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House, design, renovation, decor. Courtyard and garden. With your own hands

» What you need to know about the first trimester of pregnancy: symptoms of increased uterine tone, recommendations and restrictions. First trimester of pregnancy: what happens and how to behave What happens in the first trimester

What you need to know about the first trimester of pregnancy: symptoms of increased uterine tone, recommendations and restrictions. First trimester of pregnancy: what happens and how to behave What happens in the first trimester

When a woman finds out that she is in a position, she immediately has a question: the first trimester of pregnancy - what is possible, what is not? And this is quite justified, because the first months of bearing a baby are the most important. During this period, it is worth knowing which foods are useful, which ones are harmful, which habits are better to give up, and what absolutely should not be feared.

Healthy food in the first trimester

What should be the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the first trimester? Gynecologists strongly recommend increasing the amount of high-fiber foods you eat. Such food is rich not only in various microelements, but also in vitamins.

A woman who has just found out about her pregnancy should fall in love with dairy products, cereals, vegetable oils. Additionally, it is recommended to use multivitamins. It is also better to give up simple carbohydrates in favor of complex ones. Foods with complex carbohydrates do not harm the figure and give a greater feeling of fullness.

So, the first trimester of pregnancy: what is possible and what is not from food? Healthy food:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • weak black or green tea, decoctions, all kinds of fruit drinks;
  • greens (avoid excessive consumption of parsley, dill and lettuce);
  • all kinds of vegetables (there are no restrictions here);
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • low-fat dairy products and milk;
  • berries;
  • vegetable oils;
  • eggs;
  • dietary meats such as rabbit or chicken
  • sweets such as marshmallow, marshmallow and honey;
  • fatty fish.

By the way, do not limit the consumption of meat. Many pregnant women complain of low hemoglobin levels in their blood. Regular consumption of meat products will solve this problem.

Harmful products

Inexperienced mothers may ask the question: how much is the first trimester of pregnancy? So, the first trimester lasts 13 weeks, so at this stage it is especially important not to eat harmful foods, especially those that accumulate toxins in the body.

  • hot bread, wheat flour bread;
  • ice cream, chocolate and other similar sweets;
  • smoked and salted foods;
  • canned meat;
  • animal oils and fats;
  • mayonnaise, vinegar and other similar products (the first trimester is generally remembered by women with constant nausea, and spicy and acidic additives aggravate the situation);
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • instant food, hamburgers, fries;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • meat broths;
  • dumplings and dumplings;
  • fatty dairy products.

It was listed above that it is impossible for pregnant women in the first trimester. This list was developed by doctors. It is worth noting that most of the listed products place a heavy load on the woman's liver, and can also overload the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

How can you sleep in the first trimester of pregnancy? What can and cannot be done while sleeping? These questions are most often asked by girls in position when visiting a gynecologist.

After the expectant mother finds out about her situation, she increasingly wants to lie on her stomach and fall asleep. But this desire is not just a whim, or even a hormonal disruption. Psychologically, the expectant mother is already trying to protect her baby from possible danger. But isn't it harmful?

So, at first glance, it may seem that pregnant women can sleep in the first trimester as they want, that is, without restrictions. However, it is not. In the first months, sleeping on your stomach is not recommended, but all due to the fact that the body weight can put pressure on the uterus, thereby endangering the embryo in it. Of course, if a woman rarely rests in this position, then nothing dangerous will happen, but regular sleep on her stomach can cause some complications.

The most interesting thing is that when the belly has already increased, and the baby is growing and developing intensively, doctors recommend giving up resting on the back. A large belly can compress deep veins and cause poor circulation.

Alcohol and pregnancy

Pregnancy involves some limitations. It is believed that the expectant mother is strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol, especially in the early stages. Is it so? Will the baby really be harmed if mom drank in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Such a ban does indeed take place. Drinks, even with a slight degree, are not allowed to be consumed in the early stages. The fact is that alcoholic beverages are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and from there they easily enter the placenta. If a pregnant woman often drinks alcohol, then the baby may be born with external defects, as well as with violations of some organs.

A future mother can independently make sure that alcohol, even in a small amount, has a detrimental effect on her body, and therefore also on the body of her baby. To do this, it is enough to pass tests. The first trimester of pregnancy is closely monitored by doctors. They require constant donation of blood and urine to monitor the woman's health.

Is it allowed to have sex

It is no secret that the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes during pregnancy. An increase in the level of some hormones affects a woman's emotional state in different ways. Some do not want an intimate relationship at all, and some sex in the first trimester becomes simply necessary. But are there any limitations in terms of intimate relationships in the first months of pregnancy?

In general, doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from having sex. During orgasm, the expectant mother produces large quantities of endorphin, which is the hormone of happiness. It has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. Sex also develops the pelvic muscles, which can be useful during labor and childbirth. However, the limitations do exist.

So, sex in the first trimester is prohibited only if there are contraindications. If a woman has a threat of miscarriage, an increased tone of the uterus, or a partner has a genital infection, then it is better to exclude intimate relationships. This can lead to termination of pregnancy. If no violations have been identified, then the woman is allowed to have sex at any time. It is only important to exclude pressure on the abdomen, deep penetration and prolonged act.

Visit to the dentist

Of course, any person should take care and carefully monitor the condition of their teeth, but sometimes problems arise when you don't expect them at all. For example, during pregnancy. When the toothache overtook the expectant mother, she will have to visit the dentist, but in her head, of course, there will be a question about whether it is possible to have teeth treated if it is only the first trimester of pregnancy. What is allowed, what is not, and what are the real restrictions?

In fact, there are no prohibitions here. To treat teeth during pregnancy, if necessary, is even strongly recommended, and all due to the fact that toothache occurs due to the inflammatory process. If there is inflammation in the body of the expectant mother, then if untreated, this can negatively affect the health of the baby.

It is worth saying that women very often note that during pregnancy, their enamel condition worsens, their teeth become more fragile and caries appears more often. This is due to the fetus taking too many nutrients from the mother's body. Of course, you cannot leave your teeth in this state. A pregnant woman is allowed all dental preparations and is not even prohibited from treating her teeth with anesthesia. Moreover, now all medicines are modern.

But what is forbidden during pregnancy is X-ray, so the dentist must be chosen very carefully. An experienced specialist should carefully perform a filling, since untreated canals or canals in which there will be too much material can cause the development of periodontitis in the future. Also, during the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to install dentures, crowns, and it is also better to refuse treatment in the office of an orthodontist. These procedures are not essential, therefore, prosthetics or occlusion correction can be carried out after childbirth.


Pregnancy is a great time. Many women try to get more positive emotions during this period, walk and go on vacation. Can a mother-to-be fly by plane? Or maybe it's better to choose another means of transportation?

Gynecologists say that pregnant women should not fly on airplanes in the first trimester. However, there is no scientific evidence that flying negatively affects the development of the fetus. Despite this, a pregnant woman who nevertheless decided to take the risk is strongly advised to undergo an ultrasound scan before the flight and pass all the necessary tests.

Flights are prohibited only for those women who have pregnancy with some difficulties, and those whose uterus is in great tone. Before boarding the plane, the expectant mother is advised to show the flight attendant a doctor's note that she is not prohibited from flying, and to buy pills for toxicosis. In the first trimester, it is advisable to have such medicines always on hand.

During a flight in the early stages of pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to walk more, move, and if a woman does not interfere with anyone, then you can even do a little exercise. When the belly becomes more noticeable, then during the flight, due to pressure surges, it is best to wear compression stockings. It is no secret that pregnancy has a negative effect on the condition of the veins of the expectant mother and contributes to the development of thrombosis.

Pregnancy and weight lifting

There is an opinion that a woman who is expecting a baby should not lift heavy bags and other heavy objects. Moreover, physical activity in the first trimester is completely prohibited. Is it so? But what about that mom, who is not the first pregnancy and the difference between the children is very small?

Doctors already have an unequivocal answer to this question. If a woman's pregnancy really passes with difficulties, and in the early stages the risk of miscarriage was recorded, then lifting weights is strongly discouraged. In this case, the husband should carry all the bags from the stores, and it is better to put older children only on his knees and in no case lift them in his arms.

In the absence of the risk of miscarriage, there are no restrictions on lifting, for example, bags. The only thing to be wary of is squeezing the abdomen and a large deflection in the lumbar region. It is better to lift weights for pregnant women in this way:

  • first you need to bend your knees a little;
  • sit down with a straight back;
  • after that it is recommended to take the bags carefully.

No sudden movements should be made. When lifting, do not strain your back and abdomen. All the weight must be transferred to the legs and arms.

Well, in general, of course, it is not worth carrying heavy objects without unnecessary need. It is better for the expectant mother to be accompanied by her husband or other family members during her shopping trip.

Fears of pregnant women in the first trimester

A woman in early pregnancy is very vulnerable and impressionable. Among future women in labor, there is a huge number of tales and fictions about what can negatively affect the development of the fetus, as well as what pathologies can harm the baby and how they will then affect the woman's health after childbirth.

Most often, a huge number of fears and rumors revolve around such an ailment as cervical erosion. Many women learn about this pathology when the first trimester of pregnancy lasts. How many women would have had an abortion if erosion was an indication for abortion?

There is an opinion that cervical erosion after childbirth can degenerate into a malignant tumor, although this is not at all the case.

In fact, erosion is not terrible for a pregnant woman. She cannot be reborn into cancer, and natural childbirth certainly does not affect this process in any way. For the expectant mother, the discovered dysplasia is much more dangerous, which means the detection of cancer cells in the cervix. Dysplasia is established by taking a cytological smear. However, even found cancer cells are not an indication for abortion. The gynecologist can only recommend terminating the pregnancy. But even after receiving recommendations, a woman must independently decide whether to give birth to her or not.

Compliance with all simple recommendations will help a woman to endure the first months of pregnancy easily and without consequences. It is worth remembering that the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the first trimester should be balanced. Do not neglect the advice of doctors. The correct behavior of the expectant mother will allow the baby to start developing as needed.

I must say that future mothers who fulfill all the requirements of doctors practically do not suffer from toxicosis, feel great and do not feel almost any discomfort. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle allows you to protect the developing fetus from the appearance of various congenital pathologies. The mother's mood rises, she transforms outwardly, which also helps the baby to develop normally.

The first trimester of pregnancy includes 13 weeks or 3 months (from here and the name "trimester"). This stage of bearing the unborn child is extremely important. Right now, all the vital organs and systems of the baby are being formed, right now the risk of spontaneous abortion is highest. Let's talk about each of the thirteen weeks of the first trimester of pregnancy.

1 Week

Obstetricians are considered to be the period of pregnancy since the beginning of the last menstrual bleeding. Therefore, the first week of pregnancy, paradoxically, is not yet a pregnancy. During menstruation, eggs mature in one of the ovaries of a woman, to be more precise, in most cases it is just one egg, which is actively preparing for fertilization. The female body is extremely complex, it prepares for a possible pregnancy every month. Often it is impossible to determine the exact date of conception, which is why experts consider the gestational age from the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Of course, you need to start preparing for pregnancy ahead of time, but if the thought of having a baby came to you only with the onset of your period, then now is the time to start leading a healthy lifestyle and eliminate your bad habits.

2 week

8-14 days of the menstrual cycle corresponds to a gestation period of 2 weeks. During this period, the body is actively preparing the maturation of the egg, which will be fertilized in the near future. Most often, ovulation occurs at the end of this week. Feelings of a woman are purely individual. Some feel the release of a mature egg with mild painful spasms in the lower abdomen, while other women note only an increase in the intensity of vaginal discharge. At this stage, the uterine walls are being prepared for the introduction (implantation) of a fertilized egg.
A woman hoping for a pregnancy in her current menstrual cycle is now advised to refrain from sunbathing, overeating, and excessive physical activity.

3 week

At this time, the pregnancy can be called completed, since ovulation occurred and the sperm fertilized the egg. Now the future embryo is a microscopic clump of cells that moves through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. As soon as this accumulation of cells enters the uterine cavity, it immediately attaches to its wall. This moment is called implantation of the ovum. From this time on, the placenta begins to form - the most important component of any pregnancy.

There is still no delay in the next menstruation, so a woman may not even suspect what colossal changes are taking place in her body. Her state of health remains unchanged. At this stage, it is recommended to lead the most relaxed lifestyle, as the risk of "starting" a new menstrual cycle is too great.

4 week

It is this week that a woman may suspect pregnancy. On the day when the next menstruation is expected, minor bleeding from the vagina is possible. An ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is already able to detect the presence of pregnancy. The unborn child is a small black speck, which is several millimeters in diameter. Scientifically, this is called a fetal sac. Ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy fixes the dilated uterine vessels. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon.

A woman can do a home pregnancy test on the first day of her missed period. In most cases, when using a quality test, pregnancy is diagnosed.
At this time, it is important to relax as much as possible and not allow possible stressful situations to affect the course of pregnancy.

5 week

From the fifth week from the beginning of the last menstruation, the second month of pregnancy begins. From that moment on, doctors officially call the unborn child a proud name - an embryo. In the fifth week, many women go for an ultrasound scan, although at this time it is not mandatory. The main purpose of ultrasound examination at this time is to confirm the presence of pregnancy in the uterine cavity. Now the embryo has grown enough compared to the previous week and it will be quite easy to detect it using an ultrasound machine. The embryo has an oval elongated shape with both head and tail. This week begins the active formation and development of the main vital organ of the future baby - his heart. Now the heart of the embryo is not at all like the heart of an adult, it consists of two channels that are capable of contracting. These channels are called heart tubes.

In a pregnant woman, the fifth week of pregnancy is often marked by a deterioration in well-being. She may have bouts of overwhelming fatigue and drowsiness. Nausea and even vomiting are likely to occur.

6 week

At this stage of pregnancy, the embryo is similar in size to a small pea. An ultrasound scan in the sixth week can most accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the date of birth of the baby. The uterus begins to increase in size, but visually it will not be noticeable soon.

The heart of the embryo is already beginning to beat. Heart beats can be detected with an ultrasound examination. Now the embryo begins the stage of active formation of the brain and kidneys. The nervous system of the embryo develops rapidly. The neural tube of the embryo is closed. The prototype of the eyes of the unborn child is already ready and consists of two small depressions on his face. Also, the ears of the embryo become more like the ears of a newborn.

The body of a pregnant woman begins to fully feel the presence of pregnancy. From this week, most women begin toxemia, which will last until the placenta is fully formed, which is approximately the 12th week of pregnancy. Many women notice a change in the color of the halos, they become darker. This is fine. It is recommended not to burden the stomach with heavy food, and in cases of nausea and vomiting, consume as much liquid as possible, preferably mineral water. This prevents dehydration of the pregnant woman's body.

7 week

This week begins with the beginning of the formation of the so-called mucous plug, which throughout pregnancy prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity. On the eve of childbirth, this same cork begins to gradually leave the woman's body, this can be considered one of the signs of the imminent onset of labor.

At this time, the embryo already weighs 5-6 grams, and its coccygeal-parietal size is from one and a half to two centimeters. The liver begins to form special grooves along which bile will move. The formation of the large intestine is completely over. The endocrine glands of the unborn baby continue to develop actively.

The uterus of the pregnant woman has become much larger than it was before the pregnancy, however, this fact is not yet noticeable to others. Due to the fact that the muscular layer of the uterus is constantly under tension, it is quite possible that a pregnant woman will feel some discomfort in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. If the pains are not systematic, but periodic in nature and there is no bloody discharge from the vagina, then there is no cause for concern.

8 week

The end of the second month of pregnancy. Now the unborn baby looks more and more like a person, and not like a fetus. Most of the vital organs of the fetus by this period of pregnancy have already completed their formation and continue their active growth and development. The eyes of the fetus are covered with a thin film - the prototype of the eyelids. The eighth week of pregnancy forms the phalanges of the bones of the baby's fingers, every day they become stronger and stronger. The feet and palms of the fetus acquire primitive sweat glands, which over time will become the same as in adults.

An ultrasound scan done at this time is already able to record clear movements of the fetal limbs. The head brain develops and improves every minute. Olfactory receptors are formed in the nasal passages.

In a female fetus this week, the ovaries begin to form, and in them - the eggs, which in the future will play a crucial role - procreation.
The uterine cavity of a pregnant woman rapidly increases in size, so a woman can feel its periodic contractions. At the end of this week, the fundus of the uterus will be at the level of the upper part of the pubis.

Suddenly opened bleeding is a serious reason for immediate referral to a specialist.

9 week

In the ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus already weighs 15 grams, and its size is about three centimeters. At this time, the cerebellum is formed in the fetal brain, it is he who in the future will act as the coordinator of the child's movements. The improvement of internal organs, parts of the brain and central nervous system continues.

The fetal head begins to decrease somewhat in relation to the size of the body. The cervical vertebrae get longer. The spine is straightened, and the vestigial tail turns into a coccyx. The eyes of the fetus are still closed, they will open closer to the 29th week of pregnancy. Now the ears of the fetus are gaining lobes.

The liver develops. It is this organ that performs a very important function during the intrauterine life of a child - hematopoiesis. The blood of the fetus is saturated with lymphocytes - cells that are responsible for immunity.

In the ninth week, the pregnant woman continues to feel very tired, often sleepy. The uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit. The chest swells and when touched, noticeable discomfort appears. It is recommended to refrain from restricting movement of clothing, as well as from synthetic underwear.

10 week

The most critical and dangerous weeks of pregnancy are over. The rest of the time remaining before childbirth, the fetus will actively develop and improve. All internal organs of the unborn child have already completed their formation.

The fetal thyroid gland is gradually included in the work of the entire small organism, iodine begins to be deposited in it. At this time, the formation of the immune and lymphatic systems of the fetus begins. In the tenth week of pregnancy, milk teeth are already developing in the gums of the fetus.

In boys, the testes are already producing some testosterone.

The heart of the fetus has already finished forming, now it is actively working, it makes up to 150 beats per minute. The intestines, rectum, bile ducts, as well as the oral cavity have also completed their development. However, the liver is still improving. The baby's stomach is already able to absorb glucose.

From this week, the pregnant woman begins to gain weight. This is an inevitable process, so you should not be intimidated by this. Weight loss diets are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. If everything increases too quickly, then you can arrange a fasting day once a week, during which you will need to exclude sugar, flour and salty.

Many pregnant women are faced with the fact that by the beginning of the tenth week, age spots appear on the skin. This is due to hormonal surges. After giving birth, skin pigmentation will disappear within a few months.

11 week

The child is about the size of a lemon. He grows very quickly and develops his skills.

The placenta has many vessels that provide nutrition and oxygen to the fetus. The iris of the child's eyes begins to develop. It will take a little more time, it will become clear what color the baby's eyes will be.

At this stage, the child is perfectly protected from various kinds of infections. With the exception of a disease such as rubella. A pregnant woman needs to be extremely careful, since rubella can cause abnormalities in the development of an already formed fetus.

The fetal kidneys begin to work fully. With the help of the placenta, they excrete urine, which is formed as a result of swallowing amniotic fluid.

The pregnant woman is finally starting to let go of toxicosis. Now another problem appears - increased sweating. More active work of the sweat glands is associated with the circulation of more blood in the body. Stretch marks may appear on the chest and thighs. Stretch marks after childbirth will become lighter, but they will not completely go away. Therefore, starting this week, in order to reduce the risk of their appearance, apply special creams and oils.

12 week

The first mandatory fetal ultrasound is performed this week. Ultrasound measures all the long bones of the fetus, based on fetometry, the weight of the child is determined. At this time, the uzist determines the most accurate period of pregnancy, and therefore the expected date of birth. However, the most important thing that draws attention to during the examination is the width of the collar space, as well as the bones of the child's nose. The collar space is normally about 1-2.3 millimeters. If the value is greater, then there is reason to assume that the fetus has such a deviation as Down syndrome. It is at the twelfth week that the diagnosis of this disease occurs, because, according to the law, the termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is possible only before this period. Further, this will be called artificial childbirth, which causes more harm to the mother's psyche than with an abortion.

Of course, although ultrasound is a formally mandatory examination during pregnancy, any pregnant woman has the right to refuse it. However, rumors that ultrasound is harmful to the fetus are nothing more than a myth.

13 week

The first third of pregnancy is coming to an end. A more calm period lies ahead in all respects. The baby's ribs begin to form this week. His head is no longer pressed to his chest, which means that the cervical vertebrae have become much stronger and stronger. From this week, the psycho-emotional development of the fetus develops, it is able to distinguish cold from heat, light from darkness, reacts to loud sounds with restless movements, but the pregnant woman still does not feel this.

The thyroid is now producing insulin on its own. In girls, sex cells multiply, and in boys, the prostate gland is already formed.

The pregnant woman feels quite normal, because there is no more toxicosis, and the belly is still small, which makes it possible to lead an active life. From this week on, a woman may begin to experience cramps, especially at night. It is recommended to increase in your diet foods rich in calcium and potassium.

The first trimester is the gestation period from the first day to 12 weeks. In the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, the most important events in the creation of a new life take place. A human embryo is formed, the heart begins to beat, ears and eyes begin to take shape. From 5 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, the organs of the embryo are formed. The embryo becomes more human-like, but the head is even larger than the body. The embryo is in constant motion, but the mother does not yet feel its movement, because it is too small. At the same time, the rudiments of future milk teeth begin to form. By the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, the embryo passes into a new status, now it is called a fetus. On average, his growth is from 14 to 20 mm, and his weight is about 3 g. From the 9th week of pregnancy, ovaries in girls and testicles in boys begin to develop. However, it is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child. By the 12th week of pregnancy, the legs and arms are already fully developed, which can be perfectly seen with the help of ultrasound.

Starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman's body undergoes changes, the hCG hormone appears, which doubles every 3 days throughout the entire trimester. The woman also undergoes changes in behavior and eating habits. Many people suffer from headaches, nausea and vomiting in the morning, and women often feel tired.

Healthy nutrition of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, most women suffer from nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy, so it is necessary to draw up a program of proper nutrition for yourself, which will greatly help to get used to the special state of mind and body.

It is important for a pregnant woman to eat healthy foods to provide her baby with all the nutrients she needs and to help her develop properly. Such nutrition will give a woman more strength and energy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to include meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals in your diet. It is also important to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins from the body. In women in position, addictions change greatly, and there is a craving for unhealthy food. Without a doubt, you can pamper yourself, but within reason, because first of all you need to think about your future child.

Vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Of course, start taking vitamins, preferably at the planning stage of pregnancy. But often pregnancy becomes an unexpected event for a woman, in which case the intake of vitamins should be started as soon as it became known about such a joyful event. In this case, it will be better if the doctor prescribes the vitamin-mineral complex of the pregnant woman, he knows exactly which drug is best suited.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the process of laying all the vital systems and organs of the fetus takes place, which is why vitamins are needed for a pregnant woman. They also ensure its normal development.

B vitamins are especially important for expectant mothers, first of all, we are talking about vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is folic acid that has a direct effect on the correct formation of the fetus. That is why its reception is indicated both in preparation for pregnancy and at the very beginning.

Also, B vitamins are able to prevent or reduce the symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy. In addition, vitamin B9 in combination with vitamins B6, A, C, E helps to prevent the abortion process.

A pregnant woman also needs vitamin D and calcium: their deficiency can lead to a disease in a newborn such as rickets, or cause loss of teeth in a mother.

Tests in the first trimester of pregnancy

Certain tests and examinations help monitor the condition of a pregnant woman and her baby. That is why, from the moment pregnancy is determined, the expectant mother is under the constant supervision of specialists.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out:

  • tests for AIDS,
  • tests for syphilis,
  • tests for hepatitis B and C;
  • a blood test to determine the Rh factor (if the mother's Rh factor turns out to be negative, and the father's - positive, the blood for the pregnant woman's antibodies will have to be donated once every three weeks);
  • blood test - general and biochemical;
  • urine analysis (to be taken monthly to assess kidney function);
  • vaginal smear.

In addition to the above mandatory tests, additional tests can be carried out: for rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydial infection.

Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the pregnant woman undergoes the first ultrasound, usually at 10-12 weeks. Ultrasound in the first trimester can be done in two ways:

  • transabdominally,
  • transvaginally (i.e. through the vagina, this method is used if it is not possible to obtain a clear image using the transabdominal method).

The main goals of ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • determine the number of fruits,
  • determine the exact duration of pregnancy,
  • eliminate the risk of ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • assess the state of the embryo and its development;
  • identify or exclude serious fetal malformations;
  • determine the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

In addition, ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy is designed to assess the functional activity of the uterus, cervix, and ovaries. If necessary, the causes of vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain (if any are observed in a pregnant woman) can be determined.

Discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy

All a woman's life is accompanied by certain secretions, and the period of pregnancy is no exception. While under the influence of the hormone progesterone, during pregnancy, the discharge may acquire a whitish hue and increase somewhat. But they can also remain transparent. A woman should be alerted by discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy, accompanied by discomfort (itching or burning), characterized by an unpleasant odor or consistency. This is a reason for consulting a specialist.

It is urgent to consult a doctor if the discharge has changed to a cheesy consistency, acquired an unpleasant odor, and is also accompanied by itching or burning. In most cases, with such symptoms, after examination of the pregnant woman, the diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed, it is also known as thrush.

This disease in a pregnant woman is subject to mandatory and immediate treatment, since it can be transmitted to the fetus and lead to the development of serious pathologies in the child. Also, thrush can provoke a miscarriage.

Greenish or yellow discharge during pregnancy is usually a symptom of a genital infection.

Brown discharge may indicate a frozen pregnancy and the beginning of rejection of the ovum when bloody discharge appears. This is a very dangerous sign, indicating a high risk of pregnancy failure in the first trimester. In addition, with bloody discharge, erosion of the cervix can be suspected.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy changes the usual lifestyle of the couple. This also affects sexual relations. Many mothers are interested in such a question as whether it is possible to have sex in the first trimester of pregnancy, and whether it will harm the fetus.

We hasten to assure that sex in the first trimester of pregnancy is not dangerous for the baby, if there are no contraindications, which the doctor will certainly voice. Otherwise, sex during pregnancy is even beneficial for both the baby and the expectant mother.

Pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

According to statistics, pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, to one degree or another, bother most expectant mothers. Their nature can be completely different. Most often, pregnant women complain of abdominal pain. As a rule, abdominal pain during pregnancy is the norm if it is small and short-lived, occurs periodically and goes away quickly enough.

Constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by irregular or, which is especially dangerous, regular bloody discharge are sure signs of a threat of miscarriage. In this case, call a doctor immediately.

Abdominal pain during early pregnancy with brown discharge, most often indicates an ectopic pregnancy, which requires urgent surgery.

Also, in the first trimester of pregnancy, most women experience breast pain. Do not be afraid of them. Painful sensations in the breast of a pregnant woman are caused by the preparation of the mammary glands for the upcoming feeding of the baby. During pregnancy, a woman's breasts increase in size and become painful, especially in the nipple area. As a rule, painful sensations subside during the second trimester of pregnancy.

But you should know that in the event that a woman in the process of self-examination found any seals or formations in the breast area, you should immediately contact a mammologist.

The appearance of headaches is also possible in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to doctors, they are caused by a surge in hormones and an increase in the volume of circulating blood during this period. Stress, poor posture, changes in the daily routine, dehydration, excessive doses of caffeine, poor sleep, and a decrease in blood sugar can aggravate headaches in the first trimester of pregnancy. Hence, it follows that it is important for a pregnant woman to observe the correct lifestyle, nutrition, work and rest schedule.

Exercise in the first trimester of pregnancy

Regular exercise during pregnancy is the path to maternal and child health. In addition, this is a good guarantee for the future: starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman will not gain too much weight, which means that it will be easier for her by the end of pregnancy, and the process of childbirth will be easier. Women who have threats of termination of pregnancy or any pathology of its course should consult a doctor.

Exercises that are recommended for the first trimester of pregnancy: walking, swimming, cycling, special aerobics - any workout should be light. Do not get involved in jogging, you should cancel horse riding, diving and other active sports. Also, do not get carried away with exercises that require intensive participation of the abdominal muscles, this can provoke an abortion.

With the right exercise program, a woman will feel lighter and more energized during pregnancy.

Flight during the first trimester of pregnancy

Many women are forced to fly during pregnancy, but be careful during the first trimester. You may decide that the fetus is still too small, and the flight will not cause him any harm, but this is in case you have no problems with pregnancy. Do not forget that it is in the first trimester of pregnancy that the whole organism of the future man is formed, so it is important not to endanger him. Still, it is better to wait at least 13 weeks, when the second trimester begins.

But if you made the decision to fly during pregnancy, or the circumstances do not require delay, you must approach with all responsibility to prepare for the flight. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Visit your gynecologist before traveling and consult with him about the flight. Perhaps he doesn't recommend flying at all.
  • Consideration should be given to the possibility of nausea or pressure drop. Take all the medication you need with you to the salon. You also need to take care of comfort - comfortable clothes and shoes, an inflatable neck pillow and a small blanket, as there is often a shortage of them on planes.
  • It is advisable to take a seat near the aisle, because pregnant women experience frequent urge to urinate. Plus, if you start to feel sick, you can get to the toilet faster.
  • Pregnant women often have swollen legs, especially if you sit still for a long time, so take more walks around the cabin. If this is not done, there is a chance to "earn" varicose veins.
  • If possible, do not travel alone. Your travel companion will help you with your luggage and support you if you feel unwell.

During the first six days after conception, the embryo "travels", moving along the fallopian tube. Then it enters the uterine cavity and attaches to the mucous membrane of its walls (so-called implantation occurs). The first six days of life, the embryo lives autonomously, like a chicken in an egg, feeds on its own reserves and has nothing to do with its mother, its heart will begin to work in 23 days. After implantation occurs, a connection occurs between the child and the woman through the umbilical cord and the branched chorion, which is formed at the site of attachment of the ovum to the uterine mucosa. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the branched chorion becomes the placenta.

At the 5th week, the corpus luteum of the ovary, which produces the hormone progesterone to support pregnancy, reaches its peak, and a real hormonal explosion occurs in the woman's body. Because of this, the expectant mother is often whiny, irritable, gets tired quickly, and swelling may appear on her face.

In addition, by the 5-6th week, nausea and vomiting often intensify, the breasts become more sensitive and even painful, the skin around the nipples darkens. The uterus, which until the beginning of the 9-month wait was the size of a tangerine, is actively growing, pressing on the bladder, forcing the expectant mother to run to the toilet more often, and on the rectum, which can cause constipation, and more secretion is released from the vagina.

Gynecologist in the 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you will meet with an obstetrician-gynecologist from the antenatal clinic, who will assess the condition of your body, send you for additional examinations and consultations, and advise on how to cope with anxiety. In addition, the doctor will give advice on lifestyle, behavior and nutrition.

The first weeks of pregnancy

What health problems can occur during the first weeks of pregnancy?


What to do? Lay the expectant mother so that her head is below the level of the heart, give her a drink of sweet strong tea, open the windows in the room. To avoid fainting, your doctor will advise you to walk more (especially before bedtime), avoid stuffy rooms and smoking companies.

Nausea, vomiting, weight loss

What to do? See a doctor, have a urine test for acetone, in the morning without getting out of bed, eat something "small" (for example, cookies), eat often and in small portions during the day.


What to do? Lie down, calm down and dial "03". It often happens that bleeding appears on the days of the expected menstruation. This usually happens in women who, even before pregnancy, had problems with the menstrual cycle (ovulation did not occur in the middle of the cycle, but shortly before "menstruation"). In any case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must find out why the bleeding appeared and prescribe treatment.

If the reason lies in hormonal deficiency, you will need to undergo a special examination, and then the doctor will prescribe mini-doses of hormones that are necessary to maintain the pregnancy. If this is due to the incorrect location of the branched chorion, which can be found out with an ultrasound examination, you will be advised to bed rest and a sedative.

Lower abdominal pain

What to do? Lie down, calm down, take a comfortable position, you can insert a candle with papaverine into the rectum. If pain persists or recurs frequently, see your doctor.

Early pregnancy

In order for the child to be comfortable and to receive the required amount of nutrients and oxygen (all this comes to him through the blood), try to lead a correct lifestyle. Remember that you need to sleep at least 8-10 hours at night, spend more time outdoors, for example, take a walk with your husband before going to bed. If you feel nauseous in the morning due to low blood sugar, try eating a cookie or apple before getting out of bed. Eat what you want, often and in small portions. Drink herbal tea (peppermint, ginger) to help relieve nausea. Do not eat spicy and oily foods, avoid strong odors, smoky and stuffy rooms. At the beginning of pregnancy, do not limit yourself in the choice of food: you can eat almost anything you want, just not very much.

Try to include more dairy products, meat, juices, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Don't forget about foods that contain fiber and help your intestines work. For the health of your baby, give up smoking and alcohol. It is known that alcohol can harm a child and cause him to have alcohol syndrome, which will later become the cause of his mental retardation. Smoking leads to termination of pregnancy, in addition, the baby can be born with a low birth weight.

Infections, working with chemicals or with a large amount of computers in early pregnancy can cause the baby to stop developing. This is due to the fact that in the first eight weeks, all organs and systems of a small organism are laid, and any harmful effect can cause a heart defect, a violation in the development of the central nervous system.