy;
  • urinary infections;
  • inflammation of appendix.

What to drink from pain in the stomach? If it appeared for the first time, it is known for its reason - you need to use drugs assigned by the doctor. When the symptom is new, it is better not to take anything - signs will not be smoothed, the doctor is easier to diagnose. What to do to facilitate the state? Permissible:

  • restrict nutrition;
  • drink Mineral Water "Essentuki";
  • refuse alcohol.

Stomach hurts and temperature

Accompanying pain temperatures can signal serious problems. This is characteristic of the sharp forms of pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis. The stomach hurts and the temperature appears when:

  • infectious diseases;
  • infringement of hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gliste invasions;
  • food poisoning;
  • pathologies of neighboring bodies.

What to do with such symptoms? If you get sick and for a long time, except for pain, experience discomfort from a long diarrhea, it is better to cause an urgent. In order for the doctor to correctly appreciate the situation, diagnosed, it is necessary to present in detail the course of the development of the disease. To tell when the temperature appeared, how long it holds what kind of indicators. Only at the same time will be appointed correct treatment, if necessary, hospitalization is proposed.

Stomach hurts and belching

A very uncomfortable state in which the pain accompanies the belching. It appears as a result of the ejection of gastric gases. This may happen for several reasons - when used for dessert fruits, sleep or taking a bath after eating. Ottage provoke soda, fast food, disease. This symptom has specific features at:

  • gastritis - a rotten smell;
  • inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus - extermination of air;
  • jazve - sour;
  • diseases of the gallbladder - bitter;
  • pancreatitite is accompanied by the yarry of the abdomen.

What to do when the stomach hurts and belching? If the symptoms are caused by serious diagnoses, it is possible to help only a specialist who has determined the cause. In other cases, it is necessary to implement the event:

  • exclude gas production from diet;
  • do not rush while eating;
  • fix the behavior after meals;
  • do not use fermentation products.

Pain in the stomach and diarrhea

The appearance of diarrhea occurs when taking antibiotics, food allergies, bacterial and viral infection. Pain in the stomach and diarrhea cause poisoning, power disorders, inflammatory processes. What to do in this case? It is impossible to treat treatment yourself - the reason for diarrhea must be accurately installed. Doctors appoint:

  • when overeating - mesim;
  • for removal of spasms - but-shu;
  • with ulcers, gastritis - almagel;
  • to eliminate pain at elevated acidity - omens;
  • in order to eliminate dehydration - recider;
  • in case of infection - means depending on the cause.

Package pills with pain in the stomach

The effect of drugs is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pain and factors that caused them. What can be served from the stomach, what to do in this situation? If he hurts, the medicine prescribes a doctor who discharges with the goal:

  • removal of spasms - barallgan;
  • elimination of irritation of the mucous - vicair;
  • reduction of pain - but-shpu;
  • preventing vomiting - motilak;
  • weakening heartburn - Renny;
  • improve in digestion - mezim;
  • facilitate nausea - Cerukal.

Diet with pain in the stomach

Proper nutrition is an important component of treatment. Requires a change in cooking technology - to give preference to baking, extinguishing. It is advisable to make dishes for a couple, cook meat, vegetables. Diet with a sick stomach excludes:

  • fatty products;
  • sharp seasonings;
  • canned blanks;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber;
  • eating coffee, carbonated water, alcohol.

What to do to eliminate pain with a diet? The menu must attend:

  • non-fat meat cooked for a pair;
  • viscous porridges on water, milk;
  • omelet;
  • boiled fish;
  • non-fat dairy food;
  • marshmallow;
  • butter;
  • baked fruits;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • cocoa;
  • pies;
  • meat, fruit jelly;
  • mousses;
  • kissel;
  • water soups on vegetable broth.

Folk remedies for pain in the stomach

Doctors recommend, if the stomach hurts, the use of grasses in the form of decoctions, teas. Good eliminates the symptoms of honey, sauerkraut, fresh potatoes. Folk remedies for pain in the stomach - tea from blueberries, which are used instead of welding and drink chilled. Effectively use of bravery from chamomile colors to do so:

  • fold a glass of inflorescence in the bank;
  • add as much boiling water;
  • insist;
  • strain;
  • drink for three receptions during the day.

Stomach hurts - what to do at home. First aid for abdominal pain in children and adults

If the stomach hurts - this is an occasion to appeal to the doctor. The causes of such discomfort are different, but there are most often arising.

Can the stomach on the nervous soil, with the illnesses of the heart and diseases of the internal organs? Of course, there are plenty of reasons for which discomfort will occur in this part of the body.

Main reasons

To basic reasons include:

  • Inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, duodenitis, esophagitis, colitis;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Acceptance of alcoholic beverages;
  • Errors in the diet;
  • Stress;
  • Malignant neoplasms;

This is not a complete list of plus causes can be a combined nature.

Pain is always stress for the body and a signal that there is a failure in its work. When the belly bothers - life is not a joy.

Well, if the reason is known. And if the discomfort appeared for the first time. The question arises, why and what to do in this case?

Sometimes reasons are simple - it is a banal hunger, excessive physical exertion, smoking, alcohol abuse, pregnancy, or exacerbation of already existing diseases.

Not always, a person immediately reacts to unpleasant sensations, usually, having accepted an anesthetic, we go on our affairs and without eliminating the true reason.

But after the cessation of the medication, discomfort appears again, and is already much stronger.

There are two types of such ailment:

  • Organic - occurs when inflammation of internal organs, when the structure of the intestinal wall changes;
  • Functional discomfort - with a violation of the innervation of the gastrointestinal organs, arising from stressful situations, the intake of alcohol, ICC, supercooling and neurosis.

It can be short-term and occasionally occasionally, and may suddenly appear and last some time.

Does the stomach concern when intestinal disorders

At first, symptoms of general ailment may appear: head diseases, nausea, weakness, pulling discomfort in the abdomen. Then he joins in this zone.

If you do not attempt to facilitate the status of the disease, the disease continues to develop and already gives a characteristic clinical picture.

The pain is not only based on the areas of the stomach, but also irradiates throughout the abdomen. The initial, it would seem, a slight discomfort goes into pulling, grapple-shaped sensations in the intestinal area. It is accompanied by all this with nausea, vomiting and a multiple liquid stool.

This is nothing more than irritable bowel syndrome. At the same time worried about the stomach, and the intestines, which makes it difficult to formulate the diagnosis.

Other causes of unpleasant feelings

A person may experience pain in the abdomen constantly, which does not pass and does not poke. As a rule, they appear in the later stages of oncological diseases.

These pains are not removed by ordinary analgesics. Such a state is extremely severe and requires special care in specialized conditions.

Acute grasp pain, multiple vomiting, not bringing relief. Liquid stools and signs of general intoxication are typical symptoms of food poisoning. Can there be a stomach in this case?

Yes. Can. And this condition lasts until the toxins that fall into the blood will not completely bring out of the human body. This will occur thanks to a drinking mode, a strict diet and reception of drugs aimed at the struggle and alien agents.

The poisoning is always accompanied by grapple-shaped pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, and then the intestines.

The stomach may be sick as a result of low acidity. But in this case, the severity in the stomach appears after meals. This is associated with the insufficiency of the enzymatic activity of the gastric juice.

Food is delayed in the stomach longer than usual, discomfort, severity, nausea, belching and stupid pain in the epigastric area appears.

A decrease in acidity may be after the suffering disease of the digestive organs, and maybe it is a congenital feature of the body.

In any case, the reception of enzymatic drugs of improving the digestive function, such as mezim, Motilium, Pancreatin, will help. They are accepted only after eating a course or once.

When the stomach hurts most often on the left, after meals (fried, oily, acute) and pain appear at a certain season of the year (spring, autumn) - it can talk about ulcers.

Its characteristic signs are - heartburn, after taking food, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, the bumping is acidic.

Nausea with ulcers is rare. The pain is accurately localized, specifically in the place of the defect of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. The pain occurs even at night (hungry pain).

To form a final diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with the gastroenterologist. After carrying out accurate laboratory (blood test, urine, enzymes) and instrumental (ultrasound, FGDS) studies, it is possible to make concluding conclusions and assign effective therapy.

If the stomach hurts on the nervous soil and in heart disease

Such pains appear after strong emotional stress. At the same time, they are enhanced after the enhancement of emotions and on the contrary, they can leave after a person relax and calm down.

The reason for this enhanced production of the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal acid in response to psycho-emotional loads. In this case, the innervation of the stomach is intensified. The vegetative nervous system, regulating the work of the internal organs, launches its mechanisms.

As a result, in response to stress, there is pain in the stomach. This confirms the hypothesis about the neurogenous mechanism for the occurrence of ulcers. The pain of this character does not depend on food intake.

Myocardial infarction - this cunning disease may be hidden under the implication of gastric pain. Doctors call this form - abdominal.

It is more likely to have older people. Everything is clear here without words. Only with differential diagnostics is more often a problem.

Since the pains are expressed in this area, it is precisely this organ that is beginning to treat, and at this time the myocardial infarction is complicated.

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy and before month

Yes, and this also happens. The fact is that in the premenstrual period (PMS), as a result of hormones, various disorders appear on the part of the nervous system. And this is the same stress.

Here is the real reason for the appearance of pain before menstruation. Plus endocrine shifts, one way or another, affect the work of the internal organs.

But what happens in this case during pregnancy? And what to do with it? During this period, the entire body of the woman begins the restructuring to further navigate the fetus. At the same time, the available chronic diseases can be exacerbated.

It also happens that the woman before pregnancy was absolutely healthy and the gastric pains begin to torment her.

Often this is at the following states:

  • Toxicosis;
  • An increase in the uterus in size and its pressure on the stomach;
  • Overeating;
  • The tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • Constipation.

Some of these reasons may cause pain in the stomach and after delivery.

What is just not taking a woman in this case, and it happens just just to lead the correct way of life, both during the waiting for the child and after its appearance.

If the pain in the stomach appears after lifting gravity

If you are exactly sure that it is precisely the lifting of gravity provoked pain in his area, you must immediately consult a doctor.

The reasons for such pain can be the following:

  • inflammation of appendix;
  • initial hernia stage;
  • inflammation of small pelvis organs;
  • outstanding the stomach.

These are quite serious states that require a thorough examination. And it is desirable to do that, the better. If you do not pay attention to the effects of consequences can be deplorable.

Why maybe pain in the stomach after taking alcohol

Alcoholic beverages, especially strong can cause a mucosa burn, and increase the production of mucus with glands of the gastric wall.

At the same time, the acidity of the gastric juice increases. And well, if alcohol was not drank not on an empty stomach.

The presence of food in this case helps a little neutralize the effect of alcohol and protect the mucous membrane.

Long-term filing very negatively affects the work of the stomach. Not only is it raising the poisoning of the entire body, it also oppresses the digestive function.

The food that fell into the stomach is poorly digested, causes fermentation and in this form enters the intestines.

Pain after taking alcohol appears in the epigastric region and possibly in the right hypochondrium, sharply pronounced, similar to spasms, which is enhanced by re-taking alcohol.

Why hurts with osteochondrosis

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine and the degree of pinching the roots of the spinal cord, the pains may arise in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.

This arises as a result of a violation of the trophic of the disadvantaged area and innervation in it.

If the disadvantaged area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal cord roots is responsible for the work of the internal organs, then the appearance of discomfort, and then pain.

The mechanism of development of pain in this case is such. First there are vascular disorders in the affected nerve, then spasms in the stomach appear. If a complete nerve compression occurs, its paralysis arises and excitement.

The pain with such pathology will be the following nature:

  • Erased, does not have clear boundaries;
  • The pain increases during mobility;
  • Simultaneously hurts and spine and stomach;
  • Monotonous pain, constant;

If the pathological process affects the lower-thoracic department, the pain may appear in the heart.

Along with the occurrence of pain in the stomach, bloating, constipation, or on the contrary, liquid stool may appear.

When the roots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach are infringed, the pain changes its character, becoming more pronounced, heartburn can join and indignant stomach.

Therefore, the cause of conventional gastritis may be a change in the intervertebral discs of the inflation, due to the infringement of the roots.

Often to find the true cause of such gastritis is very hard. Therefore, treatment does not always be pathogenetic, and the symptoms are returned again after the exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Why can the stomach sick after smoking

In addition to the fact that Nicotine is very poorly affected by the whole organism, it also causes diseases of the digestive system.

For a full digestion, which begins with the oral cavity, a normal saliva is required.

The smokers decreases the production of saliva, as a result, food falls into the stomach not quite processed. Thus, the load on digestion increases.

Nicotine, entering the body, poisoning the cells of the brain, in which there are all the centers for the regulation of internal organs, including the stomach.

At the same time, there is an oppression of the work of the center of hunger or, on the contrary, the appetite increases.

At the same time, nicotine, which fell into the blood, enhances the production of adrenaline, which causes an increase in intestinal peristaltics. As a result, the food lump is delayed in the gastrointestinal bodies longer than usual.

As a result, the absorption of vitamins and trace elements is disturbed. Of course, unpleasant feelings may not appear from the first rounded cigarette, but the smoker with the experience is unlikely to want to throw this destructive habit.

And this will not make it wait for the appearance of gastritis and all unpleasant symptoms of illness.

In addition to colic in the stomach, avid smokers are often worried about heartburn. The basis of its development is the impact of nicotine on the lower esophagus sphincter. With its insufficient functioning, the acidic content of the stomach in the esophagus occurs.

What should not be done, it is smoking on a hungry stomach. Tobacco smoke, penetrating all organs, immediately absorbed through smooth muscles and enters the blood.

The acidity of the gastric juice after smoking increases, and the stomach begins to digest itself.

So watch yourself! Bring out an active lifestyle, and everything will be fine!

Useful video

Pain in the stomach was experiencing every person - they are very not necessarily evidence of serious pathology. Many have unpleasant pain in the stomach due to overeating or consuming too much fluid. But it is worthwing to know that even minor discomfort can become a symptom of a pathological process that requires emergency assistance. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to independently differentiate pain in the stomach and understand what states imply an immediate appeal to the doctor.

Causes of stomach pain

The causes of pain in the stomach can be various pathological and physiological conditions. As a rule, this syndrome has no constant character and therefore people ignore it - a mistake leading to the development of severe complications.

Causes of pain in the stomach of pathological nature:

  1. - Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. When gastritis pain syndrome will be non-permanent, non-intensive and always associated with meals - most often the unpleasant feelings appear immediately after the use of "wrong" products. note : Acute gastritis form is characterized by suddenly emerged strong thumbs in the epigastria, they quickly disappear, but they can disturb each time after meals. If we are talking about the chronic form of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, then the patient notes the mischievous pains accompanied by a feeling of cutting and bloating.
  2. (nervous stomach). The pain syndrome will have a spastic character, nausea, feeling of excessive fullness and loss of appetite, will be satisfied. Despite the fact that pain is localized precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anatomical location of the stomach, the "culprit" of dyspepsia is the pancreas, so even the reception of painkillers of antispasmodic action does not have the desired effect.
  3. . This condition is usually developing as a complication of chronic gastritis, therefore pain in the stomach will be familiar to the patient. But in the formation of ulcers, the character of pain in the stomach will change - they become more sharp, intense, coming immediately after meals.
  4. Benign neoplasms, including. It is noteworthy that such pathologies do not threaten the life of the patient, but discomfort patients experience strong enough: when feeding food (when the products fall into the stomach, the nerve endings in the neoplasia are irritated when overeating. The character of pain is a non-permanent, novice, pulling, accompanied by a feeling of the overcrowding of the stomach, even with the use of a small amount of food. Fear of the patient to experience the attack after eating food forces it to starve it.

Medicine classifies physiological pain in the stomach. They, of course, appear due to violations in various organs and systems:

  1. Viral diseases, including. Typically, pain in the stomach with such infectious pathologies is present only in the first three days of the disease, carrying and non-intentional character are accompanied by nausea and diarrhea (diarrhea).
  2. Pathological processes of infectious ethiology, developing in the bladder, pancreas, a bustling bubble and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient describes the pain in the stomach as spastic, non-permanent.
  3. Allergies to some products. Pain in the stomach may occur immediately upon admission of allergen to the body and continue until the product is being digesting the product. The character of the syndrome is variable - from spasms to almost indistinguishable pain.

Very often pain in the stomach of spastic nature appear with, nervous experiences, protracted. And recently, doctors are highlighted in a separate category foby pain in the stomach - They are associated with a feeling of fear: for example, when entering a new job, before the performance among a large number of students and so on.

note : The causes of pain in the stomach can be, in principle, any inner disease. But in some cases, it will only be about the irradiation of pain syndrome - for example, with a gastralgic myocardial infarction, the inflammation of the gallbladder and even pyelonephritis.

Separate the doctors consider hungry Pain in the stomach, Night - they are caused by the formation of a large amount of hydrochloric acid in an empty stomach. The causes of hungry pain in the stomach are as follows:

  • the presence on the walls of the hollow organ of the pathogenic bacteria;
  • the presence of gastrices is a benign neoplasm localized in the gastric gatekeeper and independently released gastric juice with a high content of hydrochloric acid;
  • regular disruption of food intake schedule, night overeating;
  • progressively developing malignant tumors - their growth is especially active at night.

Surveys for pain in the stomach

Complaints of the patient for pain in the stomach are not grounds for setting any diagnosis. The doctor will have to hold a number of procedures to identify the true cause of the emergence of even minor uncomfortable / pain. To surveys about pain in the stomach include:

note:for easier diagnostics, the patient can independently monitor his own well-being. Enough the week to provide the doctor a complete description of the clinical picture.

What is worth fixing:

  • what time most often pain in the stomach - in the morning on an empty stomach, immediately after meals or at night;
  • what products cause uncomfortable feelings - it can be milk or fatty meat;
  • provoking factors - pain can significantly increase with deep breath, sneezing, inconvenient body position;
  • the presence of hyperthermia (increase in body temperature) in the attack of pain;
  • character of syndrome - pulling, stitching, noving, spastic and other types of pain.

Treatment of pain in the stomach

Spastic pain in the epigastric region can be removed by painkillers of antispasmodic action, but it will be emergency assistance. A full-fledged treatment can be assigned only a doctor after examining the patient and finding out the reasons provoking uncomfortable sensations.

  • give preference to milk and boiled meat of low-fat species;
  • exclude pickled, sharp, sour and salty dishes from the diet - they act on the walls of the stomach annoyingly and even in healthy people can cause short-term spasms;
  • over the night abandon meals, and if the feeling of hunger is too strong, it is limited to a glass of milk with honey.

Strong pains can be removed by "soft" products - for example, use soups-mashed potatoes, meat cutlets, cooked for a pair, frozen porridges and vegetable purees.

Self-treatment is strictly forbidden - the cause of pain in the epigastric region may be the pathology of the far located organ, which can be identified only by the doctor during instrumental research.

If the diagnosis was previously supplied and a simple exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory / infectious process occurs, then the following measures can be taken:

  • adhere to a strict diet and control the intake of only "right" products into the body;
  • take a daily 300 ml branch of daisies of pharmacy and mint, dividing the total amount of medication for three receptions;
  • drink tea made from blueberries - It is accepted in cold form 50 ml four times a day;
  • with the strengthening of pain in the stomach, you can drink a tablespoon of ordinary vegetable oil every 30 minutes (optimally olive) during the day;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula taking 20 drops in a dosage three times a day (you can breed with water).

note:with existing pains in the stomach of different intensity, alcohol beverages should be abandoned, although many patients consider alcohol with an excellent remedy. The relief may occur, but it will be very short, and the consequences of such carelessness are generally difficult to predict - alcohol acts destroying the mucous membrane of the hollow organ.

If the pain in the stomach is repeated too often and each time it takes an increasing number of painkillers to remove the syndrome, then the survey is needed - this state is inherent only in some serious pathologies.

Pain in the stomach that require emergency care

Usually patients are independently trying to cope with pain in the stomach and in some cases their actions are really effective. But there are a number of pathologies that require immediate intervention of medical workers. And one of them is the breaking of ulcers - the rupture of the wall of the hollow organ on the site of an existing wound surface. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the stomach is acute, "Kinjal", sudden. The intensity of the syndrome is such that the patient is forced to take a pose lying on his back with a very attracted feet to the stomach.
  2. Sharp general weakness - In some cases, the patient has a confusion of consciousness and even fainting.
  3. Increased sweating - a cold sticky sweat is on the forehead, they can be covered with palms.
  4. A sudden decrease in blood pressure indicators and a decrease in the pulse frequency is provoked by internal bleeding.

Pain syndrome in the stomach is one of the common symptoms. Almost every second patient complains about unpleasant sensations. The main reason is irrational nutrition, abuse of alcoholic beverages and overeating. If you do not pay attention to the problem in a timely manner, it leads to serious illnesses. Why is the stomach hurts and how to eliminate an unpleasant symptom? Tell.

The first question asks the doctor at the reception, as pain in the stomach is manifested. The nature and intensity of this feature may be diverse depending on the cause.

  1. The sharp painful sensations in the stomach that arose suddenly signals the development of pancreatitis, cholecystitis or ulcerative damage to the duodenum.
  2. With sharp and sudden pain, it is customary to talk about the chemical burn of mucous membranes or food poisoning.
  3. The reasons for pain in the stomach may also indicate the punch of the walls. Then an unpleasant feeling will have a strong and sharp character. When polling, the patient compares pain with a stuck knife.
  4. The feeling of burning is manifested in ulcers and gastritis. Dumb character speaks of chronic flow or initial form of the disease. Gastritis have a clear connection with meals. That is, an unpleasant feeling may occur after eating or hunger.
  5. The pain of spasmodic or grapple-like type speaks of an ulcer or inflammatory process in the duodenum. This symptom is usually bothering at night or after a while after the last meal.
  6. A sharp feeling in the stomach is also short-term. It is also called shooting. Manifests itself when inhaling or sharp change of body position. Signals about spasms in the diaphragm, which occur against the background of inflammation or blood flow disorders.
  7. Permanent, but weak painful sensations indicate malignant formations or polyps. When the pancreas cancer, the pain slides the whole area.
  8. Strong, but grapple-shaped sensations say infections in the stomach or intestines.
  9. Intensive pains in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen are a sign of the colitis of the large intestine. They can weaken, but constantly arise.
  10. With painful syndrome in the umbilical zone, smoothly moving into the right side, it is customary to talk about appendicitis. In this case, the patient needs urgent surgery.

These are not all causes of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. In some cases, the abdomen may affect the background of irritable bowel syndrome, vessel thrombosis, aortic bundles in the abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction, injury to the stomach, coronary heart disease, nervous disorders.

Sound syndrome events

If a person has a stomach hurts, then it is impossible to take pills yourself. Even an experienced doctor will not immediately prescribe a treatment, because first you need to identify the cause of pathology.

First aid measures are not so much. If it hurts, then you should immediately visit the doctor, because it can signal about gastritis, ulcers or cancer.

When the pain syndrome is suddenly manifested, you should urgently cause an ambulance brigade. Prior to arrival, it is strictly forbidden to take antispasmodics or painkillers. But to reduce discomfort, the patient must be entered on the side and bend the legs in the knees. And to the belly to attach a cold compress.

When heartburn, antacid drugs can be taken. Their effects are aimed at lower acidity. If an excess of hydrochloric acid is observed in gastric juice, antisecretory agents will help.

But not always the reason lies in the increase in the gastric juice. Therefore, such medicines may be powerless.

To improve the overall condition, you can resort to people's methods of treatment. But the positive effect of them should not be able to wait. The average use duration is usually one month. If the method is incorrect, then during this time the patient's condition deteriorates noticeably.

If a person has a sick stomach, he should visit the doctor. Only the patient can help the doctor correctly diagnose. To do this, give some information about the general condition.

  1. First of all, you need to remember when the pain is most often manifested - after or during meals, in day or night. It is also worth recognizing the character - acute, stupid, butting or sharp.
  2. Think over the diet. It should be remembered which food was made last time, and in what quantity.
  3. Drug medications were taken before that. If so, what. The same group includes biological additives and vitamins.
  4. Recently transferred diseases and other states in the form of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, climax. Perhaps there were stress shocks, a change in lifestyle or climatic conditions.

The more the doctor will know, the more accurate the results and the diagnosis.

Folk remedies for pain in the stomach

If the stomach hurts, what to do at home? Folk ways can be used to remove discomfort. There are several effective recipes.

  1. Potato juice. Simple, but good tool for the treatment of gastritis and increased acidity. For the preparation you will need one root. We wash and clean from the peel. We rub on the grater, and then after gauze, press the juice. Preheat to the desired temperature. It should not be very hot or cold. We take every morning after sleep.
  2. Aloe. This plant is available in almost every home. It is known to the healing properties. One of these is the acceleration of regenerative processes in damaged tissues and an increase in local immunity. It is most often combined with honey. For cooking, it is enough to take 2-3 leaves, chop finely, and then squeeze juice through the gauze. We connect in an equal ratio with honey.
  3. Dandelion. Dandelion leaves have the ability to paink quickly. To remove pain syndrome and calm the mucous membrane, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. A spoon of dry leaves is taken for this and is poured with a mug of boiled water. It insists for about 30 minutes, focusing. Take an hour before meals.
  4. Mint tea. When a sharp pain will help mint tea. For his cooking you will need a pre-boiled green tea. In another container, add a spoon of mint leaves and pour boiling water. As soon as the decoction is mixed, mix with tea. Add a spoonful of lemon juice and honey. To all this, such a drink improves the process of digestion of food and remove nausea.
  5. Plantain. In the spasms in the stomach, it is necessary to eat the leaves of the plantain. At the same time, they should be carefully chewed.
  6. Tomato juice. Tomato juice with honey will help to get rid of pain syndrome. At the same time, he normalizes the process of digestion. But remember, it increases appetite.
  7. Korni Aira. Of them are preparing a useful decoction. This drink exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, toning and anesthetic effect.
  8. Flax-seed. If you need to reduce the irritation of the stomach, then it can infusion based on flaxseed. Take it every morning on an empty stomach.
  9. Cucumber juice. When it is required to weaken the attack of pain, it is enough to take a glass of cucumber juice. It's easy to prepare. One cucumber is taken and cleaned from the peel. Rits on a grater or crushed in a blender. With the help of Marli, juice is pressed. To all this, he eliminates nausea and thirst attacks.

If unpleasant signs do not disappear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and pass the survey.

Medical measures for pain in the stomach

If a person has pain in the stomach, causes and treatment need to be identified as soon as possible.

Getting rid of heartburn

The treatment of the stomach pain begins with the identification of the provoking factor. If the contents from the stomach fall into the esophagus, then the heartburn is also observed. This is a subassemble symptom.

What to do at home? To remove heartburn, you need to pay attention to food. From the diet, spices, spices, alcoholic beverages, soda, legumes and some vegetables are completely excluded. It is better to eat more often - up to 5 times a day. At the same time it is impossible to overeat.

To eliminate heartburn, you can have antisecretory and antacid drugs. They reduce acidity and neutralize hydrochloric acid.


You can treat this pathology at home. Before determining therapeutic measures, it is necessary to understand what caused. With regular stress, patient prescribe sedative or antidepressants. The most secure is the bars based on the latter, chamomiles, Valerians.

To relieve pain, it is forbidden to take acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen. Although these are effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds, but they lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach.

With bacterial damage, antibiotics are prescribed.

Strict diet must also be observed. From the menu, exclude sharp, fatty, salty dishes, products with a large content of fiber, dairy products.

At increased acidity antacids are prescribed. Enzymes are connected to improving food digestion processes. In strong pains will help antispasmodics.

Treatment of ulcer gastric damage

If the stomach is to whine a long time, it will lead to the development of ulcers. The main symptoms are customary to take nausea, multiple vomiting, belching, feeling of gravity. Strong pain occurs 3-4 hours after meals. In the acute course of the patient is placed in the hospital, as this disease is considered one of the most dangerous.

In severe cases, surgery is carried out.

Several important techniques for fixing pain in the stomach

When a person begins to break, it should immediately cause ambulance. If not only the emergence of serious complications is possible in a timely manner, then a fatal outcome is possible.

If the pain has a non-permanent and mesmer, then it is enough to adhere to some recommendations.

  1. Teach yourself to use water. It launches all digestive processes, leads to normal acidity, prevents the appearance of a number of symptoms. Use one or two glasses of water after sleeping on an empty stomach.
  2. Take care of nutrition. Most often, the cause of gastric pain is overeating, abuse of fatty and fried dishes. Exclude from the diet of spices, spices, alcohol. Prepare only a couple or boiled.
  3. Take food at equal periods of time. The number of food meals should be from 5 to 7 times. The volume of one portion should not exceed 200 grams.
  4. With ulcerative damage, food should be supplied in a puree or discharged form. This will facilitate the digestion process and prevent irritation.
  5. Go to vegetable juices. They have an anesthetic effect. They can be made from carrots, cabbage, potatoes, apples. Use on an empty stomach in the morning clock. At the same time, you should eat only in 20-30 minutes.
  6. Always refuel salads slightly heated olive oil.
  7. With a strong painful syndrome, doctors advise completely abandon meals for one or two days. At this time, you can only drink water and herbal teas.
  8. Observe the bed mode in the first days of the disease.
  9. When heartburn and belching, pay attention to how to sleep. In this case, the pillow must be raised. It is better to sleep on the left side or back so that the gastric juice does not throw back.

More than 60% of the population suffer from pain in the stomach. Approximately half of them do not apply to a specialist at all. The remaining part runs to the hospital only with unbearable pains. The reason for that self-medication.

Only the doctor, based on the symptoms, the results of the diagnosis and age of the patient, prescribe treatment. In most cases, it is possible to do with medicines only. But some have to make an operation.

It is much more dangerous when ordinary gastritis goes into an ulcer, perforation or cancer. Then living with the disease becomes harder every day. They are not fully cured, and even after surgery there is a possibility of recurrence.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Pain in the stomach - These are pain, which are permanent or fitful character. Most often they are localized at the site of projection stomach on the front abdominal wall. This area is called the name of the nasty, or epigastric. It is located above the imaginary horizontal line, which can be conditionally conducted through the navel. A part of the front abdominal wall, which is located right in the center of the abdomen, and is limited to this line from below, and the root arc of the chest from above - and there is the area into which the pain in the stomach is projected.

In addition, pain in the pathologies of the stomach can be distributed in the fourth intercostal interval on the left, or in the left side under the spoon.

Causes of Pain in the stomach

Pain in the stomach can cause diseases directly the stomach itself, as well as the pathology of other organs and systems of the human body. The main question at the same time - violations of which organ caused pain sensations in the nadium region. Qualified diagnostics can only hold a professional doctor. Therefore, if you feel pain in the stomach, it will be unreasonable, and sometimes it is even dangerous to make a diagnosis of yourself and start self-treatment.

The optimal solution will be a consultation with a specialist. Its necessity is due to the fact that pain in the abdomen, which arise not at the site of the projection of the stomach on the front abdominal wall - most likely, indicate the pathology of other bodies. In this case, we recommend that you read our other articles dedicated to your abdomen. But even if the pain is localized in the past region, then the disease will not necessarily be the disease of the stomach.

All causes of pain in the stomach can be divided into two large groups:
1. Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach caused by its pathology directly.
2. The pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach arising because of the defeats of other organs.

The first group includes the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • polyps of the stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • functional disorders of the stomach;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • food poisoning;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • individual intolerance to some foods and allergies.
The following diseases can be distinguished into the second group:
  • pancreatitis;
  • pathology of the small intestine;
  • pathology of the large intestine;
  • inflammation of appendix;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • spasm diaphragm.

Painness due to stomach lesions

Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach during gastritis

In patients with chronic gastritis pain in the stomach is usually not very intense. For this reason, the patient may not at all pay attention over a long period of time. The pain in chronic gastritis with the stomach preserved secretory function is more commonly stupid and more often.

It will be important to pay attention to the connection of pains with meals, as well as with the nature of the adopted food. Usually, when chronic gastritis, there is a fairly early appearance of pain - in fact immediately after eating, especially in cases, if food is sour, or has a rough consistency. These so-called early pains can provoke the emergence of fear patient before meals. Such patients sometimes begin to abandon meals.

In addition to pain, in patients with chronic gastritis, there is often a feeling of gravity and cutting in the epigastric area.

Other local symptoms of chronic gastritis:

  • the severity, a sense of pressure and completeness in the nominal area, which occur or enhanced while eating or immediately after it;
  • belching and joining;
  • an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • the burning in the epigastria, and sometimes heartburn, testifying to violation of food evacuation from the stomach and the casts of gastric content back to the esophagus.
To listed symptoms Signs of intestinal lesions can be joined in the form of defecation disorders. They are episodic, but often become the basis for the development of irritable intestinal syndrome.

Common disorders in chronic gastritis are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • violations of the cardiovascular system in the form of pain in the heart, the instability of the rhythm of heart abbreviations, blood pressure oscillations;
  • drowsiness, pallor and sweating arising after meals;
  • burning and pain in the oral cavity and language;
  • symmetric sensitivity disorders in the upper and lower limbs.

Pain in the abdomen and stomach for peptic ulcer

The main symptom with a stomach ulcer - pain in the epigastric area. The intensity of pain in the ulcerative defect may vary in fairly wide limits. Therefore, it is very difficult to judge this disease only on this characteristic of pain. For example, it is known that patients who transferred the surgery on the stomach, pain, even with exacerbations of ulcerative disease, are very poorly expressed, or there are no absent.

At the same time, in some cases, painful syndrome with ulcer of the stomach may have a sufficiently high intensity, forcing the patient to immediately take measures to facilitate its condition.

A more informative indicator is the relationship of this pain with meals. With a stomach peptic disease, pain people occur not as fast as when gastritis, but not later than an hour and a half after meals. Another symptom characteristic of a peptic disease is its recurrent course, that is, the alternation of exacerbation periods (more often in autumn or spring) and periods of remission.

In addition, the following manifestations are characteristic of the stomach ulcers:
1. Frequent heartburn and belching with acidic content.
2. The occurrence of nausea and vomiting after meals.
3. Reducing body weight.

A dangerous symptom is a sharp, acute, stitching or cutting pain in the stomach, which is also called "Kinjal". It may indicate the perforation of the wall of the organ of ulcer, that is, about the formation of the hole through which the gastric content falls into the abdominal cavity. With such states, the intensity of pain is so high that the patient can develop pain shock. This is a life threatening condition, so such a patient should be immediately delivered to the hospital for emergency surgery.

Night and stupid pain in the stomach during polyps

Polyps in the stomach - a rather rare disease. As a rule, they are practically not determined by any specific features or symptoms. In most cases, the polyp is diagnosed by chance - during surveys for other reasons. But in some cases the presence of a polyp may indicate a stupid, buttering abdominal pain. In addition, they can manifest themselves with painful sensations when pressing on the stomach, as well as bleeding, nausea and vomiting.

Constant pain in the stomach during cancer

Cancer tumors of the stomach are one of the most common oncological diseases. One of their signs serve non-intensive, weak, but constantly emerging pain in the stomach. In addition, patients suffering from a cancer tumor of the stomach often note the absence of communication of the appearance of pain with some specific reasons.

If the pain in the stomach occurs against the background of a high physical or neuropsychic load, it is possible to combine with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, this indicates stressful gastralgia (stomach pain), and in such a situation it is necessary to contact doctor-psychotherapist (sign up), psychiatrist (sign up) or neurologist. However, if it is impossible to get to these specialists for any reason, it is recommended to turn to a gastroenterologist or therapist.

If soon after eating, a person appears spastic stomach pains, combined with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and harsh weakness (up to faint), this indicates food poisoning, and in this case it is necessary to contact infectious doctor (sign up).

If the pain in the stomach of a spastic nature is combined with diarrhea and vomiting, this indicates a viral or bacterial intestinal infection, and in this case, you should contact the infectious doctor.

If the pain in the stomach appeared against the background of pneumonia or angina, accompanied by nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, then you should contact, respectively, pulmonologist (sign up)/ Therapist or otolaryngologist (Laura) (sign up).

If a person has weak stomach pain for a long time, combined with a deterioration in appetite, exhaust, heartburn, feeling the overcrowdance of the stomach, after the emergence of a small amount of food, anemia, disgusting to meat, a sense of discomfort in the stomach, possibly vomiting "coffee grounding" or blood and melanic (black feces), then this may indicate a malignant neoplasm, and in this case should contact doctor-oncologist (sign up).

What tests and surveys can prescribe a doctor in the stomach pain?

First, we will consider what analyzes and surveys can appoint gastroenterologists with pain in the stomach caused by diseases of the stomach, intestines and pancreas. Consider what tests and surveys can assign doctors for pain in the stomach, which are not directly related to the pathology of the stomach, intestines or pancreas, but are caused by a malignant tumor, bacterial or viral infection, pneumonia, angina, chemical poisoning, food poisoning, stress , allergies, appendicitis, the bundle of the abdominal aorta, ischemic heart disease or spasm of the diaphragm.

So, in pain in the stomach of various character, combined with a variety of symptoms and arising due to diseases of the stomach, intestines and pancreas, gastroenterologists can assign the following tests and surveys:

  • General blood analysis ;
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, bilirubin, asate, alosa, ldg, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, lipase, etc.);
  • Koprological analysis of the feces (including the Urgeresen reaction to the hidden blood);
  • Analysis of feces on dysbacteriosis (sign up);
  • Analysis of feces on helminty (worms);
  • Analysis for Helicobacter Pilori (sign up) (eg, urease test (sign up), definition in a piece of stomach tissue, started during gastroscopy, etc.);
  • Abdominal ultrasound ultrasound (sign up);
  • Intragastric pH-metry (sign up);
  • Electrogastrightography (allows you to estimate the motorcy and the activity of the movements of the stomach and intestines);
  • Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • Colonoscopy (sign up);
  • RectorOnoscopy (
    For example, if it is suspected that pain in the stomach is due to gastritis, it is assigned to gastroscopy, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, pH-metry and analysis for the presence of Helicobacter Pilori. If the pancreas is suspected, ultrasound, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancopyography and biochemical blood tests are limited. Perhaps the examination is complemented by computed tomography. If the intestinal disease is suspected, rectoroscopy, colonoscopy, panoramic x-ray, irrigoscopy are prescribed. Computed tomography In this case, a little informative, as the intestine is a hollow organ, and tomography does not give clear images of such structures containing in their lumen of the gases. When a functional disorder of the work of the stomach or intestines is suspected (irritable intestinal syndrome, etc.), an electric strokentherography is prescribed, which allows you to estimate the entire set of movements of these organs. Histological research of biopsy is appointed only after endoscopy (sign up)When suspicious foci were discovered in the stomach, esophagus or intestines.

    However, it is necessary to know that, if any disease of the stomach, intestines or pancreas is suggested, a general blood test is prescribed, a common urine analysis, a biochemical blood test, a feces for helminths, a coprological analysis of feces and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

    When pain occurs against the background of physical load, mental stress or stress, and it is localized either by the sternum, giving up in the stomach, or at the same time behind the sternum, and in the stomach, combined with a breath, feeling in the work of the heart, weakness, swelling of the feet and forced Sitting position, the doctor moderates ischemic heart disease and prescribes the following tests and surveys:
    sign up);

  • Myocardial scintigraphy (sign up);
  • Coronaryography (sign up);
  • Cleaning electrocardiography.
In case of suspicion of coronary heart disease, the doctor prescribes all the analyzes of the above list with the exception of coronary frames, scintigraphy and percussion electrocardiography, as they are used only as additional methods of examination, when the necessary information on the state of the heart and the entire body cannot be obtained easier, used in First of all methods.

When the pain in the stomach area of \u200b\u200ba sharp shooting character appears with a deep breath or a rapid change of postures after a long stay in a bent position or the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body, passes after a light workout, then a diaphragm spasm is treated, and in this case the doctor produces a manual examination and Inspection without the use of instrumental diagnostic methods (in such a situation they are not needed). So, during the inspection in the aperture, the diaphragms marked the movement of shoulders and spins, as well as the abdomen in respiration. That is, during breathing, the chest takes in the act of inhalation and exhalation limited participation, and these acts occur due to lowering and lifting the entire shoulder belt. During the manual examination, the doctor proves the tense muscles with his hands, determining the level of their mobility and restrictions of movements.
, strawberry). First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood test and an analysis to the IGE concentration, as it is necessary to determine whether the true allergy or pseudo-allergies are underway, which is manifested by almost identical symptoms, but somewhat varies with the approach to its treatment and further surveys.

So, if an increased amount of eosinophils was detected in the blood and the IGE concentration above above, this indicates that a person has a true allergic reaction. After that, the definition of the product is assigned to which a person gives an allergic reaction, by the method of skin samples or the method of determining the concentration of specific IgE in the blood. Usually choose any one method to determine the sensitivity of a person to food antigens - either skin tests, or a concentration of specific IgE in the blood, as they give the same range of information, but the first is cheaper, and the second more expensive and more accurate. Therefore, if there is a financial capabilities, you can hand over blood to determine the concentration of specific IgE, but it is possible to limit the simplest and cheap skin samples, since their accuracy is high enough.

If, according to blood tests, it was not revealed to increase the level of IgE and the amount of eosinophils, then we are talking about a pseudo-allergic reaction, which is due to diseases of the digestive tract. In this case, allergic tests on the definition of sensitivity to allergens of food by any method are not produced, and prescribed surveys to diagnose diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When the stomach pain develops against the background of a high physical or neuro-mental load, it is possible to combine with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, then stressful gastralgia are treated, and in this case the doctor to eliminate possible true diseases of the stomach assigns a general blood test and esophagastrodenoscopy. Other tests are not appointed, as this is not necessary - the diagnosis is obvious in a characteristic clinical picture.

If spastic pain in the stomach appear shortly after meals, combined with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and harsh weakness up to faint, then food poisoning is suspected, and the doctor prescribes bacteriological sowing of feces, vomit masses, washing the stomach, the remains of the contaminated Product to determine the type of bacteria that caused poisoning. An addition to the blood test to determine the presence of antibodies to various microbes provoking food poisoning, IFA, reef methods, PCR (sign up). In addition, if the symptoms of poisoning is similar to appendicitis, the doctor will appoint a general blood test and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Other examinations in food poisoning are usually not prescribed, as this is not necessary.

When weak stomach pains are constantly worried for a long time, combined with the deterioration of appetite, exhaust, heartburn, feeling the end of the stomach, after the emergence of a small amount of food, anemia, aversion to meat, a sense of discomfort in the stomach, possibly vomiting "coffee grounding" or Blood and melanoma (black feces), then a malignant tumor is treated, and in this case the doctor prescribes the following tests and surveys:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Coagulogram (blood coagulation analysis) (sign up);
  • Hidden blood analysis on hidden blood;
  • Gastroscopy (sign up);
  • X-ray of the stomach with a contrast agent;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Lung x-ray (sign up);
  • Multispiral computed tomography;
  • Positron emission tomography;
  • Histological study is a piece of tissues taken during the biopsy.
Usually all listed surveys and analyzes are assigned, since it is necessary to clarify the localization, size, the nature of the tumor growth, as well as the presence of metastases in other organs and nearby lymph nodes.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.