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» Research work What makes ants. Project Secrets of Murai

Research work What makes ants. Project Secrets of Murai

Hunters Alexander Sergeevich

The goal of the project is to monitor the life of ants, collect the necessary information about these amazing insects from popular science literature, to get new knowledge about the structure of an anthill, find out the importance of ants for nature and man. Thoms are relevant in our time, since now there are a lot of ants and anthills. Destroy, without thinking about the consequences. Although the ants brought and bring great benefit to nature and man.



Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution

General Education Middle (Full) School №3


Project in nomination №11 "First Steps"

Project topic

"These amazing ants ..."

Hunters Alexander Sergeevich

4 B Class

scientific adviser Project:

Karpenko Inna Vladimirovna

Mosshch number 3.

Primary school teacher



These amazing ants ...


It is unlikely that there is a person who at least once did not stop near the anthill, settled so far and at the same time inexplicably close to us the world of these amazing insects. The distance dividing us is huge. Caring for these troublesome creatures may seem some simply unworthy of a serious conversation. But there are something in these concerns what makes it makes looking at our smaller brothers more attentively and with respect.

Purpose of work: study on the basis of real observations of the life of the forming family; find confirmation by theoretical knowledge acquired when studying popular science literature; Get new knowledge about the structure of an anthill, find out the value of ants for nature and man.

Tasks : Meet the Muravyev family; explore the features of the structure of the anthill; find out what kinds of ants exist; Analyze what benefits bring ant plants and man.

Used the followingmethods Research: Observation method, analysis theoretical literature and encyclopedic sources.

The paper presents the characteristics of the numerous family of insects - ants, describes in detail the structure of an ant, an anthill, which is a labyrinth with many moves and chambers underground, as well as ants living in the nest and perform various functions. The author provides information about various types of ants living throughout our land, which differ from each other not only by color, size, but also by professions. And also indicates a huge role of ants in nature, very closely related to other living beings.The structure of the work allows you to trace the whole life of the Muravyev family.

Conclusions: Ant is the most gifted insect. Even a person himself finds himself a rival. We build cities, ants - also; We keep pets and he has them, in the face of the tool who give him sugar; We keep, in the fence, our herds and he does, the same with his cows-waves; We freed our slaves, and he continues to use slavery.

The work consists of introduction, four chapters and conclusion and contains 16 pages of the main text, 13 photos. The list of references includes 9 items.


I. Introduction 4.

II. Main part.

1. Who are the ants? 6.

2. Anthill and its inhabitants. eight

3. Types of ants. eleven

4. Ant - Wildlife Sanitary. 17.

III. Conclusion. twenty

IV. Bibliography. 21.

These amazing ants ...

  1. Introduction

"When reading the lives of ants, it is impossible

do not experience the strongest surprise and confusion. "

P.D.U. Supens

My name is Alexander hunters, I am a gradent student. I really like to study our planet, our world around us, watch animals and insects, flowers and trees. When I was quite small, my mom and I wanted every walk for the outside nature: for clouds, similar to horses, for the flowers of unusual beauty, behind a bee - a worker, for a bug that met us on the way ...

Now I can also observe and know something new. It is very interesting!!!

So now I want to tell one story that happened to me. On the summer vacation I was at my grandmother. Once, a warm summer day, I went to the garden to collect already harsh apricots. There were a lot of them, and they began to fall on the ground. I slowly collected them from the ground, as suddenly, unexpectedly for me, I saw a whole hard ants. There were so many of them that do not count. They were interested in me that I, forget about the apricots, squatted and began to consider them, and observe them. These were small black ants, very movable, nimble. When I looked at it, I noticed that every ant was busy with his business: some of the ants, heading in one direction, dragged some kind of caterpillars, bugs, bugs, the other part, moving in the opposite direction, dragged the land lumps, Spreads, leaves. And they all accounted for endless streams of ants. Then I was wondering - where are they all running? And after passing a few steps behind them, I saw a dome-shaped bunch of land, twigs, leaflets, blades, with many moves and outputs. It was an anthill - their house. So, it turns out where these workers rushing! Watching the family of ants, I did not notice how time was flown. Every day I came to this place to see what has changed in the life of these amazing insects than they do. So I had a lot of desire to learn all about the lives of ants: how do they live, how they build their anthills and that there is inside than they eat, what types of ants exist and what they are useful for plants and humans. Therefore, I decided to take the topic of my research work - these amazing ants ... I believe that this topic is relevant in our time, since there are now a lot of ants and anthills destroy without thinking about the consequences. Although the ants brought and bring great benefit to nature and man. The ant is small, and the anthill is great, and the benefit that brings the ants. Caring for them is the concern for the well-being of a person. It is necessary to learn to protect and most effectively use some of the most reliable allies and assistants in nature.

Perhaps my research has no scientific significance, but for myself I made a lot of discoveries.

I put such a goal in front of you:to monitor the life of ants, collect the necessary information about these amazing insects from popular science literature, to get new knowledge about the structure of the anthill, find out the value of ants for nature and man.

Tasks that I put in front of myself:

1. To someone who are acts: what they look, what is their body structure.

2. To examine what antics build ants, and which functions are performed in it.

3. To know with various types of the Muravyev family.

4. Analyze what benefits bring ant plants and man.

These amazing ants ...

II. Main part

  1. Who are the ants?

This is the most numerous insect family. Now there are approximately 6,000 species of ants, but many species have not yet been studied.

Ants are tiny creatures, usually less than two centimeters in length. They can be different colors: Black, brown, red, yellow and even striped. Muravyev, like other insects, 6 legs. Movable head, with highly developed rodent jaws. On the head - eyes and mustache. They have a thin waist - a skeleton that divides the torso as it were for 2 parts. The legs are attached to the first part, and the second is the abdomen, at the end of which the sting is located, which splashes the poison. This poison is not at all dangerous for a person, but fatal for insects. Having found his sacrifice, some ants grab it behind the paws, holding without movement, and the rest bite her and injected her deadly poison in her wounds. After killing the sacrifice, some begin to push prey ahead, while others clear her way.

Ants constantly communicate with each other. You can see ants touching each other. So they talk. The tongue of ants is the language of smells and gestures. Having highlighting special chemicals, they can raise anxiety or turn a panic escape, they also indicate the working ants direction to a food source, mark the paths of the path to it, scare away from the found food of others ants. By smell distinguish their own from others.

Muravyev has a very good memory. They are capable of learning and make it much faster than the rest of the insects. They are well distinguished by geometric shapes. Muravses under the power of the most complex collective action. They are together building a dome-shaped nest with a rounded dome, many years have been using the same paths. Together drag production in the nest.

Ants are the smartest insects. They are able to learn all their lives, and hitting an unexpected situation, can take a reasonable decision. Here, for example, they have an amazing plan of salvation from the water element. Some ants react even on one droplet of water that fell into an anthill inlet: they start running around the nest, declaring alarm, and then run to other open inputs. Leaving a mark in the form of smell, they show the rest of the ants the path to unlocked passages, leading out, and sometimes completely deriving them from the nest. And other ants during floods rise from the bottom of the anthill to the ground level, stick together in a large car and are held afloat. So many ants survive. Over time, living commetes somewhere on the grass or on the bushes, and when water decreases, the remaining ants return to the anthill.

That's what amazing these ants !!!

2. Anthill and its inhabitants

The ants live in nests - anthills organized, large communities - the colonies. In the colony there are several thousand individuals. They build their nests, whose height can reach a meter and higher. From the earth, leaves, blades, the rods of the ants build cameras. Cameras are attached by columns and connected by tunnels. This is a real labyrinth. To warm up the nest in a cold season, the ants look outside the sprigs and leaves, and this flooring disassembled in the heat.

In the upper part of the anthill live and carry their serviceants - soldiers. They guard all the inputs and exits in the anthill. They have a very big head and very strong jaws, and they themselves are larger than ordinary ants. With his head, they close the entrance to the anthill. The returning worker is fits the closed entry, knocking the assholes on the head of the soldier, who after this sign admits an ant. These are very strong ants, if the enemies attack the anthill, they are the first to meet them and often drive with disgrace.

A little deeper ants - workerswho are engaged in the construction and repair of the anthill: Some pull out a cheva, twigs, leaves, others - pull inside exactly the same in order that the mold is not formed in the anthill, andants - fuzharyry - Food gatherers. They mined food for all the inhabitants of the nest. As soon as the signal comes from scouts, they are sent to their instructions to the source of feed and deliver it to an anthill. Have very good memory. Excellent know your hunting plot and home home. Ants - forages will always find the way home and will remember this path for another 4 days, even if there was bad weather, and they did not go hunting.

They feed on the ants with various insects, mushrooms, plant seeds, sugars on colors, trees juice, but the most lacquer is a brewed dew, which they take from tool.

In the very center of the anthill livesmuraury Tsarina. She lays eggs. And around her liveants - Nyanki. Ants - Nanniki take care of the "queen". Watching her cleanliness, as well as the eggs and larvae. They constantly carry them in dry places with the desired temperature. When the larvae grows, they begin to serve signals and ants - nannies rushes to them, tear cocoons and produce young ants outward. For some time they still live in the nest, and then begin to leave him. In warm autumn days, especially after the rains, whole clouds of winged young ants climb over the anthill. Missed, it seems as if it rises with a light smoke. Usually this journey lasts very little, and young ants return to Earth. The males dying, and the young female climbs her long shiny wings and go to look for a place for a new dwelling. She herself digs a small mink and postponing the first portion of the testicles. When the larvae will hatch from the testicles, she begins to feed them. In most ants, the female never leaves the nests until the end of life, and the larvae it feeds the discharge of the salivary glands. Finally, the first workers of ants come out of the dolls, and the female goes to a well-deserved rest. It is arranged in a deep chamber, in the middle of the anthill, and is engaged in only one thing - laying eggs. It is now an ant queen. The ant family grows and grows. The Murai Queen can live up to 20 years. The Muravyev family can be considered almost immortal if not to take into account external catastrophic factors.

But the anthill will not end in the formic heap. He has thousands of strokes underground. These moves end with wide cavities. They are used as a landfill place, in others youth develops, and the third serve as a place of wintering ants, the temperature in which is not lowered in winter below +5 degrees. And when strong frosts raise upstairs, ants are not scary and not cold in their anthill.

Here is what multi-storey building - Fortress build themselves ants !!!

3. Types of ants.

Almost many types of ants live throughout the land, and they are not only different colors, sizes, but many species have many professions - these are ants - carpenters, and leafness, and renges, and the keepers of honey and many, many others.

Ant turfit dwells on the sandy glades of the middle strip of the European part of Russia and in the gardens and forests of the south. This is a small (2-4 mm long) dark brown or black ant. It feeds on dead insects, palm, seeds, nectar colors. In the south, it is often settled in homes.

Forest ants. Ants in forests are one of the most useful insects. A family of one anthill medium-sized family protects the forest on a quarter of hectares, and from large anthills, which sometimes reach a height of two meters, - on the square more hectares. The nesting domes of red forest ants are a miracle of construction equipment among insects. The domes support constant humidity. The shape and size of the dome cause a certain mode of temperature in the nest and therefore do not change for a long time, but the nesting material circulates all the time: the ants are raised to the top and twigs from the depths of the socket. Therefore, in a healthy nest, there is never mold, but it is worth the ants to leave him, as the entire dome gems with gifs of fungi.

Honey ants reached the greatest development of the ability to storing honey. In special chambers of the nest, these ants are living "honey barrels" - workers with a huge bloated belly. Thus, these ants make food reserves. Close to the ceiling with powerful jaws, peculiar tanks hang. The entire population of the anthill periodically comes here to pour a sweet syrup or give his droplet to the "Common Boiler". It happens that ants - the keeper does not withstand the severity of honey and falls on the solid floor. The abdomen bursts, the liquid is spilled and the ant dies. Workers ants lick the spilled honey and load it into other hanging tanks.

Garden Yellow Antin terms of numbers, a little inferior to a black garden ant, but it is harder to detect it, since the pale yellow workers of this type with tiny eyes appear on the surface of the soil only during the departure of the winged individuals. They hunt insects living in the soil, and dilute the root tool.

Ant garden black.The massive fly of this ant happens everywhere at the beginning of autumn. This is the most numerous ant in the middle lane of the European part of Russia. At this time, the outless fertilized young females in many run everywhere in search of space for the nest device. It simply not believes that females can live about a year, without feeding, and care for young people, dig earth and even feed the larvae. In nature, they appear by the middle of summer. Black garden ant is the most massive view of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Nests he builds in the ground or rotten tree. These ants can be found in the forests, in the meadows, in the gardens, in the fields and in older wooden houses. In the gardens, in the fields and gardens, this ant can bring harm, protecting and spreading the aphids, harming cultural plants.

Anti-tailor.Half of the body of adult larvae of these ants occupy huge web glands. The web, secreted by them, serves as threads that the nest is sewn. At the same time, some workers are enough with legs for one sheet, and the jaws are tapping another and thus can hold the leaves for a long time. When the leaves are pulled out, workers carrying larvae appear from the socket. By touching the head of the larvae, then to one, then to another leaf, they "stitch" the leaves of the cobweb. Nests are almost spherical, diameter to half a meter. The family often lives in several nests, but the "queen" is only one. She lives no more than 12 years old, and after her death, all the nest dies. Anti-tailors hunt and collect the allocations of tools and worms only on trees and go down to the ground only to go from one tree to another

Ant-sheetoresis.If the path of these ants stretches to any tree, then after some time the tree remains without leaves. The ants cut pieces of leaves with jaws and carry them into the nest. But leafness does not eat leaves. The leaves brought to the nest, ants thoroughly chew, mix them with their excrement and saliva and fold the resulting mass into special large cells. The gifs of the fungus grow on these "beds". Muras-leafores feed themselves and feed their larvae with conidias of mushrooms. When flying out of the nest, young females carry pieces of mushrooms to grow mushrooms in a new place.

Anti-reaper. Before a dozen long trails from the nests. During a minute, more than a hundred workers comes out of the nest. At the end of the paths of the ants scatter and collect seeds, for which they often climb on the plants. In the jacks of reinforcing seeds are stored for a long time in deep underground chambers. In the raw cameras, the seeds germinate, and at the same time enzymes, turning starch in sugar. But as soon as the sprouts appear, the ants bite them. Then the major workers are peathed the grain into the finest powder and, in shaking its saliva, feed them the larvae.

Ant-thief. One of our most minor ants, settles next to the nests of large ants. Workers of its yellow color, length of 1-2 mm, with tiny eyes from just a few facets. Penetrating into the socket cameras, the thieves are dragging the testicles and small larvae hosts, which cannot penetrate their subtle moves.

Ant-ancient ant. This is the largest of European ants: working it is achieved in a length of 1.5 cm, and females - 2 cm. His stalls are made in the woods of patients or dead firings, fir or, less often, pines, and hunt insects and collect a fellow in Crown trees. Sometimes nests in different trees are combined into a colony, and then the roads are stretched from the tree to the tree, often underground. Aradnochi ants love to be talked to the woodpecifices, especially despicablely, who sometimes pierce the huge hollows in order to get to the moves in the center of the trunk. Although anthole ants do not damage healthy trees, they can harm, as they spoil their strokes already harvested wood.

Ant-amazon ant.This ant has no workers, but there are only soldiers with big sickle jaws. All work in the nests of these ants perform workers of other species, most often - brown forest ant. From time to time at the entrance to the anthill, the Amazons begin to fuss soldiers who wear "signals". All the nest quickly comes to excitement, and now the powerful column of red soldiers is going on a hike. The length of the column can be over 10 m. Finding the nest of the brown forest ant, the Amazons rush inside and begin to pull out the pupae and adult larvae. And the column is already returning back, and each ant carries a larva or doll in the jaws. Of these, ants will be bred in the nest, which will perform the same work as in the native nest.

Ant Pharaoh.These thermal-loving ants live in the north, exclusively in homes. Many of them and with us, especially in new homes with hollow overlaps and hidden steam heating batteries. Tiny (2-2.5 mm long) ants penetrate everywhere and climb into all products. It is especially unpleasant to their presence in hospitals, as they can serve as transporters of the disease and, penetrating into operational, disrupt sterility. Fighting the pharaoh ants is very difficult.

Ant-Faetonian Lives in the deserts and steppes of Asia and North Africa. These ants are fairly active predators, but also feed on berries, seeds, nectar and tolerances. Falone ants are the best runners among insects. On the run, they tear up the abdomen. Some runners, in the nests, in addition to the normal workers, there are workers - "Honey Guarders" with an enlarged belly, through which shines the goiter filled with a sapherous liquid.

4. Ant - Wildlife Sanitary.

And some ants grow butterflies when they are still in the caterpillars stage. Without them, the butterfly cannot make their own life cycle. In the caterpillar stage, she feeds his owners with sugar discharges, ants, in turn, protect the butterfly from the enemies - pests and give a butterfly the opportunity to appear from the pupa to light. And when it happens, it is a whole and unscrewing evaporates from the forming housing.

Separate ants live together with plants that give them shelter and food. In exchange for this insects pollinate their owners, they dissolve their seeds, contribute to the extraction of nutrients. The ants, declared, in the spikes of acacia, even destroy the curly plants harmful to it, which come across on the way during the protection of their tree. For such protection, Acacia treats his guards with sweet juice.

Many earthy ants are useful soilorage, mixing, loose and fertilizing the soil. They mix the soil, improve its composition. Locking moves, ants raise soil particles from the lower layers to the top. This improves air access to the roots of plants. Red Forest ants, ants - tailors and some others struggle with pests of plants. For example: Forest red ants protect the forest from insects - pests. Where the ants trail passes, growing mushrooms are always less struck by pests.

Ants - rebels play on natural pastures a large positive role: after harvesting, the ants begin to collect the crepe, lost during the harvest of grain, so they spread the seeds of many plants and improve the soil.

Ants are active predators. They quickly switch to new abundant sources of food and thus can suppress the pest reproduction flashes. They bring great benefits to plants: so in one hour the ants destroy more than 100 thousand tools and 2 thousand caterpillars, in one day one forming family destroys 1 kilogram of caterpillars, and in one month - 1 million caterpillars.

Where there are many anthills, there will never be outbreaks of mass reproduction of most harmful insects. Therefore, it is simply necessary to guard the anthills.For so long and difficult to build ants and so easily some people break it. Somehow approached, just so kicked the erasennik or set him down his stick to see how the ant people would begin to run and angry. And which grief for the formic people, because their whole country dieters. In one anthill lives several millions of ants - Forest Sanitars.

I will never break the anthills and other guys will not let it do, because I now know everything about the lives of ants, and I know what kind of workers and real living natures are !!!

These amazing ants ...

III. Conclusion.

I really liked this topic to explore this topic. How much do these little and amazing creatures! Nature has opened me a lot of interesting ants. After conducting a study by watching the lives of ants, and having studied additional literature, I learned who were those acts, what are the habitat conditions of ants, from which the anthills are built, and what relationships are built inside it, what functions every ant is performed, and what types of ants exist on our Earth, as ants relate to different insects. He studied their role in nature. I found out that ants that interest me so much in the garden belong to the family of garden black ants, as it fully corresponds to the description of this species.

Ants are a vivid example of hardworking and mutual assistance. They are interested in their complicated social behavior. Their intelligence can only be envied! Ants are able to build and sew, search for water in the desert and serve signals to each other, navigate through the sun, but they do not know how to live alone, like anyone.

The value of ants in nature and human life is huge: they are involved in the distribution of seeds; Their role in the soil formation is the trimming moves under the ground, the ants contribute to the penetration into the soil of water and air necessary to plants, participate in the resumption of forest. The forest is healthy, if each hectare accounts for 4 anthill. If the forests would remain without ants, the damage caused by pests could be compared with the fire. Where the ant fortresses come out, the forest is healthy and clean. If we do not keep small, ants and anthills from ruin, then in the future we can lose clean water, clean air and part of the cultural and historical environment. Therefore, ants and their anthills need to be protected and guarded !!!

These amazing ants ...

IV. Bibliography

1. Babenko V. Family Ants. - Onyx 21 century, Moscow, 2003.

2. DLUSSKIY G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet: Ants! - M.: Agroproisdat, 1986.

3. Sergeev B. Ant Close-up // Young Naturalist, 1988.


4. All about everything. Amazing animals: Encycle. / Per. from English N. Lednevoy; Regulated. Ser. I.Salnikova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2001

5. Animals from Amoeba to Chimpanzee: Encycle / b. Vasilyev, O. Krasnovskaya, V.Bologova and Dt.- M., Publishing House Mahar, 2012

6. I know the world. Wildlife from A to Z: Encycle. / E.D. Vasilyeva, O.V. Voltsit, V.V. Ivanitsky and Dr.- M.: AST: Astrel, 2007

Internet resources.

7. http: // www.



The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

Subject research: Who lives in an anthill.

Who will say, what insects are the most numerous insects? The most numerous ants. Look at the Earth, and if you are not only in a modern city, you will find an antroad everywhere: in the north, in the south, in the mountains, in lowlands, in the fields in the forest. They are different: small, barely noticeable by eye, large - up to a centimeter long, light - yellow, brown, black, red, red, with speckles and stripes.

Relevance: The public life of the ant is very complex and interesting. Attentive observation of the lives of ants cannot not be aimed at the idea of \u200b\u200bthe striking similarity of the social life of a person and these insects. First of all, the ants are interested in their complex social behavior, each ant performs its own kind of work. Their attitude towards work is striking. Ants are the most hardworking creatures in the world! People should learn many positive moments From the forming behavior. The main example for imitation could be concern for your family.

Object researchwash the forest ant.

The subject of studiesis monitoring ants in natural conditions.

Hypothesis:ants are public insects with complex behavior.

Purpose of the study:examine and justify the live life.

To achieve the goal, we set themselves the following tasks:

    Get acquainted with reference literature.

    Explore research methods.

    Conduct practical observations.

    Summarize the resulting material.

    Make a photo and video report on the life of ant.

Research methods:

    examine literature

    make a tour of the forest

    observations and experiments with the purpose of studying the behavior of Muravyov

    analysis of the results obtained.

Practical significancethe work is that research materials can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world and cool clock.

Novelty for me, it is possible to learn and learn something new.

II. The source.

1.Muravy - the oldest creatures on earth.

Once parents gave me the "Insects" collection. I was interested in ants. I wanted to find out - how to eat, communicate, ants are breeding, where do you live in winter? Therefore, I decided to get acquainted with the life of a forest ant-small inhabitant of our native Penza Territory. I started my work in the summer, as they are more accessible for study during this period. In the summer I visited the role of a mirmecologist .

From book sources, Internet 1 I learned an interesting fact that more than twenty-five million years of ants live as public insects. It was proved by Paleontologists on the finds of ants (no different from those that we know) in the petrified resin - amber. (Fig.1)

Picture 1.

There are about fifteen thousand species of ants in the world, and each of them differs not only by the structure of the body, but also a lifestyle. According to the estimates of one of the most respected MIRMECologists of the 2th World Edward Wilson, on Earth today they live from 1 to 10 quadrillion individuals of individual ants. Incredibly, but the fact - for each living person accounts for about a million of these creatures, and the total mass of them approximately equals the total mass of all people.

The live life is very complex, their behavior depends on the mass of a variety of instincts. In ants, the alarm, division of labor, exists a certain routine of life.

Output: Ants are ancient animals, as they live on Earth more than 130 million years.

    Wikipedia - free publicly available multilingual universal Internet encyclopedia. Alekseev V.A.300 questions and answers about insects. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. secrets (April, 2013), Mirmekology -Naught about ants

2. Restore the anthill.

In the forest more often, on the edges, in the field, in the meadow, in the armor, on the banks of the river or the stream, in large and small trees - everywhere we can meet an anthills. Large in the forest, visible from afar of the Muravnikov's houses - straight handsome skyscrapers. The height of their more than one and a half meters, and in all directions from the anthill, the tracks are diverged, according to which its inhabitants are embarrassed.

As a rule, an anthill is constructed from fir needles, leaves and small branches. The anthill is a beautiful, multi-storey house with a lot of apartments, warm, cozy rooms, with bedrooms, with children's rooms, with storage rooms, with a garbage collector and toilet, with good ventilation. All inputs and outputs are passed by fresh air into the anthill. Ants contain their homes in perfect cleanliness.

Digid small twigs, bark pieces, large needles. Moved, strengthened the earth, moistened with saliva. And the high, rounded cone grew up. Therefore, the rain, even the most stronger shower, will not wet the anthill, the dome is a round streaming. I can even strengthen the anthill - the housing and twigs are bonded by the earth, clay, like cement. (VideoFRAM 1)

Video Fragment 1.

And the wind can not do anything with an anthill - Couplings lie tightly. And so that they are better ventured and not rot, the ants "invented" one trick. Every four days, they remove old cups and take inside the anthill. So the ants all the time move the roof and protect it from mold. Under the roof of the anthill, a whole labyrinth of transitions - corridors, branching, cameras. The anthill is completely porous, multi-storey. The anthills have both "basements": moves, transitions, cameras go to the ground for another "ant" floors. To get inside the anthill, special inputs are made. Forest Forest Ants live in large families in anthills, which consist of an overhead part and underground nest. Output: The anthill is a very complex architectural structure in the form of a cone, the size of which comes up to 2 - 2.5 m height.

3. In the anthill.

Little males, with rare exceptions, do not take part in the life of the colony. They stay in the nest to the marriage summer, and after him are homeless and not capable of care of themselves.

They rise to the surface of their dwelling and take off over it. This is a marriage flight. After fertilization of the females, fall on the ground, drop the wings and base new sockets. Often, young females fall into the anthills, from which they flew.

The males after the marriage flight dies.

In late autumn, the turbulent life of the anthill freezes. The ants are closed in deep underground chambers and there, having rummaged in a large com, fall into a stupor to spring (video phrase 2).

Video FRG 2.

But at an outflow of the dome in April we are already seeing lazily crawling ants. They are warm and accumulated in the sun. Ants from enemies are protected, exposing the abdomen and tagged shooters of formic acid. This poison has a significant effect on the nervous system, the work of the heart and breathing 3. Three weeks after the use of acid, the contents of the poisonous gland in ants are completely restored (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.





Ants are used to protect antholes formic acid.

I put a pure handkerchief on an anthill, on the surface of which there is a lot of ants (photo 1)

Output:to protect anthill ants use formic acid

4. "Professions" Muravyov.

Curious how the ants come to food. One of the ants - Scout, found a fodder object, directs the other - foragehary for food. (Photo 2, photo 3)



ants inform each other.

Photo 2. Photo 3.

This may occur in various ways: when one of the forage faces is attached to the scout and follows it until it detects food or when fuzhairs from the top of the nest are watching where the intelligence officer has brought production, and go there (video phrase 3).

Output:The ants inform each other, distinguish the inhabitants of their anthill from the inhabitants of others, are used to protect antholes formic acid.

Video Fragment 3.

Fuzhair - not the only "profession" of workers ants. Each family has a division of labor and each group is responsible for performing their work. Soldiers (Fig. 3), scouts, observers on the paths, road reducing agents after their destruction, antique antiquies (Fig. 4) is a far from the full list of ant "professions".

Figure 3. Figure 4.

5. Rolled ants in the ecosystem.

Ants are known as the most useful insects, although, of course, no useless animals do not exist at all.

The ants tear the soil, creating conditions for supplying it to air; Accelerate the decomposition of plant residues and fertilize the soil with humus, destroy many insect-woods, contributing to the rise of the stand. Leaf-raging insects are up to 90% of the eating diet of ants. In addition, ants improve the water of the soil and regulate its acidity. Under the anthill, it is usually lighter and less acidic due to an increase in the number of alkaline cations.


In the summer, I watched the ants hunt, and came to the conclusion: the ears of various insects ants protect the forest from possible pests. (photo 4)

Output: Understanding the importance of these insects in the preservation of the forest ecosystem, people should guard the anthills. The anthillians should not die when cutting down the forest, they should not barbaric to ruin people!

6. Why do you need to protect the red forest ant?

Protection of forests from pests and diseases is a very important environmental task. All environmentally appropriate methods of combating pests are all measures to maintain forests in a healthy state, to maintain biological equilibrium 4.

The value of ants in the nature and life of a person:

Participate in the soil-forming process (loosening, enrichment of oxygen, fertilize, stirred).

Regulate the number of insects - forest pests (destroy the larvae).

Formic acid is an effective means against ticks.

Output: Ants - Forest Friends. We must protect the anthills from the destruction. Forest forest ants are included in the "red list of threatened species" of the International Red Book of the World Union of Nature Protection in the status "close to the transition to a group of threatened."

IV. Transcue.

My project was called "who lives in an anthill." The goal that I put myself, I was achieved by me. As a result of the work done, I learned:

1. Set the target and reach it,

2. Plan your actions

3. Information from different sources, choose the main thing

4. Intelligence.

Who lives in an anthill? I learned about the composition of the forming family, that despite the apparent chaos, strict order reigns in an anthill: every ant is busy with his business. Muravyov has its own "professions", which are very similar to the profession of people. I also found out how the anthill is arranged inside. Now I. In the course of the project, I understood the exceptional role of these insects in preserving the forest ecosystem. After all, they are natural defenders of the forest from pests and diseases. My hypothesis, nominated at the beginning of the project fully confirmed.

After studying the life of the ants, I made an anthill layout (photo 5) and gathered an interesting video material and the life of ant (Appendix No. 1).

III practical research.


Observation №1 "Forest Ants Sizes"

I measured and concluded: Red forest ant has a body sizes from 4 mm to 9 mm

Observation №2 "Anthill - a complex architectural structure"

Having been in the forest, I noticed that the structure of an anthill in the form of a cone, the size of which comes to 2 to 2.5 m height.

Observation №3 "Moravian Location"

I noticed that the anthills are not the same, but always arranged on the south side of the tree.

Observation №4 "The structure of an anthill"

The top layer of the anthill is a coating of needles and twigs that bring ants-builders. This layer protects the dwelling from bad weather.

Observation No. 5 "Forest Ants Behavior"

In late autumn, the turbulent life of the anthill freezes. The ants are climbed into underground chambers and there, having gotten into a large com, fall into a stupor to spring.



Experiment No. 1.

The ants inform each other: having received valuable information, foragely headed towards a plate, focusing on the smell left by the intelligence. And soon they had a goal.

I put me in a plate.

The hypothesis was confirmed

Experiment No. 2.

The ants distinguish the inhabitants of their anthill from the inhabitants of others.

In an anthill, followed by observation, I transplant an ant from another anthill.

Alien ants were attacked by the owners.

Used resources

    Alekseev V.A.300 questions and answers about insects. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.

    DLUSSKIY G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet: Ants! - M.: Agropromizdat, 2009.

    Zakharov A.A. Ant, family, colony. - M.: Science, 2008.

    Tarabarina T.I., Sokolova E.I. Both studies and game. Nature. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2012.

    Khalifman I.A. Operation "Forest Ants". - M.: Forest industry, 2012.

    Reader for extracurricular reading at the course "Man and Peace". Author-compiler V.M.Vdovichenko. - MN: ChUP "Publishing House Unipress", 2004.

Other sources of information

    http: // www / Familes / 4810.htm / Family of the Ants (September, 2014) Antclub. Ants (September, 2014) World of insects (September, 2014) secrets (April, 2013)\u003dxmtskdnhbdo-covered Muravyov's life (July, 2009)

Udevsky branch

MKOU "Stakanovsky School named after Lieutenant A.S. Sergeeva "

Competition of young researchers

surrounding environments

"Ant -

a rare workman ... "

(Nomination "Zoology and Ecology of Invertebrates")

graduate student 7

Leader: Mimonova Lydia Nikolaevna, biology teacher

Holder - 2015.

Introduction .... ......................................................................................2

I. . Physico-geographical conditions of the study area .. .......................4

1. Relief and soil ............................................................................................. 4

2. Climatic characteristic .. ..........................................................5

II. . Tireless worker .................................................................. 6

III The benefit of the structure of the Muravyov ................................................................. ..7

IV. Eraser, life in it ..............................................8

V. . What are the ants? ............................................. ..........................................10

IV. . Results of the first year of the study .......................................... 11

1. Finding an anthill ..........................................................................

2. Estimating the lives of ants ................................................................ 13

3.Laboratory studies of "sociality" Muravyov ............................14

VII .Hrun Muravyov ................................................................................... ... 14

Conclusions ................................................................................................... 15

Conclusion .................................................................................... 16

Literature ....................................... .. .......................................... .........eighteen


It is unlikely that there is a person who at least once did not stop near the anthill, settled so far and at the same time inexplicably close to us the world of these amazing insects. Who will say, what insects are the most numerous insects? Yes, of course, these are ants. They are so different: small, barely noticeable by eye, large - up to a centimeter long, light - yellow, brown, black, red, red, with speckles and stripes.

Ants are the oldest creatures on earth. In slices of amber resin, petrified millions of years ago, they find ants, no different from those that we see. They relate to those few living beings that not only adapt to the habitat, but also actively rebuild the world around us as applied to their needs, their tasks.

Ants play an important role in forest biocenoses, gardens and parks. They exterminate small invertebrates, are in symbiotic relations with sucking insects, mainly with trouble, the guarding of which can indirectly bring harm to gardens and forests. At the predatoryness of the ants, the use of them in the fight against sheets and housing pests of the forest is based, for which some kind of red forest antificifications are delayed. In the forests of moderate belt, they move and aerate soil no less than earthworms.

Red Forest Ants (Formica RUFA) - the most real basis for the biological forestry complex. Without claiming versatility, they at the same time are a link stabilizing on high level The density of most useful insects and animals useful for the forest.

There are about fifteen thousand species of ants in the world, and each of them differs not only by the structure of the body, but also a lifestyle. Ants are eternal builders. Most ants make anthills in Earth, few settle in the trunks of trees, build nests from overwhelmed wood, etc. Ants - predators, exterminate insects or feed on their corpses. In addition, an important help in the nutrition of ants - the sweet allocation of tools, which ants eat in every way and protect against enemies. Only a few antimony ants are feed on with grains, or omnivorous.

The ants are peculiar to the special quality - "sociality", that is, the mandatory existence of only communities (families, communities). More than twenty-five million years of ants live as public insects. It was this quality that allowed ants to take an honorable place in the world. The live life is very complex, their behavior depends on the mass of a variety of instincts. Muravyov has a well-developed alarm, division of labor, there is a certain routine of life. Many authors of various books, journals introduce us to ants. These are wonderful books - "Friends - insects" (author P.I. Marikovsky), "Who lives in an anthill?" (A. Tambiyev), "Ecology 10-11 CL." (Naumov), Magazine "Anthill". These popular publications are available, it is intelligible to communicate to the reader unfamiliar world - insects, in particular, Muravyov. I read these books and magazines, I became interested in the life of an anthill and their inhabitants. I believe that this problem is very interesting and relevant, I decided to conduct research work"Ant - a rare worker ..."

Goal goal There was a study of the peculiarities of the amphospheres of ants dwelling in the Uderevsky forest belt.

To perform the work set the followingtasks:

- acquaintance with the morphological features of the Red Forest Ant;

- identifying the number of anthills on the test site laid on the forest site;

- study of the structure of anthills;

- determination of the appointment of ant trail and monitoring the activity of ants on feed and exchange paths;

- the establishment of connections between anthills on a test area in the studied forest.

Relevance: Ants have a huge positive role on the ecosystem of the forest. They need to be protected.

Terms of study: 1Etap: June - September 2015, 2 Stage: Summer 2016.

Research location: Udevsky village council, Villavo village.

Used in workmethods:

    observations (in summer in natural conditions);

    induction method: from private to common;

    the generalization is possible a greater number of information about ants derived from the maximum number of sources;

    ranking is the location of data collected during the study, information in a certain sequence: from the most interesting to less significant.

Object studies were red forest ants whose nests are in the forest.

Research results: A lot of ants is written about the ants. This study did not put the task of giving a detailed detailed report on all parties to their lives. The focus was focused on studying the peculiarities of the life of red forest ants dwelling in our forests.

Conclusions: The data obtained during the study was included in the report of the ecological detachment "ECOS" on work on the environmental trail. Material about ants can be applied in lessons for younger students during the study of the "Environment" and the integrated course "Regional Science". The results of the study will also be interested in village residents, as they contain information about the pharaoh ants, harmful to human health. The instruction will help students behave in nature near the anthill.

I. . Physical and geographical conditions of the study area

1. Relief and soil.

The Uderevsky village council is located on the territory of the Midnesday row. In geomorphological terms, relief is, mainly hollow-damp, hollow-hilly hilly with the slopes of watersheds 3-5%. The relief of the territory of the village council is characterized by absolute marks of 230 m (in the east of the village council) and 154 m (the valley of the River of the Kosorzha).

The prevailing soils on the territory of the village council are represented by chernozem - 88.5%, floating meadow - 5.2% and bottoms of the beams - 4.4%. The greatest propagation of mechanical composition was obtained by heavy-chilly soils - 48.9% and clay - 46%. The content of humus in the soil is from 4 to 9%.

According to natural performance (in the conditions of the 100-point system), the larger than 80-100 points dominate for the most part of the village council. The most valuable gray forest soils, which are significantly mastered and rake. The absence of forest arrays, light mechanical composition, the position in the relief on the incidental slopes determine the development of erosion processes, and formation.

Most of the territory, with the exception of the vertex parts of watersheds and understand, is prone areas dismembered by the valleys of small rivers, streams, ravines. Erosion development processes here can be strengthened as a result of improper processing of land. To reduce the intensity of the processes of flushing, it is necessary to use soil crop rotations, disintegration and processing of land across the slopes, intermittent bruboritation and evillation of chibs and vapors. On steep slopes and the top of the ravines, the rampage and laundrances, the regulation of grazing of livestock on eroded lands.

2.Climatic characteristic

The climate of the village council, like the whole, moderately continental with well-pronounced seasons of the year. It is characterized by a warm summer, moderately cold with a steady snow cover in winter and well-pronounced, but less long transitional periods - in spring and autumn.

The main climatic characteristics and their change are determined by the influence of general and local factors: solar radiation, circulation of the atmosphere and underlying surface. The territory under consideration is under the influence of the air masses of the Atlantic, the Arctic basin, as well as the masses formed over the territory of Europe. In the late summer - early autumn, often in the second half of winter and spring, the western type of atmospheric circulation prevails, accompanied by active cyclonic activities, significant precipitation, positive anomalies of air temperature in winter and negative summer.

The potential of the contamination of the atmosphere (PZA) is characterized as moderate. Increased level of air pollution due to meteorological conditions can be occurring in summer and winter.

II. .Neeterable busheenik

Having studied popular science literature, I revealed the following Data on ants. About fifteen thousand species of ants are known in the world. All of them lead a public lifestyle, as they live by communities or colonies. Among the ants there are predators, and dutches of seeds, and Griboedy. Red Forest Ant (Formica Rufa) (Photo 1) Refers to the detachment of the interflower, insect class. This is the most common and often found in Russia, it builds the nests of the agents up to 1 m high. (Photo 2) The ants live in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests of over 40 years, although single nests are found in biotope with thick undergrowth. Their anthills can occur on open, well-heated glades and edges. (Photo 3) All ants are public insects living with families. The number of individuals can vary from several tens to a few million. The Muravyev family is a perennial, a clearly organized community of individuals, consisting of sexual individuals (males and females), as well as workers of ants that are underdeveloped, fruitlessly in conventional females. The role of males is reduced to the fertilization of young winged females. The males usually appear in an anthill shortly before the marriage summer and shortly after mating die. The female fertilizes once and gets a huge reserve of sperm, which in its body is spent gradually throughout life. The life expectancy of the face females is maximal for the world of insects - up to 20 years. Fertilized females discard the wings or establish a new family, or remain in their anthill. Sometimes young females are accepted into other, already existing families of their kind.

The anthill society can be divided into groups:



Pulling females (uterus, queen)

Males (drum)

Workers - barren females, bellish (porters, nannies, cleaners, builders, forage faces, scouts, hunters, soldiers).

Reproduction and settlement


Care for female, male, offspring; Build and guard nests, supply food

III . Features of the structure of ants.

Body sizes from 0.8 to 30 mm. (Photo 4) Coloring from light yellow to black. The chitinous outer skeleton serves as the basis for which cross-rope skeletal muscles are attached. The respiratory system of ants, as with the overwhelming majority of other insects, trachene. The trachea opens out outwards, or stigma. Hemolyimph ("Blood") ants - a colorless liquid. It circulates by the body of the insect due to the operation of the spinal vessel ("hearts") - a muscular tube passing along the entire spinal body surface. The digestive organs among ants are divided into the predest chamber and the actual digestive tract. Position camera - serves as a receiver for liquid and semi-liquid food. It takes "sorting" food - everything edible falls into the mouth, and the inedible particles are distinguished in the form of lumps having the form of the chamber. The digestive tract consists of the front, middle and rear seats. For figurative, goiter is a "public stomach" of ants. Food stored in it is distributed among the entire population of the nest.

Muravyov's vision is poorly developed, and the smell, taste and touch - well. The smell, ants perceive the gigutscisses of the mustache. Antly distinguish the finest odd shades, incomprehensible for us. The anticipants of the ants are located on the grats of the mustache, on the bottom of the lip. By smell, they define their own, from strangers. By smell, they find the road to their anthill. Pahuchi substance received the name Pheromon. Muravyov is quite a lot of them. Some Pheromones serve as alarm, others are forced to clean an anthill, care for the queen, to raise offspring.

Developed in ants and poisonous glands emitting formic acid. All representatives of the Formicinae subfamily do not have sting and use the jaws using jaws and combine the secret of a poisonous gland, and depending on the predominance of this or that method of protection, iron can be developed in different ways.

IV. Eraveraika. And life in it.

In more often, the forests, on the edges, in the field, in the meadow, in the armor, on the banks of the river or streams, in large and small trees - everywhere we can meet anthills everywhere. (Photo 5,6) They are in the garden, in the school plot and even in a big city on some lawn, although cars and trolley buses are rushing nearby. Standing in the forest is a large, prominent from afar. A Muravica house is directly handsome, a skyscraper on an ant. The height of it is more than one and a half meters, and in all directions from the anthill, the tracks are diverged, according to which its inhabitants will be blown. The anthill they built around the old source stump. Digid small twigs, bark pieces, large needles. Moved, strengthened the earth, moistened with saliva. And the high, rounded cone grew up. (Photo 7) As building material, ants are used:

- sand grains and lumps soil;

- dry twigs, shoots, buds of woody vegetation;

- pieces of bark of trees (pines, spruce);

- scales of pine and fir cones;

- dry Olkhovy Schildren;

- lumps of resin trees;

- odad sheet, pine needles and ate;

- pieces of lichens.

Rain, even the strongest shower, not terrible for an anthill. The shower on the contrary strengthens the anthill - the housing and branches are bonded by the earth, clay, like cement. A network of channels have been done around the anthill in the ground, which are away from the housing rainwater. And the wind can not do anything with an anthill - Couplings lie tightly. And so that they are better ventured and not rot, the ants "invented" one trick. Every four days they remove old cupins. Having inside the cupllocks put in the roof from the inside, and the queue will come - they will again turn out to be on the surface. So the ants all the time move the roof and protect it from mold. Under the roof of the anthill, a whole labyrinth of transitions - corridors, branching, cameras. The anthill is completely porous, multi-storey. To get inside the anthill, special inputs are made for this.(Photo 8) Forest Forest Ants live in large families in anthills, which consist of an overhead part and underground nest. The main population of the anthill - Workers of the Ants (underdeveloped females). They take care of the larvae tormented from eggs: they feed them, drag them depending on the temperature of the chambers to others, care for cocopus with dolls, get food, protect the anthill from the enemies, repair, guarded it, guard their hunting sites, take out garbage, Property - Word, perform numerous work. In the depths of the nest are females (there may be several dozen). Outless females and workers ants live in an anthill throughout the year. In the late spring, the beginning of summer in an anthill out of the pupae are the winged males and females. They rise to the surface of their dwelling and take off over it. This is a marriage flight. After fertilization of the females, fall on the ground, drop the wings and base new sockets. Often, young females fall into the anthills, from which they flew. The males after the marriage flight dies.

The population of medium nests is about 500,000 individuals, and in large there is up to a million ants.(Photo 9.10) Each family owns the conditioned, protected territory, within which other ants are not allowed. There are ants on it "the smell" roads for which food products transport and construction material. The length of roads may exceed 100 m, and their total length is to reach 1,000 m.

The ants are very strong and successfully deliver to an anthill not only small insects, but also large, superior to them by mass. If the mining is very high. Then they transport it collectively. When observing them, it may seem that they do not help, but only interfere with each other - everyone drags their side. However, since the overall desire for all ants is one, mining, in the end, turns out to be in an anthill. (Photo 11,12)

Every year several thousand insects are delivered to the nest. To one anthill, for example, it was delivered per day 4500 larvae of a pine sawder, 3,500 caterpillars of a pine scoop, 7200 caterpillars of oak leaflet, 6,500 pupa of various butterflies. It is estimated that the Ants of the Middle Maine are protected from harmful insects 0.25 hectares of forests, and large - up to 1 hectare.

V. . Why are the ants?

All living related to the environment and has a certain impact on it. The significance of ants is due to their numerous. But not only by this. The features of the lifestyle of ants, their nutrition and ties with other animals, plants, soil are important.

Construction nest, ants have a serious impact on the soil, where the nests of most types of these insects are being built. The number of nests, as a rule, is very high: on one hectare there may be up to 7-8 thousand antics. Soil-forming activities of ants are made up of the following factors: mixing the soil, changes in mechanical composition, changes chemical composition Soil.(Photo 13)

Stirring the soil occurs during the digging of the moves, in which the ants raise the particles of the soil from the lower horizons to the surface. At the same time, air access to roots of plants is improved. The mixing of the soil is performed by ants constantly, and not only during the structure of the nest, as the ants are tightened all the time.

In nests and around them accumulates a large amount of substances that feather the soil. The ants that are in wood or including old stumps in the nests are involved in the mechanical destruction of dead wood, thereby accelerating the process of its decomposition. The redheads of the forest ants are harvested with the surrounding nest of wood and grassy particles, twigs, cheese, flakes, blades, etc. In the anthills, the decomposition of these particles is much faster than on the surface of the soil. In the anthills, a medium is created that contributes to a more rapid decomposition of plant residues that fit here. This is due to the more high than in the surrounding ground, the temperature of the nest, with the development of special bacteria and mushrooms in the anthill.

The anthills are foci of increased soil fertility.

The nests of red forest ants over 10 years old and a diameter of more than 1 m as the "fertility factory" are so powerful that there is a serious impact on the growth of herbs and shrubs, even trees, quite removed from the anthill. Roots of trees apply under the surface of the soil for several meters. Finding into the zone of influence of the nest, they buoy grow using nutrients accumulated under anthole. There was a faster growth of birch in places where there is a large number of anthills. The vegetation is developing around the nests, demanding soil fertility, which is especially noticeable on poor soils.(Photo 14)

VI . Results of the first stage of the study

1. Description of the anthill

The studied area is located north from the village of Power. I chose this particular site, as it is not far from the village, it is not so scary to go to the forest belt, saving time and more often can be observed.

The relief of the territory under study is slightly sophisticated plain. In our area, black soils, soil waters lie at a small depth, many trees grow. The species composition of the plant world is diverse. Dominant types of vegetation - oak, aspen, birch, ash, teen presented by Ryabina, Cherry, tern.(Photo 15,16) Herbaceous cover is much higher and thick around the anthills and consists mainly of plants demanding soil fertility, but at the same time able to grow on acidic soils. The herbal coverage of the territory under study is represented by the forest-steppe dispersion: ordinary, sage soul, sage, rearman, the Russian corrosive, with an admixture of Nyuritius, a fire of madden and other cereals. The studied object is an anthill.

On the test test site, 3 anthill were detected. The largest anthill number 1(Photo 17) located on the south side of the tree under the birch.Dome of the anthillhigh and steep.Its height is 105 cm.diameter- 1 m 60 cm. Canopy part of the anthill is located on the south side.Next to it at a distance of 6 m are another 3 anthill, lower with a height of 50 and 60 cm, but with the same steep dome.

M.the equanka is permeated by move(especially in the middle andfrom above)which are antstack out out smallbuildingmaterial:wood and herbaceous particles, twigs, chew, scales, blades, leaves.(Photo 18)

I counted that about 8 trails in the anthill different areas, there are short and long. These are the paths on which ants wear building material and food. As food, ants use seeds, grain, insect larvae, plant leaves, breed tool and feed on with its juice, create underground mushroom gardens. Thus, ants protect forests.

The soil in the anthill is a more structural, better composition, more loose, and, consequently, more fertile. The temperature of the soil at the nest is higher than in Dali. This is explained, first of all, the fact that inside the anthill itself the temperature is higher than the outside, respectively, the soil is also better warmed. The acidity of soil in the anthill is also increased.

Output : In natural biocenosesnestripal activities of ants have an important soil . Putting the moves of the nest, ants loose soil and facilitate air access to the roots of the plant. In addition, the ants allocate excrement, enter various organic residues into the nest, and thus enrich the soil by carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and many trace elements, thereby making the soil more fertile.

A specific environment is formed in the nests, which contributes to a more rapid decomposition of plant residues falling into the nest, an increase in the biological activity of soils, since With a higher than in the surrounding soil, the temperature in the nest is better developed by the microflora in the anthill - bacteria, mushrooms. Decomposition accelerates ten times.

thereforethe studied nest of forest ants diameter more than 1 m is a "fertility factory" And so powerful that there is a serious impact on the growth of not only growing in the anthraces of herbs and shrubs, but also trees, quite removed from the anthill.

2. Estimating the lives of ants.

My experiments

Experiment No. 1 "Protection of Muravyov"

When I slightly stirred an anthill twist, disturbed ants took a defensive pose(Photo 19) . Putting a hand on an anthill, I scored ants. After a few seconds, I felt the burning and smell of formic acid.(Photo 20) Formic acid is a poison that ants defend and kill prey. So, thus, ants protect themselves and their anthill.

Experiment No. 2. With the attachment of ants from another anthill.

I simpted ants on the path next to the anthill and an anthill on 10.(Photo 21) A identification of a stranger occurred only with direct contact of individuals (mutual feeling of the mustache). The reaction of the ant directly engaged in contact with someone else's individual supported 2-3 ants, which are directly in the proximity to the conflict zone. Not always someone else's attack, in most cases she was given to flush. Stranching ants attacked on the path attacked and destroyed in 7 cases. At 20 cm from the domation of the anthill outside the trail, the movement of ants is externally more chaotic that to some extent prevents direct contacts of individuals. It was identified and 10% strangers were destroyed. When attaching individuals from another family to the Murachik dome, the percentage of killed was 50%.

This suggests that ants distinguish the inhabitants of their anthill from the aliens of the same species.

Output: The main way to communicate ants with each other is special chemicals - pheromones, but they also communicate with peculiar antennas - mustaches.

Experiment No. 3 Ants are very fond of sweet. I was convinced of this, throwing a piece of pears and watermelon near the anthill. A minute later, I don't know how they hurt, several individuals were at the delicacy. (Photo 22,23)

Ants did not refuse and from Honey, which I suggested in a spoon.(Photo 24)

3.Laboratory studies of "sociality" ants.

I placed ants in different glass jars, adding land, sand. A few days later I saw all the single ants died, and what a few pieces were sitting, were alive. So I learned that there are more ants who are together, and one Ant can live for a long time. Actually ant Substunctive organism. There are no single ants in nature, and the experience done by me proved "sociality" ants. The emergence of ants is inextricably linked with the emergence of the family (community, communities) of these insects. Family-constant, many years of combining individual insects, interacting with each other, depending on each other and from the community as a whole. The association of an ant family is so great that the isolated single inevitably dies.(Photo 25)

Research results showed a favorable effect of ants on the environment. Our small discoveries confirmed the perennial studies described in the literature.

VII . Guard Muravyov

Why do you need to protect red forest ants?

Protection of forests from pests and diseases is a very important environmental and economic task. All environmentally expedient methods of combating pests are all measures to maintain forests in a healthy state, to maintain biological equilibrium.

The natural defenders of the forests - ants play a major role. One forest red ant destroy 20,000 small insects per day.

Ants - Forest Friends. The benefits, which bring them to forestry, is exceptionally great. Inhabitants of one medium anthill destroy about millions of harmful insects for the summer. (Photo 26)

Do not worry and do not ruin anthills. Guiding them, you will save the forest!

1. Do not ruin anthill - antitars of forests, they bring a lot of benefit.

2. Conduct the rules of behavior in the forest.

3. Do not divorce the fire near the anthill.

4. Do not leave the fire not awesome.

5. Do not leave the garbage in the forest, leave the place of your parking lot in this form, in which you would like to see him in the next parish.


In the course of the study, I studied the nature of the settlements of the Red Forest Ant in the Biocenosis of the Forest and determined the ecological state of the forest:

1. Mapping several nests of red forest ants

2. The density of the distribution of ants on the territory under study, which was 1.9. It can be said that in our biocenosis of anthills enough to comply with the environmental well-being and regulation of the number of harmful insects

3. An experiments on the study of the amphibological activities of the ants were carried out, which were taken into account of animal-exterminated ants, the daily activity of ants and study the thermoregulation inside the nest, the features of the structure of the anthill red forest ants, the food diet of red forest ants, the activity of moving ants along the paths, was provided by "the socialism of ants "

4. Revealed the positive role of ants in the forest ecosystem and proposed recommendations for their protection.

The hypothesis, nominated at the beginning of work, was confirmed, ants really have a huge positive role on the ecosystem of the forest.

Gardens also settle red ants. They are spread to the fruit trees. As a result, the leaves and shoots of the apple trees, the pears are badly damaged, which leads to the loss of crop, and sometimes the death of trees. In the meadows, the anthills interfere with the graze of grass. But in the forests of the benefit from Muravyov, they destroy insects, which are available in large quantities, for example, caterpillars, bugs-cores. The forest in which ants live is healthier. Therefore, forestry workers are engaged in protecting and breeding forest ants, as they are forest sanitary panels.


In conclusion, I would like to note that red-haired forest ants are the basis for the biological forestry complex. They are a link regulating the density of most useful insects. As a result, the direct impact of ants on the forest is stored ancient and the forest productivity is ensured. Since the ants are a real basis for the biological forestry complex, the protection of anthills in the territory under study is necessary.

This work caused great interest, so in the future it is planned to expand the work on the study of ants. In addition, I would like to try to settle ants in order to increase the number of anthills in this area, to improve the ecological state of the forest.


    Alekseev S.V.Gruzdva N.V. Ecology workshop: Tutorial / Ed. S.V. Alekseeva-M.: JSC MDS, 1996 - p.68.

    Magazine "Murai", №5, 2009.

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    Kharitonov N. P., Dunaev E. A. Study of the extraud life of ants: a methodological manual for the implementation of an educational topic. - M.: MHDPIS, 1992. - 33 p.

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2- MOU "RosGrebelskaya Sosh" of the Males Koldatsky District of Ants is an amazing creature of nature. Performed student of grade 7 APANASENKO Artem. Head of the biology teacher of Yenyutina Larisa Mich. 2010. -3- The content of work 1. Introduction - 3. 2. Justification of the chosen theme - 5 pages 3. Objectives and objectives of the study - 6 pages 4. Methods of study ants -7 p. 5. The features of the structure of Muravyov -7 p. 6. The structure of the nest - 8 p. 7. The composition of the forming family , Distribution of functions -9 p. 8 .. Nutrition ants -9 p. 9. Experiments with red forest ants -11 p. 10. Conclusion. -13 p. 11. Conclusion - 13 p. 12. List of references - 14 pp. -4- Studies of studies Summer 2009 Research Venue is the Sotor Forest of the B-soldier district of the Kursk region. . Somehow, in the forest, walking, I walked the Osinnik, the smells inhaling, suddenly I saw the picture: along the winding track, the antsuv runs with a branch of Tolstoy on the back to the anthill in a hurry! Lifeling to him (because the path here is alone) and remember a little, I called the runner: Hey, buddy, from work you probably tired! Put your concerns, you have not rested for a long time! The ant looked around in surprise, I'm in response: "Desepass, I see, too, what's wrong with you?" -5- Introduction. Go to the ant, the sloth, look at the actions of him and be wise. Bible. Ants are one of the most common insects on our land. They are found in all natural zones, often live near the person's house. In nature, ants do not confuse with other insects: Bloomless, very active, all the time something seekers, somewhere hurrying, fussy. You rarely see a single ant, even away from its nest, usually there are always a lot of them. It is unlikely that there is a person who at least once did not stop near the anthill, settled so far and at the same time inexplicably close to us the world of these amazing insects. Ants attract our attention. Complex and even, it would seem, the meaningful behavior of these insects causes amazement and admiration for a person for hundreds of years. The ants live families of several million individuals, pave roads, build tunnels and multi-storey housing, dilute mushrooms, and only among them there is such a complex "professional" separation: there are builders and nannies, hunters and guard, porters and shepherds. It is difficult to list everything that eats ants from the enormous kingdom of insects! These are the smartest and mysterious insects on our planet. Justification of the chosen topic. I, like many other people, very often love to stop and look at the anthill, it reminds me of a big city with a wide streets and small alleys, and its inhabitants of hurried citizens. Where they are in a hurry, why are their dwellings arranged, how do they eat and how they are protected from enemies? I really wanted to know all this, so I decided to get acquainted with the life of an anthill and his inhabitants. I live in a small village Rygrebley, our village is located in the forest-steppe zone of Russia, at the very border with Ukraine. In the village and its surroundings there are different types of ants, but most of all the anthills were interested in me small forest which adjoins to my house. In this forest we went with the teacher on the tour. The forest anthills turned out to be much larger in the size of the anthills that I saw before, in the village, and the ants, in contrast to -6-little rustic ants, were larger. I was very interested in these torment, and therefore I decided to focus on them. In research, I asked to help me dad, who also loves different animals in the forest. We discovered several anthills in the forest, but for research they decided to take the biggest and old anthill. The purpose of the study: 1. To be with the structure and vital activity of ants 2. Determine their role in nature. Research tasks: 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To explore the literature on this issue. Get acquainted with the methods of studying ants. Determine the species affiliation, the structure of the investigated ants. Examine an anthill device. Explore the extrace life of ants. Conduct quantitative accounting of animals exterminated ants. Analyze the results of research. Determine the role of ants in nature. I started my research with asked the literature about the ants. Rural Library in which from B.M. books Mamaeva, E.A. Bordukov "Entomology for Teacher", S.A. MOLES "BOOK FOR READING ON ZOODS", MA Kozlova, I.M. Oliere "School Atlas - the determinant of invertebrates", A.A. Zakharov "Ant, Family, Colony", I.I. Akimushkin "Invisible Night Nature", I.A. Khalifman "Password of crossed antennas" I learned that the ants interested me relate to the form - the Red Forest Ant (Formica Rufa). In these books I met the methods of studying ants that used in his work. -7-techniques used in the work: 1. Empirical: learning and analysis of literature; 2. Theoretical: Method of Comparison, Analysis, Generalizations, Systematization 3. Research: Experimental, Observation. Subject of research: anthill. Object of study: Forest red ants (Formica RUFA) Biology of red forest ants. Forest forest ants, like all representatives of this kind, have a characteristic feature, according to which they can be distinguished from any other refamps: between the breast and the belly they have a thin skelter from one or two segments, while all other interflower abdomen is directly launched to Breasts in workers of forest red ants, whose length reaches 4 - 9 mm, head and chest are reddish - brown, abdominal black, brilliant. The anthills consist of chewing, small twigs, pieces of bark and vegetable garbage. At first glance, it seems that all this garbage is painted randomly. However, it turns out that even in the strongest rain, the surface of the anthill does not floss and all internal moves and cameras remain dry. The height of such anthills is usually 0.5 - -0.7 m, but sometimes they reach a height of 1.5 m. The beginning to build the nest often serves the old stump. The structure of the anthill. I needed information about the most anthill. To get them, I took a bag and meter, and together with dad went to the forest to the anthill. The anthill was not far from our house, in the forest on the slope of the ravine. Forest around mixed: oak, ox birch, set of shrubs and various herbs. There are no reservoirs at the observed area. The source of moisture serve plants and accumulating wagia after rain. I measured the height of the anthill, which turned out to be 48cm, diameter - 97cm. Determined -8- an exemplary slope of the part of the anthill. South side - 60 ', North - 85', Western and Eastern - 75 - 80 'The nest consists of a dome, an internal cone, shaft and underground part. The dome consists of small twigs and performs mainly a protective function. The external part of it, or the coating layer, is laid very tight. I watched that even in the strongest rain water flows from the dome and rushes only its upper part. In addition, the dome protects well the inner part of the nest, both from overheating and cooling. The inner cone consists of relatively large twigs, the development of a breakdown occurs. Winter ants in shaft chambers and underground part of the nest. The nests of ants helps protect the offspring from enemies, as well as larvae and eggs from drying. Studying the device of the ant nest and the nest-road activities of red ants, I came to the conclusion that, doing the moves, ants loose soil and facilitate the access of air to the roots of plants. In addition, ants allocate excrement. Various organic residues are entered into the nest and thereby enrich the soil by carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. The composition and acidity of the soil around the anthill composition of the soil I defined the eye - this is a mixture of fertile forest soil and clay. Soil acidity I determined with phenolphthalene paper. Near the anthill she was red. At a distance of 1 m pink and then it did not change its color. Soil seal I defined with a knife. Near the anthill, the knife was bad. It follows that the soil is condensed. At a distance of 1 m, the knife was well, hence it follows that the soil is weakly sealed, and then the soil was comparatively infertable. The illumination of the anthill. The percentage of the light falling on the anthill, I determined by comparison. So most of the day the sun shines on the southern and eastern side of the anthill, this is approximately 70%, and the remaining 30% remain the Western and northernmost parties of the anthill. -9- The composition of the forming family, the separation of functions of functions inside the family. Ants are public insects, as they live in a large family, where various individuals perform strictly defined functions. Workers ants - beless - they perform the function of builders, i.e. The anthills, males and females are built - winged, but they develop wings only in the marriage period. The uterus function is to produce offspring. Ants "Nanniki" care for the uterus and care about the larvae. There are also ants - soldiers - they fight with opponents, they have more developed heads and mandibles (highly developed upper jaws). On the example of red forest ants, I studied polymorphism - this variety of the structure of individuals of one species associated with the implementation of certain functions in the family. Ants are polymorphic insects. What and how the ants eat. Forest forest ant roads are constant. Watching, I noticed that there are two types of roads. Some serve for the movement of the Paddy's antibers and lead to the trees on which the colonies of tool are located. These roads are relatively short and narrow, but very lively. Most ants running on them to the nest have bloated abdomen, where you can find the juice of trees. Other roads are associated with family anthill. They are very busy. After studying the literature, I learned that the first kind of roads is the feed roads. And the second type is exchange rates. In order to determine what the ants eat, I chose one of the ant paths, which leads to an anthill and began to keep records I revealed than ants eat and how much they eat in an hour, day, week, summer. At the beginning of the summer, their prey was mainly the dead May Khrushchi, the uncrowns of the June, as well as the gaseous moths, various flies. In the middle of summer, caterpillars, larvae of beetles, cicadas and fake. At the end of the summer - the beginning of the fall of the caterpillar of butterflies, naked slugs, rain worms. In addition, they wore seeds. In the fall, when the prey has not become much, I even fed the ants of the caterpillars of the butterfly of the cabbage, with whom they were quite quickly disappeared. Freedom selected in ants I divided groups: 1. Useful for forest animals; Two - 10 - 2. Animal harmful to forest. The useful animals include spiders, waxes, riders, bees. Harmful - beetles, butterflies, their larvae and dolls, bugs, sawers, cicades, fuels. Muhi can be like harmful and helpful. I just followed how ants are straightened with their prey. To do this, I put on the trail caterpillar and saw that first the ants flew down, and then defended, that is, a toxic substance was injected into it. The caterpillar was fought first, then stopped resisting and calmed down. In order to record animals exterminated by ants, I used the following methodology :. I conducted accounting of production according to the scheme: № Muravini KA No. TRO-OPERATION OF OBSERVATIONS PO SPEIGHTERS AND WATCH AND WORK The number of minutes of observation The number of insects selected in insects of all useful harmful vague 1 III 10. 06 10 hours 15 minutes. 35 5 26 4 1 III 10. 06 14. 30 15 min. 24 3 18 3 1 III 10. 06 19 hours. 15 minutes. 18 3 11 4 Suppose it was collected in 15 minutes 35 animals, then per hour 35 * 4 \u003d 140, for the day 140 * 18 \u003d 2520 (an average day an average of 18 hours), for a week 2520 * 7 \u003d 17 640, for Month 17 640 * 30 \u003d 529 200, for the summer 529 200 * 3 \u003d 1 587 600 - 11 - this is, of course, no accurate result, since the collection of production depends on weather, temperature, collection time, on the number of harmful insects in nature, from the number of families, from the number of larvae ants, basic consumers of protein food. In addition, embelling ants begin already in May and finish before hibernation. This year, in early October, ant worked. To determine the number of exterminated insects during this period, I did one account in May, in June, July, August, September. Therefore, it is advisable to multiply for 4 months 529 200 * 4 \u003d 2 116 800 I received data allowed me to judge the predatory life of ants. Most insects destroyed insects are forest pests. The ants improve the soil, stirring it, enriching organic substances, opening their access to the roots of trees, breaking deep moves in the ground. The forest where ants flourish, healthy and strong, it is not oppressed by pest raids, is rich in mushrooms and berries. Ants collect insects on Earth, in the grass and in the roots of trees. During the day, the population of a large colony can destroy up to 100 thousand insects. Experiments with red forest ants The attitude of ants to swinging with a wand. Following the ants, I thought, and what ants would make, if you spend a stick over an anthill. Sorvav wand, I spent her over the anthill and noticed that the activity was intensified. I spent over the anthill with hand several times, felt a strong characteristic smell of formic acid and the reinforcing rustling transfer of production. To carry out this experience, I caught the grasshopper and deprived of his opportunity to move. Then, I put it on an anthill, I didn't have to wait long, the ants immediately killed him and took it into an anthill - 12 - cooking a skeleton at home I took a small box and made a lot of holes in it. I placed a small fish in a box. A box with a fish buried a shallow in an anthill, and discovered in it an immaculately cooked skeleton of fish hostile attitude towards ant from another anthill. This experience is very simple. I took an ant from another anthill and put it on my ants. Ant - a stranger was immediately attacked and killed. Caring for offspring. This experience is most interested in me. I broke an anthill to a layer where ant eggs were. Then during the observation process, I saw that ants began to grab eggs and carry them into the surviving part of the anthill. This experience is cruel, but shows the presence of the ants of the care of the offspring. . The presence of biochas in an ant. This experience is the most interesting. I took a cotton swab in the syrup, and laid it before the anthill at 12 o'clock every day. Ants, on every subsequent day, have already come out at this time, I made an assumption about the presence of an ant biological clock. Watching, I noticed that on the place where I left Tampon, there was two watch ants. Seeing food, they fled to the anthill and called their comrades. I began to put ants in a jar, but then the ants came me on. They changed the post every 15 minutes. When the ants ran to call their comrades for lunch, I removed the food. After that, the ants did not leave me anymore. - 13 - Conclusion: studying an anthill, I learned that by doing moves, loosen the soil and facilitate the access of air to the roots of ants of plants. In addition, the ants allocate excrement, enter various organic residues into the nest and thereby enrich the soil by carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. The ants improve the soil, stirring it, enriching organic substances, opening their access to the roots of trees, breaking deep moves in the ground. Now I know very well that most of the ants destroyed insects are forest pests. Having studied the anthill and its inhabitants, I came to the conclusion that ants are extremely useful insects, they require careless to or need our protection. Protecting anthills - we are guarding our forests! Conclusion I really liked to explore the life of ants. I learned a lot of new and interesting. I think it will come in handy in life. I want to say a big thanks to my dad, who helped me a lot in the study. I do not want to finish your research activities. At this time, I was very interested in Bobras, who for the first time in our years settled on our river and even on the pond. I want to learn more about these small, but apparently very interesting animals. - 14 - List of used literature: 1. Ant, family, colony. M., Nauka, 1988. 2. DLUSSKIY G.M., Bukin A.P. Meet: Ants! - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986. 3. Zakharov A.A. Zakharov A.A. Intravidal relations in ants. M., Science, 1998. 4.. 5. Kozlov M.A. .. Not just bugs. Scientific and Art Edition, Cheboksary, 6. Khalifman I.A. Ants. M., Nauka, 1992. 7. Children's magazine about the nature "Anthill" No. 4. 1996. 8. Scientific - Methodical magazine "Biology in School" No. 3 1997, No. 8 2002 9. Textbook 7 - 8th grade "Biology - Animals "Ed. B.E. Bykhovsky. Mamaev B.M, Bordukova E.A. Lawnology for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. 1

Relevance of the topic. In the lessons of literary reading, we read the interesting works of V. Bianki "The Adventures of Murai", O. Polonsky "The Murai Kingdom". Communication with nature always gives us joy. We do not cease to admire the striking creations: animals, plants. It is hard to have a person who at least once did not stop near the anthill, settled so far and at the same time inexplicably close to us the world of these amazing insects. Especially we like to watch the life of small insects, how do they live, what do they do when a person does not see their daily life? To comprehend the mystery of nature, in the lessons of the surrounding world we wanted to learn a lot about the forming kingdom. We decided to conduct design work on ants and answer many of the questions you are interested in: how do ants live? What is an anthill? How is an anthill? What is the "premises" in it? Why do ants take care of troubles? What do ants eat? Why do ants call "Forest Sanitary"?

The purpose of the work is to learn the life of ants, learn interesting facts of their lives. Tasks: increase the volume of knowledge about insects. Examine the types of housing ants, the features of their construction. To know the laws of the forming family. To identify the importance of ants in nature and for humans. Examine literature on this topic. Conduct work analysis and replenish the optional "piggy bank" of the class. Research hypothesis If you know about the value of ants in nature and in a person's life, you can use these knowledge with benefit for yourself. Research methods: -Practic work; - observations; - data collection and their analysis; - generalization of information; - Questioning among students and school teachers Object research: anthill, Muravyev's dwellings. Research Subject: Ants

Estimated results: - The formation of ideas about how ants live; - the emergence of ideas about ants and their varieties; - According to the results of research, establish interesting facts about the benefits of ants; - propaganda of the value of ants among school students; - Using research results for conducting classroom watches, quiz. - Creation of a collection of puzzles "Children's riddles of the ant", the booklet "The most interesting about the ants", the mini-album "Our Ants" with the results of the survey, the applique of the "anthill", the presentation of the work.

The ant family of ants live in an anthill with one big and friendly family. In one anthill ants, there are as many people in a big city. In the forming family there is a clear working distribution. In the family -Muvian "Queen". And there are ants soldiers, intelligence officers, stone.

What do ants eat? The ants feed on insects, sweet islands of tools, juice of plants, seeds. Features of the livelihood of Muravyov German scientist - Mimmecologist G. Vellenstein in more than 25 years of studying the red forest ants, found that they consist of them: a medical dew (paddy) - 62%; plants juice - 4.5%; seeds - 0.2%; insects and invertebrates - 33%; Mushrooms and fell - 0.3%.

How is the ant? If you carefully consider the ant in a magnifying glass, we will see that the body consists of 4 departments: heads, chest, stalk and abdomen. Differences in the structure of the head (there is a hairs or not), the downsion of the back, the differences in the color, the structure of the legs - all this is subdivided by ants on various types. We will talk about the general signs and peculiarities of the lives of ant.

How is an anthill? All ants who live in our country live in nests. They build them on earth. Outside, they can be seen on the grounds of the Earth. Inside the underground gallery leads to cameras that are interconnected. The depth of the nests is different from 30 cm to 2 m, and the desert ant reaches more than 10 m. Sometimes ants settle in rotten wood: stumps, decks. The dome of the nest consists of the thresholds of the twigs - he has a protective function, it protects against rain, wind, snow. Inside the dome consists of large branches, the constant T about C is maintained there. And the ants in the underground part are supported. In the deserts, where the Earth warms up to 60 o C, the ants never build ground nests, only under the ground, where the temperature is significantly lower.

Benefit or harm? In nature there is no harmful and helpful ants. Any view is either harmful or useful for a person. Ants are renouncements, useful in a virgin steppe - seeds of plants, but near the grains where grain is harmed - they harm. The gardens settle red ants. They are spread to the fruit trees. As a result, the leaves and shoots of the apple trees, the pears are badly damaged - leads to the loss of yields, and sometimes the death of trees. In the meadows, the anthills interfere with the graze of grass. But in the forests of the benefit from Muravyov, they destroy insects, which are available in large quantities, for example, caterpillars, bugs-cores. In addition, during the construction of the nests of the ants, the soil loans and facilitate access to the roots of trees. They enter the nest various organic residues and enrich the soil by trace elements. The forest in which the ants live healthy. Therefore, forestry workers are engaged in protecting and breeding forest ants - they are forest sanitary panels.

Interesting Facts About ants - ants the most ancient insects on Earth. The fossils of the ant were found more than 100 million years ago. - Ant is stronger than an elephant, because it can raise the cargo much more than its weight. - When a free minute drops, the workers are "playing", grab each other with their feet and ride on the ground. - Ants are able to distinguish their "brothers" from other people, thanks to the smell that produce special glands. - Sometimes stocks of grain in ants can reach up to 50 kg. At the same time, it does not boot in sockets, because they carefully dry in the sun. - in South America there are stray ants, they are moving by columns, despicably all living things that they are found on their way, even lizards and snakes.

Sociological survey for a sociological survey was drawn up a questionnaire from four issues. 1. What do you know about ants? 2. What is the meaning of ants in nature? 3. Are there ants on your garden plot? 4. What values \u200b\u200bare ants on your garden plot?

My creativity: the applique "Anthill" Applique I took after the end of all work. When I made a creative composition "Anthill" I remembered the summer. Materials that we needed: 1. Cut woolen threads. 3. Background for composition. I chose a ready-made image of a glade with insects. 4. Clay - pencil. Then we together I smeared with glue, where an anthill should be located on the idea, and laid threads.

Observations for ants. The anthill, followed by the surveillance in the summer, was in the forest. That's what I saw. The ants melted a different material to him: chips, dead insects. I also noticed that most ants are moving not just so, and each other at a distance of about five centimeters, and they move along the same tracks, and some ants do not carry anything, but every time, returning to the anthill, they are running with the rest . Then I decided to spend a little experience. On one of the ant paths, I laid a small (about 5 cm) wand and began to follow the reaction of ants. Two ants climbed through it and tried to move a stick from the place, but they had nothing. Then two more ants approached them, and they dragged the stick to the anthill four of them, but since she did not peck inside, then she had to leave it outside.

Conducting a study by observing the lives of ants, having studied additional literature about the ants, the following conclusions made: ants live families. Each ant clearly knows and performs its definite function. Ants are eternal builders. Ants are moving along the same tracks. Ants to different insects are different.