House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

House, design, repair, decor. Yard and garden. Do it yourself

» The story of the godsch shumer. Sumerian gods, gods and goddess Sumer

The story of the godsch shumer. Sumerian gods, gods and goddess Sumer

§ 11. Residents and gods Sumer

Farreragian farmers

Between the two Great Rivers of Front Asia, Tigrome and Euphrates, lies an extensive valley, which was named after interference. The meager forests of Meternrech were cut down in ancient times. People sitting here surrounded the cane swamps and flat plains. The landscape was revived only by small chicken palm trees. Almost all year round in the interfluve there is unbearable heat, the sun burns all the vegetation.

But, despite the dry climate and rare rains, this land attracted people with their fertility.

The soil of Meternrech gave abundant yields thanks to the spills of a tiger and Euphrates, fertile and moistened to the earth. Residents of Meternrachia among the first on our planet began to engage in agriculture. Like the Egyptians, they learned to raise along the rivers of high dams. People have built a whole network of channels that served for irrigation of fields and to remove excess water during floods. Channels are fish and for drying the marshes. For hundreds of years, the land of the interfluid was covered with a network of irrigation systems. Thanks to his persistence and hard work, his inhabitants of the eyelid, in the age of the century all new lands were restrained and swamps. Deserted before the country was turned into a blooming edge.

Meternracy in antiquity

Using the card and text, tell us about the geographical position and natural conditions of the interfluce.

The first Member States

The construction of dams and irrigation canals required the intense labor of many people. Internfold farmers had to be united into large communities. Gradually, these communities turned into small states. The first of them arose in the interfluve about 3 thousand years BC. e. The center of such a state was the city, the ruler of which was also ruled by the Agricultural District. There were similar city-states near rivers or large channels.

Golden Sumerian helmet

Due to the lack of forests and stone, suitable for construction, all buildings were erected from clay. Mixing it with straw, remaining after harvest, labeled big bricks. Since firewood for furnaces was little, clay did not burn on fire, but in the sun. Bricks were the material from which at home, temples, palaces and even the walls of cities were built in the interfold.

Sumerian woman. Ancient sculpture

The southern interference in antiquity called the Scumer's country. She inhabited strong low people with big dark eyes and long straight noses. Men shaved heads, but wearing long thick beards. Sumerians were not the only inhabitants of the interfold. In the northern part of its part there was a country of Akkad. At the Academy, as well as the Sumerians, over time, formed their cities-states. But they arose later Sumerian. Residents of the Akkadian states-states adopted many achievements of their southern neighbors.

Acquadges often attacked Sumerian cities. More than once for its centuries-old history, the Sumerians had to protect their native homes and crops and from raids of militant nomads. To protect yourself from enemy invasions, the Sumerians had to create a strong army. Their brave warriors were perfectly armed. They had leather shells, spears, darts, bronze axes and swords. The terrible arms of the Sumerians were combat wagons - structures on massive wheels made from a solid piece of wood. On such shops were placed the arcing and several warriors. In battle, they flooded the enemy with darts, hit the spears.

Writing Sumer

One of the greatest achievements of the Sumerians was the invention of writing. They came up with her even before the Egyptians. Governors of the states had to know exactly how much taxes enters the treasury. Tax collectors were sculpting from clay images of the objects received from the population. These figures were placed in the clay "envelopes". For convenience, each "envelope" drew what is located there. From these drawings, the Sumerian writing arose. It consisted of several tens of icons, denoted both words and syllables. They wrote the inhabitants of the interfolding on clay powders. It was difficult for them to draw complex drawings, and therefore they were replaced by conventional images from large and small whites. The clins were squeezed on raw clay a pointed wand. Then such "book" burned. For its appearance, the writing of the interfluid is called Clock.

Klinox sign

Scientists have found many clinical tablets. Some of them contain a business correspondence, others - tax collectors, third - fairy tales and legends of the interfluve. The most ancient of them is the legend of the king of the city of Uruk Gilgamesh, who traveled in search of the source of eternal youth.

Compare Egypt and Meternrech's writing. What about them in common, what did they differ?

Gogi Meternrechia

Miscellaneous residents honored many gods. The main one was Enlil - the father of all the highest strength. Worshiping the God of Sun Shamash, as well as the goddess of love and fertility Ishtar. People believed that the size of the crop depends on its favor. With no less respect, the good and wise god of the water of Ea, nourishing the moisture of the farmers, was used.

In every Sumerian city there was a temple dedicated to God, who was considered a patron of the city. The inhabitants of Meternrech were erected their temples in the form of multistage pyramids. Each step of such a pyramid was painted in a special color. The temples were built housing for priests and schools, where children and priests were trained.

Scientific discoveries Sumerov

Sumerian priests were excellent astronomers. From generation to generation they followed the sun, moon and stars. The results of these observations were carefully recorded. Even modern astronomers do not have such long-term astronomical observations, which the ancient Sumers possessed. Watching the movement of planets for many generations, they learned to predict solar and lunar eclipses, comet appearance.

Sacrifice to God Enlil. Clay plate

High levels reached the mathematical knowledge of the Sumerians. But, in contrast to our decimal account, the number 60 was based on their calculations. True, and in some cases we use this account invented bychumers. For example, we divide the circle by 360 degrees, and an hour for 60 minutes, each of which, in turn, is divided by 60 seconds.

Let's summarize

In the III millennium BC. e. In people who lived on the territory of the interfluve, the transition began to the stage of civilization. Ancient Sumerians managed to create an original culture, many achievements we use so far.

III thousand BC. e. The emergence of the first Sumerian cities-states.

Questions and tasks

1. Make a story about the life and classes of residents of the Sumerian city.

2. Tell about the emergence of Sumerian writing.

3. What gods used the greatest respect among the inhabitants of Meternrachia and why?

4. Tell us about the development of science from Sumerov. What kind of achievements do we use?

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Adad, Ishkur ("Wind"), in the Sumero-Akkadian mythology, the God of Thunder, Storm and Wind, the Son of God Neba Anu. God personified as disastrous and fruitful forces of nature: Sponge flooding fields and fertile rain; in its own conduct - soil salinization; If the god wind took the rain, the drought and hunger began. According to the myths about Adada, the flood began not because of the flood, but was the result of the rain storm, therefore one of the permanent epithets of God is clear - "Mr. Dam's Dam Sky." With the image of God the storms bought a bull as a symbol of fertility and indomitability at the same time. The emblem of Adada served a double-risen or trident zipper. In the Semitic mythology, he corresponds to Baal, in Hurrito-Uranta - Teschob.



Ashsur, in the Assyrian Pantheon, the Central Deity of Assyrian Pantheon, is initial - the patron of the city of Ashsur. It is called "Vladyka of the countries", "Father of the Gods" and consider the father of Any; His wife is Ishtar Ashurskaya or Ninglil. Ashur worshiped as a vertex of destinies, military deity and the deity of wisdom. The emblem of God was the winged Sun Disk over the sacred tree of life, and on monuments II - I Millennium BC. e. Ashur was depicted with onions, half a hidden Winged Disk of the Sun, he seems to soar in his rays.


Marduk, in Sumero-Akkadian mythology, the central deity of the Babylonian Pantheon, the head of the city of Babylon, the son of Eyia (Enki) and the Domokina (Damgalnuna). Writing sources report Marduk's wisdom, about his art of healing and spelling; God is called the "judge of the gods", "the lord of the gods" and even the "father of the gods". The wife of Marduk was considered a Tsarpanitu, and the son of Nabu, the God of scribe art, the scribe of the tables of the Fate. Myths talk about the victory of Marduk over the tiamat army embodying world chaos. God, armed with onions, a battle, a network and accompanied by four heavenly winds and seven storms created by him to combat eleven monsters Tiamat, entered into battle. In the open mouth, Tiamat, he vanal "evil wind", and she could not close it. Marduk immediately finished off Tiamat arrow, dealt with her retinue and took the monster King (Tiamat's husband), the Tables of the Fate, who gave him world domination. Further, Marduk began to create the world: he slammed the body of thiamat into two parts; From the bottom made the Earth, from the top - the sky. And God locked the sky at the goal, attached to the guard so that the water could not leak down to the ground. He determined the possessions of the gods and the path of heavenly shine, according to his plan, the gods created a man and gratitude to him "Heavenly Babylon". The Marduk's symbols were a hoe, a shovel, an ax and dragon Mushush, and the part of the body of God himself was compared with various animals and plants: "His main insides - lions; his small insides - dogs; his spine - cedar; his fingers - reed; his skull; his fingers - Silver; the outpouring of his seed is gold. "
Babylonian legend of the creation of the world - a myth in honor of the Babylonian god Marduk. Vellaka Babylon Marduk on the unanimous decision of the gods became king in the world of the gods; He is the owner of the Tables of Fate, taught from the defeated dragon. The creation of the world and the "judge of the gods" Marduk is dedicated to the annual holiday Tsakmuk. Cosmogonical representations underlying Sumero-Acca mythology distinguish the Heavenly World of God Ana, the aboveground world Bela and the underground, owned by Eya. Under the ground is the kingdom of the dead. The main representations of the Sumero-Akkadian myths, determining the position of the three worlds, are first set forth at the Sicilian diodor.


Sin, in the Akkadian mythology, the God of the Moon, the father of the sunny God Shamash, the planet Venus (Inanany or Ishtar) and God of Fire Noska. He was conceived by the God Air Enlime, the power of the goddess of Agriculture Ninglil, and was born in the underground world. Spouse Sina - Ningal, "Great Madam." Usually God were depicted in the form of an elder with a blue beard, which "shining heavenly boat" was given. Every evening, sitting on a wonderful boat having a shape of a crescent, God sailed across the sky. In some sources, it is argued that a month is the weapon of God, and the moon is his crown. Sin - the enemy of attackers, since his light revealed their vicious plans. Once the evil spirits of Utukka started a conspiracy against Sina. With the help of shamash, the goddess of love and fertility of Ishtar and God thunderstorm Adand, they deposited his light. However, the great god Marduk went war on the conspirators and returned his radiance to Sin. Sina, whose symbol was the sickle of the moon, considered the sage and believed that, arriving and decreasing, the Lunar God met the time. In addition, the tides of waters in the tops around the city of the UR, where his temple was located, provided abundant cattle.


Teschob, God thunderstorm, revered in all Malaya Asia. In the texts of Hett mythology, it is said about how the Terrible Teschub defeated the father of Kumarby's gods. Kumarbi gave birth to the son of Avenger Urllikumma, designed to return to him; Created from Diorita and grown to huge sizes on the back of the giant of the giant, he was so great that, trying to consider him, Teschul rose to the top of a high mountain, and seeing the monster, came terrified and called on the gods to help. However, this did not bring him success. Olkumma got to the gate of Kummia, the hometown of Teshub, and forced God to renounce the power. The teashub was looking for advice from the wise God of Enki; After a short reflection, he learned an ancient saw from the ground with the help of which heaven and earth were separated, and cut the dior of the base. As a result, the ulkummma quickly weakened, and the gods decided to attack him again. The end of the text is lost, but it is believed that Teschob still returned the kingdom and throne. Tekhuba's wife, Chebat, occupied an equal position with her husband, and sometimes surpassed him. Attributes Teshuba - ax and zipper. Sometimes he was depicted with a beard, armed with a baton, biphering the sacred mountain.


Uta ("day", "shining", "light"), in Sumerian mythology Sunny God, the son of God the Moon Nanna, Brother Inanany (Ishtar). In the daily travel across the sky, Utu-Shamash was hidden in the underground world, at night bringing lights, drink and food at night, and in the morning I again went out of the mountains, and two God-Guardians opened him. The uta was honored as a judge, the keeper of justice and truth. Most often, God was depicted with rays behind her back and a sick-like gear knife in her hand.


Shamash, in the Akkadian mythology all-seeing God of the Sun and Justice. His radiance covered all the atrocities, which allowed him to foresee the future. In the morning, the guard, a scorpion man, opened the gate of a huge mountain Masha, and Shamash rose to the highest point of the sky; In the evening, he directed his chariot to another high grief and hid at her gate. At night, God passed through earthly depths to the first gate. Supbo Shamash, Ayia, gave birth to justice, Kitta, as well as law and righteousness, Mishara. In the Sumerian mythology it corresponds to the Utu.


Enki, Eya, Ea ("Lord of the Earth"), in Sumero-Akkadian mythology one of the main deities; He is the owner of the Abbe, the underworld of freshwater, all terrestrial waters, as well as the God of wisdom and the Lord of the Divine Forces Me. Ancient worshiped him as the creator of grain and livestock, a world order organizer. One of the myths tells how Enki fertilized the land and "defined the fate of" cities and countries. He created a plow, a moth, a brick shape; Having created plants and animals, Enki gave them to the power of "Tsar Mountains" Samukan, and the shepherd Dumuzi made the owner in stalls and sheeps. God also attributed to the invention of gardening, gardening, flax and gathering of healing herbs.


Enlil ("Vladyka-Wind"), in Sumero-Akkadian mythology, one of the main deities, the son of God of Heaven Anu. His wife was considered Ninglil, whom he mastered by force, for which he was expelled to the underworld. According to the myths, which compared enlims with the roaring wind and wild bull, he was distinguished by a special evtority towards people: sent them from them, drought, salinization of soils and, to top it all, - the World Flood, in which only ut-stuffing, which built Ark on the advice of the gods. Enlil, who often annoyed the noise and bustle of human life, sent a storm, storms, terrible disasters to the ground to the ground up to the flood.

Mythology of the ancient world, -M .: Belfax, 2002
Myths and legends of the Ancient East, -M .: Norint, 2002

In the south of modern Iraq, in the interfluent Tiger and Euphrates, the mysterious people settled almost 7,000 years ago - Sumerians. They made a significant contribution to the development of human civilization, but we still do not know where Sumerians came from and in what language they spoke.

Mysterious language

The Valley of Mesopotamia has long been inhabited by the seven cattle breeding tribes. It was them who was supplied to the north of aliens-Sumerians. The Sumerians themselves were not related to the seven, moreover, their origin to this day is unclear. Neither the Praodin Sumerov, nor the language family to which belonged to their language belongs to.

On our happiness, Sumerians left a lot of written monuments. Of these, we learn that this people called the neighboring tribes, and they themselves called themselves "Sang Ngiga" - "Chernogol". The language of their own was called the "noble language" and considered the only suitable for people (unlike not such "noble" semitic languages, which spoke to their neighbors). But Sumerian language was not homogeneous. There were special dialects for women and men, fishermen and shepherds. As the Sumerian language sounded, it is unknown to this day. A large number of homonyms suggests that this language was tone (as, for example, a modern Chinese), which means that the meaning of said often depended on intonation. After sunset of the Sumerian civilization, the tongue of the Sumerians was studied for a long time in Mesopotamia, as the majority of religious and literary texts were written on it.

Praodina Sumerov

One of the main riddles remains the Pranodina Sumerians. Scientists build hypotheses based on archaeological data and information received from written sources.

This Asian country unknown to us was to be located at sea. The fact is that Sumerians got into Mesopotamia in the river beds, and the first of their settlements appear in the south of the valley, in the Tiger delta and Euphrates. First, the Sumerians in Mesopotamia were quite a bit - and not surprising, because the ships can accommodate not so many immigrants. Apparently, they were good navigators, since they were able to rise up to unfamiliar rivers and find a suitable place to close to the shore. In addition, scientists believe that Sumerians occur from mountainous terrain. Not in vain in their language, the words "country" and "Mountain" are written in the same way. Yes, and the Sumerian temples "Zigkurats" in their own way resemble the mountains - these are stepped structures with a wide base and a narrow pyramidal vertex, where there was a sanctuary. Another important condition - this country was supposed to have developed technologies. Sumerians were one of the most advanced peoples of their time, they were the first in the Middle East began to use the wheel, created the irrigation system, invented a unique writing. According to one of the versions, this legendary pranodine was located in southern India.

Survived Sweaf

Suchmers were not in vain elected their new homeland valley of the interfold. Tiger and Euphrates originated in Armenian highlands, and carry fertile or mineral salts in the valley. Because of this, the soil in Mesopotamia is extremely fertile, fruit trees, cereals and vegetables grew abundant. In addition, wild animals were found in the rivers, wild animals were flocked on the water, and there were plenty of food on the filling meadows.

But in all this abundance there was a reverse side. When snow began to melt in the mountains, Tiger and Euphrates carried in the valley of water flows. Unlike the spills of the Nile, the tiger spills and Euphrates could not be predicted, they were not regular.

Strong spills turned into a real disaster, they destroyed everything in their path: cities and villages, perfect fields, animals and people. Probably, I first encounter with this disaster, Sumerians and created a legend about Ziusud. A terrible decision was made to the meeting of all the gods - destroy all humanity. Only one God Enci regretted people. He appeared in a dream to the king Ziusudre and told him to build a huge ship. Ziusudra performed the will of God, he plunged his property, family and relatives, various masters to preserve knowledge and technologies, livestock, animals and birds. The doors of the ship were scattered outside. The terrible flood began the next morning, which even gods were frightened. Rain and wind raged six days and seven nights. Finally, when the water began to retreat, Ziusudra left the ship and brought the victim to the gods. Then, as a reward for his loyalty, the gods gave Ziusudre and his wife immortality.

This legend does not just resemble a legend of a Noah's ark, most likely a biblical history is borrowing from Sumerian culture. After all, the first poems that came up to us about the flood rise as much as the XVIII century BC.

Tsary Priese, Tsari Builders

Sumerian lands have never been a unified state. In fact, it was a totality of cities-states, each with its law, its treasury, its rulers, their army. There were only a language, religion and culture. Cities-states could enjoy among themselves, could exchange goods or join the military unions.

In each city, the state ruled three kings. The first and most important called "En". It was a tsar-priest (however, Ene could be a woman). The main task of Tsar-Ena was the holding of religious ceremonies: solemn processes, sacrifices. In addition, he headed all temple property, and sometimes - the property of the whole community.

An important sphere of life in ancient Mesopotamia was construction. Sumerums are attributed to the invention of burned brick. From this, the more durable material was built urban walls, temples, barns. He ordered the construction of these facilities the priest-builder Enshi. In addition, Enshie watched the irrigation system, because the channels, gateways and dams allowed to significantly control the irregular spills.

At the time of war, the Sumerians elected another leader - the military leader - Lugal. The most famous military leader was Gilgamesh, the exploits of which are perpetuated in one of the most ancient literary works - "Epos about Gilgamesh." In this story, the Great Hero challenges the gods, wins monsters, brings a precious cedar tree to the native city and even descends into the afterlife.

Sumerian gods

In Sumer, there was a developed religious system. Special venerations used three gods: the god of the sky ana, the God of Earth Enlil and the God of Water Enshi. In addition, each city had her own patron. So, Enlil was especially revered in the ancient city of Nippure. The inhabitants of Nippur believed that Enlil presented them with such important inventions as a hoe and plow, and also taught to build cities and erect the walls around them.

An important gods for the Sumerians were the Sun (UW) and the Moon (Nannar), which replaced each other in the sky. And, of course, one of the most important figures of the Sumerian Pantheon was the goddess Inanna, which the Assyrians, borrowed the religious system from the Sumerians, will be called Ishtar, and the Phoenicians are Astarth.

Innana was the goddess of love and fertility and, at the same time, the goddess of war. She personified primarily carnal love, passion. Not in vain in many Sumerian cities there was a custom of "Divine Marriage" when the kings to provide fertility to the lands, livestock and people, spent the night with the Supreme Priestess Inanan, who embodied the goddess itself.

Like many of the ancient gods, Inann was capricious and inconsistent. She often fell in love with mortal heroes, and the grief was those who rejected the goddess! Sumerians believed that the gods made people, mixing their blood with clay. After the death of the soul feared to the afterlife, where there was also nothing but clay and dust, which also fed dead. To make the life of your dead ancestors a little better, Sumerians brought them sacrificing food and drinks.


Sumerian civilization reached amazing heights, even after the conquest of the northern neighbors, culture, language and religion of Sumerians were borrowed first by Akkad, then Babylonia and Assyria. Sumers are attributed to the invention of the wheels, bricks and even beer (although barley drinks they were most likely manufactured by another technology). But the main achievement of the Sumerians was, of course, a unique system of letters - clig. Flip received its name due to the shape of the icons, which left the reed stick on wet clay - the most common material for the letter.

Sumerian letter occurred from the system of counting various goods. For example, when a person counted his herd, to designate each sheep, he made a ball from clay, then these balls folded into the box, and left the mark on the box - the number of these balls. But all the sheep in the herd are different: different sex, age. On the balls appeared marked, respectively, the animal that they denoted. And finally, the sheep began to denote the pattern - pictogram. It was not very convenient to draw a cane stick, and the pictogram turned into a schematic image consisting of vertical, horizontal and diagonal clins. And the last step - this ideogram began to denote not only the sheep (in the Sumerian "Udu"), but also the syllable "Udu" in the composition of complex words.

First, the cylinder was used to compile economic documents. From the ancient residents of Mesopotamia to us reached extensive archives. But later, the Sumerians began to record both artistic texts, and even entire libraries from clay plates, which were not terrible fires - after all, the clay became only stronger. It is thanks to the fires in which the Sumerian cities captured by the militant accides, and reached us and reached unique information about this ancient civilization.


It has already been proven that Sumerian civilization is the most ancient on Earth, which appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. Their first civilization arose at least 445 thousand years ago. Many scientists beat and be fighting over the resolution of the mystery of the oldest people of the planet, but there are still a lot of riddles. Slightly over a hundred years ago, nothing was known about the Sumeres and their civilization.

Sumer as a country and Sumerians as a people left no noticeable traces in the literature, which was available to enthusiasts and scientists who began excavations in the past century in Mesopotamia in search of the palaces of the Assyrian and Babylonian kings mentioned in the Bible.

It is during the excavations of the palace of the king Ashurbanipal In Ninevei, the first were found sumero-Akkadian Texts, exploring which, historians first encountered the traces of the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. The concepts of the notion of the Sumer and Sumerians (Summerians) were first included in the scientific resource in the late 80s of the XIX century (Obpert).

Sumerian civilization had all the signs highly developed. It is enough to mention that the Sumerians used the binary account system and knew the numbers of Fibonacci.

Sumerian texts contain information about the origin, development and structure of the solar system. In their image of the solar system located in the Middle Eastern section of the State Museum in Berlin, the Sun is located in the center of the system, surrounded by all renowned planets today. However, in their image of the solar system there are differences, the main thing from which - Sumerians put an unknown large planet between Mars and Jupiter - the 12th planet on the Sumerian system! This mysterious planet Sumerians called Nibiru, which means "crossing the planet". The orbit of this planet is a strongly elongated ellipse, - once in 3,3,000 years crosses the solar system.

The next passage of Niberia through the solar system is expected between 2100 and 2158. According to Sumerov, Planet Niberi was settled with conscious creatures - Anunaki. The duration of their lives was 360,000 Earth years. They were real gigners: women grow from 3 to 3.7 meters, and men from 4 to 5 meters.

It is worth noting here that, for example, the ancient ruler of Egypt Ehnaton had an increase of 4.5 meters, and the legendary beauty of Nefertiti was about 3.5 meters tall. Already in our time, two unusual coffins were discovered in the city of Ehnaton Tel-El-Amarne. In one of them, the image was engraved right above the head of mummy. Flower of life. And in the second coffin, the bones of a seven-year-old boy were discovered, the growth of which was about 2.5 meters. Now this coffin with the remains is exhibited in the Cairo Museum.

In the cosmogony of Sumerov, the main event is called "Heavenly Battle", a catastrophe that occurred 4 billion years ago and changed the type of solar system. Modern Astronomy confirms the data on this catastrophe!

The sensational discovery of astronomers of recent years was the detection of a set of fragments of some kind of heavenly bodies having a common orbit, the corresponding orbit of an unknown planet Nibiru.

In Sumerian manuscripts there are information that can be interpreted as information about the origin of a reasonable life on Earth. According to this data, the genus Homo Sapires was created artificially as a result of the use of genetic engineering about 300 thousand years ago. Thus, perhaps, humanity is a bioreobot civilization.

The origin of mankind by Sumerian theory

Deciphering Sumerian manuscripts caused shock from researchers.

After deciphering the Sumerian tables, it became clear that the Civilization of the Sumerians had a number of modern knowledge from the field of chemistry, phytotherapy, cosmogony, astronomy, modern mathematics (for example, used a gold cross section, a binary calculus system used after the Sumerians only when creating modern computers, used Fibonacci numbers! ), possessed knowledge of genetic engineering ( this interpretation of texts is given by a number of scientists in the order of the version of the decoding of manuscripts), had a modern state structure - the jury and elected organs of folk (in modern terminology) of deputies and so on.

Where did you know such knowledge from that period?

Let's try to figure out, however, we will conduct some facts relating to that era - 6 thousand years ago. This time is indicating that the average temperature on the planet was then above several degrees than at present. The effect was called temperature optimum. The same period includes a double system approximation. Sirius (Sirius A and Sirius-B) to the solar system. At the same time, over the course of several centuries of the 4th millennium BC in the sky, instead of one moon, two - the second celestial luminary, comparable, then in size with the moon was approaching Sirius, the explosion in the system of which occurred in the same period - 6 thousand years ago! At the same time, there is absolutely independent of the development of the Sumerian civilization in Central Africa, there is a tribe of the dogon, the leading is a pretty isolated lifestyle from other tribes and nationalities, however, as it became known in our time, the dogways knew the details not only the structure of the Sirius star system, but also owned Another information from the area of \u200b\u200bcosmogony. These are parallels. But if there are people from Sirius in the legends in the legends, which this African tribe perceived as the gods that came out of the sky and flew to Earth because of the catastrophe on one of the inhabited planets of the Sirius-related system, which is associated with an explosion at Sirius star, Texts, Sumerian civilization was associated with migrants with the deceased 12th planet of the Solar System, the planet Nibiru.

According to Sumerian Cosmogony, Planet Nibiru, no wonder called "crossing", has a very elongated and inclined elliptical orbit and passes between Mars and Jupiter once every 3,600 years. For many years, the information about the deceased 12th planet of the Solar System was referred to the category of legends. However, one of the most amazing discoveries of the last two years was the discovery of a combination of fragments of an unknown celestial body, moving in common orita, as they can do only fragments of the once unified celestial body. The orbit of this aggregate crosses once every 3,600 years. The sunny system is between Mars and Jupiter and accurately corresponds to the data from Sumerian manuscripts.

Planet Nibiru plays a special role in the formation of the mysterious civilization of the Sumerians. So, Sumerians argue that they had contact with the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru! It was from this planet according to the statements of Sumerian texts to the ground, Anunaki came to the ground, "those who came from the Heavens to Earth."

The Bible also testifies in favor of this statement. In the sixth chapter of Genesis there is a mention of them, where they are referred to as Niffilim, "descended from heaven". Inunaki, according to Sumerian and other sources (where they had the name "Niffilim"), often accepted for the "gods", "took the wives of earthly women."

Here we are dealing with a certificate of possible assimilation of immigrants with Nibiru. By the way, if you believe these legends, which are quite a few in various cultures, the humanoids not only belonged to the protein form of life, but were so compatible with earthlings that they could have a common offspring. Biblical sources are also evidenced about such assimilation. We add that in most religions, the gods converged with earthly women. Does not indicate the reality of Paleokontacts, that is, contacts with representatives of other inhabited celestial bodies that occurred from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousand years ago.

How incredibly the existence of beings close to the human nature outside the Earth? Among the supporters of the plurality of reasonable life in the Universe there were many great scientists, among which it is enough to mention Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky and Chizhevsky.

However, Sumerians report much more than biblical books. According to Sumerian manuscripts, for the first time Inunaki arrived on Earth about 445 thousand years ago, that is, long before the appearance of the Civilization of the Sumerians.

Let's try to find an answer to the Sumerian manuscripts to the question: why did the residents of the planet Nibiru fly to Earth 445 thousand years ago? It turns out that they were interested in minerals, first of all - gold. Why?

If you take the version of the ecological catastrophe on the 12th planet of the Solar System, then we can talk about creating a protective gold-containing screen for the planet. Note that the technology similar to the estimated is now used in space projects.

At first, Anunaki was unsuccessful attempted to obtain gold from the Persian Gulf waters, and then took the development of a mine in Southeast Africa. Every 3,600 years, when Planet Nibra appeared near the ground, gold reserves were sent to it. According to the chronicles, Inunaki was engaged in gold mining long enough: from 100 to 150 thousand years. And then, as expected, a rebellion broke out. Long-lived Anunaki was tired of working in mines hundreds of thousands of years. And then the leaders were made a unique solution: to create "primitive workers" to work in mines.

And the whole process is the creation of a person or the process of mixing divine and earthly components - the process of fertilization in the tube - is painted with details on clay signs and depicted on cylindrical seals of the Sumerian chronicle. This information was literally shocked modern genetics.

Ancient Jewish Bible - Torah, who was born on the ruins of Sumer, attributed an act of creating a person by Elohim. The word is given in a plural and must be translated as gods. Well, the goal of creating a person is very defined: "... And there was no man for the cultivation of the Earth." The ruler Niberi Anu and the chief scientist Anunakov, Enki decided to create "Adam". This word comes from "Adamah" (land) and means "earthlings".

Enki decided to use directly walking anthropomorphic creatures that have already lived on Earth, and improve them for so much that they understood the orders and could use tools. They understood that earthly hominids had not yet passed the evolution and decided to speed up this process. Considering the universe as a single living and reasonable creature, self-organizing on an infinite set levels, in connection with which the mind and mind are permanent cosmic factors, he believed that life on Earth had occurred from the same space seed of life as on his native planet.

In Torah, Enki called Nahash that translated means "Snake, Snake" or "The one who knows secrets, secrets." And the emblem of the cult center of Enki was two intertwined snakes. In this symbol, you can see the DNA structure model, which Enki was able to solve as a result of genetic studies.

The plans of Enki included the use of DNA of primates and DNA Inunakov to create a new race. In the helpers Enki attracted a young beautiful girl who called Ninti - "Mrs. Giving Life." Subsequently, this name was replaced by the Mami pseudonym? The prototype of the universal word Mom. The chronicles provide an instruction that Enki gave Ninti. First of all, all procedures must be performed in completely sterile conditions. Texts of Sumer repeatedly mention that before work with the "clay" Ninti first hand soap. As applied from the text, Enki used when working with an egg of the African female monkey, having lived north of Zimbabwe.

The instruction says:

"Let's notice to the" essence "of clay (egg) from the founding of the Earth, that a little up (north) from the abs, and adapt it to the mold with the" essence ". I present a good, a lot of knowledgeable, young Anunaki, who will bring clay (egg) to the desired state ... The fate of the newborn will say you ... Ninti will embody in it the way of the gods, and what it becomes, there will be a person. "

The divine element, which in the Sumerian chronicles is called "Te-E-ma" and translates as "essence" or "what connects memory", and in our understanding it is DNA, they received specially selected Anunaka (or Anunaka) from the blood and was treated in a "cleansing bath." The young man also took Shiru - sperm.

The word "clay" comes from "Ti-IT", translates as "what is accompanied by life." Derivatives from this word is "Egg". In addition, in the texts it is noted that from the blood of one of the gods was obtained what is called NapishTU (parallel biblical term Naphsh.which is usually not exactly transmitted as a "soul"). Sumerian texts suggest that luck did not immediately accompanied scientists, and as a result of the experiments, ugly hybrids appeared at first. Finally they came to success. Successfully formed eggs then placed in the body of the goddess, which Ninti agreed. As a result of a long-term pregnancy and cesarean section, the first person appeared - Adam.

Since industrial workers for mines needed a lot, it was created to reproduce themselves with such a cloning method. Unfortunately, this can only be assumed, the descriptions of the details of cloning in the Sumerian chronicles have not yet been found. But having transferred us your image and ability to intellectual development, Anunaka did not give us longevity.In Torah on this, it is said:

"Elohim pronounced phrase:" Adam became like one of us ... And now, no matter how simple, he did not take his arms and did not take the same tree, and did not taste, and did not live forever. " And Adam with Eve expelled from Eden.

Relatively recently as a result of thorough research of DNA Wesley Brown made an interesting discovery "On one for all people of the land of Mitochondria Eva" who lived in Africa about 250,000 years ago. And it turned out that the first human being came from the same valley, where we, according to Sumerov, were mined gold.

Later, when the women of the Earth acquired an attractive appearance, Anunaka began to take them in wives, which also contributed to the development of intelligence of the following generations of people. In the Bible, Moses said this as follows:

"Then the sons of God saw human daughters, and they began to give birth to them. These are strong, sincerely nice people. " In the "new fusion of the Bible" on this matter said the following: "This is one of the most difficult for interpretation of the Bible places; The main difficulty is to determine who you can intelligible here on the "sons of God." And since the Bible Moses about Anunaki is not said directly, then the interpreters decided to consider the "sons of God" the descendants of Sif, the third son of Adam and Eve, who "were expressivers of all the good, elevated and good" "-" Golyamy of the Spirit. " If you do not know about the content of the Sumerian chronicle, then this is still some explanation.

City of Sumerov. Babylon

The history of Babylon, the most famous city of the ancient Middle East, has almost 2 thousand years. The city arose in the second half of 3 thousand BC. In central Mesopotamia on the banks of Euphrat. For the first time in clinox texts, he is mentioned in the reign of the kings of the Akkadian dynasty (24-23 centuries. BC). At the very end of 3 thousand BC. With the kings of 3 dynasties, Babylon became the capital of the province, in which the royal governor was sitting, which collected petach.

At the beginning of 2 thousand BC. Babylon, like most other cities of Mesopotamia, was under the control of amores, one of whose leaders founded his dynasty here (1 Babylonian dynasty). On the Board of the Sixth Representative, Hammurapi (1792-1750 BC), who managed to unite the entire territory of Mesopotamia into a single state, Babylon first became the political center of the country and remained since more than 1000 years. The city was proclaimed the "eternal inhabitant of royality," and his God-patron Marduk ranked one of the central places in the General Pantheon.

In the second half of 2 thousand BC With the work of the new ruling dynasties in the Southern Mesopotamia, Babylon remained the capital of Southern Mesopotamia. The city of the rich man, the crafts and trade were successfully developed, the population was rapidly growing. Economic growth was reflected at the appearance of the city: a new city development plan was developed and implemented, the construction of new walls and urban gates was taken, wide streets were laid in the city center for the passage of temple processions. At the 14th century BC. Babylon was granted the right to self-government, its inhabitants were released from state duties and military call.

Babylonian school, E-Dubba ("House Plates"), held a leading place in the education system and the preservation of tube traditions. Created here by the new cult epic on the creation of the world ( Enuma Elish), I secured an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main God of the city of Babylon Marduk as initially the main world divine, and about the city of Babylon as the cosmological and theological center of the world. The name of the city itself is the word Babylon (Bab-or) meant "gates of the gods" - reflected his role as the center of the world, the place of the connection of the earth and heaven. This concept reflected in the so-called Babylonian world map. The land is depicted on it as a round disk floating in the ocean. In the center - the city of Babylon, depicted in the form of a rectangle. The Euphrates River, crossing the circle from top to bottom, shares the city into two parts.

Throughout its long history, Babylon survived a lot of heavy tests. The most tragic for the city of the event occurred in 689 BC, when the Assyrian king of Sinaiherib, angry Babylonian, ordered the city and erase him from the face of the Earth. That Babylon, who became known in the 20th century. After the archaeological excavations of R. Koldoyevoy, this is a completely new city, which arose during the long construction and reconstruction process, which began after the death of Sinaiherib and who had reached its climax in the Board of the Babylonian king Nobushadnetssera 2, Biblical Nebuchadnezzar.

His reign (604-562 BC) was the time of the greatest economic and cultural lift of the country. Military successes of Babylonia, whose borders extended at this time from Egypt to Iran, provided her political stability, and contributed to a constant influx into the capital of huge material wealth. This made it possible to carry out a grandiose program for the reconstruction of the city of Babylon, which turned into the Board of Nebuchadnezzar into the largest and most rich city in the Middle East.

The city was in terms of the right rectangle with the parties to 27x16 km, stretching on the two shores of Euphrates. On the left bank there was a so-called old town built up with rich private and public buildings. In the new city on the right bank of the river, apparently, the ordinary citizens lived. The right shore was communicated to the left by means of a huge stone bridge that kept on seven piles of burned bricks bonded by asphalt. Long straight streets stretched through the whole city and shared it on rectangular quarters.

In the center of the Old Town in the main city district, 14 temples were located, including the main temple of Babylon, the temple of Marduk (Esagil), and the seven-step cult tower (zikkurat), with which the biblical legend is connected on the Babylonian tower and the legend of the "hanging gardens of Babylon" as One of the seven wonders of the world. At the top of the zikcurate site, a garden was planted, which travelers, who approached the city, could see from afar, highly towering over urban walls.

In the northwestern part of the Old Town, the main residence of Nebuchadnezzar, the so-called South Palace. He was a gigantic complex of five huge courtyards surrounded by an imfilads of rooms and individual buildings. To the most important, third yard (60x55 m), adjacent the famous TRONE Hall of Nebuchadnezzar with an area of \u200b\u200babout 900 square meters. The m. The walls of this hall were decorated with reliefs from colored glazed bricks, on which the giant "tree of life" were depicted on a bright blue background, and from the bottom - the figures of the walking lions.

The city was surrounded by a deep ditch and a double ring of powerful walls with a strengthened gate. Some of these gates, through which the road passed to the temple of Marduk, was called the gate of the goddess Ishtar. They are famous for their magnificent terrible brick reliefs with images of lions and dragons.

Babylon was a huge city, with a population of about 200,000 people. Here, together with Babylonians, people of different languages \u200b\u200band cultures peacefully got along.Many of them came here or were brought violently as prisoners from all over the huge Babylonian empire and even because of its limits (mussels, Elamites, Egyptians, Jews). They continued to speak their native languages \u200b\u200b("Mixed languages") and wore traditional clothes. Reviews that Babylon received in the Bible are far from delight, as they are associated with memories of conflicts of Israel and Jews with Babylonia and the death of the Jewish kingdom.

After the conquest of Babylon Persians in 539, the city retained his status status for a long time. Only in 479 after the suppression of the next uprising of Babylonian against Persian king Xerxes deprived the city of independence. From that time, Babylon has completely lost the importance of the most important religious center, although economic life in the city continued. Between 470 and 460 BC. Babylon visited Herodotuswhich left a detailed description of his attractions, calling it "not only very large, but also the most beautiful" of all the cities known to him. At the end of the 4th century BC. Most of the inhabitants of Babylon were resettled to the new capital, Seleucia-on-tigre. There is a small poor settlement on the site of a huge city. After the country's conquest, the Arabs in 624 disappeared and it. Soon and the place where the ancient Babylon was located was forgotten.


At the end of the 3 beginning of 2 thousand BC. e. Mesopotamia experienced one of the most difficult periods of its history. A single state with a capital in the city of ure, more than two centuries, which united all the two-range, was broken, and this, in fact, ended the Sumerian stage of Mesopotamian civilization. The collapse of a huge thing for those times the state caused many small local catastrophes. Many ancient Sumerian cities that have arisen as 4 thousand to n. e. were completely destroyed and never were able to revive (Ereda, Kesh, Screwpack). Others as if continued to be inhabited and subsequent, Starovalonsky, period, but clearly lost all political importance. In the excavations of such ancient cities of Sumera as Lagash, Girsu, Adabs were found in a small number of steel-known texts and some monuments of material culture of this period, but in other documents relating to political events of this era, they are never mentioned. The city of Umma, with the excavations of which a huge number of texts related to all stages of Sumerian civilization were found especially for the period 3 of the URS Dynasty, after 2000 BC. e. Not mentioned at all.

Such a fate, but he suffered not all the Sumerian cities. For about half a century (first half of the XX century BC) in a number of cities Sumer and Akkada Small independent states were formed in which the Amorean dynasties were ruled. In total, judging by the royal inscriptions, there were more than 30 such dynasties. Some of them were clearly ephemeral and did not exist longer than one generation, others reign dozens and hundreds of years. Separate cities of South Mesopotamia, which became the centers of new states, such as Isin, Eshnunna, Uruk, Lars, worried at this time the short-term period of economic lifting. The boundaries of these cities were significantly expanded, population increased, which gave the basis of some researchers to name this time by the period of the "Sumerian Renaissance".

City Nippur Always occupied a special position among other Sumerian cities. Nippur has never been a political center, and he never had his own king, but from the very moment of their occurrence and throughout the entire further history he was the main cult center of the two-frequency. Why Nippur became the most important sacred city of Sumerians, you can only assume. The main god of the city was the great God Enlilwhich gave the rulers of the Sumerian cities the right to royality. An important role in the elevation of the city was likely to play, probably his geographical position: it was located in the heart of Mesopotama Plain.

For only 3 thousand and early 2 thousand BC. e. The city of Nippur with its numerous monumental temples and the sanctuations was the cult center of the entire Sumer. The city reached the highest heyday with the kings of 3 URS dynasty (XXII - XX centuries. BC), in which in strict accordance with the carefully developed system of priority supplies of sacrifices (BALA), a huge number of the most A variety of products and livestock.

The fall of the state 3 of the Dynasty Hurray and tragic events related to this (devastation and terrible hunger, which covered about 2020 BC. E. The whole south of the country), apparently, at first, they were very touched by Nippur. Staying the sacred center of Sumer, Nippur has fallen into the sphere of influence of the city of Isin, who caught the political leadership of Uhra. After 2026 BC e. Revenues have ceased - Bala in the Temple of Nippur, but Ixin was rich in grain and still supplied them Nippur, moreover, the numerous temples of the sacred city owned extensive farms in which everything necessary was carried out. Nevertheless, the catastrophic consequences of the collapse of a single Sumerian state and anarchy and decentralization arising after these, no Sumercial city could not get around. By the middle of the XX century. BC e. The entire Sumer was devastated by the war, and the Nippur was destroyed to such an extent that in it for a while even the departure of the cult of God Enlyle.

The restoration of the city is associated with the name of Tsar Isina Ishmedagan, who collected the "scattered people" of Nippura, again settled the city and restored temple services. Ishmedagan conducted large restoration work in the Holy City and special decree freed him from military service and taxes.

Architecture Sumerov

There are few trees and stone in the interfluchia, so the first building material was raw bricks from clay, sand and straw mixture. The basis of the engine architecture is secular (palaces) and religious (zikkurats) Monumental buildings and buildings. The first of the interfluid temples that came to us belong to IV - III millennia BC e. These powerful religious towers, called ziggrats (Ziggrat-- Holy Mountain), were square and reminded the stepped pyramid. The steps were connected by stairs, along the edge of the wall she went leading to the temple a ramp. The walls were painted in black (asphalt), white (lime) and red (brick) colors. A constructive feature of monumental architecture was coming from 4 millennia BC. e. The use of artificially erected platforms, which is due, perhaps the need to isolate the building from dampness, moistened to spills, and at the same time, is probably the desire to make the building visible from all sides.

Another characteristic feature based on the same ancient tradition was the broken line of the wall formed by the protrusions. The windows, when they were made, were placed in the top of the wall and had the kind of narrow slots. The buildings were also covered through the doorway and the hole in the roof. The coatings were mostly flat, but the arch was known. Detected by excavations in the south Sumer residential buildings had an inner open courtyard, around which covered indoors were grouped. This planning, which corresponded to the country's climatic conditions, was based on both the palace buildings of southern two-frequencies. In the northern part of Sumer, houses were found, which instead of an open courtyard had a central room with overlapping.

Sumero-Akkada mythology

By the time of formation of the first Sumerian cities-states, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe anthropomorphic divine was formed. Divities - the patrons of the community were primarily the personification of creative and producing the forces of nature, with which the ideas about the power of the military leader of the community tribe combined (first irregularly) with the functions of the supreme priest.

Of the first written sources (the earliest pictographic texts of the T.N. The period of the Uruk III - the jade-nasre is dated to the end of 4 - the beginning of the 3rd thousand) known names (or symbols) of the gods Inana, Enlyla et al., and since the T. N. The period of Abu Salayabiha (settlements near Nippur) and headlights (screwpoint) of 27-26 centuries. - Theofor names and the most ancient list of gods. The earliest actually mythological literary texts are the hymns of the gods, lists of proverbs, the presentation of some myths (for example, about the enliele) also yields to the headlight period and come from the excavations of the headlight and Abu Salayacha. From the time of the board of the Lagasi ruler of Gudey (approx. 22 V. BC. E.) Reached building inscriptions, giving an important material concerning the cult and mythology (description of the update of the main church of the city of Lagash Alinna - "Church of the Fifty" for Ningircles, the City Patron God ).

But the main mass of Sumerian texts of mythological content (literary, educational, actually mythological, etc., one way or another related to the myth) refers to the end of the 3rd - the beginning of the 2nd millennium, to the so-called Starovalon period - the time when Sumerian has already died out, But the Babylonian tradition still kept the teaching system on it. Thus, by the time of appearance of writing in two-range (Kon. 4th thousand to n. E.) A certain system of mythological representations was recorded here. But in every city of the state, their deities and heroes, the cycles of the myths and their own priest tradition remained. To con. 3 thousand to n. e. There was no single systematized Pantheon, although there were several generalumery deities:

Enlil, "Lord of the Air", "King of Gods and People", the god of the city of Nippur, the center of the Ancient Sumerian Tribal Union; Enki, Lord of Underground Freshwater and World Ocean (later and the Deity of Wisdom), the head of the city of Eredu, the Ancient Cultural Center of Sumer; An, God Keba, and Inanna, the goddess of war and carnal love, the deities of the city of Uruk, who took the time at the end of the 4th - early 3rd thousand to n. e.; Naina, Lunar God, revered in ure; God-Warrior Ningirsh, who was heard in Lagash (this God later identified with Lagasy Ninurta), and others. The oldest list of gods from the headlight (approx. 26 c. BC) allocates six Supreme Gods of the Ranneshumer Pantheon:

Enlil, An, Innana, Enki, Nanna and Sunny God Utu. The ancient Sumerian deities, including the astral gods, preserved the function of the fertility of fertility, which was thought of as a sense of a separate community. One of the most typical images - the image of a goddess (in iconography with her sometimes bind images of a woman with a child on his hands), which was revered under different names:

DMGALNUNA, NINHURSAG, NINMs (MAX), NIGTU, MOM, MAMI. Akkada variants of the image of the Goddess Mother - Bellihi ("Lady of the Gods"), the same moms (having an epithet "helping during childbirth") and Aruuru - the creator of people in Assyrian and Novovavilon myths, and in the Epos about Gilgamesh - "Wild" Human (the symbol of the first battle) Enkid.

It is possible that the goddess of the Mother's goddess are connected and the patroness of the cities: so, the Sumerian goddesses Bay and Gatumdug also bear the epithets "Mother", "Mother of all cities". In the myths about the gods of fertility, a close relationship of myth with a cult is traced. In the cult songs from Hurray (Kon. 3rd thousand BC. E.) It is said about the love of Lukur Priestess (one of the significant priests) to the king of Shu-Suan and emphasizes the sacred and official nature of their compound. The hymns of the dynastic kings of the III dynasty and I of the Dynasty of Isin also show that between the king (at the same time the Supreme Priest "Enon") and the Supreme Priestess each year was committed annually by the rite of sacred marriage, in which the king represented the incarnation of God-shepherd Dumuzi, and the priests - Goddess Inanna. The content of works (components of the Unified Cycle "Inanna-Dumuzu") includes the motives of courtship and wedding of the gods heroes, the descent of the goddess to the underground kingdom ("country without refund") and the replacement of her hero, the death of the hero and crying on him and return the hero on Earth. All products of the cycle are in anticipation of the drama-action, which constituted the basis of the ritual and figuratively embodied the metaphor "Life - Death - Life". The numerous of the variants of the myth, as well as the images of leaving (dying) and returning deities (which in this case does the Dumuza stand), is associated, as in the case of a goddess-mother, with the disconnectness of the Sumerian communities and with the metaphor itself "Life - Death - Life" , all the time changing your appearance, but constant and unchanged in your update. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe replacement is more specific, the leitmotif is passing through all myths associated with the descent to the underground kingdom.

In the myth of Enliele and Ninglil as a dying (leaving) and resurrect (returning) deity, the patron siest of the Nippur community of Vladyka Enlil, Mastering Ninglil, expelled for this by the gods to the underground world, but he managed to leave him, leaving instead of himself, his wife and son "Deputies." In the form of requirement "For his head - head" It looks like a legal trick, an attempt to bypass the law, unshakable for anyone who entered the "country without refund". But it sounds and the idea of \u200b\u200bsome equilibrium, striving for harmony between the world of living and dead. In the Akkadian text on the lack Ishtar (corresponds to Sumerian Inanna), as well as in the Akkadian Epos about Erre, God of Plague, this idea is formulated more clearly: Ishtar is threatened before the gates of "Countries without Return" in the event that it is not written, "to release the dead eating living", " And then "more lively the dead", and the threat acts. Myths related to the cult of fertility give information about the views of the Schmerians about the underground kingdom.

On the location of the underground kingdom (Schumer. Kur, Kigal, Eden, Irigal, Arali, the secondary name - chur nougat, "Country without refund"; Akkada parallels to these terms - Ezzetu, Cerma) there is no clear idea. There not only descend, but also "fall"; The border of the underground kingdom is an underground river through which the carrier is recreated. Finding into hell pass through seven gates of the underworld, where they are met by the major gatekeeper Neti. The fate of the dead under Earth is hard. The bread of their humps (sometimes it is unclean), Solon's water (drinking can serve as a drink). Underground world Tömen, full of dust, its inhabitants, "like birds, wear clothes wings." There are no ideas about "Niv Souls", as not and information about the court of the dead, where they would judge on behavior in life and according to the rules of morality. A tolerable life (pure drinking water, peace) is honored by the souls, according to which the funeral rite was fulfilled and the victims were brought, as well as fallen in battle and large-wing. The judges of the underworld, sitting in front of Ereshkigal, the master of the underground kingdom, and only death sentences are delivered. The names of the dead lies into its table a woman-scribe of the underground kingdom of Gesterinan (at the Akkadsev - Beletsery). Among the ancestors of the underwor world - many legendary heroes and historical figures, such as Gilgamesh, Sumanov, Founder of the III Dynasty Ur-Namma. The unknown souls of the dead return to Earth and bring trouble, buried through the "River, which separates from people" and is the border between the world of the living and the world of the universal. The river crosses the boat with the Carrival of the Underground World of Ur Shanabi or Demon of Humut-Tabal. Actually, cosmogonical Sumerian myths are unknown. In the text "Gilgamesh, Enkid and the Underground Mir" it says that some events occurred at the time, "when heaven separated from the ground, when An entered the sky, and Enlil Earth, when Ereshkigal was presented with Kuru." The myth of the hoe and the topor says that the Earth from Heaven separated Enlil, the myth of Lahar and. Ashnan, the goddess of livestock and grain, describes even the mbinkling state of the Earth and heaven ("Mountain of Heaven and Earth"), which, apparently, led an. The myth "Enki and Ningursag" tells about the island of Tilmoon as a pristine paradise.

A few myths came about the creation of people, but only one is completely independent - about Enki and Ningmes. Enki and Ningmes pose a man from clay Abbe, the underworld of the world's ocean, and attract a goddess of Namma to the process of creating a goddess - "Mother, who gave life to all of the gods." The goal of creating a person is to work on the gods: to handle land, put the cattle, collect fruits, feed the gods with your victims.

When a person is made, the gods define him fate and arrange a feast on this occasion. On the feast, the chips and nines are beginning to sculpt people again, but they have freaks: a woman who is unable to give birth, the creature, devoid of sex, etc. In myth about the goddesses of livestock and grain, the need to create a person is explained by the fact that the gods that appeared before him Do not know how to keep any farm. Repeatedly slippages the idea that earlier people grew under the ground, like her grass. In the myth about the hoe enliece, it makes a hoe of a hole in the ground and people overlook. The same motive sounds in the introduction to the hymn city by Ereda.

Many myths are devoted to the creation and birth of gods. Cultural heroes are widely represented in Sumerian mythology. Creators demiurgami Perform mainly Enliel and Enki.. According to various texts, the goddess Ninksi is a brewing nap, the goddess of the Utta - weaving craft, enlil - the creator of the wheel, grain; Gardening is the invention of the gardener of Shukalitudda. A certain archaic king of Enmedurank is announced by the inventor of different forms of the prediction of the future, including predictions using oil outpouring. The inventor of the harp is some Ningal Parigal, the epic heroes of Enmermar and Gilgamesh are the creators of urban planning, and Enmermar - also writing. The eschatological line is reflected in the myths about the Flood and the anger of Inana. In Sumerian mythology, extremely few stories have been preserved about the struggle of the gods with the monsters, the destruction of the natural forces, etc. (only two such legends are known - about the struggle of God Ninurta with an evil demon Assag and about the struggle of the Goddess Inanna with the monster of ebi). Such battles in most cases are the heroic personality lot, the deed king, whereas most of the acts of the gods are associated with their role of fertility deities (the most archaic moment) and carriers of culture (the most late moment).

The functional ambivalence of the image corresponds to the external characteristics of the characters: these omnipotent, almighty gods, the creators of all living on earth, evil, rude, cruel, their solutions are often explained by whims, drunkenness, in their appearance, household unattractive features (dirt under nails, painted in red, Enae, rash hair Ereshkigal, etc.). Diverse and degree of activity and passivity of every deity. So, Inanna, Enki, Ningursag, Dumuzi, some secondary deities are most alive.

The most passive God - "Father of the Gods" An. Images of Enki, Inains and partly enliel are comparable to the images of demiurgs, "cultural carriers", in whose characteristics elements of the Commission, the gods of primitive cults living on Earth, among people whose cult and the cult of the "highest being" are undermined. But at the same time, no traces of "Tomakhiya" - the struggle of old and new generations of gods - not found in Sumerian mythology.

One canonical text of Starovilon Time begins with the listing of 50 pairs of the gods preceding ANUs: their names are formed according to the scheme: "Vladyka (Ladyman) of this". Among them, one of the oldest, judging by some data, the gods of Enmeshharra ("Mr. All Me"). From the source of even later (Novosseysky spell of the 1st thousand to n. E.) We learn that Enmesharra is "the one who transferred Ana and Enlil Scepter and domination." In Sumerian mythology, this deity is chtonic, but there is no evidence that in the underground kingdom of Enmeshharr was abducted for violently. From the heroic ledges to us only reached the tale of the Uruksky cycle. The heroes of the led are the three rules consistently king Uruk: Enmerkar, the son of the MeskingarSer, the legendary founder of the Uruk dynasty (27-26 centuries. BC; according to legend, the dynasty led its beginning from the god of the Sun of the Utu, whose son was considered a Meskingasher); Lugalbanda, the fourth ruler of the dynasty, the Father (and possibly a generic God) Gilgamesh, the most popular Hero of Sumerian and Akkada literature. Unified for works of the Uruksky cycle of the outer line is the topic of Uruk's links with the world around the world and the motive of the travel (travel) of the heroes. The topic of the journey of the hero in a foreign country and the test of its moral and physical strength in conjunction with the motives of the magic gifts and the magic assistant not only shows the degree of mythologicalness of the work, compiled as a heroic-historical monument, but allows to open and early motives associated with initiation rites. The connection of these motifs in the works, the sequence of a purely mythological level of the presentation brings closer monuments with a magical fairy tale. In the early lists of gods from the headlight, Heroes Lugalband and Gilgamesh are attributed to the gods; In later texts, they appear as the gods of the underworld. Meanwhile, in the epic of the Uruksky cycle, Gilgamesh, Lugalbanda, Enmermar, although they have a mythoepic and fabulous features, act as the real kings - Uruk rulers. Their names are featured in so-called. "The royal list", compiled in the period III of the Dynasty of Hurray (apparently, approx. 2100 BC) (all dynasties mentioned in the list are divided into "dops" and the rules "after the Flood", kings, especially the doping period, are attributed to The mythical number of the years of the Board: Meskingashtra, the founder of Uruk dynasty, "Son of the Son of the Sun", 325 years old, to the annoncar of 420 years, Gilgamesh, who is named by the son of the Demon Lila, 128 years old).

The epic and offeepy tradition of the two-frequencies, thus, a single general direction is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe historicity of the main mythoepic heroes. It can be assumed that Lugalband and Hilgamesh were dedicated to posthumously as heroes. Otherwise, it was from the beginning of the oldaxkadian period. The first ruler, who declared himself during the lifetime of the God-Patron Akkada, was the Akkadian king of 23 century. BC e. Naram-Suen; In the period III dynasty, the cult worship of the ruler reached apogee. The development of an epic tradition from the myths about cultural heroes on Sumerian soil, as a rule, has not been characteristic of many mythological systems. The characteristic actualization of the ancient forms (in particular, the traditional motive of the journey) looks and often found in the Sumerian mythological texts the motive of the travel of God to another, Higher, the Deity for the Blessing (myths about Enki to Enlil after the construction of his city, about traveling the Lunar God in Nippur To Enlil, his Divine Father, for the blessing). Period III Dynasty Hurray, the time from which most of the written mythological sources reached, is the period of developing the ideology of the royal power in the most finished in the Sumerian story. Since the myth remained dominant and the most "organized" area of \u200b\u200bpublic consciousness, the leading form of thinking, the appropriate ideas were approved by the opposite ideas through the myth. Therefore, it is not by chance that the majority of texts are related to the same group - the Nippurian Canon, compiled by the priests of the III Dynasty, and the main centers, most often mentioned in the myths: Ereda, Uruk, Ur, which took place to Nippyu as the traditional place of the community cult. "Pseudomif", the myth concept (and not the traditional composition) represents a myth explaining the appearance of amorev's semitic tribes and gives the etiology of their assimilation in society, - the myth of God Marta (the very name of God is the deification of the Sumerian name of Westernity nomads). The myth underlying the text was not developed an ancient tradition, and was taken from historical reality. But the traces of the generalistory concept - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe evolution of mankind from wildness to civilization (of the reflection - already on the Akkadian material - in the history of "wild man" Enkid in the Akkada epic about Gilgamesh) appear through the "relevant" concept of the myth. After the fall at the end of the 3rd thies BC. e. Under the onslaught of amores and Elamines of the III dynasty, almost all the ruling dynasties of individual cities-states of the twoness were amorei. However, in the culture of the two-range, the contact with Amorean tribes almost did not leave the trace.

Akkada (Babylon-Assyrian) mythology

With deep antiquity Oriental seven - AccidiansThe northern part of the lower two frequencies were the neighbors of Schmerians and were under strong Sumerian influence. In the 2nd half of the 3rd militant. e. The Acquadges are approved in the south of the two-frequencies, which contributed to the association of two-frequencies by the ruler of the city of Akkad Sargon ancient to the "kingdom of Sumer and Akkada" (later, with the elevation of Babylon, this territory began to be called Babylonia). The history of the two-frequencies in the 2nd thousand to n. e. - This is already the history of Semitic peoples.

However, the merger of the Sumerian and Akkadian peoples occurred gradually, the displacement of the Sumerian language Akkadsky (Babylon-Assyrian) i did not mean the complete destruction of the Sumerian culture and the replacement of her new, Semitic.

None of the early purely Semitic cult in the territory of the two-frequencies has not yet been detected. All the Akkadian gods known to us - Sumerian origin or for a long time identified with Sumerian. So, the Akkadian God of Sun Shamash identified with the Sumerian Utu, the goddess Ishtar - with the Innaya and a number of other Sumerian goddesses, God of Buri Adad - with Ishkom, etc. God Enlil receives the Semitic epithet of Bel (Baal), "Vladyka".

With the elevation of Babylon, the main god of this city begins to play Marduk, But this is the name for its origin Sumerian. Akkadian mythological texts of Starovalon Time are known much less than Sumerian; No text came completely. All major sources of Akkadian mythology include KO 2-1-MU thousand BC. e., that is, by the time after the older cannon. If there are very fragmentary information about Sumerian Cosmogony and Theogonia, the Babylonian cosmogonical teaching is represented by a large Cosmogonic Epos Poem "Enuma Elis" (According to the first words of the poem - "when at the top"; the earliest version is dated from the beginning of the 10th century. BC). The poem assigns the main role in the creation of the world of Marduk, who gradually occupies the main place in the pantheon of the 2nd thousand, and by the end of the older period, it receives universal recognition and outside of Babylon (the presentation of the cosmogonic myth. See in Art. Umba and Marduk).

In comparison with the Sumerian ideas about the universe, a new in the cosmogonic part of the poem is the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccessive generations of gods, of which each exceeds the previous one, about themaria - the battle of old and new gods and the uniformity of many divine images of creators into one. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is in justifying the exaltation of the Marduk, the goal of creating it is to prove and show that Marduk is the direct and legal heir to the ancient powerful forces, including the Sumerian deities. "Ordinary" Sumerian gods are rendered to young heirs more ancient forces that they crush. He receives power not only on the basis of legal continuity, but also on the right of the strongest, so the topic of struggle and the violent overthrow of the ancient forces is a leitmotif of the lentil. The features of Enki - Eya, like other gods, are transferred to Marduk, but Eyia is made by the father of the "Lord of the Gods" and his adviser. In the Ashshur version of the poem (Kon. 2nd thousand to n. E.) Marduk replaces Ashshur, the main god of the city of Ashshur and the central deity of the Assyrian Pantheon. This was the manifestation of a general trend towards monotheism, expressed in the desire to highlight the main God and rooted not only in the ideological, but also in the socio-political situation of the 1st thousand to n. e.

A number of cosmological motives "Enuma Elis" reached us in the Greek transfers of the Babylonian priests of 4-3 centuries. BC e. Berosa (through Polygistor and Essabia), as well as the Greek writer 6 V. n. e. Damascia. Damascus has a number of generations of gods: Tauta and Apasan and Son of their mummy (Tiamat, Apsse, Mumma), As well as Laha and Lachos, Kissar and Assoros (Lahm and Lahama, Anshar and Kishar), their children Anos, Illinoos, Aos (Anu, Enlil, Eya). AOC and Dauka (i.e., the goddess of Damkina) Create God-Demiurge Bela (Marduk). At Beros, the Ladyman, corresponding to Tiamat, is some Okorka ("Sea"), which dominates the darkness and waters and the description of which is like a description of the evil Babylonian demons. God belly destroys her, creates heaven and earth, organizes world order and orders to cut off his head alone from the gods to create people and animals from his blood and land.

Myths about the creation of peace and human clan in Babylonian literature and mythography are related to the leishes about human disasters, the death of people and even the destruction of the universe.

As in the Sumerian monuments, in the Babylonian legends it emphasizes that the cause of disasters - the malice of the gods, their desire to reduce the number of all the growing and boring of the gods by their noise of the human race. Disasters are perceived not as legitimate retribution for human sins, but as an evil whim of the deity. The myth of the Flood, the basis of which, according to all data, was sumerous tale of Ziusudre , reached myth about Atrahasis And the stories about the Flood inserted into the Epos on Gilgamesh (and little different from the first), and also preserved in the Greek gear of Beros. About the punishment of people tells and the myth of the God of Earre's Plague, fraudulently selecting power from Marduk. This text sheds light on the Babylonian theological concept of a certain physical and spiritual equilibrium of a world, depending on the presence in its place of the legal owner (CP. Sumero-Akkada motive equilibrium between the world of living and dead).

Traditional for two-frequenses (still from the Sumerian period) is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe connection of the Divine with its statue: leaving the country and the Statue, thereby changing the residence. It makes Marduk, and the country is damaged, and for the Universe, the threat of death is created. It is characteristic that in all epic on the destruction of humanity, the main disaster - a flood, caused not by flooding from the sea, but the rain storm. This is also connected with a significant role of the gods of storms and hurricanes in cosmogony of two-frequencies, especially the Northern. In addition to the special gods of wind and thunderstorms, storms (the main Akkadian God - Adad), the winds were a sphere of activity of various gods and demons. So, according to tradition, they probably was the Supreme Sumerian God Enlil (the verbal meaning of the name - the "wind breath", or the "Vladyka-Wind"), although it is mainly the God of air in the broad sense of the word. But nevertheless, Enlil owned the devastating storms, which he destroyed enemies and the city hates him. The sons of Enlil - Ninurta and Ningirsa are also associated with a storm. As a deity, in any case, as personalized higher forces, the winds of the four sides were perceived. Babylonian legend of the creation of the world, the plot of which was built around the personality of the mighty deity, the epic development of episodes telling the battle of God-hero with the monster - the personification of the element, gave the top theme of the Hero God in the Babylonian epico-mythological literature (and not the hero-mortal, As in the Sumerian literature). According to Akkadian concepts, the fate tables determined the movement of peace and world events.

Our possession provided by world domination (cf. Enuma Elis, where they were originally owned by Tiamat, then Marduk, and Finally, Marduk). The scribe tables of the Fate is the God of pesting art and the son of Marduk Nabu - also sometimes perceived as their owner. The tables wrote in the underground world (scribe - Goddess Benetsieri); Apparently, it was a fixation of mortal sentences, as well as the names of the dead. If the number of heroic gods in the Babylonian mythological literature compared to the Sumerian prevails, then on the heroes-mortals, except for the epic on Atrahasis, only the legend (obviously Sumerian origin) is known about the hero, which tried to take off on the Orel on the sky, and a relatively late story about Adap - the sage, daring to "break the wings" by the wind and cause anger of God the sky Ana, but overlooking the opportunity to get immortality, and the famous Epos about Gilgamesh is not a simple repetition of Sumerian legends about the hero, but a work that reflected a complex worldview evolution, which together with the Babylonian Society did the heroes of Sumerian works.

The leitmotif of the epic works of the Babylonian literature is the unacceptable fate of the gods, despite all his aspirations, the futility of human efforts in an attempt to get immortality. The monarchist-state, not communal (as in Sumerian mythology), the nature of the official Babylonian religion, as well as the suppression of public life of the population, leads to the fact that the features of archaic religious and magical practice are gradually suppressed. Over time, the "personal" gods begin to play the increasing role. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe personal God of every person who makes him easy access to the great gods and introduces him to them, arises (or, in any case, it spreads) since the III dynasty of Hurray and in the Starovilon period. On the reliefs and seals of this time, the scenes depicting as a patron deity leads a person to the Supreme God to define the fate and for obtaining a blessing. In the period III dynasty, the HRA when the king was viewed as a defender of the keeper of his country, he took some functions of the defender's God (especially the deified king). It was believed that with the loss of his god-defender, a person became defenseless before the evilness of the great gods, it could easily be attacked by evil demons. In addition to the personal god, who should first bring good luck to his patronage, and the personal goddess, who personified his life "share,", each person had more than his shed (cf. Sumer, Alad) - anthropomorphized or zoomorphized vitality. In addition to these defenders, in a resident of Babylonia in 2-1m thousand to n. e. There is also their personal keeper - Lamass, the carrier of his personality, possibly associated with the cult of the placenta. The "name" of a person or his "glory" (noise) was also considered as a material substance, without which its existence is unthinkable and which was transmitted to his heirs. On the contrary, the "soul" (write) - something impersonal, she was identified with breathing, then with blood. Personal gods-keepers confronted evil and were as if antipodes of evil forces surrounding a person. Among them - a lionogol lamashta, rising from the underground world and leading all sorts of diseases, the evil spirits of the diseases, ghosts, embittered shadows of the dead, not receiving victims, of various kinds of the Underground Kingdom (Utukki, Asakki, Equim, Galle, Galle Lemnuti - "The devils are evil", etc.), the god-fate of Narter, coming to a person at the hour of his death, night-in-incubus inkubs, visiting women, Sukubby Lilith (Lilita), mastering men, etc. The most complex system of demonological ideas, which pretended in Babylonian mythology (and not witnessed in Sumerian monuments) was reflected in the visual arts. The overall structure of the pantheon, the addition of which is still to the III dynasty of the HR, mainly remains without much change throughout the era of antiquity. The head of all over the world is officially worth the triad Anu, Enliel and Eya,surrounded by advice from seven or twelve "great gods", defining "shares" (shimatu) in total in the world. All the gods are trying to be divided into two generic groups - Igigs and Anunnakov, the gods of the Earth and the Underground World, as a rule, are among the latter, although among the heavenly gods there are also gods-Anunnaki. In the underworld, however, the rules no longer so much Ereshkigal, how many her husband is nerg, subordinating his spouse, which corresponds to a general reduction in the role of female deities in the Babylon mythology, which are usually almost exclusively to the position of impersonal spouse of their divine husbands (essentially, special The value of Gul and Ishtar's goddess and Ishtar are retained, although, judging by the Epos about Gilgamesh, and its position is under threat). But the steps towards the monotheism that manifested in the strengthening of the Marduk's cult, which was monopolized to con. 2nd thousand. Almost all areas of divine activities and power, occur further. In the unified image of the "Lord" - Bela (Baal) enlille and Marduk merge (in Assyria - Enlil and Ashur). In 1st thousand to n. e. Marduk in a number of centers gradually begins to push his son, the God of pesting art Nabu, who tends to become a single Babylonian deity. Other deities are given the properties of one of God, and the qualities of one of God are determined by the qualities of other gods. This is another way to creating an image of a single almighty and omnipotent deity is a purely abstract way.

Monuments (mostly 1st thousand) make it possible to reconstruct the overall system of cosmogonic views of Babylonian theologians, although there is no complete confidence that such a unification by the Babylonians themselves was carried out. The microcosm seems to reflect the macrocosm - "Bench" (land) - as if the reflection of the "top" (heaven). The whole universe seems to float in the World Ocean, the Earth is likened to a large twisted round, and the sky is a solid polusion (dome) covering the world. All the heavenly space is divided into several parts: "Upper Sky Ana", "The Middle Sky", belonging to the igigam, in the center of which was the lagish Kel Marduk, and the "Lower Heaven", already visible to people on which the stars are located. All the heavens are made of different rocks, such as "lower sky" - from blue jasper; Even four sky is placed on these three heavens. The sky, like the building, is resting on the basis of the spikes attached to the celestial ocean and, like the earthly palace, protected from water a fortress shaft. The highest part of the Heavenly Code is called "Mid Heaven." The outer side of the dome ("inside of heaven") radiates light; This is the space where the moon is hidden - blue during his three-day ability and where the sun - Shamash spends the night. In the East, there is a "mountain of sunrise", in the west - "mountain of sunset", which are locked on the castle. Every morning, Shamash opens the "Mount of Sunrise", goes down on the sky, and in the evening, through the "Mount of Sunset" hides in the "insides of heaven." Stars in the heavenly arch - these are "images" or "writing", and each of them is defined by a solid place so that not one "does not come down from its path." Earth geography corresponds to the geography of heaven. Propulations of all things: countries, rivers, cities, temples - exist in the sky in the form of stars, earth items are only reflections of heaven, but both substances have each measurement. So, the heavenly temple is about twice as much more terrestrial. Ninevia plan was originally drawn in heaven and existed ancient times. In one constellation there is a heavenly tiger, in the other - the Heavenly Euphrates. Each city corresponds to a certain constellation: Sipparu - Cancer Constellation, Babylon, Nippyru - Other, whose names are not identified with modern. The countries are also divided by the Sun and Month: on the right side of the month - Akkad, on the left - Elam, the upper part of the month - Ampurra (amorea), the lower part is the country Subartu. Under the heavenly arch lies (as a turned boat) "ki" - the land, which is also divided into several tiers. People live in the upper part, in the middle part - the ownership of God Eya (the ocean of fresh water or underground waters), at the bottom of the ownership of the Gods of the Earth, Anunnakov, and the underground kingdom. For other views, seven heavens correspond to seven lands, but nothing is known about their accurate membership and location.

To strengthen the land, she was tied to the sky with rods and fastened by pegs. These rope ropes are the Milky Way. Upper land, as you know, belongs to God Enlil. His temple of Ekur ("Mountain House") and one of its central parts - Duranki ("Communication of Heaven and Earth") symbolize the structure of the world. Thus, the well-known evolution is planned in the religious and mythological views of peoples. If the Sumerian religious and mythological system can be determined as based primarily on community cults, then in the Babylonian system there is a clear desire for monolatric and to more individual communication with the deity. From very archaic ideas, the transition to a developed religious and mythological system is planned, and through it - to the field of religious-ethical views, in whatever increasing form they are expressed.

Great Zigarat in Ure - Millennium Safety

History Zikkurata

The city itself is famous from time immemorial. It is here that according to biblical teachings, the father of many nations Abraham was born. In 2112-2015 BC During the board of the III dynasty, the UR is included in the peak of its power, and it is during this period that the founder of the Tsar of Urnamma with his son Schulga is taken for creating the great appearance of the city.


Modern science cannot give answers to all the questions that arise when studying the history of the Sumerians. Too few sources and monuments of that period have survived to this day. However, the Civilization of the Sumer is one of the most mysterious, significant and developed in the history of the ancient world. And, perhaps, the key to understanding the entire history of antiquity lies in understanding and evaluating the value of the Sumero-Accident civilization.

Apparently, the recent raid of terrorists is not Iraq and Syria, Libya, and so on, pursued one goal. Namely:

Destroy the monuments of antiquity, erase from the face of the earth all mega buildings, smash in a shard or dust, all clay plates with the most valuable material ...

Well, why do you need it?

The elites have already gathered to rewrite the story, since many not very comfortable parallels with religious flows on Earth correlate and indicate the origin of one or another course.

Attentive reader who knows the Bible, Quran, Tanah ... It will very quickly find the so-called "similarity" and will conclude that it comes from.

"Culture" (Cult_ura - like a tip) "Tiamat" (this is an ancient name of the Earth) more precisely, a piece from the previously existing Tiamat planet - became the ground.

We slightly deviated from the topic of seven:

The Motherland of the Semites The term "semites" appeared in the XVIII century, when European scientists called it in honor of the Simima, the ethnic group in which the ancient and modern peoples of the Middle East were included. The fact that they are relative to each other are confirmed by the similarity of their languages. In the future, the term was expanded and modified. The archaeological boom and excavation in the Middle East have shown that other nations existed before, which can be attributed to this group.

The ancient seven inhabited the territory of Arabia, Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia. During raids and military companies, they left their historic homeland. Some seven even managed to entrenched in North Africa. Long before the appearance of Christianity, they migrated to modern Ethiopia. The colonists attracted the natural wealth of this edge. So on the coast of the Red Sea, shopping settlements appeared, the population of which later created the state of Aksum.

Colonializers and migrants except those mentioned peoples, seven are also the Phoenicians who possessed the fame of the most prominent colonialists and the navigators of their time. The network of their trading posts and settlements covered all the Mediterranean. The colonies of the Phoenicians appeared in Spain, Africa and Sicily. Although later this people survived the decline and disappeared, its culture elements were preserved in many regions of the Mediterranean.

The history of seven is indicative on the example of Maltese residents - the indigenous people of the small island of Malta. Apparently, they are descendants of the Phoenicians. Maltese for a long time lived under the authority of other peoples. Their island owned the Romans, Byzantines and even Norman. Then Malta became the property of the Catholic Maltese Order, and in the XIX century turned out to be a colony of Great Britain. An independent state on a small block of land in the middle of the Mediterranean appeared only in 1964. And nevertheless, despite the long-term life under someone else's dominion, Maltese managed to preserve their own original culture and language.

Another factor in the dissemination of Semitic languages \u200b\u200band customs was Jewish migration. The Jews began to settle in other people's countries before the destruction of Jerusalem Romans, and after this event, the resettlement was universal. Society of nomads The behavior and worldview of the semites formed according to the natural conditions in which they lived and live. At the dawn of civilization, these shepherds became nomads. Since the conditions of the desert over many centuries have almost changed, some isolated groups and today continue to lead this archaic lifestyle. Semites are nomads who were able to adapt to existence on the Arabian Peninsula thanks to the domestication of camels. At the edges of the desert, these nations were grazing sheep and donkeys. The main cell in their society was a family. Inheritance went through the male line, the supreme power belonged to his father. Families united into collective organizations - tribes. They could include hundreds of people. Each ancient Semit, who was in the tribe, was associated with his cohabitants with blood and community of interest. Among these ancient residents, the deserts were strongly developed a sense of solidarity. In the event of an attack on any member of the tribe, his comrades must be revengent offenders. It was at the seven that the rule "tooth for the tooth" and the "Eague OK" appeared. The principle of blood revenge was part of most legislative arrangements of the peoples of the Middle East.


Amoroi is one of the most ancient semitic peoples that appeared in the III Millennium BC. e. These tribes never differed in unity. On the contrary, among them there were constantly internal conflicts and civilians, which in the end did not allow to protect against aggressive neighbors. The main Amorean city is considered to be Ugrit. His ruins were discovered by French archaeologists in 1929. Today it is the territory of Syria. Cattle breeding and agriculture flourished here. Amoroes were grown grain, olive oil and wine were made. Their wood is extremely appreciated in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Ugrit became one of the first international ports. He was a point of intersection of trade routes from Anatolia, the Aegean Sea, Babylon, the Middle East and Egypt. Amorean cities decline in the XVI century BC. e. As a result of the destructive invasions of Hittites and Cassites.


Other indigenous people of Syria were aramey. The first mention of them relate to the III millennium BC. e. Arameyov managed to penetrate the middle Euphrates and populate almost the entire Middle East. By the beginning of our era, their tongue became the main spoken nurse in Palestine, Arabia and Mesopotamia. The largest Aramaic center was Damascus. The kingdom that existed in the X-VIII centuries was formed around this city. BC e. Damascus state was conquered by Assyria. Different kingdoms of the Middle East were confused with each other, even though the semites inhabited them all. It was a struggle for fertile land and other important antiquity resources.


If Arabia has always been a desert country, then Mesopotamia, a china and Nizhny Egypt surrounding this scanty peninsula, became the main agricultural resident of humanity in the ancient era. It is here in the fertile crescent that the first seats settled. Photos of these places demonstrate the ruins of monuments remaining from ancient civilizations. One of these peoples were Jews. They appeared in the II millennium BC. e. In Palestine as a result of complex ethnological processes. Semitic cattle breeders who lived in the west of a fertile crescent were mixed with farmers of agricultural oases from Amoroyev. So the new civilization originated. The history of the origin of Jews is closely intertwined with biblical legends set forth in the Old Testament. A unique feature of this people became his faith - ancient Avraamic religion Judaism. Some of his traits many centuries later influenced the formation of Christianity and Islam. Jews ruled Palestine until the conquest of Jews Rome in the first century BC. e. Then there was a long period of expulsion. Jews settled throughout the Roman Empire, and after the barbaric states arising on her wreckage. For a long time, they indulged in persecution and discrimination both from Christians and from Muslims. Only after World War II, the Jews managed to achieve the recreation of their own national state in Palestine - Israel.


The Assyrian people have formed in the II millennium BC. e. In Northern Mesopotamia. The basis of the new ethnos became amorev communities, Harrit and Subareev. A distinctive feature of the people was Akkadian, over the decoding of which several generations of archaeologists of the new time begged. The State of Assyria is considered the first empire in the history of mankind. The heart of its territory turned out to be the average course of the tiger and the valley of the small and large bad. The most important cities of antiquity appeared here: Ashsur and Nineve. During his heyday, the Assyrians controlled all Mesopotamia, neighboring Palestine, modern Turkey, Syria, Egypt and even Cyprus. As always, any Empire is relied on the expanses of this huge state, many conquered peoples lived. That is why the Assyrian culture appealed to a kaleidoscope compiled from the customs of the neighboring tribes. The kingdom reached the vertex of power in the VIII century BC. e. In 609 BC e. The Assyrian Power was destroyed by Babylonians.


In Assyrian annals belonging to 878 BC. e., historians discovered the first mention of another Semitic people - Haldea. They lived on the Persian Gulf Coast. Their native places were lakes and swamps of the lower course of the Euphrate and Tiger. The Chaldean people were distinguished by small childhood - only six of his tribes are known. They spoke on a widespread Aramaic language. In the VII-VI centuries. BC e. Chaldean dynasty rules Babylon (it was she founded the Novovavilon kingdom). These seven were pagans. Mention of them are found in the Bible. From there, the second meaning of the word "haldas" was spread - so they began to call magicians, sorcerers, mohaws, astrologers and gadels. Traces of this nation can be found in the most unexpected places. One of the versions of theorov says that the Magi, who went to the bow just that was born to Jesus, were Haldey. Some modern Christians of the Middle East continue to attribute themselves to this semitic nation.

Arabs around the X century BC. e. In the deserts of Arabia and Mesopotamia, a new breakaway semita appeared. These were Arabs. Semites of this group created the Sabean kingdom, which was formed on the territory of modern Yemen. In the north of his country, the Arabs built Palmyra, Nabatya, Lahm and Gassan. These were rich trading cities whose ruins became known symbols of antiquity. Between the northern and southern Arabs lay the sands of the Arabian desert. Nomads supported communication with merchant pathways through the hijaz.

The appearance of Islam

In the V century, Arab civilization experienced a serious decline. It seemed that this people would forever disappear under the onslasis of their aggressive neighbors - Persia and Byzantium. However, at the beginning of the 7th century, the new religion Islam began to gain popularity in Arabia. Her preacher was a merchant from Mecca named Mohammed. He created the Islamic Khalifat, which during his heyday controlled the entire Middle East, North Africa and Spain. In terms of expansion, it was the most serious political success that Semita was achieved. Jews, despite general ethnic roots with Arabs, became their opponents. The conflict between the two peoples was and lies in different religions. Today, the confrontation between Jews and Arabs is one of the explosive factors in the Middle East.

Semitic languages

Linguistic features of languages \u200b\u200bare another unique feature that the seven is distinguished. The peoples of this group are even many centuries later and today have a lot in common in morphology, syntax, phonology and vocabulary.

For example, when Arabs in the Middle Ages invaded Spain, local Jews that have not known the historical homeland for a long time, found that their tongue is surprisingly similar to the language of strangers. Semitic phonology is characterized by a large number of consonant sounds - throat, gentle, emptic and dislard.

In European languages \u200b\u200bthere is nothing like or at least closely similar. South Semitic languages \u200b\u200bdiffer in particular identity - Ethiopian and Arabic. They adopted a unique way to form a plural. The origin of seven and their further membership for several peoples led to the emergence of variations before the general Predesitian language.

(Maybe the reader will be understood by the message: Russophobian Stormwhich is rolling on the planet today with full support of the West (destroy the language - destroy the people!)

And what is the most interesting, it is semitic descendants Sitting in the management of the states of the planet - stand behind the "Russophobian project"

And I'm not mistaken!

Sumerian civilization and Sumerian mythology are rightfully considered among the most ancient in the history of all mankind. The Golden Age of this People who lived in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) came on the third millennium to our era. Sumerian Pantheon consisted of many of the most different gods, spirits and mandes, and some of them are preserved in the beliefs of the subsequent cultures of the Ancient East.

Common features

The basis on which the Sumerian mythology and religion was held, there were community beliefs in numerous gods: spirits, deities, demiurgs, patrons of nature and the state. It arose as a result of the interaction of an ancient people with a nursing country. This faith did not have a mystical teaching or orthodox doctrine, as it was with beliefs that made up modern world religions - from Christianity to Islam.

Sumerian mythology possessed several principled features. She recognized the existence of two worlds - the world of gods and peace of phenomena, which they managed. Every spirit in it was personified - he had features of living beings.


The chief god from the Sumerov was considered ANI (Other Writing - Ana). He existed even before the office of the Earth from the sky. He was depicted as an advisor and governing gods. Sometimes he was angry with people, for example, once drove to the city of Oruk, curse in the form of heavenly bull and wanted to kill the hero of the ancient legends of Hilgamesh. Despite this, for the most part of the Academy of Sciences and Passion. The main deity in Sumerian mythology had its own symbol in the form of horned tiara.

An was siring with the head of the family and the ruler of the state. The analogy was manifested in the depicting demiurga together with the symbols of the royal power: the staff, the crown and the scepter. It was AN who kept mysterious "ME". So residents of Mesopotamia called divine forces that managed the earthly and heavenly world.

Enlil (Ellill) was considered the second to be the second in importance by God. He was called the Lord with the wind or Mr. Dunzing. This creature ruled the world located between the Earth and the sky. Another important feature that the Sumerian mythology emphasized is: Enlil possessed a variety of functions, but they all have come down to dominion over the wind and air. Thus, it was the deity of the elements.

Enlil was considered the ruler of all strangers for nochmers of countries. In his power to arrange a flexible flood, and he himself does everything to be expelled from his possessions to him. This spirit can be defined as the spirit of wildlife, resisting the human team trying to observed desert places. Also Enlil Kalary Kings for disregard for ritual sacrifices and ancient holidays. As a punishment, the deity sent hostile mountain tribes into peaceful lands. Enliel was associated with the natural laws of nature, the flow of time, aging, death. In one of the largest Sumerian cities, Nippure was considered his patron. It was there that there was an ancient calendar of this disappeared civilization.


Like other ancient mythology, Sumerian mythology included direct opposite images. So, a kind of "anti-enlime" was Enki (EA) - Mr. Earth. He was considered a patron saint of fresh waters and all mankind in general. Mr. Earth was prescribed the features of Cleetz, Magician and Artist, who trained his skills of junior gods, which, in turn, shared these skills with ordinary people.

Enki is the main character of the Sumerian mythology (one of the three on a par with Enlylem and Ana), and it was he who was called the defender of education, wisdom, scribe and schools. This deity personified the human team, who tried to subjugate the nature and change the environment of his habitat. Especially often to Enki treated during wars and other serious dangers. But in peaceful periods of his Altari was empty, there were no sacrifices, so necessary to attract the attention of the gods.


In addition to the three great gods, the so-called older gods, or the gods of the second order, were also in Sumerian mythology. Innana is counted for this host. Most of all it is known as Ishtar (this is an Akkad name, which later was used in Babylon during his heyday). The image of Inanany, who had already appeared from the Sumerians, survived this civilization and continued to be honored in Mesopotamia and in later times. His trails are traced even in Egyptian beliefs, and in general he existed until antiquity.

So what does it say about Innan Sumerian mythology? The goddess was considered associated with the planet Venus and the power of military and love passion. She embodied human emotions, the natural strength of nature, as well as the feminine in society. Innanan was called the Virgin Provider - she patronized interpovers, but he himself never gave birth. This deity in Sumerian mythology was associated with the practice of cult prostitution.


As noted above, each Sumerian city had his own patron saint (for example, Enlil in Nippure). Such a feature was associated with the political characteristics of the development of ancient Mesopotamian civilization. Suchmers are almost never, with the exception of very rare periods, did not live in the framework of a centralized state. For several centuries, their city amounted to a complex conglomerate. Each settlement was independent and at the same time belonged to one culture bound by the language and religion.

The Sumerian and Akkadian mythology of the two frequenses left its traces in the monuments of many Mesopotamian cities. She influenced the development of Babylon. In a later period, he became the largest city of antiquity, where his own unique civilization was formed, which became the basis of a major empire. However, Babylon was born as a small Sumerian settlement. It was then that his patron was considered Marduk. Researchers refer him to a dozen of the older gods, which the Sumerian mythology gave rise to.

In short, the Marduk's value in Pantheon grew along with the gradual growth of the political and economic influence of Babylon. His image is complicated - as he evolution, he included the features of Ea, Ellil and Shamash. Just as Inanna was associated with Venus, Marduk was associated with Jupiter. Written sources of antiquity mention its unique healing forces and art of healing.

Together with the goddess Roule Marduk knew how to resurrect the dead. Also, Sumero-Akkada mythology put it in place of the patron saint of irrigation, without which it was impossible to economic prosperity of the cities of the Middle East. In this regard, Marduk was considered the owner of the well-being and the world. His cult reached apogee during the period (VII-VI centuries. BC), when the Sumerians themselves have long disappeared from the historic scene, and their language was devoted to oblivion.

Marduk vs Tiamat

Thanks to the clinox texts, numerous legends of the inhabitants of the ancient Mesopotamia are preserved. The opposition of Marduk and Tiamat - one of the main plots, which has retained the Sumerian mythology in written sources. The gods often fought among themselves - such stories are known in the ancient Greece, where the legend of giantaahi was common.

Suchmers thiamat associated with the world's ocean of chaos, in which the whole world was born. This image is associated with cosmogonic beliefs of ancient civilizations. Tiamata was depicted in the form of a semiole hydra and dragon. Marduk entered her in the struggle, armed with a baton, onions and a network. God accompanied the storms and heavenly winds designed to them for combat with mounds generated by a mighty opponent.

In each ancient cult was his image of the Pramateri. In Mesopotamia, it was considered to be Tiamat. Sumerian mythology endowed it with many evil features, because of which the other gods opposed them. It was Marduk who was elected the rest of the pantheon for the decisive battle with the ocean chaos. Having metraty, he was horrified by her terrible appearance, but entered into battle. To prepare for the battle of Marduk, a variety of gods in Sumerian mythology helped. The Demons of Water Element Lahm and Laham gave him the ability to urge a flood. Other spirits prepared the rest of the warrior arsenal.

The Marduk opposed to Tiamat Marduk agreed to fight the ocean-chaos in exchange for recognizing the remaining gods of his own world domination. The corresponding deal was concluded between them. At the crucial moment of the battle Marduk, Tiamat Sturus was in Piamat, so that she could not close it. After that, he went inside the monster the arrow and thus defeated a terrible rival.

Tiamat had a king husband's husband. Marduk dealt with him, at the monster of the Table of Fates, with the help of which the winner established his own domination and created a new world. From the top of the body of Tiamat, he created the sky, signs of the zodiac, stars, from the bottom - the Earth, and from the eye two great rivers Mesopotamia - Euphrates and Tiger.

Then the hero was recognized by the gods of their king. In gratitude, Marduk was presented by the sanctuary in the form of the city of Babylon. It has many temples dedicated to this God, including the famous antiquity monuments: the zikkurat of the EMEMENANS and the Esagil complex. Many Marduk testimonies left Sumerian mythology. Creating a world by this God is a classic plot of ancient religions.


Ashur is another god of Sumerians whose image experienced this civilization. Initially, he was the patron saint of the same city of the same name. In the XXIV century BC, there originated there when in the VIII-VII century BC. e. This state reached the peak of its power, Ashur became the most important God of all Mesopotamia. It is curious that he turned out to be the main figure of the cult pantheon of the first empire in the history of mankind.

The king of Assyria was not only the ruler and the head of state, but also the Supreme Priest of Ashura. Thus originated theocracy, the basis of which was still Sumerian mythology. Books and other sources of antiquity and antiquity indicate that the cult of Ashur existed until the III century of our era, when no Assyrian, nor independent Mesopotamian cities have long been.


The god of the luna from the Sumerians was Nanna (the Akkady Name of Sin) was distributed. He was considered the patron saint of one of the most important cities of the two-frequency - bang. This settlement existed for several millennia. In the XXII-XI centuries. BC The rulers of the URA united under their authority all Mesopotamia. In this regard, the value of the Nanne has increased. His cult had an important ideological value. The Supreme Priestess Nanna became the eldest daughter of King Hur.

The God of the Moon was favorable to cattle and fertility. He determined the fate of animals and the dead. For this purpose, every new moon nanna went to the underground kingdom. With its numerous names, the phases of the Heavenly Satellite of the Earth were connected. The fillers of the Sumerians were called a nanny, crescent - Zane, a young sickle - Ashimbabbar. In the Assyrian and Babylonian tradition, this deity was also considered a prunerator and a healer.

Shamash, Iskur and Dumuzi

If the God of the Moon was Nanna, then the Sunman was Shamash (or Utu). Sumerians considered the day of the night. Therefore, Shamash in their representation accounted for Nannet Son and servant. His image was connected not only with the Sun, but also with justice. At noon, Shamash judged alive. He also fought with evil demons.

The chief religious centers of Shamash were Elasses and Sippar. The first temples ("houses of shine") of these cities, scientists belong to an incredibly distant V millennium to our era. It was believed that Shamash gives people wealth, prisoner - freedom, and fertility lands. This god was depicted in the form of a long-working old man with a turban on the head.

In any ancient pantheon there were personalifications of each natural element. So, in the Sumerian mythology, God thunderstorms is Ishkur (another name Adad). His name often appeared in clinox sources. Ishkur was considered the patron saint of the lost city of Karkar. In myths, he takes a secondary position. Nevertheless, he was considered a warrior God, armed with terrible winds. In Assyria, the image of Ishkura evolved into the figure of Adand, which had important religious and state importance. Another deity of nature was a Dumuza. He personified calendar cycles and a change of the time of the year.


Like many other ancient peoples, the Sumerians had their own underworld. This lower underground world inhabited the souls of the Dead and the creepy demons. In the clini texts, hell was often called "the country where there is no refund". There are dozens of underground Sumerian deities - information about them is fragmentary and scattered. As a rule, in each single city there were their traditions and beliefs related to chtonic beings.

One of the main negative gods of Sumerov is the nerg. He was associated with war and death. This demon in Sumerian mythology was depicted in the form of a distributor of dangerous epidemics of plague and fever. His figure was considered the main thing in the underground world. The city of Kuta existed the main temple of the Narhlegal cult. Babylonian astrologers personified with the help of his image Planet Mars.

Narrow had a spouse and his own female prototype - Ereshkigal. She accounted for sister Innan. This demon in Sumerian mythology was considered Mr. Chtonic creatures of Anunnaks. The main temple of Ereshkigal was in the major city of Kuta.

Another important chtonic deity of Sumerov was Brother Ninase. Upgraded in the underground kingdom, he possessed the art of rejuvenation and healing. His symbol was a snake, which later in many cultures was the personification of medical craft. With special zeal, Ninaza was read in the city of Eshnunn. His name is mentioned in the famous Babylonians, which says that it is obligatory to bring it out of this God. In another Sumerian city - ure - there was an annual holiday in honor of Ninaz, during which abundant sacrifices were arranged. His son was the god of Ningishzide. He silent prisoners in the underworld of demons. The symbol of Ningishzide was a dragon - one of the constellations of Sumerian astrors and astronomers, which the Greeks called the constellation of the snake.

Sacred trees and perfume

Spells, hymns and recipers of Sumerians testify to the existence of this people the sacred trees, each of which was attributed to a certain deity or the city. For example, Tamarisk was especially revered in the Nippurian tradition. In the spells of the screw, this tree is considered to be Tamarisk used by exorcists in the ceremonies of purification and treating diseases.

About Magic Trees Modern Science knows thanks to the few traces of conspiracy traditions and epic. But about Sumerian demonology is known even less. Mesopotamian magical collections, which were expelled by evil forces, are already drawn up in the era of Assyria and Babylonia in the languages \u200b\u200bof these civilizations. Only a few things can probably say about the Sumerian tradition.

Spirits of ancestors, perfume perfumes and hostile spirits differed. The crowns killed by the heroes of messengers, as well as the personification of diseases and diseases. Sumerians believed in ghosts, very similar to the Slavic beddowns. Ordinary people treated them with horror and fear.

Evolution of mythology

Religion and the Mythology of Sumerians held three stages of their formation. On the first community-genital totems evolved into the hosts of cities and demiurgs. At the beginning of the III millennium BC, conspiracies and temple hymns appeared. There was a hierarchy of the gods. She began with the names of Ana, Enlil and Enki. Then the sun and the moon, the warriors, etc., and so on.

The second period is also called the period of Sumero-Acca syncretism. It was marked by the mixture of different cultures and mythologies. Acknowledged Sumerum Akkadian is considered the language of three peoples of Mesopotamia: Babylonians, Accades and Assyrians. Its the most ancient monuments belong to the XXV century to our era. At about this time, the process of merging the images and the names of the Semitic and Sumerian deities who performed the same functions began.

The third, the final period is a period of unification of the general Pantheon during the time of the III of the Hurray dynasty (XXII-XI centuries. BC. E.). At this time, the first totalitarian state appeared in the history of mankind. It has been tasty ranking and accounting not only by people, but also scattered and multipoint before the gods. It was during the time of the III of the dynasty at the head of the assembly of the gods was delivered by Enlyl. An and Enki were on both hands from him.

Below was Anunnaki. They were ranked among other things and Inanna, Nanna, as well as nerg. About one hundred of small deities stayed at the foot of this staircase. At the same time, the fusion of the Sumerian Pantheon with the Semitic (for example, the difference between the Sumerian Enlime and the Semitic White was erased). After the fall of the III dynasty, the HR in Mesopotamia was disappeared for some time in the second millennium BC, the Sumerians lost independence, being under the authority of the Assyrians. The mixture of these peoples later gave the beginning of the Babylonian nation. Together with ethnic changes there were change and religious. When the previous homogeneous Sumerian nation and her tongue disappeared, the Mythology of Sumerians and the Mythology of Sumerians.