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House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» Children's health is in your hands. Workshop workshop for parents in kindergarten "Children's health in your hands

Children's health is in your hands. Workshop workshop for parents in kindergarten "Children's health in your hands

Municipal preschool general education

autonomous institution kindergarten No. 15


Newspaper for curious parents

Topic: If you want to be healthy ...

September 2015

Issue prepared by:

Educator of the group "Vasilki"

Erovenko G.M.

In the room

    Healthy lifestyle for children

    Health Code

    We teach the child to sports

Your child's health is in your hands

In modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher requirements are imposed on a person, including a child, for his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of the child began to occupy priority positions all over the world. Any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities. A healthy and developed child has a good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child's health is laid, its intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible. According to survey data, only 5-7% of children are born healthy. At first glance, our children are healthy and there is no reason to worry.But what is health? As defined by the World Health Organization,health is complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease and physical defects.


I. First of all, it is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are the usual components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the organism.

II. A child needs a calm, benevolent psychological climate. An altercation in the presence of a child contributes to the emergence of a neurosis in him or aggravates existing disorders of the nervous system. All this reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body. With this in mind, we should always try to be in a good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier, frown - sadness creeps in. Emotional resilience and related behaviors are nurtured. It is important here to be able to correctly and rationally relate to what we see and hear. So let's smile more and give joy to each other!

III. Correctly organized daily regimen: optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day. The regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of good habits, and teaches them to a certain rhythm. Walking is one of the essential components of the daily routine. This is the most effective type of rest, increases the body's resistance, hardens it. It is good to combine a walk with sports and outdoor games. An important part of the regime is Sleep. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time (day and night). The child's home regimen should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen, and especially on weekends.

IV. Adequate nutrition: inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins: A, B, C, D, mineral salts and protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children. The diet is important - adherence to certain intervals between meals.

V. To form an interest in improving one's own body. The sooner the child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If the child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education and follow the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this. When a child enters school, the level of his physical development is important. The principle "do no harm" should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child.

Vi. To improve health, walking and running are effective, which protect the human body from the occurrence of diseases. They have a pronounced training effect and help to harden the body. What is hardening? Increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors by systematic short-term exposure of the body to the same factors in small doses. As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. Tempering is more important for a weakened child than for a healthy one. Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot treatments, gargling), non-traditional methods are also widely used:

Contrast air hardening (from a warm to a cold room);

Walking barefoot, while the arches and ligaments of the foot are strengthened, flat feet are being prevented. During the summer, give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and bumps that act as strong irritants. Warm sand, soft carpet, grass have a calming effect. Walking barefoot increases the intensity of activity of almost all muscles, stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, and improves mental activity.

A contrast shower is the most effective home hardening method.

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease.

If you want to see your child healthy, you need to carry out hardening procedures daily. Minimal hardening - air and water procedures, properly selected clothing.

Vii. To increase the defenses of the child's body, it is recommended to take vitamins. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate individual biochemical and physiological processes.

VIII. A blow to the health of the child is caused by the harmful inclinations of the parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases more often than children of nonsmokers.


Factors affecting health:

20% - heredity;

20% ecology;

10% - development of health care;

50% lifestyle.

What is a healthy lifestyle? (healthy lifestyle)

1 ... Balanced diet.

2. Compliance with the regime.

3. Optimal motor regime.

4. Adequate sleep.

5. Healthy hygienic environment.

6. Favorable psychological atmosphere.

7. Hardening.

Healthy lifestyle for children

Your gift - health must be protected and by all available means to strengthen it from early childhood.

Leading a healthy lifestyle will help children to develop in a timely and harmonious way and maintain their health. If you want your child to grow up strong and healthy, then you should heed the following rules that will help your child lead a healthy lifestyle.

The main factors of a healthy lifestyle for children:

Lots of fresh air!

You need to be in the fresh air as long as possible. In any weather, the maximum amount of time should be devoted to walking on the street. It is better to walk in green parks and squares, avoiding the polluted streets. It is better to organize the baby's sleep in the fresh air - on the balcony, near an open window. As often as possible, you need to ventilate the room in which you live, and house flowers are able to filter and purify the air in the room.

Plants such as chlorophytum, white euphorbia, Kalanchoe, ivy, monstera, spathiphyllum and asparagus have properties that help clean the air in the house of harmful gases. A record amount of oxygen for a house plant, released by sansiviera. And ficus and cyperus not only emit oxygen, but also humidify the air. Studies have shown that the colder the air in the room where a person lives, the stronger and healthier his body.

Temperature +18 - + 20 ° is the most optimal, but you can try a cooler mode. Wet cleaning should be done as often as possible - dust off, keep the room clean. It is better to remove from the room all objects that can collect dust on themselves: shelves for books, carpets with a pile, fewer soft toys.

It is better not to use vacuum cleaners of the old design for cleaning, since this can be harmful for immunity - after all, such a vacuum cleaner, repeatedly driving air through itself, picks up only large garbage that is not too dangerous for the respiratory organs.

The air flow at the outlet of such a device is saturated with dust microparticles containing bacteria, household allergens and microspores of fungi in an increased concentration. For modern cleaning, it is better to use vacuum cleaners with an acafilter.

Life in motion!

The child's physical activity should be provided as much as possible, mainly during a walk. The child can climb slides and horizontal bars, crawl on a blanket, walk. Sport is the source

good health and correct development of the child, because classes have a positive effect on both his physical and emotional state. Sport is also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for children. It is better to send a child to any section at the age of six, when he already understands whether he likes these activities or not.

It is important to choose the right sports section for a child, because what he does should be interesting and useful. For example, dancing and gymnastics classes develop all muscle groups, coordination, flexibility, and stretching. Ice skating improves the body's resistance and is well suited for children with bronchial and lung diseases. Water sports develop the respiratory system, strengthen the nervous system and temper the child. Skiing is suitable for children who often catch colds, because it develops strength, coordination and endurance, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and trains all muscle groups. Martial arts will teach you to stand up for yourself, temper your character and make your child psychologically stronger.

Less clothing for the child

Overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia, so excessive wrapping is best avoided. A child should have the same number of layers of clothing as an adult, and if in doubt, you can add another layer - this simple principle should be adopted. Children breathe through the skin, so many babies themselves try to pull off their clothes, as soon as they learn this. As soon as the baby begins to walk, orthopedic doctors advise him to wear orthopedic shoes with a hard sole for the first time, so that the foot is formed correctly. But if the foot is already formed, then walking barefoot on the floor should be encouraged in every possible way. Shoes and clothes are best purchased from natural fabrics - flax, wool, leather, cotton, because such fabrics allow the skin to breathe. Natural clothing warms in the cold and cools in the heat.

Family is a space of love

The psychological atmosphere prevailing in the family affects not only the emotional state, but also the health of the child as a whole. The negative emotions that the child constantly experiences will certainly lead him to stress, and then to illness. The science of psychosomatics convincingly proves to us that the main causes of many diseases are numerous stresses, family troubles and overwork. It is necessary to surround the child with love, approval and understanding, because they, like sunlight and air, are required for the health of a little man. As the saying goes, a healthy mind in a healthy body. And vice versa: a healthy body will provide a healthy mind. Strengthen the spirit of your baby with kind words, affection, comfort and warmth.

Positive emotions, thoughts and laughter

If you constantly think and talk about the fact that the child is often sick and not healthy, then it turns out that you can attract troubles to yourself. Even if this is so, you need to take it lightly and calmly. Our brain, which makes us breathe, can also issue commands to our immune system. Therefore, it is better to direct the power of thoughts for the good of the baby. A mother and her child have one energy-informational field for two, and what she thinks and says directly affects her child. It is necessary to strive more often to pronounce positively charged phrases: “My baby and I are completely healthy! Our immunity is strong, ”or something like that, what in your opinion suits you best. This can be regarded with sarcasm and disbelief, but there is real research and historical facts that repeatedly confirm the effectiveness of this method.

For example, Emil Kui, a doctor who lived in the last century, conducted an experiment: he asked his patients to constantly repeat one simple phrase: "Every day, every day I feel better and better." Indeed, those who agreed to do this, for the most part, recovered much faster than others.

Happy laughter and joyful emotions have a positive effect on the hormonal background of the body and strengthen the human immune system.

Hardening the child

Water hardening will help to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to temperature extremes.

This will positively affect the work of all internal organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and increase the resistance of the child's skin to infections. Douches, wipes and showers are the most common types of hardening at home. The water temperature at the beginning of hardening should be at least 34-35 degrees, and after 6 - 7 days of regular procedures, the temperature can be reduced by 2 degrees, gradually bringing it to 22 - 24 degrees. Swimming in open water is also a useful form of hardening. And on a warm sunny day, you can just splash in a basin of water, play with toys and boats. The safest type of hardening is air hardening.

You can start using air baths from the age of two months. The air temperature should be at least 20 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is initially 10-15 minutes. When hardening, it is important to observe the temperature conditions in the room and ventilate the rooms as often as possible. Do not forget about walking. On the street, the child must be at least two hours a day in the cold season and an unlimited amount of time in the summer. The basic principles of hardening are systematicity, as well as a gradual sequential increase in the dosage of hardening procedures. Lead a healthy lifestyle, laugh more often, make your child laugh and have fun with the whole family!


    Remember - health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!

    Health is necessary not only for you, but also for the people whom you are obliged to protect and help them.

    Health is not only physical strength, but also mental balance.

    Health is your ability to meet your needs within reasonable limits.

    Health is the physical and hygienic culture of our body: there is nothing more beautiful than the human body.

    Health is your style and way of life.

    Walk from time to time on the ground barefoot - the ground gives us strength, removes excess electricity from the body.

    Learn to breathe correctly - deeply, evenly, calmly.

    The family is our support and our happiness, do in the family so that each family member feels needed and dependent on each other.

    Health is love and respect for nature: nature is not a brother or sister, but the father and mother of mankind.

    If you want to be healthy, make friends with physical culture, clean air and healthy food.

    Remember - the sun is our friend, and we are all children of the sun, but do not joke with its rays: sunburn should not become combustion in the sun.

    Health is a social culture of a person, a culture of human relations.

    Love our land - mother and wet nurse, take care of it and all living things that it gave life. Do you want to live, love life.

    Health is our capital. It can be increased, it can be used up.If you want to be healthy - be it!

Poems for children about health and a healthy lifestyle.

To preserve health

Strengthen your body,

My whole family knows

There should be a regime for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep a little longer.

Well, don't be lazy in the morning -

Get started charging!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,

And smile more often

Get hardened and then

You are not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies

Do not lead friendship with them!

Among them are quiet laziness,

You fight her every day.

So that not a single microbe

Didn't accidentally hit the mouth,

Wash hands before eating

Needed with soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products-

Here's a healthy meal

Full of vitamins!

Go out for a walk

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

Well, if it really happened:

It turned out to be ill,

Know, you have to go to the doctor.

He will always help us!

Here are some good tips

Secrets are hidden in them,

Learn to appreciate it!

In the morning you temper

Pour cold water on.

You will always be healthy.

There is no need for unnecessary words.


The cleanest, the smartest

The kindest Moidodyr.

He repeats both day and night:

"Three to the holes" yes "Mine to the holes!"

He washes mice, frogs,

Washes small children -

Even the most naughty

Washes every day.

E. Silenok

About nails

Who does not clean nails

And does not cut,

The one of his acquaintances

Scares great.

After all, with dirty nails,

Long and sharp

Can very simply you

Confuse with monsters.

Andrey Usachev

"Non-traditional methods of hardening"

In preschool age, the foundations of health are laid. Hardening is an effective way to improve the health of children. Many of the types of hardening are used in preschool institutions, are included in regime moments, and are part of physical education.

Hardening is a whole range of measures aimed at gradually increasing the body's resistance to certain adverse environmental factors: cold, heat, low atmospheric pressure, solar radiation. The mechanism of human thermoregulation consists in the prompt response of blood vessels to the threat of cooling or overheating of the body by narrowing / expanding them, which leads to a limitation or increase in heat transfer. Thus, at different external temperatures, a balance is maintained between heat transfer and heat production. Natural factors of nature are used for hardening -air, water, sun. As a result of systematic hardening, adaptive reactions occur that contribute to the expansion of the range of tolerated fluctuations in external temperature. A hardened person not only tolerates cooling well, his resistance to a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) significantly increases, he has good health and appetite. Hardening also normalizes the state of the nervous system, strengthens it. The stability of the emotional sphere of a person increases, which makes him more restrained and balanced. In addition, a person has an increase in the body's endurance, its efficiency, and an improvement in mood.

In our work we use the principles of hardening of Yu.F. Zmanovsky:

Hardening should be carried out only with the full physical health of children;

It is advisable to increase the intensity of hardening procedures gradually, in accordance with the compensatory capabilities of the growing organism that increase in the process of hardening training;

systematic and consistent hardening is required.

The stability of environmental conditions - constant air temperature, warm water, sterile food, careful elimination of contacts with moving air (wind) - leads to the fact that innate adaptation mechanisms are turned off as unnecessary. Unfortunately, it is the stability of external physical factors that is the main manifestation of parental love. This leads to the fact that physical factors - moving air - "draft", or the temperature in the room + 17 ° С become a source of increased danger. There is no doubt that training the body's ability to adapt to environmental conditions is worth further. It is necessary to organize care so that natural adaptive mechanisms do not fade away. Not only not to avoid, but deliberately create temperature contrasts, both air and water, to use all opportunities for contact with natural factors of nature. It is the contrasting temperatures that provide optimal conditions for the formation of an adequate protective reaction and increase the effectiveness of hardening procedures. Contrast procedures should not be interrupted even during the baby's illness, as they contribute to a speedy recovery. When they are carried out, blood flow in the nasopharyngeal region is significantly improved.

When conducting contrast air hardening, the principle of gradual increase in the dose of cold exposure is observed. The difference in temperature in the two rooms is at first in the "warm" - + 23- + 26o, and in the "cold" - 3-5o lower. It increases within 1.5-2 months to 8-10 due to a decrease in the temperature in the "cold" room. The general state of health of children must be taken into account. The air temperature in a "warm" room is maintained by means of central heating batteries, in a "cold" room it is lowered due to intensive ventilation. We also carry out tempering procedures during sleep. Air (temperature effect on the body). Sleep without t-shirts

Air contrast baths.

Exercise after sleeping in beds.

Walking barefoot. We take into account the physical and somatic state of the child.

We use the temperature difference (under the blanket, without a blanket; in the bedroom, in the group room).

Use of "health paths" (ribbed board, massage mats, "dry pool", etc.)

During physical education activities, taking into account physical and somatic health. Medical recusal after illness.

Water (thermal and mechanical irritating effects on the skin, olfactory organs, respiratory system). Rinsing the mouth with boiled water

Extensive washing

Nose toilet

We gradually teach how to rinse the mouth, the elements of extensive washing, starting from the fingertips to the elbow, shoulder, neck with the transition to the chin, and washing the face, followed by rubbing with a towel.

To free the nasal passage from accumulating mucus, rinse with running water.

Moderate physical activity is an important part of a comprehensive hardening procedure. It plays the role of a kind of background for the activation of physiological systems, which favors an increase in thermoregulatory function. Therefore, the quality of exercise performance plays a secondary role here, while the quantitative side, the degree of energy and the duration of their performance are of paramount importance.

In the period after an acute respiratory illness, the clothes of children during air-contrast hardening are individually sparing (socks, T-shirts), and the duration of the procedure in the first 5-7 days is halved.

2. Walking barefoot also refers to unconventional methods of hardening, which is also a good way to strengthen the arches of the foot and its ligaments. Since walking barefoot is a means of hardening, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of gradualness and systematicity.

They start walking barefoot at a floor temperature of at least +18 degrees. At first, this is done in socks for 4-5 days, then completely barefoot for 3-4 minutes, increasing the procedure time by 1 minute daily and gradually bringing it to 15-20 minutes. Barefoot walking is recommended in all age groups. Children of older groups carry out morning exercises barefoot (indoors), physical education, outdoor games. Children who catch colds easily and often get sick are advised to first walk on the floor in socks, and only then barefoot.

In our work, we combined this type of hardening with games and exercises for the prevention of flat feet: walking on toes with different hand positions, on a ribbed board, a stick or a thick cord, on the outside of the foot, rolling from the heel not toe, in place, without lifting the toe from the floor; rolling from toe to heel while standing on the floor or on a stick; rolling a stick and ball with your feet and toes back and forth; "Drawing" simple geometric shapes by rolling a rubber ball; capture and lifting of small objects (sticks, pebbles, bumps) with the toes; game exercise “If the legs became hands” (conditional performance of the functions of hands by the legs); stepping over gymnastic sticks, stuffed balls.

3. Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method of preventing diseases of the nasopharynx.

A break in hardening for 2-3 weeks or more reduces the body's resistance to colds. It is necessary to carefully consider the individual characteristics of the child, his age, the possibility of his hypersensitivity to hardening activities. It is unacceptable to carry out hardening if the child has negative emotional states (fear, anxiety).

When forming the hardening system, we take into account the state of health, age, climatic conditions, the development of subcutaneous fat, the type of nervous system, the degree of hardening of the child.

We teach the child to sports

Playing sports is a very useful skill for a child. If you instill it from childhood, it will help the baby to lead a healthy lifestyle and isolate him from some bad habits. But very often parents, taking their child to the sports section or working with him on their own, see the main goal as achieving results. By doing this, they can turn the toddler's sport into hard labor. The child will not enjoy the sport itself, but will try not to disappoint the parents.

By encouraging a child's passion for sports, parents can cross the line between encouragement and coercion. To prevent this from happening, moms and dads should follow certain rules.

If a child chooses a sport that their parents do not like, they should not discourage him. Even if the dad does not like figure skating, but his son or daughter is delighted with him, the father should support and encourage his baby. After all, each of us likes to do what we love.

Each person makes many mistakes in his life. Do not scold for failures and mistakes. If the child is afraid to commit the wrong action, this can discourage him from doing anything at all. It is worth letting him know that everyone makes mistakes and correcting them, and overcoming obstacles is part of the training.

Parents should not set goals for the baby themselves. It must be chosen by the child himself. Having chosen a goal on his own, he becomes responsible for achieving it. You just need to try to make your goal realistic. But you should not make a pursuit of achievements out of sports, this is still a hobby, not a job.

It is imperative to explain to the baby that playing sports will benefit his health. It will be better if parents support his passion not only with words, but also with their own example. Mom and Dad can be with him, do morning exercises, go to the gym, do jogging.

Sport and health

How important are sports and health for children? Why should children play sports? What are the health rules for children? Find out detailed answers to these questions from this article.

Sport is needed not only for those who want to become a champion. If you go in for sports from childhood, then your health will be stronger. So sport is good for everyone, but especially for the kids. We will tell you more about this in this article.

So what is sports for kids? Firstly, it strengthens health, improves immunity, the body's own strength and its resistance to disease. If you go in for sports regularly and correctly, then your child's endurance is provided.

This means that he will have much more strength than his peers. And a child needs strength, because childhood is a wonderful time for discoveries. Also, sports give pep. A sports child will never be bored and sad.

Instead of sitting at the computer, like many children today, your child will go to the next workout. This workout strengthens all muscles, bones, and joints, and trains breathing and heart.

So your baby will not face problems of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, sport disciplines and makes the child more collected, which will be useful both in school and in everyday life, in the future.

Also, your child will not suffer from excess weight, and this problem is very urgent today. So sports and health for children are close and very important!

But it is important to note that sports should be practiced regularly and systematically, without skipping workouts, otherwise there will be no effect and benefit. The child will be healthy if classes, at least sometimes, are held in the fresh air, which is very useful for a growing body.

After training, the child will probably sweat, so you need to take a shower, because personal hygiene is the key to health. Do not forget about proper nutrition of the child who plays sports. His body must receive all the necessary substances that will help to cope with the load and ensure the correct growth and functioning of all organs. And choose the right clothes for sports. It is also important that the child likes to exercise, since the pleasure of training is no less important than the benefit (without pleasure it will be minimal).

Sports people

Athletic people are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vigor, strength.

Do you want to be at least a bit like them?

Only sports will help you with this perfectly!

Health will strengthen, add success.

He will relieve you of boredom and idleness.

Believe, you are in yourself and reach the heights.

What you dreamed about, only sports will give you.

I love sports since childhood

I love sports since childhood.

He taught me to order.

I don't sleep for a long time in the morning.

I go up to exercise.

Then jogging and jumping

And push-ups from the floor.

Yes, exercise is not easy

But I am cheerful and cheerful.

The love of exercise must be instilled from the cradle. First, the newborn is recommended to do exercises, then play various motor games, jump, run, and so on. All this is very important for the development of the child himself. Some parents necessarily buy the toddler children's sports complexes for apartments, gradually purchasing various accessories for them. So poems about sports for children serve as a good motivation for training dexterity and physical development.

"Proper nutrition for preschool children"

Proper nutrition is not a diet or strictness to the child's body. This is the norm, having mastered which, the child will be healthy, and will thank you for this!

Proper nutrition for preschool children is a source of energy and a cure for many diseases. If you really want your child to have good health, be beautiful, physically and spiritually active, harmoniously developed, and with good immunity, then proper nutrition should be the basis in his life. Properly organized nutrition for preschool children is one of the main tasks of kindergarten and parents.

The nutrition of preschool children should be correct, both qualitatively and quantitatively. An excess of a child's diet with fats, salt and sugars, and an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in it can lead to: dystrophic changes in the child's body, a decrease in immunity, a lack of trace elements in the body necessary for its growth and development.

The principles of proper nutrition.

1. The first and one of the most important principles of proper nutrition in children is energy balance. Sometimes you and I try to feed our child with everything, without thinking about whether he needs all this. We must remember that each person and child, including, is important not the amount of food that he receives, but its energy value. According to the traditions of Russian cuisine, you and I consume a large amount of bread, potatoes, sugar, animal fats, thereby leading the child's body to an imbalance: consuming much more than a child can spend. All this can lead to obesity and other serious diseases. Considering that in our country there is a fashion for the sedentary image of children (finding a child at the computer), the level of these diseases is growing very rapidly. For example, in America, obesity is perceived as a way of life, while in Russia it is still considered a disease.

It is important to feed the baby correctly, and correct any deviations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Exclude from the diet foods and dishes that can irritate the organs of the digestive system.

2. No less important when compiling a child's diet is the variety of products and the variety of culinary processing. This is necessary so that the child can receive all macro and micro nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals). Proteins are of particular importance because they are the building blocks of all organs and tissues. You can get them from such products as: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, etc., The body of children should receive proteins of animal and plant origin (to obtain amino acids).

For the active movement of children, a lot of energy is needed. The main supplier of energy are carbohydrates (sugar, honey, berries, vegetables, cereals, flour). Carbohydrates, for example, should be more than proteins and fats. Fats are an additional store of energy that we can get from sour cream, cheese, meat, fish.

3. Finally, an important condition for proper nutrition in preschool children is adherence to the diet. This is not only the quantitative and qualitative distribution of food by calorie content during the day, but also the number of meals and the intervals between them. The lack of a diet in a child and its irregularity can lead primarily to stress in the body and various diseases.

The dietary regime creates the best conditions for the assimilation of food. Failure to comply with the regimen leads to a loss of appetite and to a decrease in the secretion of digestive juices.

4. If we talk about the diet of children, we must not forget about water, which is of great importance in the course of life processes and plays an important role in heat regulation. The need for liquid for children 3-7 years old per day is about 60 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Some children get used to drinking water with meals. This is not good.

Large amounts of fluid overload the stomach and put additional stress on the heart and kidneys. In addition, the appetite is reduced due to the feeling of being overwhelmed.

5. Vitamins are an important part of the diet of preschool children. Vitamins help to increase the resistance of the child's body, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, oxidative processes. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is of particular importance. It is easily destroyed by the action of air, light, during their heat treatment. Therefore, it must be driven all year round. In addition to vitamin "C", a child's body needs vitamins: A, D, E, group B, etc.

Eat right and stay healthy!

Workshop for parents of preschool educational institution "Children's health is in your hands"

Slide number 1
Target: To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form parents' responsibility for the health of children and for their own health, with motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
Slide number 2
Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are very pleased that you took the time to respond to our invitation.
Caring for the health of a child and an adult began to occupy priority positions all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities.
Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is a priority in the work of our preschool institution. A healthy and developed child has a good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, socially and physiologically adapted.
In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child's health is laid, intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
Slide number 3
Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both ourselves and our children. “Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in infancy ”(clause 1 of article 18 of the RF Law“ On Education ”).
Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in the first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for a child, as they often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV and video films, hardening, exercise, walking in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how it is necessary to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle.
Slide number 4
We conducted a survey "Formation of a healthy lifestyle in the family"
The study involved 20 people - parents of the "Pchelki" group
and so the results of the survey .........
Slide number 5
Monitoring physical development, as well as analyzing the incidence of children in our preschool institution, made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to revise the content and methods of physical education, improve its quality, and use new forms and methods of children's health improvement.
We were convinced that it is necessary to intensify work with parents, since no healthy lifestyle skill can be formed without a family. It is impossible to educate a child with words, without a personal example.
Slide number 6
We have identified the main areas of work:
First, the creation of conditions for the development and health of the child. The kindergarten has outdoor playgrounds equipped with modern equipment. The group rooms are equipped with sports corners.
Secondly, the development of new forms of close interaction with parents.
We divided our work with parents into three parts. The first part includes an analysis of needs, life principles, competence, culture.
The methods used were generally accepted (questionnaire, conversation). It should be noted that we did not use the method of anonymous questioning at parent-teacher meetings, but considered each family separately.
The second part includes involving parents in joint physical culture and health-improving activities and increasing their competence in raising a healthy and physically developed personality, as well as the role of the influence of a positive example of adults.
The third part is the active participation of parents in physical culture and recreational activities.
Slide number 7
"Hello". - This word is one of the first for you and me. You heard him as soon as you started walking, living and talking. There is no day that a person does not say it. I woke up, opened my eyes: "Hello!" This is how the day begins on earth. "Hello!". It seems at first glance what a simple and ordinary word it is. And how sunny it is! And how much joy and light it carries in itself! It contains everything: warmth, meetings, a handshake of friends, and a wish for health.
Only one hello! - and on the faces of smiles, and the conversation is more friendly. (according to Tsvetaev).
Slide number 8
The word "Hello" is very old. It is associated with the Word "tree". Once upon a time people, pronouncing the Word "hello", wished others to be healthy, strong, mighty like an oak tree. And now, when we pronounce this Word, we wish the person to be healthy, strong, strong.
Slide number 9
"Healthy girl" kids video
Slide number 10
So what is HEALTH?
"What is health?"
I propose to hang your answers on this tree - "oak" in the form of leaves
- Health - strength and intelligence,
- Health is a mood.
- Health is beauty.
- Health is wealth that cannot be bought or sold
- Health is happiness
- Health - laughter
- health is an emotional state
- health is what you need to protect

Health - we and nature
- health - friendly family
- health -
- health
Slide number 11
Slide number 12
What do you need to do to be healthy?
Your answers are also posted on the Oak.
- monitor your physical condition,
- do not self-medicate,
- eat properly,
- monitor the condition of the teeth,
- transfer activities,
- sleep at least 7-8 hours a day,
- play sports or exercise,
- temper your body (aromatherapy, herbal medicine, color therapy +),
Slide number 13
Slide number 14
And now, from your answers, with which this mighty "Oak" is decorated, we will try to formulate and generalize the "Health Code" (Read them themselves on the sheets of paper)
1. Remember: Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!
2. Health is necessary not only for you, but also for the people whom you are obliged to help and protect.
3. Health is not only physical strength, but also mental balance.
4. Health is your ability to meet your needs within reasonable limits.
5. Health is the physical and hygienic culture of our body: there is nothing more beautiful than the human body.
6. Health is the spiritual culture of a person: kindness, hope, faith and love for those around you.
7. Health - the social culture of a person, the culture of human relations.
8. Health is love and respect for nature: nature is not a brother or sister, but the father and mother of mankind.
9. Health is the style and way of your life, the source of health and the source of all calamities, depends on you and on your way of life.
10. If you want to be healthy - make friends with physical culture, clean air and healthy food.
11. Remember: the sun is our friend and we are all children of the sun, but do not joke with its rays: sunburn should not become combustion in the sun.
12. Walk from time to time on the ground barefoot - the ground gives us strength, removes excess electricity from the body.
13. Learn to breathe correctly - calmly, shallowly and evenly.
14. Family is our support and our happiness: do in the family so that each family member feels needed and dependent on each other.
15. Love our land - mother and wet nurse, take care of it and all living things that he gave life. If you want to live, love life!
16. Health is our capital. It can be increased, it can also be lost - if you want to be healthy - be it!
Slide number 15
Agree, it's nice to feel healthy, vigorous and cheerful! After all, as the ancient Greeks said: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."
Many proverbs and sayings about health have been put together by the Russian people.
Finish a proverb, a saying
Those who love sports are healthy and cheerful.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
Business time, fun, hour.
Health is in order - thanks to charging.
Sick - be healed, but be healthy - beware.
- Health is more valuable than wealth.
- Onions with garlic are siblings.
- Greens on the table - health for a hundred years.
- Through the mouth, a hundred diseases enters.
“No one will take better care of you than yourself.
"Health is more valuable than gold"
"You can't buy health for any money."
Slide number 16
As you said earlier, + forced static posture, mental work leads to fatigue, reduces the level of performance. ”Due to the limited range of motion, the mobility of the shoulder, hip, ankle joints decreases, the supply of oxygen to the internal organs to the brain is impaired.
In order to avoid these negative phenomena, it is necessary to learn how to alternate mental stress with physical work, that is, with active rest. These small forms of active recreation include physical culture minutes, physical culture breaks.
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Vidio children
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The connection between the voice and health was established in antiquity. The minute you laugh, nerve impulses come from the "laughing zone". These signals cause the brain to produce pleasure substances. A minute of laughter prolongs life. I would like to extend my life and yours by offering to complete the task
Who knows and will tell jokes.
Slide number 19
One of the formulas for health is an emotional state. I propose to walk through the hall and choose from a palette of paints the color that suits your mood. Calm music sounds. (Throughout the room, on the floor, there are geometric figures of eight colors).
J. Vienot asserts: "Color is capable of anything. It can give birth to light, tranquility or excitement. It can create harmony or cause shock; you can expect miracles from it, but it can also cause a catastrophe." This is very true. After all, colors affect the human body, its nervous system and the sphere of emotions. They are divided into biologically active ones, which have a stimulating effect on the body; red, orange, yellow and biologically passive, depressing action on the nervous system - blue, blue, violet.
Slide number 20
According to research by a number of authors, the physiological effects of flowers can be summarized as follows:
Red - penetrating, increases muscle tension, and therefore blood pressure and breathing rhythm. Stimulates the brain, activates all body functions. The color of life and action.
Orange is both warming and stimulating at the same time, it can in different cases both calm and irritate. This color improves digestion, accelerates blood pulsation.
Yellow - tonic, promotes muscular activity, stimulates vision, and therefore nerves. Soothes an overly excited state, stimulates the brain, activates mental work. The color of good mood and fun.
Green - Reduces blood pressure and dilates capillaries. Soothes and relieves neuralgia and migraines. Awakens patience in a person, for a long time increases motor-muscular performance; the main symbol of the Muslim paradise.
Blue - Reduces muscle tension and blood pressure, calms the pulse and slows down the rhythm of breathing. It is the most soothing and produces a feeling of freshness.
Blue - a calming effect turns into a depressing one, contributes to the inhibition of the functions of the physiological systems of the body.
Violet - combines the effect of red and blue, has a depressing effect on the nervous system, acts on the heart, lungs and blood vessels, increasing their organic endurance.
Brown - calms, causes depression and sadness, lulls, dulls emotions. To prevent brown color from causing depression, it must be used with the addition of yellow and orange.
Slide number 21
"Color in itself expresses something - one cannot refuse it, it must be used" - V. Van Gogh considered.
Others waste their health madly by destroying themselves.
Remember five simple cool things you have.
Slide number 22
Friends are those who will not leave you, will support
Slide number 23
Health. Being healthy is one of the delights of life
Slide number 24
Parents. They may not be the most ideal parents in the world, but the fact that they love you is for sure.
Slide number 25
Choice. Sometimes you don't notice that you have it
Slide number 26
Finally, the future. You can influence him
Slide number 22
Popular wisdom says: "Health cannot be bought for money."
A healthy person has no pain, and therefore he feels light, strong, beautiful.
A healthy person can do any job, so he is happy himself and can make his friends happy.
A healthy person is easy to recognize: he has a wonderful figure, a white-toothed smile, shining eyes, and an easy gait.
Human health largely depends on himself. Some people care about their health, trying to preserve this magical gift. Every day they "build" themselves, striving to become stronger, smarter, kinder.

Round table for parents

"Child's health is in your hands!"

Target: Show the need for a healthy lifestyle in the family.


  1. Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Encourage children and parents to cooperate.
  3. Realize the need to take care of the health of your children.

Form of carrying out: round table discussion.

Work rules:

  • Mutual help!
  • Be on an equal footing!
  • Argue, but not quarrel!


The health of an adult is 75% determined by the conditions of its formation in childhood. However, physical education of children only within the framework of a preschool institution is not a sufficiently effective measure. Part of the time of active wakefulness, children spend in the family and the parents bear a special responsibility for the health of the child. It is from an early age that you need to involve the child in taking care of his health, instill in him an interest in his own development and self-preservation.

Talking with children about health, I asked: "What should a person do in order not to get sick?" The answer was unequivocal - to take pills. "Wait," I said. "After all, a person is not sick. What should be done to stay healthy?" "Take pills." We began to understand and came to the conclusion that in order to stay healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes several provisions.

1) good nutrition


3.Cultural and hygienic skills


5.Physical culture

6. Walking in the fresh air.

7. Abandonment of bad habits.

The sooner the child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, its functions, learns about the importance of proper nutrition, daily routine, hardening, movement, the earlier he will join a healthy lifestyle.

However, you cannot forcefully coerce. In most cases, coercion can be dispensed with. To do this, you need to show artistry, cunning, and imagination. And, of course, the parents' own example. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, observe the rules of hygiene, he quickly loses interest in this.

Discussion questions:

1.What is health? Answers

"Health is not the absence of disease - it is physical, mental and social well-being." Today, Russia has experienced a social catastrophe associated with the health of the future generation. Therefore, the problem of deteriorating health of the population of the country, and especially of children, is becoming national.

2. What does a healthy person mean? What is he?Answer: He is cheerful; active; benevolent; developed physically, fast enough, dexterous and strong; hardened, its thermoregulatory system is well trained. Thanks to proper nutrition and regular exercise, the child does not have excess body weight. It turned out, a portrait of a perfectly healthy child.

3. What factors affect children's health?Answers

The health of children depends not only on their physical characteristics, but also on the living conditions in the family, health literacy and hygienic culture of the population, the level of development of health care and education, the socio-economic and environmental situation in the country. A child comes to our world helpless and defenseless. His life, health and future entirely depend on his parents and on the adults around him, on the peace on Earth, on the ecological state of the planet.

4. What is a "healthy lifestyle"? Answer : A healthy lifestyle is an activity, activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving health.

5. What bad habits of children are bad for their health? Answer: Children, although they do not yet understand all the dangers of their parents' bad habits, they involuntarily begin to copy them. For this reason, it is necessary, if possible, not to show your unhealthy inclinations in front of children, giving them time outside the presence of the child. Better yet, try to get rid of it completely, so as not to set a bad example for your children. The same applies to watching programs and films. In this case, it is better to block adult channels and limit yourself to watching films that are allowed to be watched in the family circle. It will be time-consuming, but your child will grow up mentally healthy.

6. What positive habits do you need to cultivate in your children to be healthy? Answer: The habits of a healthy lifestyle, instilled in children in kindergarten, can be combined into a program - the minimum that the child must follow independently:

Wash hands before eating and after using the toilet.

Rinse your mouth after eating.

Wash with cold water.

Monitor your appearance.

Be able to relax and extinguish negative emotions.

Be able to avoid danger.

Change panties and socks daily.

Know how to use a handkerchief.

Do not eat vegetables and fruits unwashed.

Don't eat a lot of sweets.

Quiz on the topic: "Health".

(If you answer correctly, take a step forward; if you answer incorrectly, take a step back)


1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? - YES.

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? - NO.

3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? - NO.

4. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die from smoking every year? - YES.

5. Is it true that bananas relieve bad moods? - YES.

6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process? - YES.

7. Is it true or false that there are harmless drugs? - LYING.

8. Is it easy to quit smoking? - NO.

9. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? - NO.

10. Do adults more often than children break their legs? - YES.

11. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? - YES

12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for a whole year? - NO.

13. Is it true that you need to drink 2 glasses of milk a day? - YES

14. Is it true that children under 15 are not allowed to do weightlifting? - YES-7-

15. Is it true that a child needs 8 hours of sleep at night? - NO.

All those who are in the 1st line receive a prize and sit down, and those who are in the second line remain.

Game “Finish the proverb! "

Cleanliness is a guarantee…. health!

To live purely - healthy…. to be!

Who is accurate - that to people…. pleasant!

Dirt and slovenliness is the way…. to disease!

Clean water - for ailments…. trouble!

Hygiene, cleanliness - we are healthy…. the beauty!

We want to be healthy - it helps us…. mode!

Sun, air and water are our best ... friends!

Play this game with children at home and repeat the proverbs!


1. Diversify the table as much as possible.

2.Try to include in the diet vegetables and fruits grown in our strip.

3. Do not force to eat when you do not feel like it.

4. Do not reward food.

5. Do not quarrel while eating. Leave the showdown for another time.

6. To exclude from the diet drinks like "Coca - Cola", chips.

7. Remember that sweet after the main meal causes fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

8. Have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Daily regime.

A properly organized daily routine helps to increase the child's defenses and his working capacity. Disciplines children, contributes to the formation of many useful skills (hygiene, exercise), teaches them to a certain rhythm. Parents of children attending kindergarten need to make sure that the daily routine on weekends at home does not differ from the daily routine in kindergarten. Sleep occupies an important place in the daily routine. It is the main tool for restoring performance. As a result of sleep deprivation, a person becomes irritable, unrestrained, angry and impatient.

For a good sleep, you need to follow certain rules:

1. Do not overeat before going to bed.

2. You need to sleep in a well-ventilated room at an air temperature of 16-18 degrees.

3. You need to sleep as undressed as possible.

4. Good physical activity throughout the day promotes sound sleep.

5. It is very cool to carry out the ritual of going to bed (bathing, bedtime story, kiss with a wish of good night.

6. The time before bedtime is the most peaceful. No quarrels or complaints.

7. It is important that your child falls asleep at the same time at home.


Hardening is the simplest and most effective way to strengthen the body's defenses. Usually, hardening is understood as the effect of cold. But thermal influences also have a healing effect. Joint trips to the bathhouse, in addition to the healing effect, gives a lot of positive emotions. The most important thing is the temperature difference. The human body becomes invulnerable to fluctuations in ambient temperature. Distinguish hardening by air, sun, water. Tempering brings the maximum effect if it is combined with physical activity, good sleep and a balanced diet. It is necessary to carry out hardening procedures only with a positive emotional attitude. Observe the principles of consistency, continuity, gradualness. Avoid extremes. Hypothermia is unacceptable!

At the first opportunity, the child should walk barefoot. In the summer, give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and cones. In addition to the hardening effect, it is an excellent means of preventing flat feet.

Physical activity.

There is a connection between the physical development of a child and the development of his intellect. Play with your children. Play is a way of knowing the world. To prohibit a child from playing means prohibiting development! It is necessary to combine physical activity with family walks in nature.

Apart from benefit, only benefit.

Joint bike rides, a skating rink, a trip to the park, hemp, grooves, trees, streams, logs, natural material (cones, acorns, stones, sticks) - all this stimulates the physical activity of children. During walks, the skills of walking on rough terrain are improved.

Restriction of TV and computer.

Among the harmful effects of television and computers are visual impairment, joint diseases, obesity, and increased blood pressure. Children often lose their sense of reality. Young children are more susceptible to the negative effects of violent scenes. It was found that for children whom they love, with whom their parents communicate a lot, watch TV together, scenes of violence have a less strong effect than children growing up in unfavorable conditions.

Unfortunately, due to the insufficient development of the level of culture and education in our society, the health of a child in a family is not an absolute priority recently! Many parents cannot serve their children as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle, just as they cannot create a positive motivation for their child to be healthy!

Health is purposeful work for life!

And what is put into a child from childhood remains with him for life!


Human health is 50% dependent on his lifestyle!

A healthy lifestyle is

Rejection of bad habits;

Optimal motor regime;

Balanced diet;


Personal hygiene;

Positive emotions;

Highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

(Offer memos to parents)

Your child's health is in your hands, dear parents!

And an absolutely healthy child today, alas, is a very rare phenomenon. Meanwhile, for the first time in recent years, for example, in Tatarstan, there has been a steady increase in population. In 2011, 2033 more children were born than in the previous year. This fact was especially noted at the collegium of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan held in early February. That is, the birth rate finally exceeds the death rate. However, the state of health, which worsens as children grow up, is a matter of concern to specialists. Two thirds of schoolchildren have some kind of deviation. Only about 20% of schoolchildren belong to the first health group, while the same number, that is, about 20%, already have chronic diseases or are disabled. Among modern first-graders, there are half as many absolutely healthy children as among their peers at the end of the last century, and by the end of the first grade, this number is still significantly decreasing.

It is important for both parents and children themselves to realize that now the most important thing is to learn how to stay healthy, receive medical care on time, and even better, prevent illness. The main helpers in this are ourselves, you just need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, play sports, give up bad habits. The foundations of health, as you know, are laid in childhood, and any deviation in the development of the body, any more or less serious illness in childhood, adolescence or adolescence affects the health of an adult.

In childhood all responsibility for the life and health of babies lies with the parents. From the very first days of life, it is important to create optimal living conditions child. But this does not mean that the baby needs to be wrapped up, and tropics should be created in the apartment. The air temperature should be in the region of 20-22 degrees, and it is imperative to regularly ventilate the room, go for walks up to a temperature of -15 degrees. It is imperative to properly organize sleep and wakefulness: newborns sleep up to 20-22 hours a day, by 2 years the need for sleep decreases to 12-13 hours.

An important contribution to the future health of the baby is breast-feeding... It is better to breastfeed up to 1-1.5 years old. It is noticed that "natural scientists" have a higher intelligence, get sick less. There are observations that children who have not received breast milk are prone to antisocial behavior and cruelty towards other children, parents and animals. In the process of feeding, a special invisible contact is established between the mother and the child, which subsequently forms attachment to the mother. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of a terrible disease - breast cancer. For some, the price of infant formula will be an argument - good ones cost from 500 rubles to 1,000 and more for a jar, which is enough for three days. In Tatarstan, about 30% of children are covered by breastfeeding, this is very small. In Western Europe and the USA, this figure is about 70-80%!

From 4-6 months of age, when complementary foods begin to be introduced to children, the question arises on the agenda about rational nutrition... Up to 1-1.5 years old, baby food differs sharply from adult food, and here you need to strictly follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and the tastes of the baby himself. By the age of 3, the children's diet is smoothly approaching the "common" table, but there are still many taboos: this applies to sausages, smoked meat, lard, beef and lamb fat, margarine, raw eggs. It is too early to include in the diet at this age and cakes, pastries, chocolate, coffee, cocoa. You also need to make sure that children accidentally, while their parents do not see, do not try alcohol - this is very harmful.

Of course, healthy lifestyle for babies is not limited to proper nutrition. From 1-1.5 months you can start doing massage and gymnastics... Do not forget about hardening. No matter how scary it is to hear mothers who are always shaking over their children, hardening can and should be done from an early age. This increases the body's resistance to infections and weather changes. For the smallest, it is sleeping on the street, short air baths, bathing. Starting from 4 weeks, you can gradually reduce the water temperature to 33-33.5 degrees, and then start pouring water on your baby, slightly cooler than bathing water. Sunbathing.

Vaccinations are a lot of controversy among modern parents. This is largely facilitated by the dissemination of information in the media about their harm or uselessness. Here are some facts on the topic "if there were no vaccinations": the risk of dying from measles - 1%, becoming disabled - 5%, every tenth dies from diphtheria, after polio there is a danger of being crippled for life, mumps is a terrible complication in the form of infertility and etc. The vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation includes vaccinations against: tuberculosis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella. In addition, you can additionally vaccinate a child with vaccines that are not included in this calendar, but have long been used in more than 100 countries - these are vaccines against hemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococcal infection, type A hepatitis. prepare him for vaccination according to the scheme proposed by the pediatrician. But the choice of whether or not to be vaccinated is, of course, only for the parents.

Of great importance for educating a child's healthy lifestyle habits is physical education as prevention of hypodynamia. If up to 2-3 years old these are just outdoor games for 10-20 minutes, then as the child grows up, you need to start doing morning exercises, walking, hiking in the forest. At school, of course, these are physical education lessons, and if the child wishes, you can enroll him in some kind of sports section. However, you need to know that excessive exercise is also harmful. And classes on strength machines, for example, are prohibited for adolescents until they have completed a period of intensive body growth.

Particular attention should be paid to those things that surround your child: clothes and shoes should be chosen from natural breathable materials. Furniture and toys should be made of safe and easy-to-clean materials.

When a toddler becomes a schoolboy, an extremely important element for maintaining his health becomes adherence to the correct daily routine... Although many parents are skeptical about this. The daily regimen helps to strengthen health, increase efficiency. An example is the life of the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Since childhood, he was distinguished by frail health, but he worked out a daily routine for himself and observed it strictly, which helped him to maintain his health for a long time and maintain high efficiency.

You can draw up such a schedule for your child, taking into account the following points: you should not sit down for lessons right after school, it is best to do this after having lunch and taking a walk in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours; the start time for homework should be firmly fixed - this allows the child to quickly enter a working state. The schedule should provide for about 1.5 hours for hobbies, circles, watching a movie, etc. It is also useful to carve out a little time to just sit in silence, turn off the music and the TV - to relax, read a book. This will reduce fatigue, increase efficiency and give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Sleep at 10-12 years old should be 9-10 hours, at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours, at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours.

Proper nutrition also makes a huge difference. Children aged 7-10 need to consume 2300 kcal per day, at 11-13 years old - 2700 (boys) and 2450 (girls). Children's cooking is simple and its features boil down to the rejection of spicy and strong flavoring seasonings, such as horseradish, mustard, adjika, ketchup, mayonnaise, onions and garlic should be given in moderation. You also need to remember that some foods can cause allergies. Preference is given to boiling, stewing and baking in the oven. But it is better not to cook in the microwave, but only to reheat. The food should be varied. If possible, fruits and vegetables should be given raw, do not get carried away with sugar and salt. You don't need to add a lot of fat.

If parents can still control the diet of a preschooler and even a younger student, then with adolescents everything is much more complicated. They start spending their spare money on fast food, chips, soda, chocolate and beer. Ideally, a teenager's nutrition should be 4 times a day and regular, with an interval of 4-4.5 hours between meals. This contributes to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, good appetite, and proper absorption of food.

In adolescence a lot of new things are being added to the general rules for leading a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it is associated with growing up and puberty. First of all, this is a task for parents - in this way to form the psyche of a child, so that by adolescence he has a negative opinion about smoking, alcohol abuse and drug use. It is important that he knows about all the terrible consequences of their use, learns to take a responsible attitude to his health. And it is better - so that the teenager simply does not have time to "get acquainted" with harmful substances. After all, there is a much more interesting alternative - some hobbies, hobbies, sports! It is important that parents confirm this by their own example - if they smoke, it is better to quit smoking, go out with the whole family for a picnic, ski, arrange non-alcoholic holidays. It's great if a teenager will be interested in spending time at home (for example, messing with younger children) and with parents (on trips to the sea or on visits). Although in adolescence, this can be difficult to achieve.

So smoking. In recent years, the number of children and adolescents who smoke has been growing in Russia. The first smoking test in boys occurs at 10-11 years old, in girls at 13 years old. And at the age of 16-17, 45% of boys and 16% of girls smoke constantly. Tell your child that 10,000 people die from smoking around the world every day. Tobacco has the strongest effect on humans: wrinkles appear; the risk of cataracts, leading to blindness, increases; there is a risk of mouth and throat cancer, as well as psoriasis, lung disease, stomach ulcers and heart disease; fingers and nails turn yellow. The smell from clothes and from the mouth can cause quarrels with a loved one or loved one.

Alcohol has an even more destructive effect on a fragile body. The addiction to the "green snake" in young people develops 3-4 times faster than in adults. And the consequences can be dire. The desire to study and work disappears, aggression appears. Deadly diseases develop, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the pancreas, myocardial infarction, and cerebral stroke. Tens of thousands of people die from alcohol poisoning and commit suicide due to alcohol depression. Children and adolescents should be aware that these consequences can occur not sometime in old age, but literally in a few years. If words have no effect, it can be useful to go to a drug treatment clinic.

Severe consequences for a person, up to death, causes drug use... Since it is possible to become addicted to drugs even after one dose, it is important to tell and show the teenager about the future of the addict. Whether this misfortune has come to your home can be determined by indirect signs: wide or narrow pupils, slurred speech and a "drunken" gait without the smell of alcohol, irritability, secrecy, a sharp increase in financial requests, traces of injections, the desire to wear clothes with long sleeves to hide them.

Sexual development of boys begins at the age of 10.5-14 years, in girls - at 10-13 years. In this regard, from 8-10 years old you need to start sex education in children. Better to tell everything honestly and frankly, but without going into details. So you will know for sure that the child is correctly informed about “this”, and in the future it will be easier for him to approach you for “some clarifications”. Why is it important? In our country, the frequency of abortions among adolescents and the mass of cases of their infection with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are prohibitively high. The most dangerous, of course, is HIV infection - the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus inevitably causes AIDS, a disease in which the body loses its ability to defend itself against infections and the development of malignant tumors. Sexually transmitted hepatitis B, less often - hepatitis C, as well as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other infections that can lead to infertility.

Finally, a few words need to be said about personal hygiene of children and adolescents... Things like regular (2 times a day) brushing your teeth, washing your face and washing, of course, should be instilled from a very early age by parents. During adolescence, the body changes. Teenagers can be advised to shower twice a day, use disinfectants for acne, and wash their hair 1-2 times a week. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet, and dry your shoes after wearing, for this it is better to have 2-3 pairs of replacement shoes. It's time for young people to start shaving. So that this habit does not cause negativity, it is better to immediately choose high-quality machines and cosmetics.

Those emotions and feelings that we experience throughout life. Which are more - positive or negative? Both health and quality of life largely depend on this. It is estimated that a child at the age of 4 laughs about 500 times a day, an adult - at most 15. Let's take an example from the little ones, tune in to the positive in the morning, be optimistic and not pay attention to the little things in life.

You can read many more useful and interesting articles on the website of the State Medical University of the Republican Center for Medical Prevention

The foundations of a person's future life are laid in the first years of life. Parents needlessly shift responsibility for the health and development of their children to doctors, educators and teachers. Parents themselves can make their child healthy both physically and mentally! Keep clean! Important, ...

"You are what you eat."

This wise oriental proverb fully applies to our children.

Let's figure out which of the products is useful, which is useless, and which is harmful to children's health.

The body of a child at birth mainly consists of water and his health directly depends on what he drinks. “We drink 80% of diseases with water,” said Louis Pasteur, and this is absolutely true. Therefore, first let's talk about what our children drink.

Tea. This is a very specific, tonic drink with certain properties and specific effects on the body. Who said that children need to drink tea, especially at night? Keep in mind that black tea dehydrates the body and promotes the removal of calcium from the body.

Juice. If we are talking about freshly squeezed juice (carrot, pumpkin, apple, orange, etc.), you will not bring anything but benefit to the body.

But if you regularly feed your child with canned juices, expect health problems.

Preservatives, citric acid, sugar substitutes, etc. are added to juices, which can seriously harm the body.

In addition, any mother, as a good housewife, knows perfectly well that no fresh juice without preservation can “live” in an airtight package even for a day. Any preservation "kills" in the juice what just starts the fermentation processes in it - these are enzymes and vitamins.

And why give juices to children if they have no enzymes or vitamins?

Yogurt. In order to make yogurt at home, you need kefir or yogurt and pieces of fresh fruit, right? How many days do you think such a mixture will stand in your refrigerator? And without a refrigerator?

Don't be under any illusion about the supposedly "live" bacteria in yogurt that has been stored for more than three days. Even the only "semi-living" bacterium in a fermented milk product begins to multiply very quickly - this is its natural state. A truly "live" yoghurt, even in the refrigerator, will deteriorate in two or three days.

This means that all bacteria in the yoghurt that has been stored for longer is killed.

If you buy imported yogurt, then most likely, the bacteria are destroyed by radioactive radiation (there are special industrial installations for this). Of course, there are no free radicals in such products, but there are products of free radical oxidation.

Whether you need it or not, it's up to you to decide.

Sparkling water. Any carbonated drink, even mineral water, is extremely dangerous for the child's body.

Orthophosphoric or carbon dioxide violate the acid-base balance in the body, as a result of which calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium are very actively consumed. Bones, nails, teeth, hair suffer, and early osteoporosis develops.

In addition, sugar substitutes in soda pops trigger an insulin response and increase blood sugar levels. From this, the vessels suffer, the pancreas works "for wear and tear", there is a direct risk of diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders.

Water. Water is the only substance from all of the above liquids that each of our cells “recognizes at first sight”. The body does not need to spend time and energy on its transformation, since only pure water can enter the cell - all other fluids our body has to convert into biologically available water.

"Correct", clean, biologically available water gives both energy and health.

Now let's talk about food.

The main rule, which, in my opinion, all reasonable parents adhere to is the rule not to give their children "forever living" products.

Milk, cottage cheese or sour cream that does not sour for more than three days, bread that does not stale or moldy, sausage that does not spoil, apples or pears lying on the window for months ... And so on, so on, so on.

Dear Parents! Please be responsible, “turn on” your intelligence - read labels, carefully study the composition of the products, even if it is written in very small print. It is important! We cannot actively influence the environment, medicine, especially heredity, but in matters of nutrition, children's health is in our hands!

Why are preservative e-additives dangerous? They block the work of enzymes in foods that can quickly deteriorate - this is very beneficial for the food industry, but extremely unpleasant for our health, because these additives also block our enzymes. Without the full-fledged work of enzymes, none of the processes occurring in the body takes place, neither vitamins, nor trace elements, nor amino acids (proteins) fully work!

Do not be lazy - find information about legal, but dangerous for health e-supplements and try not to include them in your child's diet.

There is access to such information, I will give only some of the most common examples:

· One of the most "popular" e-additives (flavor enhancer) - E621 or monosodium glutamate. It is included in almost all sauces, ketchups, "instant" products, croutons, chips, etc. Causes CNS upset, destruction of the retina, a syndrome called "Chinese restaurant fever".

· Additives, without which it is impossible to imagine sausages - E250 (sodium nitrite), E251 (sodium nitrate) and E252 (potassium nitrate). Nitrogen additives are found not only in sausages, but also in smoked fish, sprats, and canned herring. They are also added to hard cheeses to prevent swelling. People suffering from liver diseases, intestines, dysbiosis, cholecystitis are advised to exclude foods containing these additives from the diet. In such people, part of the nitrates, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, turns into more toxic nitrites, which in turn form rather strong carcinogens - nitrosamines.

E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E153 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

E171-173 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to liver and kidney disease.

E210, E211, E213-217, E240 - preservatives. Can be found in any kind of canned food (mushrooms, compotes, juices, preserves). Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

E221-226 - preservatives. Used for any canning. Can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

E230-232, E239 - preservatives. Contained in canned food of any kind. May cause allergic reactions.

E311-313 - antioxidants (antioxidants) Available in yoghurts, fermented milk products, sausages, butter, chocolate. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

E407, E447, E450 - stabilizers and thickeners. Contained in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause liver and kidney disease.

E461-466 - stabilizers and thickeners. Available in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

E924a, E924b - defoamers. Found in carbonated drinks. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

I highly recommend that you first make yourself a memo and go to the store with it. In a very short time, you will recognize dangerous products and avoid them without any problems and outside help. Thus, protecting your children from a large number of very unwanted health problems.

And there is no need to justify your inaction by the fact that then there will be nothing to buy in stores - this is not true. Believe me, there is always a choice and it is in your power to make it right.

And the best reward for your conscious and responsible attitude to nutrition will be a healthy child. A child who can quickly cope with any illness, who learns well and easily, who is full of energy and physical activity.

Good luck and good luck!