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» Useful peanuts for women. What is useful peanuts and why is it necessary to include in his diet? What can be harmful

Useful peanuts for women. What is useful peanuts and why is it necessary to include in his diet? What can be harmful

Peanuts are a delicious and useful walnut that has been used in the food, confectionery, chemical industry. However, it is not quite true to the nut to call it, because it is a bean grass. The beans of this plant are useful for the human body, and especially for women. However, their use has a number of contraindications. Read more about the benefits and dangers of peanuts, read in our material.

Features and product quality

Motherland Peanut is South America. Today, the plant is grown in most warm countries (and in moderate latitudes too) as a valuable food culture. Seeds of plants are used in cheese and fried form, use in the preparation of desserts, cakes, cakes, make oil, pasta.

Fruits are oval in the form of beans from 1.5 to 6 cm long, which contain from one to five seeds. There is a web on the surface of the fruit, due to which, apparently, they were called peanuts: in the Greek, the αράχνη - spider.

Seeds have an oblong shape. In size reach 0.9-2 cm. The color of them is dark red, light pink, grayish yellow or cream. It is them that we eat and consider nuts.

Did you know? Peanuts are used not only in food, it also has as part of plastics, artificial wool, glue, soap and even dynamite.

About the composition

Peanut contains a number of useful and necessary substances for humans.

Vitamins and Minerals

From vitamins in the fruits of plants are present:

From minerals in seeds contain: In addition, the fruits include digestible carbohydrates, 12 irreplaceable and eight replaceable amino acids, sterols, acids, six saturated fatty acids, two mono- and one polyunsaturated acid.

Calorie and nutritional value of peanuts

Peanut plant seeds are very calories - 100 grams of the product contains 552 kcal (38.76% of the daily rate for humans). Proteins in a similar amount of peanuts - 26.3 g (32.07%), fats - 45.2 g (69.54%), carbohydrates - 9.9 g (7.73%).

What is useful to peanuts for women

First of all, the peanuts are rich in iron. This means that it is a wonderful preventive agent of anemia - illness, from which women and children most often suffer. Vitamins of groups are needed for stable operation of the nervous, digestive, hormonal and cardiovascular systems. They are also responsible for the skin condition.

In addition, peanuts should be used by those women who are engaged in intellectual work, since group vitamins in improve memory and concentration. For women, folic acid is very important, especially during pregnancy. This substance is involved in the formation of a nervous tube and brain from the fetus.

A large number of such substances as tryptophan, protects from long depressions, discontent with itself, improves the mood, eliminates insomnia and headaches associated with violations in the nervous system. The effect of peanuts and the hormonal background of a woman. It is believed that regular use of it in reasonable quantities can establish a menstrual cycle.
Omega-3 acids that are part of peanuts are very important for women, since they are involved in the regeneration of cells and tissues, slow down the processes of aging, so the frequent use of it contributes to the beauty of nails, hair, skin.

Did you know? Scientists concluded that the birthplace of peanuts is South America based on archaeological finds in the burials in Peru. In particular, a vase was found, resembling peanuts and decorated with drawings with beans.

Lit can

Since during pregnancy and breastfeeding, each woman needs to be carefully approached to the selection of used products, it is important to know whether to eat peanuts at this time.

Peanuts are well included in the daily diet in small doses at the stage of pregnancy planning. But in the process of tooling the baby, the use of these nuts in question. All due to strong allergenicity and large caloric content of the product.

None nor the other is desirable for pregnant women, because allergies can be transmitted to a child, and the calorie products sharply increase the weight of the woman's weight "in the position", which is why it may have problems with the delivery or over the third month of pregnancy.

Nursing mothers

The same applies to mothers who feed the baby with breasts. After all, everything that the woman eats at the moment is absorbed into breast milk and, accordingly, falls into the body of the baby. A imperfect infant digestive system is unable to cope with fatty products. And allergens cause diathesis in children.

Thus, both pregnant women and nursing mothers it is better to refrain from drinking peanuts or eat it occasionally and in very small quantities.

On therapeutic properties

In traditional medicine there are many recipes with peanuts as the main ingredient.

To increase the protective forces of the body. Women suffering from frequent colds and other diseases, and wishing to strengthen the immune system, advise to make a tincture of peanut husk. Peanuts are fried first, and then cleaned.
Four small spoons of husks are poured 200 ml of vodka. For insteading it is sent to the place where the sunlight does not penetrate, and where the cool temperature is kept. The tincture will be ready two weeks later. Before applying it should be strain. Drink 7-10 drops daily, drinking with milk.

Important! If you suffer a serious illness, even the use of folk recipes is required to coordinate with the attending physician.

As an expectorant. Peanuts (30 g), dates (30 g), honey (30 g), water (0.5 l) mix, put on fire and peak 30 minutes. Drink twice a day for 300 ml over the week.

For the treatment of throat disease. Peanuts (60 g) pour water (400 ml), bring to boil and peck for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day at 70 ml and eat cooked nuts.

How to lose weight on peanuts

Probably, you will be surprised by reading the name of the section, because throughout the article we warn about the high caloric content of the product. However, peanuts are part of some diets.
The fact is that a very small amount of his quantity is able to deliver long to get rid of the feeling of hunger and saturate the body. And polynaturated fatty acids in the composition accelerate the metabolism. However, it is necessary to use nuts alternately with non-fat products - only under this condition can be achieved by the desired thin waist.

How many properties of roasted peanuts change

Of course, as for any other product, thermal processing changes the properties of peanuts. If you choose between raw and fried nuts, then more useful for consumption is a raw product. But tastier - roasted. However, it is also more calories - 100 grams of the product contains 626 kcal.

Slightly roasted or dried in the brass nuts better to use those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the crude product is subject to mold, and this is fraught with harm to health.

By the way, according to scientists, boiled peanuts are most useful. This, in particular, approve American experts. Their studies have shown that in the boiled form, the product contains four times more antioxidants.

How about peanut butter

Unlike other nuts, the almond contains a greater amount of fiber, vitamin E. It is as well as peanuts recommended for weight loss. Calorie 100 grams of almond - 575 kcal.


Cashew is the smallest percentage of fats. This walnut is rich in zinc, iron, folic acid. Among its useful properties is the ability to relieve inflammation. Calorie 100 grams cashew - 553 kcal.


The regular use of pistachios eliminates unnecessary cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, the nervous, cardiovascular system, blood formation. The high level of vitamin E prevents premature aging.

The product is recommended for use of pregnant women, because it can solve the problem of constipation and replenish the body with a folic acid required in this period. Calorie 100 grams of pistachios - 562 kcal.

Thus, peanuts are a delicious and useful product, which in the absence of allergies to it and other contraindications should be included in the diet of any woman. The product contributes to the skin look beautiful, the hair is well-groomed, and the body is healthy. Harbor peanuts can only be applied in the case of its excessive eating (over 20 nuts daily) or in the case of its individual intolerance.

Peanuts, or earthwood, is not only a treat, but also the richest source of various vitamins and minerals, allowing to maintain the body in a healthy and cheerful state. Also, the nut is a product for preventing many diseases. Consider what is the secret and popularity of this plant.

Peanuts - a grassy annual plant of a bean family. It comes from Brazil, loves warm, not too wet places. Wild nut grows in tropical and subtropical latitudes. In large volumes, the plant is grown in the USA, South America, in southern Africa and the Caucasus.

Earthwood - the storehouse of vegetables of plant origin, which are necessary for the uninterrupted work of the body.

We highlight the main valuable qualities of peanuts:

  • a high amount of magnesium allows to stabilize blood pressure and restores the metabolism, and monounsaturated fats support the work of the heart and blood vessels. Resveratrol - one of the antioxidants - reduces the risk of heart disease and vessels;
  • nicotine Acid, which is part of the nut helps keep the light mind and solid memory. Daily reception of peanuts is a preventive measure in the emergence of Alzheimer's disease;
  • amino acid tryptophan (hormone of happiness) - a well-known wrestler with depression and an depressed state;
  • polyphenol antioxidants protect the stomach from bad neoplasms due to decreasing carcinogens;

Did you know? Conducted clinical studies made it possible to conclude that the reception of two tablespoons of peanut butter twice a week lowers the risk of colon cancer in women by 58%, and in men - by 27%.

  • ohshkov oil is a good choleretic agent and thereby prevents the development of gallstone disease. It also improves the operation of the stomach, removes toxins and slags from the body;
  • the manganese present in the composition of peanuts helps a good absorption of calcium, fats and carbohydrates. Also regulates blood sugar, which allows to reduce development and obesity, it is enough to eat several times a week a peanut butter sandwich;
  • magnesium strengthens the bones and muscles and displays intoxication products;
  • for the female body, iron contained in nuts allows to maintain hemoglobin in the right level. Reception of an earthwood normalizes the hormonal background;
  • folic acid helps to avoid the development of anomalies in the fetus during pregnancy. But due to the fact that allergic reactions may occur, the use of nuts must be strictly dosed: no more than 30 g per day, separating into several portions. Peanuts must be compressed, and the red peel on it is necessarily removed - then its allergic properties are minimized. The same requirements must be observed during the feeding of the baby's chest (and in general, adhere to). There is a nuts not as a separate dish, but as an additive to salads, desserts and porridge;
  • for the male body, the benefits of fruits are invaluable in terms of restoring a hormonal background, since the selenium present in the composition increases the production of testosterone - a male hormone. Potassium affects muscles, including cardiac, supports vessels in tone. The daily rate of this component is 3 g, which reduces the risk of heart disease after 40 years;
  • for the growing body of a child, the presence of calcium and phosphorus in the composition of the walnut are the main indicators of the daily presence of peanuts in the child's diet. Vitamin D helps in the prevention of rickets in kids. You need to start entering the diet with 1 nut, bringing gradually up to 6 pieces.

Did you know? Studies of the American Academy of Pediatrics allowed us to conclude that if you begin to introduce a baby into a peanut diet from a six-month age, it would avoid allergies on the fruit in the future.

Daily rate of unsalted roasted nut It should not exceed 30 g. Earth walnut with various additives, in particular, with salt, you can eat 10 g no more than 2 times in 7 days.

Harmful properties and contraindications

According to scientists, the benefits and harm of peanuts are on one cup of scales:

  • calorieness does not make it possible to abuse nuts to those who fight extra kilograms;
  • the protein contained makes it a forbidden fruit for people suffering from arthrosis, gout;
  • due to the ability to thicken the blood peanuts, it is impossible to eat those who have problems with vessels or there is a varicose veins;
  • outlook an overdose, which is largely contained in a nut, provokes the formation of edema, which are harmful to pregnant women;
  • peanuts is a source of an allergic reaction at which redness of the skin can occur, itching, the edema of the throat and the nasopharynx, as well as heartburn, vomiting. If any of these symptoms occur, it is necessary to abandon this product and visit the doctor, since the nut can provoke a quinque edema or anaphylactic shock.

Important! A small child should not give more than 5 nuts for one reception.


The big popularity of the earthen walnut is its chemical composition and nutritional value.

In 100 g of peanuts contain:

  • proteins - 45, 2 g;
  • fats - 26.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.9 g;
  • food fibers - 9.1 g;
  • nicotinic acid - 13.2 g - it lowers cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, heart and memory;
  • ascorbic acid - 6 g - increases immunity and helps in the fight against viral infections;
  • thiamine - 0.74 mg - participates in the energy exchange, in the digestive process, is necessary for hair growth;
  • vitamin E - 1.4 g - has vividly pronounced antioxidant properties, which allows to remove slags and free radicals, maintains health and prolongs youth;
  • pantothenic acid - 1.4 g - participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Favorably acts on nervous cells;
  • magnesium - 182 mg (daily rate of 396 mg) - We need to exchange processes, normal operation of the heart;
  • phosphorus - 350 mg (standard 795 mg) - needed for the formation and development of bones and teeth and maintain them in integrity;
  • iron - 5 mg (norm 17.9 mg) - helps in the development of red blood cells;
  • potassium - 658 mg (norm 2.5 g) - participates in the formation and maintenance of bone tissue;
  • sodium - 23 mg (norm 2 g) - to maintain the water-salt balance of the body;
  • zinc - 3.2 mg (the norm of 15 mg) - helps the work of the brain, the thyroid gland, increases the body's immune forces;
  • amino acids and all indispensable: arginine - 3,506 g (norm 6.0 g) - participates in blood formation, leucine - 1.672 g (norm 4.6 g) - synthesized cholesterol, glutamy acid - 5.39 g (norm 16 g) - participates in the metabolic processes of the central nervous system;
  • the calorie content of the product is in the raw form 552 kcal. Dried fruits, due to evaporation of moisture, have 611 kcal.

Important! Peanut fruits do not contain cholesterol.

How to choose correctly

Peanuts are sold in purified and in the shell. To purchase a quality product, you need to know some features when choosing:

  • peanuts should not have a sign of damage;
  • purified nuts have a smell of peanuts, an unpleasant smell indicates the improper storage and inability to eat into food;
  • good quality nuts at a shaking is not knocking in the shell, because it fills its space.

How to fry nuts

It is believed that roasted walnut is more useful than raw, because:

  • with heat treatment, a thin layer is formed, which does not allow breaking the vitamin E;
  • under the action of temperature increases several times the amount of antioxidants in the fruit, which protect the human body from the action of free radicals.

Nuts need to fry without oil and eat without various additives. This procedure can be carried out:

  • in a pan, regularly stirring the kernel with a non-metallic shovel of 15 minutes;
  • in the oven - for 10 minutes at + 180 ° C, purified fruits are dried;
  • crude (in the shell) walnut is treated at the same temperature, only for 20 minutes.

Important!When frying fruits, the number of polyphenols with antioxidant actions increases by 20%.

How to keep peanuts at home

The improper storage of peanuts gives it an unpleasant smell and bitter taste. It is impossible, since it becomes harmful to the body.

Therefore, consider some rules for preserving the fruits of the house:

  • store nuts follows in dry tanks from various material, except for plastic closed with covers;
  • in the plated bags, the shelf life is less than in banks;
  • after opening hermetic packaging, it is necessary to shift in the closing container. In an open packaging, the shelf life is several weeks;
  • fruits in the refrigerator retain taste for six months, storage time in the freezer increases to 9 months;
  • in the freezer only kernels are stored;
  • the crushed nut cannot be stored, because the oil begins to produce, which over time agrees and gives nuts to nuts;
  • peanuts with additives in an open form is stored for a maximum of 14 days;
  • in the shell, the fruits can be stored 12 months in a dark, dry and cool place;
  • in order to put storage nuts, they need to be reconsidered, throwing back, with a darkened and wrinkled shell, then rolling them in the oven at +50 ° C for 10 minutes.

If, when cleaning the fetus, it becomes barely noticeable smacks, which means that the fungus settled under the shell from improper storage. The use of such peanuts is fraught with Aflatoxin infection.


Due to its rich composition, peanuts are widely used in the confectionery and food industry, in cosmetology and the chemical sector of activity:

  • in confectionery production, fried peanuts are used as an ingredient in the manufacture of cakes and a variety of drum. The ground walnut is added as different flavoring additives to ice cream, chocolate, candy, produced (popular in America);
  • in the food industry, the main priority is peanut butter, in terms of its indicators no inferior to all the well-known olive. Higher grades are used to produce margarine, high-quality canned fish. Oil has a high degree of burning, so it is widely used for frying;
  • in the chemical production of the lower varieties of oil, high quality soap is boiled, adhesives and plastics are produced;
  • from the protein, which is located as part of the plant, make high-quality wool of plant origin called Ardyl;
  • in pharmacology, in the manufacture of food additives with Cordyceps, peanut powder is added;
  • peanut butter is used for the manufacture of nutrients that regenerate the skin, remove small wrinkles, protect against the negative effect of the external environment. Effectively massage oil.

Did you know? In the south of America, this plant in 1903 became the main culture for industrial production thanks to the research of the carver agrochemistry. It was invented about 300 types of products using peanut butter. According to statistics, today in the United States daily oil uses 40 million Americans.

The inclusion in the daily diet of peanuts will allow not only to diversify food, but also, except for the grocery product, will provide prevention from colds and many diseases, and will also help stay vigorous and healthy for many years.

The popular view of peanut nuts, whose benefits and harm to the body are considered in this material, is most often used as a treat. However, this product has a number of useful properties. There are several peanut-based products - it's halva, peanut paste, oil. Walnut itself is sold in fresh, cheese or fried, in or without it, salty or without seasonally. The benefits and harm of peanuts in one form or another may differ slightly.

Composition of peanuts

We ask the question of what the peanuts for the human body useful is to study its chemical composition. The following vitamins are present in the cheese nut:

When drying, vitamins are not destroyed. Therefore the use of dried peanut is not lower than raw. But it can be kept longer (up to a year), it is not covered with mold. However, due to the departure of moisture (which does not contain calories) from the product, its weight decreases, therefore, the calorie content increases when calculating at 100 g. For a fresh walnut, this figure is 551 kcal, and for dried walnut - 611 kcal.

Derivative products

Peanut paste consists of a fried chopped nut without a shell. Salt and sugar are added to the peanut paste, as well as vegetable oil. Sometimes food stabilizers are also added so that the paste from nuts does not spread.

The calorie content of peanut paste is about 600 kcal. The paste contains all the same nutrients as fried or fresh nut. It is used in different kinds - peanut paste flashes on bread, added to sauces and hot dishes.

Peanut halva is a popular product. Halva is a combined tachino peanut or exclusively peanuts. Halva calorie content is about 510 kcal. According to the preparation method of Halva, the paste is similar, but does not include salt and vegetable oil. Sugar, honey or patch is added to the mass of ground fried nuts. Therefore, halva is a useful dessert product. Halva has all the same useful properties as roasted nut.

Peanut oil is manufactured by cold spin. It contains vitamin E (16.7 mg) and phosphorus (2 mg), as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (29 g). Peanut oil has a pronounced nut taste. Suitable for eastern dishes (it was in it that this oil has become used for the first time). When refueling salads, the oil retains its unusual taste. But with frying on it, this oil can become almost indistinguishable from olive or sunflower, since heating the compounds that give the product aroma are destroyed.

Use for women

The presence in the composition of iron (5 mg) explains the benefit of the product for women. A regular loss of blood, occurring during menstruation, leads to the fact that in the body of women of reproductive age (in contrast to men), the level of hemoglobin is almost constantly reduced. To solve this problem, gynecologists and therapists prescribe iron preparations.

It is iron, falling into the body, react with oxygen and forms hemoglobin. For the same reason, peanuts should be used by a sick anemia (a condition in which a reduced hemoglobin level is observed against the background of a reduced iron content). You can use peanuts in any form, but not more than 30 g per day. When using a larger amount of product, the allergic reaction is possible as a result of allergen accumulation in the body.

Use for men

Peanuts for men are diverse:

  • Basic property than peanuts for men is useful - normalization of the hormonal balance. Selenium as part of halva, nuts, oils or paste (7.2 μg) contributes to the reinforced testosterone production;
  • Potassium (658 mg) in the composition of products is able to normalize the work of the muscles, including and cardiac. Thanks to its impact, the heart rate is leveled, the tone of the vessels is normalized. Since men after 35-40 years fall into a group of increased risk on diseases of the cardiovascular system, they need to carefully ensure that potassium consumes in sufficient quantities (day norm 3 g).

However, in order to avoid weight gain and not to create an increased probability of an allergic reaction, you should not use more than 30 g of peanuts and its derivatives per day.

Use for children

The benefits of peanuts for children and adolescents are explained by the presence of calcium (76 mg). It is responsible for the growth of bone tissue and its fortress. Its enough (daily rate of 800 mg both for women and for men, and children) contributes to maintaining the fortress of bones, nails and teeth.

Phosphorus, which is also present in the composition of the nut (350 mg) interacts with calcium. It makes bones durable and prevents their porosity and deformation. Thanks to these properties, it helps to form a good posture.

Important! But the rate of peanut consumption and products from it for children below - up to 12 years old do not have more than 20 g of nuts per day. A large dosage can lead to the accumulation of allergen in the body and cause intolerance.


Despite all the useful properties of peanuts, discussed above, has an earthen nut and contraindications. In particular, the damage to peanuts for those women and men who are watching for their weight are understood. High caloric content of the product (in an earthen nut there is more calories than in chocolate) can reduce the results of the diet.

Another contraindication is individual intolerance, allergies. Earthwood - frequent allergen. The multicomponent composition of the product leads to the fact that the immune system often recognizes its proteins as foreign and launches the process of protecting the body from their impact. External manifestations of this process become rashes, swelling, respiratory symptoms (rhinitis, throat ring).

For the same reason, products from the nut to take women during pregnancy need gradually increasing the dose. It is worth starting with 2-3 nuts daily and carefully monitor the body's response. If after several such uses during pregnancy, allergies did not appear, you can increase the dose to 15-20 nuts per day. Nevertheless, during pregnancy, they still should not be taken daily, so that the allergen does not accumulate. Since the immune system during pregnancy is working hard, it can begin to regard as alien even familiar proteins and launch the process of an allergic reaction.

Another contraindication to the use of peanuts during pregnancy is overweight. Many women in pregnancy increase appetite and extra kilograms appear. In this case, doctors recommend to refrain from the use of calorie food.

High sodium content (23 mg, whereas in almond 10 mg) explained at the same time and the benefits and damage to peanuts are explained. On the one hand, thanks to it, useful substances are delivered to the cells. But on the other hand, due to its oversupply (more than 400 mg per day), swelling are formed. Since sodium is contained in almost all food and table salt, its disadvantage does not experience the body. Thus, the tendency to edema - contraindication to the use of peanuts in whatever form.

Salted roasted peanuts, the benefits and the harm of which are considered in the article, can become not only a way of rapidly thickening hunger.

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Peanut is one of the most popular and beloved all nuts. In many countries of the world, this product is widespread, it is actively used in cooking. Peanuts, the benefits and the harm of which are studied by scientists, is a very famous delicacy. On the basis of peanuts are preparing many desserts, including popular. Nuts are added not only to desserts, but also prepare, make fillings for chocolate candies, cakes and cakes.

Peanut is customary to call nut, but in reality, this plant belongs to the legume family. Each fruit is divided into two halves, like beans or, and they are concluded several things in the pod. Each nut is covered with a reddish film, which is most often removed before eating.

The story states that the peanuts were delivered by Spanish conquistadors from Latin America. Then the fruits were in Africa and Asia, and in the future and in North America. To date, peanuts are very popular in the United States, it is widely used as an agricultural feed and oil produce from it. During World War II, peanuts were actively used at the front due to its nutritional properties, availability and ease of transportation. Today, peanuts grown in the United States are the best in the world.

Useful properties of peanuts

Peanut has a wide variety of useful properties. It has a substance that is very similar in its qualities to antioxidants. This substance is polyphenol, protects the cells of our organism from the effects of harmful free radicals. Thus, it helps our organism to preserve youth for many years. Especially this quality is important for the cardiovascular system, because it wear out very quickly under the influence of stress.

Interesting is the fact that roasting peanuts only favorably affects the amount of polyphenol, under the influence of high temperatures, this substance is produced with even greater speed. Its concentration increases by about a quarter after the roasting procedure. By the content of antioxidants, peanuts are inferior only.

Peanuts, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable, has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, and therefore can at least help with such a disease as hemophilia. It is also very necessary in the cold season, as it has a property.

Not only the nut itself, but also products obtained on its basis are useful. For example, all the favorite peanut oil contains a complex of beneficial substances, minerals and vitamins. Namely: vitamins C, D, RR and E, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, sodium, magnesium, linoleic acid. At the same time, 100 g of nuts contain 90% daily dose of vitamin PP. The peanuts are 60% of fats and 30% of proteins. It is due to the high content of vegetable protein capable of replacing the animal, peanuts are so popular in vegetarian nutrition. Vedic cuisine India actively uses peanuts for cooking. Even in the oil obtained from this product, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is preserved.

Do not confuse peanut butter and peanut paste - a popular product in America and Europe. This favorite delicacy is customized to smear on bread and is for breakfast or give children to school. However, the paste contains a lot of calories and few useful substances, a lot of sugar and chemical components are added to it, so it should be occasionally occasionally and only in the first half of the day, especially those who suffer from excess weight.

Still on the basis of earthwood make peanut milk. It is made of water and peanut flour. Such a drink has a beneficial effect on the stomach and the duodenum, helps with ulcers and gastritis. Regular use of peanuts will relieve a person from stress and improve sleep. Also, this product is useful for the skin - only 20 nuts per day will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin.

Linoleic acid contained in peanuts is excellent prophylaxis of sclerosis, because it. Therefore, this product must be included in your diet to people older than 50 years old.

Peanut is widely used in cooking. It can not be just in pure form as a snack, but also add to various dishes. Most often, nuts are used in desserts: cakes, cookies, cakes and ice cream. But peanuts can be added to salads, in chicken and meat dishes, add to vegetable stew. In the kitchens of some countries actively use peanuts in boiled form. Scientists confirm that it is the boiled peanut that preserves the maximum of useful properties (even more than fried).

Beanis against excess weight

Surprisingly, despite the fact that peanuts are a very high-calorie product, it is often included in the dietary food. These nuts help split fats - which is why the peanut diet is so popular today. The essence of such a diet is that peanuts and oil produced on its basis will long quench the hunger and can replace one full-fledged meal. Just a tablespoon of nuts per day will save from the feeling of hunger for a long time.

The diet is very simple: it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of its daily ration exactly at 500 kcal - it is so much that contains 1 tablespoon of nuts. We will have to reduce the size of the portions and refuse snacks. When I want to eat, you need to eat several nuts - no more tablespoon per day. Also in the diet you need to include more fish, dairy products (kefir), vegetables and fruits. From drinks should be preferred simple water, green or herbal tea. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, fatty, fast food and baking.

Such a diet can be observed as much as you like! It is absolutely harmless (the only contraindication is allergic to nuts). Such a power system will help reset the extra kilograms and strengthen the body as a whole.

Why can peanuts be harmful?

The benefits and harm of peanuts depend on the quantities in which you consume it. Of course, without having contraindications, a person can boldly eat this product and receive a maximum of benefit from his wonderful qualities. But not everyone can eat peanuts. What is the harm of an earthen walnut?

The greatest danger represents the fractures. They accumulate harmful substances that are able to cause allergies and even poisoning. Children can only give a small amount (no more than 10 nuts) and only verified quality.

As already mentioned, peanuts affect blood clotting. In some diseases, this is a useful property, with others - extremely harmful. Since it thickens blood, it contributes to her stagnation in the veins, which means that there may be varicose veins.

Peanuts - the strongest allergen, this property is associated with the proteins contained in it. The symptoms of allergy on peanuts are as follows: burning, itching, redness, heartburn, nausea, swelling of the throat and even anaphylactic shock. That is why peanuts are contraindicated with young children and women during pregnancy. Most often, allergies cause crude and non-jarny peanuts, or inappropriate quality peanuts.

The protein contained in nuts can be dangerous for patients suffering from gout, arthritis and arthritis. In addition, peanuts are a very high calorie product and contraindicated in large quantities of people suffering from overweight. Peanuts, the calorie content of which is 550 kcal per 100 g, it is better to use as a supplement to any dishes, to anyone who cares about their figure. Oil and paste from this product is better to completely exclude from their diet, as well as roasted salted nuts to beer. Due to the high content of fat, peanuts, the caloric content of which is very high, should not be used to diabetics.

How to choose peanuts?

There is a chance to get allergies or poisoning, if you buy low-quality nuts. It is better to acquire peanuts in large stores and carefully study the packaging and inscriptions on it. Only fresh peanuts are useful, harmful and toxic substances are accumulated in old fruits, which cannot be eliminated by any processing. It is aflatoxins that accumulate with improper storage or transportation, make peanuts with a strong allergen and cause various diseases.

Open the packaging and check if there is no edge or mold smell. All nuts should be of one color, without darkening. Packaging should be without damage and contain the composition of the product in Russian. Pay special attention to the shelf life of nuts! Many grown with earthen walnut in their cottages. In this case, its freshness is undoubted, but it is better to peanut to fry before use and remove the peel.

Any product will not benefit if you use it immeasurable. Peanuts need to be included in its diet competently. You should not use these nuts in salt, especially as a snack to beer, or nuts covered with icing or coconut milk. It is best to eat fried peanuts without peel in its pure form as a snack (but not more than 50 g per day) or add it to various dishes. Then you can get a maximum of benefit from this wonderful product.

Peanut or earthwood is one of the popular and loved by many varieties of nuts. The handful of peanuts serves as an excellent snack and will saturate the body with useful substances.

What is useful to peanuts for women, in particular?

It is the opinion that peanuts, despite its high calorieness, helps in weight loss.


Earthwood contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. But truly valuable component is vegetable protein. Peanuts are more than a third consists of protein of plant origin, which makes it a product number one among vegetarians. What is useful to peanuts for women and, what substances are included in its composition?

  • Vitamins of group B, A, E and PR;
  • Vegetable fats (lionic and folic acids);
  • Magnesium;
  • Biotin and others.

However, despite the rich composition, peanuts due to its high calorie content should be used with caution even to people with a normal mass body. 100 grams of raw peanuts contain about 550 kcal. However, according to scientific research, there is a completely lack of cholesterol, and therefore people with cardiovascular diseases can freely include this product in their diet.

Beneficial features

Increased protein content in peanut enhances the feeling of satiety in the body. It is this quality of earthwood is used in many diet diet. Peanut diet is especially popular among fashion models. However, this is not the only property of peanuts. What is useful peanuts for women? Regular use of an earthen walnut has the following effect on the female organism:

  • Normalizes the metabolism;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Helps to overcome stress and depression, improves mood;
  • Increases the concentration of attention and strengthens the memory;
  • Prevents the growth of malignant tumors;
  • Improves the digestion process;
  • Regulates the hormonal balance in the body;
  • Reduces the risk of developing congenital pathologies in children;
  • Prevents the development of premature aging;
  • Protects the cells of the body from the effects of free radicals.

Surprisingly, it contains 25% more polyphenols in the fried peanut than in the cheese. It is these substances that make an earthen nut to have a maximum antioxidant effect on the body and serve as a prevention of heart disease, early aging and oncological diseases. But along with roasting peanuts loses many useful vitamins for the female body. With nervous excitation, peanuts have a calming effect on the body, helps to restore the strength and get rid of insomnia. And the peanuts is a natural aphrodisiac.

Damage to peanuts

However, despite the whole list of positive properties with the use of peanuts, you need to be very careful, especially for women. First, as already mentioned earlier, peanuts are a very high calorie nut, so consuming it in large quantities, you risk quickly gaining overweight. Secondly, peanuts - a strong allergen. In each particular case, the reaction of the body on the earthen walnut can be different. Most often it is irritation and itching of the skin, swelling of a person, but in some cases anaphylactic shock may be provoked. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call "ambulance".

How to store

To fully appreciate what peanuts for women are useful, it is important to comply with product storage rules. Shallow smell, mold and stains on the shell are not allowed. In violation of the storage and transportation of peanuts in the product, poisonous substances relating to the number of powerful allergens - aflatoxins may begin to accumulate. Store peanuts are needed in a dry place, almost at zero humidity. Otherwise, on its surface can be formed by a mold fungus, which gets into the body is striking weakened organs.