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House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» How to cover the zucchini in the open soil. Methods for planting zucchini in open ground

How to cover the zucchini in the open soil. Methods for planting zucchini in open ground

Zucchini - vegetable from the pool family, native of hot mexico. He is simple in cultivation, unpretentious and has excellent taste. It is fry, extinguished, marinate and canned, make a compote with him and boil jam. It has a minimum calorie and useful to young children. All these qualities helped Zabachka to win the love of dacnis.

Some grow vegetable in a greenhouse, but it grows well in the open soil, thanks to his arrest and unpretentiousness. To always please the harvest, it is necessary to abide by some peculiarities. And first choose the variety.

It is very important to choose the seeds properly. Inexperienced gardener can be confused from the variety of zucchini varieties. The varieties differ in each other form, color, taste, skin thick.

By speed of maturation, all varieties are divided:

  • rapid;
  • secondary;
  • late flight.

By cultivation territory for growing:

  • in outskirts of Moscow;
  • in the Urals;
  • in Siberia.

Many varieties, so before choosing seeds you need to decide on some criteria. The selected variety must comply with the region where it will be grown, the climatic zone. If you pay attention to this, then this culture will delight abundant harvest. The newcomer is difficult to navigate, so it is worth listening to the opinion of professionals.

List of varieties for open soil

Caughties F1. - Hybrid, refers to Dutch selection. Suitable for cultivation on open ground. This is an early grade, the fruits in the shape of a cylinder, light green. It is recommended to plant in May, early June. Ripens forty days. It is resistant to diseases, does not develop. Not more than 22 cm long. Weight about 350 grams.

Iskander F1. - Also the hybrid representative of the Dutch selection. It is resistant to reduced temperatures and can be evicted in the soil in April. Up to 20 cm long and weighing up to 600 grams are growing. The color is light green, the skin is thin, the pulp of juicy. The age of aging is 40-45 days.

Ardando 174 F1 - Sort of Dutch origin, pin shape and light green with color dots. Middle weight 600 grams. Matures for 45 days. You can plant in May. Resistant to temperature drops, but requires abundant watering, soil loosening and feeding.

Aral F1. - Also hybrid, gives an early harvest. Recommended in May, it is not afraid of frost. Fruits of light green color and weighing up to 800 grams. The term of formation is 45 days. Requires abundant watering.

Tsukesha - Early and high-yielding grade. Dark green with small stains color, grows up to 30 cm and weigh 1 kg. Saw to open soil in May. Ripens in 45 days. He has a gentle and juicy flesh.

Belogor - High yield hybrid. The term of formation is 45 days. To the cold is stable, seeds can be soiled in April. It has greenish with white color and weight up to 1 kg.

According to professionals, these varieties are most adapted for medium latitudes, differ in high yield and rapid ripening.

Prepare the ground to land

For planning you need a sunny place.

It is impossible to plant zucchini for three years on the same plot, as well as after pumpkin, cucumbers. It is necessary to avoid diseases. The best predecessors are potatoes, peas, tomatoes, garlic.

The plot is prepared since the autumn. The soil is drunk to a depth of 22 - 30 cm, fertilizers are made. 30 - 50 kg per 10 sq. M. meters. Manure and compost. If mineral fertilizers are made, they are used in accordance with the instructions. In the spring, the soil is simply loosened at a depth of 10-15 cm and everything is ready for landing.

If the fall was not possible to make fertilizers, then this can be done in the spring. Organcies need 10-20 kg per 10 sq. M. meters, and from mineral fertilizers to use for 10 square meters. Meters - Superphosphate 150 grams, potassium salt 70 grams and ammonium sulfate 70 grams. Soil is ready.

In the open ground they sow them in May. The soil temperature should be about + 15, if the cold is standing, then the bed is better to cover the film. The optimal temperature for sowing + 25 ... +30 degrees. Shoots then appear within 3-6 days. For winter storage, the zucchini is planted from 1 to 5 June.

Cooking seeds for landing

It is necessary to choose all the major and throw out empty seeds. They are heated under the sun for 10 days or in the oven 4 hours, gradually increasing temperatures up to 50 degrees.

You can soak seeds in the growth stimulator. On 200 ml of water 6 drops "Epin Extra". Leave for 15-20 hours without a lid. To eliminate root rot and bacteriosis, seed material is treated for 2 hours in a solution of phytoosporin or in a weak solution of manganese for 12 hours.

Sometimes on packages with seeds it is already indicated that the seeds do not need to be processed, then this stage can be skipped.

For resistance to freezers, hardening is carried out. For this seeds for 3 days are placed in the refrigerator to the lowest shelf. Either changing the temperature. Ten hours at room temperature and sixteen hours on the shelf in the refrigerator. After all the manipulations of the seeds are ready for landing.

For rapid shoots, seeds need to be germinated. They are placed in the wet gauze and put in a warm place. Usually, after 1-2 days, sprouts appear. And you can sow.

Planting Kabachkov

Zucchini planted into the ground or seeds or seedlings. For seedlings they are planted in finished peat cups for two seeds. Leave the strongest sprout. After the formation of three leaves are transferred to the ground.

It is planted from each other at a distance of 70 cm. Seedlings are planted into the wells directly with a peat cup, pressed and poured the earth. Many gardeners, not wanting, rushing with a seedler, plant seeds immediately into the ground. At the same time, holes are also digging at a distance of 70 cm, three seeds are planted in each.

If the earth is dry, then 1.5 liters of water should be poured into the well. Seeds are planted on a depth of 3 to 7 cm, depending on the composition of the soil. If it is loose, then plant deeper, if it is heavy, dense, closer to the surface.

To eliminate the formation of peel in the soil, which will make it difficult to produce spars, it is not poured, but only pour over with a motor or peat.

Care for zabachki

Zucchini, although they are unpretentious plants, require systematic care.

Five components of a successful harvest:

  1. regular watering;
  2. soil looser;
  3. removal of weeds;
  4. feeding;
  5. fighting pests and diseases.


When the fourth sheet is formed on the sprouts, it is necessary to emphasize. As a result, the plants will begin to form lateral roots. The removal of weeds is relevant when the zucchini is still small. When large leaves grow, weeds simply will not survive under them.


Soil looser plays a big role. Air and moisture should come to the roots of plants. If the soil has a tendency to form a crust, it must be constantly broken, loose. Otherwise, it will slow down the growth of plants.

Large lateral leaves better remove, it will open the sun access to the core, which will have a positive effect on yield.


Watering plays an important role. His drawback or excess affects the crop. The beginning of watering coincides with the appearance of sprouts. If seedlings sat down, then watering begins immediately as soon as it is rooted. Water plants early in the morning or in the evening, when there is no heat. The water temperature must be + 22-25 degrees.

It is impossible to water the zucchini cold water. With such watering, young, only formed fruits will rot. Water heats up per day and in the evening it becomes ready for irrigation.

Water zucchini strictly under root, not hurt leaves. Check if the roots were not screamed. If it happened, they fall asleep with a humus mixed with peat. Watering is carried out before the flowers of flowers once a week, in the volume of five liters per square meter, and then, when forming fruits twice ten liters of water. Ten days before the cessation of harvest, watering is stopped.


Zucchinoms also need feeding. She shares:

  • root;
  • extra corner.

Root feeders are held three times for the growth of zucchini.

  1. It is carried out at the beginning of growth, before flowering. Two spoons of dining fertilizers "Ross" or half a kilogram of a cowber and one spoon of nitroposki dissolve in 10 liters of water. Water with a mixture of plants, based on a liter of a mixture on one bush.
  2. It is carried out during flowering. Diluted two spoons of wood ash and "effect" by 10 liters of water. Also alone one liter on one plant.
  3. It is necessary to conduct in the ripening of fruits. Dilmed in 10 liters of water in two tablespoons of "Effecton O" and ash. Water in two liters of a mixture on one plant.

Extra-root feeders are carried out in the form of spraying plants. They are carried out when the leaves are fully formed and covered with a cuticle, otherwise they can cause their burns. For spraying, taking 10 grams of the preparation "Bud" or 1 spoon of table liquid "Ross" by 10 liters of water. Fund consumption must be two liters per 10 sq. M. meters.

Diseases of zucchini and their pests

Zucchini is an unpretentious plant, but it is susceptible to some diseases. More often he amazes:

  • puffy dew;
  • black mold;
  • bacteriosis;
  • white rot or sclerotinia;
  • anthracnose.

Puffy dew assisted leaves and all stems gray with a white bloom. The leaves dry quickly, the zucchini is exposed to strain and no longer grow. The disease develops with fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

The black mold is a round rusty stains on the leaves from which they dry. Zucchini stop growing, wrinkled.

Bacteriosis is manifested in the form of oily spots on their leaves, which are darker, and the leaves are destroyed. Fruits themselves are covered with spots and ulcers.

White rot envelops a white bloom, making the fruit with soft and slippery, then black hillocks appear and the plant dries out.

The anthracosis is expressed in yellow and brown stains on the plant. When drying, they turn into holes. The leaves begin to twist, the fruits dry out. The whole bush dies.

The most common is the anthracnose and white rot. Bordeaux liquid helps from anthrax. From white rot, the prevention of compliance with normal humidity in the soil will help.

The pests of the zucchini are a mud and slug. From Bakhcheva Tley Zucchini will have to treat insecticides such as "carbofos", "phosphamide", "Commander". Slugs are collected manually.

Collection and home storage

Zucchini begin to ripen in a month and a half after sowing. Cut the fruits you need twice a week, not allowing their overheating.

You can not give to grow zucchini more than 25 centimeters. The more young zucchini cut off, the more new ones are formed. If this is not done, the formation of fruits will be delayed, and the wound will disappear.

To determine the maturity, you can knock on the fruit if the sound is deaf, and the skin is solid, then the zucchini can be separated. If it is supposed to leave zucchini for winter storage, then you need to give them to mature so that the skin is thick. Fruit in this case should be left long, and, if possible, dipped into the melted paraffin.

In the basement and cellar they can be stored for several months without a deterioration of taste. The apartment has fruits stored near the balcony door. They are fine withstand freezing.

The benefits of zabachkov is undoubted. They have a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein and very little calories. Diverse the number of dishes with it. And this useful vegetable can be easily raised on the homeland area.

How much you enjoy the culture, whether you will grow it in the future, depending first of all from the selection of the variety. Then he remains to study the peculiarities of cultivation and apply knowledge in practice. All this applies to the zucchini.

How to choose grade zucchini

Zabachkov in favor of gardeners withdrawn a great set. They differ in size, shape, color, maturation timnings, growth type, assignment. According to these features and try to classify our vegetable

The innumerable variety of types of zucchini and their hybrids helps each girlfriend to choose its own, only in the state market of breeding achievements of them 123 varieties are entered.

Round zucchinical, cylindrical, C-shaped, pear, in the form of a barrel are displayed in the form. The range of sizes in different varieties is even wider: on average from 14 cm to 70 cm in technical ripeness, weight 0.2-7.0 kg. Zucchini is one of the largest vegetables in the world. In Guinness's book, you can find copies of 1.5 m and weighing more than 60 kg. We also offer a wide range of color gamuts: golden, silver, camouflage, striped, cracked, white and all shades of green. According to the type of zucchini growth there are bush and plenty, and in terms of ripening - early, medium and late.

Different grades of zucchini differ primarily by appearance

Three main groups of zabachkov: types of fruits and destination

Zucchini are distinguished by a large species diversity. For convenience, we break this category into three groups.

The most famous varieties:

  • Mribovsky (led in 1943),
  • White-fashioned
  • Roller,
  • Dream hostess.

This species have grown our grandmothers. The plant forms long creeping shoulders (by type of pumpkin), and white rounded-cylindrical fruits grow on them. Although busy varieties have been brought. Purpose of such vegetable Universal: famous zucchini caviar, stuffed zucchini, side dishes, can be stored all winter in the apartment fresh. Among the minuses: the fruits will grow, the skin becomes thick and coarse, the seed camera is large with rigid formed seeds. The same thing happens when stored. If you clear everything, the pulp remains little.

Classic White Cooking

In times, when the hostess from year to year they grown alone and the same White Cabinets, Zucchini were met for "Hurray." This species distinguished from the only existing one. Zucchini is 2-3 times less than a classic zucchini, ripening literally for a week from the formation of a margin, while the skin remains soft for a long time, and the core is dense with soft seeds that are not necessarily removed when cooking. Another advantage is a high yield with compactness of the plant, Zucchini does not spread the vacuum, but grows up a bush. The disadvantage is good, but not such a high effort, like hard fellows. Fruits with long-term storage are disguised either, on the contrary, the peel becomes so rigid that it is necessary to take on the ax. Inside you do not detect anything good: a dried seed camera with mature seeds and a thin layer of fibrous pulp.

The main signs of Zucchini: a large long fruit-green fruit with thin skin

At first, all zucchini had a bush type with large cylindrical fruits of dark green and with a long non-stubborn skin. Later appeared yellow, spotted, striped, white, curved. The concept of zucchini was blurred.

The "Government Commission" believes that Zukini does not exist in nature. Natural differences are not sufficient basis for allocating some varieties in a separate group called "Zucchini".

The obvious advantages of two named types are the possibility of seed production. If you planted such zucchini and the variety you liked, you can leave for dosing and get seeds. Every year you will have your own zucchini. But there is a nuance. If two varieties grow on the garden, or from a neighboring zucchini or pumpkin flies bee, you will suddenly become a breeder. The next year from your white zucchini can grow green, and from the green - striped and completely different form.

Masterpieces of world selection, unusual zucchini

Now in fashion import zucchini, especially Dutch selection. These varieties are distinguished by a beautiful appearance and some outstanding feature. For example, Kvali ripening competes from radister. From shoots before collecting the first harvest - 35-40 days. TDUDO Di Piachenza is also raking, but also round. Zucchini is ideal for stuffing and look at the table. Cocoselle is a classic zucchini, fruits to autumn, his hazard has a hazard hazel.

This zucchini is obtained by crossing with pumpkin

What variety is better

There was already a stereotype that domestic varieties are adapted to the Russian climate, the crops are stored for a long time, and imported - only for early consumption, it is possible to grow mainly in the south, they are beautiful, but tasteless. Reality corresponds to only the fact that European breeders pay a lot of attention of the aesthetic fetus. He must have a commodity look to sold on the market. Basically, these are partrenokarpic hybrids, seeds from them do not take, and if they ripen, then your own selection, not Dutch or Italian.

And among the imported, and among domestic there are zucchini for early consumption and winter storage. Russian breeders also brought the round (ball, festival, orange) and ultra-alone varieties (roller, overrabity, etc.). The only tangible difference in overseas is a high seed price.

Zucchini - trouble-free culture, does not ill, he does not need pollinators and the formation of a bush. To grow, it is enough to put a seed into fertile land and water. Under its large and thick barn, even weeds are not growing. Therefore, when choosing a variety, focus only on your taste and needs.

But it is better to buy several varieties of different shapes, colors, maturation dines, manufacturers. Pat a couple of seeds and decide: what variety is better.

Video: Vintage from five varieties on one garden

Planting Kabachkov

Consider some aspects of seed preparation, soil selection and landing time. This will help avoid mistakes and get a good harvest.

Preparation of seeds and dates

Before starting landing, always pay attention to the timing from shoots to ripening, indicated on the package with seeds. For example, if 35-40 days is written, this does not mean that in 40 days you will bring promised 10 or 20 kg. After 40 days you will be guaranteed only the first zucchini! Fruiting itself can last 2-3 months. In order to have time to collect the maximum harvest, and not 2-3 pieces, it is better to choose early varieties. This is especially true of regions with a short summer (Moscow region, the middle strip, the Urals, Siberia). Medium and late zucchini will also succeed, but through seedlings or under temporary shelter (spring and autumn). In the south of Russia, seeds of different maturation terms can be heated immediately into open ground.

Zucchini - heat-loving plants, they cease to develop already at + 10⁰c, and at 0⁰c die.

The tops of this culture have a powerful, takes a lot of space in the garden. If you sow dry seeds, and even bad germany, then some or all seeds will not go, you will have a lot of empty land. Shoots of repeated sowing in the middle lane and in the north will no longer have time to give a good harvest. To avoid such trouble, the zucchin seeds are always soaked and exhaust. Then you will be sure that the plants are alive and will definitely appear on the Groin allotted.

Zucchini in open ground can be planted in two times:

  1. When the threat of frosts.
  2. 2-3 weeks before the end of spring frosts for temporary shelters. Now plastic bottles are actively used. Cut the bottom and close each well upper part with a plug. For zucchini, large bottles are needed, at least 5 liters.

For the extension, wrap the seeds into a wet gauze or filter paper and put an apartment in a warm place, but not where hot + 30⁰c, and not on the battery. Experienced gardeners are unfolding seeds every day, check and take again, if necessary - moisturizes. They do it not out of curiosity, but for venting.

Seeds of zucchini germinate on average 4-7 days. If you decide to sow in open soil with temporary shelter, then you must harden your zucchini. When the seeds are swollen and proceed, place them in the refrigerator (on the shelf or in the door pockets) for 1-2 days. After that, you can proceed to sowing.

Video: Reliable way of germination of seeds

Choosing a place and soil preparation

Kabachkov is high and thick tops, so the place is chosen solar, dry and raised, that is, without stagnation of rain and irrigation water. Otherwise, the fruits are in the shadow of their own foliage, and even in constant dampness will rot. This vegetable is often grown on composted piles and warm beds.

Also consider the neighborhood: the zucchini should not shade the growing cultures, plant them from the northern side of less rolling plants and from South - from shrubs, trees, buildings and fences.

The best predecessors for zucchini: peas, beans, beans, onions, garlic, early and cauliflower.

In the soil of 1 m², add if it:

  • clay and sublinous - by the bucket of humus and peat (sawdust);
  • sand and sampling - on the bucket of the turf and humus or compost.
  • chernozem - bucket of wood sawdust.

In addition, regardless of the type of soil per 1 m², lay down 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate and a glass of ash. In the acidic soil, make a glass of dolomite flour. You can switch to the bayonet shovels or simply braid up the top layer with a flat, ripping, robble, stirring the ground with fertilizers.

Stages of planting zucchini in open ground

  1. Planting scheme: in the row and between rows of 50-70 cm. Usually enough zucchini placed in one row. When landing in two rows, place the bushes in a checker order. If you decide to sow several rows, then after each two leave a distance of 1.5 m.
  2. Make the wells in a depth of 5-7 cm, paint them and spread the sprouted seeds. Even the mounted zucchini seeds may not climb, so we put two in each well. You can arrange them away from each other. If both are going, one you can dig and transplant to another place, for example, where the zucchini did not go.
  3. Pull the holes with soil and inspired. If the threat of frosts has not yet passed, cover the wells with halves of plastic bottles.

The shelter by film or plastic bottles on hot days is as dangerous as freezing at night. Zucchini can "welcome". Therefore, when heat, for venting from bottles, twist the corks, the edges of the film flex.

There are many other ways to plant zucchini. Some gardeners all sprouted seeds are first seeded into one well and covered with a film, and then seed shoots in the phase of one real leaflet. This option is reminiscent of a shot, but is realized in the garden, and not on the windowsill.

Video: Sowing zucchini for beds under plastic bottles

The easiest option was invented lazy or always occupied gardeners. When at the end of the spring, you remained free land, it is already lazy to drain or once, just among the grass, make round holes with a diameter of 50-70 cm, bring them half an across the compost or humidia and half a cup of ash. If there is no humor, use any complex fertilizer for pumpkin. Place the zucchini into such mini beds 1-2 seeds. The grass can just cut down or disrupt so that it does not oppress young shoots. When the zucchini is fixed, they will wipe their weeds themselves.

Growing Kabachkov

So that your zucchini develops well and gave a rich harvest, the rules of irrigation and planting plants should be followed.


Before the appearance of germs and throughout the cultivation, it is important to prevent the tillage of soil and form a thick airtight crust on it. Therefore, the soil contains under the loose mulch. As the zucchini zucchinus increases, increase the thickness of its layer from 1 to 5 cm. To understand whether it is time to water, filming the mulch: the ground is dry - water. Under young plants, pour out so much to the ground of groaning by 20-30 cm. The norm on one fruiting bush is 2-3 buckets heated in the sun of water. It is impossible to water cold water and on the leaves (sprinkling). Fruits because of the thick shadow inside the bush and without it are prone to loading.


Early zucchini with a short period of fruiting do not need to feed. Enough that fertilizer, which was deposited when landing. The average and late varieties, in which the period before the joining fruction is more stretched (50 or more days), can be contacted in the increasing phase of 3-4 leaves or before flowing. If the zucchini is slowly growing, and you did not help the ground when landing, then the feeding is obligatory. Infinities are suitable: cowboy (1:10) or weeds (1: 5). Be sure to add 0.5 l of ash to the bucket of infusion.

Recently, extractive feeders are very popular, because they act faster root. In order to cheer up the plant, use agriculus for pumpkin crops or urea (10 g per bucket of water).

Video: how to cook fertilizer from weeds

Before making the fertilizer, paint the zucchini with clean water, adopt (0.5-1 l on the bush) and again pour water. During flowering to attract bees and increase yields, make an extraxnealing feeder: in 1 liter of water dissolve 100 g of sugar and 2 g of boric acid.

Formation of bush

Most of the gardens grow bush zaskets that do not need piping. They have no shoots, but there are many huge leaves. During the flowering period, each zucchini will disrupt 2-3 sheets covering buds. When the fruits are tuned, remove 3-4 sheets that relate to the Earth can be drown, and also interfere with the ventilation from the bottom. Repeat such a thinner as bushes ingrowth. Be careful: Stems and foliage of zucchini prickly.

Collect the fruits in relentless, then the zabachkov will have the strength to tie and grow new ones.

If you have grown a zucchini with a flimsy stalk, pinch it with a top of the bootonization. Vintage on side shoots will be richer. Although many gardeners, the plenty zucchini do not pinch and still get a good harvest.

The zucchini is more difficult to choose than to grow. This plant is very quickly increasing the bush, forms and gives fruit. When growing, only a couple of difficulties may occur: long appear or shoots do not appear and the fruits are revealed. The first is solved by germing and sowing two seeds in the hole. The second is the choice of the ventilated solar place and the content of the soil under mulch.

Zucchini is an annual grassy plant of the pumpkin family. This dietary universal product is very popular in cooking. It is fry, extinguished, stuffing and prepare from it a very tasty caviar.

The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamin A, RR and other substances useful for the body. What conditions to like zucchini growing and care in open ground is the topic of interest to many gardeners, especially beginners.

There is a certain technology for growing this vegetable on a garden, which consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of a landing site.
  2. Preparal seed preparation.
  3. Sowing seeds to seedlings.
  4. Care of seedlings.
  5. Care of zucchini in the open ground.

Currently, many varieties of this culture are derived for cultivation in the open ground: Nemchinovsky hybrid, quota, zebra, anchor, golden, roller, whiten Vir, et al. Each variety is distinguished by the form, color and sizes of fruits. This can be seen in the photo. The description of these varieties includes the possibility of growing, both seed and ever.

What conditions need to create zucchini on the beds

Plot for planting zucchini should be sunny and protected from drafts. The better the lighting is, the faster the plants will be developed and fron.

The best predecessors of zucchini are all garden crops, with the exception of pumpkin and the zucchini themselves. Only after three years, this vegetable can be planted at the place where the pumpkin grew earlier. Such a crop rotation will exclude the risk of accumulation of diseases and pest larvae.

Zucchini poorly grow on heavy and poor soil. Depending on the type of soil, the plant for disembarking this plant fertilizes with mineral or organic fertilizers:

  • The structure of the clay soil can be improved using a nutrient mixture of peat, ash and humus - three kilograms of each component. This amount of fertilizer is consumed on a plot of 1 m2. In addition to organic fertilizers, mineral feeding are made - superphosphate - one tablespoon and wood ash - two tablespoons.
  • For peat land, the following composition is used: two kilograms of compost or rewinding manure, twenty-five grams of wood ash, clay bucket, one teaspoon of superphosphate and as much potassium sulfate. After fertilizer, a portion of a plot is made to a depth of twenty-five centimeters, cooled well and spilled, heated to thirty-five degrees, a solution of agricola 5 or Ross. To obtain such feeding, mix one tablespoon of the preparation with a bucket of water. Three liters of finished fertilizers spend on a plot of 1 m2. To preserve moisture and heat, beds are covered with a greenhouse film.
  • For light drum soils, the same nutritional composition is used as for clay soil.
  • It is possible to improve the composition of the sandy land with a ten kilogram of the turf, one bucket of peat, humoring and wood sawdust - three kilograms of each component. After that, the same fertilizers contribute to the site as for clay soil.
  • Optimal fertilizer for chernozems consists of the following components: Wood sawdust - two kilograms, ashes - two tablespoons, superphosphate - one tablespoon.
  • If it is a new area, then the soil is purified from garbage, weeds and old roots, destroying the larvae of malicious insects. After that, the soil fertilize the nutrient mixture of three kilograms of compost with the addition of fifteen grams of nitroposki and two tablespoons of wood ash. Then the place of landing is thoroughly dripped and shed a warm solution of Ross or Agrikola-5.

Regardless of the type, the soil under the planting of the zucchini should not be acidic. You can deoxide the soil using lime or dolomite flour. Zucchini plant on a plot where there is no stagnation of water and close to the surface of groundwater.

Preparation of planting material

An equally important stage is the pre-sowing preparation of seeds. So that the seedlings were strong and sorted together, they are lowered into a solution of sodium humate at twenty-four hours. After that, the seeds wrap in a wet fabric for a couple of days and put in a warm place with a temperature of twenty-two - twenty-four degrees. Throughout this time, the fabric needs to be regularly saved so that the seeds do not dry.

To speed up the process of sprinkling, the sowing material is lowered into the solution of mineral fertilizers or in the growth stimulator, for example, epin, per day. Many gardeners make a big mistake using the old sowing material, as a result, shoots do not germinate.

Experienced gardens before sowing check seeds for germination. This is a very simple procedure: the seeds are soaked in a wet marla and leave in such a state until their germination.

To obtain earlier, high-quality and abundant zabachkov harvest, gardeners use a seaside method of growing this culture. In addition, it is very convenient, because the seedlings can be raised, both in the apartment and in the greenhouse.

When should I sow zucchin seeds to seedlings?

Seeding seeds are held in two periods, depending on the climatic conditions of the region: in the south is the second and third decade of April, in the Western-Eastern regions - from the first to the tenth of May. After about twenty-five or thirty days, seedlings are ready for landing into an open ground.

Zucchini develop great and plentifully fruit with good care. Therefore, several plants are quite enough for growing in the open ground. Planting seeds is carried out in small containers, for example, in disposable cups, with a nutrient mixture. You can use a purchased land with a neutral acidity and high content of humus.

If desired, the nutritious substrate for seedlings can be prepared. Mix half aulogram of peat, two hundred grams of the turf, two hundred grams of humus and one hundred grams of wood sawdust. If the soil with an increased level of acidity, it is additionally added a handful of wood ash or chalk.

Survey care

Seed landing is carried out separately in well-wetted soil to a depth of two or three centimeters. The optimal temperature for the extension of the seedlings is twenty-twenty-three degrees of heat.

To prevent the stretching and thinning of the sprouts, after their appearance, the temperature is reduced to fifteen degrees - at night and up to eighteen degrees - during the day. Such temperature regime is maintained for five days, then crops return to the previous habitat. Further landing care lies in regular irrigation with frequency - once a week.

In the process of growth, seedlings fertilize twice:

  1. The first nutrition is carried out at the stage of the appearance of sprouts. In this case, we use liquid feeding from one liter of water and two grams of the preparation of bud. One plant is consumed two hundred grams of finished fertilizer.
  2. Ten days later they bring the second feeding. For its preparation, a liter of water is used, one teaspoon of nitroposki and the same organic feeding of Efecton.

A month later, seedlings gradually teach to fresh air and placed in a greenhouse, in early June it can be planted on the site. Since the zucchini has a very fragile root system, the transplantation of plants into open ground is carried out by transshipment of the earth coma.

Before planting a zucchini, you need to make a bed with a width of fifty-sixty centimeters, then it is thoroughly overhaul and dissolve. Plants planted at a distance of one meter from each other.

It is put on each hole on one tablespoon of the drug Efecton, then stirred it with the soil and spill a warm solution of agricultu-5. One tablespoon of substances is dissolved in one bucket of water. For each well used one liter of solution.

Video: Reference seedlings of zucchini at a permanent place

The best time for planting seedlings is the morning clock, when there is no longer the sun.

For those who do not seek to get an early crop of fruit, you can use the seeding method directly into the ground, without growing seedlings. Seeds are planted in the first decade of May. Preparation of the beds and the fertilizer of the wells is carried out by the same principle as for seedlings.

Seeds are planted in pairs in each hole at a distance of three centimeters from each other. The depth of the seal is two or three centimeters. In the case of germination of both seeds, one of them is removed or they are seated.

How and how to water zucchini?

Watering is the most important condition, on which the full growth and fruiting of this culture on the site depends on the plot. At each stage of growth, they require a certain frequency of irrigation and a different amount of moisture. Before the plants bloom, they are watered at least once a week at the rate of the calculation - five liters of water for one bush.

During the formation and ripening of the fruit of watering, it is rapid up to two times a week. It is used from eight to ten liters of water to a plot with landings of 1 m2.

For watering zucchini use water temperature. Watering is done under the very root. It is impossible to water this plant with cold water, as this can cause the rotting of the strings and already formed young fruits.

Excess moisture leads to the rotting of plants and the destruction of the root system. Then the roots of the plant are molded with peat or humus on two or three centimeters. If you do not water the zucchini, the probability of obtaining abundant and high-quality harvest is reduced to zero. In the conditions of drought, the leaves, the boutique inflorescences dryly dry and fall.

Fertilizers for Kabachkov

In addition to irrigations, zucchini require regular feeding:

  • The first nutrition is carried out before the moment of flowering. For this, a solution is used from one tablespoon of nitroposki, five hundred cowboat grams or chicken litter. The resulting mixture is brought to the volume of ten liters with water. One bush use one liter of fertilizer.
  • The second feeding of the vegetable is carried out during flowering. For these purposes, wood ash, organic fertilizer Efecton - at thirty grams of each component, divorced ten liters of water. Consumption is the same as in the first case.
  • The third and final feeding of zucchini is carried out during the ripening of the fruits of themes, the same fertilizer as during the flowering period. Only instead of the epecton preparation use the fertilizer of Efecton-O. Under each bush pour two liters of liquid feeding.

In addition, the zucchini is carried out extraxnealing food during the period of fruiting. The above-ground portion of plants spray with a finished solution of ten liters of water and ten grams of the preparation bud with a frequency - once every ten days.

Formation of bush

Paging the tops of the roll of zucchini produce over the fourth-fifth sheet. This procedure is carried out for the purpose of better ventilation and illumination of plants.

Pests and zucchini diseases in open soil

In the process of cultivation, this culture needs protection against diseases and pests.

The most common diseases of the zucchini in the open soil is the root rot, anthracnose, mildew and white rot.

Weather tick, whiteflink, splash fly and a muggy cloth are the main pests of this plant.

What to process zucchini from diseases?

This is an urgent question for many gardeners. To prevent the appearance of diseases, it is necessary to comply with the rules of crop rotation, alternating landing; Timely remove plant residues and affected fruits.

Treatment of peeling plants is carried out using colloidal sulfur, sodium phosphate, infusion or a cowhide solution.

The fight against insects is carried out with the help of drugs - carbofos, confident or spark.

Under all the above-listed rules for growing this wonderful culture in the open soil, you can get a good crop of fruits in two months from the moment of the appearance of sprouts.

Currently, gardeners are used in practice various ways of cultivating this culture, and quite successful. Recent years has become popular cultivation of zucchini in bags, in barrel and on the compost pile. Growing technology for two first embodiments identical to the technology of growing cucumbers in bags or barrels.

In regions with a cool climate, gardeners use greenhouse conditions for growing this vegetable. Thanks to the unpretentiousness of this culture, success in this matter is almost always positive.

Simplicity of agrotechnology, unpretentiousness and excellent taste of fruits allowed plants from the family of pumpkin firmly settle in the country's dacha. The cultivation of zucchini in the open ground is a vivid example of providing a family with a rich crop of healthy vegetables, without spending a lot of time to care for landings.

Choosing a place

For rapid growth, Zucchini need 2 conditions: heat and light. Therefore, the beds are made for them at the open sun, but not blown up the plots and cold northern winds. Ideal for landing all kinds of zucchinis located from the south or south-west slopes. If the plants are missing light, the strings for them are formed less, and the fruits mature later.

Zucchini develop well after most garden crops. The exception is only their counterparts on the family. If the Patssone, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, watermelons or zucchini and zucchini themselves grew up on the site last season, again to plant the culture on it will not be earlier than in 3 years. Otherwise, the likelihood of the fact that in the soil will accumulate pathogenic microorganisms that can destroy plants.

Soil zucchini need a fertile, containing a lot of humus. They do not like acid soil. To cause a good harvest, its reaction should be neutral. Cooking the landing place is beginning in the fall, pumping the ground, bringing into it organic fertilizers and lime when its acidity is increased. So do it right, but it does not always work. If autumn works have not been carried out, it is not a reason to abandon the cultivation of zucchini. You can enrich the Earth and in the spring. How many and what fertilizers will be needed, depends on the size of the site, on which plants are planned, and on the type of soil.

  • In peat grounds, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are made (1 h. L. And of the other preparation), wood ashes (2 art. L.) And humus (2 kg). The latter is allowed to replace with a compost. Take it in the same amount. Scattered on the surface of the garden, clay or loamy soil (1 bucket), drip it. Treatment depth - 20-25 cm. Rapuping the Earth, shed its complex mineral fertilizer. Prepare it, dissolving 1 tbsp. l. The drug in the bucket of warm (40 ° C) water. The cost consumption is 3 l per 1 m². Up to landing, the garden is kept under the film. It will help keep moisture in the soil and retain the desired zucchini heat.
  • Chernozemn soil for zucchini is prepared by entering into it sawdust (2 kg), wood ashes (2 art. L.) And superphosphate (1 tbsp.).
  • Clay soil and light loams are diluted with peat, sawdust and humus. Then the superphosphate and ash are added to it in the same amount as for the chernozem.
  • The sandy soil is drunk, scattering on it all components recommended for clay soil and adding to them a turf land (1 bucket).

Growing seedlings

Propasses zucchini seeds that are good at open soil. Sow them also to a greenhouse or a greenhouse. A disaster method of cultivation of culture, which accelerates zucchini fruiting and increases the number of uncellies. The soil for sowing seeds buy or prepare independently, mixing in proportions 5: 2: 2: 1 The following components:

  • peat;
  • ferrous land;
  • humus;
  • wood sawdust.

If the acidity of the substrate is increased, it is neutralized with chalk or ash.

In order for the soils to be more nutritious, mineral compositions are added to it: ammonium nitrate or urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. Fresh organic use is not worth it. It can provoke various diseases.

Plant seeds of zucchini is recommended in separate containers, and better - in peat pots. They are filled with the prepared soil and is abundantly shed warm water. The seeds are plugged at 2-4 cm. They have their plastics, the sprouted root must be directed down. Plants are placed on the bed in 20-30 days after sowing. If Zucchini continues to develop in a greenhouse or under the film, the seeds are planted in the first decade of April. When the zucchini is grown without shelter, the procedure is carried out in early May.

Zucchin seeds at a temperature not lower than 18 ° C and not higher than 22 ° C. When the sprouts proceed, they need coolness. At night, the temperature is optimal in the limits of 13-15 ° C, and in daytime - 15-18 ° C. This mode is necessary that the seedlings do not stretch. When young zucchini is fixed, and it will occur in 5-7 days, return the usual temperature for them - 20-22 ° C. The place where containers are with plants should be light.

What you need seedlings

Caring for seedlings includes regular (with a frequency of 5-7 days) watering. Used for it heated to 25 ° C water. Moisturizing should be abundant. For each planting capacity, spend on a glass of water.

It will be necessary for young plants and feeding, for which they take:

  • superphosphate (5-7 g) and urea (2-3 g) dissolved in 1 liter of water;
  • diluted in the ratio of 1:10 Korovyak;
  • growth stimulator solution prepared according to the instructions.

The quality of the soil used for planting determines how many procedures will need to be held. If the substrate rich rich in nutrient elements, there are only 1 fertilizer to the seedlings of zucchini. It will take a week after it, and the time comes to plant them in bed. If the soils were not fertile, care in the form of feeding is carried out twice:

  1. after 10 days from the moment the shoots were crossed;
  2. 7 days after the first procedure.

When the seedlings age will be 30 days, they can be planted for a permanent place. When growing zucchini in greenhouse conditions, it is properly done in early May. Landing seedlings to open primer is held later - in the last days of spring or in the first days of summer. By this time, the Earth will warm up well. Before disembarking zucchini, the wells are watered with warm (40 ° C) water. Plants carefully remove from the container along with the soil lump. It is necessary to plant young zucchini, without shaking the ground with roots so as not to damage them. The stem should be under the ground until the cotyledon.

Sowing a garden

Many daches prefer to plant the seeds of Zucchini immediately on the beds, not spending power to care for seedlings at home. To get a good result, it is important to take into account the features of culture. Zucchin seeds at a temperature of 12 ° C to 15 ° C, but frosts for young plants are detrimental. Therefore, it is necessary to plant them without cover only when the likelihood of sudden cooling drove to zero. This is usually the last week of May or beginning of June.

In order for all summer to be touched with fresh zucchini, sowing on the beds is carried out in 2-4 receptions, after 5-6 days each.

Seeds ride faster, if you put them in the ground after pretreatment. Perform it in any of the following ways.

  • A day withstand planting material in a solution of a special preparation that stimulates the growth of seedlings. The seeds extracted from it are washed and dried slightly, and then sowing.
  • Gear seeds until they stick.
  • Put the seeds in conventional water heated to 50 ° C. After 5 hours, they will be ready for landing.
  • Machine seeds in a solution of nitroposki. The duration of such treatment is 10-12 hours, for which the seeds swell well.

For the development of zucchini, a lot of space will be required. Optimal for them, the planting scheme 70x50 cm. Maximum number of plants per 1 m² of soil surface - 3. Before sowing, the wells are filled with fertilizers: humid and wood ash, adding 1 handstone of each substance. The soil in them slightly moisturize. It is more practical to plant several seeds in them (3-4). Place them in the ground so that the pointed edge is directed over.

The depth of seal depends on the structure of the soil. If it is loose, the seeds are covered with a 5-7-centimeter soil layer. If heavy, it is enough to be 3-5 cm. They ride usually together, but some can damage insects. If nothing happens with the seeds, and they will all germinate, the seedlings will need to be broken, leaving only the strongest of them continue to develop. Hard the rest of the plants from the ground is not worth it, it is better to cut them off gently. After planting squaches, the beds are recommended to cover the film, and the next day - thoroughly disintegrate the soil on them.

Dipping and loosening

Growing Zucchini is grateful and not too troublesome. Care of plants on the beds includes only 4 events:

  1. watering;
  2. removal of weeds;
  3. feeding;
  4. loosening.

When young zucchini form 4-5 leaves, they will need to be a bit (5 cm). Due to this, the plants will begin to develop additional side roots, and they will become more stable. Manual struggle with weeds and soil looser under the bushes of zucchini are carried out only in the early stages of their development. When their leaves are closer, landing care will be even easier. No matter how many new weeds appeared on the beds, they simply cannot survive under a thick canopy.

Zucchini love to root free air and moisture to be free. In a dense soil, their development and fruit growth slows down. The frequency of looshes is determined by the quality of the soil on the site. If the zucchini grows on a loam, it is better to spend them constantly. On such a soil, the solid crust is quickly formed, which must be broken all the time, otherwise not getting a good harvest. Lock the soil in the alarms and necessarily at the central stem of plants.

In the formation and pinching zucchini do not need. If the bush scolded too much, it is cut off, removing the largest leaves. So its core will be better illuminated by the Sun, which means more fruit is formed. Ripening zucchini lie on Earth. To protect them from rot, there are small planks for them.

Watering and feeding

For watering zucchini, water is used, the temperature of which is 25-30 ° C. Underground parts of plants react sharper to cold than above ground. Conduct it every 7-10 days. They pour water strictly under the root, otherwise rot, rot. If the zucchini has not bloated yet, 5 liters of liquid spend on 1 plant. With the beginning of fruiting, its volume is adjusted to 10 liters.

Special attention should be paid regularly after placing seedlings on the beds, during the period of bootonization and flowering and at the stage of mass formation of the barriers. This departure will allow you to get a qualitative harvest. Vegetables will turn out larger, and the process of their maturation will not be completed ahead of time. They water the zucchini almost to the end of the fruiting, stops moisturizing landing only 7-10 days before collecting the last harvest.

Care in the form of feeding is carried out twice for the season: when the buds will appear on the bushes at the rolls, and then wound up. Zucchini react well to organic and mineral formulations: superphosphate, potash salt, bird litter, korovyat. For abundant fruiting, they need phosphorus and potassium, but contraindicated chlorine. At the beginning of the flowering of zucchini, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are also made.

You can do without feeding, but only if we plant plants on compost beds. Most often make them from dried potato tops, to which the semi-proverse compost, prepared last year.

Zucchini tasty and useful, and in addition, they will make a variety to any menu. Of them prepare a huge amount of dishes, starting with the pancake and ending with jam. They are perfectly combined with most other vegetables, fish, meat, mushrooms, croups. Their low calorieness appreciated nutritionists. To taste, the zucchini fell and vegetarians. And thanks to the rich chemical composition, Zukini is widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

Zucchini grow rapidly, forming many oblasts. Their fruits can be kept in a fresh form, patiently waiting for their starry hour. Current care is very simple. Even newcomers in garden business will successfully cope with the breeding of this with the form of a modest, but complete advantage of the plant.

Plant zucchini (Cucurbita Pepo Var. Giraumontia) It is a bush variety of hard pumpkin and belongs to the pumpkin family. This is a vegetable with oblong fruits of yellow, green, white or black and green with a delicate pulp, which is eating in cheese, fried, stew, pickled and canned form. Zabacket from the Oaxaca Valley in Mexico, from where in the XVI century, along with other outlines for old light, he got into Europe, where he was first grown in the greenhouse as a rare plant and only in the XVIII century, his misappropriate fruits came to the table. Since then, zucchini, due to low calories, light digestibility and excellent taste, are a popular ingredient of European cuisine and diet food, they are included in the menu for children and patients going on amendment, use for salads, hot dishes and billets for the winter.

About how the cultivation of zucchini in the open soil is carried out when they plant a zucchini seedlings how to grow seedlings of zucchini, how to plant zucchini to a greenhouse, how to plant zucchini in open ground, how to water zucchini, how to process zucchini diseases and pests how to collect zucchini Store their winter and much more you will learn from this article.

Landing and clutching

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - from the beginning of May to the beginning of June, sowing seeds to seedlings - from the beginning of April to May, the transplant of seedlings to the ground - on average a month after the appearance of germs, that is, at the end of May or in early June.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Focused by organic fertilizers light loam or black soil is neutral or weakly alkaline reaction.
  • Predecessors: Good - peas, tomatoes, salad, parsley, cabbage, carrots, radishes, onions, garlic and sitarats; Bad - all pumpkin cultures.
  • Watering: Regular and abundant, in the evening: until the leaves, the leaves are closed - daily, after - once every 5-6 days in cool and cloudy weather and once every 2-3 days in the heat.
  • Feeding: solutions of organic fertilizers: two weeks after the transplant of seedlings to the ground, then another week, and the third - during the formation of the barriers. Before making solutions, the area is watered.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: Slizni, muggy wing and whiteflies.
  • Diseases: Puffy dew, black mold, bacteriosis, white rot, anthracnose and roasting rot.

Read more about the cultivation of zucchini Read below

Zucchini vegetable - Description

Zucchini (decreasing from the Ukrainian word Kabak, which means "pumpkin") - an annual herbaceous plant with a well-developed root system with a diameter of up to 1.5 m, the central root of which is capable of penetrating deep into 1.5-1.7 m, although the bulk of the roots Lands are not deeper than 40 cm. Stems with large five-pointed leaves on weakly-minded stiffs form a powerful bush with a lot of both male and female flowers.

The growing season at zucchini is short, high yields, curved, rounded or extended fruits of all shades of green, as well as yellow, white and striped ripen quickly and in large quantities. In one site, several grades of zucchini are not planted, since this is a cross-perishable plant.

Growing zucchini from seeds

Sowing seeds Kabachkov

The cultivation of seedlings of zucchini allows you to get ripe fruits earlier than when sowing seeds in an open ground, but the lack of zucchini grown through seedlings is that they are not suitable for storage, and you will have to quickly eat or recycle the entire harvest. If you need zucchini for storage, it is necessary to sow seeds into open soil from the first numbers of May to the beginning of June, when the ground at a depth of 8-10 cm warms up to a temperature of 12-13 ºC.

Before sowing seeds of zucchini, it is necessary to prepare: to dunk for a day, two in a liter of warm water with the addition of a tablespoon of ashes (instead of the ash solution, you can use solutions of trace elements, zircon or epine, humate potassium) or warm them in the sun during the week, or, seeing them For a day in warm water, wrap then into a wet fabric and keep 3-4 days at a temperature of 22-25 ºC. But the most reliable way to prepare the planting material is its hardening: it is necessary to alternately place the seeds for 14-16 hours into the lower box of the refrigerator, and then 8-10 hours keep them in room temperature.

The soil on the zucchini plot is also prepared in advance: it is dripped from the autumn to the depth of the bayonet shovel, adding 1 m² of 10-15 kg of compost, 50-60 g of superphosphate and in the handful of wood ash. The spring surface is spilled areas, make the holes of the holes in a depth of about 10 cm according to the scheme 70x50 cm (no more than 3 holes on the m² of the site), laid out into each well across the tablespoon of ashes and humoring, thoroughly mix the fertilizers with the soil, shed holes well, then unfold in Every 2-3 seed of zucchini and fall asleep the wells with a soil so that the seeds are at a depth of 5-7 cm, if the soil is light on the plot, or not deeper than 3-5 cm, if the soil is heavy. With the germination of all sown seeds, only one plant in the hole is only one plant, and stop the rest.

Cultivation of seedlings Kabachkov

If you want to get zucchini as quickly as possible, you will have to use the seeding method of seed reproduction. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds is carried out in the same way as when crops in open ground, the main thing is that they are to sowing Nobuchley and they have tiny sprouts. The soil for seedlings of zucchini should be neutral or a weakly alkaline reaction and consist by 50% of peat ground, by 20% of humus with the addition of 20% of the turf and 10% sawdust.

If there is a need to reduce the acidity of the substrate, ash add or chalk into it. The shops sell a ready-made mixture called "Exo" - you can successfully grow seedlings in it.

The soil mixture is decayed along a peat pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm, shed it to disinfect with hot water or a weak solution of manganese, then the pots of zucchini seeds are plugged, they are plugged into 2 cm and covers with tanks with film or glass. Planting zucchini to seedlings is carried out in 3-4 weeks until they landing them into open ground - depending on climatic conditions, this may be the beginning of April, and maybe the beginning of May.

Until seed germination The temperature in the room is supported in the range of 20-22 ºC, and when shoots will appear, the pots are removed from the pots and transfer them to bright diffused light into a cooler room (it can be a glazed balcony or loggia), in which the temperature will be kept In the range of 15-18 ºC, and at night it will not go below 13-15 ºC. After a week, restore the former temperature regime (20-22 ºC). This is done in order for seedlings not stretching, and that is why in the room where the zucchini grow, there should be a lot of light.

Water shoots as needed to be accumulated water temperature, preventing the drying of the upper layer of the soil.

Care of seedlings of zabachkov suggests at least two her feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. After a week or ten days after the appearance of germs, the zucchini zucchini fertilizer is carried out (1:10), pouring under each plant in 50 g of fertilizer, or mineral composition, dissolving 2-3 g of urea and 5-7 g of superphosphate in water liter and spending on Full-digging solution on each pot. A week later, the seedlings of a solution of one teaspoon of nitroposk are carried out in a liter of water at the rate of one glass on one sighter. Never use fertilizer for zucchini with chlorine!

Picking Kabachkov

To the question of readers, how to dive zucchini, answer: in no way. Zucchini belong to those plants that are poorly transferred to the pickup, so they are immediately sled into separate pots. If there were two or three shoots in pots, leave only one plant in each container, and the remaining reoperate. If you want, you can consider this process of picking.

Landing zucchini in open ground

When to plant zucchini in ground

Planting zucchini into the ground is carried out on average a month after the appearance of germs. This usually occurs at the end of May or beginning of June, when the threat of return freezers.

Soil for Kabachkov

Place for zucchini is chosen solar, on the southern or south-west side, protected from wind, with low groundwater sitting, with neutral or low-alkaline soil reaction. In areas where pumpkin grew (all types of zucchini, cucumbers, patissons, pumpkin), zucchini cannot be grown at least three years, otherwise the risk of disease typical of pumpkin plants with disease will be too high.

Grook, tomatoes, parsley, salad, cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes, carrots, potatoes, sidewals are considered good predecessors for zucchini.

In the fall, the area after recycling the precursors is drunk to a depth of about 30 cm with simultaneous contribution to the m² of 5 kg of organics (compost or humid), 20 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate. In the spring of the soil on the section loose at a depth of 10 cm, introducing on m² of 15 g of ammonium nitrate, after which the surface is aligned.

How to plant zucchini in open ground

The wells for seedlings are made at such a distance so that each m² of the site has had no more than 3 plants, the distance between the rows is left in the range of 1-1.5 m. Before planting, a little ash and humidia are placed in each well, stirring them with soil, then planted Seedlings with a lump of land, blocking it in the seedy leaves, add soil to the hole, trambed it and watered.

Landing of seedlings of zucchini in open ground is carried out in warm cloudy weather. If you have concerns that the cold may return, cover each seeder with a plastic bottle or install metal arcs on the site and cover the seedlings of polyethylene on top of them. The next day, after landing, it is necessary to carry out soil loosening area.

Cultivation of zucchini in a greenhouse

It is necessary to plant seedlings in a film greenhouse in cloudy weather or in the afternoon for 2-3 weeks earlier than in open soil, it means that it is necessary to sow seeds to seeds before the same number of days. Add a depth of 30 cm to round or square wells and about 50 cm wide, located from each other at a distance of 70-80 cm, by half a peat compost with 30 g of potassium sulphate and 50 g of superphosphate, span the holes, fall out in them seedlings, pumped Lunkes land and pour again.

The daytime temperature in the greenhouse must be in the range of 23-25 \u200b\u200bºC, the night - about 14-15 ºC, the soil temperature is not lower than 18 ºC, and the air humidity is maintained at 60-70%. Care of seedlings in the greenhouse includes regular ventilation and moderate watering seedlings, timely loosening of soil, weeding and feeding. If plants are too intensely increasing the leaves, the humidity of the air may increase much, and the zucchini will relieve the marrow. So that this does not happen, we will construct 2-4 sheets in the lower or middle part of the stems, and also regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

Care for zabachki

How to grow zucchini

Caring for zucchini in the open soil includes a regular watering of the site, followed by loosening and rolling of rods, timely feeding of zucchini, as well as combating diseases or pests, if such a need arises. Sometimes, if the blossom of the zucchini has already begun, there is no bees in the garden, it is necessary to help plants to be pollinated: you need to disrupt the male flower (there are no wretched on its back side), remove the petals from it and mark the revealed stamens in the revealed female flowers. One male flower can pollimate 2-3 female. In addition, it is necessary to shoot ready-to-eat fruits in time.

Watering Kabachkov

Watering the zucchini is carried out in the evening well-heated in the sun with water. In sultry weather, before the leaves of the zucchini close, watering the beds should be daily, and after the leaves cover the soil, go to watering mode once every five to six days, if the weather is cool and overcast, and once in 2 -3 days, if there is a heat. It is necessary to pour water under the root, but in order not to rot on the concerns, to put something that is not wetting - the board, a piece of slate. If the leaves on the zucchini become sluggish from the heat, they are watered in the evening through the nozzle with small holes.

Up. Kabachkov

Zucchini love the organic. Here is a recipe for making a herbal infusion for seedlings of zucchini: After weeding or mowing weeds, fill them with a barrel almost to the top, add water and, after making the content daily, let it stand for a week, after which it is strain, dilute with water in the 1: 8 ratio and the zucchini ratio Two weeks after the transplantation to the open ground, trying to not fall into the leaves, nor on the stems. A week later, they re-feed the seedlings of herbal influence.

And it is possible to alternate with the fertilizer of zucchini with a dung: the manure is bred by water in the ratio of 1:10, insist in the sun for three days, and then the lands are wateted around the root of the plant, protecting from falling on the leaves and stalks of plants. The third time is desirable to make fertilizers when the ovary will begin to appear: in 10 liters of herbal or dung fertilizer, a dining-spoon of double superphosphate and a glass of sainted wood ash are added. However, before fertilizing the zucchini, it is advisable to pour a plot.

Kabachkov processing

It happens very disappointment when the harvest in your garden or garden disappears due to the fact that the plants amaze some disease or pests. To avoid similar surprises, gardeners and gardens resort to preventive plant treatment with drugs capable of preventing insect attacks or death from the disease. How to process zucchini from probable diseases and pests, And what drugs are better to use for this?

Against the fungal diseases of the zucchini a week after disembarkation in the soil, we are treated with a single-percent solution of burgue mixture or chlorocycism of copper, and against pests - carbofosomes. In addition, in the fall, after harvesting and disposal of plant residues, the site is deeply loosen and, by observing crop rotation, prepare it under another culture.

Kabachkov pests and diseases

However, despite preventive measures and proper care, sometimes the zucchini is still sick. In order to combat zucchin diseases to be successful, you need to know what are the zucchini, and From which pests can your harvest be injured? From insects, pumpkin most often amazephid and whiteflies. Problems of zucchini can deliver and slugs.

Bahch wane Appears on zucchini in wet and warm weather. She sucks from land parts of plants juices, damaging stems, leaves, flowers and wounds. From the people's fighting methods, a good result gives the triple processing of zucchini with an interval per week with a solution of 300 g of soap or liquid dishwashing detergent in 10 liters of water. If this measure does not give a proper result, you will have to resort to the processing of zucchini insecticide - carbofosomes, phosphamide, decides, metaphos, although it is undesirable.

Bellenki. Create a serious damage to the garden. The greatest number is celebrated in the second half of summer. They will be searched on the underside of the leaves, and their traces of their livelihoods are sticky sugar discharge - become a medium for the development of sage fungi, from which black traces appear on plants, resulting in the fading of the leaves. It is easiest to wash off the whiteflies from the leaves with water, after which it is necessary to break the soil around the bushes to a depth of 2 cm. If this method of combating the pest of the results does not give, you will have to resort to the processor's zucchini processor treatment in the ratio of 1 g of the preparation on 10 liters of water. This quantity should be enough for 100 m². Spray zucchini after collecting fruits.

Slug They are harvested by hand, and if they are too much, the bait are placed on the site: dark beer is poured into the colors and when the slugs slip on the smell, they are collected.

Of the diseases for zucchini, the dusty dew, as well as bacteriosis, white and roasting rot, black mold and anthracnose.

Puffy dew Covers terrestrial parts of plants with a grayish-white loose bloom, which over time becomes brown, the leaves dry under it, the fruits are deformed and stop growing. The disease develops under conditions of sharp fluctuations in humidity and air temperature. At the very first signs of the disease, it is necessary to treat a plot with a decade-percent solution of fungicides - topsin or bayleton. After two weeks, if necessary, processing is repeated.

Symptoms black mold They look like angular or rounded rusty stains on the leaves of zucchini, in which a dark raid appears with the spores of the fungus. Parts of the sheet plate under stains dry and crumble, leaving the holes in the leaves. The fruits are wrinkled and cease to develop. Sick plants must be removed immediately and burn, and after harvesting, all plant residues remove from the site.

Bacteriosis - an infectious disease manifested by oily spots on the leaves, which are gradually darkened, and in these places the integrity of the foliage plate is disturbed. Watery spots and ulcers are formed on the fruits. Most often the disease amazes plants into wet warm weather. Measure to combat the disease - plant treatment with one-thorough bordeaux liquid.

White rot, or sclerotinia Covers the plants of the plant with the fungal - a dense white tap, under which they become soft and slippery, and then on these places, solid and black tubercles are formed, the leaves dry out, the plants are wither. Usually the disease is striking too thick planting of zucchini in cold wet weather. Sick plants are immediately removed. You can treat the zucchini fungicide, but it is unlikely to help.

Necking Gnil - The disease from which the zucchini is yellow, their lower leaves are withering, the stems are drowned and in the lower part turn into a washcloth. This is usually due to planting plants into an immentable soil, watering cold water or excessive fade. Eliminate the shortcomings in care and process the zucchini with copper-containing preparations.

Anthracnose It looks like rounded, yellow-brown spots on the leaves, turning when drying into the holes. The leaves are twisted, the zucchini dry, all the ground parts of the plants are affected. Most often, the disease attacks the zucchini in rainy hot weather. It is possible to defeat the disease by resorting to the processing of plants with one-thorough bordrian liquid or pollinating with ground gray at the rate of 15-30 g per 10 m² of landing.

Collecting and storage of zucchini

They collect zucchini as they are ripening, that is, the first zucchini ripen to eat sufficiently after a half or two months after sowing. Actually, the zucchini, like cucumbers, are collected by unrivaled radiators who have achieved in length 15-25 cm until the seeds inside the fetus are small and gentle. The collection of not quite ripe fruit stimulates the formation and rapid growth of new zucchini. However, if you decide to place zucchini for winter storage, then it is necessary to collect ripe fruit with solid, thick crust.

The fruits are cut by a secateur or a knife on the fruction. Young zucchini, intended for immediate use or canning, is cut off at the very base, and on the ripe fruits that you are going to put on storage, the fruits should be long, with a smooth cut, because the shaggy ends of the fruits quickly deteriorate, hitting the whole fruit.

Young zucchini dairy ripeness is allowed to be stored at a temperature of from 0 to 2 ºC for two weeks - then they begin to fade or stubble, and sometimes rot. Ripe zucchini stored up to five months, like pumpkins - in a dry, cool room with good ventilation. Do not lower them into the cellar, because there is usually an increased humidity that stimulates the development of putrefactive processes, especially if there is damage in the fetus. Fold the zucchini in the box, lined with straw or coniferous sawdresses, so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. For reliability, the fruit of each vegetable is lowered into melted paraffin - this measure guarantees a longer storage period of zucchini.

If you do not have a utility room, in which you can position the storage of zucchini, place them in the apartment in a dry and dark place, for example, roll them under the bed or put near the door to the balcony. The zucchini and in the refrigerator are well stored, if they are placed in polyethylene packs with perforation and folded in a vegetable department.

With proper storage, the zucchini can lie until the next harvest, but in March their seeds begin to germinate inside, and the pulp acquires a bitter taste.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Zucchini are divided into zucchini and white blonde (ordinary) zucchini. Zucchini has strongly dissected leaves, often with white spots near the veins, which inexperienced gardens can take for symptoms of malical dew. The fruits from Zucchini are diverse in color than white stacked zucchini: yellow or green shades of different intensity.

Tsukini includes, for example, varieties: black handsome, astoria, aeronaut, gray, yellow-starved, carsha, marquise, zebra, Tsukesha, Negroitek, and hybrids of Jan, Gold, Vanyusha, Nephritis, Diamond, Defender, Candela and Masha. White-fashioned zucchini are represented by the varieties of anchor, roller, spaghetti, Belogor, Mushroom 37, as well as Hybrids of Cavali and Sangrum.

In the form of a bush, zucchini is divided into bush and semi-leaf, forming a short vacuum, and in the form of the fetal zucchini are usually obliged or round, although a variety of other forms are known.

In terms of ripening of zucchini, there are early, secondary and late.

In addition to many zucchini varieties, there are still their hybrids, derived, mainly foreign breeders. The advantage of imported hybrids can be considered a thinner skin and a smaller seed fruit chamber. In addition, they can stay on the bushes longer, without overrehevay, and the commodity view of imported varieties is better. However, domestic varieties are more suitable for canning, and frost resistance from our zucchini above.

We present you the best grade of zucchini domestic and foreign selection, which will necessarily cause your interest:

  • Aeronaut - This is a bush, compact zucchini with a small amount of weaves. Flowers for the most part female, fruit smooth, fine-core, dark green in white or light green crap, cylindrical, with cream small pulp. The yield of this variety is high, as well as its popularity among gardeners. It can be grown both in greenhouses and in the open soil. Zucchini of this variety are suitable for cooking and canning;
  • White - Unpretentious, raw, yield grade, ripening for 35-40 days with oval fruits of almost white, medium size, with a dense and very juicy light cream pulp. The variety is suitable for cooking dishes, canning, marinations and long-term storage;

  • Yellowstorm - Early high-yielding bush zucchini for growing in the open ground with a bare-ribbed yellow cylindrical fruits of universal destination with a high content of carotene, which makes them indispensable for children's and diet food;
  • Zebra - Early, cold-resistant bush zucchini, compact, with a short main escape, with weakly ribbed cylindrical fruits of light green color with wide longitudinal dark green stripes and yellowish, juicy, not very sweet pulp. This one of the most high-yielding varieties is also suitable for food, and for canning;
  • Sangrum - Early bush hybrid for open soil with a large number of sugars in the white-green cylindrical fruits;
  • Helena - Early voice-trailet bush grade with smooth fruits of cylindrical shape of even golden color with yellow pulp. Suitable for both making dishes and canning and marination;
  • Black beauties - High-yielding compact tunicated zucchini grid grade for open ground with a long period of fruiting. The fruits are so dark green that they look black, they have a white, dense, gentle and savory. The grade is used for cooking and canning;
  • Negriten - Early high-yielding zucchini grade for open soil with black and green fruits with juicy, tasty green pulp. Grade resistant to mildew;

  • Cavalian - bush, ultrahed, a very productive hybrid of a long period of fruiting with straight, greenish cylindrical fruits with a white pulp of gentle taste. The grade is suitable for growing both in the open ground and in a greenhouse, resistant to mildew;
  • Coast - Wholes and semi-leather medieval high-yielding zucchini for open soil and film greenhouses with cylindrical fruits of pale green color with intermittent stripes. Grade is resistant to rotten and mildew;
  • Gribovsky 37. - The stronding medieval bush for open soil with ribbed fruit area by short-cylindrical light green fruits with solid bark. Time-tested variety of universal use;
  • zabachkov Group Spaghetti - Completely unusual zucchini with the flesh, which, after the thirty-minute cooking of the whole fetus, turns into a dish of dense thin flavors resembling Italian paste. The most famous variety of ravio with cylindrical yellow fruits.

If you are worried not only the taste quality of zucchini, but also the degree of their decorativeness, you should pay attention to such varieties like yellow-grade, yellow banana, golden, golden, miracle orange, zebra, winter delicate, tapir, and hybrids marshmallow and festival - These zucchini are characterized by an elegant painting fruit that will decorate your garden.

For fans of the zucchini of an unusual form are interesting will be Muge-shaped varieties, mystery male, as well as varieties with round fruits. Ball, mother-in-law, Tintoretto, Rond de Nice and Hybrids of the hospitable, cook, and boots. Round fruit varieties of watermelons are also attractive, which are also almost different from this melting culture, as well as gigantic grade zucchini. An amazing giant, reaching with 10 kg of weight in 10 kg, in addition, they are capable of stored for up to two years. The fruits of the variety two-color miracle are painted in two colors with a clear boundary between them, and the zucchini grade climb have such a bizarre form, as if their sculptor's hands were bent.

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