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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Pomelo fruit: benefit and harm to humans, features of use. Citrus fruit Pomelo: benefit, harm, composition, recipes Pomelo fruit Useful properties and harm

Pomelo fruit: benefit and harm to humans, features of use. Citrus fruit Pomelo: benefit, harm, composition, recipes Pomelo fruit Useful properties and harm

Pomelo is the fruit of evergreen citrus tree. The peel in the pomelo is pretty dense, large slices, separated with harsh partitions of white color with a bitter taste. The ripe citrus is painted from light green to yellow-pink. Pink shade of fruit gets due to the sun, it is usually only one side turned to the sun.

Earlier Pomel considered one of the varieties Grapefruit The benefits and harm of the grapefruit and its health juice. Top 10 of its useful properties. What vitamins, trace elements in this fruit and its nutritional value. What harm can apply grapefruit and its contraindications. But his pulp is not so juicy and there is no bitter taste, and when cleaning the inner partitions it is easier to separate from the pulp.

Place of birth Pomelo - China (Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Tonga Islands and Fiji). Even today, the pomelo in Asia is one of symbols of prosperous life and prosperity. He is a traditional gift for the new year. From this article, you will learn about all the beneficial properties of fruit in the pellel, its contraindications and use in the treatment of various ailments.

The fruit - beats all records among citrus. In diameter, the pellel is capable of reaching 30 cm, and in weight - 10 kg.

Calorie and chemical composition

The fruit is incredibly enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements. It also includes organic acids and essential oils. On the content of vitamins A and C he many overtakes grapefruit. 100 grams of the product contain:

Being a low-calorie fruit, the pomelo is very popular among those who fight overweight.

Pomelo - 10 beneficial health properties

    In cases of iron deficiency anemia, when the synthesis of hemoglobin is disturbed due to iron deficiency, it is recommended to take any gland products or eat food. Rich iron What is gem and non-brass iron? What products are the greatest iron content, which there are additives, how to take them. Products are improving and preventing assimilation. . The effect of these drugs can be enhanced in the case of combining them with products with an increased content of vitamin C. Scientific discoveries have shown that vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in the body. Pomel can be considered as prevention of similar anemia.

  1. Heart health

    Pomel contains a large number of potassium - 12% of the daily rate In one hundred grams of the product. This mineral is needed for the normal functioning of the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and reduces the level of poor cholesterol in the body. Pomel helps to clean the walls of vessels from cholesterol layers, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Potassium helps in regulating blood pressure, which improves blood circulation, oxygenation of organs and systems, reduces the load on the heart and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.

    It is interesting:

    The article presents products containing high cholesterol. How cholesterol affects health. What products with healthy cholesterol, and which products should be excluded from their diet.

  2. Consuming every day one fruit gauge can prevent the harmful effects of free radicals attacked the body. It stimulates antibodies and cells of the immune system for the protection of the body from bacteria causing colds, flu, asthma and allergies.

  3. Prevention of cancer

    In the peel of the pomelo contains a large number bioflavonoids - antioxidant What is antioxidants and what are their useful properties for the body? The content of antioxidants in food food. Should I take antioxidants in pharmacy preparations? which reduces the risk of intestinal cancer, pancreas and breast. These antioxidants are removed from the body. surplus estrogenpreventing cancer spreading. Pomelo also contains a large amount of fiber, which protects the body from cancer The article presents twelve ways to treat cancer by folk remedies. Treatment using Geson, Budvig method, proteolytic enzyme therapy, chelating and much more. Colonse.

  4. Healthy skin

    It contributes to the splitting of fats, removes harmful substances from the body, filling it in turn with useful vitamins and minerals.

    Pomelo is an excellent addition to the dietary diet. To effectively reduce weight, it is necessary to use chicken meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals, as well as observe the water balance - drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

    Important! On a diet, consisting exclusively of a pomelo or any other product, it is impossible to sit. This will slow down the metabolism and will lead to various violations in the body. The right way to lose weight is to eat right and move more.

Folk Recipes Application Pomel

  1. To strengthen the body

    Mercenary substances are contained not only in the pulp meat, but also in its peel. In the fresh form, it is very bitter, almost unsuitable for use, so it can be knocked out. Dried skin peel useful additive in teawhich will strengthen the immune system and give the body forces.

  2. From edema

    Seddow leaves are used to prepare infusion that possesses diuretic effect The article presents the most useful diuretic food, herbs and drinks. As without drugs and doctors, reduce swelling in the body by folk remedies. . This tool perfectly removes the swelling and especially useful during the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

    For cooking 1 tbsp. Dry leaves Pomelo pour 200 ml of hot water and leave to be broken by 15 minutes. Drink 1 cup 2 times a day for a month.

  3. In heart disease

    Fresh fruit is useful for strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Those who are suffering tachycardia, it is recommended to eat 2 slices of volatile every day.

  4. From cough and throat pain

    To relieve the inflammation of the throat, get rid of pain, cough The article presents the 11 most popular and simple folk agents for the treatment of cough. What will help to take cough or cure? What products are useful when coughing? and swelling, you can prepare a solution. To do this, dilute 100 ml of pomelo juice 100 ml of warm water, rinse the throat 3-4 times a day.

  5. With skin inflammation

    Remove inflammation and redness on the skin with the help of a satellite satellite. For this, the peel of the fruit needs to be crushed, moisten with warm water and apply to the focus of inflammation, consolidating the bandage for 1 hour. It is recommended to hold such a procedure 1-2 times a day.

  6. With elevated cholesterol

    Daily use of 2 fresh poles over 3-4 months reduce cholesterol levels by 40%. In addition, it will strengthen the walls of the vessels and liver.

  7. For the prevention of atherosclerosis

    To prepare an effective prophylactic agent, you need to grind 150 g of meakty and add 1 tbsp. olive oil What is useful olive oil and what harm it can cause our health. 11 incredibly useful properties of olive oil for the body. as well as contraindications to its application. . You need to use in the morning, on an empty stomach, no more than 3 times a week.

  8. To maintain skin tone

    Pomo-based mask saturates Skin face What foods improve the skin condition, what are useful for oily and dry skin, rejuvenating foods and food used for smooth skin and collagen saturation. Necessary nutrients, pulls it up and gives a tone. To prepare it, it is necessary to mix 3 pieces of meakty, 1 part of the honey and 1 part of the lemon juice. It is necessary to apply it for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

  9. To improve the color

    Regular wiping of the skin with freshly squeezed juice pomelo lines the tone of the face, gives it a fresh and shining look.

  10. From oily shine

    To get rid of oily shine, you can cook a mask based on a gauge. To do this, 50 g of melt mixed with 10 ml kefir 0% fat, squeeze the mixture and apply to the skin of the face, leaving for 10 minutes. After washed with warm water.

  11. For healthy hair

    Daily use of 100 ml of freshly squeezed melted juice will provide the body with substances necessary to strengthen hair and give them healthy radiance. The result is visible in a month.

  12. For healthy nails

Culinary recipes

Traditionally, in cooking, fruit is used in raw form or use as an ingredient in the preparation of dishes of national Asian cuisine. The flesh of the fruit can be part of salads, marmalade, filling for pies, garnish for meat and fish dishes. From the peel in the pellel, you can cook jams, candied or aromads to tea.

Below are some possible recipes, which contains a pomel.

Pomel-shrimp fantasy



Pomelitically divided into 2 parts. The pulp carefully remove from the peel and grind. Shrimps should be boiled and cut. Celery This article discusses the issue of the usefulness and dangers of "celery". There are 10 indisputable advantages of celery consumption, popular recipes, weight loss methods, benefits for women and men, as well as its contraindications. Slim cut. All ingredients mix, add sour cream, put in two halves of the remaining peel, so apply on the table. You can still decorate greens or olives 9 beneficial properties of olives for the human body. The composition of vitamins, minerals and nutritional value. Under what diseases are olives and which contraindications are recommended. .

Salad "Ah, Pomelo!"



Pomelit cut into pieces. To break the salad with your hands or cut into scissors and reversal so that he does not care. Ingredients Mix Mix, Add salt All about the benefits and harm of the cook salt: 11 unique useful properties of salt for the human body and what harm it can apply. The beneficial property of the table salt in various diseases. and pepper to taste. Fix with olive oil.

Dessert "Miracle - Pomelo"



Fruits cut into pieces, mix, add ice cream. Disintegrate in the cremaths. Sprinkle with coconut chips or grated chocolate 10 scientifically confirmed facts about the benefits of chocolate for the body. What useful substances are contained in chocolate and what they have an impact on our health. What chocolate is the most useful and how to choose it. .

  • Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, is a strong allergen if you have a tendency to various allergies, it is worth using it with caution - for one time there will be enough pair of poles.
  • When problems with the stomach, it is better not to argue a pomelo, the fruit can negatively affect the disease.
  • All the benefits of the fruit will be in it, if you choose a completely matured friction. The fruit should be slightly soft to the touch, fragrant and brilliant. Do not take too large fruit, it is better to pay attention to the fact that they were hard, it means that they are more pulled and juice.
Some believe that the pomelo is one of the grapefruit varieties. But, according to specialists, this grapefruit is a detected descendant of fruit. In general, the groove wishes grapefruit almost in almost all the indicators - it does not taste, it is easier to clean it, it is difficult for them to stain, the peel can be used in cooking and in the decor. In China, the pomelo is used to hold ceremonies on religious celebrations.

Specificity of purchase and consumption

How to choose a pomelo?

The first thing to be noted is to buy a lot of better in February. In natural conditions, fruits ripen at this time, so the chance to buy a natural product increases.

Ripe fruit will be pretty sweaty, and the uncooked is light. Peel should be monophonic, smooth and elastic. Its color can be light green, yellow or pinkish, depending on the variety. Green spots on the peel speak of unloading, and dark - that the fruit begins to deteriorate.

How to turn on the prayer in your diet?

It can be used as an independent fruit, prepare freshly squeezed juice or add to fruit salads, smoothies and desserts. The shell of the sheds is often used as decoration of cakes and cakes, it is prepared from zucats and marmalade.

Many national dishes are used in the pomel. It combines well with other fruits, as well as with cheese, nuts, seafood and meat.

At the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries, the seedlings of the tree were brought from Malaysia to the territory of West Indies by the captain of the English vessel of a sider, after which the fruit was brought to Europe. In some European countries, the cytrus to this day is called in honor of the brave captain - a sededo.

Is it possible to eat in the night?

Eating in front of bedtime is absolutely safe. Often nutritionists recommend to eat a couple of lands of the masterful as a light dinner. Fruit is very nutritious, despite its low calorie.

How to clean the pomelo?

There are two main ways: vertical and spiral.

According to the first, the fruit needs to cut the tops, then climb the skin by 1-1.5 cm in such a way as lobes are located. Orange 8 unique beneficial properties of orange for the human body. The composition of the orange is calorie, vitamins and minerals. Under what diseases it is recommended to use orange and to whom it is contraindicated. , and after top down to tear out the outbreak parts.

To clean the fruit along a spiral method, you need to make an incision from top to bottom along the spiral along the entire surface of the fetus, then pushing the skin from below and remove around the circle.

Fruit peel is very thick, therefore requires certain efforts in any method of cleaning.

Is it possible to grow in a pomel at home

This citrus fruit can be raised at home, but only in case of proper care. Here are some features of homemade cultivation:

Before planting seeds you need to germinate. To do this, it is placed in warm water for 12 hours.

After germination, the seed need to land in a pot with holes for flowing water. After the seed enters the roots, the plant needs to transplant. It is important to maintain air humidity at 65-85% and temperatures - in summer +35 ° C, in winter + 10 ... + 15 ° C, and also ensure that the plant has received a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Even with all the conditions of all conditions, the room will bring the first fruits only after 7-10 years, and may not bring at all.

How much can be stored

In the crude pomelo stored near 1 month in a refrigerator. Purified fruit is recommended to be used for 2 days.


Pomelo is a unique citrus fruit. Its chemical composition is rich in substances that are useful both with internal and external applications.

Pomelo strengthens the immunity and cardiovascular system, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamins and minerals of this fruit strengthen hair and nails, improve the skin of the face and reduce cholesterol levels.

The inclusion in the diet of the pellel, along with other fruits, will benefit for the whole organism.

😉 Hello, friends! The article "Pomelo: benefits and harm to health" is the basic information about the benefits and contraindications of an exotic fruit. How to choose it correctly and store.

In the word "Pomelo" the emphasis falls on the letter "E". Where did the name come from? Everything is simple. From the words Pome + Melon (Apple + Melon). There is also a name - sededo. So called the English captain who lived in the XVII century. It was he who brought the seeds of this citrus to the Caribbean Islands.

Motherland Pomelo - Southeast Asia. The Chinese first rated the benefit of unusual and wonderful fruits. It was a long time ago, in 100 BC. e.

Since then, in China, in China are relatively respected. This fruit is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Pomelo give each other for the new year and use for religious festivals.

Thanks to the navigators, in European countries they knew a marvelous fruit in the XIV century. In Russia, this citrus appeared quite recently and has not yet acquired popularity from buyers.

Pomelo: Medical properties

In 100 grams of meakty

  • kcal - up to 39;
  • proteins - 0.76 g;
  • fat - 0.04 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.62 g;
  • food fibers - 1 g;
  • water - 89.1

Mineral composition:

  • potassium - up to 235 mg;
  • calcium - 27 mg;
  • phosphorus - 26 mg;
  • iron - 0.5 mg;
  • sodium - 1 mg;

: C, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B5.

What is the use of pomelo?

  • first, the body resilience has viral and colds;
  • the presence of potassium is the benefit for the heart muscle, capillaries and vessels;
  • participates in blood formation, being a prophylactic agent of thromboms and cholesterol plaques;
  • does not harm patients with diabetes;
  • supports the immune system;
  • useful during pregnancy;
  • good quenching thirst. In his pulp more moisture than in the gripfrutes or oranges;
  • pomelo rival of watermelon on diuretic properties;
  • the Chinese use the zest of this citrus for medicines in traditional and non-traditional Chinese medicine;
  • thanks to food fibers playing the role of "brushes", the body is cleared of toxins;
  • in the cooking, the flesh pulp is added to fruit salads, to any meat, in a variety of desserts and ice cream;
  • for cosmetic purposes, it is used for masks and scrubics for the skin of the face and body. In the morning it is useful to wipe the face with fresh slices.

Pomelo: Contraindications

  • when taking antibiotics and hormonal agents;
  • with allergies to citrus
  • nephritis and urolithiasis (one can provoke movement of deposits on ureters);
  • with a stomach and duodenal ulcer. The presence of folic and natural ascorbic acids increase the acidity of gastric juice, irritate ulcers and erosion of the digestive tract;
  • with elevated acidity;
  • with hepatitis, jade, colitis requires a consultation with a doctor;
  • if you are fully healthy, it is not worth it to exceed the rate of consumption of volato. It is enough to eat 3-4 slices per day. Solk after all are big!

How to choose a pomel

  • high-quality fruit - solid and elastic;
  • choose fruits with glossy leather homogeneously color, but not very "mirror". Perhaps it was treated with something;
  • fruit should be without damage, dents and spots;
  • freshness of the gauge can be determined by aroma. The fruit will be tastier with a saturated citrus aroma;
  • another feature. If the grimel is green and the flipped form, then the flesh will be acid than the fetus of the yellow of the pear-shaped form;
  • from equal to the diameter of the fruit, choose the one that is heavier. Here is thinner skin and more pulp;
  • more often in the pomelo sold in special comfortable meshes.

How to clean?

How to store

You can store ripe fruits at room temperature up to one month. Very fat peel creates the desired microclimate for the fruit. Purified fruit hold in the refrigerator no more than a day.

In this video, additional information on the topic "Pomelo: benefit and harm"

Do not forget even if you are going to remove the peel! If you like the article "Pomelo: benefit and harm to health", share with other people in social. networks. 😉 See you, come!

Pomelo is the largest of citrus. The second name is sider. A grapefruit is reminded of a gloomily, but it is much sweeter and more.

Near the frozen usually there is a protrusion that gives the fetus a pear-shaped form. Under the zest - a white loose layer protecting juicy slices.

Such packaging of natural origin allows you to store and transport fruit without prejudice to its characteristics.

The homeland of this citrus is China. It grows in Israel, Vietnam, Thailand. The average weight of one fetus is 1-3 kg. Separate record holders reach 10 kg.

Let's tell about the fruit of the pomelo: what is the caloric content of the fetus, the benefits for the body of women and men, in which its useful properties during pregnancy or weight loss, is there a health, contraindications, a lot of other information.

How to choose good fruit

Note that the real one, completely ripening the pomotion it will be difficult to keep one hand - he is very weighty.

Do not buy light fruits. The peel at the fruit should glitter, be elastic. She can remember, but should not be too pressing.

The yellowness of the fetus should be uniform over the entire surface. Drany, darkening, stains are not allowed.

Do not buy large fruit fruit, but very easy- The peel in it is greater than the pulp. It is better to buy a medium in size, but heavy citrus.

There are recommendations for how choose a good citrus in the smell. But it will be difficult to do so, as the fruits are sold packaged in polyethylene, allowing you to preserve their freshness for 1-2 months.

Chemical composition, Calorie, Food and Energy Value, Glycemic Index

Delicious and useful pomelo use without fear.

The caloric content of 100 grams of melt poles - about 32 kcal (in 1 medium-sized fruit, purified from the peel, will contain approximately 160 kcal).

The slices contain many substances necessary for the body. This is an ascorbic acid, beta carotene, potassium, sodium, vitamins of group V.

The product with a low glycemic index (30 units) can to use it even to those who suffer.

The half of the medium fetal will allow you to get enough, quench thirst and will become a good alternative to more calorie desserts.

Useful properties for health, medicinal quality

The rich composition of the citrus allows him to please us with an amazing taste and benefit for the body. This is what useful properties possesses:

  • normalization of blood pressure, work cardiovascular system. There is a problem? Add a little exotic to your life;
  • a large amount of vitamin C helps to strengthen immunity, combating colds, viral, infectious diseases;
  • essential oils in the composition are also useful for the immune system;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart, heart muscle;
  • fruit helps to fight hypertension, prevents formation in blood vessels;
  • it is useful at a tendency to depressions, weakness, fatigue. The fruit will return vitality, give vigor, will give a good mood;
  • being an anti-inflammatory and softening agent, the product will help those who suffer from different inflammatory diseases;
  • the influence of the pomelia on cancer cells was proven. Regular use of the product will prevent their reproduction;
  • the composition contains substances of lemonides, which, affecting the body within 24 hours, increase our productivity and improve attentiveness;
  • the flesh of the fruit perfectly quenches hunger and thirst;
  • this citrus is recommended to use when coughing, asthma, tendency to swelling, poisoning. It helps to fight atherosclerosis;
  • the calories in the product is not enough, so it is good in the diet of losing weight. Great use for skin;
  • calcium as part of a fruit helps strengthen the bones, contributes to the healing of fractures. Phosphorus affects human mental activity.

Along with the pulp of the fetus, his peel is useful, very thick, with a pleasant aroma. It has a lot of bioflavonoids, it normalizes the amount of estrogen in the body, improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The peel has a bitter taste, so it will dry, add to tea, jam, other dishes.

The juicecitrus - valuable source of vitamins A and C. It is sour, with a small mustard. His experts are recommended when disorders of the digestive system.

Influence on the body

Consider how fruit affects individual categories of people - men, women and children.

What is useful for adult men and women

Benefit for adult men and women - in general strengthen the body, increasing its protective forcessaturation with utility substances.

Cleaning the body from the inside, product beneficial effect on skin condition.

Long-term use of the product will ensure breast cancer prevention, other oncological diseases.

For men citrus - Lovely Aphrodisiac, improving an intimate function that increases sexual activity.

Removing poisoning symptoms, this the fruit will come in handy with a hangover syndrome.

For pregnant and nursing

Is it useful for a pregnant woman? In the absence of allergic reactions in Pomelo, they can be used: Fruit normalizes metabolism, reduces the manifestations of toxicosis arising from the high content of the toxic components in the blood.

Also citrus, consumed by future mothers, will help protect yourself from panic and depression before childbirth.

But nursing women standing with this fruitSince the risk of allergic reaction in infants.

For children and elderly

Kids up to the year do not use the product. But for children of preschool and school age, it can be very helpful.

This is what the benefit from the pomelo children: fruit improves the concentration of attention, mental abilities, increasing performance.

He will protect the child from colds, strengthens his immunity.

But watch the reaction to the fruit to warn allergies.

Is the fruit useful for the elderly? Ensuring the prevention of problems with vessels, strengthening the bones, fruit represents the value for the elderly. Using it, they will be able to preserve the youth and clarity of the mind longer.

Potential danger and contraindications

Citrus benefits are very large. But you can not use it.

Is it harmful than the potentially harmful properties of the fruit? It is worth considering:

  • in allergies, the citrus fruit is contraindicated. It is possible to swell the throat, attacks of suffocation and other not the most pleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction;
  • do not abuse the product with or duodenum, with an increased acidity of the stomach. And during the exacerbation of such diseases from the fruit, it is necessary to refuse;
  • be careful in use is needed to those who suffer from, jade, hepatitis.

The remaining people may include this unique citrus. Of course, moderation is good in everything.

If the pomelo is a novice in your menu, start with small doses, look at the body's reaction, because the product is exotic for the inhabitants of our country.

You now know about the useful and harmful properties of Pomelo, you need to figure out how to use fruit properly.

The product needs to be cleaned from the peel, then, having come to the fraction, pull out the fiber from the film. Film is harmless, but it is not necessarily, since it is bitter and thick.

Same itself can boldly eat, saturating the body with useful substances. You can replace your favorite fruit, but harmful sweets, add it to salads.

You can eat in the gloomily at any time. Even using it in the evening, you can not be afraid of the figure.

Clear indications of what quantities can be a product, no, but nutritionists recommend not there are more than half juicy fruit per day.

About the fruit Pomelo see the next video:

In cooking

Pomelo is actively used in cooking around the world. The pulp can be used For the preparation of delicious salads, decorating desserts, sweets.

The peel of the fetus is used for the manufacture of citades, marmalade, desserts.

The product is combined with other fruits, with cheese, seafood, meat, nuts, so there are many recipes with its addition.

Salad with pomelo - the best antidepressant:

For weight loss

Is it useful for losing weight? Malokalorian product can boldly be used in the diet of losing weight. It saturates well without leading to excess weight. You can replace them desserts to which you are used to.

There is even a special diet with a pomelo For weight loss. She assumes such a daytime:

  • in the morning -50 g of low-fat cheese, half citrus;
  • for lunch Prepare boiled fish with stew or cooked on a pair of vegetables;
  • afternoonerthere will be a boiled egg and the remaining part of the pomelo;
  • dinner It will be as follows: boiled, boiled egg, one and half a pomelo. It is allowed to eat tea or coffee, but without sugar. You can add a teaspoon of honey.

Two weeks such a diet - and you will feel obvious results.

In the treatment of disease

Already the use of incentive incentime has a healing effect on the body. There are a number of recipes of traditional medicineused to combat various problems in the body:

  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis. 100-150 g Pomelo need to chop finely, mix with a tablespoon of vegetable oil (or sunflower). To purify the walls of vessels from cholesterol sediments, this mixture is consumed several times a week;
  • with acute bronchitis and wet coughcitrus juice will help. Heat it up to 40 degrees, eat small sip. This will bring wet from the bronchi;
  • to alleviate the pain in the throat, accompanying an angina or anoryClean the slices of gloomily, press 100 ml of juice from them, dilute it with water in equal proportions. Use the resulting mixture for rinsing the mouth throughout the day;
    • nutrient and moisturizing skin mask. Grind the citrus slickel, mix it with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice.

      The resulting mixture is applied to the skin and hold 10-15 minutes. Cool green tea is recommended for removing the mask. Then the skin must be moisturized with cream. In such a mask, yolk and oat flour are also added;

    • fat face mask. Clean, crush the fruit slice, mix with a teaspoon.

      Pre-dry your woven disk in the pool juice, wipe the skin. It should dry, then apply a mixture from the pulp of citrus and kefir to face, hold 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water;

    • body Scrub. Cleansing and exfoliating scrub we will prepare from the peel in the pomel. It should be chopped, mixed with crushed half of lemon, sugar, olive oil. Apply a scrub on a pre-dipped warm water, slightly rubbing. Leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off the contrasting shower.

    Exotic froom fruit is delicious and useful. It diversifies the diet and will saturate the body with valuable substances.

    In contact with

    There is not a lot of stamp in our country as other citrus. But still the admirers of this fruit are.

    They appreciate the siderial (the second name of the product) for an interesting sour-sweet taste with a light mustard, a thin fragrance, slightly resembling the smell of a banana, and dry flesh.

    The fruit peel is also going into business - it is dried and added to tea. If you touch on the question of the benefit of Pomelo, then you can make sure that it is worthy to be on our tables.

    What is the feature of the pomel

    Initially, this fruit grew in Malaysia, Fiji and Tonga, in the southeastern part of Asia. Even for 100 years BC. e. Pomel was distributed in China. In Europe, the delicacy fell much later - in the 14th century.

    And his sededo was nicknamed in honor of the captain of the Shedok from England, who delivered Pompelmus seeds to West India in the 16th century. Today, the fruit is cultivated in many Asian countries, including in Japan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, etc.

    Pomelo has one feature - he is the largest representative of the kind of citrus. The most massive fruits weigh up to 10 kg, their diameter reaches 30 cm. The masterful is relatively thick peel - 2-4 cm.

    The color of the ripe fruit is yellowish-green, pulp mostly white, and a form spherical or pear-shaped. Thongdi varieties are dark green, and the internal contents of pink.

    Chemical composition Pompelmus

    Seddock is very attractive from the point of view of its caloric content - only 38 kcalv 100 g of product. For losing weight - the most it is, because pomelo quickly creates a feeling of satiety.

    If we consider the quantitative composition of the fruit, it can be noted that it is not very rich. But its contribution to the overall balance of necessary substances contributes:

    • beta carotene - 30-100 mg;
    • vitamins B1, B2, B6;
    • vitamin C - 61 mg (this is 2/3 of the daily rate);
    • vitamin RR - 0.22 mg;
    • proteins - 0.76 g;
    • fat - 0.04 g;
    • carbohydrates - 8.62 g;
    • food fibers - 1 g;
    • macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium;
    • microelements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

    Also was rich in essential oils, which distribute the characteristic fragrance. These components are very valuable for the body.

    As you might notice, the sider is rich in vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on immunity. Now specifically about the useful properties of pomelo:

    1. Satisfies with the body with vitamins and minerals, and this is well affected at its work: exchange processes occur faster, and the well-being is improved.

    2. It best affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels.. Fruit is able to reduce increased blood pressure and align the work of our "motor", in particular to stabilize its rhythm.

    3. Use one pomelo every day, and you strengthen myocardium. This is possible due to the sufficient number of potassium.

    4. The product prevents the development of thrombosis, strengthens the vessels and makes them elastic.

    5. The sider brings the surplus cholesterol, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

    6., focused in slices of pomelo, destructively affect viruses, bacteria and thereby speed up recovery. And help them in this vitamins A and C.

    7. Shemdda relieves inflammation well, so you should not exclude it from the diet.

    9. Pomel helps to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and facilitates the period of rehabilitation.

    10. Pompelmus has the properties of the antioxidant. It takes out of the body of a semi-life and free radicals. Helps prevent cancer.

    11. Improves well-being during chemotherapy, contributes to accelerated recovery after severe diseases and surgical interventions.

    12. Fruit is very useful for pregnant women. Seddock leads to the norm of metabolism and removes the symptoms of toxicosis.

    13. The presence of folic acid makes pompelmus useful for women in position, because it affects the formation of the fetus, especially its central nervous system.

    14. Pomelly increases performance, because it stimulates the blood supply of the brain.

    15. Improves the concentration of attention and memory.

    16. Restores the vitality, gives energy, improves the mood and keeps the body in the tone. It is useful to those who work hard physically, and athletes.

    17. Reduces the rate of accumulation of adipose tissue cells, which helps effectively fight overweight. For pregnant women, this property is also important, as it allows you to gain a minimum kilogram and provide the fetus normal mass.

    18. Restores the pancreas.

    19. Perfectly quenching thirst, which is especially nice in the hot season. In this case, the orange and grapefruit.

    20. The fruit peel is also useful. It is saturated with vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines.

    In the cosmetology of the hospital also takes its honorable place. Based on its extract make wonderful hair products, face and body skin.

    Wraps with pomelo allow you to adjust the contours of the body, pull up the skin and smoothes the cellulite tubercles.

    Harm and contraindications

    First of all, it is worth abandoning this product to those who suffer from allergies to citrus. The consequences can be different - from insignificant rash and itching of the skin until the throat of the throat and choking.

    Also, Pompelmus should refuse to people with the following diseases:

    Care should be cautious with bronchial asthma.

    Do not forget about the golden middle, because only moderate quantities will bring benefits. On the day you can eat no more than half of the medium fruit.

    Even in a healthy person, an excess pompelmus in the body can provoke failures: insomnia, diarrhea, renal failure.

    Do not indulge yourself with this fruit on an empty stomach. It is better to leave the master's role as a master's role, then his enzymes will also help to digest heavy food.

    The useful product has a peel of the same color without any stains, its thickness is approximately the same throughout the fetus. The top of a good voice is dense, does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The aroma is a pronounced citrus, the size of the fruit is medium.

    Before use, be sure to wash the sider to rinse the paraffin layer. Most of all valuable substances in the flesh are preserved for three days after cutting.

    We continue the series of articles about the benefits and dangers of food. Today's theme is a wonderful exotic fruit of Pamela or Pomel. This is the largest citrus diameter and one of the richest useful substances.

    Unlike guava and natheri, the froom is not so gentle and quite easily transported, it is stored long enough and unpretentious. It is for these reasons that we have the opportunity to buy it almost in any supermarket and at a reasonable price. This is an indisputable plus of Pamela fruit, because on vacation it is possible to break out one, a maximum of 2 times a year - this is not enough for plenty of super-tasty exotic fruits.

    Pamela Fruit - General Information

    Pomo is a kind of citrus fruit. They call it in different ways - Pomelo, Pamela, Pompelmus, Seddock, Maxim Citrus. Pomel trees grow mainly from Southeast Asia, as well as in some states of the United States and Israel.

    There are 3 types of pomelo:

    1. Safe. Fruit with red pulp, taste sour, with mustard. The form of it is oval, size with a small grapefruit only crust of green. It is this kind of gloomily crossed with an orange and got grapefruit.

    2. Pink. The flesh of pink color, has a lot of seeds, tastes sweet and juicy. It is considered a good anthelmintic agent.

    3. White. This pomelitis is more in size, reaches a weight of 1-2 kilograms. The shape of him is pear, and the flesh is white and sweet.

    Application. Of the sweet pomelo, very tasty candied frisses are obtained, marmalade. In Thailand, from Pamela makes jam and can be preserved in different ways. Of course, it is best to eat in a fresh form, so it is more benefit from it than after processing.

    Pomelo - useful properties

    Like other types of citrus fruits, the first is primarily rich in vitamin C, but it has a clear advantage - a small amount of citric acid which is contraindicated by those who have problems with the health of the stomach and the digestive system.

    In addition to vitamin C, the pomelo is rich in vitamins of the group in, beta-carotene and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper. Additionally, this is a good source of folic acid than useful for pregnant women, as this is a very important and necessary substance especially in the first months of fetal development.

    100 grams of pulp melt ensures the daily rate of vitamin C.

    Calorie. This is a very low-calorie product - contains approximately 50 calories per 100 grams.

    The more useful Pamela fruit:

    • It has anti-inflammatory properties, in Thailand, it is believed that regular consumption of pomelitis ensures the prevention of inflammatory processes in the urethra, its effectiveness is particularly proved with the infection of the Escherichia coli bacterium;
    • Improves the work of the kidneys;
    • Strengthens immunity, increases the ability of the body and its ability to regenerate cells;
    • Contributes to the strengthening of the teeth and reduces the bleeding of the gums;
    • Contains a sufficient amount of iron than the production of hemoglobin contributes, which means it is good prevention of anemia. The indisputable plus was in the fact that there is a large amount of vitamin C, which improves iron absorbability.

    Many minerals we get with food, but very very insignificant is absorbed, as they are capricious and need special conditions. Calcium, for example, one of the most necessary, but the most difficult to digest. Only about 20 percent reaches the "destination" so to speak, and with age this figure only decreases. That's it. And this is why, such products that provide all the conditions for trace elements are very important.

    • Regulates blood pressure;
    • Prevents the formation of osteoporosis;
    • Improves the operation of the digestive system as it contains a lot of useful fiber, which also cleans, frees from toxin.
    • This is the perfect product for losing weight, a lot of benefits and very few calories.
    • Flavonoids, essential oils and antioxidants contained in the pomelo makes it a real fighter with the formation of cancer cells. Yes, and strong immunity is important in this struggle.
    • It is very useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown a significant improvement in the well-being of patients just after a couple of months of regular consumption of fruit in the food.
    • Improves the work of the heart and cardiovascular system.
    • Increases performance and concentration.

    In general, useful and sufficiently affordable fruit for us, why not buy more often and delight yourself and your loved ones?

    How to eat pokel how to choose and store

    Eating a merely in different ways, but it is easier to simply clean it from the peel, to the Word, it is much easier for the orange or grapefruit, then Dolki is separated. The film is removed from them. It remains delicious pulp ready to use.

    You should choose Pamela from which the bark is elastic, without dents and brown spots. There should not be too soft, this is a sign that inside it began to deteriorate. The best fruit is the one that is smaller in size, but heavier - it means that the bark is thinner and the pulp is more juicy.

    The crude inquired is stored in the refrigerator about 2-3 weeks. If already cleaned the fruit, it will have to eat it no more than 2-3 days.

    Check out an interesting video about how to choose a duel:

    Contraindications and harm Pamela

    In some citrus fruits, there is such a feature, violate the digestibility of different medicines. In particular, it concerns grapefruit and pomel. So, it is not recommended to use these fruits during the treatment period from various infections and diseases, and with the presence of chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor before entering any new product in your diet.

    This only in the ratio of some medicines is reduced absorption, and in relation to others, things are exactly the opposite way. PML increases their effect, which is also bad.

    The effect of Pamela to the body is preserved for three days, so consider this fact, and do not eat Pamela and grapefruit during treatment.

    Bonus. Recipes with Pomel

    • Thai salad with a pomelo "YUM SOM O"

    One of the most popular, traditional Thai salads. Usually done with shrimps and pomelo or grapefruit.

    Ingredients: 200 grams of melt Pomelo, 1 garlic clove, 1 small bulb, a little fresh mint leaves, 100 grams of purified shrimp, salt.

    Refill: 2 spoons of Lyme juice, 2 spoons of fish sauce and a little sugar to taste.

    Cooking. Clean the pomelo, divide the flew with my hands into small particles, onions and garlic to fry in a pan, also to do with shrimps. We impose a salad in a plate: first Pomelo, then onions and garlic, shrimps, sprinkle with chopped crushed on top and fill the mixture from Lyme and fish sauce.

    • Vietnamese Salad with Pomel

    Ingredients: 1 Middle Pomelo, 1 Cucumber, 1 Small bulbs, 1 carrot, 50 grams of roasted peanuts, a little fresh mint.

    Refill: 2 spoons of fish sauce, 1 spoon of Lyme juice, 1 spoon of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 crushed clove of garlic.

    Cooking. The pulp was taken with his hands on small particles, chop carrots and cucumber straw, mix all the ingredients and add refueling. Salad ready.

    Pamela fruit (Pomelo) is a useful, affordable, and besides a low-calorie miracle that deserves much more attention. If you choose the right fruit, you will surprise the sweetness and juiciness of this fruit.