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» What is Courage? What is the essence of a man? What should a man be like? How to raise a man in yourself.

What is Courage? What is the essence of a man? What should a man be like? How to raise a man in yourself.

Quite common personalities. But today about everyone, not just about the rams. You can find some of these quotes on social media. networks, a little on WiKipedia and a handful in books. But there is no repository that brings them all together. We finally decided to create such a collection.

When it comes to quotes about masculinity, you might think that they address different qualities of masculinity, i.e. quotes about courage, strength, responsibility, etc. But what we were aiming to do here is to limit the collection to the concept of masculinity. We hope you enjoy our work.

"I intend to make myself a man, and if I succeed, then everything else will succeed."
James Garfield

"Not to do anyone badly ... To go and live without flattering, not reaching out a hand to what is not yours, not to confuse desire and duty, and to follow the invisible law of straightforwardness - that is what it means to be a man."
Orison Souet Marden

"You must become a man before you can become a gentleman."
John Wayne

"A man is one who develops, in harmonious proportions of his moral, intellectual and physical nature. This should be the goal that men of all classes should strive for, and this is what constitutes real masculine greatness."
Douglas Jerrold

"Since there is very little honor left in American life, hence the loss of true masculinity in American men."
Norman Mailer

"A man is transformed through a conscious expenditure of energy. First of all, he must act. Like the sun, he kindles his honor with his own fire. Hostility makes him waste himself in contempt for his own life."
Carlene A. Barton

"A man does what he must - despite the consequences for himself, despite the obstacles, dangers and pressure - this is the basis for all male morality."
Winston Churchill

"He understood well enough that a man faced with a choice between pride and responsibility will almost always choose pride if responsibility takes away his masculinity."
Stephen King

“True masculinity is different from simple anatomical male sex, it is not a natural state that occurs suddenly through biological maturation, but rather a dangerous and artificially created position that yesterday’s boy, and today’s already maturing guy, must create in spite of difficult obstacles. the critical threshold that a boy must overcome through trials occurs at every level of socio-cultural development, despite the recognition of other alternative roles. "
David Gilmore

"No man is more unhappy than one who has never faced adversity. He has never had the opportunity to prove himself."

"No one can tell if he is rich or poor by looking in his book of income and expenses. It is his heart that makes a man rich. Wealth is determined not by what a man has, but by what he is."
Henry Ward Beecher

"We do not admire the timid man. We admire the man who embodies the will to win; the man who will never be fooled by a neighbor who is in a hurry to help a friend who has those mature qualities necessary to win in life's harsh struggle."
Theodore Roosevelt

“The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most of the opportunities that are given to him. This is success. The question is not what someone else can do and what can be achieved, but what what can I do. How can I develop real masculinity? "
Orison Souet Marden

“The main gap in the understanding of masculinity is not between, say, the nineteenth century and any previous one, but between the boomer generation and the entire subsequent complex of education. To some extent, Theodore Roosevelt and Churchill have more in common with Homer and Shakespeare than with us. "
Waller Newell

"Contemporaries value the man, not his merits; but posterity will appreciate the merits, not the man."
Charles Caleb Colton

"A man should stand upright and not be supported upright by others."
Marcus Aurelius

"Not what he has, and not even what he does, shows the value of a man, but who he is."
Henri Frederic Amiel

"Putting aside moral principles and national traditions, real masculinity is to be a man in a small, embattled group of other men desperate to survive."
Jack Donovan

"Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you get. And you get it by winning little battles with honor."
Norman Mailer

"What man does not strive for noble trials and perilous duties? What man is idleness not a punishment?"

"Private and public life obeys the same rules - truth and masculinity are two qualities that will guide you through this world much better than politics, tact or other words coined to hide deviations from the straight line."
Robert E. Lee

"Without an opponent, masculinity disappears. We see how great and how viable masculinity is when we show what we are capable of with endurance."

"A man reveals his strengths and weaknesses through constant confrontation with the dilemmas and demands of love, courage, pride, family and country - five paths to go and which give us the key to happiness."
Waller Newell

“It is dangerous to show a man how close he is to the level of an animal without showing him at the same time his greatness. It is also dangerous to let him see his greatness without his meanness. It is more dangerous not to know about either one or the other; to both. "
Blaise Pascal

"The courage we all desire is not the courage to die, but the courage to live."
Thomas Carlyle

"The longer I live, the more I am convinced that the big difference between men, between the weak and the strong, the great and the insignificant, is energy, an indomitable aspiration - a goal once set, and then death or victory! This quality is the most important, what is in this world, and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged creature a man without him. "
Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton

"We don't need to reinvent courage. We just need to wake up from the bad dreams of the last few generations, return to past traditions, supplement and enrich them to meet the harsh demands of the present."
Waller R. Newell

"You can't always be a hero, but you can always be a man."
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe

"Let a great man consist of three parts: virtue, for he is free from anxiety; wisdom, for he is free from bewilderment; and courage, for he is free from fear."

"How poor, how rich, how despicable, how majestic, how complex, how wonderful a man! Outstanding connection in an endless chain! Halfway to the Divine! Miniature of absolute greatness! Heir of glory! Poor child of dust! Helpless immortal! Limited insect! Worm!" God!"
Edward Young

"An acorn does not immediately become an oak tree. It has to grow over long years and severe winters and endure frost, snow, thunder, storms and winds before it becomes a full-fledged oak tree. A man does not become a man immediately. His masculinity develops over the years. avoids life's difficulties and lies in the grave without a single wrinkle, not even half a man. Difficulties are God's tests, and only through them courage comes. "
Henry Ward Beecher

"Test of masculinity: how much is left within you after you have lost everything outside of you."
Orison Souet Marden

"A man who does everything that leads to happiness in order to depend on himself and not on others ... has chosen the best plan to live happily. He is a man of moderate views; he is a man of courageous character and wisdom."

"Do what your masculinity tells you, do not expect applause; noble ones live and die those who abide only by their own laws."
Richard Francis Burton

"Civilization is valued by masculinity. It is valued by risk and struggle. It is valued by strength, courage and skill. It is valued by honor. Increasing civilization requires the loss of courage, pushing masculinity into a further stronghold of mediation and abstraction."
Jack Donovan

"If you don't want to wake up in the morning, tell yourself," I wake up to do the job of a real man. "
Marcus Aurelius

"We need iron qualities that come with true masculinity. We need the positive virtues of resolution, courage, stubborn desire, power, without cutting back on the rough work that must always be done."
Theodore Roosevelt

"Masculinity is an extension of childhood narcissism."
David Gilmore

"A man must find expression in what he does. The value of knowledge is at the core that leads to real masculinity."
Christian Nestell Bovey

"The person who tries to get up will be helped; the person who does not try to get up will be allowed to lie down. Personal independence is a virtue, and this is the soul from which the strongest masculinity comes. But there can be no independence without a significant amount of independence, and this is a virtue. cannot be bestowed. It must be developed. "
Frederick Douglas

“Strength, Courage, Mastery and Honor are the alpha virtues of men all over the world. These are the fundamental virtues of men, because without them no 'higher' virtues can be developed. You have to be alive to philosophize. You can add anything to these virtues, and you can create rules and codes of ethics to govern them, but if you take them out of the equation, you are giving up the virtues that are defining to men, you are giving up the virtues that make civilization possible. "
Jack Donovan

"Genius is the power to transfer the feelings of childhood into masculinity."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"Masculinity implies superior masculinity, as femininity implies superior femininity. Masculinity is a character trait for the man he is meant to be."
James Freeman Clark

"Courtesy is a duty, but should not be exercised at the expense of any of the virtues. One who strives to always be amiable can only succeed at the expense of his masculinity."
W. G. Simms

"The combination of active and speculative virtue is one of the most enduring schemes in three thousand years of experience that allows you to be a man."
Waller Newell

"The whole point of courage is that a man sets goals and has the will to achieve them."
Alexander McLaren

"... samurai ethics is the science of managing fear and fatigue so that no one notices them. It is more important to look healthy than to be so, it is more important to look bold and courageous than to be so. It is a concept of morality, physiologically based on vanity, specific for men, is perhaps the highest masculine concept of morality. "
Yukio Mishima

"The opposition of what we want and what we should have. Difficulties are the basis for courage and self-confidence."
John Neal

"What a field for activity a man is! How noble he is in reasons! How infinite in abilities! How he is at rest and in motion, special and wonderful! In action, like an angel! In anticipation, like God."

"A person should have a life code, a life credo, no matter what his job is."
John Wayne

"Show me the men you honor and I will know what kind of person you are, as it will show me what ideal masculinity is for you and how you want to be."
Thomas Carlyle

"A man is one whose body is trained to serve the mind, whose passions serve the will; who enjoys beauty, loves the truth and hates lies, who does good and respects others as himself."
John Ruskin

"Isao never wanted to be a woman in his life, he wanted to be a man, live the life of a real man and die like a man. Being a man meant constantly proving his masculinity today to be a man more than yesterday, tomorrow more than today. To be a man. meant to continuously climb to the highest point of courage to die at its top. "
Yukio Mishima

"I knew one good old man - a man who, through the opportunities and failures of a long life, carried his heart in his hand, like a palm branch, brushing off all the differences of the world - helping our faith in God, in ourselves, and in each other, more, than many sermons. "
J. W. Curtis

"When men evaluate each other from a man's point of view, they look for those virtues that form the basis. Men admire the qualities that make a man useful and reliable in an emergency. Men have always had a separate role, and they still judge each other according to requirements. that role of the head of a community struggling to survive. Everything that defines a man - not just a male - has to do with this role. "
Jack Donovan

"It is not necessary to do something bad in order to realize failure: inaction will lead to it faster. Nature has written everywhere a protest against idleness; everything that stops acting and struggling quickly disappears. This is an ideal struggle, constant efforts to be higher and further, which develop masculinity and character. "
James Terry

"It is not the situation that makes the man, but the man that makes the situation."
Frederick William Robertson

"A man is formed by a religious, political or educational system."
Gehry-Frederic Amiel

"Every man thinks badly of himself so as not to be a soldier. Or not to be at sea."
Samuel Jackson

“Men cannot be men, good people, or heroic people if their actions have no meaningful consequences for the people they truly care about. Strength requires opposing strength, courage requires risk, skill requires hard work, honor requires responsibility towards others. things we are no more than boys playing men, and there are no special days or rite of passage that can change that. The rite of passage must reflect a real change in status and responsibility in order to be more than just an actor. "
Jack Donovan

"Duty is the essence of courage."
George S. Patton

"Following great people is the dream of young people and the most serious manifestation of masculinity."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The most important are the qualities of masculinity, only they are fair and unbiased."
Henry David Thoreau

"There is one rule, besides all others, to be a man. No matter what happens, come face to face with it."
Robert Jordan

"Be true to yourself to be a man. Real women will always be grateful when men are ready to be men."
Elizabeth Elliot

"A man should be able to hear and accept the worst that can be said about him."
Saul Bellow

"We create effeminate men and expect dignity and exploits from them. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our environment. We castrate and demand from geldings to be fruitful."
C. S. Lewis

"The main aspects of what we call masculinity are moral, not intellectual."
J.K. Kieffer

"There are two questions that a person should ask himself:" Where am I going? "And" Who will go with me? "If you do not know the answers to these questions, you are in trouble.
Sam Keane

"If boys don't teach, men won't know."
Douglas Wilson

"A woman can just be a woman, but a man has to become a man. Masculinity is dangerous and elusive. It is achieved through a woman and only confirmed by other men. Masculinity turned into sensitivity is not masculinity at all."
Camille Paglya

"Difficult situations harden masculinity, and the peculiarity of a great man is not that he has escaped the vicissitudes of life, but that he has overcome them."
Patrick henry

"We love peace, but not peace at any cost. There is a peace more destructive by the virility of a living person than war is destructive by his material body."
Douglas Jerold

"Men have ideas and their actions are many, they have a lot to learn from each other, but the really great ones unite idea and action."
Jack Donovan

"It is a big mistake to think that one can be great without virtue; and it is indisputable that there has never been a really great person who was not at the same time really virtuous."
Benjamin Franklin

"We Greeks beauty lovers are simple in our tastes and we develop ourselves without losing our masculinity."

"[the difference between the old and the new teaching], the old was a kind of diffusion - men imparted masculinity to men; the new doctrine is simply propaganda of masculinity."
C. S. Lewis

"There is a difference between being a good man and being a good man."
Jack Donovan

"Personally, I find that a person who knowingly and intelligently makes a promise and then breaks it loses his masculinity."
Mahatma Gandhi

"History is replete with examples of the collapse of countries that got a little progressiveness at the expense of a lot of masculinity and thus prepared for collapse as soon as the opportunity presented itself."
Walter Badgehot

"Life is too short to be insignificant. A person is courageous when he feels deeply, acts boldly and expresses himself frankly and passionately."
Benjamin Disraeli

"A man is not just a man, but a man among men in the world of men. Having the ability to be a man has to do with the ability to succeed among men, not among women. When someone tells a man to be a man, he is telling him to be more like other men. most men, ideally a man who is extolled by other men. "
Jack Donovan

"First find the man in yourself, then you will inspire others for masculinity."
Amos Bronson Alcott

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I used the methods of childhood."

"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything else. If you are a man, you take it all."
Malcolm X

"No man should live his life without overcoming healthy loneliness, searching for himself, depending solely on himself and thus exploring his true and hidden strength."
Jack Kerouac

"Don't waste time discussing what a good man should be. Be one."
Marcus Aurelius

"I hope I have enough toughness and dignity to live up to what I consider the most enviable character of a man."
George Washington

"Life is like a storm. You will bask in the sun one moment and be smashed against the rocks the next. And what makes you a man is what you do when the storm starts."
Count of Monte Cristo

"To be a man means to be responsible."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The strength of a person's dignity should be measured not by his special actions, but by his usual actions."
Blaise Pascal

"A true Gentleman is a person whose behavior stems from goodwill and a keen sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who prevents a poor person from feeling his poverty, an insecure person of his darkness or any person of his inferiority or ugliness; who humiliates himself, if necessity makes him humiliate another; who does not flatter wealth, cringes before boasting of property or success; who speaks frankly, but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows the word; who thinks about the rights and feelings of others, and not their own; and who is welcome in any company. "
John Walter Wayland

"No man stands as tall as when he bends over to help a child."
Abraham Lincoln

"A man gives. And he does it even when he is not appreciated, not respected, not even loved. He just holds on and he does it. Because he is a man."
Breaking bad

"Being a man requires you to accept everything that life gives you, starting with your name."
Burl Ives

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How to be the master of your life? The main thing is to be courageous. It is important to define for yourself what masculinity is and make your own list of necessary masculine qualities and rules.

Masculinity, masculinity, a man, as well as a "real man" are all extremely subjective and do not have a precise definition of the concept. Therefore, I consider it important to independently determine for myself what masculinity is, how it manifests itself, make up your own list of masculine qualities and rules, keep it up to date and, most importantly, follow it. This will help reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of manipulations like "men don't do this" or "a real man should ...".

Instead of dozens of the most diverse properties and qualities, I have derived for myself one simple motto - I am the master of my life. For all questions about masculinity, about how to act in a given situation, I ask myself one simple question: "How would the owner of his life act?" and independently find the answer, which I recommend to the reader as well. It is important to create an inner attitude, to be imbued with such a vision of the world and really feel like the master of your life, and not just occasionally remember it.

By the master of life, I mean a person with the following qualities:

willpower and self-control: determination, perseverance, control of disturbing emotions, courage, strength of character, the ability to overcome difficulties, fears, and the like;

independence and responsibility: take responsibility for your words and actions, for achieving your goals and position in life, self-sufficiency, the ability to provide for yourself and solve your problems;

self-esteem and self-confidence: feel comfortable in yourself, consider yourself complete, respect and love yourself, accept yourself as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages;

Masculinity in dating and relationships

In my opinion, a good and kind person will be of little attractiveness to a female if he has little male character traits. From here, by the way, follows the opinion that girls are more likely to like some kind of "bad guy" when in fact they just need a full-fledged man, which the "good guy" is not always.

For the manifestation of masculinity in a relationship with a girl, all the more there are no clear instructions and rules. I believe that the role of a man in a relationship with a woman is universal and applicable wherever there is a leader and a follower: the attitude of a parent to a child, a teacher to a student, and a leader to his subordinates. In other words, which also work well for the motto - be an authority for your girlfriend. And for all the questions about how to behave with a girl, I recommend asking the question "how would a loving parent, teacher, authority in this situation act?" and independently find the answer, getting used to this role.

Important points of this universal role:

to be a leader, initiator, create and control a situation, lead, offer, but not command or demand;

to solve problems, to protect, to take responsibility and to care - to help do what a person finds it difficult to do himself, but not to serve - not to do what he himself can easily do;

to be independent, giver, not needy and dependent;

do not beg;

not letting yourself be disrespected;

remember about humanity - not to be selfish, dominate, humiliate and think only of yourself, but to be loving, caring and strive for joint happiness;

It is not at all necessary to always be an authority in everything. In cases where the girl is more competent, it is better to transfer leadership to her. But since some girls regularly try to lead, subconsciously testing their partner's masculinity, it is important not to change roles forever. Otherwise, it is highly likely that she will stop seeing you as a worthy man and lose interest in you.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you will come to the conclusion that masculinity is as important as intelligence and humanity to a happy and harmonious relationship.

A courageous person can be either a man or a woman. Nowadays, a courageous woman is no longer a rarity. The only difference is that society does not expect masculine traits from a woman, while in a man they are assumed for granted. But not every man is courageous! What is masculinity and how to raise a man in yourself?

What is masculinity

Masculinity is an ambiguous concept. There is no single correct definition of masculinity in science, there are a lot of them. At different times and in different cultures, different meanings were put into the concept of masculinity. Needless to say, each person defines masculinity for himself in a special way.

Everyone has their own ideas about what should be a real man... These ideas are formed from childhood memories (the figure of the father plays a particularly important role), personal life experience and are based on the ideal image of “I” (if we are talking about a man) or on the image of an “Ideal man” (if we are talking about a woman).

Unfortunately, in our time, masculinity is often confused with aggressiveness and rudeness. Young men sometimes think that they will look courageous if they acquire a few bad habits (such as smoking, alcohol abuse and censorship) and behave rudely, arrogantly, and rudely. But masculinity is not aggressiveness!

Masculinity Is a personality trait that combines certain character traits, abilities and skills, namely:

  • strong will, self-control and self-discipline (the ability to control fears, doubts, negative emotions, speech, behavior);
  • courage and decisiveness, necessarily combined with prudence, rationality (otherwise they turn into unjustified aggression);
  • restraint, self-control (a real man is guided by reason and common sense, and not momentary impulses and unbridled passions);
  • respect (primarily for the fair sex) and self-respect;
  • responsibility (not just the ability to be responsible for yourself, your decisions and actions, but also to be responsible for others);
  • hard work, lack of laziness and fear of hard work;
  • ability to plan, dedication;
  • commitment, a sense of duty, the ability to keep your word and keep promises;
  • firm self-confidence, belief in success;
  • firmness, firmness, reasonable adherence to principles;
  • nobility, dignity, honor, good breeding, tact, intelligence (even if the days of the knights are long gone, it is unlikely that a non-cultured type will be called a real man),
  • charisma that presupposes leadership qualities (read more about charisma "") and so on.

The list goes on and on with many more wonderful and respectable qualities!

Male and female masculinity

To clean psychological the concept of masculinity is very often added to features masculinity and a real man is called one who, among other things, is physically strong, strong, has pronounced male secondary sexual characteristics (beard, low voice, etc.), that is, a masculine man.

But you need to understand that a masculine man not always courageous. Masculinity is a psychological characteristic, while masculinity is a complex of externally observable characteristics that distinguish a man from a woman.

But of course masculinity and masculinity closely connected between themselves! For example, if a young man decides to go in for sports in order to be physically stronger, he will undoubtedly develop masculinity, since playing sports involves the development of some of its components, such as willpower, endurance, hard work, and so on.

Courageous man- a mature male, both physically and psychologically (as a person).

The masculinity of a man manifests itself in his attitude towards himself, towards other men and, of course, towards a woman. Concerning relationship of the present men to woman, here everything seems pretty simple and straightforward. A man should be able to look after, take care, help, respect, provide everything a woman needs, and so on, but in reality everything is not as simple as it seems.

The fact is that in our time, the overwhelming majority of women, consciously or not realizing that cultivate masculinity(after all, this trait is common for both sexes) and they do this in order to be able to survive in society (mainly in order to find a job and build a career). A woman who is able to fully provide herself with everything necessary on her own, strong-willed, self-confident, active, able to be a leader, physically strong is respected.

But in matters of heart and family, female masculinity hinders very much modern girls. A courageous girl needs an even more courageous man and often cannot find one. Due to the fact that a strong-minded lady does not find a worthy man for herself, or, having found him, she still considers him not manly enough, often arise gender-role conflicts.

Modern women often simply do not provide an opportunity for their men to show masculinity, and then they themselves complain about this shortcoming.

For a deeper understanding of the problem of gender-role conflicts, read the articles “” and “?”.

How to raise a man in yourself

Developing masculinity requires practicing self-education... You need to purchase the necessary knowledge, skills, skills which in turn will lead to the development of those character traits that make up masculinity.

Most importantly:

Every woman dreams that her chosen one is courageous! After all, only next to such a real man can you afford the luxury of being just a weak, gentle, kind and beautiful woman.

What is masculinity in the true sense?

Hello dear friends), today a few words about the most mysterious. About masculinity. The main feature of true masculinity, I consider self-respect, how much is a man able to respect himself? What it consists of, let's discuss.

Why does this male self-respect depend? In fact, all this should not depend on anything. And often, on the contrary, self-esteem and self-esteem depends, but on what it just does not depend)

  • The dependence of self-esteem on the opinions and approval of others. And here women become these people. But what is the idea of ​​masculinity in women, in one it is one thing in the other, naturally different, whom a man should be guided by, God knows him. And here, at the close of the curtain, a transcendental attitude of manipulation appears), about which more than one idea of ​​masculinity “A real man should” has crashed and which has drowned generations of men “in a complex of common male guilt” for all centuries of women's suffering.
  • The dependence of self-esteem on sex turns into a necessary condition for survival and a feeling of personal happiness "How are you" - "It's okay, work, wife, lover"), and if not)?
  • Influence on self-esteem, achievements in business, work, creativity. Another myth about masculinity. Has he gone bankrupt in business, has he been demoted, quit his job, or have the salary been reduced? All friend, you were overturned) And again the feminine attitude "a man should", mercilessly blows away the unsteady masculinity from the former owner, dooming him to spiritual ordeals and search.
  • This setting is not that common, but it is also quite popular. Many men on this plane, demanding from themselves the standards of "impeccability", "the man said the man did", manic perfectionism, striving for an unattainable "daddy's ideal" doom themselves all their lives to neurotic suffering. In which error or failure is like death. To this I would add hyperresponsibility.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others (the same men on men, favorite phallic competitions to measure piss with each other), as well as dependence on psychoactive substances, in general, any dependence destroys not only masculinity, but also the personality of any person.
  • Fear of loneliness, inability to autonomy and self-sufficiency. The sword of Damocles of the everyday Superego encroaches on the already unsteady masculinity, saying “You must have a family, otherwise you will die in old age and there will be no one to give a mug of water”, “Family is stability”, etc.
  • In short, I will sum up - what exactly is a courageous man.

    A man respects, does not suppress, does not adjust, does not oppress, etc., everything is not, he respects and recognizes a woman. This respect builds on an understanding of gender differences, socio-biological goals and objectives,

    True self-esteem and self-esteem are independent of various variables. Since there is no point in asserting oneself, manipulating, dominating, humiliating other people.

    Those people live by their goals, values, lifestyle, which may differ from that promoted in society, psychological independence from criticism and approval. They value love as a significant and positive component of a healthy and fulfilling life, but besides this, there are other interests that are no less important.

    These male personalities have healthy self-love, different interests, job satisfaction, hobbies that are not the core of his self-esteem and self-esteem.

    They understand that they do not have to be an outstanding "navel of the earth", and some life failures are not perceived by them as fatal, they study, are engaged in education, have a specialty and a favorite job.

    His life is like a mountain river, compared to the life of his perfect friends. He is responsible for his life, feelings, mood, is not afraid of loneliness, with loved ones he has no dependence, but there is reciprocity. Well, of course, sports, although this has no direct relation to masculinity as such, it is just that a reasonable person understands that playing sports is beneficial and useful.

    Thank you for your precious attention, dear friends, and see you soon). To all my readers, do not leave without a gift, who have not yet downloaded my new and free for my readers book "Guide to Happy Relationships" here is a link

    Https:// - I will be glad to see you as a guest, add to me) I have a lot of interesting things.

    Other related news:

  • Masculinity. What is masculinity. The only true definition of masculinity
  • What is self-esteem in reality or what determines the quality of your life
  • Ideas of "masculinity" in men: analysis, implications
  • Dependence on the opinions of people around
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  • Dependence on the opinions of others.
  • One hundred and fifty times about femininity and a little about masculinity
  • Continuation. Sutra on Femininity and Masculinity 2.
  • Devaluation of masculinity by the man himself
  • What is a man afraid of (women only)
  • How and from what a man should protect his woman
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  • Masculinity is a trait that is very good for men, but is more and more common in women these days. If we turn to the dictionary, then this word is determined by a set of qualities that, according to universal human ideas, should belong to a man: courage, courage, strength, stamina. However, such a set is able to decorate any person.

    Signs of masculinity

    There are many different points of view about what true masculinity is. Generally speaking, people who have the following list are called courageous:

    1. Courage, fearlessness in actions, not in words.
    2. Strength of spirit, will, character.
    3. Resilience in the face of danger and hardship.
    4. Firmness in their decisions.
    5. Ability to keep a given word no matter what.
    6. Serious attitude towards life, words and deeds.
    7. Stoicism, confidence, lack of change of mind and the ability to "not bend" under others.

    How to develop masculinity?

    Many women in our time do not want to be fragile and sophisticated at all - they are ready to make decisions themselves, be responsible for their words, show willpower and confidence in their actions. However, this is not given to everyone, and some only dream of becoming courageous. In this regard, the following recommendations can be made:

    1. Develop responsibility. No word should be said just like that. If you made a promise, you must keep it. If you have made a decision, it must be deliberate and not subject to appeal.
    2. Develop willpower. You need to start small, but healthy: give up sweets or other junk food, or start going to the gym. It is useful for the figure and works out well. It can be extremely difficult for a sweet tooth to pass by a pastry shop, however, the ability not to be wasted on petty desires on the way to the goal (in this example, health and harmony) is one of the sides of masculinity.
    3. Develop courage. You need to start small - for example, learn to say no when you feel like saying no. Or express your own opinion, even if you know that it may not be supported. The ability not to be afraid to express yourself is a high degree of masculinity.

    As you work on yourself in this way, you will notice that over and over again it becomes easier and easier for you to show masculinity. Thus, you can easily develop the desired trait in all its manifestations.

    The problem of masculinity

    In addition to the positive aspects, developing masculinity can bring some problems to your personal life. The fact is that a person who makes high demands on himself makes them to others as well. This means that if you are not near too courageous a man, you will not be able to be with him, because against your background he will suffer from a lack of a mass of qualities that you have developed in yourself, or received from birth.

    It is more difficult for courageous women to find a life partner for themselves, since these days a courageous man is not so common. More and more of them do not understand that the word has been given to be restrained, not to indulge their weaknesses, and everything in this spirit. It is quite difficult to respect such a person, and sometimes it is impossible to re-educate such a person.

    And yet, even with all these complexities in mind, masculinity remains an incredibly important and respected trait. Therefore, if you are not afraid of such difficulties, feel free to work on your character and gain inner strength.
