House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» Along the world, a message about medicinal plants. Medicinal Plants - Natural Pharmacy

Along the world, a message about medicinal plants. Medicinal Plants - Natural Pharmacy

We are surrounded by plants everywhere: flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Without plants, there would be no life on earth. Plants help us breathe. And with their help you can cure some diseases. You just need to know which plants are medicinal and use them correctly.

Each plant is created by nature for the benefit. People studied the plants, passed to another generation their knowledge about therapeutic properties of plants, made up "herbalists."

We have a pharmacy is almost under the legs. Children should see the beauty of the surrounding nature, understand the benefits of plants, flowers and herbs. We, adults, walk with children, go on excursions, in the park, forest, in the field, familiarize them with our mother-nature. In the spring and summer you can walk a lot and observe plants, insects. Children are wonderful.

Tell me Children on medicinal plants. What plants call medicinal how to collect them correctly. Teach children to distinguish between medicinal herbs and educate the careful attitude towards nature.

Medicinal plants with description for children

And in the thickets of forests,

In the fields and in the meadows

Where is all for heart cute

Where clean air is so sweet breathe.

Eat in herbs and colors

Healing force

For all you can

They are mystery to solve.

(Sun. Christmas)

When we support, it is not always necessary to run behind the pills in the pharmacy. We are surrounded by many plants that can be treated.

Plants that are used to treat various diseases are called Medicinal.What plants relate to medicinal?

Many medicinal plants are known to children from childhood. This is: dandelion, daisy, nettle, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, lilieshi, linden.

Consider the most famous plants for children.

Neprug djobiva

The word happened from the ancient Russian word "Koprena" - silk. Fiber and tissue were obtained from nettle.

Previously, nettle was considered a means to expand the unclean strength.

In difficult years, Nerpiva very much helped people. She was used in food, prepared soups, salads. As a medicinal plant known for a long time. Folk wisdom says: " One the nettle will replace seven doctors. "

Apply nettle when inflammation of lungs, bleeding, weed the throat, use to strengthen hair.

Stalky and nettle leaves are covered with burning hairs. This feature of the plant is reflected in riddles and proverbs.

To mess around with him that in the nettle to sit down.

Although not fire, but burns.

What kind of grass and blind know?

Growing a green wall,

It is killed by the party,

Barbed and evil diva,

What is the name of the grass?


pharmaceutical camomile

In the sister field, stand,

Yellow eyes in the sun look,

Each sister -

White cilia


The name happened from the Latin Romona - Roman, borrowed from the Polish language. In the literature, its image is associated with a manner of humble beauty and kindness.

Description Romashki.

Chamomile Pharmacy is an annual herbaceous plant from the family of comprehensible.

Flowers are assembled in a basket, which consists of white linguistic petals and yellow tubular flowers. Chamomile blooms from May to September. Growing everywhere: in the fields, at the roads, near the housing of man.

Drug camomile properties.

Apply as a soothing, anticipal, diuretic.

The chamomile decoction is spooling, used as an anti-filling agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Apply as a cosmetic agent, the decoction of the chamomile gives light hair golden detention.

How do chamomile harvest?

Collect flowers in dry weather, dried in a well-warmed by the sun, scattering a thin layer on the fabric or paper.

Dandelion medicinal

This plant is familiar to children since childhood. Who does not like to collect yellow dandelions, weave the wreaths of them? This is a perennial plant of the family of comprehensible.

Flower long, forming a lot of seeds for the season.

When dandelions bloom, it seems that the children of the sun come down to the ground and covered it with a beautiful carpet.

The dandelion is very similar to the sun.

Dandelion use a long time for medicinal purposes. It is called "an electric life" not in vain: all parts of the plant are useful. And roots, leaves, flowers.

From the colors of the dandelion make jam similar to honey. From the leaves you can prepare in the spring of useful salads.

Dandelion Salad:

100 g of dandelion leaves;

90 g of green onions;

25 g of parsley;

15 g of vegetable oil;

1 boiled egg;

salt, pepper to taste.

Withstand the dandelion leaves in salt water 30 minutes, crushing, add greens, oil, decorate the boiled egg.

The dandelion has a cotton, antipyretic and expectorant means.


Grows by roads. His Russian names "Plantain", "fellow". It is also called "the proceeding", "Rannik" - for wound-healing properties.

The medicine uses leaves for healing wounds, cuts. Also used when biteing bees, OS and even snakes. The freshly consumed mass of the leaves of the plantain warns the appearance of edema.

We use the plantin for diseases of the airway, with gastritis, gastric diseases.

Seeds at the plantain sticky, stick to the shoes of man, to the pair of animals and are spread over long distances.

Along the tracks you will meet

Abspine's wounds cure

Ribbed leaf carefully.

Who will cure us?


Mother and stepmother

I am not famous for flowers,

And ordinary sheets:

Then hard, cold,

That is soft and dark.

The name of the plant turned on the structure of the sheet. Bottom they are white, fluffy, soft, like maternal hands. From above green, cold - like stepmother.

A perennial plant, a family of comprehensive, with straight stems covered with brownish-shaped leaves.

On the stalk yellow flowers.

The plant has long been used as a medicinal. Mother-and-step is a honey plant. And this is the first spring flowers that please us.

Coltsfoot flowers

Like sun lights.

On the hill grow

Straight from snow - and bloom!

(L. Akinshina)


Top leaf smooth

But with a bike lining

(Mother and stepmother)

The plants use flowers and leaves. Used when coughing, to strengthen immunity, as a coating agent.

Ivan tea or Creeps

In ancient times, the rope was called from his stalks, called him "wild flax." Good honey.

Brew him like tea. Used in kidney disease, like a sedative.

Shepherd bag

Everywhere is growing this plant as weed. Fruit triangular pod looks like a shepherd bag.

Infusion is used for bleeding.

On wasteland and roads

With sprinkle white weed.

But having studied all its properties,

You may look wrong.

Bleeding stops

In China, he is a salad to the table.

Suggesting Liberal: Seeds so much

In the fruit, similar to the Suma.

(Shepherd bag)

What other medicinal plants who are known to children?


Add it to tea. Many useful properties in mint. Pleasant flavor, cooling taste. The tincture of mint is soothered.

Delicious tea and aromate

With her it is easy and pleasant:

Leafles are torn, marked.

What do you breathe? - Smell…( mint)

Calendula or Marigot

What strange flowers

Under the name of the marigold?

So similar to the chamomile -

Is everything in orange shirts?


It has an expectorant, diuretic, watering agent. Calendula rinse the throat during stomatitis and sore throat.

Lily of the valley

Listed in the Red Book. Fragile, beautiful and fragrant flower. But be careful. Lily of Lily - poisonous.

Lily of the valley is a very useful plant. From it prepare heart and calming drops. In folk medicine, the valley is used, but it is necessary to consult with the doctor, because he is insecable.


Warmly awakened

Spring dampness is brought.

And on threads of pearls

From the wind each tremble.

Nature carefully splenny

Wrapped in a green leaf

Grows flower in the wilderness of untouched

Cool, fragile and soul.

(Lily of Mayan)


This is a low perennial plant with a direct thin stem. On the leaves, light dots, similar to holes. The plant is called St. John's jacket.

These cells store essential oils.

On the branches - the inflorescences of yellow flowers with a balsamic smell. Flowers St. John's wort from June to August. Grows on the meadows, fields, on the shores of the shores.

Contains carotene and vitamin C. Useful plant for humans.

He is also called "God's Grass", heals from 99 ailments. Why not 100? St. John's wort can be used patients with tumors.

The infusion of grass is used for diseases of the stomach, for rinsing the throat, drink like tea.

If something sits,

Even the beast will not stand.

With what kind of grass to drink infusion?

With miracle-grass ..



Unpretentious plant, grows everywhere. Just a wonderful weed. Children from his fruits make a clipper. The burdock is also called reurenik.

In medicine, the roots of the burdock and its leaves are used. Of them are cooking, infusions, extracts and treat various diseases: gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, stomatitis.

The leopa leaves are applied to the sore joints. A decoction of burdock strengthens hair.

How to collect medicinal herbs?

The collectors of medicinal plants are harvested by healing herbs. Due to the observation of people, folk wisdom, herbs are used to treat diseases. But the herbs still need to collect correctly. Children need to say this:

  • In no case cannot collect herbs near the roads, because They absorb the harmful exhaust gases and the benefits of them will not be, only harm.
  • Medicinal plants need to be collected only in clear and dry weather.
  • It is impossible to try the plants to taste.
  • Each type of plants is collected separately.
  • After collecting plants, wash your hands with soap.
  • Do not tear plants without need.

Plants grow everywhere and sometimes we simply do not notice them, although they are of great importance for a person.

Children need to teach carefully to relate to nature, because without bladeing, the flower, we will be bad.

And here's another good pooh about the benefits of plants.


It lists the basic properties of plants

He treats neuralgia mint,

And beets - hypertension.

Strawberry drive salt,

And sage - toothache.

Watermelon eat at Nifrite,

And a lingonberry - in arthritis,

To be more forces

Don't forget about nine

Cranberry will cure cystitis,

Radish cough and bronchitis.

Headache - Kalina,

And the cold is tea with Malina.

Pumpkin liver rowan

Heart - mint and viburnum

So as not to keep diabetes,

Topinan Eat all summer

Asthma cure Isop,

Urinary bubble - dill.

Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids -

Plantainer Promoy

Since your swelling you have

Horsetails and flax seed.

Mazhi Mazoli Celener.

And freckles - rubbed fuck,

Zver wad not forget

Consume tea more often

Pei Rosehnik infusion

You will be cheerful, young.

Video for children » Drug Plants »


  1. Medicinal plants help people recover from diseases.
  2. Medicines make medicines from medicinal plants.
  3. Medicinal plants need to be protected and not to tear them without need.

Interestingly and informative can be told to children about the useful medicinal plants that are often found. Read poems, guess the riddles of medicinal plants. The children will remember them and will relate to their carefully, knowing the benefits that plants bring.

Write your comments. If the article was helpful to you, share with friends by clicking on the socket buttons. Networks.

Best regards, Olga.

People are part of nature. From ancient times, they have learned to use her gifts and primarily plants. Some of them were eaten, others used in construction or in everyday life, and the third were used for therapeutic purposes. It is about these "natural hell" it will be discussed in this report.

How people learned that the plants are treated

Watching animals, the ancients noticed that those with various diseases find therapeutic roots or herbs. So a person began to learn about the healing properties of plants. Our ancestors collected these knowledge of grains and passed them from generation to generation. Those who kept the mysters of herbs and flowers called herbalists or signs. They collected plants, compiled healing fees, which treated patients from the ailments.

Rosehip is a medicinal plant that contains a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances. From its berries are preparing healing decoctions.

From ancient times to this day

During the Millennium, different nations accumulate information about medicinal plants. These ancient knowledge that have come down to this day are used in modern medicine and pharmaceutics.

In the excavations of the Sumerian city, a plate was found, which three thousand years. It describes 15 recipes using plants that are able to heal from different colleges.

The ancient Egyptians, the Chinese, Hindus and other nations were widely used vegetable preparations for treating diseases. Later, scientists of the whole world, including in our country, studied the healing properties of herbs and colors.

Today, books are published in which hundreds of valuable plants and thousands of recipes that are able to heal from different diseases are described.

How much beneficial plants in the world

Around the world, about 320,000 plants grow, but only 21,000 of them relate to medicinal and used in medicine. The territory of Russia is extensive and there is a huge number of different types of representatives of flora, including healing, which are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Official medicinal plants - in our country there are about 300. Their properties are well studied, and they are used for the production of medical drugs
  2. Medicinal plants of traditional medicine. They have been studied little, but they are widely used by nature and herbalists.

The daisy flowers are brewed with boiling water and are used to treat colds, from pain in the stomach and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

In the twenty-first century, science made a huge step forward. Created drugs from different diseases. But doctors and pharmacists and today are studying the properties of meadow herbs, wildflowers, trees and shrubs, because natural wealth is inexhaustible. Humanity is waiting for many more great discoveries.

On the healing properties

There is one parable. The philosopher sent his student into the forest for completely useless grass. But the student was unable to fulfill the tasks of his teacher. Because every epics is useful.

The healing properties possess different parts of the plants. In some useful substances accumulate in the leaves, others - in roots, in third - in fruits or flowers. You need to know which parts to apply in medicine. A period of collecting the dosage raw materials is also very important, the maximum amount is accumulated. So, the roots are digging in the fall, the bark is collected in spring, flowers - during the flowering period, the leaves - at the beginning of summer, and the fruit - during the ripening period.

Tea from Leaves Melissa soothes the nervous system, helps for diseases of the stomach, heart disease.

Also very it is important to properly harvest the assembled material to preserve all valuable substances. To dry the prepared raw materials are needed in the shadows so that moisture, dirt and dust do not fall on it.

About application

Nature gave people wild medicines, but it is important to know how to use them correctly. From some plants make healing decoctions and tinctures, others are used for compresses and rubbing, from some extract juice or make ointment. As with the treatment of pills, accurate dosages and the desired reception duration are important here.

Linden flowers will help with a cold, berries and raspberry leaves are searched by the temperature, the leaves of the plantain will heal the wounds, the oak bark will help with problems with the guys.

The thyme (chamber) is prescribed for reception inside, make inhalation and rinsing during angina, bronchitis and other diseases.

Protection of Nature

Many medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction. This is connected with the change of ecology and with a reduction in wild forests and steppes. Such species were listed in the Red Book. She entered her some types of birch and oak, alha, water lily, Valerian, niesel, a richness and other representatives of the flora. It is very important to protect the invaluable wealth of nature, which not only feeds people and animals, but also treats them.

The world around the world is rich and diverse. It has everything so that a person can live a full-fledged life. But this world needs to be studied and preserved.

Class: 4

Purpose: To form students an idea of \u200b\u200bmedicinal plants and their meaning in a person's life.


1. Developing:

  • development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification;
  • development of independence, attentiveness, logical thinking;
  • the formation of the ability to extract independently information in the relevant literature;
  • the formation of the skill is logical and consistently express the hard idea;
  • development of the horizons of children;
  • enrichment of the vocabulary composition of students;
  • development of the ability to work in the team.

2. Educational:

  • to acquaint students with medicinal and poisonous plants, their meaning in human life.

3. Educational:

  • upbringing careful attitude towards nature;
  • education of a positive attitude to study.
  • education of interest in the subject of the "surrounding world";
  • education skills to work in the group.

Equipment:board, presentation (Appendix 1), illustration of medicinal plants, illustration of poisonous plants, plan (on cards) performing practical work, illustration for practical work (spotted, mother-stepmother, robust), crossword (on blackboard), Herbarium (Rosehip, Nuts of downtown, lingonberry, raspberry, blueberries), PC, multimedia installation.

During the classes

1. Orgmoment

Greeting. Check availability to the lesson.

Pupils are sitting by groups of 4 people.

2. Studying a new material.

Teacher: You know that the life of a person is closely connected with nature. Nature gives us the necessary materials for the manufacture of houses, machines, clothes, gives food and that is very important, helps to extend our life. And how this happens, I suggest you find out, mentally moving back for several centuries ago, when there were no traces of civilization, and people lived in the caves. What do you think Tony did to cope with various diseases?

Pupils:There were sorcerers. They were looking for various ways of treating diseases. Affected people with ritual dancing, spells and most importantly - used as medicines - various herbs.

Teacher: Really. After all, people have always hurt, always received injuries and, accordingly, they had a need for medical care. But hospitals and pharmacies were not always and not everywhere. And to help a person came the "green pharmacy" or plants with medicinal properties. And today in the lesson we will talk about medicinal plants and their meaning in a person's life.

Teacher: Today we deal with you groups. For each correct response of a representative of a group, the group receives. At the end of the lesson we will calculate the number of points. We look at the board. What do you see here?

Pupils: Various plants.

Teacher: I now suggest to divide these plants into groups. What are your suggestions?

Pupils (1-2 at the board) distribute plants at the board on the basis of medicinal - poisonous:

Teacher: Okay. We found out that the first group of plants belongs to the medicinal. We look at the screen. (Attachment 1. (Slide 2)). Here presented medicinal plants and plant names. Your task is to choose the name of medicinal plants from this list of plants and relate the same name with their images.

pupils From the list of plants, choose the necessary (those belong to the presented medicinal plants) and have them in the right order.

Teacher: In what purposes do we use these plants?

Pupils: Treatment of wounds, stopping bleeding, pain relief.

Teacher: Where can we meet these plants? (Attachment 1. (Slide 3))

Pupils: Forest, meadow, along the roads.

Teacher: Right. These are medicinal plants. We can collect them for your first aid kit. Collection of medicinal plants is the right thing and very interesting. But when collecting, you need to know the time when you collect this or that plant, i.e. the collection time. You need to know how to save and dry the plant. Remember that the plant needs to be assembled so as not to harm nature.

Teacher: We have left the second group of plants. How did we call them?

Pupils: Poisonous plants.

Teacher: What plants are shown here? (Attachment 1. (Slide 4))

pupils From the remaining list of plants, they choose those belong to poisonous plants and have them in the right order.

Teacher: What do you think they are called poisonous?

Pupils: These plants contain substances that, falling into the human body and animals, cause painful changes in it.

Teacher: You are absolutely right. A heavy poisoning may even lead to death. Moreover, some plants poison contained in the leaves, in others - in seeds, in third - the poisonous are all parts of the plants. It is necessary to remember them and be able to recognize them among other plants in order not to harm themselves.

Teacher: Where can we meet these plants?

Pupils: Forest.

Teacher: We found out that this group refers to poisonous plants. But I know for sure that these plants can be divided by one more sign. What do you think, what is the sign?

Pupils: Poisonous medicinal - immacardinary.

Teacher: Medicinal - Wolf Lyko, Lily of the Lily, irritable - Voroniye Eyes. (Appendix 1. (Slide 5)). Imagine these plants are also medicinal. The substances contained in them are valuable therapeutic agents that are widely used in medicine. Therefore, these plants although poisonous, but are considered medicinal. But with their assembly, you need to be extremely careful, since they can cause harm to man.

- The effect of wolf lycol on the respiratory tract and the skin of a person.

Teacher: All plants that we talked about today are found in Karelia. But I would be another group of plants in the group. What do you think, what is the sign?

Pupils: Karelia - unnecessary in the Red Book of Karelia are brought into the Red Book. (Attachment 1. (slide 6))

Teacher: Right. You know that there is a red book of Karelia, into which rare, protected plant species growing in the territory of the republic. Conclusion with this, what plants among medicinal plants will be among the protected?

Pupils: St. John's wort

Teacher: And among the poisonous?

Pupils: Lily of Lily, Wolf Lyko.

Teacher: Tell me, please, what is the importance of the protection of these plants?

Pupils offer their own options.

Teacher: Need to remember that these plants are protected, in no case should they break for bouquets, break. After all, some of them are found in small quantities and in certain places. And indifference to the life of plants will entail serious consequences: the disappearance of plants is not only in the republic, but also on Earth.

3. Fizminutka(musical).

4. Practical work.

Explains the practical work plan.


  1. Plant name.
  2. Place of growth.
  3. Drug or poisonous.
  4. Li in the Red Book.
  5. Use in medicine.

Reminds the rational use of time.

Pupils are performed by groups of practical work for 5 minutes using herbaria and illustrations. After completing the work 1-2, the student from each group protrude in front of the class.

5. Fastening the material studied.

Teacher: You worked well, and now I suggest you remember the studied material. Game "Guess the Word". Here the word is hidden that you need to guess, answering questions.

Why we breathe freely
And the fate is satisfied.
Although we grow along the roads
And us trample hundreds of legs? (Plantain)

And if you happen to catch a cold
Cough will appear, the heat will rise,
Move to yourself a mug in which
Slightly bitter decoy decoction smoke. (Chamomile)

Was green, little,
Then I became scarlet,
I am soooked in the sun
And now I am ripe. (Currant)

Name a ponzed plant with one dark blue berry. (Voroniye Eyes)

Red, sweet, soul
It grows low, to the ground close. (Strawberry)

Grass from 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)

Pupils: The word "rule" is encrypted.

Teacher: And if we recall our conversation about medicinal plants, how can we associate it with the word "rule"?

Pupils: Rule of collecting medicinal plants.

Teacher: What do you think, what rules will these?


  1. Collect only those plants that are allowed to collect. Protected do not touch.
  2. Learn the collection of plants.
  3. Collect plants in dry weather. Watch them to be clean.
  4. Collect the plants in those places where there are many of them. Part of the plants must remain growing.
  5. Learn how to properly dry and store plants.

6. Generalization of the material studied.

The teacher holds a conversation during which knowledge of medicinal and poisonous plants is summarized; Plant classifications on features: Medicinal - poisonous, listed in the Red Book of Karelia - unnecessary in Red Karelia. The value of medicinal plants in a person's life. Protection of plants.

The number of points is calculated for each group. There are those who have more points more.

Setting marks.

7. Homework.

  1. Working with a textbook page 19-21.
  2. Make the rules for collecting medicinal plants in the working notebook.
  3. Make Album "Medicinal Plants of Karelia" with drawings, photographs needed by explanations.

For many years of its existence, humanity has learned to live in more or less dammatic harmony with the outside world. We receive from nature a huge number of different substances we need, among which plants occupy far from last place. Various plant crops are used by us as food, they are used in industry, cosmetology and medicine. The world around us is a focus of a huge amount of useful gifts of nature, which include cultural medicinal plants, which are a wonderful source of vitamins and other useful substances.

So, to eliminate the flight at all, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy behind the multivitamin drugs, or buy early and, as you know, have been used in the market. On the usual wasteland, in the forests and in the meadows there is a huge amount of wild edible plants. In addition, such representatives of the flora are actively cultivated by a person in medicinal purposes.

In principle, vitamins are present in all plants, however, only those cultures that are able to selectively accumulate vitamins in the amount can provide a pronounced pharmacological impact. Such a dose is usually in five hundred, and even a thousand times more than in other plants.

Despite the fact that most vitamins scientists are able to synthesize synthetic means, vitamin-containing plant crops have retained their meaning for humanity. Such plants are widely used, especially with the treatment of kids, the elderly, as well as patients prone to allergic ailments.

Scientists argue that vitamins from plant raw materials are extremely successfully combined with polysaccharides, as well as with saponins and flavonoids, respectively, they easily assimilated by the body. In addition, allergic reactions are significantly less likely to such vitamin particles compared with synthetic analogues. Also, in the consumption of plant raw materials, the human body can easily protect against the overdose of vitamins, which is almost impossible when taking pharmaceutical preparations.

Medicinal cultural plants that are vitamin concentrators

The lion's amount of vitamin C or ascorbic acid is contained in the fruits of ferrous currant, rosehip and rowan fruits. In addition, the sources of such a useful substance are considered to be the fruits of the raspberry, the leaves of nettle, and the fruits and the foliage of strawberries.

Concentrators and sources of vitamin R it is customary to the buds or fruits of Japanese sofa, black-flow rowan berries and black currant. In addition, the mass of such a substance is contained in the leaves of tea.

A huge number of carotenoids (provitamins a) is in the fruits of rosehip, sea buckthorn and rowan. In addition, it is rich in grass, a turn of a turn and dried dryers, as well as calendula flowers. A little smaller volume of this vitamin is present in parsley, raspberry and pumpkin leaves.

Famous vitamin K concentrators are considered to be nettle leaves, grass shepherd bags and yarrow. Also, a significant amount of this substance is in the korea of \u200b\u200bviburnum and corn stilts.

Excellent sources of vitamin E, or as it is still called tocopherol, are sea buckthorn and rosehip fruits, as well as oil based on these plants. In addition, the considerable amount of this element is present in pumpkin and flax seeds, earthwood and gold root.

As for the vitamins of the group B, then they are contained in many medicinal cultivated plants. So thyamine is rich in the embryos of cereals and cabbage, pyridoxin is present in peas, potatoes and heather, it is possible to obtain folic acid from the plantain, leaf salad and broccoli cabbage.

Vitamins all year round

Of course, the maximum amount of vitamins is in fresh plants. However, you can replenish your body with the desired set of vitamin substances. For this, medicinal cultures can be fully harvested, in addition, they can be bought in pharmacies in the form of dried raw materials and in the form of various drugs - capsules, tablets, tinctures and bodies.

To combat vitaminosis, you can collect fresh medicinal plants and use them into food. So before, a young nettle appears in the forests, her sprouts can be found in the protagalinks long before complete convergence of snow. Such a plant can be used in the preparation of salads, and also add to patty. But already ten days after germination, nettle becomes unsuitable for consumption.

Following nettle on the fields, bells and dandelions appear. The first are used in the form of leaves that eat themselves either add to salads. And dandelions are used almost completely - the leaves are soaked and used in cooking, based on flowers, and the root is used for therapeutic purposes.

At a later time, levoth flowers, Primulus and Krasnodnev leaves can be used to saturate the organism vitamins. An excellent find will also be sick, wild onions and blue. In addition, the excellent edible sources of vitamins include sorrel, an orlyak fern and a shepherd bag.


Of course, our surrounding world is multifaceted and multiple, but its noticeable part is cultivated. They feed us, can still heal us from a variety of pathological conditions ... And therefore, as you understand, it is important to understand their value for our life and take care of from entering the Red Book ... And we are on this page of the site www.! Plants - this is our life itself.

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Medicinal plants The lesson of the surrounding world 4 "A" class n about the textbook N.Ya Dmitrieva and A.N. Kazakova "The Overnight World"

On the lawns and glades there will be a lot of herbs thick, honey, fresh, spicy herbs, herbs, from the sun gold.

Medicinal herbs growing in our area

St. John's wort in ancient, this medicine was called "grass from 99 diseases." It is used as a hemostatic remedy. He delays wounds, kills microbes, and stops the suppuration and inflammation. The leaves contain essential oils, vitamins E and C. possesses an excellent coloring substance.

Dandelion drugs within our country described 208 types of dandelions. In Russian traditional medicine, the dandelion was considered "vital elixir"; Used to improve digestion, soothing remedy, useful when yellow, insomnia. Ancient Greeks and Romans used dandelion juice against freckles. In Central Asia to destroy warts.

Lushitsa ordinary in folk medicine The grass of the souls is used as a diuretic and campphic agent, is part of many teas. Essential oil is obtained from the grass, which is part of some ointments and is used as painful. In Indian medicine, essential oil is used as an aromatic, stimulating and reinforcing agent. The plant has an antibacterial effect.

Planting a large plant is constantly accompanied by a person. The Indians of America called him the "trail of a white man," since the leaves pressed against the surface resemble the footprint. Preparations from leaves are used for gastritis, witty-intestinal diseases. The juice of freshly picked leaves of the plantain has a positive effect on wound healing.

Chamomile Pharmacy Russian name Chamomile appeared in 18 V in Russian folk medicine infusion of floral baskets are used in the form of infusion during gastritis, colitis, with liver disease, kidney, with colds, nervous system, during insomnia. The chamomile medicinal needs to be used only by appointment of a doctor.

Nuts of dwarm nettle - ancient medicinal plant. Used in rheumatism and fever. Nepki juice is used with stones in the liver, kidneys, lung disease. This plant contains vitamins C, K, carotene. In folk medicine, nettle leaves are used as a means of strengthening hair. In veterinary medicine, nettles are used as an outdoor agent against gangrenes and fasteners.

Three-part "Priep" grass is called the grass because of the fruit that firmly scorched into the fabric, animal wool. Grass series is used to prepare therapeutic baths that are widely used in children's practice, with rash, various diathesis, seborride heads. A series of three parties also use both bitterness to improve digestion.

Pijma ordinary "Ryubinskoy" is called a plant due to the inflorescence that resembles a cluster of rowabine berries. In folk medicine, the PIRM has long been used for fever, as an anti-shine, gastrointestinal diseases. In folk medicine, Siberia Pijm is used with headaches, rheumatism, jaundice, dislocation and wounds. In the middle lane, Rossi in the past grass, the Pijmas was folded the carcasses of the cattle for saving meat.

A shepherd bag ordinary shepherd bag was known in folk medicine since ancient times as a bloodstand with internal bleeding and kidney disease. The shepherd bag also has the ability to reduce blood pressure. In Tibetan medicine, the plant is considered a controversial means. In some countries, grass shepherd bags are used to prepare boors, soups, fresh and dry.

Coltsfoot Common Preparations Coltsfoots are used for diseases of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the lungs, with bronchial asthma, angina. The decoction of the leaves wash your head to strengthen the hair and from dandruff. In folk medicine, leaves are also used with poor appetite, colds.

An early millennian this plant was known in ancient times as a "wound grass", which is used in the treatment of wounds and bleeding. Predated in Russia This plant was used as a hemostatic agent. One of the old Russian chronicles reports, one hundred grandson Dmitry Donskoy cured the yarrow grass with nasal bleeding grass. Yarrow is recommended for general weakness, with some nerve diseases in the wine industry, the leaves and flowering tops of the plant are used to prepare bitter tinctures and liqueurs.

The presentation prepared a teacher of primary classes of Gypsies L.V.