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» I want to go to the toilet with an empty bladder. Why do you want to go to the toilet, but urine does not go

I want to go to the toilet with an empty bladder. Why do you want to go to the toilet, but urine does not go

Now we will look for the answer to the question - why do you often want to go to the toilet? During pregnancy, before menstruation, when it is cold, people visit the restroom more often - this is normal. However, in some cases, frequent urination becomes an alarming symptom.

Often go small in the following situations:

  • Too much water and drinks were drunk;
  • The person used alcoholic beverages, especially beer;
  • Coffee acts not only as a liquid, but also as a strong diuretic;
  • A lot of meat and salty, burning food was eaten;
  • A person uses drugs that act as a diuretic.

Medicinal plants, their decoctions and teas brewed on them have a particularly strong effect in the latter case. So, chamomile decoction, which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, is at the same time a strong diuretic.

During pregnancy and menstruation

During pregnancy, the internal organs of a woman change their position. The bladder is under compression due to the enlarged uterus. The fetus is moving and the pelvic floor muscles are weakened. Because of this, in addition, more often you want to go to the toilet in a big way.

During pregnancy, many changes in the body cause additional irritation and weakness of the bladder. It is considered normal even if a woman began to go to the toilet in a small way two or even three times more often during pregnancy.

A woman may urinate somewhat more often during menstrual bleeding or before menstruation - this is caused by hormonal changes and irritation of the urinary tract. Before menstruation, such symptoms can also speak about the individual characteristics of the female body.

after sex

After sex, there may be a desire to urinate in both men and women. The thing is that after sex, our genitourinary system is irritated and tense.

Muscles tense at the moment of intimate contact, and put pressure on the bladder. He had no opportunity to empty himself at that time. As soon as the sexual intercourse ends, he hurries to get rid of urine.

In the cold

Why do we urinate more when it's cold? Frost makes our body practically not sweat. In winter, the fluid is used in heat exchange much more actively, and exits through the bladder. Therefore, when you are cold, especially your feet, you want to urinate much more often.

Symptom of the disease

In some cases, when a person often wants to go to the toilet, this may be one of the primary pathological symptoms. Almost always, this symptom does not come alone, and having compiled a picture, the doctor can determine further diagnostic methods.

You can understand that urination has become painfully frequent, by the following points:

  • You go to the toilet more than nine times a day;
  • When the patient urinates, less than a glass of urine is excreted;
  • There are other unpleasant manifestations, discomfort in the pelvic organs, pain.

Urological diseases

Inflammatory processes, muscle disorders and kidney problems can result in the patient often wanting to go to the toilet a little:

  • Inflammation of the urethra. It becomes painful to go to the toilet, there is a feeling of crowded urinary tract;
  • Bladder inflammation. Going to the toilet is accompanied by pain, sharp, sometimes unbearable. Because of this, it is very difficult to urinate, in the toilet you have to squeeze urine out of yourself literally drop by drop;
  • Pyelonephritis. When a person with such a diagnosis goes to the toilet to urinate, there is an unpleasant pull in the lumbar region. The pain persists the rest of the time. The fever rises, symptoms of poisoning are noticeable, the skin turns pale;
  • Stones in the kidneys. When these painful formations move, the patient experiences severe discomfort. With this disease, you often want to go to the toilet because the stones strongly irritate the organs;
  • Enuresis, or the inability to control the urge to urinate. Has psychological or physiological causes. In the second case, it is a weakened urethral sphincter muscle. Most often this happens in advanced years;
  • Too tense muscles. Muscle tissues put pressure on the urinary system, and it works more actively, but with little results. The urge is frequent, the volume of urine is small;
  • The bladder descended down the pelvic region. Most often, this problem occurs in women in advanced years;
  • Prostatitis in the representatives of the stronger sex. The prostate becomes inflamed and reduces the volume of the bladder.

Endocrinological disorders

A change in hormonal levels can lead to the fact that a person will often want to go to the toilet:

  • Menopause in the female case. Estrogen ceases to be produced in sufficient quantities. Because of this, the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken;
  • With diabetes, there is a desire to constantly run to the toilet. The feeling of fullness of the bubble does not go away with a visit to the toilet. At the same time it itches in the groin, constantly thirsty.

STDs and Oncology

Infectious pathogens transmitted through intimate contact provoke a chronic desire to visit the toilet. Microbes cause inflammation.

Sometimes the constant urge to go to the toilet becomes the very first sign of a sexually transmitted disease. At the same time, some venereal infections do not manifest themselves differently. If the patient had unprotected sex, you should contact a venereologist and check yourself for infection.

Tumors of the organs of the urinary and reproductive system reduce the space inside the bladder - it can be a fibroid in the female case, or prostate cancer in the male. In some cases, the tumor forms inside the urethra. With this form of the disease, there is also often a desire to go to the toilet.

Do you ever feel like going to the toilet after going to the toilet? When you have a feeling of an overflowing bladder, neither at night nor during the day? This is one of the reasons to focus on health and visit a doctor.


Frequent trips to the toilet "in a small way" is a subjective concept, because for some people the norm is to visit the restroom after every cup of tea drunk, but at the same time the person is absolutely healthy. It is generally accepted that habitual urination should be carried out 10-12 times a day. How can the problem be identified? The signs listed below may signal a visit to the doctor.

If you visit the toilet more often than every 1.5-2 hours;

If you often get up for this purpose at night;

If you want to go to the toilet in a small way after a few sips of the liquid you have drunk;

When even at night;

Involuntary urination during coughing, sneezing, laughing or light exercise;

Constant feeling of a full bladder;

Painful sensations at the time of urination;

If frequent urination interferes with a normal life.

Only a specialist will help you find the answer to the question of why you constantly want to go to the toilet.



Most often, the culprit of frequent urination is cystitis, in which the tissues of the bladder membrane are affected, as a result of which its activity is upset, and frequent urges to go to the toilet begin. This disease is characterized by a sensation of pain.

kidney failure

After the toilet, you want to go to the toilet again with kidney failure. With this disease, when urinating, a large amount of fluid is released. The patient has an increased feeling of thirst, he drinks a lot.


In diabetes, the symptoms are similar to those of kidney failure, but they are accompanied by increased appetite, drowsiness, and excessive fatigue.

Urolithiasis disease

The presence of stones reduces the volume of the bladder, and this is the reason that after the toilet you want to go to the toilet. With urolithiasis, there is a possibility of pain in the lumbar region, swelling, blood and turbidity in the urine, renal colic, and the temperature may rise. With small stones, it is enough to follow a diet and use medications. Large ones are crushed using electromagnetic waves and surgically.

Sexual infections

One of the reasons why you want to go to the toilet after going to the toilet is diseases that are spread sexually. With such infections, discharge from the genital organs, burning, itching, rashes and redness are observed.

among women

During menopause, many women want to go to the toilet after going to the toilet. At this time, due to hormonal changes, the functioning of the bladder, adrenal glands and kidneys is disturbed. Pregnant women also constantly want to go to the toilet due to the action of hormones and increased kidney function.

In a healthy adult, 5-9 urges to urinate per day are considered normal, subject to the usual, not increased, drinking regimen. However, frequent urges are often observed, in some cases accompanied by painful sensations. It always causes physical and psychological discomfort. For example, when you often have to get up at night, in the morning a person feels sleepy, overwhelmed.

If there is a constant feeling that you want to pee in the toilet, the bladder is full, the urge to urinate occurs 15 times a day or more, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the problem. Today on we will talk with you what this phenomenon may be connected with.

Why do you always feel like you want to go to the toilet?

Increase in daily fluid intake. This is especially true for tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.

Taking drugs with a diuretic effect. Usually they are prescribed in the treatment of kidneys, liver, heart.

Violation of the acidity of urine when eating a large amount of meat, salty foods, spices, hot spices.

Pathological causes

When you constantly want to pee in the toilet, there is often a feeling of fullness in the bladder, this may be a symptom of some diseases. Let's take a look at the most common ones:

Inflammation of the urethra (urethra). The disease can be of a microbial nature, or is formed due to mechanical stress, for example, when wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, especially from synthetic fabrics. It is characterized by frequent urges, a feeling of fullness of the bladder, pain during urination.

A very common disease associated with the inflammatory process of the bladder mucosa. Has a microbial nature. Most often appears after severe hypothermia of the lower body. It is characterized by a small amount of urine, soreness with frequent urges.

Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory kidney disease. In addition to the above symptoms, there is a fever, fever, pain in the lumbar region.

The presence of stones or sand in the bladder, urinary tract also causes frequent urges, pain in the lumbar region, and the presence of blood in the urine. When the stones move, irritation of the mucous membranes occurs, which provokes this symptomatology.

Overactive bladder. This is a congenital or acquired feature of the bladder, in which there is a constant tone of the detrusor.

The presence of this pathology is indicated by involuntary excretion of urine from straining, laughing, coughing, etc. The cause may be a neurological disease, or a weakening of the pelvic muscles.

Diabetes. Due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, there is a constant thirst, which often makes you want to go to the toilet, there is a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder. In addition, the patient is concerned about itching, especially the genital area.

The described symptoms are also characteristic of this condition. With a lack of iron in the body, the vulnerability and weakness of the bladder mucosa increase.

Feeling of constant bladder fullness in women

Since all processes in the body are interconnected, frequent urination in women can be associated not only with the above reasons. In particular, this symptomatology may occur against the background of gynecological problems, and may also be associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause.

Why do men get the feeling that they constantly want a little?

In addition to the general causes described above, frequent urges in men may be associated with some diseases inherent in the stronger sex:

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). The most common men's problem is frequent trips to the toilet. In this case, the urges are false, and the process itself is accompanied by unpleasant, painful sensations.

Pathology associated with the narrowing of the walls of the urethra, in which complete emptying becomes difficult. This creates a feeling of constant fullness in the bladder.

It is most common in older, older men. A tumor located in the prostate prevents the normal outflow of urine, causing a feeling of fullness in the bladder.


If these phenomena are not associated with increased fluid intake or medication, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Especially if there are additional symptoms: pain, burning, blood in the urine. These symptoms may be associated with a specific disease, which can only be detected by a doctor. Be healthy!

A healthy person visits the toilet to empty the bladder up to 9 times a day. Frequent urination is commonly associated with cold feet and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). However, the causes of frequent urination are many: from physiological features to serious pathological conditions. Why does a person get up at night to use the toilet or often visit the restroom during the day, experiencing some discomfort in society? Only a doctor can answer these questions. But every person should know the main causes of frequent urge to urinate.

Physiological increase in urination

Frequent urge to the toilet, which does not require any treatment, may be due to the use of:

  • excessive amount of liquid, watermelons;
  • alcohol, especially beer;
  • a large number of cups of coffee;
  • meat, pickles, spicy dishes;
  • drugs with a diuretic effect - diuretics (Lasix, Furosemide), antihypertensives (Arifon, Acripamide, Lorista, Micardis plus).

Frequent urination is also possible when taking medicinal herbs: corn stigmas, kidney tea, lingonberry leaf. Even the usual chamomile, a decoction of which is taken for various inflammatory diseases of the throat, can provoke frequent urges. Often the desire to write is characteristic of pregnant women, especially in the first and last months of pregnancy. Physiologically, the increased urge to urinate during pregnancy, sometimes requiring immediate emptying, is explained by the compression of the bladder by the uterus and the movements of the growing fetus, as well as the weakening of the muscle tone of the pelvic floor due to hormonal changes. Normally, for pregnant women, an increase in urges by 2 to 3 times is considered.

Frequent urination: a sign of illness

If a person excludes the physiological increase in urination, you should carefully listen to your own body. Usually, frequent urination due to pathology is combined with other symptoms. The most common causes of frequent urination are:

Diseases of the urinary system

The pathology of any part of the urinary system is always accompanied by frequent urges. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • urethritis - burning sensation when urinating, a feeling of overflow of the bladder;
  • cystitis - painful, frequent discharge of a small amount of urine, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pyelonephritis - pulling pain in the lower back, temperature and intoxication (weakness, pallor of the skin, etc.);
  • urolithiasis - the movement of even the smallest stones (sand) causes pain in the back and lower abdomen, burning (during the passage of sand through the urethra), blood is often recorded in the urine;
  • urinary incontinence - due to weak muscle tone of the sphincter of the urethra, often observed in old age;
  • overactive bladder - congenital or acquired muscle hypertonicity provokes frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way;
  • bladder prolapse - often diagnosed in older women, frequent urges result in a small amount of urine being passed.

Hormonal disorders

Endocrine disruptions affect the entire body, including urinary function. Frequent desire to visit the toilet happens in the following conditions:

  • menopause in women - the attenuation of the functioning of sex hormones leads to a weakening of muscle tone;
  • diabetes mellitus - a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder is accompanied by thirst, itching in the perineum and an unpleasant ketone smell of urine.

Venereal diseases

Any sexually transmitted infection can cause frequent urination. Gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis and even thrush often occur with the spread of infection to the urinary tract. At the same time, specific, pronounced symptoms (purulent, curdled or brownish discharge) are not always observed. Most often, such diseases give an erased symptomatology (trichomoniasis is asymptomatic in men, gonorrhea in women), and the diagnosis is made only on the basis of a special analysis. Frequent urination may be the only manifestation of infection with mycoplasma, ureoplasma or chlamydia.

Oncological diseases

I constantly want to go to the toilet with tumors of the pelvic organs. At the same time, in women, similar symptoms in combination with a violation of the menstrual cycle can cause myomatous nodes. A man suffering from prostate adenoma or prostatitis also notes frequent urination and erectile dysfunction. A rare pathology - cancer of the urethra - already at an early stage is characterized by frequent urges. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, even a minimal accumulation of urine in the bladder causes a desire to empty.

Pathologically frequent urination: what is it?

Frequent urination indicates the presence of pathology in the following cases:

  • the frequency of urges is higher than the daily norm (more than 9 times);
  • the volume of urine excreted with frequent urination is less than 200 ml;
  • at the same time, other painful symptoms appear.

If a person observes all three signs in himself and completely excludes the physiological increase in urination, you should consult a doctor.

What to do?

With frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way, you should consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination in a medical institution. Often, consultation with a gynecologist (women) and a urologist (men) is required. The examination includes:

  • general urine analysis, sometimes specific samples (for example, according to Nechiporenko) - to detect protein, salts, leukocytes and blood;
  • smear from the urethra / vagina - in order to exclude inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • Ultrasound - examination of the bladder and kidneys;
  • CT, MRI - most often performed in severe diseases.
  • Compliance with an adequate drinking regimen and a healthy diet.
  • Hygiene of the genitals.
  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  • With diagnosed urinary incontinence, the best home remedy is a decoction of yarrow.
  • Diuretic herbs can only be used if the absence of kidney stones has been proven by instrumental studies (ultrasound).

Frequent urination stops only after the elimination of the causative disease. Self-medication or inadequate therapy of inflammatory diseases can eventually lead to persistent muscular hypotonia of the bladder and urinary incontinence.

For a healthy person, the normal frequency of urination is from one to eight times a day. If you need to do this more often, wake up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself, you need to think about problems with urination.

An exception can be made for the elderly. For them, this is considered normal.

This article describes the causes of frequent urge to urinate, as well as the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with it.

If you constantly want to write, the reasons for this feeling are quite extensive. Often these sensations indicate the onset of the disease. Moreover, such symptoms can appear in men and women. They can suffer from the same or completely different diseases.

You can get rid of this unpleasant condition. To do this, you need to determine the causes of its occurrence. Only a doctor can do this. He will prescribe special studies that allow you to choose the right treatment. You can, of course, try to be treated on your own, but it is not known what this will lead to.

Here are the main reasons why you constantly want to write:

  • taking diuretics;
  • the use of products that contain substances that promote urination. These products include some fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • infectious lesions of the urinary organs;
  • development of diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • , which is associated with damage to the nervous system;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland (found only in men);
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs in women;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the bladder can act as irritants on its walls;
  • urolithiasis disease. also act irritatingly on its walls;
  • overactive bladder syndrome (often reduced).

All inflammatory diseases are caused by opportunistic microflora of the reproductive system or pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of certain factors, their number increases, which causes health problems.

Smoking and other bad habits are common causes of bladder inflammation

The factors leading to the development of the inflammatory process are:

  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic diseases.

In men

The phenomenon that you constantly want to write a man is quite common.

The feeling that you constantly want to write can arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of infections (you want to write often, even after the bladder is completely empty);
  • diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Only a qualified specialist can diagnose such diseases. Since the symptoms of all diseases are similar, a complete medical examination is required to determine the exact cause. Be sure to take blood and urine tests.

With age, men visit the toilet more often for small needs. They have nocturnal urges. The male body in old age begins to work differently. It recycles fluid in sleep. However, if during the night a man wants to write more than twice, he should think about and carefully consider this problem.

Among women

Women are also prone to urinary problems just like men. If there is a feeling that you constantly want to write, in women without pain or with it, often all kinds of infectious diseases of the reproductive system become the cause.

In urology, there are a number of reasons why women constantly want to write:

  • prolapse of the bladder;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • presence or ;
  • neoplasms in the urinary tract or bladder.
You should immediately consult a doctor if problems with frequent visits to the toilet worsen during menstruation.

During pregnancy

The female body has several features that are directly related to the possibility of having children.

During pregnancy, changes occur that affect all internal organs, including the urinary system.

If you constantly want to write during pregnancy, this is considered the normal state of a pregnant woman.

Although if they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate some violations. After childbirth, all processes return to normal and urination is restored.

Symptoms to watch out for

Only a doctor can make a specific diagnosis. Before that, he will conduct diagnostic measures. In addition to the constant desire to pee, there are also certain accompanying symptoms that can serve as a warning about problems with internal organs.

If you constantly feel like writing, you should definitely be on your guard in the following cases:

  • present;
  • the presence of false urges;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the presence of blood and

Pain in the lower abdomen

The appearance of urine can also tell a lot. If blood is present, see a doctor immediately. This symptom indicates a serious problem.


What to do if you constantly want to write? High-quality treatment is carried out only by professionals. Both private and public medical institutions have such specialists -.

They diagnose the disease, prescribe effective treatment, and carry out a complex of rehabilitation measures. Without a preliminary diagnosis, it is impossible to choose an effective treatment, prescribe medications.

Inflammatory processes without fail require the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed by a doctor. After taking them, drugs are prescribed that normalize the microflora in the body.

Doctors may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which reduce body temperature, have an analgesic effect and eliminate inflammation. Antispasmodics (Papaverine or) will help to cope with pain.

Painkillers Papaverine

It is used for urolithiasis. It is carried out with the help of surgery, ultrasound or medication.

When benign neoplasms appear in the bladder, conservative treatment (medication) is used, but this method is ineffective and leads to relapses. So treat only patients who have contraindications to surgery.

The best results in the treatment of tumors showed the surgical method.

Sometimes not only the tumor is removed, but also part of the organ.

If the tumor is malignant, then a course of radiation and chemotherapy is additionally prescribed. This will help prevent relapses and the occurrence of metastases.

When independently determining the causes of frequent urges, it is necessary to analyze which medications have been taken recently. You need to look in the instructions for use if they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth paying attention to the foods in your diet that can also have a diuretic effect. After such an analysis, excluding the above factors, you need to pay attention to whether the urges are real or false.


As preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the genitourinary system, you must adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

  • drink more pure water;
  • eliminate harmful foods from the diet;
  • make a daily toilet of the genitals;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits;
  • refuse to visit suspicious baths, pools and other similar establishments;
  • periodically conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

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Causes of frequent urination in women:

It is important to remember that you can get rid of frequent urination only after eliminating the causes of the disease. As a result of self-treatment with folk remedies or inadequate therapy in the case of inflammatory diseases, urinary incontinence or persistent muscular hypotonia of the bladder may develop.